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Testování Fed modelu / Fed Model TestingHříbalová, Pavlína January 2010 (has links)
Diploma Thesis focuses on Fed Model testing and its credibility on market data. The research is based on Gordon Model and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), it explains, what the basic features of the Fed Model are and describes its derivation from Gordon Model. The Thesis shows possible Fed Model limitation. It uses the US market, Great Britain and Germany 1979 -- 2011 data to demonstrate validity of the model. Eventually possible reasons of Fed Model development in period 2002 -- 2011 are presented.
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聯準會模型在亞洲市場之實證分析 / An adjusted Fed-model for valuation of Asia stock markets陳喬羚, Chen, Chiao Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討了收益率(earnings yield)和亞洲市場的長期政府債券收益率( long term government bond yield)的關係。並且運用結構性變異來以提高聯準會模型和股價的相關性。聯準會模型是用來判斷市場是否高估或低估股價或在其公允價值。本研究在亞洲十個主要市場進行實證研究,探討聯準會模型中不同的時間跨度的關係。結果顯示在亞洲國家,大盤的收益率和幾個月後的長期政府債券收益率之間有強關聯性。本研究通過迴歸分析研究來研究此模型的預測能力,並考慮不同的結構性變異檢定法ROC 和Bai_Perron檢定,結論顯示了ROC 檢定法更有效的偵測結構變異,提高聯準會模型的預測能力。 / This paper examines the possible relationship the earnings yield and long term government bond yield for the Asia markets. We apply structure break test to improve the Fed-model, which is used to judge whether stock prices are too high, too low or at their fair value. The paper examines the relationship proposed by the Fed- model with different time horizons. The findings reveal a strong association between long term government yield and the earnings yield in months later. The difference between the earnings yield and real bond yield is a shorthand measure for expected returns and we examine the predictive power of this measure by regression analysis. Considering ROC test and Bai_Perron test, it shows ROC test improves the forecasting power of Fed model with a better result.
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聯準會模型的國際普遍性與門檻回歸應用 / The International Test and the Threshold Regressive Analysis of the Fed model潘彥君 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文檢驗聯準會模型在六個亞洲市場:中國大陸、印度、馬來西亞、新加坡、台灣和泰國是否成立。我們首先檢驗共整合檢定來觀察變數之間長期的關係;另外,針對線性的指標模型,我們則檢測其是否具有非線性的門檻自回歸情形。實證結果顯示,於共整合檢定下,六個國家的股票價格、股票報酬和十年期債券殖利率具有長期共整合關係;而在非線性的TAR模型配適下,其解釋能力優於線性的AR模型。 / This paper studies the Fed Model in six Asia countries, China, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand. We examine the cointegraiton test for the long-run relationship and build a nonlinear threshold autoregressive model (TAR) between the long -term government bond yield, the stock index and the earning s index. Our empirical results show that such a long-run relationship indeed exists for those countries. In addition, the explanatory power of TAR model is better than linear AR model.
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Essays on the term structure of interest rates and long-run risksHenrik, Hasseltoft January 2009 (has links)
Stocks, Bonds, and Long-Run Consumption Risks. Bansal and Yaron (2004) show that long-run consumption risks and time-varying economic uncertainty in conjunction with recursive preferences can account for important features of equity markets. I bring the model to the term structure of interest rates and show that a calibrated version of the model can simultaneously explain properties of bonds and equities. Specifically, the model accounts for deviations from the expectations hypothesis, the upward sloping nominal yield curve, and the predictive power of the nominal yield spread. However, an estimation of the model using Simulated Method of Moments yields less convincing results and illustrates the difficulty of precisely estimating parameters of the model. Real (nominal) interest rates in the model are positively (negatively) correlated with consumption growth and real stock returns move inversely with inflation. The cyclicality of nominal interest rates and yield spreads is shown to depend on the relative values of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution and the correlation between real consumption growth and inflation. The “Fed-model” and the Changing Correlation of Stock and Bond Returns: An Equilibrium Approach. This paper presents an equilibrium model that provides a rational explanation for two features of data that have been considered puzzling: The positive relation between US dividend yields and nominal interest rates, often called the Fed-model, and the time-varying correlation of US stock and bond returns. Key ingredients are time-varying first and second moments of consumption growth, inflation, and dividend growth in conjunction with Epstein-Zin and Weil recursive preferences. Historically in the US, inflation has signaled low future consumption growth. The representative agent therefore dislikes positive inflation shocks and demands a positive risk premium for holding assets that are poor inflation hedges, such as equity and nominal bonds. As a result, risk premiums on equity and nominal bonds comove positively through their exposure to macroeconomic volatility. This generates a positive correlation between dividend yields and nominal yields and between stock and bond returns. High levels of macro volatility in the late 1970s and early 1980s caused stock and bond returns to comove strongly. The subsequent moderation in aggregate economic risk has brought correlations lower. The model is able to produce correlations that can switch sign by including the covariances between consumption growth, inflation, and dividend growth as state variables. International Bond Risk Premia. We extend Cochrane and Piazzesi (2005, CP) to international bond markets by constructing forecasting factors for bond excess returns across different countries. While the international evidence for predictability is weak using Fama and Bliss (1987) regressions, we document that local CP factors have significant predictive power. We also construct a global CP factor and provide evidence that it predicts bond returns with high R2 across countries. The local and global factors are jointly significant when included as regressors, which suggests that variation in bond excess returns are driven by country-specific factors and a common global factor. Shocks to US bond risk premia seem to be particularly important determinants for international bond premia. Motivated by these results, we estimate a parsimonious no-arbitrage affine term structure model in which risk premia are driven by one local and one global CP factor. We find that international bond risk premia are driven by a local slope factor and a world interest rate level factor.
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Cinq essais dans le domaine monétaire, bancaire et financierMercier, Fabien 12 December 2014 (has links)
La thèse étudie plusieurs problématiques centrales et actuelles de la finance moderne : la rationalité limitée des agents et leurs biais comportementaux vis-à-vis des valeurs nominales,le problème de la juste évaluation du prix des actions, la refonte du paysage de l'industrie post-négociation en Europe suite à l'introduction du projet de l'Euro système Target-2 Securities, ainsi que les modèles de défaut et les méthodes d’estimation des cycles de défaut pour un secteur donné. Les techniques employées sont variées: enquêtes sur données individuelles, économétrie, théorie des jeux, théorie des graphes, simulations de Monte-Carlo,chaînes de Markov cachées. Concernant l’illusion monétaire, les résultats confirment la robustesse des résultats d’études précédentes tout en dévoilant de nouvelles perspectives de recherche, par exemple tenter d’expliquer la disparité des réponses selon les caractéristiques individuelles des répondants,en particulier leur formation universitaire. L’étude du modèle de la Fed montre que la relation de long terme entre taux nominal des obligations d’Etat et rendement des actions n’est ni robuste, ni utile à la prédiction sur des horizons temporels réduits. L’étude sur Target 2 Securities a été confirmée par les faits. Enfin, le modèle d’estimation des défauts à partir de chaînes de Markov cachées fait preuve de bonnes performances dans un contexte européen, malgré la relative rareté des données pour sa calibration. / The thesis studies various themes that are central to modern finance : economic agents rationality and behavioural biases with respect to nominal values, the problem of asset fundamental valuation, the changing landscape of the European post-trade industry catalysed by the Eurosystem project Target 2 Securities, and models of defaults and methods to estimate defaults cycles for a given sector. Techniques employed vary: studies on individual data,econometrics, game theory, graph theory, Monte-Carlo simulations and hidden Markov chains. Concerning monetary illusion, results confirm those of previous study while emphasizing new areas for investigation concerning the interplay of individual characteristics, such as university education, and money illusion. The study of the Fed model shows that the long term relationship assumed between nominal government bond yield and dividend yield is neither robust, nor useful for reduced time horizons. The default model based on hidden Markov chains estimation gives satisfactory results in a European context, and this besides the relative scarcity of data used for its calibration.
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聯邦模型在亞太市場之實證研究 / The Empirical Study on the Fed Model in Main Asia-Pacific Markets張碧娟, Chang, Bi-Juan Unknown Date (has links)
聯邦模型(Fed Model)為一簡單股市報酬估計模型,認為股市之報酬率與政府十年期公債殖利率相近。本研究以此模型對亞太地區十個市場進行探討,並以反序累積平方和(Reversed Ordered Cusum squared,ROC)的方式偵測市場之結構變異,以做出更精確的預測與分析。所研究的市場包括澳洲、紐西蘭、日本、台灣、南韓、新加坡、香港、泰國、馬來西亞、以及菲律賓。我們得到的結論認為聯邦模型在澳洲、紐西蘭、日本、南韓、新加坡、及菲律賓的確有其效果存在,且在考量可能產生結構變異的時間點後,可使預測準確度提高。因此,我們可採用聯邦模型,做為資產在股市與債市間配置之參考工具。 / The Fed Model indicates that the stock market returns are very close to the long-term government bond yields. This article examines the Fed model in 10 main Asia-Pacific markets- Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, and Philippine. The Reversed Ordered Cusum squared (ROC) test is used to detect the structural changes, and improve the out-of-sample forecasting results. We conclude that the Fed Model has some prediction power in these 10 markets, and can be considered as a useful dynamic asset allocation tool.
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