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Univerzální modul s připojením na ethernet / Universal ethernet moduleŘeháček, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with creating a universal module with Ethernet interface and its using for digital values measurement. The main module components are gate array FPGA, microprocessor, PHY chip and RJ45 connector. Printed circuit board is in this thesis designed in Eagle. The chase for board is drawn in SketchUp and printed on a 3D printer. There is a code implemented in created universal module that is performing the function of logic analyzer. Data measured by the analyzer are sent to the Ethernet using UDP/IPv4 protocol. The last part is creating an application in C# to display the measured waveforms on a PC.
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Zařízení pro vzdálený WakeOnLan / Remote WakeOnLanPitner, Ivo January 2011 (has links)
This work deals with construction of an embedded system with remote access, whitch controls computers in the same network in order to reduce their energy consumption. For this purpose is used the WakeOnLAN technique. The device also uses two power components called SSR and these are used for switching AC power to them attached appliances. The work discusses the TCP/IP architecture, system design and finally the firmware implementation.
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Ovládací pult pro kamerové systémy / Control Panel for Camera SystemsMarko, Juraj January 2010 (has links)
This master's thesis is describing analysis and concept of control panel for camera systems. Communication interface of control panel is ethernet. Corntol interfaces are joystick and keyboard. Chapter analysis describes interfaces RS-485, ethernet and protocols IP, TCP and UDP. The thesis also contains a proposal involving the control board and printed circuit design. The work is describing the communication protocol of control panel at the application layer and the control algorithm in detail. The thesis includes a proposal for robust box for control panel including drawings needed for construction.
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FSO vysílač/přijímač pro měření kvality spoje / FSO transceiver for link quality estimationNovák, Marek January 2016 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce pojednává o zmírnění bitové chybovosti bezkabelového optického spoje s užitím principu reciprocity aplikovaného na komunikační kanál, spolu s možností kódování přenášených dat. V této práci je implementováno LDPC a Reed-Solomonovo kódování pro jejich vyhovující vlastnosti. Zbytková rámcová chybovost je vypočtena a k dispozici jako výstup systému, který je implementovaný v hradlovém poli (FPGA).
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Analýza útoků s využitím mobilního zařízení Pwn Phone / Analysis of Attacks with Mobile Device Pwn PhoneHolubec, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the safety of wireless networks and used protocols. The aim is to describe chosen network attacks and demonstrate the feasibility of using the device Pwn Phone. It will also be implemented a system consisting of a mobile application and a server component allowing execution of NFC relay attack on contactless credit cards. System will be tested in real world and evaluation of the success in different conditions will also be part of the thesis.
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Performance Analysis of the Preemption Mechanism in TSNMurselović, Lejla January 2020 (has links)
Ethernet-based real-time network communication technologies are nowadays a promising communication technology for industrial applications. It offers high bandwidth, scalability and performance compared to the existing real-time networks. Time-Sensitive Networking is an enhancement for the existing Ethernet standards thus offers compatibility, cost efficiency and simplified infrastructure, like previous prioritization and bridging standards. Time-Sensitive Networking is suitable for networks with both time-critical and non-time-critical traffic. The timing requirements of time-critical traffic are undisturbed by the less-critical traffic due to TSN features like the Time-Aware Scheduler. It is a time-triggered scheduling mechanism that guarantees the fulfilment of temporal requirements of highly time-critical traffic. Features like the Credit-Based Shapers and preemption result in a more efficiently utilized network. This thesis focuses on the effects that the preemption mechanism has on network performance. Simulation-based performance analysis of a singe-node and singe-egress port model for different configuration patterns is conducted. The simulation tool used is a custom developed simulator called TSNS. The configuration patterns include having multiple express traffic classes. In a single-egress port model, the most significant performance contributor is the response time and this is one of the simulation measurements obtained from the TSNS network simulator. The comparison between the results of these different network configurations, using realistic traffic patterns, provides a quantitative evaluation of the network performance when the network is configured in various ways, including multiple preemption scenarios.
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Planering och driftsättning av kontors-LANNilsson Thapnoi, Carl Magnus January 2020 (has links)
Imega Media/IT har planerat en uppgradering av nätverket inom företagets avdelning Display. Företagets planer är att ersätta ett föråldrat Cat5 Ethernetkablge med Cat6 för att uppnå en högre uppkopplingshastighet samt etablera ett lokalt nätverk för avdelningen. Denna rapport dokumenterar de steg som tagits för att analysera och på bästa sätt kunna implementera den planerade uppgraderingen, baserat på hårdvara och konfigurationskrav. Med en skiss över företagets nätverkstopologi kunde man konstatera att ingen sekundär väg existerade till de båda yttre switcharna, och därmed garantera att inga switchingloopar kunde uppstå när den slutgiltiga topologin kopplats samman. Baserat på detta ersattes kablage och ny hårdvara implementerades för ett nytt lokalt nätverk. Utförandet möjliggjorde för de anställda att kunna fortsätta sitt arbete utan driftstörningar. I slutändan kunde man med hjälp av enklare mätningar i form av filnedladdning, garantera att hastigheter uppemot 1 Gb/s kunde uppnås. / The company Imega Media/IT has planned an upgrade for the network within one of the company departments called Display. Hardware is implemented in order to establish a local network and replace the installed Cat5 Ethernet cables with the Cat6 version in order to achieve a higher connection speed. This report documents steps taken in order to analyze and in the best possible way implement the planned upgrade, based on offered hardware and configuration requirements. With the help of a sketch, covering the network topology, one could state that no secondary route existed towards the end switches, therefore guaranteeing that no switching loops could appear after the final installation. Based on the documented topology, improved Ethernet cabling and new hardware were implemented, establishing a new local network. Finally, by using existing hardware resources within the upgraded network, measurements could be made to guarantee that a gigabit speed was reached.
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Application Specific Optimization of Ethernet Cluster CommunicationTreydte, Matthias 29 March 2007 (has links)
In this diploma thesis, the implementation of a networking protocol, which is
adopted from a previous work, is refined to a state where it is ready for production
use. The protocol is tailored for the specific needs in a cluster environment which
uses standard ethernet as the interconnection hardware. Thereby focuses is on
developing and implementing a flow control which is very lightweigt in terms of
processing overhead and copes the challenges of such a tightly coupled network
gracefully. Second, the Log(G)P models for parallel computation are examined and
it is shown that they do not give a usable definition of the overhead or latency
parameters for protocols whose overhead is O(message size)–instead, the P-LogP
model is used to characterize the protocol and for comparisons to the TCP/IP
protocol suite. Last, it is demonstrated that the protocol gives usable results with
real-world scientific applications.
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Aplicación de LEAN PROJECT MANAGEMENT en la dirección de proyecto “Implementación de una arquitectura convergente en ethernet para una planta de Galletas” / Application of lean project management in project management "implementation of a convergent architecture in ethernet for a cookie plant"Castillo Valera, Danilo, Villanueva Rodo, Alexis, Román Velásquez, Anthony Carlos, Pool Córdova, Harold Alfredo 14 December 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad es muy común ver empresas del sector industrial de alimentos y bebidas que cuentan con un área que se dedica a dirigir y ejecutar proyectos que generen valor para los accionistas, sin embargo, son muy pocas las organizaciones y contratistas que establecen una metodología adecuada que garantice el cumplimiento de los objetivos de cada uno de los proyectos sin ocasionar sobrecostos, entregas fuera de tiempo, insatisfacción de los interesados, entre otros aspectos. Por este motivo, el trabajo desarrollado a continuación tiene como finalidad evidenciar que la implementación de estándares y buenas prácticas recomendadas en la guía del PMBOK ®️ 6ta edición y la filosofía LEAN resultan beneficiosas, ya que pueden maximizar la rentabilidad de los proyectos, reducir costos por procesos que no agregan valor y mejorar la satisfacción de los interesados. Para esto, se presentará cómo se llevó a cabo la dirección de proyectos de automatización industrial “Industria 4.0” denominado “Implementación de una arquitectura convergente en ethernet en una planta de galletas” desarrollado por la empresa C&C Corporation para su cliente Galletas S.A. / Nowadays it is very common to see companies in the food and beverage industry that have an area that is dedicated to directing and executing projects that generate value for the shareholders. However, are very few organizations and contractors that stablish an adequate methodology that guarantees compliance with the objectives of each project without causing cost overruns, late deliveries, dissatisfaction of the interested parties, among other aspects. For this reason, work developed below has the application to demonstrate that the implementation of methods and good practices recommended in the PMBOK ®️ 6th edition guide and the LEAN philosophy has benefits, since you can maximize the profitability of projects, reduce costs for processes that do not add value and improve the satisfaction of the stakeholder. For this, it will be presented how the project management of industrial automatization “Industry 4.0” will be applied to the project “Implementation of an architecture convergent in ethernet in a Cookie plant” developed by the company C&C Corporation for its client Cookies S.A. / Trabajo de investigación
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Get In Sync With TSN : A Study of Partially Synchronized TSN NetworksJohansson, Andreas Johansson January 2022 (has links)
Automotive and industrial embedded systems are increasingly dependent on real-time capabilities. TSN aims to offer flexibility of the traffic by providing Ethernet with hard and soft real-time capabilities which allows for integration with other protocols in legacy systems. TSN requires the network to be fully synchronized to achieve high performance. However, there are cases where legacy systems are not able to synchronize with TSN. These systems might nonetheless be able to synchronize with each other through their legacy synchronization mechanisms. In this thesis, we have investigated effects in terms of jitter and clock drift in endpoints by synchronizing them with each other and passing communication through an unsynchronized intermediary TSN switch. Our results revealed that with the introduction of TSN, jitter was reduced, while clock drift between endpoints and the TSN switch was introduced. The results show that negative clock drift leads to packets missing their scheduled TSN windows and positive drift leads to packets being dropped in the switch buffer queues. We proposed two solutions in order to manage the experienced clock drift. In one solution we statically changed the switch cycle, and in the other, we let the receiver node dynamically update the sending period in the sender node. In the static solution, the clock drift was reduced from negative eight microseconds per second to two nanoseconds per second. In the dynamic solution, a packet error rate of one per 100 seconds was reduced to zero errors in 19 hours.
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