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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrated approach to the analysis of eighteenth-century horns

Norman, Lisa January 2013 (has links)
The revival of interest in historical performance practice has led to much speculation concerning how early instruments might have been made, played and in particular how early ensembles might have sounded. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the hunting horn became increasingly accepted as an integral member of the orchestra. This new role led to changes in the design of the instrument and also in player technique which in turn led to a change in the sound quality or timbre of the instrument. There are many surviving examples of eighteenth-century horns in museums and private collections worldwide and the significant variation amongst these instruments is evidence of this new and innovative era in the development of the horn. Perhaps the most significant and contentious debate in the discussion on horn technique from this period concerns how and in what situation the hand should be employed within the bell of the instrument. This is the central issue on which the following research has been based. A multifaceted approach was adopted in order to gain a broader insight into the mysteries surrounding the eighteenth-century horn. The various methods used include: acoustical analysis of the effect of the hand in the bell of the horn on intonation and ease of playing in the high register, and analysis of variation in tonal characteristics; ergonomic analysis which lends a practical perspective to the issues surrounding playing technique; bore profile analysis in order to efficiently and effectively compare a large amount of data concerning this fundamental aspect of horn design. The results have shown that an integrated approach to the analysis of eighteenth-century horns, performed systematically on measurements from a large database of over one hundred instruments, has the potential to provide an insight into the development of the horn from a number of different perspectives. A large scale analysis such as this allows trends to be observed which shed new light on regional variation in horn design and playing technique over time.

Ergonomics and urban green infrastructure : understanding multifunctional social-environmental systems

Rinas, Rebecca Jean 01 October 2014 (has links)
Although urban green infrastructure [UGI] is increasingly characterized as an asset because it simultaneously serves critical social and environmental functions, few planning tools or research approaches exist where multiple functions are integrated into a systemic spatial analysis. Accordingly, this report examines the utility of ergonomics as a methodological approach to integrate the natural and social sciences and forge a deeper understanding of UGI multifunctionality. Five administrative districts in Dresden [Germany] were selected as a study area to carry out this analysis. Mixed methods were used to categorize and measure various social and environmental functions of UGI cases, and outcomes analyzed for spatial clustering in GIS. Results from this study provide strong evidence that combining social and environmental variables can significantly inform the way UGI networks are perceived and valued. / text

Lojalitet på arbetet : Ett perspektiv från arbetare till chef

Johansson, Ulrika, Larsson, Linda January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>This qualitative study has been made to examine which factors that are required to create a work place that can be associated with loyal co-workers. The study covers half structured interviews with nine people on different levels and with different positions, within a manufacturing company in Värmland. Our ambition with this study is to find out if, and if so, in what way the view on loyalty and which factors that are required to encourage loyalty, differ depending on witch level one belongs to in the organization. Our thesis is that our respondents will have various ways of expressing the term loyalty, and that these various ways are linked to the different levels that each employee is currently stationed at.</p><p>The result of this study shows that the way people look at loyalty, and what loyalty is really about, does not differ that much among our respondents, regardless of their level. The factors that, according to the respondents, are important if one wants to create a work place that can be associated with loyal co-workers are: to be able to feel trust towards and have faith in those one works with, as well as the company and the way things are being run, to be able to experience the feeling of community, and that one is happy with ones work place, as well as ones co-workers. Our respondents are of the opinion that a clear and well-functioned communication that spires through the whole organization is necessary if one wants to encourage and keep the loyalty amongst the employees. It is also important to be able to feel included in decisions that affect ones own work, and to feel that one has interesting and stimulating tasks that actually contribute to the whole picture or the final product. This creates a feeling that one is making progress within ones work, and that the company really savors and makes use of their staff’s competence, as well as that one as an employee is contributing to the company’s development and possibility to survive in a market full of hard concurrence.</p><p>Key words: Loyalty, Trust, Confidence, Solidarity, Communication, Competence, Organization culture.</p> / <p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Denna kvalitativa studie avser att undersöka vilka faktorer som krävs för att skapa en arbetsplats som kan förknippas med lojala anställda. Studien omfattar halvstrukturerade intervjuer med nio personer, på olika nivåer och med olika befattningar, inom ett tillverkningsföretag i Värmland. Vår avsikt med denna undersökning är att försöka få reda på, om och i så fall på vilket sätt synen på lojalitet och vilka faktorer som krävs för att främja lojaliteten, skiljer sig åt beroende på vilken nivå man befinner sig i organisationen. Vår tes är att synen på lojalitet kommer att ta sig uttryck på varierande sätt hos våra respondenter och att denna varierande syn hänger samman med nivån som man befinner sig på.</p><p>Studiens resultat visar att synen på lojalitet liksom vad lojalitet egentligen innebär, inte skiljer sig speciellt mycket åt bland våra respondenter, oavsett nivå. De faktorer som enligt respondenterna är viktiga för att skapa en arbetsplats som kan förknippas med lojala medarbetare är, att kunna känna tillit till och ha förtroende för sina arbetskamrater liksom för företaget och den verksamhet som bedrivs där. Det är också viktigt att kunna uppleva känslan av samhörighet och att man som anställd trivs såväl på sin arbetsplats som med sina arbetskamrater. Våra respondenter menar att en tydlig och väl fungerande kommunikation, som genomsyrar hela organisationen, är nödvändigt för att främja lojaliteten. Att få känna sig delaktig i beslut som rör det egna arbetet liksom att ha stimulerande och intressanta arbetsuppgifter, som faktiskt bidrar till helheten eller slutprodukten är också av stor vikt. Detta gör att de anställda känner att de utvecklas i sitt arbete och att företaget verkligen tar till vara på deras kompetens. De anställda kan även på detta sätt uppleva att de bidrar med sitt till företagets utveckling och möjlighet att överleva på en många gånger mycket konkurrensutsatt marknad.</p><p>Nyckelord: Lojalitet, Tillit, Förtroende, Samhörighet, Kommunikation, Kompetens, Organisationskultur.</p>

Anställdas attityder till jämställdhet och jämställdhetsarbete : - En studie gjord på en mansdominerad arbetsplats

Carlsson, Eleonore, Lindmark, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>Trots att Sverige har kommit långt med sitt jämställdhetsarbete är arbetslivet fortfarande inte jämställt. Samhället präglas av könsmönster och könsstrukturer som i sin tur skapar en genusordning. Den innebär av att män och kvinnor hålls isär och skillnader görs mellan manligt och kvinnligt. Dessutom innebär den att kvinnan är underordnad mannen och mannen ses som norm. Detta är kulturellt betingat och uppfattas därför som något naturligt. Det begränsar både män och kvinnors val och villkor och de får även konsekvenser på arbetsmarknaden i form av bland annat segregering. Arbetsmarknaden präglas av både en horisontell och en vertikal segregering. Det innebär att män och kvinnor befinner sig på olika yrkesområden, avdelningar och branscher samt att de intar olika hierarkiska positioner. Arbetsvillkoren ser därmed olika ut för män och kvinnor och det är framförallt kvinnors villkor och förutsättningar som är begränsade.</p><p>Jämställdhetslagen syftar till att främja män och kvinnors lika rätt när det gäller arbete anställnings- och arbetsvillkor samt möjligheter till utveckling i arbetet. Enligt lagen är arbetsgivare skyldiga att bedriva ett aktivt arbete för att främja jämställdhet på arbetsplatsen. Trots aktivt jämställdhetsarbete får det inte alltid det genomslag det önskar. Studier visar att det kan finnas ett motstånd mot ökad jämställdhet. Många av dessa studier är gjorda på personer i arbetsledande befattning.</p><p>Vi har gjort en kvantitativ enkätundersökning där vi har studerat attityder till jämställdhet och jämställdhetsarbete hos de anställda på ett mansdominerat industriföretag. Vi har dessutom försökt urskilja ett eventuellt motstånd i de anställdas attityder. Utifrån vår undersökning kan vi konstatera att respondenterna har en positiv inställning till både jämställdhet och jämställdhetsarbete. De värderar jämställdhet högt och anser att det är självklart att män och kvinnor ska ha samma rättigheter, skyldigheter och möjligheter på arbetsplatsen samt att de ska ha lika lön för lika arbete. Intressant är att de inte värderar jämställdhetsarbete lika högt och viktigt som jämställdhet. De anser därför inte att det är lika viktigt att arbeta för att främja jämställdheten på arbetsplatsen.</p><p>Framträdande i studien är att män och kvinnors attityder skiljer sig mycket åt. I vissa påståenden och frågor är det mer tydligt än i andra. Överlag tenderar kvinnorna att vara mycket mer positiva till såväl jämställdhet som jämställdhetsarbete än män. Det är en liten andel respondenter som har ett mindre positivt förhållningssätt till jämställdhet och jämställdhetsarbete, de skulle möjligtvis kunna utgör ett motstånd. Om de inte betraktar arbetet som särskilt viktigt kan de eventuellt utgöra ett hinder mot det arbete som bedrivs för att främja jämställdheten på arbetsplatsen.</p>

Design management interactions on canal irrigation systems : a framework for the analysis of water control

Lankford, Bruce January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

External Trunk Support with Industrial Benchwork

Damecour, CAROLINE 31 January 2013 (has links)
Standing at a workbench is required for manual work including sorting and assembly. When work heights and reach distances are not matched to stature or arm length, the trunk assumes a partially bent position, which increases the postural effort required to stand or to reach to far distances. As a result, the biomechanical load on the lumbar spine is raised, which contributes to a higher risk for back pain. In ergonomics, assistive devices are being developed to counter this effect. A new leaning device was tested in the laboratory with forward-bent standing and reaching where the trunk was bent forward and twisted to reach to a far target 45° from the center. This device supported the trunk at the upper chest. With leaning, back muscle activity decreased by ~ 60% with forward-bent standing and ~ 23-30% with the off-center reach, depending on reach height. Because leaning changed how standing remained balanced, ~12° less bending was required to reach the target. Therefore, upper-trunk support may be helpful for benchworkers when ergonomic design is not possible; some product development and testing is still needed to provide the right amount of support at the right time and to ensure there is no rib joint irritation. An interesting outcome from these previous studies was related to workers’ posture when they leaned against a workbench that was adjusted for heavier work (hip height). Low back muscle activity was unchanged with forward-bent standing, but decreased by ~ 23-30% with the off-center reach. This reduction was accompanied by greater twist at the mid back as a way of compensating for a loss of hip rotation. Three different heights for bench leaning were compared in a third study: elbow height, hip height and below hip height. The results showed that leaning at elbow height lowered the work demand by ~16-24% for far reach, partially due to changed motions consistent with greater mid back movement and coincided with ~ 8% increase in work demands at the mid-back and greater scapular recruitment. Therefore, more research is needed to establish work height guidelines for use when leaning against a workbench. / Thesis (Ph.D, Kinesiology & Health Studies) -- Queen's University, 2013-01-29 14:32:19.696

The delay of consequences and perceived risk: an analysis from the workers' view point

Rodríguez Garzón, Ignacio, Delgado Padial, Antonio, Martinez Fiestas, Myriam, Lucas Ruiz, Valeriano, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) 03 June 2015 (has links)
irgarzon@ugr.es / This paper addresses the question of how construction workers perceive occupational risks. It is a question that has not been addressed in scientific research. Specifically, we answer the following research questions: what is the perception of risk of construction workers?; what aspects of risk significantly influence the formation of the overall perception of risk?; are there sociodemographic variables that help to understand the perception of risk of construction workers? and if this were the case, then what are these variables and how do they influence them?. Ultimately, it examines the profile of perceived risk, its relation to the delay of consequences and the influence of socio-demographic variables. Respondents filled out a questionnaire in the presence of the survey-taker. The questionnaire was based on the psychometric paradigm, and was comprised of: (a) nine questions, each exploring a perceived risk attribute or dimension rated on a Likert 7-point scale, (b) a question on global risk perception, and (c) categorical questions about socio-demographic issues. The survey was conducted in the city of Granada (Spain). A profile of the construction workers’ perceived risk was obtained. Answers to each attribute were above the neutral line (scores above four). The profile shows the risk dimension with the highest score was the delayed consequences of exposure to risk conditions, a dimension that can be related to ergonomics and occupational hygiene. This is a new outcome since traditionally this dimension was given a lower score in the worker’s perception. A simple linear regression showed global risk may be explained in terms of the delayed consequences dimension (R2=0.29). Finally, a variance analysis (ANOVA) and several t-tests explored the relationship between this dimension and the sample’s socio-demographic variables. To conclude, the delay of consequences is the risk dimension workers perceived as the most critical in their daily chores. In addition, this risk dimension is decisive in creating a high global risk perception. Parenthood, a higher worker category and training are the only socio-demographic variables having an impact on this dimension of perceived risk. Hence, there is a direct relationship between these two variables.

Contribuição da abordagem enactivo-incorporada da ação operatória na atividade de trabalho: ontologias da realidade nos sistemas complexos de operações. / Contribution from embodied-enactive approach of worker\'s action in the work activity: ontologies of reality in the complex systems of operations.

Bouyer, Gilbert Cardoso 08 July 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa, em detalhe, a cognição como ação incorporada nos processos de trabalho. Os operadores não representam um mundo externo mas pensam e agem de forma interdependente. O ponto chave neste texto é que, sem nada como uma representação interna, trabalhadores (operadores) se engajam na atividade de trabalho numa coordenação sensório-motora em resposta para mudanças ambientais. Não há ruptura na experiência entre perceber, sentir e pensar. Esta pesquisa busca responder como os processos social e cultural são demandados para desenvolver esquemasimagem e esquemas-incorporados, os quais podem realizar pensamento abstrato usando suas capacidades para percepção e resposta motora. Este trabalho postula que as expressões lingüísticas e os processos cognitivos de nível superior evidenciam padrões dinâmicos de experiência corporal recorrente denominados esquemasimagem. Este trabalho afirma que estes padrões podem ser estendidos a estruturas de experiências não-tácita, não-física e não-visual. / This work analyzes, in detail, that cognition is embodied action in work process. The operators don.t represent an external world but think in order to act as part of your thinking. The key point in this text is that, without anything like an internal representation, workers (operators) engage, at work activity, in sensorimotor coordination in response to environmental changes. There is no rupture in experience between perceiving, feeling and thinking. These research asks how social and cultural process are required to develop image-schemata and embodied-schemata, that can perform abstract thinking using their capacities for perception and motor response. This work theorized that linguist expressions and higher cognitive processes evidenced dynamic patterns of recurrent bodily experience which we called image-schemata. This work argued that these patterns can be extended to structure non-tactile, non-physical and non-visual experiences.

Motorista de ônibus urbano : insatisfação e desconforto com a poltrona /

Barduco, Roberto Carlos. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Abílio Garcia dos Santos Filho / Banca: João Candido Fernandes / Banca: Alberto de Vitta / Resumo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo detectar os desconfortos e insatisfações dos motoristas de ônibus urbano, com a poltrona que trabalham. Para melhor realização do estudo, a presente pesquisa objetivou também conhecer informações pessoais dos motoristas, problemas de saúde que possam estar relacionados à profissão e à poltrona, e também questões diretamente ligadas à poltrona e ao posto de trabalho. Durante a revisão de literatura o presente trabalho fez um breve histórico do transporte coletivo na cidade de São Paulo e um comparativo de poltronas com países de primeiro mundo. Fez também uma análise das situações, comportamentos e o que ocorre com o corpo humano na posição sentada e também alguns apanhados de normas relacionadas à poltrona. Como pesquisa, o presente trabalho realizou um estudo de caso em 07 empresas na cidade de São Paulo, onde contou com uma pesquisa descritiva, sendo entrevistados 147 motoristas, totalizando uma média de 21 pesquisados por empresa. O estudo do caso permitiu conhecer as opiniões dos motoristas com relação à poltrona que trabalham. As empresas entrevistadas tinham perfis semelhantes, porém, com as mais diversificadas linhas de itinerário, variando desde a periferia, com ruas de pavimentações boas e ruins, ou em outros casos, linhas direcionadas para o centro da cidade com congestionamentos e problemas de superlotação nos ônibus e tinham como principal segmento de trabalho o ônibus urbano. Como principais resultados da pesquisa, pode-se ressaltar que 85,14% dos entrevistados apresentaram uma ou mais sugestões de melhoria para a poltrona; 56,76% disseram haver alguma dor que acreditavam ser por trabalharem sentados; 77,70% afirmaram que a poltrona faz transpirar muito, 52,03% reclamaram que o ato de sentar e levantar da poltrona é desconfortável. Por fim, concluiu-se que... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This paper aimed to reveal the discomfort and dissatisfactions or urban public transport drivers referring to their seats. The paper aimed as well knowing personal information about the bus drivers, health problems that might be related to the occupation and the seat, and also inquiries straightly related to the seat and the job station. During the literal revisal, this paper took effect a brief report of the public transport in São Paulo and a comparative degree of the seats in world power countries. It was also reported an analysis of the situations, behaviors and what happens to the human body in the sat position as well as some pattern résumés related to the seat. As the concept of research, this paper developed an examination in seven companies of São Paulo in which figured on a descriptive research whereas 147 bus drivers were interviewed coming down to an average of 21 researched per company. This examination allowed the acquirement of the bus drivers' opinions related to the seat they work in. The interviewed companies had similar profiles, however they had the most diversified itinerary lines, alternating from the suburbs enclosing paving streets in good and bad condition to lines routed to the town center enclosing traffic jam and overcrowding and had as main job section the public transport. As the main results on the research, it followed that 85.14% of the interviewed presented one or more improvement suggestions referred to the seats; 56.76% complained about pain by means of working sat down; 77.70% affirmed that the seat makes them sweat too much; 52,03% complained that the sitting down and standing up action is uncomfortable. At last, it followed that the dissatisfaction... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Análise das forças impostas no solo e no assento durante o movimento de levantar com diferentes alturas de assento de cadeira /

Morais Filho, Antonio Gerson de Moura. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Fernando Costa Nascimento / Banca: José Geraldo Trani Brandão / Banca: Luis Carlos Ribeiro Lara / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o movimento de levantar de uma cadeira com três alturas pré-estabelecidas tendo como parâmetro de altura do assento os ângulos de 75, 90 e 105 graus nas articulações dos joelhos. Participaram 23 voluntários, (10 mulheres e 13 homens): idade média de 24,91 anos, estatura média de 1,70 m e peso corporal médio de 64,55 kgf. Duas plataformas de força mediram as forças de reação na posição sentada e durante o movimento de levantar, uma no assento da cadeira e outra no solo. Estabeleceram-se várias correlações entre as variáveis (peso corporal, altura, idade, e índice de massa corporal), entre as forças medidas e entre os tempos dos eventos. Foi evidenciado em toda a amostra que na medida em que se diminuía a altura do assento, maior foi a força aplicada ao solo para realizar o movimento de levantar. Diferenças na distribuição de peso entre assento e solo na posição sentada estática foram encontradas entre o assento que colocava os joelhos em 75° com a altura que os colocava nos outros dois ângulos. Não houve diferenças estatísticas significativas das médias dos valores de força e tempos no levantar comparados entre os sexos. Também não houve diferenças significativas entre as variáveis e os dados adquiridos nas plataformas. / Abstract: The aim of this work was to study the raising movement of a chair with three preestablished heights having as parameter of height of the seat the angles of 75, 90 and 105 degrees in the knee joints. Twenty three volunteers had participated, (10 women and 13 men): mean age of 24,91 years old, mean height of 1,70 m and mean body weight of 64,55 kgf. Two force plates had measured the reaction forces in the seated position and during the raising movement, one in the chair's seat and the other in the floor. It was established several correlations between some variables (body weight, height, age, and body mass index), between measured forces and between the events times. It was evidenced in all the sample that as soon as the seat's height decreased, greater was the force imposed to the floor to make real the raising movement. Differences in the weight distribution between seat and floor in the static seated position has been found between the seat that placed the knees in 75° with the height that placed it in the others two angles. There were not significant differences in the statistics of the load average values and times in the raising compared between the genders. Also they had not had significant differences between the variables and the data acquired in force plates. / Mestre

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