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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Untersuchungen von Cyrillic 2.13 zur Abschätzung der Mutations- und Erkrankungswahrscheinlichkeit bei erblichem Mamma- und Ovarialkarzinom / Examinations of Cyrillic 2.13 for the Estimation of Mutationrate and the likeliness of disease in hereditary breast- and ovarian cancer

Meyer, Johanna January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wird anhand eines Würzburger Studienkollektivs von erblich an Brust-und Ovarialkrebs Erkrankten, das 150 Ratsuchende umfasst, das Risikokalkulationsprogramm Cyrillic 2.13 zur Abschätzung von Mutations- und Erkrankungswahrscheinlichkeiten bei erblichem Brust- und Ovarialkrebs untersucht. Es werden die vom Programm berechneten Mutationswahrscheinlichkeiten mit dem tatsächlichen Mutationsstatus der Probanden verglichen. Außerdem werden Stammbäume der Probanden auf Angehörige 1. und 2. Generation gekürzt, um zu untersuchen, ob dies die errechneten Ergebnisse beeinflusst. Es zeigt sich hierbei jedoch kein signifikanter Unterschied. / The risk calculating programme Cyrillic 2.13 for the likeliness of developing hereditary breast- and ovarian cancer is being examined in 150 Probands of Würzburg who had already been tested for mutations in brca -genes. It was known whether they had or did not have a mutation. The results are being compared to those calculated by Cyrillic 2.13 depending on their pedegree. The probands' pedigrees then were reduced to only first- and second degree relatives in order to figure out whether there is an influence on the calculated mutation rate or not. The results show, that there is no significant difference between the mutation rates offered by the programme compared to those tested for the probands.

The Study on Integration Strategy of Medical Device Industry in Taiwan ¡V The Case of the Joint Venture Project between Excelsior and Sinopharm

Wang, Kuan-Ju 30 July 2012 (has links)
Up to date, the biggest challenge of Taiwan¡¦s medical device industry is that the major market was occupied by international companies which directly hold the research and development, manufacture and selling. In addition, the medical devices have the properties in producing few products with diverse forms, research and development with complicating technology and high threshold in the application of product license. As the domestic market in Taiwan is quite small, small and medium-sized enterprises are the mainscales of Enterprises' Operating Capacity here. The chosen of joint venture of two enterprises through strategic cooperation may be one solution to survive in such ecology and play their good in order to create the core value supporting the goal of sustainability for business management. According to the policy considerations, the biotechnology and medical treatment industry are as the important issue in ECFA agreement between Taiwan and mainland China in 2010. All together, there are hundreds and thousands of opportunities for merger, acquisitions and strategic alliance within this industyin the foreseeable future. This study was based on the study case of the 32-years-old Excelsior. It began with dialysis market-oriented industry and then branched out into all the medical equipment industry. Through strategic co-operation, it expanded to become a medical integration platform providing services regarding to comprehensive roles from trade to hospital management. It accommodates the full range of downstream applications for Medical Engineering Services, Pharmaceutical warehousing and logistics, Procurement and supply, and health care management. Although the Excelsior has been to China ten years ago, it fails to succeed and returns back. In 2011, Excelsior makes the joining venture cooperates with the biggest pharmaceutic distributor in China, Sinopharm focuses on four major medicalterritory that are dialysis, medical cosmetic, dentistry and health-check, and approaches the 5000 billion market in Health-Care-Reform offered by the 12th-Five year-plan of China. However, this time it attempts a come back to become the most valuable of the integrated medical and health industry in Asia. Through study on the history and outcome of joining venture between Excelsior and Sinopharm in the field of medical device industry, this thesis addresses factors that will affect business innovation integrated and product line expression. Through studying the case of Excelsior on its background, history of Strategic cooperation¡B integrated product line¡Bfinancial management and experience of success or failure in the past may provide the reference for the development of Taiwan medical device industry.

Srovnání vybraných vlastností dřeva jasanu ze dvou odlišných vegetačních stupňů

Štěpán, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Monitoring výskytu a bionomie Chalara fraxinea na polesí Bílovice nad Svitavou

Novosadová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

South African satire : a study of Zakes Mda's The Madonna of Excelsior

Van Vuuren, Sonja 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis analyses Zakes Mda’s The Madonna of Excelsior from three different points of view, namely post-colonial, feminist and satirical. The latter constitutes the main interpretation of the novel and serves as a link with the other two discourses – the key argument being that satire is not a solipsistic form of art, and thus a satirical text should not be considered on its own, but should rather be interpreted in conjunction with other cultural discourses. This thesis is of the opinion that one needs all three of the named viewpoints in order to fully comprehend and appreciate the depth of Mda’s satire and his comments on South African society. His novel contains several candid comments on the political situation of South Africa in both the apartheid and the democratic eras, and his tongue-in-cheek observations force the reader to consider his novel from a political and a satirical angle. As apartheid is a form of colonialism and South Africa carries several scars from colonial times (such as diasporic conditions and multi-cultural identity crises, to name a few of those discussed), this thesis analyses Mda’s political commentary in terms of post-colonial discourse. Due to Mda’s use of female protagonists, this thesis also considers a feminist interpretation as necessary for a better understanding of the novel: through the use of feminist discourse, the violence that is committed against some of the female characters in the novel is interpreted as a way of enforcing colonial power relations. Chapters two, three and four respectively each discuss one of these interpretations: post-colonial, feminist and satirical, whilst chapter one is devoted to defining the art of satire. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis analiseer Zakes Mda se The Madonna of Excelsior vanuit drie verskillende oogpunte, naamlik die postkoloniale, feministiese and satiriese. Laasgenoemde konstitueer die hoofinterpretasie van die teks, en vorm ook ‘n skakel met die ander twee diskoerse. Die hoofargument van die tesis is dat satire nie ‘n kunsvorm is wat alleen bestaan nie, en dus behoort ‘n mens nie ‘n satiriese teks in isolasie te oordink nie, maar so ‘n teks moet geïnterpreteer word in verbinding met ander diskoerse. Hierdie tesis glo dat al drie van die genoemde oogpunte noodsaaklik is om Mda se satiriese kommentaar en aanmerkings oor die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap werklik te verstaan en waardeer. Daar is etlike openhartige aanmerkings in die teks wat die politiese situasie van Suid-Afrika in beide die apartheid en die demokratiese eras aanspreek, en Mda se skertsende kommentaar dwing die leser om die teks te oordink van ‘n politiese, asook ‘n satiriese, gesigspunt. Aangesien apartheid ‘n vorm van kolonialisme is, en Suid-Afrika verskeie littekens van koloniale tye dra (soos disporas en multi-kulturele krisisse, om maar ‘n paar te noem), analiseer hierdie tesis Mda se politiese aanmerkings in terme van ‘n postkoloniale interpretasie. Mda se gebruik van vroulike hoofkarakters veroorsaak dat hierdie tesis ook a feministiese interpretasie benuttig vir ‘n betere begrip van die teks: deur die gebruik van ‘n feministiese diskoers kan ‘n mens die geweld wat teen sommige van die vroulike karakters gepleeg word sien as ‘n manier om koloniale magsverhoudinge af te dwing. Hoofstukke twee, drie en vier bespreek elk een van hierdie oogpunte: postkoloniaal, feminisme en satiere, terwyl hoofstuk een die satiriese kuns probeer definieer.

Occurrence of putative dsRNA mycoviruses in Ash Dieback Causal Agent

Čermáková, Vendula January 2014 (has links)
Thanks to environmental changes, globalization, long distance trade and plant transport, invasive organisms have become a major threat for world biodiversity and ecosystem services. Over the last 20 years, common European ash trees (Fraxinus excelsior L., Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl. etc.) have been subjected to heavy dieback and mortality because of the introduction and spread of the ascomycetous fungal pathogen Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus Queloz (syn. Chalara fraxinea Kowalski). Once the disease is established, its management is hardly possible. Therefore, one of the main objectives of European researchers is to find effective and respectful control methods, such as biological control. The discovery of viruses which reduce the virulence of the chestnut blight fungus Cryphonecria parasitica (Murr.) Barr., has intensively stimulated the research of fungal viruses as potential biological control agents (BCA). The occurrence of putative dsRNA particles in the decaying fungus H. pseudoalbidus was investigated as an important indicator of the mycoviruses' presence. In total, 106 samples of this pathogen were obtained from eight different European countries. According to the results, dsRNA segments were confirmed in 32.1 % of examined samples (two similarly sized at 2--2.5 kb and a third one of approximately 5 kb). Statistical results have revealed no significant relation between the presence of dsRNA and growth rate, colour or any other characteristic of the mycelium.

Infekční biologie Chalara fraxinea a faktory ovlivňující fruktifikaci teleomorfy Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus jako zdroje infekce nekrózy jasanu

Rozsypálek, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with ash dieback caused by pathogenic agent Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus. This pathogenic fungus has spread across the whole Europe during the last twenty years and became a serious threat for European ash populations (Fraxinus sp.). This work is mainly focused on H. fraxineus symptomatology in relation to phenology of Fraxinus excelsior L. in situ. Artificial infectious experiments were carried out and several control measures were tested. The methodology of inoculation with ascospores and methodology of evaluation of ash stands infected by H. fraxineus were designed. Outside the terms of assignment of this thesis, the speed of infection spread and mortality rate in stands of different ages were observed. One of the most interesting results is a finding that severe infection causes significant slowdown of phenological phases of F. excelsior. Infectious experiments showed high susceptibility of F. excelsior to the infection. The infection broke out in 83.7% of tested individuals. The susceptibility of F. pensylvanica and F. americana was proved to be considerably lower.

Srovnání vybraných vlastností dřeva dubu a jasanu z oblasti lužního lesa

Brauner, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Monitoring výskytu a bionomie Chalara fraxinea na polesí Městské lesy Hostinné

Meňházová, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Gene flow from planted common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) stands to old-growth forests – implications for conservation and use of genetic resources affected by ash dieback

Semizer Cuming, Devrim 02 February 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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