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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Valorisation chimique des condensats issus de la torréfaction de biomasses : modélisation thermodynamique, conception et analyse des procédés / Recovery process of chemicals from wood torrefaction : thermodynamic modelling, design and analysis of the process

Detcheberry, Mylene 10 December 2015 (has links)
La biomasse lignocellulosique est considérée comme une ressource de carbone renouvelable possédant un grand potentiel pour la une valorisation énergétique et chimique. La torréfaction de la biomasse sèche (de type bois) est un procédé de transformation thermique s’effectuant à des températures comprises entre 200°C et 300°C, et un temps de séjour compris entre quelques minutes et plusieurs heures, opérant sous pression atmosphérique et en défaut d’air. Le produit principal de la torréfaction est un combustible solide hydrophobe et stable. Cette opération génère des coproduits gazeux à haute température qui sont habituellement considérés comme des effluents pénalisants, apportant au mieux un appoint d’énergie pour le procédé. Pourtant, de nombreux constituants présents dans les condensats – récupérés par condensation des coproduits de torréfaction – pourraient être valorisés comme produits chimiques bio-sourcés. L'objectif de la thèse est de proposer un procédé de séparation-purification pour les composés condensables présents dans ces effluents gazeux. Ces condensats constituent une phase majoritairement aqueuse, contenant plus de 150 espèces organiques identifiées. Les espèces minoritaires sont présentes dans des proportions variables suivant le bois torréfié. Enfin il s’agit d’un mélange réactif et thermiquement instable, où différents équilibres chimiques sont présents. Une analyse des caractéristiques physico-chimiques des condensats a permis de proposer un milieu modèle limité à une dizaine de composés. Un modèle représentatif du comportement thermodynamique de ce mélange réactif à large spectre de masse moléculaire a été sélectionné et les paramètres d’interaction binaire identifiés. Des données expérimentales d’équilibres liquide-vapeur ont été acquises pour valider en partie ce modèle. Les composés cibles et les objectifs du procédé de valorisation ont été choisis et plusieurs stratégies de valorisation ont été élaborées et simulées sous Prosim+ sur la base de la modélisation thermodynamique. Cette étude a permis d’évaluer ces différentes stratégies en termes d’efficacité énergétique et de pureté des produits finaux pour une potentielle mise en place à l’échelle industrielle de cette filière. / Lignocellulosic biomass is considered as a renewable carbon resource with great potential for the energy and chemical recovery. Torrefaction is a thermal process carried out at temperatures below 300°C, under inert atmosphere, at atmospheric pressure, and with residence times for the solid biomass ranging from few minutes to several hours. Torrefied wood is a solid product constituted by more than 70% of the initial mass with properties close to those of coal. The 30% remaining part is a gaseous effluent, composed of about one third of non-condensable gases – carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide – and two thirds of condensable species. Currently, torrefied wood is the main product of interest and is usually transformed into energetic gases by the gasification process or directly used as coal for combustion. Conversely, gaseous by-products are considered at present time as a waste and in the best case are burned to provide energy to the process. Yet, the recovery and valorization of the condensable fraction as bio-sourced chemicals is worth considering. The aim of the thesis is to propose a separation-purification process for condensable chemicals of the waste gas. This condensable fraction is a predominantly aqueous phase, containing more than 150 identified organic species. Minority species are present in varying proportions depending on torrefied wood. Finally, it is a reactive and thermally unstable mixture, where different chemical equilibria are present. An analysis of the physicochemical characteristics of the condensable fraction allowed selecting a limited number of compounds to model the mixture. A representative model of the thermodynamic behavior of the reactive mixture has been selected and the binary interaction parameters identified. Experimental vapor-liquid equilibria data were acquired in part to validate this model. The target compounds and objectives of the recovery process were selected and several development strategies were developed and simulated in ProSim+ on the basis of thermodynamic modeling. This study assessed these different strategies in terms of energy efficiency and purity of the products for potential implementation on an industrial scale of this sector.

Produção de etanol de segunda geração por Scheffersomyces stipitis a partir de pentoses em processo extrativo à vácuo / Production of second generation ethanol by Schefferspmyces stipitis from pentoses by vacuum extractive process

Farias, Daniele, 1984- 11 July 2014 (has links)
Orientadores: Francisco Maugeri Filho, Daniel Ibraim Pires Atala / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T00:40:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Farias_Daniele_D.pdf: 6531706 bytes, checksum: 72d6eac9b0705d092d687f0e643efe07 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A produção biotecnológica de etanol de segunda geração (2G) mediante o cultivo de Scheffersomyces stipitis a partir de pentoses de hidrolisados hemicelulósicos de resíduos agroindustriais é de grande interesse econômico. Isso porque esse processo pode agregar valor a estes resíduos, possibilitando substituir os combustíveis fósseis, além de promover um aproveitamento mais completo dos materiais. Somando-se a isso, a utilização de meios fermentativos com alta concentração de substrato é de grande interesse para a indústria, pois diminui de forma significativa o volume das dornas e da vinhaça. As grandes quantidades de etanol no meio consomem menos energia no processo de extração. Porém, esta alta concentração de etanol inibe o processo, surgindo necessidade do mesmo ser retirado do meio enquanto é produzido. A utilização de técnicas de extração melhora o desempenho do processo. O uso do evaporador flash possibilita usar altas concentrações de açúcares, o que tem como consequência maior produção de etanol, reduzindo o custo da destilação. Diante disto, o objetivo dest trabalho foi o de desenvolver uma tecnologia alternativa para transpor os gargalos hoje existentes na produção de etanol 2G a partir de pentoses através de um processo fermentativo com retenção de células, acoplado a um evaporador a vácuo tipo flash. O protótipo proposto possibilitou investigar a produção de etanol a partir de xiloses, em processo utilizando alta concentração celular de S. stipitis. A razão do emprego desta tecnologia se deve à baixa tolerância do micro-organismo ao etanol e à baixa produtividade. Inicialmente foram realizados estudos visando investigar os efeitos inibitórios da concentração de etanol e de substrato no comportamento cinético da linhagem S. stipitis. Para tal, foram realizados experimentos no modo batelada e contínuo, com concentração de substrato variando na faixa de 7,5 a 145 g.L-1. Os resultados comprovaram o forte efeito inibitório sobre a velocidade específica de crescimento celular, de consumo de substrato e de etanol produzido quando administradas elevadas concentrações de substrato, bem como quando acumulados altas concentrações de etanol. Com base nestes dados foi desenvolvido um modelo matemático misto, o qual combina os modelos de Andrews e Levenspiel para descrever os efeitos inibitórios da concentração de substrato e etanol, respectivamente. O modelo cinético foi capaz de descrever satisfatoriamente o perfil cinético dos dados experimentais.. Fez-se uma análise de sensibilidade paramétrica através do auxílio de um planejamento Plackett-Burman usando o software Statistica, variando os parâmetros cinéticos e avaliando o efeito desta variação nos perfis de concentração celular, substrato e etanol. Os parâmetros idenficados como mais relevantes do modelo foram ?max, Pmax, Yx, n e Yp/x, os quais foram escolhidos para serem re-estimados sempre que houverem mudanças nas condições operacionais. Com intuito de aprimorar a produção de etanol pela linhagem S. stipitis, realizaram-se experimentos no modo batelada alimentada. Esta estratégia é utilizada para evitar a repressão catabólica do micro-organismo, bem como para assegurar uma alimentação ótima de substrato no reator. Operar o sistema com esta estratégia resultou em elevados rendimentos e produtividades para este tipo de processo. A máxima concentração de etanol obtida foi de 46 g.L-1, obtidas para concentração de xilose no meio de alimentação de 200 g.L-1. O rendimento e a produtividade foram 1.1 e 2.3 vezes superiores do que quando operados experimentos no modo batelada simples. Por fim, para testar a operacionalidade da tecnologia desenvolvida foram realizados experimentos com o intuito de avaliar a eficiência do `retentostato extrativo a vácuo¿. O efeito tóxico promovido pelo etanol em altas concentrações foi minimizado pela extração intermitente em tanque flash operado a vácuo. Esta estratégia permitiu manter uma baixa concentração de etanol no meio fermentativo (~25-35 g.L-1) e uma concentração alcóolica no condensador de 40 °GL. A máxima produtividade em etanol obtida o sistema desenvolvido foi de 1 g.L-1.h-1, obtido com 100 g.L-1 de xilose no meio de alimentação, valor este 4.35 vezes maior quando comparado aos cultivos no modo batelada simples. A tecnologia proposta aqui pode contribuir para aprimorar futuras pesquisas na produção de etanol 2G por meio do desenvolvimento de processos de baixo custo em escala industrial / Abstract: The biotechnological production of second generation ethanol (2G) through the cultivation of Scheffesomyces stipitis on pentoses obtained from hemicellulose hydrolyzates of agro-industrial wastes is of great economic interest. This is because, this process can add value to these wastes, replace fossil fuels, and promote a complete recovery of materials. Adding to this, the use of fermentation media with high concentration of substrate is of great interest to industry because it reduces significantly the volume of reactors and vinasse. Large amounts of ethanol in the culture medium consume less energy in the extraction process. However, this high concentration of ethanol inhibits the process, so its remotion during fermentation is advisable. The use of extraction techniques improves the performance of the process. The use of flash evaporator allows the use of high concentrations sugars, which results in increased production of ethanol, reducing the cost of distillation. Facing this, the objective of this study is to develop an alternative technology to bridge the currently existing bottlenecks in the production of 2G ethanol from pentoses through a fermentatiton process with cell retention, coupled to a vaccum evaporator type flash. With the proposed prototype, ethanol production from xyloses was studied in a process utilizing high cell concentration of S. stipitis. The reason for the use of this technology is due to the low tolerance of this strain to ethanol as well as the low productivity. Initial studies were conducted in order to investigate the inhibitory effects of ethanol and substrate concentrations in the kinetic behavior of the strain S. stipitis. To promote this, experiments were performed in batch and continuous mode, with substrate concentration ranging from 7.5 to 145 g.L-1. The results showed a strong inhibitory effect promoted on the specific growth rate, substrate consumption and ethanol production when high initial substrate concentrations were administered, leading to high concentrations of ethanol. Based on these experimental data, a mixed mathematical model that combines models of Andrews and Levenspiel to describe the inhibitory effect prmoted by substrate and ethanol concentrations, respectively, has been proposed. The kinetic model was able to satisfactorily describe the kinetic profile of the experimental data. However, mathematical modeling of kinetic parameters is a difficult task and it consumes a considerable period of time. A parametric sensitivity analysis was performed with the aid of a Plackett-Burman design using the Statistic software. The kinetic parameters were varied and the effect of this variation was evaluated in the cell, substrate and ethanol concentration profiles. The most relevant model parameters were ?max, Pmax, Yx, n and Yp/x, which were chosen to be re-estimated whenever there are changes in the operation conditions. In order to enhance the 2G ethanol production by strain S. stipitis, experiments were performed in fed-batch mode. This strategy was used to avoid the catabolic repression of this strain as well as to ensure optimal substrate feeding to the reactor. The operate of the system whit this strategy resulted in high concentrations of ethanol with high yields and productivities. The maximum ethanol concentration achivied was 46 g.L-1 obtained for xylose concentration in the feed medium of 200 g.L-1. The yield and productivity were 1.1 and 2.3 times higher than when operated in the batch mode. Finally, experiments were conducted to test the effectiveness of the technology developed in order to evaluate the efficiency of `extractive retentostato vacuum¿. The toxic effect caused by high ethanol concentrations was minimized by intermittent extraction in the flash tank operated on vacuum. This strategy allowed maintaining a low concentration of ethanol in the fermentation medium (~25 ¿ 35 g.L-1) and an alcohol concentration in the condenser at 40°GL. The maximum ethanol productivity obtained was 1 g.L 1.h-1, obtained with 100 g.L-1 of xylose in the feed medium, and this value was 4.35 times higher compared with experiments performed in bacth mode. The technology proposed here may contribute to enhance future research in 2G ethanol production through the development of processes for low cost industrial scale / Doutorado / Engenharia de Alimentos / Doutora em Engenharia de Alimentos

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