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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação de dois métodos de diagnóstico precoce de gestação em ovelhas: ultra-sonografia transretal e detector de prenhez para pequenos ruminantes (DPPR-80 ®) / Evaluation of two methods for early pregnancy diagnosis in ewe: transrectal ultrasonography and pregnancy detector for small ruminant (DPPR-80®)

Claudia Veronica Calamari Calamari 12 December 2001 (has links)
No período de março a maio de 2001, foram realizados os exames ultra-sonográficos em 88 ovelhas do Núcleo de Pesquisas Zootécnicas Sudoeste - Instituto de Zootecnia. Os animais foram examinados entre o 19°. e 33°. dia de gestação pela ultra-sonografia transretal com exames executados em dias alternados, e do 25°. ao 45°. dia pelo detector de prenhez para pequenos ruminantes (DPPR-80®). O diagnóstico foi considerado positivo pela ultra-sonografia transretal através da visualização do saco gestacional e embrião. Após o 25°. dia de gestação foi observado também o batimento cardíaco. Pelo detector de prenhez, a auscultação do batimento cardíaco embrionário, cuja freqüência é de 160 a 200 batimentos por minuto, foi dado como diagnóstico de gestação positivo. Dentre 88 fêmeas acasaladas, 3 abortaram durante o experimento e foram retiradas do grupo. Das 85 fêmeas restantes, 64 pariram. O diagnóstico de prenhez através da ultra-sonografia transretal apresentou 35,29% de acurácia no 19°.dia de gestação, culminando em 82,35% no 31°. dia de gestação. Pelo detector de prenhez, a acurácia foi de 24,71% no 25°.dia de gestação e 34,12% no 45°. dia. Foi possível visualizar os batimentos cardíacos do embrião pela ultra-sonografia transretal à partir do 21°. dia de gestação e os primeiros placentomas foram observados ao redor do 25°. dia de gestação. A ultra-sonografia transretal mostrou-se um método superior ao detector de prenhez para pequenos ruminantes, para diagnóstico precoce de gestação em ovelhas. / Ultrasonography was performed in 88 ewes from Núcleo de Pesquisas Zootécnicas Sudoeste - Instituto de Zootecnia, São Paulo state, from march to may, 2001. Animais were examined from 19°. to 33°. days of pregnancy by transrectal ultrasonography in alternate days examinations, and by pregnancy detector for small ruminants (DPPR-80®) from 25°. to 45°. day. Positive diagnostic by transrectal ultrasonography was obtained after yolk sac visualization. The embryo heartbeat was observed after 25 day of pregnancy. The positive diagnostic was obtained by pregnancy detector when embrionic heart rate was 160 to 200 beats/minute. Births confirmed the examinations. Three abortions occurred during the experiment and these females were excluded from the group. From 85 ewes examined, 64 lambed. The transrectal ultrasonography accuracy in 19°. day of pregnancy was 35,29%, with higher rate (82,53%) in 31°. day. The doppler accuracy in 25°. day was 24,71% and 34,12% in 45°. day. Embryo heartbeat was detected by transrectal ultrasonography after 21 days of pregnancy and the first placentoms were observed after 25 days of pregnancy. In conclusion, transrectal ultrasonography was better than doppler in early pregnancy diagnosis in sheep.

Avaliação de dois métodos de diagnóstico precoce de gestação em ovelhas: ultra-sonografia transretal e detector de prenhez para pequenos ruminantes (DPPR-80 ®) / Evaluation of two methods for early pregnancy diagnosis in ewe: transrectal ultrasonography and pregnancy detector for small ruminant (DPPR-80®)

Calamari, Claudia Veronica Calamari 12 December 2001 (has links)
No período de março a maio de 2001, foram realizados os exames ultra-sonográficos em 88 ovelhas do Núcleo de Pesquisas Zootécnicas Sudoeste - Instituto de Zootecnia. Os animais foram examinados entre o 19°. e 33°. dia de gestação pela ultra-sonografia transretal com exames executados em dias alternados, e do 25°. ao 45°. dia pelo detector de prenhez para pequenos ruminantes (DPPR-80®). O diagnóstico foi considerado positivo pela ultra-sonografia transretal através da visualização do saco gestacional e embrião. Após o 25°. dia de gestação foi observado também o batimento cardíaco. Pelo detector de prenhez, a auscultação do batimento cardíaco embrionário, cuja freqüência é de 160 a 200 batimentos por minuto, foi dado como diagnóstico de gestação positivo. Dentre 88 fêmeas acasaladas, 3 abortaram durante o experimento e foram retiradas do grupo. Das 85 fêmeas restantes, 64 pariram. O diagnóstico de prenhez através da ultra-sonografia transretal apresentou 35,29% de acurácia no 19°.dia de gestação, culminando em 82,35% no 31°. dia de gestação. Pelo detector de prenhez, a acurácia foi de 24,71% no 25°.dia de gestação e 34,12% no 45°. dia. Foi possível visualizar os batimentos cardíacos do embrião pela ultra-sonografia transretal à partir do 21°. dia de gestação e os primeiros placentomas foram observados ao redor do 25°. dia de gestação. A ultra-sonografia transretal mostrou-se um método superior ao detector de prenhez para pequenos ruminantes, para diagnóstico precoce de gestação em ovelhas. / Ultrasonography was performed in 88 ewes from Núcleo de Pesquisas Zootécnicas Sudoeste - Instituto de Zootecnia, São Paulo state, from march to may, 2001. Animais were examined from 19°. to 33°. days of pregnancy by transrectal ultrasonography in alternate days examinations, and by pregnancy detector for small ruminants (DPPR-80®) from 25°. to 45°. day. Positive diagnostic by transrectal ultrasonography was obtained after yolk sac visualization. The embryo heartbeat was observed after 25 day of pregnancy. The positive diagnostic was obtained by pregnancy detector when embrionic heart rate was 160 to 200 beats/minute. Births confirmed the examinations. Three abortions occurred during the experiment and these females were excluded from the group. From 85 ewes examined, 64 lambed. The transrectal ultrasonography accuracy in 19°. day of pregnancy was 35,29%, with higher rate (82,53%) in 31°. day. The doppler accuracy in 25°. day was 24,71% and 34,12% in 45°. day. Embryo heartbeat was detected by transrectal ultrasonography after 21 days of pregnancy and the first placentoms were observed after 25 days of pregnancy. In conclusion, transrectal ultrasonography was better than doppler in early pregnancy diagnosis in sheep.

Estudo comparativo do perfil metabólico e hormonal de ovelhas com gestação única, gemelar e não gestantes alimentadas com dieta de alta densidade energética / Comparative study of hormonal and metabolic profile of pregnant ewes carrying one, multiple or no pregnant fed high density energetic diet

Araujo, Carolina Akiko Sato Cabral de 27 January 2010 (has links)
Paralelamente ao aumento da criação intensiva de ovinos há o aumento da ocorrência de doenças metabólicas, dentre elas a Toxemia da Prenhez. Embora existam estudos envolvendo esta enfermidade, ainda pouco se sabe sobre a etiologia da mesma. O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar o perfil metabólico e hormonal de ovelhas vazias, gestando um, dois e três fetos, alimentadas com dieta de alta densidade energética durante toda a gestação. 42 ovelhas foram divididas em três grupos experimentais, G3 (prenhes de 3 fetos), G2 (prenhes de 2 fetos), G1 (prenhes de 1 feto) e G0 (não gestantes) As avaliações iniciaram ao 60º dia pós-cobertura e a cada 14 dias até o primeiro mês pós-parto. Pretende-se encontrar, dentre as variáveis analisadas, colesterol, triglicérides, uréia, creatinina, albumina, proteínas totais, globulina, glicose, AGLs, BHB, AST, GGT, glucagon, insulina, cortisol, T3 e T4 e pesquisa de corpos cetônicos qual a indicadora mais precoce de distúrbio metabólico durante a gestação.Foi encontrada diminuição das concentrações de glicose, de uréia, creatinina, proteína total, globulina e albumina nos momentos referentes ao terço médio de gestação (M2 e M3) e aumento das concentrações de AGLs, T3 e T4 séricos no terço final de gestação (M6) nos grupos de ovelhas gestantes G3, G2 e G1 feto em relação ao grupo de ovelhas não gestantes. As ovelhas que apresentaram comprometimento com sua prole ao final da gestação e que apresentaram sinais clássicos da TP apresentaram aumento dos índices protéicos no M3, aumento dos teores de AGLs, BHB, creatinina e T4 no M6. AGLs e BHB mostraram-se melhores e mais precoces indicadores que a glicose, no que se refere a alteração do metabolismo energético de ovelhas prenhes no terço final de gestação. As variáveis protéicas mostraram-se indicadores importantes no perfil comparativo entre ovelhas gestantes e não gestantes e quanto a alteração do metabolismo que se instala em fêmeas que apresentaram comprometimento. Nestas, foi constatado diminuição do metabolismo refletidas pelas baixas concentrações dos hormônios T3 e T4. As demais variáveis hormonais não apresentaram diferenças notáveis no estudo comparativo entre os perfis. O presente estudo permitiu a comparação do perfil metabólico e perfil hormonal entre ovelhas prenhes de um, dois, três fetos e ovelhas vazias. Permitiu a identificação de algumas alterações destes perfis entre ovelhas que não apresentaram comprometimento com as que apresentaram comprometimento ao final da gestação, no entanto, numero maior de animais comprometidos são necessários na pesquisa das variáveis preditoras do distúrbio metabólico e nutricional relacionado à TP. / Pregnancy Toxemia (PT) is a metabolic disease that commonly affects pregnant ewes and does during late gestation. The intensive management conditions provided to ewes herds in the last decades, cause impairment on the occurrence of this disease. The mainly cause that starts the metabolic disturbance involved in PT is not already established. The aim of this study is to evaluate the metabolic and hormonal profile of pregnant ewes with one, two, three and non gestating ewes fed a high density energetic diet during the period of gestation. 42 Santa Ines sheep breeding were divided in four experimental groups, G3 (pregnant of 3 lambs); G2 (pregnant of 2 lambs); G1 (pregnant of 1 lamb); G0 (non gestating). The study started on 60º day of pregnancy and repeated after fourteen days until the first month after parity. We collected and analyzed blood serum and plasma samples and urine samples. We determined the concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, creatinin, albumin, globulin, total protein, glucose, nonsterified fatty acids (NEFA), β hidroxibutyrate (BHB), AST, GGT, glucagon, insulin, cortisol, T3, T4 and BHB urines. The aim is to find, which one of these will be the earliest marked sign to predict the occurrence of PT. According to the results of this experiment, we conclude that plasma NEFA and plasma BHB, showed be the mainly energetic indicators related to energetic status in late gestating ewes and non gestating ones. The protein variables showed be very useful in prediction protein status of breed and prediction any metabolism change in affected ewes. The hormonal analyses didnt show much usefulness in the prediction of metabolic or hormonal change between the four groups or in relation of affected gestating ewes.The present study allowed the comparison of metabolic and hormonal profile of pregnant ewes of three, two, one and non gestating ewes. Allowed the identification of some changes of these profiles between them and related to affected ones, however a bigger number of animals should be necessarily in the search on predicted variables in the disturbance related to PT.

Nitrogen and Energy Budgets of Production Ewes on Summer Range in Southwestern Utah

Halpop, John W. 01 May 1988 (has links)
Nitrogen (N) and energy budgets for free-roaming ewes were quantified on mountain summer range in southwestern Utah in 1986 and 1987. Diet quality (%N), in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD), and energy were estimated with the use of five esophageally fistulated ewes. Excretion rates of N and energy to feces and urine were measured by total collection from five nonfistualted ewes. Total intake N(gN/(MBW*d-1) tracked intraseasonal changes of dietary N percent but was apparently buffered by fluctuations in dry matter intake. In each year, total urine N was closely related to dietary N concentration, r2=0.97 (1986) and r2=0.89 (1987). Total N excreted via feces varied as a function of dry matter output rather than fecal N concentration. Consumption of gross energy (GE) paralleled dry matter intake in both years of the study, r2=.99. Fecal energy excretion (kcal/(MBW*d-1) was associated with dry matter output while urine energy varied with little amplitude across both grazing seasons. In both years, absolute values for metabolizable energy (ME) and nitrogen balance indicated that the sheep were in a positive nutritional state throughout the grazing season. ME levels calculated by difference were consistently higher than when determined by DE X 0.82, since the gaseous products of fermentation were not accounted for in difference determinations. Ratios of estimated intake versus maintenance levels of nitrogen and energy were calculated for each grazing season under study. The data suggest that in 1986, N was relatively more limiting in early summer, while energy was relatively more limiting at the end of the season. Digestible organic matter intake appeared to be below maintenance requirements in September, 1986. In 1987, relative amounts of both nutrients paralleled each other throughout the grazing season and were above maintenance, with the exception of the September trial when both nitrogen and energy were below calculated maintenance levels.

Endocrine correlates of fecundity in the ewe

Ralph, Meredith Margaret. January 1984 (has links) (PDF)
Bibliography: leaves 182-210.

The role of retrochiasmatic neurons in seasonal breeding in the ewe

Hardy, Steven L. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--West Virginia University, 2003. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains vi, 187 p. : ill. (some col.). Vita. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 156-183).


Simpson, Melinda Mallory 01 January 2011 (has links)
Two studies were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of using copper sulfate (CuSO4) as a drench in Hampshire ewes to control stomach worms (Haemonchus contortus). A study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of CuSO4 to control gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) over a three year period. Ewes were FAMACHA scored, hematocrit evaluated for packed cell volume (PCV), and fecal egg counts (FEC) were determined from 2007 through 2009. Ewes received only CuSO4 to control GIN. Ewes with FEC exceeding 6,000 eggs/g feces were drenched. A separate study during the summer of 2008 assessed the potential of CuSO4 drench to cause copper toxicity in Hampshire ewes. Eighty-four ewes were blocked to one of two treatments according to parity and balanced for FEC. One group received CuSO4 (D) and the other was not drenched (ND). Jugular blood samples were collected at pre-determined intervals after CuSO4 was administered to D ewes. Serum was analyzed for aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and creatine kinase (CK). Elevated serum levels indicate copper toxicity. Results suggest CuSO4 has the potential to control stomach worms in Hampshire ewes without causing copper toxicity.

The following (walking) ability of the neonatal lamb / by Kwame Oppong-Anane. / Walking ability of the neonatal lamb / Study of the behavioural, metabolic and physiological responses of the neonatal lamb to walking

Oppong-Anane, Kwame January 1991 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 276-2970. / xiii, 297 leaves : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Investigations presented involve 18 hour to 5 day old South Australian merino lambs. Some twin lambs were available for comparative studies. Examines the relationship between the strength of ewe-lamb bond and the lamb's ability to follow the mother, the energy availability and usage in the lamb, particularly for locomotion, and the metabolic and cardiorespiratory responses to locomotion. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Animal Sciences, 1992

Endocrine correlates of fecundity in the ewe / by Meredith Margaret Ralph

Ralph, Meredith Margaret January 1984 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 182-210 / vii, 210 leaves : ill ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Adelaide, 1985

The regulation of the timing of melatonin secretion in the sheep /

Earl, Colin R. January 1989 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Animal Sciences, 1991? / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 166-195).

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