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Effect Of Surface Properties Of Alignment Layer On Zigzag Defect In Surface Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal ( SSFLC ) DeviceSu, Yong-Jhang 19 July 2007 (has links)
Nowadays liquid crystals have widely used for optical devices, even are attractive in display. But a major problem for nematic phase is its long response time, which hinders the phase to be used in high quality displays. Surface Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal¡]SSFLC¡^is a thin device which has fast response time and exhibits excellent bistability. It can be applied in display. But it is difficult for SSFLC to achieve alignment without zigzag defects. This defect will reduce contrast ratio of display and cause image irregularities and flickering.
This article discusses zigzag defects in SSFLC device. In experiment, we use convenient rubbing method to alignment FLC with high pre-tilt PI film. And we investigate the surface properties of polyimide (PI) films rubbed with different rubbing strength. We fabricate the SSFLCs without zigzag defects, and confirm that the great rubbing strength produce more zigzag defects for FLC alignment. In addition, we discuss the topography of smooth surface results in fewer defects. Finally, with the relationship between surface energy and different rubbing strength in PI film, we show the polarity of surface energy is a important role for FLC alignment.
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From information management to task management in electronic mail /Takkinen, Juha, January 1900 (has links)
Diss. Linköping : Univ., 2002.
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Uso de Disipadores Magnetoreológicos en un Edificio con AislaciónLafontaine Roth, Mario Andrés January 2008 (has links)
El uso de aislación sísmica ha sido efectivo en el control de la respuesta de edificios; la experiencia con un edificio de la Comunidad Andalucía así lo ratifica. Este edificio, de vivienda social, es de 4 pisos, tiene una planta de 10 x 6 m2, muros de hormigón armado en el primer piso y de albañilería confinada en los otros tres. Está soportado por ocho aisladores de goma. En este trabajo se presenta un estudio para mejorar la efectividad del sistema aislante mediante la adición de amortiguadores magneto-reológicos (MR). Se modela el edificio mediante elementos uniaxiales, agregando elementos de propiedades no-lineales que simulan los amortiguadores MR, cuyas propiedades son función de la velocidad y se obtienen de ensayos de laboratorio realizados por otros investigadores. Para optimizar la operación de los amortiguadores MR se emplean algoritmos genéticos que modifican los parámetros representativos de los sistemas de control de lógica difusa. Las variables a optimizar son la aceleración absoluta máxima y el desplazamiento relativo máximo en el edificio. Como “input” se emplean registros del terremoto de marzo 1985. Se comparan las respuestas del edificio: a) sólo con aislación, b) con aislación y con amortiguadores pasivos y c) con aislación y amortiguadores activos. Finalmente se logra diseñar sistemas de control en lógica difusa que reducen la aceleración absoluta máxima hasta en un 27.6% y otros que reducen los desplazamientos relativos máximos hasta en un 64,9% en promedio con respecto al caso sin disipadores.
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Free light chains in patients with HIV: establishing local reference ranges and their association with stage of disease, chronic antigen stimulation and the effect of HaartGermishuys, Jurie J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Serum free light chains (FLC) are associated with imbalances in heavy and light
chain production. Abnormal FLC ratios have been associated with risk of progression in certain
diseases. Automated assays are available for their determination and they are used in the followup
and management of patients with monoclonal gammopathies. Acceptable imprecision,
specificity, accuracy and reproducibility between reagent batches is required to prevent under- or
overestimation. Method validation is a standard process in every good laboratory to judge the
acceptability of a new method. Reference intervals have been established in an older population,
but it was considered important to verify these in our population. HIV is associated with B-cell
dysfunction. As B-cell abnormalities are associated with disorders leading to monoclonal
gammopathies, we postulated that the FLC levels and FLC ratio would be abnormal in HIV
infected individuals.
Methods and materials: Controls and pooled patient samples were used for the method validation
study which included imprecision studies, linearity, recovery and interference studies, and
method comparison studies, the latter compared our method to the same method used in another
laboratory. For the reference interval study, blood was obtained from 120 healthy subjects. The
following blood tests were performed: total protein, IgG, IgA, IgM, creatinine, protein
electrophoresis, kappa FLC and lambda FLC. Using the kappa and lambda FLC results, a FLC
ratio was determined. Three hundred and sixty-nine HIV positive subjects were then studied. The
same tests were performed, as well as CD4+ counts and viral loads on the majority of them.
Results: For the method validation study, precision, linearity and recovery was acceptable.
Minimal interference was observed with haemolysis, lipaemia, bilirubin and rheumatoid factor.
Our method showed comparable performance with the established method. For the reference
interval study, all the creatinine values were normal, as were serum protein values. The serum
protein electrophoreses were independently reviewed by 3 pathologists. Most were normal, with
a few polyclonal increases seen, but no definite monoclonal bands. The 95% reference intervals
for FLC’s as well as the FLC ratio were not statistically significantly different to the
manufacturer’s recommendations. When examining the HIV positive study population, we found that FLC and FLC ratio were influenced by markers of HIV disease severity, such as CD4+
count, IgG, viral load, use of antiretroviral treatment and abnormal serum protein
Conclusion: The validation study of FLC showed excellent precision, acceptable bias, good
linearity, good recovery and minimal interference, allowing routine introduction of the test. The
95% reference intervals obtained for our population were slightly higher than those
recommended by the manufacturer. However, as most of the values fell within the
manufacturer’s limits, we could accept the manufacturer’s recommended cut-offs. We found that
FLC levels were definitely influenced by markers of HIV disease severity in our population and
we postulate that they may be of use for follow-up of patients with HIV. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Serum vry ligte kettings (VLK) word geassosieer met ‘n wanbalans van ligte en
swaar ketting produksie. Abnormale VLK ratios is geassosieer met ‘n risiko van verloop in
sekere siektes. Geoutomatiseerde laboratorium toetse vir VLK is beskikbaar vir hul bepaling en
word gebruik om pasiënte met monoklonale gammopatieë op te volg en te behandel.
Aanvaarbare impresisie, spesifisiteit, akkuraatheid en herhaalbaarheid tussen reagens besendings
is belangrik om onder- of oorbepaling te verhoed. Metode validasie is ’n standaard proses in elke
goeie laboratorium om die aanvaarbaarheid van ’n nuwe metode te bepaal. Verwysingswaardes
is al bepaal in ’n ouer populasie. Ons het besluit om die verwysingswaardes in ons populasie te
bepaal. Mens-immuungebrekvirus (MIV) word geassosieer met B-sel disfunksie. Omdat B-sel
abnormaliteite geassosieer word met afwykings wat tot monoklonale gammopatieë lei, het ons
gepostuleer dat die VLK vlakke en VLK ratio abnormaal sal wees in MIV geïnfekteerde persone.
Metodes en Materiale: Kontroles en pasiënt monsters is gebruik vir die metode validasie studie
wat impresisie studies, lineariteit, herwinning, inmenging en metode korrelasie studies ingesluit
het. In laasgenoemde geval is ons metode met dieselfde metode van ’n ander laboratorium
vergelyk. Vir die verwysingswaardes studie is 120 gesonde persone se bloed gebruik. Die
volgende toetse is bepaal: totale proteïen, IgG, IgA, IgM, kreatinien, proteïen elektroferese,
kappa en lambda VLK. Die VLK ratio is bepaal deur die kappa en lambda resultate te gebruik.
Driehonderd nege en sestig MIV-positiewe pasiente is gebruik vir die studie. Dieselfde toetse
was gedoen, asook CD4+ tellings en virale ladings op die meerderheid van pasiente.
Resultate: Vir die metode validasie studie, was presisie, lineariteit en herwinning aanvaarbaar.
Minimale inmenging van hemolise, lipemie, bilirubien en rumatoïede factor is waargeneem. Ons
metode het goed gekorreleer met die bepaalde metode. Die serum kreatinien en serum totale
proteïen waardes was normaal tydens die verwysingswaardes studie. Die serum proteïen
elektroferese was onafhanklik beoordeel deur 3 patoloë. Die meeste was normaal met enkele
poliklonale verhogings, maar geen definitiewe monoklonale bande nie. Die 95% verwysings
intervalle vir VLK en VLK ratio het nie statisties betekenisvol verskil van die vervaardiger se
aanbevelings nie. In die studie van die MIV-positiewe studie populasie, het ons gevind dat VLK en VLK ratio beïnvloed word deur merkers van ernstige MIV siekte, soos CD4+ telling, IgG,
virale lading, die gebruik van antiretrovale medikasie en abnormale serum proteïen elektroferese.
Gevolgtrekking: Die validasie studie van VLK het uitstekende presisie, aanvaarbare
partydigheid, goeie lineariteit, goeie herwinning en minimale inmenging gewys, wat die roetine
instelling van die toets toegelaat het. Die 95% verwysingsintervalle wat vir ons populasie bepaal
is, was effens hoër as die vervaardiger se aanbeveling. Die meeste van die waardes het egter
binne die vervaardiger se limiete geval, dus kon ons die vervaardiger se afsnypunte aanvaar. Ons
het gevind dat VLK vlakke definitief beïnvloed word deur merkers van die ernstigheidsgraad van
MIV siekte in ons populasie en ons postuleer dat VLK van waarde kan wees met die opvolg van
MIV pasiente. / NHLS / Harry Crossley for funding obtained
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Genetic consequences of directional selection in <em>Arabidopsis lyrata</em>Toivainen, T. (Tuomas) 01 December 2014 (has links)
Plants and animals colonized Northern Europe after the last Ice Age from different refugia, not covered by the ice sheet. Many plants, such as the northern rock cress (Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. petraea) adapted to the short growing season in the North. We thus expect that colonization of the new environment was accompanied by directional selection for traits conferring this adaptation. In this thesis I studied whether recent directional selection can be detected in two important genes, PHYTOCHROME A (PHYA) and FLOWERING LOCUS C1 (FLC1), related to the flowering time pathway. To detect directional selection, I compared DNA sequence variation from the samples of a southern (Plech, Germany) and a northern (Spiterstulen, Norway) population. I also studied the current response potential to changing conditions in the marginal Spiterstulen population. Adaptation potential was characterized by assessing plasticity and amount of additive genetic variation, focusing on flowering traits. In addition, associations of 21 flowering time candidate genes for phenological and fitness traits were studied.
There were several lines of evidence for recent directional selection in both candidate genes, PHYA and FLC1, in the northern Spiterstulen population Variation was strongly reduced around both genes and in addition they were highly differentiated between populations. In the Spiterstulen population there was a remarkable reduction in additive genetic variation for flowering traits, for instance when compared with morphological traits. On the other hand, phenological traits showed high plasticity. Some of the photoperiodic pathway genes showed association to flowering or reproductive fitness.
The results suggest that directional selection during the colonization of the northern areas has impacted the two studied genes. Genetic changes were likely involved in altered photoperiodic and vernalization responses which might be adaptive for a short growing season. Further, directional selection was probably responsible for reducing additive genetic variation in flowering traits. Because there was only little genetic variation, adaptation to future environmental change of the marginal Spiterstulen population is likely to rely largely on plastic reactions to environmental signals, or tracking the environment by dispersal. / Tiivistelmä
Kasvit ja eläimet levittäytyivät Pohjois-Eurooppaan viimeisen jääkauden jälkeen mannerjäätikön ulkopuolella jääneistä refugioista. Useat kasvit, kuten idänpitkäpalko (Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. petraea) sopeutuivat pohjoisen lyhyeen kasvukauteen. On syytä olettaa, että suuntaava valinta vaikutti sopeutumisessa tärkeisiin ominaisuuksiin. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkin voidaanko suuntaavan valinnan aiheuttamia jalanjälkiä löytää kahdesta tärkeästä kukkimisaikageenistä, FYTOKROMI A (PHYA) ja FLOWERING LOCUS C1 (FLC1) geeneistä. Tätä varten vertasin DNA sekvenssimuuntelua pohjoisessa (Norja) ja eteläisessä (Saksa) populaatiossa, kiinnittäen erityisesti huomiota geneettisen muuntelun määrään ja erilaistumiseen. Lisäksi tutkin miten Spiterstulenin reunapopulaatio voi vastata tulevaisuudessa muuttuvaan ympäristöön. Sopeutumispotentiaalia arvioitiin sekä fenotyyppisen plastisuuden että additiivisen geneettisen muuntelun määrällä. Lisäksi tutkin miten vaihtelu 21 kukkimisaikageenissä liittyy fenologisiin ja kelpoisuusominaisuuksiin.
Useat merkit viittasivat siihen, että suuntaava valinta oli vaikuttanut kummassakin tutkitussa geenissä. Muuntelu oli vähentynyt voimakkaasti kumpaakin geeniä ympäröiviltä kromosomialueilta, jotka olivat myös selkeästi erilaistuneet. Additiivinen geneettinen muuntelu oli selvästi vähentynyt kukkimisominaisuuksissa verrattuna morfologisiin ominaisuuksiin, mahdollisesti suuntaavan valinnan johdosta. Kukkimisominaisuudet olivat kuitenkin plastisia. Jotkin valojaksoreitin geenit vaikuttivat sekä kukkimiseen että lisääntymiskykyyn.
Nämä tulokset osoittavat että suuntaava valinta vaikutti kahteen tutkittuun geeniin pohjoiseen levittäytymisen aikana. Geneettiset muutokset liittyivät todennäköisesti muuttuneisiin valojakso-, ja vernalisaatiovasteisiin, jotka saattoivat edistää sopeutumista lyhyeen kasvukauteen. Koska geneettistä muuntelua oli vain hyvin vähän, fenotyyppisellä plastisuudella on todennäköisesti tärkeä rooli sopeutumisessa muuttuvaan ympäristöön Spiterstulenin reunapopulaatiossa.
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Estudo comparativo da estampabilidade do latão UNS C22000 produzido inicialmente pelo processo de fundição contínua em comparação a fundição semicontínua. / Comparative study of the stampability of the UNS C22000 brass produced initially by the process of continuous casting in comparison to the semicontinuous casting.Almeida, Leandro de 07 July 2017 (has links)
As curvas limite de conformação (CLC) são utilizadas há mais de 50 anos. Propostas inicialmente para o desenvolvimento de produtos provenientes da indústria automobilista em função das necessidades apresentadas pela área, são atualmente aplicadas de maneira geral para a indústria da estampagem na produção de inúmeros tipos de peças, oferecendo previsões de possíveis falhas e/ou defeitos durante as etapas do processo de estampagem. As CLC´s permitem prever o afinamento excessivo, enrugamento, estiramento e é claro, a fratura da peça. As diferenças metalúrgicas existentes entre os dois processos iniciais - fundição contínua (F.C.) e fundição semicontínua (F.S.C.) - resultam em diferenças nas propriedades finais obtidas para uma mesma rota de laminação a frio e recozimentos intermediários do material especificado. Desta forma, torna-se indispensável um estudo sobre a influência dos processos de fabricação iniciais F.C. e F.S.C. com relação à estampabilidade da liga, sendo esta avaliação efetuada através das CLC´s obtidas por ensaios de tração uniaxiais, propostos pelo IRSID (\"Institut de Recherches de La Sidérurgie\"), (lado esquerdo da curva ?2 < 0) e ensaio Erichsen (lado direito da curva ?2 > 0) e do ensaio de Nakazima reduzido em 60%, ou seja, todo o ferramental e os corpos de prova utilizados nos ensaios foram reduzidos em 60% das dimensões mencionadas pela norma ISSO 12004-2. A diferença microestrutural apresentada entre as etapas de fabricação dos dois processos avaliada através de ensaios de determinação do tamanho de grão, limites de resistência à tração, escoamento (0,2%), alongamento (em 50,80 mm), coeficientes de encruamento n, resistência K, ensaios de \"orelha\", levantamento da CLC0, Erichsen e textura, auxiliaram nas conclusões finais do levantamento das CLC´s para os dois processos do material acabado e metodologias. O processo de fundição semicontínua nas condições processadas apresentou melhores combinações entre as propriedades, exceto na formação de \"orelha\" apresentada na etapa intermediaria de processamento do material. Principalmente o parâmetro CLC0 no plano da chapa, resultou em uma deformação ?1 19% (?2 = 0), superior à apresentada pelo processo F.C., deformação muito importante para a fabricação de peças estampadas. Evidenciou-se também uma diferença de aproximadamente 37% entre as metodologias IRSID x Nakazima reduzido na obtenção da deformação plana para o processo F.C. e 31% para o processo de F.S.C.. Nas condições de deformação; estiramento biaxial, tração uniaxial e embutimento profundo, a chapa produzida pelo processo de fundição contínua apresenta melhor desempenho. / Forming limits curves (FLC) are used for more than 50 years. Initially proposed for the development of products from the automobile industry in terms of the needs of the area. It is currently being applied in general to the metal forming industry in the production of numerous types of parts, providing predictions of possible faults and / or defects during the stages of the stamping process. The FLC\'s can predict excessive thinning, wrinkling, stretching and of course, the fracture of the part. The existing metallurgical differences between the two initial processes - continuous casting (C.C.) and semi-continuous casting (S.C.C.) - result in differences in the final properties obtained for the same route of cold rolling and intermediate annealing of the specified material. Thus, it is essential to study the influence of the initial manufacturing processes CC and SCC with respect to the formability of the sheets. This investigation is based on the, assessment of the FLC\'s obtained by uniaxial tensile tests proposed by IRSID (\"Institut de Recherches de Sidérurgie\"), (?2 < 0, left side of the curve) and Erichsen test (right side of curve. ?2> 0) and the Nakazima test reduced by 60%. The difference between the sheets obtained in both processing routes was evaluated by the following parameters: grain size, tensile strength limits, yield strength (0.2%), elongation (at 50.80 mm), strain hardening coefficient n, resistance K, \"earing\" test, lifting of the CLC0, Erichsen test and texture where discussed in view of the obtained FLC\'s for both the two processes of the finished material. The semi-continuous casting process in processed conditions showed better combinations of properties except the formation of \"earing\" presented at the intermediate stage of processing of the material. Particularly the evaluation of the FLC0 parameter resulted in a strain in the plate plane ?1 19% (?2 = 0) superior to the sheet obtained by the continuous casting process. A difference of approximately 37% between the IRSID x Nakazima methodologies was also reduced in obtaining the flat deformation for the F.C. process and 31% for the F.S.C. process. However, for other deformation paths; biaxial stretching, uniaxial traction and deep drawing of the results for the continuous casting sheet were superior.
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Electronique intégrée pour le calorimètre électromagnétique du futur accélérateur linéaireManen, Samuel 28 October 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Le futur accélérateur linéraire à électrons est un nouveau défi technologique pour la communauté scientifique de la physique des particules. Le cahier des charges de l'électronique de lecture du calorimètre électromagnétique comporte plusieurs points critiques. En effet, les contraintes liées au coût, 34 millions de diodes silicium de $1cm^2$, à l'encombrement, $0,2cm^3$ par puce de 128 voies, à la consommation, <5mW par voie, et à la dynamique, rapport de 32.000 entre le plus grand signal et le bruit, impliquent la mise en oeuvre d'une électronique intégrée. Nous proposons une solution de traitement de l'information qui associera sur la même surface de silicium la partie traitement analogique et la conversion analogique numérique. Plusieurs prototypes de circuits réalisés dans une technologie CMOS 0,35microns nous ont permis de valider des éléments de l'architecture globale du système. Cette électronique se composera d'un préamplificateur de charge suivi d'un système multi-gain avec suppression en ligne des évènements non significatifs et d'un convertisseur analogique numérique sur 10bits. La mise en forme composant le système multi-gain sera réalisée avec un intégrateur à remise à zéro. Les résultats obtenus, qui répondent aux spécifications en temps et en dynamique du cahier des charges, confirment, à présent, la nécessité de mettre en place un système d'alimentation pulsé
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From information management to task management in electronic mailTakkinen, Juha January 2002 (has links)
Electronic mail (e-mail) is an under-utilised resource of information and knowledge. It could be an important part of the larger so-called organisational memory (OM)—if it were not so disorganised and fragmented. The OM contains the knowledge of the organisation’s employees, written records, and data. This thesis is about organising and managing information in, and about, e-mail so as to make it retrievable and usable for task management purposes. The approach is user-centred and based on a conceptual model for task management. The model is designed to handle tasks that occur in the communications in an open distributed system, such as Internet e-mail. Both structured and unstructured tasks can be supported. Furthermore, the model includes management of desktop source information, which comprises the different electronically available sources in a user’s computer environment. The information from these is used in the model to sort information and thereby handle tasks and related information. Tasks are managed as conversations, that is, exchanges of messages. We present a language called Formal Language for Conversations (FLC), based on speech act theory, which is used to organise messages and relevant information for tasks. FLC provides the container for task-related information, as well as the context for managing tasks. The use of FLC is exemplified in two scenarios: scheduling a meeting and making conference arrangements. We describe a prototype based on the conceptual model. The prototype explicitly refines and supports the notion of threads, which are employed so as to give tasks a context. It integrates the use of FLC into the traditional threading mechanism of e-mail, in addition to matching on text in the body. An agent architecture is also described, which is used to harmonise the information in the heterogeneous desktop sources. Finally, human-readable filtering rules created by a machine learning algorithm are employed in the prototype. The prototype is evaluated with regard to its thread-matching capability, as well as the creation of usable and readable filtering rules. Both are deemed satisfactory.
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Estudo comparativo da estampabilidade do latão UNS C22000 produzido inicialmente pelo processo de fundição contínua em comparação a fundição semicontínua. / Comparative study of the stampability of the UNS C22000 brass produced initially by the process of continuous casting in comparison to the semicontinuous casting.Leandro de Almeida 07 July 2017 (has links)
As curvas limite de conformação (CLC) são utilizadas há mais de 50 anos. Propostas inicialmente para o desenvolvimento de produtos provenientes da indústria automobilista em função das necessidades apresentadas pela área, são atualmente aplicadas de maneira geral para a indústria da estampagem na produção de inúmeros tipos de peças, oferecendo previsões de possíveis falhas e/ou defeitos durante as etapas do processo de estampagem. As CLC´s permitem prever o afinamento excessivo, enrugamento, estiramento e é claro, a fratura da peça. As diferenças metalúrgicas existentes entre os dois processos iniciais - fundição contínua (F.C.) e fundição semicontínua (F.S.C.) - resultam em diferenças nas propriedades finais obtidas para uma mesma rota de laminação a frio e recozimentos intermediários do material especificado. Desta forma, torna-se indispensável um estudo sobre a influência dos processos de fabricação iniciais F.C. e F.S.C. com relação à estampabilidade da liga, sendo esta avaliação efetuada através das CLC´s obtidas por ensaios de tração uniaxiais, propostos pelo IRSID (\"Institut de Recherches de La Sidérurgie\"), (lado esquerdo da curva ?2 < 0) e ensaio Erichsen (lado direito da curva ?2 > 0) e do ensaio de Nakazima reduzido em 60%, ou seja, todo o ferramental e os corpos de prova utilizados nos ensaios foram reduzidos em 60% das dimensões mencionadas pela norma ISSO 12004-2. A diferença microestrutural apresentada entre as etapas de fabricação dos dois processos avaliada através de ensaios de determinação do tamanho de grão, limites de resistência à tração, escoamento (0,2%), alongamento (em 50,80 mm), coeficientes de encruamento n, resistência K, ensaios de \"orelha\", levantamento da CLC0, Erichsen e textura, auxiliaram nas conclusões finais do levantamento das CLC´s para os dois processos do material acabado e metodologias. O processo de fundição semicontínua nas condições processadas apresentou melhores combinações entre as propriedades, exceto na formação de \"orelha\" apresentada na etapa intermediaria de processamento do material. Principalmente o parâmetro CLC0 no plano da chapa, resultou em uma deformação ?1 19% (?2 = 0), superior à apresentada pelo processo F.C., deformação muito importante para a fabricação de peças estampadas. Evidenciou-se também uma diferença de aproximadamente 37% entre as metodologias IRSID x Nakazima reduzido na obtenção da deformação plana para o processo F.C. e 31% para o processo de F.S.C.. Nas condições de deformação; estiramento biaxial, tração uniaxial e embutimento profundo, a chapa produzida pelo processo de fundição contínua apresenta melhor desempenho. / Forming limits curves (FLC) are used for more than 50 years. Initially proposed for the development of products from the automobile industry in terms of the needs of the area. It is currently being applied in general to the metal forming industry in the production of numerous types of parts, providing predictions of possible faults and / or defects during the stages of the stamping process. The FLC\'s can predict excessive thinning, wrinkling, stretching and of course, the fracture of the part. The existing metallurgical differences between the two initial processes - continuous casting (C.C.) and semi-continuous casting (S.C.C.) - result in differences in the final properties obtained for the same route of cold rolling and intermediate annealing of the specified material. Thus, it is essential to study the influence of the initial manufacturing processes CC and SCC with respect to the formability of the sheets. This investigation is based on the, assessment of the FLC\'s obtained by uniaxial tensile tests proposed by IRSID (\"Institut de Recherches de Sidérurgie\"), (?2 < 0, left side of the curve) and Erichsen test (right side of curve. ?2> 0) and the Nakazima test reduced by 60%. The difference between the sheets obtained in both processing routes was evaluated by the following parameters: grain size, tensile strength limits, yield strength (0.2%), elongation (at 50.80 mm), strain hardening coefficient n, resistance K, \"earing\" test, lifting of the CLC0, Erichsen test and texture where discussed in view of the obtained FLC\'s for both the two processes of the finished material. The semi-continuous casting process in processed conditions showed better combinations of properties except the formation of \"earing\" presented at the intermediate stage of processing of the material. Particularly the evaluation of the FLC0 parameter resulted in a strain in the plate plane ?1 19% (?2 = 0) superior to the sheet obtained by the continuous casting process. A difference of approximately 37% between the IRSID x Nakazima methodologies was also reduced in obtaining the flat deformation for the F.C. process and 31% for the F.S.C. process. However, for other deformation paths; biaxial stretching, uniaxial traction and deep drawing of the results for the continuous casting sheet were superior.
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Innovating Together: Employing a Faculty Learning Community to Support Blended LearningJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: As higher education embraces innovative educational models, support for the faculty members who must carry them out remains a vital ingredient for success. Despite this need, many institutions adopt innovations such as blended learning for all of the benefits afforded, with minimal consideration to meaningfully equip professors teaching these courses. “Faculty Learning Communities” (FLC’s) provide a powerful model of supporting and equipping faculty in their teaching practice. Nevertheless, ongoing and collaborative faculty development was historically unavailable to professors teaching undergraduate blended courses at Lancaster Bible College. Thus, the purpose of this qualitative action research study was to examine the ways that faculty perceived an FLC during the design and facilitation of a blended course. The Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework guided the design and facilitation of the FLC in fall 2018, as well as providing insight into measuring how learning communities formed during the FLC and while participants taught their courses. This FLC model blended learning for participants by occurring four times on campus, with online sessions following each in-person meeting. The faculty developer provided resources and support as faculty collaborated in designing their blended courses for the spring 2019 semester. Faculty perceptions of support were gathered in a focus group at the end of fall semester. During the spring 2019 semester, the faculty developer observed both on-campus and online sessions of the blended courses and led a second focus group about faculty perceptions of effectiveness and support. Qualitative data sets included video recordings of the FLC, focus groups, and class observations, field notes, and screenshots of online environments during the FLC and courses. Findings demonstrated substantial evidence of CoI measures of social presence, cognitive presence, and teaching presence were present in both the FLC and participants’ courses. These results affirmed the CoI framework provided a meaningful platform for faculty development. Additionally, participants perceived the FLC as supportive for their blended teaching practices, making direct mentions of support and indicating belief that broader institutional change be implemented toward this end to enhance faculty development opportunities. Limitations and implications of the study, as well as desired future research were explored. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Leadership and Innovation 2019
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