Spelling suggestions: "subject:"extender"" "subject:"extenders""
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Evaluation of Different Concentrations of Egg Yolk in Canine Frozen Semen ExtenderTrout, Stephanie Williams 09 January 2013 (has links)
This study tested different concentrations of egg yolk in canine freezing extender void of glycerol, a commonly used cryoprotectant, by examining the motility and morphology throughout the freezing process: initial (baseline after extender added), post-cool (after three hours at 5"C) and post-thaw (after freezing.) Initial values of pH, osmolarity, motility and morphology were obtained for comparison of the samples. Spermatozoa from six normal dogs as determined by progressive linear motility > 70% and normal morphology > 60% was used. Semen was collected and pooled for five freezing trials. The concentrations of egg yolk used in the extender were: 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. Assessment of each sample was blinded to the treatments until all results were obtained and statistics had been analyzed. Based on this study a 20% egg yolk concentration is slightly superior to a 30% egg yolk concentration when assessing post-thaw motility, morphology and longevity and significantly superior to a 0%, 10% or 40% egg yolk concentration. The study also showed motility and normal post-cool and post-thaw sperm morphology did not always correlate. Utilization of 0% and 10% concentrations of egg yolk has negative effects on semen quality as measured by the motility and/or morphology. Results confirm freezing does not affect secondary sperm abnormalities, abnormalities of the tail and distal section of the middle piece, during cooling or freezing. Primary abnormalities, abnormalities of the head and midpiece, increased in the 0% extender during cooling and all extenders during freezing. The pH of the extenders before the addition of sperm was significantly different. Once sperm was added to the extenders, there was no longer a significant difference in pH. There was a positive correlation for both motility and normal morphology percentages post-cool and post-thaw for the extenders with similar osmolarity to the semen. / Master of Science
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Optimization of the Control Strategy for a Range Extender VehicleKönig, Daniel Hermann 21 January 2011 (has links)
The Subject of this work is the optimization of the control stratgy for a Plug-In Range Extender in order to decrease CO2 emissions with respect to the regulations. Therefore, the vehicle is equipped with a gasoline combustion engine, a high voltage battery and two electric motors. One electric motor propells the front axle and the other one is connected to the combustion engine to generate electric power. The control is restricted by customer requirements due to the concept of the vehicle.
A Model-in-the-Loop is created to simulate the control strategy with support of a battery model. Therefore, the control strategy is optimized in a Matlab/Simulink environment. The simulation results are compared to tests on the dynamometer rig. The optimization highly depends on the specific goal function, which can be a global optimization or a local minimum to balance the State of Charge. Furthermore, customer related drive cycles are taken into account to analyze the control strategy. / Master of Science
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Alternativas para o Reaproveitamento de Rejeitos Industriais de Poli(tereftalato de etileno) Reciclado / Alternatives for recycling of industrial wastes of recycled poly (ethylene terephthalate)Bimestre, Breno Heins 05 July 2010 (has links)
A produção de mantas de tecido não tecido (TNT) por processo de extrusão a partir do poli(tereftalato de etileno) (PET) reciclado é uma forma interessante de reciclagem de polímeros adotada pela indústria que consegue conciliar viabilidade econômica com benefícios ambientais. Entretanto, durante a etapa de extrusão, muito material é perdido devido a entupimentos do equipamento ou outros motivos que acarretam na geração de uma quantidade considerável de rejeitos que não podem ser reaproveitados no sistema, devido à depreciação de propriedades ocorridas no material durante o processamento, levando ao descarte deste material geralmente em aterros sanitários. Neste trabalho foi feito um estudo sobre a reciclagem de rejeitos de PET das linhas de produção de mantas de tecido não tecido (TNT), adotando aditivos do tipo extensores de cadeia, para recuperar as propriedades que haviam sofrido grande depreciação. A incorporação de extensores de cadeia do tipo anidridos, isocianatos e fosforados, por meio de extrusão reativa, proporcionou melhorias consideráveis nas propriedades químicas, mecânicas e reológicas do rejeito de PET como aumento de massa molar, aumento de iscosidade no fundido e resistência à tração, facilitando o processamento e favorecendo a utilização do rejeito em novas etapas de reciclagem mecânica. Para as indústrias, a possibilidade de converter custos relacionados às operações de descarte de rejeitos em lucros com a agregação de valor a estes rejeitos poliméricos é extremamente interessante. Da mesma forma, a diminuição do volume de materiais poliméricos depositados no meio ambiente significa menos poluição e menos contaminação a diversos ecossistemas, apoiando os esforços que estão sendo feitos para a preservação e redução de poluentes na natureza. / The production of nonwoven fabrics (NWF) by extrusion process from recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is an interesting way for polymer recycling used by industry which to allow conciliate economic viability with environmental benefits. However, during extrusion step, a fraction of material is lost due to equipment clogging or others factors, leading to production of considerable amount of wastes which can not reinserted in system, due to the depreciation of material properties that occurs during thermal-mechanical processing. These rejects are generally deposited in land wastes. In this work was carried out a study about recycling of PET wastes from NWF production lines, using additives of chain extender kind to recoup properties that had been highly depreciated. The incorporation of chain extenders of kind anhydride, isocyanate and phosphorous compounds by reactive extrusion improved considerably some chemical, mechanical and rheological properties of PET waste such as increase in molecular weight, melt viscosity and strain strength, easing the thermal-mechanical processing and making possible the use of PET waste in news steps of mechanical recycling. The possibility to convert expenditures with wastes discarding operations into profits due to the values aggregation on these polymeric wastes is very interesting for the industries. Then, the decrease of amount of polymeric materials deposited in natural environment signifies less contamination to several ecosystems, supporting the works that have been realized to decrease pollutants and to preserve the nature.
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Efeitos da pentoxifilina sobre a qualidade espermática e hemodinâmica uterina em equinos / Effects of Pentoxifylline on sperm quality and uterine hemodinamics in equineTsunoda, Roberta Harue 08 August 2013 (has links)
A resposta inflamatória uterina pós-cobertura ocorre para remoção de espermatozoides e contaminantes; todavia, o atraso em debelar este processo têm sido identificado, em equinos, como a principal causa de endometrite persistente pós-cobertura. A pentoxifilina atua como um inibidor da fosfodiesterase e aumenta as características de motilidade espermática, ainda tem sido relatada sua participação como agente reológico, aumentando o fluxo sanguíneo de tecidos comprometidos, e como agente imunomodulador. O propósito deste estudo foi examinar os efeitos da pentoxifilina adicionada ao diluidor seminal pós-descongelação, sobre a motilidade espermática, membranas plasmática, acrossomal e mitocondrial e integridade de cromatina, bem como sobre a resposta inflamatória uterina após a inseminação artificial de éguas. Dez partidas de sêmen de um único garanhão foram criopreservadas (100x106 espermatozoides/palheta 0,5 mL) em sistema automatizado (TK 3000) e mantidas em botijão criogênico, sendo posteriormente utilizadas para análises laboratoriais e inseminação artificial. Para análise laboratorial duas palhetas de sêmen de cada partida foram descongeladas (37ºC/30 segundos) e diluídas em diluidor à base de leite desnatado (controle) e diluidor à base de leite desnatado contendo pentoxifilina (7,18 mM). As alíquotas de cada tratamento foram mantidas em banho-Maria seco (37°C) e analisadas em quatro momentos: 5 (T0), 30 (T30), 60 (T60) e 120 minutos (T120) pós-diluição e incubação. As amostras foram analisadas quanto às características de movimento espermático, por sistema computadorizado de análise espermática (CASA), membranas plasmática, acrossomal e mitocondrial por associação de sondas fluorescentes (PI, H342, FITC-PSA e JC-1), morfologia espermática por contraste de interferência diferencial e integridade da cromatina pelo Azul de Toluidina. Para avaliar os efeitos do diluidor contendo ou não pentoxifilina na resposta inflamatória uterina, foram utilizadas 15 éguas distribuídas em cinco grupos: Grupo Control (controle): sem deposição de sêmen, nem diluidor, mimetizando-se o procedimento da IA; Grupo SM Extender: deposição de diluidor sem pentoxifilina (Botusemen®, Botupharma); Grupo SM Extender + PTX: deposição de diluidor contendo pentoxifilina; Grupo Sêmen: deposição de sêmen diluído com diluidor sem pentoxifilina; Grupo Sêmen + PTX: deposição de sêmen diluído com diluidor contendo pentoxifilina (7,18 mM). A hemodinâmica uterina foi avaliada por ultrassonografia nos modo color e espectral realizadas nos períodos: imediatamente antes da indução da ovulação (aproximadamente 30 horas antes da IA, T-30), imediatamente antes da inseminação artificial (TIA) e 2 (T2), 6 (T6), 12 (T12), 24 (T24) e 48 (T48) horas após a inseminação artificial. Uma amostra para citologia endometrial foi coletada, por escova ginecológica no momento T6. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando-se análise de variância (ANOVA), sendo as médias comparadas pelo LSD test, SAS versão 9.3 (2010). A adição de pentoxifilina não exerceu efeito sobre a motilidade progressiva, porém, a pentoxifilina aumentou velocidade de trajeto, velocidade progressiva e velocidade curvilinear quando comparada ao controle. Não houve diferença significativa na porcentagem de células apresentando membrana plasmática intacta, acrossoma intacto e alto potencial mitocondrial (PIAIC). Nenhuma diferença estatística foi encontrada no fluxo sanguíneo uterino de éguas após os tratamentos. Porém, a citologia endometrial demonstrou maior resposta inflamatória em grupos contendo pentoxifilina quando comparado aos controles. Concluiu-se que a pentoxifilina exerce efeito positivo sobre parâmetros de velocidade, mas não influencia as membranas celulares e a cromatina. No entanto, quando as éguas são inseminadas com sêmen contendo pentoxifilina, uma resposta inflamatória mais intensa é observada. / The post breeding uterine inflammatory response occurs due to remove spermatozoa and contaminants; however, delayed uterine clearance has been identified, in equines, as the underlying cause of persistent post breeding endometritis. Pentoxifylline acts as a phosphodiesterase inhibitor and increases sperm motion characteristics, and it has been reported to participate as a rheologic agent, improving blood flow to compromised tissues, and as an immunomodulatory agent. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of pentoxifylline added to the seminal extender after thawing, on sperm motion, plasmatic, acrosomal and mitochondrial membranes and chromatin integrities, as well as the uterine inflammatory response on mares after artificial insemination. Ten batches of a unique stallion were cryopreserved (100x106 spermatozoa/0.5 mL straws), in an automated system (TK 3000) and storaged in cryogenic cylinder for posterior use for laboratory analysis and artificial insemination. For laboratory analysis two semen straws of each batch were thawed (37°C/30 seconds) and diluted in skim milk based extender (control) or diluted in skim milk extender containing pentoxifylline (7.18 mM). Aliquots of each treatment were maintained in dry water bath (37°C) and analyzed at four moments: 5 (T0), 30 (T30), 60 (T60) and 120 minutes (T120) post dilution and incubation. Samples were analyzed for sperm motion characteristics, through Computer-Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA), plasmatic, acrosomal and mitochondrial membranes through fluorescent probes association (PI, H342, FITC-PSA and JC-1), spermatic morphology through differential interference contrast and chromatin integrity through Toluidine blue. To examine the effect of extender containing or not pentoxifylline on uterine inflammatory response 15 mares were divided into 5 groups: Group Ccontrol (control): no uterine deposition of semen, or extender, just mimicking the AI procedure; Group SM Extender: deposition of skim milk based extender (Botusemen®, Botupharma); Group SM Extender + PTX: deposition of skim milk based extender containing Pentoxifylline; Group Semen: deposition of semen diluted with extender only; Group Semen + PTX: deposition of semen diluted with extender containing Pentoxifylline (7,18 mM). Uterine hemodynamics were examined through color and spectral mode ultrasonography on moments: immediately before ovulation induction (approximately 30 hours before AI, T-30), immediately before artificial insemination (TAI) and 2 (T2), 6 (T6), 12 (T12), 24 (T24) and 48 (T48) hours after artificial insemination. Samples for endometrial cytology were collected, through cytobrush at T6 moment. Statistical analysis was performed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the range was compared by LSD test, SAS 9.3 version (2010). Pentoxifylline addition did not exert effect on progressive motility, however, pentoxifylline increased path velocity, progressive velocity and curvilinear velocity when compared to controls. There were no significant differences on the percentage of cells presenting intact plasma membrane, intact acrosome and high mitochondrial membrane potential (IPIAH). No statistical difference was found on uterine blood flow of mares after treatments. However, endometrial cytology showed a major inflammatory response on groups containing Pentoxifylline when compared to controls. In conclusion, pentoxifylline exerted a positive effect on velocity parameters, but do not influence cellular membranes and chromatin. Furthermore, when mares were inseminated with semen containing pentoxifylline, an intense inflammatory response was observed.
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Improvement of the in-cycle speed fluctuation and system efficiency of an auxiliary power unitLiu, Dian January 2016 (has links)
Well reported problems around air quality and climate change, together with the energy crisis resulting from finite fossil fuel resources is motivating all the automotive manufacturers to develop new propulsion systems through electrification and hybridisation. The range extended electric vehicle (REEV) is one of these solutions that seeks a practical compromise between the on-board battery size and the one-charge driving range. The auxiliary power unit (APU) is the key component in a REEV and is designed to maintain the battery charge for long distance trips. Since the APU does not propel the vehicle, it only requires a small capacity engine with low-cylinder-count. This type of engine exhibits severe speed fluctuations due to its low firing frequency. As the engine and the M/G are isolated from the vehicle driving wheels, it is possible to use the electric machine to deliver a counteracting torque to the engine reducing the resultant torque spikes and thus the system speed oscillation but likely to increase the electric losses. This research work aims to minimise the speed fluctuation balanced against the extra losses introduced. A Dynamic Torque Control (DTC) strategy was designed and tested on an APU using a novel approach to achieve this target. The system components were modelled individually regarding to the prototype system specifications, which is developed within a collaborative R&D project. The empirical engine model was calibrated with extensive bench testing data to recreate the in-cycle torque waveforms. The motor/generator was modelled as a novel hybrid between an analytical model and an FEA model which allowed the winding inductance variation due to the current rise to be included in the model. This approach was designed to replicate the electric machine performance with high fidelity whilst keeping the computational time and cost low. With the help from the system model, the DTC torque demand patterns were designed based on detailed analysis of the contribution factors of the speed fluctuation and the electric machine losses. A unique Pareto Curve of the speed fluctuation reduction and the electrical loss was identified during the analysis and allowed the optimal demand pattern to be developed for a given torque capability electric machine. The simulation results showed that the system in-cycle speed fluctuations could be reduced by 16.4% and 19.11% at 2000rpm full load and 4500rpm full load condition respectively while the electric specific fuel consumption (ESFC) rose by 2.26% and 1.35% at the same operation points. The DTC strategy was implemented in the prototype APU and successfully tested on the rig at 2000rpm and 4500rpm. A reduction in the speed oscillation and the ESFC increase consistent with the simulation results were observed. The simulation estimates on ESFC was proved within an error of 2.19%. This research improves the insight into the mechanisms that are responsible for increased losses when dynamic torque control is used and develops an optimisation approach which takes account of these factors. When an electric machine, which does not have the same instantaneous peak torque capability as the engine, is used in an APU, a better compromise between speed fluctuation smoothing and system efficiency can be achieved.
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Efeitos da pentoxifilina sobre a qualidade espermática e hemodinâmica uterina em equinos / Effects of Pentoxifylline on sperm quality and uterine hemodinamics in equineRoberta Harue Tsunoda 08 August 2013 (has links)
A resposta inflamatória uterina pós-cobertura ocorre para remoção de espermatozoides e contaminantes; todavia, o atraso em debelar este processo têm sido identificado, em equinos, como a principal causa de endometrite persistente pós-cobertura. A pentoxifilina atua como um inibidor da fosfodiesterase e aumenta as características de motilidade espermática, ainda tem sido relatada sua participação como agente reológico, aumentando o fluxo sanguíneo de tecidos comprometidos, e como agente imunomodulador. O propósito deste estudo foi examinar os efeitos da pentoxifilina adicionada ao diluidor seminal pós-descongelação, sobre a motilidade espermática, membranas plasmática, acrossomal e mitocondrial e integridade de cromatina, bem como sobre a resposta inflamatória uterina após a inseminação artificial de éguas. Dez partidas de sêmen de um único garanhão foram criopreservadas (100x106 espermatozoides/palheta 0,5 mL) em sistema automatizado (TK 3000) e mantidas em botijão criogênico, sendo posteriormente utilizadas para análises laboratoriais e inseminação artificial. Para análise laboratorial duas palhetas de sêmen de cada partida foram descongeladas (37ºC/30 segundos) e diluídas em diluidor à base de leite desnatado (controle) e diluidor à base de leite desnatado contendo pentoxifilina (7,18 mM). As alíquotas de cada tratamento foram mantidas em banho-Maria seco (37°C) e analisadas em quatro momentos: 5 (T0), 30 (T30), 60 (T60) e 120 minutos (T120) pós-diluição e incubação. As amostras foram analisadas quanto às características de movimento espermático, por sistema computadorizado de análise espermática (CASA), membranas plasmática, acrossomal e mitocondrial por associação de sondas fluorescentes (PI, H342, FITC-PSA e JC-1), morfologia espermática por contraste de interferência diferencial e integridade da cromatina pelo Azul de Toluidina. Para avaliar os efeitos do diluidor contendo ou não pentoxifilina na resposta inflamatória uterina, foram utilizadas 15 éguas distribuídas em cinco grupos: Grupo Control (controle): sem deposição de sêmen, nem diluidor, mimetizando-se o procedimento da IA; Grupo SM Extender: deposição de diluidor sem pentoxifilina (Botusemen®, Botupharma); Grupo SM Extender + PTX: deposição de diluidor contendo pentoxifilina; Grupo Sêmen: deposição de sêmen diluído com diluidor sem pentoxifilina; Grupo Sêmen + PTX: deposição de sêmen diluído com diluidor contendo pentoxifilina (7,18 mM). A hemodinâmica uterina foi avaliada por ultrassonografia nos modo color e espectral realizadas nos períodos: imediatamente antes da indução da ovulação (aproximadamente 30 horas antes da IA, T-30), imediatamente antes da inseminação artificial (TIA) e 2 (T2), 6 (T6), 12 (T12), 24 (T24) e 48 (T48) horas após a inseminação artificial. Uma amostra para citologia endometrial foi coletada, por escova ginecológica no momento T6. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando-se análise de variância (ANOVA), sendo as médias comparadas pelo LSD test, SAS versão 9.3 (2010). A adição de pentoxifilina não exerceu efeito sobre a motilidade progressiva, porém, a pentoxifilina aumentou velocidade de trajeto, velocidade progressiva e velocidade curvilinear quando comparada ao controle. Não houve diferença significativa na porcentagem de células apresentando membrana plasmática intacta, acrossoma intacto e alto potencial mitocondrial (PIAIC). Nenhuma diferença estatística foi encontrada no fluxo sanguíneo uterino de éguas após os tratamentos. Porém, a citologia endometrial demonstrou maior resposta inflamatória em grupos contendo pentoxifilina quando comparado aos controles. Concluiu-se que a pentoxifilina exerce efeito positivo sobre parâmetros de velocidade, mas não influencia as membranas celulares e a cromatina. No entanto, quando as éguas são inseminadas com sêmen contendo pentoxifilina, uma resposta inflamatória mais intensa é observada. / The post breeding uterine inflammatory response occurs due to remove spermatozoa and contaminants; however, delayed uterine clearance has been identified, in equines, as the underlying cause of persistent post breeding endometritis. Pentoxifylline acts as a phosphodiesterase inhibitor and increases sperm motion characteristics, and it has been reported to participate as a rheologic agent, improving blood flow to compromised tissues, and as an immunomodulatory agent. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of pentoxifylline added to the seminal extender after thawing, on sperm motion, plasmatic, acrosomal and mitochondrial membranes and chromatin integrities, as well as the uterine inflammatory response on mares after artificial insemination. Ten batches of a unique stallion were cryopreserved (100x106 spermatozoa/0.5 mL straws), in an automated system (TK 3000) and storaged in cryogenic cylinder for posterior use for laboratory analysis and artificial insemination. For laboratory analysis two semen straws of each batch were thawed (37°C/30 seconds) and diluted in skim milk based extender (control) or diluted in skim milk extender containing pentoxifylline (7.18 mM). Aliquots of each treatment were maintained in dry water bath (37°C) and analyzed at four moments: 5 (T0), 30 (T30), 60 (T60) and 120 minutes (T120) post dilution and incubation. Samples were analyzed for sperm motion characteristics, through Computer-Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA), plasmatic, acrosomal and mitochondrial membranes through fluorescent probes association (PI, H342, FITC-PSA and JC-1), spermatic morphology through differential interference contrast and chromatin integrity through Toluidine blue. To examine the effect of extender containing or not pentoxifylline on uterine inflammatory response 15 mares were divided into 5 groups: Group Ccontrol (control): no uterine deposition of semen, or extender, just mimicking the AI procedure; Group SM Extender: deposition of skim milk based extender (Botusemen®, Botupharma); Group SM Extender + PTX: deposition of skim milk based extender containing Pentoxifylline; Group Semen: deposition of semen diluted with extender only; Group Semen + PTX: deposition of semen diluted with extender containing Pentoxifylline (7,18 mM). Uterine hemodynamics were examined through color and spectral mode ultrasonography on moments: immediately before ovulation induction (approximately 30 hours before AI, T-30), immediately before artificial insemination (TAI) and 2 (T2), 6 (T6), 12 (T12), 24 (T24) and 48 (T48) hours after artificial insemination. Samples for endometrial cytology were collected, through cytobrush at T6 moment. Statistical analysis was performed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the range was compared by LSD test, SAS 9.3 version (2010). Pentoxifylline addition did not exert effect on progressive motility, however, pentoxifylline increased path velocity, progressive velocity and curvilinear velocity when compared to controls. There were no significant differences on the percentage of cells presenting intact plasma membrane, intact acrosome and high mitochondrial membrane potential (IPIAH). No statistical difference was found on uterine blood flow of mares after treatments. However, endometrial cytology showed a major inflammatory response on groups containing Pentoxifylline when compared to controls. In conclusion, pentoxifylline exerted a positive effect on velocity parameters, but do not influence cellular membranes and chromatin. Furthermore, when mares were inseminated with semen containing pentoxifylline, an intense inflammatory response was observed.
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Alternativas para o Reaproveitamento de Rejeitos Industriais de Poli(tereftalato de etileno) Reciclado / Alternatives for recycling of industrial wastes of recycled poly (ethylene terephthalate)Breno Heins Bimestre 05 July 2010 (has links)
A produção de mantas de tecido não tecido (TNT) por processo de extrusão a partir do poli(tereftalato de etileno) (PET) reciclado é uma forma interessante de reciclagem de polímeros adotada pela indústria que consegue conciliar viabilidade econômica com benefícios ambientais. Entretanto, durante a etapa de extrusão, muito material é perdido devido a entupimentos do equipamento ou outros motivos que acarretam na geração de uma quantidade considerável de rejeitos que não podem ser reaproveitados no sistema, devido à depreciação de propriedades ocorridas no material durante o processamento, levando ao descarte deste material geralmente em aterros sanitários. Neste trabalho foi feito um estudo sobre a reciclagem de rejeitos de PET das linhas de produção de mantas de tecido não tecido (TNT), adotando aditivos do tipo extensores de cadeia, para recuperar as propriedades que haviam sofrido grande depreciação. A incorporação de extensores de cadeia do tipo anidridos, isocianatos e fosforados, por meio de extrusão reativa, proporcionou melhorias consideráveis nas propriedades químicas, mecânicas e reológicas do rejeito de PET como aumento de massa molar, aumento de iscosidade no fundido e resistência à tração, facilitando o processamento e favorecendo a utilização do rejeito em novas etapas de reciclagem mecânica. Para as indústrias, a possibilidade de converter custos relacionados às operações de descarte de rejeitos em lucros com a agregação de valor a estes rejeitos poliméricos é extremamente interessante. Da mesma forma, a diminuição do volume de materiais poliméricos depositados no meio ambiente significa menos poluição e menos contaminação a diversos ecossistemas, apoiando os esforços que estão sendo feitos para a preservação e redução de poluentes na natureza. / The production of nonwoven fabrics (NWF) by extrusion process from recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is an interesting way for polymer recycling used by industry which to allow conciliate economic viability with environmental benefits. However, during extrusion step, a fraction of material is lost due to equipment clogging or others factors, leading to production of considerable amount of wastes which can not reinserted in system, due to the depreciation of material properties that occurs during thermal-mechanical processing. These rejects are generally deposited in land wastes. In this work was carried out a study about recycling of PET wastes from NWF production lines, using additives of chain extender kind to recoup properties that had been highly depreciated. The incorporation of chain extenders of kind anhydride, isocyanate and phosphorous compounds by reactive extrusion improved considerably some chemical, mechanical and rheological properties of PET waste such as increase in molecular weight, melt viscosity and strain strength, easing the thermal-mechanical processing and making possible the use of PET waste in news steps of mechanical recycling. The possibility to convert expenditures with wastes discarding operations into profits due to the values aggregation on these polymeric wastes is very interesting for the industries. Then, the decrease of amount of polymeric materials deposited in natural environment signifies less contamination to several ecosystems, supporting the works that have been realized to decrease pollutants and to preserve the nature.
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Compatibilização de misturas de PET pós-consumo/PEAD pelo uso de extensor de cadeia.SANTOS, Denilson da Silva. 01 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Rebeka Godeiro (rebeka_carvalho@hotmail.com) on 2017-12-01T15:30:18Z
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DENILSON DA SILVA SANTOS - DISSERTAÇÃO PPCEMAT 2014.pdf: 2474671 bytes, checksum: e6b7578836f9267c2f04227449ea6331 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-01T15:30:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DENILSON DA SILVA SANTOS - DISSERTAÇÃO PPCEMAT 2014.pdf: 2474671 bytes, checksum: e6b7578836f9267c2f04227449ea6331 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-02-19 / CNPq / Neste estudo, foi avaliada a influência de um oligômero multifuncional de estireno-acrílico-epóxi (Joncryl - POLYAD PR 002), comercializado como extensor de cadeia para poliésteres, na compatibilização de misturas de poli(tereftalato de etileno) pós-consumo PET-PC/PEAD, obtidas a partir de PET pós-consumo (PET-PC) e poli(etileno de alta densidade) virgem (PEAD). Os efeitos do teor do extensor de cadeia e da sua combinação com o compatibilizante-polietileno modificado com anidrido maléico (PE-g-MA) nas interações das fases e nas características morfológicas das referidas misturas também foram investigados. Vários estudos sobre a compatibilização de misturas de PET/PEAD já foram reportados na literatura, contudo, pesquisas sobre o uso de extensores de cadeia a base de compostos epoxídos (Joncryl) para tal finalidade não foram reportadas até o momento, sendo este o primeiro trabalho que trata da compatibilização de misturas de PET pós-consumo-PET-PC/poli(etileno de alta densidade)-PEAD pelo uso de extensor de cadeia. As misturas PET-PC/PEAD foram processadas em um misturador interno acoplado ao reômetro de torque Haake Rheomix 3000QC da PolyLab QC operando com com rotores do tipo roller. Duas concentrações do extensor de cadeia (1,5 pcr e 3 pcr) e uma concentração do compatibilizante (10 pcr) foram avaliadas. As amostras obtidas foram caracterizadas por reometria de torque, onde a partir de medições de torque e temperatura obtidas pelo equipamento foi possível realizar uma avaliação das massas molares, e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). De acordo com os resultados, fica evidenciado que o uso do extensor de cadeia e da combinação compatibilizante-extensor resultou no aumento da massa molar da mistura e na compatibilização das misturas de PET-PC-PEAD. Contudo, o uso combinado de compatibilizante/extensor de cadeia mostrou-se mais efetivo na compatibilização do que o uso do extensor de cadeia utilizado isoladamente. A combinação compatibilizante/extensor de cadeia Joncryl poderá trazer benefícios para a reciclagem de misturas de PET pós-consumo e de PEAD – termoplásticos mais largamente encontrados nos lixões. / In this study, was evaluated the influence of a multifunctional styrene-acrylic-epoxy oligomer (Joncryl - POLYAD PR 002) marketed as a chain extender to polyester, in compatibility of blends of poly (ethylene terephthalate) PET/HDPE post market obtained from post-consumer PET (PC-PET) and virgin HDPE. The effects of chain extender content and its combination with the compatibilizer, polyethylene modified with maleic anhydride (PE-g-MA) in interactions of the phases and the morphology of these blends were also investigated. Several studies on the compatibilization of PET/HDPE blends have been reported in the literature, however, research on the use of the chain extenders based epoxy compounds (Joncryl) for this purpose has not been reported yet, which is the first study dealing with compatibilizing blends of post-consumer PET-PET-PC/poly (high density ethylene) - PEAD for the use of chain extender. The mixtures PET-PC/HDPE were processed in an internal mixer coupled to the torque rheometer Haake Rheomix 3000QC of PolyLab QC operating with roller type rotors. Two concentrations of the chain extender (1.5 pcr and 3 pcr) and a concentration of the compatibilizer (10 pcr) were evaluated. The samples obtained were characterized by torque rheometry and from torque and temperature measurements obtained by the equipment was possible to evaluate the molar masses. Samples were also characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). According to the results, it is evident that the use of chain extender and the compatibilizer/chain extender combination resulted in increased molecular mass, and was effective in compatibilizing blends of HDPE-PET-PC. However the combined use of compatibilizer/chain extender was more effective in the compatibilization in comparation with the use of chain extender alone. The use of compatibilizer/Joncryl chain extender can bring benefits for the recycling of post-consumer PET and HDPE thermoplastic blends - more widely found dumpsters.
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Enhancing Saugeye (Sander vitreus x S. canadensis) Production Through the Use of Assisted-Reproduction TechnologiesBlawut, Bryan Joseph 24 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Reactive extrusion of polyamide 6 using a novel chain extenderTuna, Basak, Benkreira, Hadj 17 October 2018 (has links)
Yes / Polyamide 6 (PA6) is an important engineering thermoplastic, very widely used but prone to thermal degradation during extrusion at temperature not far from its melt temperature (220 oC). Typically, and as measured in this study, PA6 extruded at temperature of 300 oC shows a 40% decrease in tensile modulus compared to non-extruded PA6. To rebuild PA6 molecular weight, the easiest and cheapest method is to use an appropriate chain extender. Many chain extenders have been used in the past but they are essentially suited to nucleophile induced degradation, targeting split PA6 chains carboxyl COOH and amine NH2 end groups. What has been lacking are effective chain extenders for thermally only induced degradation, i.e. for the practical cases where the PA6 is thoroughly dried before extrusion. For such a case, the degradation reaction mechanism dictates that the solution is to develop chain extenders that target the split PA6 chains amide CONH2 groups not the carboxyl COOH and amine NH2 end groups. As amide groups strongly react with anhydride functionalities, we test the effectiveness of a novel chain extender, Joncryl® ADR 3400, a styrene maleic anhydride copolymer with multiple, repeating anhydride functionality. Assessment of chain extension in this study is done as with previous work, using rheology, mechanical and thermal properties of PA6 extruded on its own and with the chain extender. The viscoelastic data conclusively show the efficacy of such chain extender with more than 10 fold changes in the comparative values of the extruded sample storage modulus G' and as much as an 85% increase in the tensile modulus. / Republic of Turkey, Ministry of National Education. University of Bradford
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