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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Internrevisionsfunktion : En kvantitativ studie om vilka faktorer som påverkar bolags val. / Internal audit function : A quantitative study of what factors that affect the company’s choice

Petersson, Josefine, Ohlsson, Klara January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under år 2001 bröt den så kallade Enron-skandalen som innebar bokföringsaktiviteter och insiderhandel. Den interna kontrollen samt övervakning av denna funktion blev efter skandalen mer uppmärksammad. Det anses viktigt att ha någon sort granskningsfunktion för att nå ett välfungerande arbete med den interna kontrollen, vilket är internrevisionsfunktion (Internal Audit Function, IAF). Syftet med IAF har under åren förändrats. Tidigare syftade funktionen till att granska redovisningsinformation, medan det idag mer handlar om granskning kring riskhanterings-, kontroll- och styrningsprocesser. Andra händelser som Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) och finanskrisen som skedde under år 2002 samt under åren 2007-2008, medförde en ökad förståelse kring vikten av verksamhetsstyrning, riskhantering och bolagsstyrning. Syfte: Studien syftar till att förklara vilka faktorer som påverkar ett bolags val om att följa koden gällande IAF, samt dess informationsinnehåll i förklaringen till sitt val. Metod: Uppsatsen grundar sig på en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie med en deduktiv forskningsansats. Det är en dokumentstudie som har genomförts där det empiriska materialet inhämtats främst från årsrapporter, men även hemsidor som Holdings och Nasdaq. Urvalet utgår från large-cap listorna från åren 2016 till 2017. Slutsats: Utifrån studiens 34 hypoteser har det hittats totalt nio stycken signifikanta samband mellan de beroende och oberoende variablerna. Det har framkommit ett större antal samband till den beroende variabeln följer, jämfört med den andra beroende variabeln informationsinnehåll. Med variabeln följer har studien hittat sju stycken samband och två stycken samband med variabeln informationsinnehåll. / Context: In 2001, a scandal involving accounting and insider trading, called Enron scandal, occured. The internal control and monitoring of this function became more noticeable after the scandal. Now, it is considered important to have some sort of audit function in order to achieve a well-functioning internal control. This function is called Internal Audit Function, IAF. Over the years, the purpose of IAF has changed. Previously, the function of reviewing accounting information was targeted, while today it is more about reviewing risk management, control and control processes. Other occurrences such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) and the financial crisis that occurred in 2002, as well as in 2007-2008, led to an increased understanding of the importance of business management, risk management and corporate governance. Purpose: The aim of the study is to explaining what factors affect a company's choice to follow the code of IAF, as well as its information content in the explanation of its choice. Method: The essay is based on a quantitative cross-sectional study with a deductive research approach. It is a documentary study that has been conducted where the empirical material was obtained mainly from annual reports, but also websites such as Holdings and Nasdaq. The selection is based on the large-cap lists from 2016 to 2017. Conclusion: Based on the 34 hypotheses of the study, a total of nine significant relationships between the dependent and independent variables have been found. There has been a greater number of connections to the dependent variable following, compared to the second dependent variable information content. With the variable following, the study found seven links and two related to the variable information content.

Beyond the Standard

Kulseth, Marthe January 2020 (has links)
In order to contribute to equality, we must go beyond the standard. I want to learn from people with disabilities and the spatial border they are faced with, by exploring the responsibility I have been given, through claiming a role that affects our built environments. I have experience with disabilities and handicaps, but these experiences do not automatically make me better in addressing issues concerning other people with disabilities. I am dyslexic and have been through big obstacles, particularly in the educational system, and I have my Aunt, who has an intellectual disability. I am privileged to have these experiences, and with this thesis I have explored them as an interior architect. This is where I start on my way to contribute.  This thesis is a critical study of how standards are practiced, examined through housing built for people with intellectual disabilities in Selbu, Norway. In the center of the critique is the institution. Institutionalization and standardization have a long relationship as answers to complex questions. Institutions’ uniformity ultimately belongs to no one. The matter becomes particularly problematic when the environment is supposed to operate someone’s home. Housing for people with intellectual disabilities is often life long and not determined on the intention of the builders. What is obvious to me after reading the standards and exploring the buildings, is that the minimum requirements are always in place, often built as if the minimum was the goal. But a standard also expresses its vision. The vision talks about inclusion and the dangers with mini institutions, but the vision is expressed through soft language and the minimum requirements are expressed through concrete language of measurements. From the process of being a standard to becoming a building the soft language evaporates from the building plans. The standard will never prohibit you to go beyond it! / <p>Part of the project is in collaboration with Nils Ställborn, graduating Bachelor student with his thesis Material Diversity.</p><p>Please go to <em>poststandardization.info </em>to see our exhibition, an information platform to spread the insight of Poststandardization to enable the world to go beyond the standard.</p>

Regulierung durch Corporate Governance Kodizes

Schwarz, Sebastian Henner 25 July 2005 (has links)
Der Deutsche Corporate Governance Kodex (DCGK) entfaltet trotz seiner rechtlichen Unverbindlichkeit als sog. „Weiches Recht“ oder „Soft Law“ erhebliche tatsächliche Wirkungen. Für Vorstände und Aufsichtsräte bestehen starke Anreize zur Befolgung, vor allem, um damit einen positiven Signalling-Effekt zu erzielen. Umgekehrt kann die Nichtbefolgung insbesondere des Empfehlungsteils negative Konsequenzen haben, die restriktiv wirken. Die vom DCGK ausgehenden Anreize und Restriktionen fallen je stärker aus, desto mehr ein Unternehmen für die Kapitalbeschaffung auf die Kapitalmärkte angewiesen ist. Die Verpflichtung zur Abgabe einer Entsprechenserklärung nach § 161 AktG führt zu einer allgemeinen Bekanntheit des DCGK und verhilft zu dessen breiter Durchsetzung. Ferner kommt es durch sie zu einer Verstärkung der Regulierungswirkungen des Empfehlungsteils. Die Funktion von Corporate Governance Kodizes ist es, Standards zu setzen, an denen sich die Akteure des Kapitalmarkts orientieren können. Zur Regulierung durch Corporate Governance Kodizes sind drei Regelungsalternativen erkennbar: Regulierung durch Parlamentsgesetz, Listings Rules oder eine völlige Freigabe der entsprechenden Regelungsbereiche. Bei der schrittweisen Analyse von Soft Law, Corporate Governance Kodizes im Allgemeinen und dem DCGK als konkretem Anwendungsfall werden im Lichte der Regelungsalternativen einige Argumente herausgearbeitet, die für diese Regulierungstechnik sprechen. Dies sind mögliche Einsparungen von Transaktionskosten, Flexibilität und eine hohe Qualität des Normsetzungsprozesses. Regulierung durch Corporate Governance Kodizes erweist sich insofern den übrigen Regelungsvarianten als überlegen. Dies gilt insbesondere, wenn die Verpflichtung zur Abgabe einer Entsprechenserklärung nicht auf einen einzelnen Kodex beschränkt wird, so dass die Regelungsadressaten zwischen verschiedenen Kodizes wählen können („Wettbewerb der Institutionen“). Ein Verstoß gegen den verfassungsrechtlichen Gesetzes- oder Parlamentsvorbehalt durch § 161 AktG ist nicht feststellbar. Bei der Anwendung des Instrumentariums der Konstitutionenökonomik zeigt sich jedoch, dass eine Verpflichtung zur Abgabe einer Entsprechenserklärung nur dann legitimiert ist, wenn diese hinsichtlich des in Bezug genommenen Kodex offen und nicht auf einen einzelnen Kodex beschränkt ist. / Despite its unbinding legal character as “Soft Law”, the German Corporate Governance Code has significant actual effects. There are strong incentives for members of the board of management and members of the supervisory board to comply with the code, mainly based on the opportunity to utilize a positive signalling-effect. Incentives and restrictions based on the code become the more significant, the more a company relies on capital markets for raising capital. Empiric studies confirm this hypothesis. The obligation to “comply-or-explain” in § 161 AktG generates a broad publicity and facilitates the general acceptance of the code. The regulatory effects of the code are being aggravated. Codes of Corporate Governance contribute to improving corporate governance structures by setting standards that capital market players can use for guidance and orientation. There are three alternatives to regulation by codes of corporate governance: regulation by law, regulation by listing rules and non-regulation. A step-by-step analysis of soft law, codes of corporate governance in general and the German Corporate Governance Code in particular brings upon a number of arguments in favour of this regulatory technique. These arguments are: savings in transaction costs, increased flexibility and a high quality of the standard-setting process. In this respect, regulation by Codes of Corporate Governance is superior to its regulatory alternatives. This is even more valid for an institutional setup where the obligation to “comply-or-explain” is not limited to a single Code of Corporate Governance, but leaves the addressees the choice among various competing codes. In such an institutional setup of “regulatory competition”, companies are free to choose the regulatory regime that best fits their specific needs. Regarding German constitutional law, a breach of the rules of provision of legality (“Gesetzesvorbehalt”) and provision of parliament (“Parlamentsvorbehalt”) by § 161 AktG can not be proven. Applying constitutional economics, a legitimating consensus can be shown in respect to the actual compliance with a Code of Corporate Governance. However, the obligation to “comply-or-explain” can only be legitimated, if the obligation does not refer to a specific Code of Corporate Governance.

Cuidados paliativos e a construção da identidade médica paliativista no Brasil / Palliative care and the construction of medical identity paliativista in Brazil

Machado, Mariana de Abreu January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:36:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009 / O objetivo desta dissertação consiste em investigar o processo de construção da identidade profissional de médicos que se dedicam à assistência a pacientes que apresentam doenças progressivas e ameaçadoras da continuidade existencial e que têm contribuído para o desenvolvimento dos Cuidados Paliativos no Brasil. Buscamos conhecer a trajetória profissional destes médicos desde a escolha da medicina como profissão até o encontro com a filosofia e a prática dos Cuidados Paliativos. Com este intuito, realizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas,colhidas segundo a metodologia de História Oral de Vida. Foram entrevistados seis médicos de diferentes especialidades que ocupam cargos diretivos em uma das associações profissionais voltadas para a disseminação e legitimação política e social dos Cuidados Paliativos no Brasil. Os depoentes se destacam no cenário nacional no que diz respeito às discussões sobre esta temática e mantêm contato com importantes instituições internacionais. Por esta razão, chamamos o conjunto de entrevistados de elite médica paliativista. Percebemos uma pobre interlocução entre os médicos paliativistas, o que se reflete na ausência de uma identidade integrada desse grupo profissional. Os entrevistados acentuaram as competências humanitárias necessárias ao bom exercício da Medicina Paliativa, mas, no entanto, não foram explicitadas as competências específicas a este campo profissional, que justificariam seu reconhecimento pelas entidades médicas competentes comouma nova área de atuação ou especialidade.

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