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Imagerie chimique 3D de tumeurs du cerveau / 3D chemical imaging of brain tumorsOgunleke, Abiodun 18 March 2019 (has links)
L'histologie tridimensionnelle (3D) est un nouvel outil avancé de cancérologie. L'ensemble du profil chimique et des caractéristiques physiologiques d'un tissu est essentiel pour comprendre la logique du développement d'une pathologie. Cependant, il n'existe aucune technique analytique, in vivo ou histologique, capable de découvrir de telles caractéristiques anormales et de fournir une distribution3D à une résolution microscopique. Nous présentons ici une méthode unique de microscopie infrarouge (IR) à haut débit combinant une correction d'image automatisée et une analyse ultérieure des données spectrales pour la reconstruction d'image 3D-IR. Nous avons effectué l'analyse spectrale d'un organe complet pour un petit modèle animal, un cerveau de souris avec une tumeur de gliome implantée. L'image 3D-IR est reconstruite à partir de 370 coupes de tissus consécutives et corrigée à l'aide du tomogramme à rayons X de l'organe pour une analyse quantitative précise du contenu chimique. Une matrice 3D de spectres IR 89 x 106 est générée, ce qui nous permet de séparer la masse tumorale des tissus cérébraux sains en fonction de divers paramètres anatomiques,chimiques et métaboliques. Nous démontrons pour la première fois que des paramètres métaboliques quantitatifs (glucose, glycogène et lactate) peuvent être extraits et reconstruits en 3D à partir des spectres IR pour la caractérisation du métabolisme cérébral / tumoral (évaluation de l'effet de Warburg dans les tumeurs). Notre méthode peut être davantage exploitée en recherchant l'ensemble du profil spectral, en distinguant différents points de repère anatomiques dans le cerveau.Nous le démontrons par la reconstruction du corps calleux et de la région des noyaux gris centraux du cerveau. / Three-dimensional (3D) histology is a new advanced tool for cancerology. The whole chemical profile and physiological characteristics of a tissue is essential to understand the rationale of pathology development. However, there is no analytical technique, in vivo or histological, that is able to discover such abnormal features and provide a 3D distribution at microscopic resolution.Here, we introduce a unique high- throughput infrared (IR) microscopy method that combines automated image correction and subsequent spectral data analysis for 3D-IR image reconstruction. I performed spectral analysis of a complete organ for a small animal model, a mouse brain with animplanted glioma tumor. The 3D-IR image is reconstructed from 370 consecutive tissue sectionsand corrected using the X-ray tomogram of the organ for an accurate quantitative analysis of thechemical content. A 3D matrix of 89 x 106 IR spectra is generated, allowing us to separate the tumor mass from healthy brain tissues based on various anatomical, chemical, and metabolic parameters. I demonstrate for the first time that quantitative metabolic parameters (glucose, glycogen and lactate) can be extracted and reconstructed in 3D from the IR spectra for the characterization of the brain vs. tumor metabolism (assessing the Warburg effect in tumors). Our method can be further exploited by searching for the whole spectral profile, discriminating different anatomical landmarks in the brain. I demonstrate this by the reconstruction of the corpus callosum and basal ganglia region of the brain.
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Molecular Investigation Of Ptz-induced Epileptic Activities In Rat Brain Cell Membranes And The Effects Of VigabatrinTurker Gorgulu, Sevgi 01 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The epilepsies are a heterogenous group of symptom complexes, whose common features is the recurrence of seizures. There is no certain therapy for epilepsy. In order to promote new advances for the prevention of epilepsy the molecular mechanism of epileptic activities should be clarified.
In the present study the goal is to obtain information for molecular mechanism of epilepsy. To achieve this, molecular alterations from pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-induced epileptic activities on rat brain tissue and cell membranes were investigated by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Moreover, the therapeutic role of an antiepileptic agent vigabatrin (VGB) on epileptic rat brain membranes were examined at molecular level.
For better understanding of the action mechanism of PTZ and an antiepileptic drug VGB in cell membranes we firstly studied at model level using multilamellar liposomes (MLVs). We investigated PTZ-DPPC MLVs interactions
in terms of lipid phase behavior, order and dynamics and nature of hydrogen bonding around its polar part, using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Electronspin Resonans Spectroscopy (ESR) and Steady State Fluorescence Spectroscopy. According to our data, PTZ has no ability to interact with membrane lipids. On the other hand, the results of VGB-DPPC interactions showed that VGB strongly interact with the head group and/or the region near the head of membrane phospholipids.
The molecular investigation of PTZ-induced epileptic activities revealed that PTZ-induced seizures cause a decrease in the lipid and protein content, membrane fluidity and glycogen level. They stimulate alterations in membrane packing and the secondary structure of proteins as well as lipid peroxidation. In addition, our results show the transcription of early genes following high dose PTZ administration. All these molecular alterations variatins are only resulted from the consequences of epileptic activities not from convulsant agent PTZ itself.
The important finding is that, VGB restored some of the alterations by PTZ-induced epileptic activities on brain cell membrane. For instance, it restored membrane fluidity, lipid peroxidation, phospholipid degradation and changes in membrane organization. However, it was found that VGB has no significant effects on the changes in protein secondary structure.
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Study Of Bone Characteristics And Muscle Quality In Metabolic DisordersBozkurt, Ozlem 01 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Although the effects of diabetes on bone mineral content has been studied, little is known about the structural alterations in collagen, maturation of apatite crystals and carbonate content in diabetic bone. The first part of this study aimed to investigate the mineral and organic properties of cortical, trabecular and growth plate regions of rat femur tissues in type I diabetes using FTIR microspectroscopy and Vickers microhardness test. A decrease in mineral content (degree of mineralization), decrease in microhardness, increase in carbonate content, increase in size and maturation of hydroxyapetite crystals, which are the implications of increased osteoporosis, were observed in diabetic bone. In addition, a decreased carbonate substitution into bone apatite and an increase in labile type carbonate was observed in diabetic bone. There was a decrease in the level of crosslinking of collagen in cortical and trabecular regions of diabetic femurs, implying a decrease in bone collagen quality that may contribute to bone fragility.
Recent evidence implies that intramyocellular lipid accumulation is directly correlated with insulin resistance, a key parameter in the generation of obesity. The second part of this study is mainly focused on the determination of the structural and compositional characterization of macromolecules of longissimus dorsi and quadriceps muscles of Berlin fat mouse inbred (BFMI) lines using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and FTIR microspectroscopic imaging, together with the quantification of fiber specific distribution of lipids in these muscles by the use of confocal microscopy. The study groups included 10 weeks old standard breeding diet fed (juvenile) and 20 weeks old high fat diet fed control and BFMI lines. The results revealed the loss of unsaturation in lipids, increased triglyceride content, increased amount of lipids having shorter chain length, increased lipid peroxidation and fiber specific accumulation of lipids in type IIa and intermediate fibers in skeletal muscles of both 10 weeks old and 20 weeks old BFMI lines, emphasizing their obese phenotype. However, the alterations were more prominent in skeletal muscles of 20 weeks old high fat diet fed BFMI lines, displaying a more severe obesity phenotype. The results of the characterization revealed that BFMI860 and BFMI861 lines are convenient models for the study of spontaneous obesity and studies to enlighten the genetic basis of obesity.
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Anwendung infrarotspektroskopischer Verfahren für den Nachweis von Mikroplastik in umweltrelevanten ProbenWander, Lukas 01 February 2023 (has links)
Mikroplastik (1–1000 µm) kommt praktisch überall in der Umwelt vor, aber immer noch ist die Iden-tifizierung und Quantifizierung eine anspruchsvolle und zeitintensive Aufgabe. Erste analytisch Metho¬den beginnen sich zu etablieren, jedoch sind die benötigten Instrumente komplex und der Probendurchsatz für Routineuntersuchungen in den meisten Fällen noch zu gering. Diese Arbeit widmet sich zunächst dem Potenzial der Nahinfrarot (NIR)-Spektroskopie diese Lücke zu schließen. Exemplarisch wird ein günstiges Verfahren mit großem Probendurchsatz zur Bestimmung von Mikro¬plastik-Gesamtgehalten der verbreiteten Verpackungskunststoffe Polyethylen (PE), Polystyrol (PS) und Polypropylen (PP) in Böden und Kompost entwickelt. Neben der Untersuchung von Mikroplastik-Gesamtgehalten einer Probe ist auch die Charakterisierung individueller Partikel von großer Bedeutung. Die bildgebende Fourier-Transform-Infrarot (FTIR)-Mikrospektroskopie ist hierfür sehr gut geeignet. Allerdings ist es eine Herausforderung Mikroplastik in den aus mehreren Million Spektren bestehenden hyperspektralen Bildern zu identifizieren. Eine schnelle und zuverlässige Mikroplastikerkennung wird hier durch eine explorative Analyse und automatisierte Klassifizierung der Spektren erreicht. Zusammenfassend zeigt diese Arbeit, dass die optische Spektroskopie im mittleren und nahen Infrarot über ihre bisherige Anwendung hinaus ein großes Potenzial besitzen, die Mikroplastik-Analytik kostengünstiger, einfacher und schneller zu gestalten. / Microplastics (1-1000 µm) are ubiquitous in the environment, but their identification and quantification is still a challenging and time-consuming task. The first established methods require complex instruments and the sample throughput is still too low for routine analysis in most cases. This work first addresses the potential of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to fill this gap. A low-cost method with large sample throughput is developed for the determination of total microplastic contents of the common packaging plastics polyethylene (PE), polystyrene (PS) and polypropylene (PP) in soils and compost. In addition to the investigation of total microplastic levels in a sample, the characterization of individual particles is also of great importance. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) imaging microspectroscopy is well suited for this purpose. However, it is challenging to identify microplastics in hyperspectral images consisting of several million spectra. Fast and reliable microplastic detection is achieved by exploratory analysis and automated classification of the spectra. In summary, this work shows that mid- and near-infrared optical spectroscopy have great potential beyond their current application to make microplastics analysis cheaper, easier, and faster.
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Study of macromolecular and structural modifications occurring during the building of the tension wood cell wall : a contribution to the understanding of the maturation stress generation in trees / Etude des modifications macromoléculaires et structurales ayant lieu pendant la construction de la paroi cellulaire du bois de tension : une contribution à la compréhension de l'origine des contraintes de maturation chez les arbresChang, Shan Shan 28 January 2014 (has links)
Les arbres sont des organismes de grande longévité qui se développent dans un environnement variable. Au cours de leur formation, ils génèrent une tension appelée contrainte de maturation pour remplir des fonctions biomécaniques essentielles. Chez les angiospermes, les arbres adaptent leur état mécanique par la production de bois de tension avec de fortes contraintes de traction sur la face supérieure de la tige penchée. Malgré les recherches considérables dans ce domaine durant de nombreuses années, les connaissances actuelles sur le mécanisme de la génération active de contrainte dans le bois de tension sont encore incomplètes et doivent être améliorées. La première partie de cette étude était de faire progresser la compréhension de la composition et de l'organisation des polymères de la paroi cellulaire secondaire, ainsi que leur orientation au cours de la maturation de la paroi cellulaire du bois de tension. Les mesures effectuées sur la microscopie FTIR ont indiqué qu'avant même la formation de la couche G, il existait une structure d'hydrates de carbone ordonnée à un angle plus parallèle à l'axe de la fibre dans le bois de tension. Ces résultats étaient clairement différents du comportement du bois opposé. Dans le bois de tension, la lignine était plus fortement orientée dans la couche S2 que dans le bois opposé. Avec la formation de la couche S2 dans le bois opposé et de la couche G dans le bois de tension, les signaux d'orientation des hydrates de carbone amorphes tels que les hémicelluloses et les pectines sont différents entre le bois de tension et le bois qui lui est opposé. Pour les bois de tension, l'orientation de ces bandes est la même tout au long du processus de maturation de la paroi cellulaire, ce qui reflète probablement un dépôt continu de xyloglucane ou de xylane, avec une orientation différente de celle de la paroi S2 pendant tout le processus. La seconde partie de ce travail était d'améliorer les connaissances actuelles sur le comportement de la matrice par l'étude de la mésoporosité et de son évolution lors de la construction et de la maturation de la paroi cellulaire du bois de tension. Les résultats sur deux types de bois de tension suggèrent que la mésoporosité peut toujours être détectée près de la zone de cambium autant pour le bois de tension que pour le bois opposé. La forte porosité diminue progressivement avec la lignification dans la paroi cellulaire en développement, avec une exception pour le bois de tension à couche G. La porosité de type bouteille d'encre et l'augmentation de la taille médiane des pores sont observées dans les deux types de bois de tension, indiquant que les espèces de bois de tension avec et sans couches G peuvent partager le même mécanisme de génération de contrainte de traction. Cette étude contribue à une meilleure compréhension de la génération de contrainte de maturation dans les arbres et peut servir de base pour l'amélioration de la modélisation du comportement de la matrice au cours de la maturation de la paroi cellulaire. / Trees are long-living organisms which develop in a variable environment. During their formation, they generate a tensile mechanical stress called maturation stress to fulfil essential biomechanical functions. In angiosperm species, trees adapt the mechanical state by producing tension wood with high tensile stresses on the upper side of the leaning stem. Despite considerable research in this field during a number of years, the current knowledge on the mechanism of the active stress generation in tension wood is still incomplete and needs improvement. The first part of this study was to advance the understanding on the composition and organisation of polymers within the secondary cell wall, as well as its orientation during the maturation of tension wood cell wall. Measurements performed on FTIR microscopy indicated that already before G-layer formation, a more ordered structure of carbohydrates at an angle more parallel to the fibre axis exists in tension wood. This was clearly different to the behaviour of opposite wood. In tension wood, the lignin was more highly oriented in the S2 layer than in opposite wood. With the formation of the S2 layer in opposite wood and the G-layer in tension wood, the orientation signals from the amorphous carbohydrates like hemicelluloses and pectins were different between opposite wood and tension wood. For tension wood, the orientation for these bands remains the same all along the cell wall maturation process, probably reflecting a continued deposition of xyloglucan or xylan, with an orientation different to that in the S2 wall, throughout the whole process. The second part of this study was to improve the current knowledge on the matrix behaviour by studying the mesoporosity and its evolution during the building and maturation of tension wood cell wall. Results on two kinds of tension wood suggested that mesoporosity can always be detected near cambium zone for both tension and opposite wood. The high porosity decreased gradually with the lignification in the developing cell wall, with an exception in tension wood with G-layer. The typical ink-bottle pore and the increase of median pore size are observed in both kinds of tension wood, indicating non-G-layer species may share the same mechanism of tensile stress generation as in tension wood with G-layer. This study aims to contribute to an increased understanding on the maturation stress generation in trees and may allow to improve the modelling of matrix behaviour during cell wall maturation.
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Hydrophobins in wood biology and biotechnology / Hydrophobinen in Holz Biologie und BiotechnologiePeddireddi, Sudhakar 28 March 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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