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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produtividade na montagem de estruturas de aço para edifícios. / Productivity of steel structures erection for building.

Caio Marranghello Mingione 23 February 2016 (has links)
A busca por melhorias de produtividade na indústria da construção civil é fundamental para garantia do crescimento sustentável do setor. Nesse sentido, o uso de estruturas de aço na construção de edifícios aparece como uma alternativa interessante às tradicionais estruturas em concreto armado. Essa dissertação tem por objetivo o estudo da produtividade da mão de obra e de equipamentos de içamento na montagem de estruturas de aço para edifícios de múltiplos pavimentos, buscando comprovar a hipótese de que essa produtividade varia em conjunto com alguns fatores que podem ser identificados e que essa variação pode ser quantificada. A pesquisa foi realizada segundo metodologia de Estudo de Caso, sendo que cinco obras compuseram o estudo. Como resultados, observa-se que produtividade potencial da mão de obra variou entre 3,33 e 8,23 Hh/peça ou 11,8 e 33,8 Hh/t e que a produtividade potencial dos equipamentos variou entre 0,38 e 0,53 Eqh/peça ou 1,84 e 2,29 Eqh/t, além de terem se encontrado correlações significativas entre os fatores tonelada/peça, disponibilidade do equipamento de içamento e quantidade relativa de pilares e os indicadores de produtividade. / The search for productivity gains in the construction industry is critical to ensure the sustainable growth of the sector. The use of steel structures for buildings appears as an interesting alternative to the traditional concrete structures. This research aims to study labor productivity and lifting equipments productivity in the erection of steel structures for multistory buildings, trying to prove the hypothesis that productivity indicators are correlated with some identifiable factors and that its variation can be quantified. The research was conducted as a Case Study, in which five construction sites were considered. As a result, it was observed that labor productivity ranged between 3,33 and 8,23 man-hour/piece or 11,8 and 33,8 man-hour/t, and that the equipments productivity ranged between 0,38 and 0,53 equipment-hour/piece or 1,84 and 2,29 equipment-hour/t, and it was found significant correlations between the factors tons per piece, equipment availability and relative number of columns and the productivity indicators.

Most přes řeku Berounku / Bridge over the Berounka river

Gratza, Jonáš January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on a design of the road bridge in Roztoky municipality. The bridge spans Berounka river. The design is processed in three options and the selected option was developed in greater detail. The layout of bridge is designed as a girder box with haunch. The bridge will be built by a cantilever erection method. Structural analysis of the bridge regards the influences of construction by TDA method. The structure is assessed for temporary and permanent states. The assessment of the structure was made according to EC.


MARCOS VINICIUS MARQUES DA SILVA 03 November 2016 (has links)
[pt] Avanços tecnológicos recentes, tanto nos métodos de sequenciamento quanto nos algoritmos de montagem de fragmentos, têm facilitado a reconstrução de todo o DNA de espécies sem a necessidade de um genoma de referência. A montagem da cadeia completa envolve a leitura um grande volume de fragmentos do genoma (short reads), um desafio significativo em termos computacionais. Todos os principais algoritmos de montagem de fragmentos existentes têm como gargalo principal o alto consumo de memória principal. Consonante a isso, essa dissertação de mestrado visa estudar a implementação de um destes algoritmos, Velvet, que é amplamente usado e recomendado. A mesma possuiu um módulo, VelvetH que realiza um pré-processamento dos dados com o intuito de reduzir o consumo de memória principal. Após um estudo minucioso do código e alternativas de melhorias, foram feitas alterações pontuais e proposta uma solução com persistência de dados em memória secundária visando obter eficácia e robustez. / [en] Recent technological advances, both in assembly algorithms and in sequencing methods, have enabled the reconstruction of whole DNA even without a reference genome available. The assembly of the complete chain involves reading a large volume of genome fragments, called short-reads, which makes the problem a significant computational challenge. A major bottleneck for all existing fragmentassembly algorithms is the high consumption of RAM. This dissertation intends to study the implementation of one of these algorithms, called Velvet, which is widely used and recommended. The same possessed a module, VelvetH that performs a pre-processing data with the aim of reducing the consumption of main memory. After a thorough study of code improvements and alternatives, specific changes have been made and proposed a solution with data persistence in secondary memory in order to obtain effectiveness and robustness.

Means and Methods Analysis of a Cast-In-Place Balanced Cantilever Segmental Bridge: The Wilson Creek Bridge Case Study

Lucko, Gunnar 11 March 1999 (has links)
Different means and methods exist in the construction industry to erect bridge superstructures. In planning and execution of the complex construction operations the effects of the chosen erection method need to be considered to achieve a safe and economical process. Failures of bridges under construction have underlined the importance of this issue. Hence, constructability issues need to be considered from the very beginning of projects. Structural analysis mathematically models geometry, boundary conditions, and other structural details, material properties, and so-called actions and incorporates factors of safety. Aforementioned actions, i.e. loads or restraints of deformations may act only temporarily during construction, depending on the method and sequence of erection. However, these construction loads can create considerable stresses in the unfinished structure prior to completion when it still lacks additional redundancy against failure. Furthermore, time-dependent material properties such as creep, shrinkage, and relaxation play a major role, especially in segmental construction. A case study is provided as an example of how constructability issues are dealt with in engineering practice. The Wilson Creek Bridge is a five-span cast-in-place concrete segmental bridge that was erected with Balanced Cantilever Construction. The bridge superstructure incorporated a camber to account for time-dependent deflections in final alignment. Form travelers were used in an alternating manner about the bridge piers to construct cantilever arms that were finally connected at midspan. These travelers remained in place until the box girder segments had reached sufficient strength to be post-tensioned to their predecessors. Casting cycle duration on this project was one week. / Master of Science

Artères et nerfs du pénis humain adulte : étude par dissection anatomique assistée par ordinateur (DAAO) / Arteries and nerves of penis : a computer-assisted anatomic dissection study (CAAD)

Diallo, Djibril 11 October 2013 (has links)
Introduction : l’innervation et la vascularisation des corps caverneux du pénis sont très difficilement explorables par les techniques de dissection anatomiques classiques. De ce fait, elles demeurent pas très bien connues. La dissection anatomique assistée par ordinateur (CAAD), combinant méthodes immuno-histochimiques et reconstruction tridimensionnelle représente un outil original permettant l’analyse microscopique des artères et des nerfs au sein des corps caverneux. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient donc d’étudier l’innervation et la vascularisation microscopique des corps caverneux par dissection anatomique assistée par ordinateur (CAAD).Matériel et méthodes : Des coupes histologiques sériées de pénis ont été réalisées chez huit cadavres adultes masculins et sur des pièces issues de pénnectomie pour cancer à l’hôpital du kremlin-Bicêtre. Les coupes ont été traitées par des méthodes histologiques (Hématoxyline-Eosine et trichrome de Masson) et immuno-histochimiques pour détecter les fibres nerveuses (anti-S100), les fibres somatiques (anti-PMP22), les fibres adrénergiques (anti-TH), cholinergiques (anti-VAChT) et nitrergiques (anti-nNOS). Les lames ont ensuite été numérisées par un scanner de haute résolution optique et les images bidimensionnelles ont été reconstruites en trois dimensions grâce au logiciel WinSurf. Résultats: La reconstruction tridimensionnelle des coupes histologiques immuno-marquées a permis de décrire l’innervation et la vascularisation des corps caverneux du pénis. Les artères et les nerfs du pénis sont très largement anastomosés entre eux.Les anastomoses entre les artères caverneuses et les artères urétrales se font en dehors de l’albuginée du corps spongieux d’où le terme de « shunts caverno-urétraux » utilisé dans ce travail pour qualifier ces vaisseaux anastomotiques.La vascularisation et l’innervation permettent de distinguer deux compartiments anatomiques distincts au niveau du pénis : une partie proximale (les 2/3 du pénis) autonome dont les artères et les nerfs proviennent du plexus hypogastrique inférieur (supra-lévatorien), et le tiers distal somatique dont les artères et les nerfs proviennent des artères et nerfs dorsaux du pénis (infra-lévatorien).Les communications entre les systèmes autonomes et somatiques (entre le plexus hypogastrique inférieur supra-lévatorien et le nerf pudendal infra-lévatorien) existent donc à quatre niveaux : proximal, intermédiaire, à la racine du pénis et intracaverneuses. Les communications intracaverneuses sont responsables des marquages autonomes observés dans les nerfs dorsaux du pénis. Elles confèrent également aux corps caverneux une sensibilité à peu près semblable à celui du gland au cours de l’acte sexuel.Conclusion: Nos résultats montrent de très nombreuses anastomoses vasculaires et nerveuses dans les corps caverneux entre les systèmes supra et infra-lévatoriens avec 2 régions anatomiques distinctes : les 2/3 proximaux érectiles et le 1/3 distal sensitif. Ces anastomoses permettent d’espérer une certaine plasticité dans la vascularisation et l’innervation du pénis en cas de dysérection. / Introduction: The innervation and the vascularization of the corpora cavernosa of the penis are very difficult searchable by the classical anatomic dissections. Therefore, they remain not very well known. The computer-assisted anatomic dissection (CAAD), combining immunohistochemical methods and three-dimensional reconstruction is a unique tool for the microscopic analysis of the arteries and nerves in the corpora cavernosa.The objectives of this study were therefore to investigate the microscopic innervation and vascularization of the corpora cavernosa by the CAAD.Materials and methods: Serial histological sections of penis were performed in eight adult male cadavers and one piece after penectomy for cancer in the hospital of Kremlin Bicetre. The sections were processed by histological methods (hematoxylin-eosin and Masson trichrome) and immunohistochemistry to detect nerve fibers (anti-S100), somatic fibers (anti-PMP22), adrenergic fibers (anti-TH), cholinergic fibers (anti-VAChT) and nitrergic fibers (anti-nNOS). The slides were then scanned by a high resolution scanner and two-dimensional images were reconstructed in three dimensions using WinSurf software.Results: Three-dimensional reconstruction of immunolabeled histological sections allowed describing the innervation and vascularization of the corpora cavernosa of the penis. The arteries and nerves of the penis are widely anastomosed.The anastomoses between the cavernous arteries and urethral arteries are outside the tunica albuginea of the corpus spongiosum hence the term "cavernous urethral shunts".The innervation of the penis distinguishs two distinct anatomical portions: a proximal portion (2/3 of the penis) is autonomic whose arteries and nerves come from the inferior hypogastric plexus (supralevator), and the third including somatic distal nerves from the dorsal nerves of the penis (infralevator).The communications between autonomic and somatic systems (between the inferior hypogastric plexus and the pudendal nerve) exist in four levels: proximal, middle, crura of penis and intra-cavernous. The intra-cavernous communications are responsible for autonomic fibers observed in the dorsal nerves of the penis.Conclusion: Our results show a large number of vascular and nerve anastomoses in the corpora cavernosa between supra and infralevator sustems with two distinct anatomical regions: the 2/3 proximal erectile portion and 1/3 distal sensorial portion. These anastomoses provide a hope for the plasticity in the vascularization and innervation of the penis in cases of erectile dysfunction.

Rakovnický děkanát v pozdním středověku / The deanery of Rakovník in the late Middle Ages

Mandzák, Ondrej January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis presents a view of church administration in deanery of Rakovnicko principally in period of 2nd half of 14th century and beggining of 15th century, via analysis of sources, especially registers of central church administration. Focuses primarily on parish network, constitution of priests to parish office, patrons of parishes, benlongings of churches. Compares results with facts discovered during research of another, analogous compiled deaneries.

Interferência da moxidectina na motivação sexual e ereção peniana de ratos: envolvimento de neurotransmissores hipotalâmicos e estriatais / Moxidectin interference on sexual motivation and penile erection: involvement of hypothalamic and striatal neurotransmitters

Alves, Patricia de Sa e Benevides Rodrigues 30 November 2007 (has links)
A moxidectina (MOX) é um antiparasitário utilizado na clínica veterinária. Em mamíferos seu mecanismo de ação envolve o ácido ?-aminobutírico (GABA), um neurotransmissor que tem papel relevante na regulação dos comportamentos sexual e motor. Dados anteriores por nós obtidos mostraram que a MOX prejudicou o comportamento sexual e a coordenação motora de ratos machos avaliados na trave elevada. Assim, dando continuidade a esse estudo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da administração da dose terapêutica de MOX (0,2 mg/kg) na motivação sexual e ereção peniana de ratos machos, bem como estudar seu envolvimento em diferentes sistemas de neurotransmissão central. Em todos os experimentos os ratos do grupo experimental receberam a MOX por via subcutânea (SC); e os ratos do grupo controle receberam 1 ml/kg de óleo de amêndoas pela mesma via, e foram avaliados após 72 h. A motivação sexual foi avaliada em um aparelho constituído de uma arena e dois compartimentos separados desta por tela de arame; num compartimento foi colocado um rato macho experiente e no outro uma fêmea sexualmente receptiva. Neste aparelho foi medido o tempo que o rato permaneceu nas proximidades de cada compartimento. Os resultados obtidos neste experimento não mostraram diferenças significantes entre os grupos. A ereção peniana foi induzida pela administração SC de 80 ?g/kg de apomorfina, sendo avaliadas a latência e a freqüência de ereção. Os resultados mostraram aumento da latência e redução da freqüência de ereção peniana dos animais tratados com MOX, enquanto que a administração dos antagonistas GABAérgicos (biculina e faclofen) não alterou estes parâmetros. Por outro lado, observou-se que a biculina (antagonista GABAA) reverteu os efeitos da MOX na ereção peniana, enquanto o faclofen aumentou a freqüência de ereção peniana em ratos tratados com a MOX. Quanto aos níveis hipotalâmicos e estriatais de neurotransmissores e metabólitos, observou-se que a MOX reduziu os níveis estriatais de dopamina e de seu metabólito ácido homovanílico (HVA) e também os níveis hipotalâmicos de GABA. Estes dados sugerem que a MOX embora não interfira na motivação sexual, prejudica o desempenho sexual avaliado pela ereção peniana. Esse efeito da MOX pode ser atribuído a sua ação em receptores GABAA, os quais modulam receptores tipo B, aumentando a liberação de GABA, e 72 h depois, conseqüente redução dos níveis deste neurotransmissor no hipotálamo (uma das áreas centrais envolvidas com o comportamento sexual) e também dos níveis de dopamina e seu metabólito HVA no estriado, área do sistema nervoso central relacionada com a função motora e na qual neurônios GABAérgicos modulam a atividade de neurônios dopaminérgicos. / The moxidectina (MOX) is an antiparasitic drug used in veterinary clinic. In mammals its mechanism of action involves GABA, neurotransmitter that has an important role in the regulation of the sexual and motor behaviors. Previous data showed that MOX impair male rat\'s sexual behavior and motor coordination observed at wooden dowel. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effects of therapeutic dose of MOX (0.2 mg/kg) in sexual motivation and penile erection of male rats, as well as to study its involvement in different central systems of neurotransmission. In all experiments the rats of experimental groups received MOX subcutaneous (SC), and the rats of control groups received 1.0 mL/kg of almonds oil (SC), and were observed after 72h. Sexual motivation test was performed in an arena with two cages, separate from the arena with a wall of wire screen; in one cage was put an intact male rat and in the other one, a sexually receptive female. In this test was measured the time that the rats stayed near of each cage. The data obtained in this experiment didn\'t show any significant differences among the groups. The penile erection (PE) was induced by 80 ?g/kg of Apomorphine (SC), being evaluated the latency to and frequency of PE. The results showed increased latency and reduction of the frequency of PE of animals treated with MOX, while the GABAergic antagonists\' administration (Biculline and Phaclofen) didn\'t change these parameters. On the other hand, it was observed that the Biculline (GABAA antagonist) reversed the effects of MOX in PE, while the Phaclofen increased the frequency of PE in rats treated with MOX. About Hypothalamic and Striatal neurotransmitters levels and their metabolites, was observed that MOX reduced Dopamine (DA) and its metabolite homovanillic acid (HVA) striatal levels and hypothalamic GABA levels. These data suggest that MOX although doesn\'t interfere in sexual motivation, impair sexual performance evaluated by penile erection. This effect of MOX can be attributed to its action in GABAA receptors, which modulate type B receptors, increasing GABA release, and consequent reduction of its levels in the Hypothalamus (one of the central areas involved with sexual behavior) and also, reduction of the DA and its metabolite HVA striatal levels. Striatum is a central nervous system area related with motor function in which GABAergic neurons modulate the activity of dopaminergic neurons.

Interferência da moxidectina na motivação sexual e ereção peniana de ratos: envolvimento de neurotransmissores hipotalâmicos e estriatais / Moxidectin interference on sexual motivation and penile erection: involvement of hypothalamic and striatal neurotransmitters

Patricia de Sa e Benevides Rodrigues Alves 30 November 2007 (has links)
A moxidectina (MOX) é um antiparasitário utilizado na clínica veterinária. Em mamíferos seu mecanismo de ação envolve o ácido ?-aminobutírico (GABA), um neurotransmissor que tem papel relevante na regulação dos comportamentos sexual e motor. Dados anteriores por nós obtidos mostraram que a MOX prejudicou o comportamento sexual e a coordenação motora de ratos machos avaliados na trave elevada. Assim, dando continuidade a esse estudo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da administração da dose terapêutica de MOX (0,2 mg/kg) na motivação sexual e ereção peniana de ratos machos, bem como estudar seu envolvimento em diferentes sistemas de neurotransmissão central. Em todos os experimentos os ratos do grupo experimental receberam a MOX por via subcutânea (SC); e os ratos do grupo controle receberam 1 ml/kg de óleo de amêndoas pela mesma via, e foram avaliados após 72 h. A motivação sexual foi avaliada em um aparelho constituído de uma arena e dois compartimentos separados desta por tela de arame; num compartimento foi colocado um rato macho experiente e no outro uma fêmea sexualmente receptiva. Neste aparelho foi medido o tempo que o rato permaneceu nas proximidades de cada compartimento. Os resultados obtidos neste experimento não mostraram diferenças significantes entre os grupos. A ereção peniana foi induzida pela administração SC de 80 ?g/kg de apomorfina, sendo avaliadas a latência e a freqüência de ereção. Os resultados mostraram aumento da latência e redução da freqüência de ereção peniana dos animais tratados com MOX, enquanto que a administração dos antagonistas GABAérgicos (biculina e faclofen) não alterou estes parâmetros. Por outro lado, observou-se que a biculina (antagonista GABAA) reverteu os efeitos da MOX na ereção peniana, enquanto o faclofen aumentou a freqüência de ereção peniana em ratos tratados com a MOX. Quanto aos níveis hipotalâmicos e estriatais de neurotransmissores e metabólitos, observou-se que a MOX reduziu os níveis estriatais de dopamina e de seu metabólito ácido homovanílico (HVA) e também os níveis hipotalâmicos de GABA. Estes dados sugerem que a MOX embora não interfira na motivação sexual, prejudica o desempenho sexual avaliado pela ereção peniana. Esse efeito da MOX pode ser atribuído a sua ação em receptores GABAA, os quais modulam receptores tipo B, aumentando a liberação de GABA, e 72 h depois, conseqüente redução dos níveis deste neurotransmissor no hipotálamo (uma das áreas centrais envolvidas com o comportamento sexual) e também dos níveis de dopamina e seu metabólito HVA no estriado, área do sistema nervoso central relacionada com a função motora e na qual neurônios GABAérgicos modulam a atividade de neurônios dopaminérgicos. / The moxidectina (MOX) is an antiparasitic drug used in veterinary clinic. In mammals its mechanism of action involves GABA, neurotransmitter that has an important role in the regulation of the sexual and motor behaviors. Previous data showed that MOX impair male rat\'s sexual behavior and motor coordination observed at wooden dowel. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effects of therapeutic dose of MOX (0.2 mg/kg) in sexual motivation and penile erection of male rats, as well as to study its involvement in different central systems of neurotransmission. In all experiments the rats of experimental groups received MOX subcutaneous (SC), and the rats of control groups received 1.0 mL/kg of almonds oil (SC), and were observed after 72h. Sexual motivation test was performed in an arena with two cages, separate from the arena with a wall of wire screen; in one cage was put an intact male rat and in the other one, a sexually receptive female. In this test was measured the time that the rats stayed near of each cage. The data obtained in this experiment didn\'t show any significant differences among the groups. The penile erection (PE) was induced by 80 ?g/kg of Apomorphine (SC), being evaluated the latency to and frequency of PE. The results showed increased latency and reduction of the frequency of PE of animals treated with MOX, while the GABAergic antagonists\' administration (Biculline and Phaclofen) didn\'t change these parameters. On the other hand, it was observed that the Biculline (GABAA antagonist) reversed the effects of MOX in PE, while the Phaclofen increased the frequency of PE in rats treated with MOX. About Hypothalamic and Striatal neurotransmitters levels and their metabolites, was observed that MOX reduced Dopamine (DA) and its metabolite homovanillic acid (HVA) striatal levels and hypothalamic GABA levels. These data suggest that MOX although doesn\'t interfere in sexual motivation, impair sexual performance evaluated by penile erection. This effect of MOX can be attributed to its action in GABAA receptors, which modulate type B receptors, increasing GABA release, and consequent reduction of its levels in the Hypothalamus (one of the central areas involved with sexual behavior) and also, reduction of the DA and its metabolite HVA striatal levels. Striatum is a central nervous system area related with motor function in which GABAergic neurons modulate the activity of dopaminergic neurons.

Novel method to study autonomic nervous system function and effects of transplantation of precursor cells on recovery following spinal cord contusion injury

Nout, Yvette Stephanie 15 March 2006 (has links)
No description available.

The history of the Roman Catholic Church in Lesotho, 1862-1989

Sekoati, S. M. 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation titled The History of the Catholic Church in Lesotho 1862-1989 has three chapters. The first chapter deals with the formation of the seventy-seven missions in Lesotho, and the establishment of the four dioceses of Lesotho the seventy-seven mission had all been formed during the period mentioned in the title, and those formed after appear in the appendix. The second chapter deals with the socio-political involvement of the Catholic Church in Lesotho, this part deals with the authority of the bishop and the Church government and again with the role of the bishop and his relationship to the Oblate authority. In this part four bishops are taken to illustrate this point, and this covers the period from 1930 to 1966. In short this deals with the internal affairs of the Church, and its finances. And we go on to deal with the involvement of the Church in the party politics which led to independence of the country. The last chapter deals with the church under the indigenous clergy, which actually is inculturation its problem and attempted solution. / Christianity, Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Church History)

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