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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Role koučování v organizaci / The role of coaching in organization

Muellerová, Ivonne January 2011 (has links)
The subject of my thesis is "The role of coaching in organization". My study compares management of various companies through interviews and questionnaires to find out the reality about coaching in Czech republic. The result of this thesis is an expert analysis for companies that are not knowledgeable in this field and need quick orientation that will help them to decide if they need coaching. The theoretical part introduces the concept of coaching in organizations. This includes a basic knowledge of coaching, coaching in management, how coaches look at management, shows differences in types of coaches and also coaching models that currently exist. The central part of the thesis is the practical part. It contains three parts and final practical. In first part I mention existence of numerous studies and from those I selected three to focus on. Second part reveals the real situation in companies through structured interviews with management. The third part describes evaluation of coaching from the perspective of the target group. The main conclusion and contribution of this thesis is in the practical part. It includes expert analysis and recommendations for various types of companies according to their size and financial possibilities.

Portálové řešení GIS v utilitní společnosti / Portal solution of GIS in utilities

Plojhar, Vladimír January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with the possibilities of accessing to the geographic information systems in utility companies. Its assignment is to assess to what level it is appropriate to deploy portal solutions today, and the replacement of traditional client installed on your PC with these technologies. The work begins with a general definition of GIS and a description of its use in practice. One chapter is devoted to GIS requirements from different perspectives (technical requirements, legislative requirements, business requirements), which are the present work evaluated by expert analysis of different user groups and clients, and these options using the financial indicators evaluated.

Porovnání úrovně herních činností jednotlivce s individuálním herním výkonem ligových hráčů BK Brandýs v basketbale kategorie U19 / Comparison individual game activities with individual game performance of the league players BC Brandýs of category U19 in basketball

Behrová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
Title of the bachelor's work: "Comparison individual game activities with individual game performance of the league players BC Brandýs of category U19 in basketball. Goals: In my thesis I focused on testing the level of individual game activities and afterwards Compare the results with individual game performance of the players Methods: For diagnosis were used the test of basketball skills and expert analysis of coach and assistant coach. This analysis evaluated the level of performance of individual basketball. Elements. The test of basketball skills and the expert analysis were carried out during the basketball season 2011/12. The results of the basketball skills test were evaluated according to the criterions established by tehe club for this age category (see Chapter 7.3.2). There were determined the evaluation criterions, respectively the rating scale in the rande 1 to 5, for evaluation of the level of basketball elements /see Chapter 7.3.1). The palyers were compared within thein team and based on the results of the evaluation there was assembler the rating of the players. This testing og the individual game activities was compared with the statistics of each player, technical reports respectively with the astatistics of the payers during the baskeball season 2011/12 and with thein individual...

Exploitation des connaissances issues des processus de retour d'expérience industriels / Exploitation of knowledge extracted from Industrial Feedback Processes

Jabrouni, Hicham 22 October 2012 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs années, dans le secteur industriel, l’amélioration continue constitue un aspect important de la famille de normes ISO 9000 maintenue par l’organisation ISO (International Organization for Standardization). Elle se concentre sur l’amélioration de la satisfaction du client en passant par des améliorations continues et incrémentales des produits, des services et des processus. Afin de répondre à ces exigences, un point clé consiste à optimiser le processus de résolution de problèmes qui vise à analyser et résoudre les problèmes courants pour éviter de nouvelles occurrences. Différents processus de résolution de problèmes ont été définis et sont implantés dans les entreprises. L’un des plus connu est sans doute la méthode PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT (PDCA), également connue sous le nom de « Roue de Deming ». D’autres méthodes sont également utilisées comme : 8 Disciplines (8D) également appelée TOPS (Team-Oriented Problem Solving), Six sigma ou DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control), 7 step, etc. Les activités principales dans ces processus sont : la formation d’une équipe de résolution de problème, la description et l’évaluation de la criticité des événements, l’analyse des événements afin d’en rechercher les causes racine et valider cette analyse, la proposition d’une solution au problème et son application (solution curative), la suggestion d’actions pour éviter une nouvelle occurrence du problème (solution préventive, leçons apprises, etc.). Dans cette logique d’amélioration continue, un processus de Retour d’Expérience (Rex) est une représentation générique focalisé sur l'acquisition des connaissances des experts en phase de résolution de problème et sur la réutilisation de ces connaissances pour résoudre ou éviter de nouveaux problèmes. Une base de connaissances de retour d'expérience va servir de pivot entre la phase d'acquisition et la phase d'exploitation. Les points abordés dans le travail de thèse seront les suivants : Représenter les différentes composantes d'une expérience en utilisant les processus de résolution de problème comme support de capitalisation. Instrumenter les processus de capitalisation et d’exploitation Formaliser des mécanismes de recherche d’expérience, Formaliser des mécanismes de réutilisation d’analyses expertes - Développer un outil support de retour d’expérience sur une architecture Web. / Continuous improvement of industrial processes is increasingly a key element of competitiveness for industrial systems. Management of experience feedback takes place in this framework to build, analyze and facilitate the reuse of immaterial potential of an organization in order to make it better in achieving its processes and / or products. For several years, the need for continuous improvement of products and processes has led many companies to set up standardized problem solving processes. For this purpose, different Problem Solving Processes are commonly used in the industrial field such as: 8D, PDCA (Plan Do Check Act), DMAICS (Define Measure Analyze Improve Control Standardize) or, more recently, the 9S process (9Steps). The main activities in the problem solving process are: The composition of the problem solving team, the description and assessment of the problem highlighted by events, the analysis of events to identify their root causes and their validation, the formulation of the problem solutions and their application checking (corrective actions), the action suggestions to prevent from a new occurrence of the problem (preventive actions, lessons learned, etc.). During the Problem Solving Processes, the intellectual investment of experts is often considerable. We propose to define mechanisms to reuse previously performed analysis (already solved issues) to guide the resolution of a new problem. The main contributions of this research work are : The structuring of a cognitive experience feedback framework allowing a flexible exploitation of expert knowledge: we propose a formal representation of an experience (according to the problem solving processes). - The definition of two mechanisms to exploit the context and analysis in these experiences. The specification and development of Experience Feedback Support Framework ProWhy offering methodological and software support for knowledge management (KM), and in particular for capitalization and exploitation phases of experience feedback processes.

Корпусное исследование прецедентных имен в российском и британском массмедийном дискурсе : магистерская диссертация / Corpus research of precedent names in Russian and British mass media discourse

Васюкова, Н. Н., Vassyukova, N. N. January 2024 (has links)
Работа посвящена сопоставительному исследованию прецедентных имен в российском и британском массмедийном дискурсе с применением корпусной методологии. Цель исследования: анализ семантических и функциональных свойств прецедентных имён в текстах современного российского и британского медиадискурса в сопоставительном аспекте. Материал исследования составили 100 английских и 100 русских контекстов, с фрагментами, где были употреблены ПИ. Всего проанализировано 356 словоупотреблений прецедентных имен в составе текстов российских и британских СМИ, опубликованных за период с 2020 по 2024 год. Анализ показал, что что большая часть прецедентных имен приходится на политические и исторические темы, а имена известных мировых лидеров встречаются довольно часто и повторяются множество раз. Наименьшей сферой-источником прецедентных имен как в российской, так и в британской прессе оказалась «Спорт». Особое внимание на себя обращают случаи, когда в русскоязычном медиадискурсе большое количество ПИ отмечается именно в заголовках, в то время как в британском медиадискурсе прецедентные имена зачастую встречаются непосредственно в самом «теле» текста статья и не всегда вынесены конкретно в заголовки. В российских СМИ обнаруживается приём, который мы можем обозначить как так называемые «прецедентные ряды» или «прецедентные цепочки». Таким образом, прецедентность как форма проявления интертекста служит повышению эмоциональной, когнитивной значимости сообщаемой информации, более того, способствует увеличению прагматической и эстетической нагрузки текста. / The work is devoted to a comparative study of precedent names in Russian and British mass media discourse using corpus methodology. The purpose of the study is to analyze the semantic and functional properties of precedent names in the texts of modern Russian and British media discourse in a comparative aspect. The research material consists of 100 English and 100 Russian contexts, with fragments where precedent names were used. There were analyzed 356 usage patterns of precedent names in the texts of Russian and British media published between 2020 and 2024. The analysis showed that most of the precedent names fall on political and historical topics, and the names of famous world leaders are quite common and repeated many times. The smallest source-group of precedent names in both the Russian and British press turned out to be "Sport". Particular attention is drawn to cases when in the Russian-language media discourse a large number of PN is noted precisely in the headlines, while in the British media discourse precedent names are often found directly in the "body" of the text of the article and are not always specifically placed in the headlines. There is a method in the Russian media that we can designate as the so-called "precedent lines" or "precedent chains". Thus, precedent as a form of intertext manifestation serves to increase the emotional and cognitive significance of the information being communicated, moreover, it contributes to an increase in the pragmatic and aesthetic function of the text.

Vzájemná komparace výsledků testů kondičních schopností a testů florbalových dovedností mezi českou talentovanou mládeží a mládeží z Kraje Vysočina / Mutual comparison of fitness test results and floorball skills tests among Czech talented youth and youth from the Vysočina Region

Kovář, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
Title: Mutual comparison of results of fitness tests and tests of floorball skills among talented Czech youth and youth from the Vysočina Region. Objectives: The main aim of the Master's thesis is to evaluate the level of player skills and fitness skills among regional youth teams and youth from the Vysočina Region. For the comparison, the categories of younger and older male and female pupils, and junior men and women were selected. Methods: For the purposes of this Master's thesis, the method of quantitative research of the categories of younger and older male and female pupils, and junior men and women in floorball from the Vysočina Region was applied. The floorball test battery of the Czech Floorball, consisting of fourteen player tests focused on floorball skills and fitness skills, of which seven scientifically standardized tests were selected, was used for testing. For the determination of validity, an expert analysis was used, a repeated measurement (test - retest) was performed to determine the reliability of the tests, and the Fleiss' Kappa value was calculated to determine the evaluators' concordance. Results: The results of the paper, based on the comparison of the data of the club from the Vysočina Region, and the regional teams' data, showed that girls (junior women and older female...

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