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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards a sustainable automotive industry : experiences from the development of emission control systems

Bauner, David January 2007 (has links)
From the mid-1970s and on, the contribution to air pollution of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides from gasoline passenger cars in the developed world has been reduced through co-evolution of regulation and commercial introduction of catalytic emission control technology, now part of hundreds of millions of cars, trucks and buses worldwide. This dissertation is a disaggregated study of the global introduction of catalytic emission control technology as a measure to reduce local air pollution. The introduction of the “three-way” catalyst for gasoline passenger cars is studied for four countries. Present innovation in diesel engine emission control is studied. Technological change is analyzed regarding the process of innovation, the innovation system and its stakeholders. Results are evaluated for implications for innovation and regulatory policy for coming environmental challenges. Automotive catalysis is an example of environmentally motivated innovation, including problem definition, public regulation, corporate market and non-market strategies, invention, variety, selection, technology transfer, mass diffusion and the ongoing coevolution of emission-abating policies and technical development. Common denominators for successful technological or market innovations is a participatory dialogue around structured and tiered regulatory roadmaps, international competition, support by international networks and conducive local public opinion. The near-global introduction of the three-way catalyst was complex and highly dependent on local context and conditions, suggesting that any general “global” innovation and regulation strategy to address present and future local or global problems must be reviewed with an understanding of local barriers and drivers for environmentally motivated innovation. Given the stakeholders and technical challenges of different technological regimes to mitigate climate change, it is concluded that increased fuel efficiency and the introduction of plug-in hybrids are possible trajectories for sustainable mobility. / Sedan mitten av 1970-talet har utsläppen av kolmonoxid, kolväten och kväveoxider från bensindrivna personbilar reducerats genom samordnad utveckling av lagstiftning och kommersiell introduktion av katalytisk avgasrening, som nu är en del av hundratals miljoner bilar, lastbilar och bussar över hela jorden. Denna avhandling är en disaggregerad studie av den i det närmaste globala introduktionen av katalytisk avgasrening för fordon, som åtgärd för att minska lokala luftföroreningar. Introduktionen av ”trevägskatalysatorn” för bensinbilar studeras i fyra länder. Pågående innovation för dieselavgasrening studeras. Teknisk förändring analyseras med avseende på innovationsprocessen, innovationssystemet och dess respektive intressenter. Resultaten används för att analysera konsekvenser för styrmedel för att åtgärda miljöproblem i vardande. Fordonskatalys är ett exempel på en miljömotiverad innovation, inklusive problemdefinition, lagkrav, företagens marknadsstrategier och marknadspåverkan, innovation, utbud och urval, tekniköverföring, storskalig spridning samt den fortlöpande ömsesidiga utvecklingen av teknik och policy för att reducera emissioner. Gemensamma nämnare för exempel på lyckosamma introduktionsprocesser är en inkluderande dialog kring etappvisa lagkrav, internationell konkurrens, stöd och samarbete i internationella nätverk samt en tydlig opinion för förändring. Introduktionen av trevägskatalysatorn var och är komplex och beroende av lokal kontext och regionala villkor. Kommande ”globala” teknikförändringar måste utvecklas med en förståelse för varje enskild nation eller marknad och dess specifika barriärer och drivkrafter för miljömotiverad innovation. Givet intressenter och tekniska utmaningar i olika teknologiska regimer med potential att reducera klimatförändringar är ökad bränsleeffektivisering och introduktion av s.k. plug-in-hybrider möjliga utvecklingsvägar för hållbar mobilitet. / Desde los años 70 y adelante, la contribución a la polución atmosférica de emisiones de monóxido de carbono, hidrocarburos y óxidos de nitrógeno proveniente de la combustión de los autos a gasolina, ha sido mitigado, por co-evolución entre regulación e introducción comercial de sistemas catalíticos de control de emisiones. Esos sistemas ahora forman parte de cientos de millones de autos, camiones y buses en todo el mundo. La presente tesis es un estudio desagregado de la introducción cerca de global de sistemas de control de emisiones catalíticos, como medida para reducir la contaminación atmosférica local. Se examina el proceso de introducción del convertidor catalítico “de tres vías” para autos a gasolina en cuatro países. Se estudia la innovación presente en el área de sistemas de control de emisiones de motores diesel. El cambio tecnológico es analizado viendo el proceso y el sistema de innovación y los distintos grupos de interés. Los resultados se usan para analizar las implicaciones en cuanto a innovación y política de regulación para enfrentar los desafíos medioambientales actuales. Catálisis automotriz es un ejemplo de innovación motivado ambientalmente, incluyendo definición del problema, regulación pública, estratégicas corporativas dentro y fuera de mercado, variedad, selección, transferencia de tecnología, difusión masiva y la coevolución continuo entre política de reducción de emisiones y desarrollo tecnológico. Denominaciones comunes para innovaciones exitosas, tecnológicas o de mercado, son un diálogo dinámico sobre planes de regulación estructurados en etapas, competición internacional, apoyo y coordinación de redes internacionales, y opinión local beneficiario. La introducción global del catalizador de tres vías fue compleja y altamente relacionada con el contexto local y condiciones locales, sugiriendo que estrategias “globales” de innovación y regulación para tratar los desafíos de hoy y mañana deben ser diseñados con entendimiento de factores locales a favor y en contra para innovación ambientalmente motivado. Dado los grupos de interés, los desafíos tecnológicos y las trayectorias presentes en el área de mitigación del cambio climático, se concluye que el aumento de uso eficiente de combustible y la introducción de vehículos híbridos enchufables (plug- in) son alternativas viables para el transporte sustentable. / (japanese) 1970年代の中頃から今日に至るまで,先進国においては,自動車触媒技術の導入と規制との相互作用によって、ガソリン乗用車から排出される一酸化炭素CO,炭化水素HC,窒素酸化物NOxによる大気汚染への寄与率は減少している。現在では、この自動車触媒はディーゼル乗用車、トラックやバスなどを含めて何億台もの自動車で使われている。 この論文は,各地域での大気汚染を解決する手段としての触媒の地球規模での導入に関する調査研究である。ガソリン乗用車への三元触媒導入の過程を4か国比較で行うと共に,現在取り組まれているディーゼル機関の排出ガス制御についても研究した。これらの例の技術革新について、その内容を、技術革新に係る利害関係者(ステークスホルダー)の観点から技術の変革について分析した。これらの結果から,将来の環境問題に対応するためのイノベーションと規制に関する政策への示唆を行なった。 自動車用触媒は,問題定義,規制,市場原理に基づくないしは市場原理に基づかない戦略,開発,多様性,選択,技術移転,技術普及,そして今もなお進化する排出ガス削減に関する規制(政策)と技術開発との相乗効果,等々を含んだ「環境保護に起因する技術革新」の良い例である。 技術革新、および普及の成功例に共通していることは, 1. 構造的かつ段階的な「目標へのロードマップ」を巡る相方向の会話, 2. 国際競争力, 3. 国際的ネットワークによるサポート, 4. 地域社会に支持された意見, 等が挙げられる。 三元触媒の導入はほぼ全世界に及ぶが,その過程は複雑で、地域(国)の事情に強く依存する。つまり、現在または未来の、各国(地域的)または地球規模の問題に焦点を当てた「世界的」技術革新や規制戦略は、地域よって異なる障害の存在や、環境保護の視点に立った技術革新を推進する潜在力への理解なしには成り立たないことを意味するのである。 気候変動を緩和するための様々な技術体系からの技術的挑戦および関係者(ステークスホルダー)の意見を考慮すると,燃費向上とプラグイン・ハイブリッドの導入が,交通部門における持続可能な発展への道のりであると言える。 / QC 20100517

The Effects of Environmental Innovation on Market Value

Sheppard, Michael January 2007 (has links)
This paper describes the effects of environmental innovation, or EI, on the market value of a firm. EI involves the creation or enhancement of ‘green’ products or ‘eco-efficient’ production processes which result in improved environmental performance. The study involves the selection of a number of press releases related to EI and environmental performance. These form the basis of an event study to determine the effect of these announcements on share prices. Results indicate that the market recognizes the value of EI, especially for product-driven initiatives. It is also found that the market values good environmental performance, particularly when it has been recognized externally through an award, membership, or certification. Implications for policy and for management are discussed.

The Effects of Environmental Innovation on Market Value

Sheppard, Michael January 2007 (has links)
This paper describes the effects of environmental innovation, or EI, on the market value of a firm. EI involves the creation or enhancement of ‘green’ products or ‘eco-efficient’ production processes which result in improved environmental performance. The study involves the selection of a number of press releases related to EI and environmental performance. These form the basis of an event study to determine the effect of these announcements on share prices. Results indicate that the market recognizes the value of EI, especially for product-driven initiatives. It is also found that the market values good environmental performance, particularly when it has been recognized externally through an award, membership, or certification. Implications for policy and for management are discussed.

Three Essays In Applied Microeconomics

Carrion-Flores, Carmen Eugenia January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation applies economic theories and econometric methods to analyze the interactions between government policies and economic agents in two important and current topics: the protection of the environment and illegal migration.Following the introduction, the second chapter studies the empirical strength of bi-directional linkages between environmental standards and performance, on the one hand, and environmental innovation, on the other. Our empirical results reveal that environmental R&D both spurs the tightening of government environmental standards and is spurred by the anticipation of such tightening, suggesting that U.S. environmental policy (at least in the context of the manufacturing industries that we study) has been responsive to innovation and effective in inducing innovation.The third chapter studies whether a voluntary reduction pollution programs can prompt firms to develop new environmental technologies that yield future emission reduction benefits. Conversely, a VRP may induce a participating firm to divert resources from environmental research to environmental monitoring and compliance activities that yield short-term benefits in reduced emissions. We find evidence that higher rates of program participation are associated with significant reductions in the number of successful environmental patent applications four to six years after the program ended.The fourth chapter examines the migration duration of Mexican immigrants in the U.S. using data from the Mexican Migration Project (MMP). In the past, temporary migrations were frequent, and often the rule rather than the exception in the case of Mexican immigrants. This pattern may be changing due to the tightening of the border between Mexico and the Unites States. Moreover, this paper examines whether migration experience, demographic characteristics, economic conditions or social networks drive the time Mexican immigrants to reside illegally in the United States. The empirical analysis shows that the migration duration increases as the U.S. expected real wage increases. Tighter U.S. migration policies have an ambiguous effect on the migration duration while longer distances decrease the hazard of return to their state of origin.In the final chapter of this dissertation, the general findings are concluded and some future avenues of research are discussed.

TIC et environnement : optimisation et efficacité énergétique. (Cas de la Tunisie) / ICT and environment : optimization and energy efficiency. (Tunisia case)

Smida, Rafik 21 December 2016 (has links)
Le rapport entre TIC, environnement et efficacité énergétique est sujet d’un grand nombre de polémiques. Ces concepts sont rarement associés, surtout pour les petites économies émergentes. Pourtant, chacun d’entre eux a des impacts considérables sur l’autre. Les impacts négatifs des TIC sur l’environnement sont très divers, de la même façon, l’usage et la diffusion des TIC peuvent profiter pour l’environnement. Ce travail propose d’approfondir l’étude des impacts des TIC sur la consommation énergétique et les émissions de GES, à l'échelle macroéconomique pour le cas de la Tunisie. Le contexte général de cette thèse s'articule autour de la relation entre l'environnent et la théorie des innovations, alors que le contexte spécifique se concentre plus particulièrement sur la consommation énergétique des TIC. Notre approche s’est insérée dans le cadre de la théorie de l’innovation et le fondement économique de l’usage des nouvelles technologies, plus précisément à l’intersection de l’économie industrielle et de l'économie de l'environnement. Notre recherche a abordé trois principaux aspects: théorique, descriptif et empirique. Tout d’abord, elle a traité la théorie des innovations environnementales et ses relations avec les technologies à usage général et en particulier les TIC. Deuxièmement, cette thèse nous a permis d’élaborer des analyses descriptives détaillées, fondées sur les données et les statistiques issues de la Banque mondiale et autres institutions. Troisièmement, un ensemble de tests statistiques et de modèles économétriques rigoureux ont été appliqués pour déterminer le lien entre l'investissement dans les TIC et la performance énergétique de la Tunisie. / The relationship between ICT, environment and energy efficiency causes a lot of controversies. Theseconcepts are rarely associated, especially for smaller emerging economies. Yet each has a significant impacton the other. The negative effects of ICT on the environment are various, in the same way, use and diffusionof ICT can also benefit the environment. This PhD thesis put forward further study impacts of ICT on energyconsumption and emissions of greenhouse gases, at the macro level for the case of Tunisia. The generalcontext of this thesis focuses on the relationship between the environment and the innovation theory, whilethe specific context focuses specifically on the energy consumption of ICT. Our approach is inserted underthe theory of innovation and economic basis for the use of new technologies, specifically at the intersectionof industrial economics and environmental economics. Our research focused on three main aspects:theoretical, empirical and descriptive. Firstly, this study handled the theory of environmental innovationsand its relationship with general purpose technology and ICT especially. Secondly, this thesis has allowed usto develop a detailed descriptive analyses based on the data and statistics from the World Bank, and otherinstitutions. Thirdly, a set of statistical tests and rigorous econometric models were applied to determine thelink between ICT investment and energy efficiency in Tunisia.

The lessons for Green Public Procurement policy from Europe, and its Effects on Eco-innovation Development / ヨーロッパからのグリーン公共購入政策の啓発とエコイノベーション開発に対する影響

YU, CHUNLING 24 September 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(経済学) / 甲第23447号 / 経博第645号 / 新制||経||299(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院経済学研究科経済学専攻 / (主査)教授 諸富 徹, 教授 岡 敏弘, 准教授 長谷川 誠, 特定准教授 Rudolph Sven / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Economics / Kyoto University / DGAM

CEO reputation, quality management and environmental innovation: the roles of stakeholder pressure and resource commitment

Konadu, R., Owusu-Agyei, S., Lartey, T., Danso, A., Adomako, Samuel, Amankwah-Amoah, J. 29 March 2020 (has links)
Yes / In this paper, we examine how and when chief executive offers’ (CEOs’) reputation enhances environmental innovation by considering quality management as a mediating mechanism of this relationship. In addition, we introduce stakeholder pressures (primary and secondary stakeholder pressures) as important contingencies of the relationship between CEOs’ reputation and quality management. Moreover, we test the moderating role of resource commitment on the quality management-environmental innovation relationship. We test our research model using data from a manufacturing industry sample of 217 firms from Ghana. We find that quality management mediates the relationship between reputation and environmental innovation. Moreover, the relationship between CEOs’ reputation and quality management is amplified when levels of both primary and secondary stakeholder pressures are greater. Finally, our findings show that the effect of quality management on environmental innovation is enhanced when resource commitment is greater. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.

The Politics of Selection: Towards a Transformative Model of Environmental Innovation

Hausknost, Daniel, Haas, Willi January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
As a purposive sustainability transition requires environmental innovation and innovation policy, we discuss potentials and limitations of three dominant strands of literature in this field, namely the multi-level perspective on socio-technical transitions (MLP), the innovation systems approach (IS), and the long-wave theory of techno-economic paradigm shifts (LWT). All three are epistemologically rooted in an evolutionary understanding of socio-technical change. While these approaches are appropriate to understand market-driven processes of change, they may be deficient as analytical tools for exploring and designing processes of purposive societal transformation. In particular, we argue that the evolutionary mechanism of selection is the key to introducing the strong directionality required for purposive transformative change. In all three innovation theories, we find that the prime selection environment is constituted by the market and, thus, normative societal goals like sustainability are sidelined. Consequently, selection is depoliticised and neither strong directionality nor incumbent regime destabilisation are societally steered. Finally, we offer an analytical framework that builds upon a more political conception of selection and retention and calls for new political institutions to make normatively guided selections. Institutions for transformative innovation need to improve the capacities of complex societies to make binding decisions in politically contested fields.

Spécificités des déterminants des innovations environnementales : une approche appliquée aux PME / Specificities of environmental determinants : an approach applied to SMEs

Pinget, Amandine 01 December 2016 (has links)
Actuellement, comprendre comment les entreprises innovent avec un impact environnemental positif dans l’optique d’un développement plus durable est une problématique essentielle pour les entreprises et la société. Néanmoins,l’innovation environnementale reste insuffisamment appréhendée. L’objectif de cette thèse est de mettre en évidence les spécificités des innovations environnementales pour les PME au regard des déterminants et des barrières perçues.Le cadre théorique adopté est celui de l’hypothèse de Porter, pour examiner l’effet de la réglementation. Il a été enrichi par les approches RBV et KBV pour une meilleure prise en compte des capacités et ressources des PME dans leur adoption d’innovations environnementales.Cette recherche est basée sur trois articles empiriques et une démarche quantitative qui mobilise différentes méthodes économétriques.Trois contributions majeures sont issues de cette thèse : (1) Les PME innovantes en matière environnementale perçoivent plus de barrières, de manière plus intense et en plus grand nombre par rapport aux autres PME innovantes ou non-innovantes; (2) Les PME innovantes environnementalement font appel à plus de sources de connaissances externes vis-à-vis des autres PME; (3) Les PME peuvent adopter des innovations environnementales de manière proactive, comme les grandes entreprises, elles possèdent certaines capacités.Ces résultats sont à l’origine de recommandations en matière de politiques publiques et managériales qui visent à une plus grande diffusion des innovations environnementales pour les PME. / Understanding how companies innovate for positive environment impact and sustainable development is a crucial issue for business and society today. Yet,little is currently known about this particular kind of innovation. The objective of this thesis is to shed light on the specificities of environmental innovation for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in terms of determinants and perceived barriers.The theoretical framework is based on the Porter’s Hypothesis in order to examine the effect of regulation. It is enriched by the RBV and KBV approaches to better take into account SMEs’ capabilities and resources in the adoption of environmental innovation.This research is based on three empirical articles and on a quantitative approach which mobilizes several econometric methods.This thesis contributes to three key findings: (1) Environmentally innovative SMEs perceive more barriers, in more intense and numerous ways, compared to others innovative or non-innovative SMEs; (2) Environmentally innovative SMEs utilize more external knowledge sources than other SMEs; (3) SMEs, like large firms, can adopt environmental innovations proactively because they possess certain capacities.These results lead to public policy and managerial recommendations for more widespread and more effective environmental innovation in SMEs.

Simulações computacionais para os efeitos da regulação ambiental sobre o crescimento e a dinâmica industrial: uma abordagem evolucionária

Rodrigues, Mayra Bezerra 19 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-08T14:45:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1067320 bytes, checksum: 5aa3cb9e32085fdc4f19410a35972c6b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research brings an evolutionary approach about the environment‟s current situation. Is a new proposed point of view, without competition between economy and the environment (as the conventional theory does). The ecology should be in the competitive strategies of the firm. Through computational simulation method was investigated the effectiveness of three types of policies, all different about their restrictiveness degree. Such policies are: an ecological tribute, a subsidy to green R&D, and a program for environmental education that means, in the market, a consumer‟s preference for ecology. Were simulated nine types of policies combinations, with different values for the parameters, with the objective to test the economics variables‟ sensibility. Hence, the main purpose is to find the best policy for the environment and its consequences for the industrial dynamic. The most important conclusion is that the success of an environmental policy depends on its restriction, as Porter has supposed / Este trabalho traz uma abordagem evolucionária para a discussão da problemática ambiental, propondo uma visão não concorrente (como realizada pela teoria convencional) entre economia e meio ambiente. Sugere-se a integração da variável ambiental como estratégia competitiva das firmas. Através do método de simulação computacional verificaram-se a eficácia de três tipos de políticas, todas diferentes quanto ao seu grau de restrição, quais sejam: um imposto ambiental, um subsídio à P&D verde , e um programa de educação ambiental que se traduz no mercado como uma preferência do consumidor à um produto ecológico. Foram simulados nove tipos de combinações derivados dessas políticas, com diferentes valores de parâmetros, a fim de se testar a sensibilidade das variáveis econômicas à estas políticas. Assim, objetivou-se averiguar qual tipo de política gera o melhor resultado ambiental, e suas conseqüências para a dinâmica industrial. Como principal conclusão, encontrou-se que o resultado da política ambiental depende do seu grau de restrição, corroborando com o que Porter chama de boa regulamentação .

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