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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mudanças contábeis e reações do mercado na implantação compulsória do IFRS no setor bancário brasileiro / Accounting changes and market reactions in the compulsory implementation of IFRS in the Brazilian banking sector

Armando Lopes Dias da Fé Júnior 21 October 2013 (has links)
Desde 2010, os bancos brasileiros são obrigados a publicar suas demonstrações financeiras anuais consolidadas em dois padrões contábeis diferentes, COSIF e IFRS. Este estudo buscou conhecer e apontar impactos do peculiar processo de adoção dos bancos brasileiros ao IFRS, tanto sob o ponto de vista de quem fornece as informações, quanto dos investidores. Para tanto, buscou-se inicialmente conhecer a população brasileira de bancos e quais as mudanças divulgadas em suas demonstrações financeiras. Por meio de uma análise comparativa das demonstrações financeiras, foram encontradas diferenças entre os valores publicados em praticamente todas as contas das DREs das instituições e com uma aparente independência entre as decisões de reclassificação uma vez que ocorreram em amplitudes e sentidos diferentes. Por meio de uma amostra de 16 bancos, observou-se que o Lucro Líquido apresentado em IFRS foi menor em nove e o Patrimônio Líquido aumentou em 14 bancos. Pela ótica dosinvestidores (usuários externos da informação) o impacto foi mensurado por meio de variações de valor de mercado e de um estudo de evento. Os resultados do estudo de evento evidenciaram a existência de retornos anormais acumulados (CAR) entre -16,9% e +12,5%, sugerindo que a adoção de IFRS foi Value Relevant. O relacionamento entre as variáveis foi obtido por meio de uma matriz de correlações de Spearman e indica que o mercado reagiu em sentido inverso ao risco, com correlação de -0,89. A reação do mercado foi mensurada pelo CAR e o risco pelos betas. Esta correlação fornece indícios de que o mercado reagiu mais negativamente a instituições de maior risco. Logo, pode-se supor que o novo padrão contábil apresentou informações que podem ter aumentado a percepção dos investidores ao risco. / Since 2010, Brazilian banks are required to publish their consolidated financial statements in accounting standards: IFRS and COSIF. This study aims to know and point impacts of particular adoption process of Brazilian banks to IFRS, both from the point of view of who provides the information and investors. It sought to know the population of Brazilian banks and the changes disclosed in its financial statements. The results showed differences between the values published in all accounts of Income Statement, in all institutions, with rare exceptions, and an apparent independence of the reclassification decisions as they occurred in different directions and amplitudes. Given a sample of 16 banks, net income presented in accordance with IFRS was lower in nine and equity increased by 14. From the standpoint of investors (external users of information) impact was measured through changes in market value and an event study. The results of the event study indicated the existence of cumulative abnormal returns between -16.9% and +12.5%, suggesting evidence that the adoption of IFRS was Value Relevant. The relationship between variables was obtained from a matrix of Spearman and showed evidence that the market reacted to the risk in reverse, with a correlation of -0.89. Market reaction was measured by the CAR and risk betas. This correlation points to evidence that the market reacted more negatively the greater the risk, where one can assume that the new accounting standard may have increased investors\' perception of risk.

An Event Study to understand the Varied Response of Demonetization on the Indian Stock Exchange

Biyani, Abhishek 01 January 2018 (has links)
On the 8th of November, 2016, Prime Minister Modi declared all Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes in circulation, constituting 86% of the currency, to be illegal tender for transactions. All the currency had to be deposited into bank accounts, and new notes would be issued. Amounts deposited over Rs. 250,000 (approx. USD 4000) would face tax scrutiny. The reasoning given for this was to curb corruption, terrorism financing and counterfeiting. This led to a scramble in the economy, giving rise to many dubious schemes for evading the consequences of this policy. There was a significant loss in income for people, however, they were willing to bear the short term pain, in the promise of medium to long term gain. Economists and political thinkers are divided on the merits of this matter. We tested the varied effect of demonetization on the Indian economy by examining the returns of the National Stock Exchange using the Event Study Methodology in the immediate period following demonetization. We found a statistically significant decline in consumption sectors. This was largely driven by decline in the ability to spend. Public Sector Banks (PSBs) saw huge positive abnormal returns, while the Private Banks recorded a lagged negative effect. This may be because the PSBs were riddled with NPAs and in dire need of liquidity, or because of the market’s differentiated perception of corruption within these portfolios. We also find State-Owned Companies to benefit from the announcement.

Análise comparativa dos modelos de cálculo dos retornos anormais utilizando o evento recompra de ações na Bovespa / Comparative analysis of models for calculating abnormal returns using the event on the Bovespa stock buyback

Deborah de Souza Neves Gratz 17 March 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo verificar se há diferença quanto ao nível de significância estatística no cálculo do retorno anormal realizado através de quatro modelos estatísticos utilizados em estudos de eventos, tendo como objeto de estudo empresas no mercado de ações no Brasil durante o período de março de 2003 até julho de 2010 na Bovespa. Considerando a importância do cálculo do retorno anormal nos estudos de eventos, bem como possíveis variações de resultados decorrentes da escolha do modelo de cálculo, este estudo utiliza um tema bastante conhecido, qual seja, o anúncio de recompra de ações feito pela própria companhia emissora dos títulos. A metodologia utilizada nesta pesquisa foi quantitativa, utilizando o estudo de corte transversal. Os resultados apontam que há diferença entre os níveis de significância encontrados. Ao analisar o gráfico dos modelos calculados no período da janela do evento, verificou-se que as empresas que recompraram ações a fizeram quando os papéis estavam com retorno anormal acumulado negativo e, após a recompra, os papéis tiveram retornos anormais acumulados positivos. Recalculou-se os dois modelos que utilizam o Ibovespa em sua fórmula de cálculo, através de um Ibovespa sem ponderação e conclui-se que os resultados apontam na direção de se evitar o uso de índices ponderados de mercado, preferindo a utilização de carteiras compostas apenas com uma ação para cada empresa componente da carteira de controle. Após este recálculo, verificou-se que o modelo que era menos próximo dos demais graficamente era o modelo de retorno ajustado ao mercado ponderado. Por fim, as evidências empíricas indicam que o mercado de capitais brasileiro ajusta tempestivamente os papéis das empresas que realizaram recompra de ações, em linha com o que prescreve a hipótese do mercado eficiente na sua forma semiforte. / The objetive of this study is to verify if there is any difference regarding the statistical significance level on the abnormal return calculation done through four statistical models used in event studies, having as the study object companies negotiated on the Bovespa Stock Exchange from March 2003 to July 2010. Considering the abnormal return calculation relevance in event studies, as well as the possible variations of results due to the calculation model of choice, this study uses an overly known theme, the stock repurchase announcement done by the own company. The methodology used in this research was quantitative, using the transversal cut study. The results demonstrated that there is difference among the significance levels found. When analyzing the graphs of the calculated models on the event window period, it was verified that the companies that repurchased the stocks done so when their shares were with abnormal accumulated negative returns and, after repurchasing, the shares had abnormal accumulated positive returns. The two models that uses the Ibovespa in its calculation formulae were recalculated, through an non-weighted Ibovespa and the conclusion pointed by the results is that the use of weighted market indexes must be avoided, giving preference to the use of portfolios composed by one share for each company that is comprised in the control portfolio. After this recalculation, it was verified that the models using the weighted market return models were graphically distant from all the other models. Lastly, the empirical evidences have demonstrated that the Brazilian capital market adjusts in a timely manner the shares of the companies that undergone the repurchase of their stocks, in line with what is expected by the efficient market hypothesis on its semi-strong form.

Estudo exploratório sobre os motivos que levam as empresas a recomprarem suas próprias ações / Exploratory study on the reasons that lead companies to buy back its own shares

Márcia Rodrigues Silva 16 March 2011 (has links)
Através de estudo de evento este trabalho analisa o impacto provocado pelo anúncio de recompra de ações sobre os seus próprios preços, utilizando como referência, as empresas que anunciaram aquisição de ações de sua emissão, através de publicação de fato relevante na Comissão de Valores Mobiliário (CVM), nos exercícios de 2003 a 2009. O estudo pressupõe eficiência de mercado na sua forma semi-forte e identifica retorno anormal, estatisticamente significativo na data um do evento, ou seja, um dia após o anúncio. Os retornos acumulados de três dias são regredidos contra dados da recompra e os resultados reforçam a hipótese de sinalização, já sugerida pela análise do gráfico do retorno anormal acumulado, com os retornos indicando alta decorrente de pressão de preços. Os modelos de regressão utilizados, incluindo variáveis contábeis associadas a outras hipóteses explicativas, não encontram resultados significativos que dêem suporte a outras possíveis motivações propostas na literatura acadêmica. / Through event study this study examines the impact caused by the announcement of share repurchases on its own prices, using as reference, the companies announced the acquisition of shares issued through the publication of material fact in the Securities Exchanges Commission (CVM) in the years 2003 to 2009. The study assumes market efficiency in its semi-strong and identifies abnormal return is statistically significant at the time of an event, one day after the announcement. The cumulative returns for three days are regressed against the repurchase data and findings support the signaling hypothesis, already suggested by the analysis of the graph of cumulative abnormal return, with returns showing high due to price pressure. The regression models used, including accounting variables associated with other hypothes s, there are significant results that support other possible motives proposed in academic literature.

AnÃlise das decisÃes do CADE com uso de estudos de eventos / CADE's decisions of the analysis using event studies

Pedro Rafael Lopes Fernandes 29 May 2014 (has links)
nÃo hà / The purpose of this research is evaluate CADEâs decisions about the mergers Santander à Real (2007), Itaà à Unibanco (2008), Gol à Webjet (2011) e Trip à Azul (2012), using the event study methodology. This methodology proposed by Eckbo (1983) lies on market efficiencyâs hypothesis which says the market value of a firm reflects the present value of its expected cash flow. Hereupon, Eckbo (1983) argues that anticompetitive mergers are good also for rivals of the merging firms. Since the price increases of merging firms also enables rivals to increase their own price. So, if the market assess the merger as anticompetitive, the rival firmâs stocks will increase with the announcement of this transaction. The results demonstrate a high level of efficiency of CADEâs decisions. / O objetivo deste trabalho à avaliar decisÃes tomadas pelo CADE relacionadas Ãs fusÃes Santander à Real (2007), Itaà à Unibanco (2008), Gol à Webjet (2011) e Trip à Azul (2012) utilizando a metodologia de estudos de eventos. Esta metodologia proposta por Eckbo (1983) reside na hipÃtese de eficiÃncia do mercado de aÃÃes que nos diz que o valor de mercado de uma firma reflete o valor presente de seu fluxo de caixa esperado. Dito isto, Eckbo (1983) argumenta que fusÃes anticompetitivas sÃo boas nÃo apenas para as merging firms, mas tambÃm para suas rivais, pois, uma elevaÃÃo nos preÃos da nova firma permite que as rivais elevem tambÃm o preÃo de seus produtos. Se o mercado financeiro à eficiente e avalia que uma determinada fusÃo serà anticompetitiva, à sinalizado como resposta ao anÃncio desta fusÃo uma elevaÃÃo no valor das das aÃÃes das empresas rivais. A metodologia de estudos de eventos demonstrou que o CADE vem atingindo um elevado nÃvel de eficiÃncia em suas decisÃes.

Reação do mercado acionário brasileiro ao grupamento de ações

Comiran, Fernando Heineck January 2009 (has links)
Eventos puramente cosméticos como o desdobramento ou grupamento de ações não deveriam gerar modificações no preço de mercado das empresas que realizaram tais operações. Porém, inúmeros estudos realizados nos mercados internacionais indicam que existem retornos anormais no preço das ações para tais eventos. Foi verificada a reação do mercado brasileiro aos grupamentos de ações que ocorreram entre 1986 e 2007 através do método de estudo de eventos. Os resultados indicam que não há retorno anormal nos preços das ações e que o evento possui efeitos puramente cosméticos no mercado acionário brasileiro, divergindo dos estudos realizados ao redor do mundo, predominantemente no mercado americano. Tal fato pode ocorrer pelas diferenças institucionais entre os dois países. / Purely cosmetic events such as the split or inplits should not generate changes in market prices of companies that performed such operations. However, numerous studies in international markets indicate that there are abnormal returns in the stock price for such events. It was found that the reaction of the Brazilian market to groups of actions that occurred between 1986 and 2007 by the method of study events. The results indicate that there are no abnormal returns in stock prices for these events in the national market. These results indicate that the event is purely cosmetic in the Brazilian equity market which differs from studies conducted in other markets, but predominantly in the U.S. market, and this fact can occur by the difference in institutional settings between the two countries.

Intangible Costs of Data Breach Events

Sinanaj, Griselda 17 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.

An Empirical Assessment of the 2004 EU Merger Policy Reform

Duso, Tomaso, Gugler, Klaus, Szücs, Florian 21 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Based on a database of 368 merger cases scrutinized by the European Commission (EC) between 1990 and 2007, we evaluate the economic impact of the change in European merger legislation in 2004. We propose a general framework to assess merger policy effectiveness, focusing on four different policy dimensions: 1) predictability, 2) decision errors, 3) reversion of anti-competitive rents, and 4) deterrence. We compare the results before and after the reform, finding that the "more economic approach" resulted in improved ex-ante predictability of decisions and a reduction of the frequency of type I errors. Merger policy enforcement deters anti-competitive mergers without over-deterring pro-competitive transactions. Yet, the policy shift away from prohibitions, which are effective as a policy tool and as a deterrence mechanism, does not seem to be well grounded. (authors' abstract)

Vliv medializovaných událostí na ceny akcií fotbalových klubů / The influence of publicized events on price of football teams

Matoušek, Roman January 2014 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the influence of publicized events on stock price of football teams. For this, event study method and regression model was used. Publicized events were significant win in competitions or corruption scandal in Italian football. This thesis found out, that some events influence investor behavior, for example corruption scandal in Italian football or FC Porto win in Champions league final. Efficient market hypothesis was not disprove. Furthermore, it was found that fans -- investors respond to the results of his team, especially surprising wins and goal difference. Higher volume of stocks is traded in the season than out of season.

Ekonómia dopingu v cyklistike: Dopingové kauzy a ich vplyv na hodnotu akcií sponzorov / Economy of doping in cycling: Doping cases and their impact on market value of sponsors

Cihan, Maroš January 2013 (has links)
The main goal of the paper was the impact of negative events, in our case doping cases, on sponsors of cycling teams and riders. It also discuss view of spectators and fans on doping and sponsorship. As a method it's used an event study, which measure the impact of event on market value of firms in time of the event. In the paper are built three models, which analyse different doping cases and their impact on sponsors firms. All three models didn't show significant negative impact on market value of sponzoring firms.

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