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Destination Japan : En studie av svenska företag med etablerade dotterbolag på den japanska marknaden.Mohamud Harbi, Ugbaad, Vesterlund Olsson, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Japan är världens tredje största ekonomi och skulle därav kunna anses vara en attraktiv marknad för svenska företag. Även om Japan anses vara en attraktiv marknad för svenska företag, återstår fortfarande faktum att länderna skiljer sig åt gällande kultur, värderingar och seder vilket kan medföra svårigheter för svenska företag när de försöker etablera sig på den japanska marknaden. Studiens huvudsakliga syften var att visa hur fem framgångsrika svenska multinationella företag har gått tillväga vid sin japanska expansion, belysa vilka etableringsstrategier de tillämpat och utmaningar företagen har stött på, samt redogöra för vilka framtidsutsikter respektive företag har. De studerade företagen är stora multinationella organisationer med etablerade dotterbolag i Japan. Studien tillämpade en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, mer specifikt i form av intervjuer. Teorier som tillämpas i studien är; Uppsalamodellen, Hollensen’s Entry Modes samt Hofstedes Fem Dimensioner och används i studien för att analysera det empiriska underlaget. Studiens resultat visade att fyra av fem företag valt en etableringsstrategi med lägre risktagande och det femte företaget valt en strategi med högre risktagande. Respondenterna beskrev att de största utmaningarna var att hitta rätt personal samt att samarbeten med inhemska företag har visat sig vara en framgångsrik strategi hos fyra av fem företag. Resultatet av studien skulle kunna användas som inspiration för svenska företag med tankar på ett inträde i Japan.
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The regulation of foreign direct investment in Tanzania: a focus on tax incentives schemesNdiko, Amina January 2013 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM
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Investissements directs étrangers et sécurité alimentaire dans les pays en développement / Foreign direct Investment and food security in developing countriesBen slimane, Mehdi 30 May 2016 (has links)
Les pays en développement (PED) enregistrent un taux de croissance démographique particulièrement élevé et une forte demande alimentaire. Par ailleurs, l’investissement direct étranger (IDE) est au centre des politiques d’investissement de ces pays. Les PED attirent l’IDE pour améliorer la croissance économique. Cette vision optimiste est contredite par des effets négatifs sur leur économies. En se basant sur trois facteurs que nous jugeons très importants pour la sécurité alimentaire (SA) : la production agricole, la qualité institutionnelle et la dépendance en importation alimentaires, nous investiguons les effets de l’IDE sur la SA.Les résultats montrent que l’IDE agricole améliore la SA et l’IDE secondaire améliore la production agricole grâce au transfert technologique et du savoir-faire avec des effets nuisibles qui peuvent apparaitre comme la pollution de l’environnement. L’IDE tertiaire a tendance à baisser la main d’œuvre dans l’agriculture et à augmenter la demande alimentaire dans les zones urbaines. En ajoutant l’institution locales à l’analyse, les résultats montrent qu’à partir de certains seuils de qualité institutionnelle, l’IDE primaire et secondaire améliorent la SA. L’intérêt des PED est d’améliorer leur qualité institutionnelle et de cibler l’attraction de l’IDE. / Developing countries (DCs) have a high population growth and food demand. Moreover, foreign direct investment (FDI) is in the heart of investment policy. DCs attract FDI to improve their economic growth. This optimistic view is contradicted by negative effects on their economies. We based our analysis on three important factors: agricultural production, institutional quality and the food import dependency, we investigate the effects of desegregated and aggregated FDI on the food security. The results show that agricultural FDI improves food security and secondary FDI improves agricultural production through technology transfer and know-how with harmful effects that may occur as the environmental pollution.The tertiary IDE tends to decrease labor in agriculture and increasing food demand in urban areas. By adding the local institution to the analysis, the results show that from certain institutional quality thresholds, primary and secondary IDE improves food security. Our recommendation is that DCs has the interest to improve their institutional quality and targeting the attraction of FDI. Finally, aggregated FDI tends to deteriorate the ability to import food in countries with low and lower middle income. These countries have an interest to attract export-oriented FDI.
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Austria´s FDI / Austria’s FDIJurek, Martin January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on Austrian foreign direct investments and more specifically on the internalization of Austrian companies into the Czech Republic. The aim is to thoroughly display the Austria's outward foreign direct investments, introduce the internationalization models and apply them in an analysis of Austrian companies present in the Czech Republic. The first step towards answering research questions is the presentation of a short theoretical background on foreign direct investment. Further, the main characteristics of Austrian investments are stated. Chapter two starts with term definitions. Thereby, a common under-standing of the most relevant terms is established. The thorough literature review illuminates the theories behind each model and its development. In the following step, the practical part of the paper is introduced. At first, assumptions from the internationalization models are derived. Afterwards, these assumptions serve as a foundation for the questionnaire's framework. The primary part of this chapter displays results of the empirical study. Finally, a conclusion is presented summing up the thesis's core findings. These findings are primarily direct answers to the research questions seeking to fulfill the main objective of the diploma thesis.
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Komparace ekonomik Finska a Švédska v kontextu hospodářské krize od roku 2008 do roku 2012 / Comparison of Finnish and Swedish economies in the context of the economic crisis from 2008 to 2012Štěpánek, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze and compare the economic development of Finland and Sweden with the emphasis of the current economic crisis. The first chapter presents basic characteristics of both economies and their development till 2008. The second chapter shows the development of both economies from the beginning of the crisis until now. The chapter is divided into sub-chapters that analyze individual economic indicators.
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Přímé zahraničních investice v době krize / Foreign direct investment in times of crisisLegerský, Vít January 2011 (has links)
The paper is divided into 3 main parts. The first is dedicated to the general theoretical knowledge related to FDI while the second part takes a closer look at the main determinants of the FDI flows. The third part presents the effects of the crisis on FDI flow and the last part concentrates on the transition economies.
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Hospodářské vztahy mezi Českou republikou a Indií s přihlédnutím ke kulturním odlišnostem / Economic relations between the Czech Republic and India with regard to cultural differencesHančáková, Aneta January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to introduce business environment in India to the Czech businessmen and to the public. The thesis shall answer the questions like what are opportunities and threats of the Indian business environment, how culture influences business negotiations with Indian counterparties and if India is the perspective country for the Czech exporters and investors.
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Turkisk klädekonomi : En fallstudie av tillverkare i Istanbul och deras industri / Turkish apparel economy : A case study of manufacturers in Istanbul and their industryJohansson, Frej January 2020 (has links)
This paper describes textile production in Istanbul, Turkey. From its historical background to the challenges of today. The respondents have told about how they work, talked about competition, communication, achievements, investments and much more. The purpose was basically to find out how important the textile industry, with focus on apparel, is in the economy of Turkey today. Also how this industry can develop, and what it will take to reach such development. The empirical material comes from experienced people in the field and is analyzed with the SWOT model besides other marketing and logistics related theory. Used method is a qualitative approach with semi structural interviews. Companies and associations in Istanbul have responded. These contributors are a mix of senior managers, specialists, officials, employees and entrepreneurs. An interview guide was developed after a pre-study in Sweden. Findings of the study shows that these companies are competing for international customers, but also working together for their industry and country. Some important factors to become successful is experience, research, innovation and customer care. To take a step of further development, more strategy, competence and investments might be needed. There are many other countries which can also challenge about the customers in this business. China and Bangladesh do have similarities with the early development of Turkey in the case of textile garment industry, but are now considered different as competitors. Turkey do have some national advantages, and not least its beneficial geographical position.
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Kinesiska direktinvesteringar : Företagsförvärv på den svenska marknadenKrusell, Ida, Stenberg Kumlin, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Studien undersöker de huvudsakliga motiven bakom kinesiska företagsförvärv på den svenska marknaden. På senare tid har Kinas direktinvesteringar inom de europeiska länderna ökat, där Sverige har varit en av de huvudsakliga mottagarna. Som följd har det uppstått en oro i såväl Europa som Sverige kring vilka motiv som ligger bakom investeringarna. För att undersöka vilka de huvudsakliga motiven är har en egen analysmodell med fyra propositioner utarbetats. Analysmodellen baseras på Dunnings fyra motiv för utländska direktinvesteringar (FDI), tidigare studier om Kinas investeringsmönster samt fakta om den svenska marknadens egenskaper. För att besvara studiens forskningsfråga genomfördes fyra intervjuer. Resultatet visade att samtliga av Dunnings motiv går att applicera på kinesiska investerare vid val av investeringsmarknad, men där vissa motiv är mer vanligt förekommande. Studien tyder även på den kinesiska statens starka inflytande över kinesiska investerare och hur det kan överträffa individuella motiv.
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Competition to attract foreign direct investment through tax incentives as a threat for the realisation of socio-economics in AfricaTessema, Samuel Tilahun January 2008 (has links)
The main objective of the study is to show how the use of tax incentives as
means of attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is threatening the realisation of socio-economic rights in
Particular attention is given on how the granting of generous tax incentives can affect the proper and adequate provision of public services and infrastructures by highly reducing government revenue. The
research does not intend to analyse the impact of loss of revenue through tax
incentives on each and every socio-economic right. Rather the focus is on its
general impact on obligations of African states to respect, protect and fulfill socio-economic rights as derived from the major international, regional and national
human rights instruments / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2008. / A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Law University of Pretoria, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Masters of Law (LLM in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa). Prepared under the supervision of Mr Pramod Bissessur, Faculty of Law and Management, University of Mauritius / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/ / Centre for Human Rights / LLM
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