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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Function and plasticity of NKp46 expressing innate lymphoid cells / Fonction et plasticité des cellules lymphoïdes innées exprimant NKp46

Verrier, Thomas 30 September 2016 (has links)
Les cellules lymphoïdes innées de groupe 3 (ILC3) contribuent activement à l’homéostasie intestinale par leur production d’Interleukin-22 (IL-22). Ces ILC3 regroupent 2 sous-populations majeures, les LTi (« Lymphoid Tissue inducer »), caractérisées par l’expression du récepteur au chimiokine CCR6, et les ILC3 exprimant le facteur de transcription (FT) T-bet, qui comprennent une population positive pour le marqueur de surface NKp46, récepteur originalement utilisé pour identifier les ILC de groupe 1 (ILC1). Les ILC1 jouent un rôle prépondérant dans la réponse aux pathogènes intracellulaires et anti-tumorale. Jusqu’à présent, trois populations majeures composent les ILC1 : les lymphocytes cytotoxiques Natural Killer (NK ou ILC1b), qui dépendent largement du FT Eomes et expriment l’intégrine CD49b ; les ILC1 hépatiques et intestinaux, qui dépendent du FT T-bet et expriment CD49a (ILC1a) ; et une population CD49a+ et DX5+ indépendante du FT Nfil3 localisée dans les glandes salivaires ou l’utérus (ILC1ab). Mes travaux visent à comprendre la biologie des ILC exprimant NKp46, ainsi que les facteurs impliqués dans leur développement, leur maturation et leur fonction. La majeure partie de ma thèse se concentre sur les NKp46+ ILC3. Premièrement, nous démontrons un rôle majeur pour le récepteur aux chimiokine CXCR6 dans la localisation des NKp46+ ILC3 dans les villi de la lamina propria intestinale (Satoh-Takayama et al. 2014). Deuxièmement, j’ai mis en évidence que NKp46+ ILC3 pouvait perdre l’expression de NKp46 (Verrier et al. 2016). Déclenchée par le TGFβ, cette perte d’expression est associée à une plus forte capacité à produire de l’IL-22, mais aussi à l’acquisition de marqueurs identifiant les LTi (CCR6, MHC-II), démontrant ainsi la plasticité des NKp46+ ILC3. Enfin, en collaboration avec le groupe de Rachel Golub, nous avons confirmé le rôle présumé de la molécule Notch dans cette plasticité (Chea et al. 2016). Dans ce manuscrit, je discuterai du développement et de l’hétérogénéité des ILC3, ILC1a, ILC1b et ILC1ab. L’ensemble de mes résultats soutient une vision dynamique de la biologie des ILC reflétant l’adaptation de ces cellules effectrices face à leur environnement. En caractérisant les différents acteurs impliqués dans ce processus dynamique, mes travaux pourront servir au développement de thérapies visant à contrôler l’équilibre entre ces différentes populations dans divers pathologies comme le cancer, les infections virales, ou encore les maladies intestinales / Group 3 Innate Lymphoid cells (ILC3) actively maintain mucosal homeostasis through the production of Interleukin-22 (IL-22). ILC3 encompass 2 major populations, LTi (« Lymphoid Tissue inducer »), characterized by the expression of the chemokine receptor CCR6, and ILC3 that express the transcription factor T-bet, which include a population expressing the surface marker NKp46, a receptor originally used to identify group 1 ILC (ILC1). ILC1 plays a major role in the defense against intracellular pathogens and anti-tumoral responses. Three major ILC1 populations have been identified: the cytotoxic lymphocytes « Natural Killer » (NK or ILC1b), which largely rely for on the transcription factor Eomes their generation and express the integrin CD49b; hepatic and intestinal ILC1 that depends on the T-bet transcription factor and express CD49a (ILC1a); and a population that expresses CD49a and CD49b (ILC1ab) and populates the salivary gland and the uterus, which is independent of the transcription factor Nfil3. My work aimed to understand the biology of NKp46 expressing ILC, as well as factor involved in their development, maturation and function. The major part of my work focuses on NKp46+ ILC3. First, we demonstrate a major role for the chemokine receptor CXCR6 in their localisation in the lamina propria villi (Satoh-Takayama et al. 2014). Second, I showed that NKp46+ ILC3 could lose NKp46 expression (Verrier et al. 2016). Induced by TGFβ, this loss of expression was associated with higher IL-22 production and by the acquisition of markers identifying LTi (CCR6, MHC-II), demonstrating NKp46+ ILC3 plasticity. Finally, in collaboration with Rachel Golub’s group, we confirmed a putative role for Notch-signaling in this plasticity (Chea et al. 2016). In this manuscript, I will discuss the development and the heterogeneity of ILC3, ILC1a, ILC1b and ILC1ab. All the results I generated support a dynamic vision of ILC biology, which reflects how they adapt in response to environmental cues. By characterizing the different actors involved in this dynamic process, my work could be used to design therapies aiming at controlling the equilibrium between these different populations in diverse pathologies such as cancer, viral infection, or intestinal diseases

Anti-CTLA-4 antibody / CTLA-4 molecule immuno-modulator mechanisms and its consequences on the reinforcement of anti-melanoma immune responses / Etude des mécanismes immuno-modulateurs de l’interaction anticorps anti- CTLA-4 / molécule CTLA-4 et de ses conséquences dans le renforcement des réponses immunes anti-mélanome

Melo Félix, Joana 13 September 2016 (has links)
Le mélanome est un cancer de la peau dont l’incidence est en continuelle augmentation dans le monde entier. Des progrès récents dans la compréhension des mécanismes cellulaires complexes régulant l’immunité du cancer ont conduit à l’élaboration de nouvelles stratégies visant des checkpoints spécifiques de la régulation des réponses immunes. Ipilimumab est un anticorps thérapeutique dirigé contre la molécule CTLA-4. Il a permis, chez les patients atteints de mélanome métastatique, d’augmenter la survie globale et a fait l’objet d’une approbation de la FDA en 2011. Cependant cette thérapie ne semble bénéficier qu’à un nombre restreint de patients et souvent de manière retardée. L’identification de marqueurs immunologiques précoces associés à la réponse clinique et à la survie s’avère donc être nécessaire afin d’apporter des éléments d’orientation. Dans ce contexte, nous avons suivi de manière longitudinale, prospective et retrospective une cohorte de 77 patients atteints de mélanome métastatique. Nous nous sommes intéressés dans un premier temps aux molécules sériques reflétant soit l’importance de l’envahissement tumoral (LDH, S100B et MIA) soit l’implication de mécanismes d’échappement immunitaire (MICA soluble et anticorps anti-MICA). Nous montrons une association entre des faibles concentrations sériques de LDH et S100B, soutenues après première et deuxième dose d’ipilimumab, et la réponse au traitement et la survie. De plus, des niveaux élevés de MICA solubles avant le traitement sont associés à une fréquence plus faible de complications à type d’auto-immunité. Nous avons de plus suivi les populations lymphocytaires avec une attention particulière portée sur les compartiments naïf et mémoires T, les facteurs de transcription impliqués dans la différentiation des lymphocytes T mémoires, les cytokines produites et les récepteurs de chimiokines de lymphocytes T. Nos résultats montrent que le taux de lymphocytes avant l’introduction du traitement est un facteur prédictif de meilleure survie et de réponse positive à la semaine 16, indépendamment du taux de LDH et de la corticothérapie. De plus, un effet global de l'ipilimumab sur l'expansion des cellules T mémoires classiques a été observé, associé à la réponse au traitement. En revanche, les fréquences des cellules souches T mémoires (TSCM) récemment décrites diminuent malgré une augmentation de la prolifération, suggérant un processus de différenciation. L'ipilimumab induit aussi l'expansion de lymphocytes T exprimant CXCR3, CCR4 et CCR6, permettant une migration vers la peau et les tissus inflammés, avec augmentation de leur capacité à produire des cytokines effectrices. Une augmentation précoce des cellules T CD8+ exprimant le facteur de transcription Eomes s’est révélée être associée à un contrôle de la maladie. Enfin, et sur la base des résultats précédents, nous avons étudié la capacité des lymphocytes T mémoires de patients à proliférer après stimulation in vitro. Contrairement aux sujets sains, les patients présentent un défaut dans la capacité de prolifération des TSCM qui pourrait être liée à un défaut dans la régulation d’Eomes et Ki-67. Nous proposons ainsi un modèle permettant de suivre de manière précoce les étapes conduisant à la différentiation des TSCM en sous populations mémoires, associées à une réponse clinique sous ipilimumab, et impliquant le facteur de transcription Eomes. / Melanoma is a skin cancer with incidence increasing at dramatic rates worldwide. Ipilimumab, an anti-CTLA-4 therapy developed in the view of counter-balancing the inhibitory role of CTLA-4 in T lymphocytes, was the first immune checkpoint inhibitor demonstrating to extend overall survival in patients with metastatic melanoma, with FDA approval in 2011. However, biomarkers allowing the identification of the subset of patients that will more likely benefit from this immunotherapy or that may allow a good monitoring of patient clinical management during treatment are lacking. The principal objective of this work was to identify potential and early predictive biomarkers of ipilimumab response and/or survival in a cohort of 77 metastatic melanoma patients. Firstly, serum levels of melanoma markers such as LDH, S100B and soluble MICA (and its counter-part anti-MICA antibody), tumour markers associated with tumour development and/or immune escape, were assessed. A correlation between lower baseline levels of LDH and S100B, sustained after the first and second doses of ipilimumab, and treatment response and survival was observed, suggesting their potential utility in treatment monitoring. In addition, higher baseline levels of soluble MICA were found to be associated with a less frequency of immune-related adverse events, which might provide important information for the management of frequent ipilimumab-related adverse events. Secondly, immune markers with a special focus on transcription factors, cytokine secretion and chemokine receptors of T lymphocytes and memory T subsets were assessed. An association between baseline absolute lymphocyte counts and extended overall survival as well as better treatment response was found. In addition, a global effect of ipilimumab on the expansion of conventional memory T cells was observed, which was associated with treatment response. By contrast, frequencies of the recently described stem-cell memory T cells were shown to decrease despite increased proliferation, suggesting a process of differentiation. Additionally, ipilimumab induced the expansion of CXCR3, CCR4 and CCR6-expressing T lymphocytes and effector cytokines secretion capacity. Early increased levels of Eomes-expressing CD8+ T cells were found to be associated with disease control. Lastly, and based on the previous results, we investigated the ability of patients’ memory T cells to proliferate under in vitro stimulation. We found that, in contrast to healthy subjects, patients possess a defect in the ability of stem-cell memory T cells expansion in vitro, that might be related to a defect in Eomes and Ki-67 regulation.

Identification of new genes that control neurogenesis in the cerebral cortex

Van Den Ameele, Jelle 20 May 2014 (has links)
The cerebral cortex is one of the most complex and divergent of all biological structures and is composed of hundreds of different types of highly interconnected neurons. This complexity underlies its ability to perform exceedingly complex neural processes. One of the most important questions in developmental neurobiology is how such a vast degree of diversity and specificity is achieved during embryogenesis. Furthermore, understanding the cellular and genetic basis of cortical development may yield insights into the mechanisms underlying human disorders such as mental retardation, autism, epilepsies and brain tumors. <p>During this Phd-project, we set out to identify novel transcription factors involved in cortical neurogenesis. Therefore, we initially took advantage of a model of in vitro embryonic stem cell (ESC)-derived corticogenesis that was previously established in the lab (Gaspard et al. 2008) and from several previously generated ESC lines that allow overexpression of specific transcription factors potentially involved in corticogenesis (van den Ameele et al. 2012). <p>Among the genes tested, Bcl6, a B-cell lymphoma oncogene known to be expressed during cortical development but without well-characterized function in this context, displayed a strong proneurogenic activity and thus became the main focus of this thesis. <p><p>During neurogenesis, neural stem/progenitor cells (NPCs) undergo an irreversible fate transition to become neurons. The Notch pathway is well known to be important for this process, and repression of Notch-dependent Hes genes is essential for triggering differentiation. However, Notch signalling often remains active throughout neuronal differentiation, implying a change in the transcriptional responsiveness to Notch during the neurogenic transition.<p>We showed that Bcl6 starts to be expressed specifically during the transition from progenitors to postmitotic neurons and is required for proper neurogenesis of the mouse cerebral cortex. Bcl6 promotes this neurogenic conversion by switching the composition of Notch-dependent transcriptional complexes at the Hes5 promoter. Bcl6 triggers exclusion of the co-activator Mastermind-like 1 and recruitment of the NAD+-dependent deacetylase Sirt1, which we showed to be required for Bcl6-dependent neurogenesis in vitro. The resulting epigenetic silencing of Hes5 leads to neuronal differentiation despite active Notch signalling. These findings thus suggest a role for Bcl6 as a novel proneurogenic factor and uncover Notch-Bcl6-Sirt1 interactions that may affect other aspects of physiology and disease (Tiberi et al. 2012a). <p><p>A subsequent yet unpublished part of this Phd-project focused on unraveling roles for Bcl6 in regionalization of the cerebral cortex. In all mammals, the three major areas of the neocortex are the motor, somatosensory and visual areas, each subdivided in secondary domains and complemented with species-specific additional areas. All these domains comprise of neurons with different functionality, molecular profiles, electrical activity and connectivity. Spatial patterning of the cortex is mainly under the control of diffusible molecules produced by organizing centers, but is also regulated by intrinsic, cell-autonomous programs (Tiberi et al. 2012b). <p>Since Bcl6 expression is confined to frontal and parietal regions of the developing cerebral cortex and remains high in postmitotic neurons, also after completion of neurogenesis, we hypothesized it would be involved in acquisition of motor and somatosensory identity. As expected from the neurogenesis defect in these regions, we observed a trend towards a reduced size of the frontal areas in the Bcl6 mutant cortex. Preliminary data from cDNA microarray profiling after gain- and loss-of-function of Bcl6 and from in situ hybridization on mouse cortex however do not show dramatic changes in molecular markers of different cortical areas. Similarly, the coarse-grained pattern of thalamocortical and efferent projections of motor and somatosensory neurons appears to be spared. These preliminary findings thus suggest that Bcl6 is not strictly required for proper acquisition of motor and somatosensory areal identity. / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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