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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Aided Preparation of Nickel Oxide/Alumina Aerogel Catalyst

Li, Haitao 15 February 2005 (has links)
The strength, thermal stability, pore structure and morphology are keys to success for wider deployment of aerogels. Furthermore, co or subsequent functionalization of the surfaces are equally, if not more important. This study addresses these issues through a new method. The path involves successful use of surfactant templating, supercritical extraction and drying, and supercritical fluid aided functionalization of the surface. Alumina support and alumina supported nickel catalyst particles are used to evaluate the approach. Initially thermally stable surfactant alumina was synthesized. The surfactant template was removed completely with the aid of a supercritical solvent mixture. Surfactant-templated alumina aerogel showed remarkable thermal stability and gave specific surface area above 500m2 /g both before and after calcination. The alumina support is subsequently impregnated with nickel. BET and BJH method (Nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms) were used to follow the removal of solvents and templates as well as tracking the textural properties for the synthesized gel. Meanwhile, co-precipitated nickel oxide/alumina system was also synthesized for comparison with the supercritical impregnation nickel oxide/alumina system. SEM-EDS and XPS were employed to study the distribution of the nickel on the alumina support and the percentage was compared with the initial mixture of the sol gels.

Iskorišćenje sporednog proizvoda uve (Arctostaphylos uva ursi L.) u cilju dobijanja novih biljnih ekstrakata savremenim tehnikama ekstrakcije / Utilization of uva (Arctostaphylos uva ursi L.) by product in order to obtain new herbal extracts by modern extraction techniques

Naffati Abdulhakim 01 February 2019 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify;">U okviru ove doktorske disertacije ispitana je mogućnost ekstrakcije bioaktivnih jedinjenja iz biljne pra&scaron;ine A. uva-ursi, koja nastaje kao sporedni proizvod u fabrici filter čaja. Za ekstrakciju bioaktivnih jedinjenja primenjene su različite tehnike ekstrakcije (klasična ekstrakcija, ultrazvučna ekstrakcija i ekstrakcija subkritičnom vodom), kao i različiti ekstragensi: voda na sobnoj temperaturi, 30-70% etanol i subkritična voda. Sadržaj bioaktivnih jedinjenja u ekstraktima ispitan je primenom odgovarajućih spektrofotometrijskih metoda i HPLC metode. U ekstrakciji biljne pra&scaron;ine A. uva-ursi detaljno je matematički analiziran uticaj procesnih parametara na ekstrakciju subkritičnom vodom bioaktivnih jedinjenja iz materijala ovog tipa i u tom smislu je posmatran uticaj temperature, vremena i dodatka kiseline, a takođe su određeni uslovi pri kojima je, primenom ove tehnike, moguće ostvariti maksimalnu ekstrakciju bioaktivnih jedinjenja od značaja. Pored toga prikazana je i mogućnost primene spray drying tehnike za su&scaron;enje tečnih i proizvodnju suvih ekstrakta A. uva-ursi u formi praha. Na kraju, na osnovu koncentracije bioaktivnih jedinjenja i njihovog delovanja, dat je predlog nekoliko novih preparata na bazi ekstrakata A. uva-ursi, u tečnoj i čvrstoj formi.</p> / <p>This dissertation investigated the possibility to extract bioactive compounds from A. uva-ursi herbal dust, which occurs as a by-product at the filter-tea<br />factory. Various extraction techniques (classical extraction, ultrasound assisted extraction and subcritical water extraction), were applied for the extraction of bioactive compounds, as well as different solvents: water at room temperature, 30-70% ethanol and subcritical water. The content of bioactive compounds in the extracts was investigated using appropriate spectrophotometric methods and the HPLC method. In the extraction of A. uva-ursi herbal dust a detailed mathematical analysis of the influence of process parameters on subcritical water extraction of bioactive compounds from this type of material was conducted. In this regard the influence of temperature, time and acid addition was observed and the conditions under which it is possible to achieve maximum extraction of significant bioactive compounds, by applying this technique, were determined. In addition, the possibility of applying the spray drying technique for drying the liquid and producing dry A. uva-ursi extracts in the form of powder is also presented. Eventually, based on the concentration of the bioactive compounds and their activity, a proposal for a several new preparations in liquid and solid form, based on A. uva-ursi extracts is given.</p>

Savremene metode ekstrakcije očajnice (Marrubium vulgare L.) i sušenje odabranih ekstrakata, hemijski sastav i biološke aktivnosti / Contemporary methods of extraction of white horehound (Marrubium vulgare L.) and drying of selected extracts, chemical composition and biological activities

Gavarić Aleksandra 11 December 2020 (has links)
<p>U okviru ove disertacije ispitane su mogućnosti primene savremenih metoda za dobijanje tečnih ekstrakata (ultrazvučna ekstrakcija, mikrotalasna ekstrakcija i ekstrakcija subkritičnom vodom) i lipofilnih ekstrakata (ekstrakcija superkritičnim ugljendioksidom) bogatih polifenolima iz nadzemnog dela očajnice (Marrubium vulgare L.). Tečni ekstrakti su optimizovani primenom eksperimentalnog dizajna i metode odzivne povr&scaron;ine, i podvrgnuti su spray drying tehnici su&scaron;enja. Tečni i suvi ekstrakti su detaljno ispitani po pitanju hemijskog sastava i biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti, antimikrobne i in vitro antihiperglikemijske aktivnosti.<br />Za svaku od navedenih ekstrakcionih tehnika ispitan je uticaj glavnih parametara: ultrazvučna ekstrakcija (temperatura, vreme ekstrakcije i snaga ultrazvuka), mikrotalasna ekstrakcija (koncentracija etanola, vreme ekstrakcije i snaga mikrotalasa) i ekstrakcija subkritičnom vodom (temperatura, vreme ekstrakcije i koncentracija HCl u ekstragensu). Kod tečnih ekstrakata dobijenih ultrazvučnom i mikrotalasnom ekstrakcijom na optimizovanim uslovima utvrđeno je prisustvo hlorogenske kiseline i kvercetina koji nisu detektovani u maceratima. Ispitana je antimikrobna aktivnost oba ekstrakta i utvrđeno da je B. cereus najosetljiviji bakterijski soj, dok je u slučaju kvasaca S. cerevisiae posebno osetljiv na oba ekstrakta. Pored ove aktivnosti ispitana je i in vitro antihiperglikemijska aktivnost oba ekstrakta prema &alpha;-amilazi i &alpha;-glukozidazi, pri čemu ultrazvučni ekstrakt pokazuje veću antihiperglikemijsku aktivnost (50,63% inhibira &alpha;-amilazu i 48,67% inhibira &alpha;-glukozidazu) &scaron;to se potencijalno može objasniti prisustvom hlorogenske kiseline (33,11 &mu;g/mL) i kvercetina (34,88 &mu;g/mL). U subkritičnom ekstraktu, dobijenom na optimalnim uslovima, detektovano je jedino prisustvo hidroksi metilfurfurala usled čega ovaj ekstrakt nije podvrgnut ispitivanju antimikrobne i antihiperglikemijske aktivnosti.<br />U cilju ekstrakcije lipofilnih komponenata M. vulgare primenjene su destilacija etarskog ulja (0,05%), Soxhlet ekstrakcija (3,23%) i ekstrakcija superkritičnim ugljendioksidom na pritiscima 100, 200 i 300 bar i temperaturama 40, 50 i 60 &deg;C. Najdominantnija komponenta u svim dobijenim superkritičnim ekstraktima je hemotaksonomski marker marubiin koji nije identifikovan u Soxhlet ekstraktu.<br />Tečni ekstrakti dobijeni ultrazvučnom i mikrotalasnom ekstrakcijom na optimizovanim uslovima i macerat su osu&scaron;eni spray drying tehnikom (uz dodatak 10 i 50% maltodekstrina) u cilju dobijanja stabilnije forme suvog ekstrakta. Suvim ekstraktima su određene najznačajnije fizičke osobine i hemijski sastav kao i antimikrobna i antihiperglikemijska aktivnost kako bi se procenila mogućnost njihove inkorporacije u funkcionalnu hranu, dijetetske suplemente ili u formulaciji različitih gotovih proizvoda koji se primenjuju preventivno ili radi pobolj&scaron;anja zdravlja ljudi.</p> / <p>Within the scope of this dissertation, the possibilities of applying modern methods for obtaining liquid (ultrasonic extraction, microwave extraction and subcritical water extraction) and lipophilic extracts (extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide) rich in polyphenols from the aboveground part of white horehound (Marrubium vulgare L.) were examined. Liquid extracts were optimized using an experimental design and response surface method, and subjected to spray drying. Liquid and dry extracts have been extensively examined for their chemical composition and biological activity, antimicrobial and in vitro antihyperglycaemic activities.<br />For each of these extraction techniques, the influence of the main parameters was examined: ultrasonic extraction (temperature, extraction time and ultrasound power), microwave extraction (ethanol concentration, extraction time and microwave power) and subcritical water extraction (temperature, extraction time and HCl concentration in the extractant). Liquid extracts obtained by ultrasonic and microwave extraction under optimized conditions revealed the presence of chlorogenic acid and quercetin, which were not detected in macerates. The antimicrobial activity of both extracts was examined and B. cereus was found to be the most sensitive bacterial strain, whereas in the case of yeast S. cerevisiae was particularly sensitive to both extracts. In addition to this activity, the in vitro antihyperglycaemic activities of both extracts against &alpha;-amylase and &alpha;-glucosidase were investigated, with ultrasound extract showing higher antihyperglycemic activity (50.63% inhibited &alpha;-amylase and 48.67% inhibited &alpha;-glucosidase) which could potentially be explained by the presence of chlorogenic acid (33.11 &mu;g/mL) and quercetin (34.88 &mu;g/mL). In the subcritical extract, obtained under optimal conditions, only the presence of hydroxy methylfurfural was detected, and this extract was not subjected to antimicrobial and antihyperglycemic activity.<br />For the extraction of lipophilic components of M. vulgare, distillation of essential oil (0.05%), Soxhlet extraction (3.23%) and extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide at pressures of 100, 200 and 300 bar and at temperatures of 40, 50 and 60 &deg; C were applied. The most dominant component in all the supercritical extracts obtained is the chemotaxonomic marker marubiin, which was not identified in the Soxhlet extract.<br />The liquid extracts obtained by the ultrasound and microwave extraction under optimized conditions and the macerate were spray dried (with the addition of 10 and 50% maltodextrin) to obtain a more stable form of the dry extract. Dry extracts underwent determination of the most important physical properties and chemical composition as well as antimicrobial and antihyperglycemic activities to evaluate their incorporation into functional foods, dietary supplements or in the formulation of various finished dosage forms that are administered preventively or to improve human health.</p>

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