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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evolvability and Excess Capability as a Response to Uncertain and Future Requirements

Allen, Jeffrey Douglas 01 December 2016 (has links)
Product and system designers face many challenges in the modern world. Designing products that will be subject to emerging or uncertain requirements can be one of the most significant of these challenges. A major risk associated with emerging or uncertain requirements is premature obsolescence. Large-scale, complex engineered systems, such as, aircraft, spacecraft, large seagoing vessels, communication and power systems are especially susceptible to this issue. However, this challenge is not limited to only large-scale complex systems. Even relatively simple products can suffer from premature obsolescence and even failure to be initially accepted, due to inadequately understood or changing requirements. One approach to mitigating this challenge is to increase the product's flexibility and adaptability, thus enabling it to evolve or adapt to meet unforeseen requirements. The flexibility of a product to adapt to new or changing requirements has been shown to increase acceptance rates and reduce the risk of premature obsolescence. Methodologies to accomplish this include product family platform design, transformable product design, reconfigurable product design and modular product design. The literature presents several techniques to aid designers, such as design structure matrices (DSM), change propagation analysis, change modes and effects analysis (CMEA), metrics and guides. These techniques address the challenge by seeking to understand and manage the relationships and interfaces between functions or components within the design. While these are excellent techniques, they do not provide quantifiable functions or models for the design alternatives. Quantifiable functions and models are of value to designers, because they enable numerical design aids. Numerical optimization techniques have been shown to aid designers in efficiently determining appropriate design parameters. This dissertation identifies, analyzes and presents new techniques, which are based on designed-in excess capabilities and to which numerical optimization can be directly applied. There are four parts to the dissertation. In the first part, a technique is presented for determining the relative value of a product, which has been over-designed (excess capabilities) to address future requirements versus redesigning the product once the future requirements emerge. It is shown that in many cases the over-design approach provides greater benefit. In the second part, a numerical metric for the evolvability of a product based on excess capability is presented. An important result of this metric is that the evolvability of a product and the usability of each excess capability can be numerically determined. The third part presents a technique to design products for increased adaptability, based on optimally designed-in excess. Deterministic, and non-deterministic conditions are included in this optimization. Once a numerical model of the design is available the issue of uncertain requirements can be mitigated by directly focusing on the uncertainties. In the fourth part, a technique employing optimization and sensitivity analysis is used to systematically and efficiently guide the designer toward minimizing or eliminating the most critical uncertainties.

Faktiskt villfarelse vid rättfärdigande omständigheter (objektiva ansvarsfrihetsgrunder) : En analys av putativfiguren i svensk straffrätt

Gustafsson, Dennis January 2012 (has links)
I denna uppsats behandlas faktisk villfarelse vid rättfärdigande omständigheter (objektiva ansvarsfrihetsgrunder), så kallade putativsituationer. Konsekvenserna som följer av att den tilltalade har missuppfattat en situation och fått en felaktig verklighetsbild är det primära i framställningen. Konsekvenserna analyseras ur ett teoretiskt och ett praktiskt perspektiv. Tillämpningsmetodik och problematik har ägnats betydande utrymme och utgör kärnan i uppsatsen. Uppsatsen inleds med ett renodlat teoriavsnitt där vissa fundamentala delar av den allmänna straffrätten behandlas i form av brottsbegreppet, rättfärdigande omständigheter, täckningsprincipen samt olika typer av villfarelse. Genom applicering av dessa delar och konstruktionen av dessa rättsinstitut skapas möjligheten till putativsituationer vars uppkomst behandlas i det tredje kapitlet. Det tredje kapitlet behandlar olika typer av villfarelse vid rättfärdigande omständigheter, inledningsvis straffrättsvillfarelse i BrB 24:9 och därefter faktiskt villfarelse. Fokus ligger på den senare av dessa. Alternativa modeller för att bemöta putativsituationerna presenteras genom att den gamla läran/skolan och den nya läran/skolan jämförs. En modell, enligt den gamla läran/skolan, för bemötande av putativinvändningar presenteras bestående av sex delfrågor som behandlas i kronologisk ordning. Inom ramen för denna modell analyseras initialt frågor som aktualiseras innan en domstolsprövning såsom bevisfrågor, åklagarens objektivitetsplikt, kvalitetskravet på invändningen och vad som krävs i gärningsögonblicket för att kunna göra gällande ansvarsfrihet. Om grundförutsättningarna uppfylls så kommer putativinvändningen att tas på allvar och bli föremål för prövning. I detta skede prövas gärningsmannens agerande enligt de förutsättningar som är stadgade i BrB:s 24:e kapitel. Försvarlighetsbedömningar och eventuellt tillhörande excess, BrB 24:6, berörs. Avslutningsvis behandlas möjligheten att ådömas ansvar för oaktsamhetsbrott till följd av missuppfattningen samt straffnedsättning i BrB 29:3 p. 5. Det fjärde och sista kapitlet innehåller en sammanställning av praxis som bygger på en genomgång av ett större antal publicerade rättsfall som berör putativfiguren. Analysen mynnar ut i en rad olika slutsatser som kommenteras och förklaras, exempelvis hur den typiska putativsituationen ser ut? Vilka rättfärdigande omständigheter åberopas i samband med putativsituationer? Resultatet av denna genomgång används sedan för att bemöta de farhågor som presenterats i doktrinen gällande putativfiguren och dess tillämpning. Exempel på farhågor som behandlas är bevisningsproblematiken, möjligheten till efterhandskonstruktioner, osynlighetsproblematiken och en eventuell ökning av brottslighet. Parallellt med bemötandet av farhågorna förs en kortfattad diskussion om fördelar respektive nackdelar med att lagfästa putativfiguren.

Thermodynamics of associating systems

Pang, Jianyuan 01 September 2006
The Peng-Robinson equation of state (PR EOS) is incorporated with the infinite linear association model and the monomer-dimer association model as well as two different sets of mixing rules to result in four different forms of equations of state. The reformulated PR EOS have been used to represent the vapor pressures and liquid densities of pure associating compounds. The vapor pressure and liquid density values calculated by means of the reformulated PR EOS are in good agreement with the experimental data in the literature.<p>The application of the reformulated PR EOS could be extended to represent the VLE behavior of associating systems. The capabilities of different association-incorporated EOS are compared with the Hong-Hu equation, the AMH equation and the Wilson equation, respectively. The results show that, in general, the reformulated PR EOS are superior to the Wilson equation for all tested systems with the exception of alkanol-hydrocarbon systems and at least as good as the Hong-Hu equation, the AMH equation, although the number of tested systems from Hong and Hu and Nan et al. are less than the one from the present work.<p>The excess molar enthalpies of the ethanol-n-hexane and the ethanol-cyclohexane systems at 298.15 K were measured in an LKB 2107 microcalorimeter and compared with the experimental data in the literature. Additionally, new excess molar enthalpy data, measured at 298.15 K, have been reported for the ethanol-n-hexane-cyclohexane ternary system in the present work. Smooth representations of the results are described and used to construct contours of constant enthalpy on a Roozeboom diagram. The reasonable estimates of the excess enthalpies of the three constituent-binary mixtures can be obtained from both the Liebermann-Fried model and the Flory theory. <p>Finally, an attempt has been made to represent, simultaneously, both VLE and excess enthalpy behavior of the ethanol-n-hexane and ethanol-cyclohexane systems by using the Wilson equation and one of the reformulated PR EOS. Both the reformulated PR EOS and the Wilson equation could be extended to predict the ethanol-n-hexane-cyclohexane ternary system at 298.15 K with the binary interaction parameters determined from the experimental VLE data of the three constituent-binary mixtures. The calculated results show that the reformulated PR EOS is better than or as good as the Wilson equation in predicting the excess enthalpies of selected binary and ternary systems involving one associating species. However, quantitative discrepancies with the experimental data are observed.

Thermodynamics of associating systems

Pang, Jianyuan 01 September 2006 (has links)
The Peng-Robinson equation of state (PR EOS) is incorporated with the infinite linear association model and the monomer-dimer association model as well as two different sets of mixing rules to result in four different forms of equations of state. The reformulated PR EOS have been used to represent the vapor pressures and liquid densities of pure associating compounds. The vapor pressure and liquid density values calculated by means of the reformulated PR EOS are in good agreement with the experimental data in the literature.<p>The application of the reformulated PR EOS could be extended to represent the VLE behavior of associating systems. The capabilities of different association-incorporated EOS are compared with the Hong-Hu equation, the AMH equation and the Wilson equation, respectively. The results show that, in general, the reformulated PR EOS are superior to the Wilson equation for all tested systems with the exception of alkanol-hydrocarbon systems and at least as good as the Hong-Hu equation, the AMH equation, although the number of tested systems from Hong and Hu and Nan et al. are less than the one from the present work.<p>The excess molar enthalpies of the ethanol-n-hexane and the ethanol-cyclohexane systems at 298.15 K were measured in an LKB 2107 microcalorimeter and compared with the experimental data in the literature. Additionally, new excess molar enthalpy data, measured at 298.15 K, have been reported for the ethanol-n-hexane-cyclohexane ternary system in the present work. Smooth representations of the results are described and used to construct contours of constant enthalpy on a Roozeboom diagram. The reasonable estimates of the excess enthalpies of the three constituent-binary mixtures can be obtained from both the Liebermann-Fried model and the Flory theory. <p>Finally, an attempt has been made to represent, simultaneously, both VLE and excess enthalpy behavior of the ethanol-n-hexane and ethanol-cyclohexane systems by using the Wilson equation and one of the reformulated PR EOS. Both the reformulated PR EOS and the Wilson equation could be extended to predict the ethanol-n-hexane-cyclohexane ternary system at 298.15 K with the binary interaction parameters determined from the experimental VLE data of the three constituent-binary mixtures. The calculated results show that the reformulated PR EOS is better than or as good as the Wilson equation in predicting the excess enthalpies of selected binary and ternary systems involving one associating species. However, quantitative discrepancies with the experimental data are observed.

Design of a Robust PID Controller for Hydrogen Supply on a PEM Fuel Cell

Hsueh, Chih-Hung 04 October 2011 (has links)
In this thesis we propose a robust PID controller to regulate the hydrogen flow of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. The controller allows the so-called hydrogen excess ratio to track a desired value rapidly in order to achieve saving hydrogen and to avoid damage of the fuel cell when the power output of the fuel cell varies from one level to another. The fuel cell system is governed by a set of complicated nonlinear dynamical equations. To ease the control design task, we model the system, at each operating point, as a feedback interconnection of a linear time-invariant nominal part with a norm-bounded perturbation. We use the technique of system identification to acquire the transfer function representation of the nominal part and the size of the perturbation. To do this, the chirp signal is adopted to excite the system and the observed response is analyzed using spectral analysis to obtain the model. Based on the model, a $H_{infty}$ PID controller is designed for the fuel cell system. The design is tested on an experimental platform. The experimental results verify that the proposed controller can regulate the hydrogen excess ratio rapidly under load variation, and effectively reject the influence of external disturbances.

A new approach to the modeling and analysis of fracture through an extension of continuum mechanics to the nanoscale

Sendova, Tsvetanka Bozhidarova 15 May 2009 (has links)
The dissertation focuses on the analysis, through combined analytical and numerical techniques, of the partial differential equations arising from a new approach to modeling brittle fracture, based on extension of continuum mechanics to the nanoscale. The main part of this work deals with the analysis of several fracture models. Integral transform methods are used to reduce the problem to a Cauchy singular, linear integro-differential equation. It is shown that ascribing constant surface tension to the fracture surfaces and using the appropriate crack surface boundary condition, given by the jump momentum balance, leads to a sharp crack opening profile at the crack tip, in contrast to the classical theory of brittle fracture. However, such a model still predicts singular crack tip stress. For this reason a modified model is studied, where the surface excess property is responsive to the curvature of the fracture surfaces. It is shown that curvature-dependent surface tension, together with boundary conditions in the form of the jump momentum balance, leads to bounded stresses and a cusp-like opening profile at the crack tip. Further, an alternative approach, based on asymptotic analysis, which is suitable to apply in cases when the model includes a mutual body force correction term, is considered. The nonlinear nonlocal problem, resulting from the proposed model, is simplified which allows us to approximate the crack opening profile and derive asymptotic forms for the cleavage stress in a neighborhood of the crack tip. Finally, two possible fracture criteria, in the context of the new theory, are discussed. The first one is an energy based fracture criterion. Classically the energy release rate arises due to singular fields, whereas in the case of the modeling approach adopted here, a notion analogous to the energy release rate arises through a different mechanism, associated to the rate of working of the surface excess properties at the crack tip. Due to the fact that the proposed modeling approach allows us to fully resolve the stress in a neighborhood of the crack tip, without the customary singularity, a second fracture criterion, based on crack tip stress, is possible.

Risk-Taking Evidence from The Insurance Industry¡XPanel Data Threshold Regression Model and Extreme Value Theory

Tsen, Hsiao-ping 12 July 2007 (has links)
The number of insurance company has grown rapidly in Taiwan due to insurance deregulation since 1992. The main challenge insurance industry face is the declination of profit due to the increasing of competitors. The operator of insurance company is able to face this question and offer the solution, then a company has better solvency. So we explore two issue, one is to investigate the relationship between asset risk and capital adjustment decision in Taiwan¡¦s life insurance industry from 1993 to 2005, and the other is to provide some empirical evidences of retention limit of excess of loss reinsurance in Taiwan¡¦s property insurance industry. In the first issue, a life insurance company is in less risk and has better solvency when it has more capital or higher ratio of capital; however, this also brings higher opportunity cost which means in long run, the average profit will be lower. There is no conclusion how to balance the relationship between capital adjustment and risk taking decision in life insurance industry though this topic is intensively discussed these days. Therefore, with the methodology of panel data threshold regression, we divide life insurance companies into two categories according to ¡§life insurance and annuity insurance premiums to total premiums ratio¡¨. One is life insurance Company of indemnification, and the other is the one of savings. In conclusion, we identify the negative correlation between capital ratio and risk of life insurance company of indemnification and the positive correlation between capital ratio and risk of life insurance company of savings. In the second issue, because of the increase of natural disaster in Taiwan recently, the property insurance company has to face what the reinsurance companies are not willing to underwriter, so excess of loss reinsurance has become the viable solution in Taiwan¡¦s property insurance industry. We apply extreme value theory to the tail of Taiwan property insurance claim for VaR estimation and calculate retention limit of excess of loss reinsurance. The empirical results show that the distribution of Taiwan property insurance claim is fat-tailed. We suggested using Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) to model the data with extreme loss and conclude retention limit of excess of loss reinsurance.

Structural analysis of the perdido fold belt: timing, evolution, and structural style

Waller, Troy Dale, II 17 September 2007 (has links)
The Perdido fold belt is the compressional toe of the complex system of detached structures in the western Gulf of Mexico. Located in the Alaminos Canyon protraction area in ultra deep-water, this extensive fold belt has the potential to accommodate large amounts of hydrocarbons. These folds detach upon Jurassic-age Louann salt, and are northeast-southwest trending and symmetrical to asymmetrical. The lower units in these folds are comprised of mostly carbonates and limy carbonate mud, whereas the upper portion consist of fine grained and muddy siliciclastics which are typical of turbidite and other typical deep water deposits. 2-D, prestacked, depth-migrated seismic data (TGS Phase 45) was interpreted in conjunction with Hess Corporation to determine the geometry and timing of the folds outboard of the allochthonous Sigsbee salt nappe. The interpretation of the seismic data consisted of evaluating the folds by mapping age-dated reflections and kink-band boundaries (fold axial surfaces), along with creating isochores and dip maps. Through the development of new geometric model building of excess areas, which identifies material being added to the cores of the anticlines, along with the extensive seismic interpretation, the Perdido fold belt is identified to have originated in the west as early as the early Paleocene, with some continual fold growth to near present day. The folds in the Perdido fold belt continue to form eastward into the basin, up to the basinward limit of the autochthonous Louann salt. Also, it has been determined that the geometries and structural styles of the folds are partially dependent on the type of sediment or rock type in place. The lower portions consisting of the carbonates give shallower dipping fold axial surfaces, whereas the upper portions (siliciclastics) provide more steeply dipping fold axial surfaces.

Sensing chiral amines via supramolecular chemistry and circular dichroism spectrometry

Dragna, Justin M. 14 August 2015 (has links)
In chapter 1 the principles behind circular dichroism spectroscopy and exciton coupled circular dichroism spectroscopy are outlined, and examples are cited that illustrate the utility of these methods in the determination of absolute configuration and ee of chiral amines. This provides background and context for this thesis, which mostly pertains to the sensing of chirality in amines. An exciton coupled circular dichroism method based on the induction of helical chirality in an organometallic host for sensing chiral amines is presented in chapter 2. The method can be used to determine absolute configuration by relating the sign of the first Cotton effect of the host-amine complex to the handedness of the amine. Analysis of the primary circular dichroism optical data is by principal component analysis allows for differentiation of the analytes based on their idendity and handedness. A novel circular dichroism method for detecting chiral amines is discussed in chapter 3. The method uses a highly efficient derivatization method to convert the primary amine into a bidentate imine. Three equivalents of the imine are then assembled together by coordination to Fe(II). The proximity and chiral orientation of the imines leads to exciton coupled circular dichroism, which is of utility in the determination of absolute configuration. Additionally, there is a metal-to-ligand charge transfer band in the visible region that can be used to develop calibration curves, which allow for the determination of the enantiomeric excess of unknown samples with an absolute error of ±5%. Chapter 4 details another imine based circular dichroism method for chiral amines. The method uses a commercially available aldehyde, Fe(II), and circular dichroism spectrometry to sense chirality in amines. It is shown that the circular dichroism signals in the ultraviolet spectrum vary predictably with the handedness of the chiral amine, which has potential applications in the determination of absolute configuration. By developing calibraton curves, signals in the visible spectrum can be used to determine enantiomeric excess with an absolute error of ±6%. Analyzing the primary circular dichroism optical data with linear discriminant analysis allows for differentiation between amines based on their identity and handedness. Finally, chapter 5 illustrates the potential of using the thermodynamic parameters of partitioning between water and octanol as a predictive tool for estimating the contributions of hydrophobicity to host-guest binding events. This is done by showing a relationship between the thermodynamics of partitioning and thermodynamics of hydrophobic binding events for a series of guests and cyclodextrin. A plot of the thermodynamic parameters of binding of a variety of guests to cyclodextrin as a function of the thermodynamic parameters of partitioning between water and octanol shows a linear relationship for a series of alcohols. / text

Certificate of need regulation in the nursing home industry: Has it outlived its usefulness?

Caldwell, Barbara J 01 June 2006 (has links)
The primary goals of the National Health Planning and Resources Development Act (P.L. 93-641) of 1974 were to (1) contain health care costs and (2) increase the accessibility and quality of health services. Certificate of need (CON) regulation is one attempt to constrain health care costs by limiting the supply of certain medical care facilities. With respect to the nursing home industry, prospective nursing home owners/operators are required to demonstrate that a "need" exists for more nursing home beds. Some States also imposed a construction moratorium that prevented any expansion of existing facilities or construction of new facilities regardless of whether or not a "need" existed. These CON/moratorium programs impose a supply side constraint that creates a potential barrier to entry and in the presence of excess demand may cause a nursing home bed shortage for those residents covered by Medicaid. Even though the Federal CON requirement lapsed in 1986, forty-two St ates and the District of Columbia continue to have a CON, a construction moratorium, or both for nursing home facilities. Yet maintaining these regulations comes with a cost.This paper investigates if differences exist in the quality of care and the access to care between nursing homes in those States without CON and/or construction moratorium and those States that still have such policies. Using data for the years 1991 through 2003 for all freestanding Medicaid-/Medicare-certified nursing home facilities in the United States and employing state and facility fixed effects models we find that Medicaid-eligible residents in those states without CON and/or construction moratorium policies have more access to a nursing home bed than those individuals in states with these policies. With respect to quality of care the results are mixed depending on the measure of quality that is employed. With the risk of becoming a nursing home resident at the age of 65 at 44 percent and at the age of 8 5 at 53 percent (Spillman and Lubitz 2002) coupled with the aging of the current population, the areas of quality of care and access to care remain important policy issues in the nursing home industry.

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