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Hnací ústrojí tříválcového zážehového hvězdicového motoru / Powertrain of three-cylinder gasoline radial engineKošař, Miroslav January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is the design of a radial spark-ignition engine in two layout variations, the stress analysis of selected components using the finite element method, the eventual optimization of selected components and the determination of safety on their most strained locations.
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Biomechanická studie zápěstí horní končetiny / Biomechanical study of the upper limb wristKouřil, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This master´s thesis is focused on biomechanical study of wrist. There is a literature search on this theme in the beginning of this work. The thesis is described in detail anatomy of bones in the wrist. Subsequent the stress-strain analysis of physiological wrist is implemented in a neutral position. The model of geometry of wrist is created on base of CT data. To create calculation model and the solution is implemented in the computer system ANSYS Workbench.
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Konstrukční úprava těhlice osobního vozidla / Design modification of the vehicle uprightCoufal, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with design modification of specific upright in response to exchange the caliper for non-series one. It focuses on the creation and subsequent adjustment of the 3D model based on obtained size and shape of real upright by using 3D scan. For the editing part is conducted the strength test by using FEM and the results are compared with the values of the original upright.
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Rám formule Dragon 3 / Chassis for Formula Dragon 3Thorž, František January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with an alternative frame design of Formula Student which is made of aluminium honeycomb sandwich. First part describes the current options analysis, the property of aluminium panel and its loading behaviour. Next part provides a frame design and computational model for stress analysis by FEM and the main part is contains the calculation of torsional rigidity including its procedure. Finally, the thesis provides the comparison with tubular space frame of the 3th generation formula Dragon.
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Návrh vozidla skupiny E2 pro závody do vrchu / Design of the Group E2 Vehicle for the Hill ClimbMalchárek, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the design of the E2 hill climb car and it is design by following the FIA rules. Next parts are focused on detailed design of the front and rear suspension and design of the frame. Diploma thesis is processed using CAD system Autodesk Inventor 2011, in which was created all sketches and models. The suspension geometry during bound and rebound movement of the wheel was made in MBS system MSC Adams 2010. FEM analysis of the frame was made in ANSYS Workbench 12.1.
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Přizpůsobení ohřívatelného tribometrického nástroje pro sériové zkoušky / Adaptation of heatable tribometric tool for series testingRůžička, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
This Paper deals with a design of tribometer for pin-on-disc and disc-on-disc tests. The purpose of these tests is Investigation of friction coefficient during hot forming. The main emphases of this paper are tool heating and quick tool change. The conductive sample heating is analyzed with FEM software Ansys and the results of this snalysis are taken into design consideration. Existing pin mounting design is considered as satisfying. Various disc mounting concepts are compared. The best solution - specimen mounting by an inside clamping cone with integrated specimen ejector was manufactured (heating excluding) and successfully tested.
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Biomechanická studie kolenního kloubu s aloplastikou / Biomechanical studies of knee jointarthroplastyZděblo, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis deals with stress-strain analysis of the intact human knee joint and the knee joint after reconstruction using fixation plate. Finite element method is used to determine the biomechanical response of the knee under loading with the FE software Ansys. The three-dimensional finite element model is consisted of bony structures (femur and tibia) which were created using computed tomography (CT) data, articular cartilages and both menisci. Model of the locking plate (LCP) was created based on producer's technical guide. Three models of the knee joint with LCP fixation plate are created for three different sizes of condylar fragment based on the intact model. On all variants is applied loading corresponding to maximum loading in a gait cycle. The results show that reconstruction of the knee joint with locking plate has no effect on changing in contact pressure on tibial plateau.
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Konstrukční návrh vertikálního výměníku tepla / Design of vertical heat exchangerVosynková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis describes the design of a vertical heat exchanger in accordance with European standard ČSN EN 13 445-3 Unfired pressure vessels - Part 3: Design (in Czech). The first part contains the distribution of heat exchangers including an overview of the most commonly used media. The main part is aimed on the strength assessment of the heat exchanger based on the mentioned standard. The assessment equations are converted into an interactive document in Mathcad program. This allows quick evaluation of the new input parameters or easy implementation of the new parts of assessment. Checking the analytical evaluation is performed by numerical simulation in Ansys Workbench software with post-processing results according to given standard (stress categorization). The output is also the heat exchanger design documentation.
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Konstrukční návrh trubkového rámu Formule Student / Formula Student Tubular Frame DesignRatiborský, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design of the tubular frame for the Formula Student car competition. The first part is a brief introduction to the competition and used variants of frames. The main part starts with a list of restrictions by the rules and other necessary installation components. The central part is devoted to the draft modifications and their assessment in terms of torsional stiffness by FEM analysis. The final section presents the resulting frame design with respect to the required properties. The work is concluded final evaluation.
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Návrh zakřivení rámu dveřního křídla / Design of Door Frame CurvatureMerkl, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of door frame curvature, meant for rail vehicle. Flat glass is adhesively bonded onto the curved door frame and due to the elastic deformation the door frame bends backwards. Hence the door frame must be bend with reserve so that the elastic deformation is covered. Finite element analysis of currently manufactured door with constant curvatere has been carried out, with this analysis it has been checked that the chosen problem approach is suitable. Design of door frame curvature is then made for door frame with combined curvature (different for lower and upper part of door frame). The aim of this thesis was to design the curvature so that after glass is bonded onto it, the door frame will have the right dimensions.
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