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Konstrukční návrh pece / Furnace designStříž, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with issues of tube furnaces in the process industries, especially with a design of a transfer pipeline, which is one of the main parts of the furnace. According to the requirements, designed pipeline is stress analyzed using the two pipeline programs Japar and Caesar II, that are briefly described. In addition to this design several variants of analysis are performed and the results are compared. Comparison helps to explain the diversity of the programs. For example, the effect of elbows on the stress analysis. The master´s thesis also describes the factors that affect the working life of the furnace.
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Metalurgie a výroba odlitků z litiny s červíkovitým grafitem / Metallurgy and manufacturing of compacted graphite cast ironKoběrský, František January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the production of compact graphite iron in a foundry HEUNISCH Brno, s.r.o. The first part describes the structure, chemical composition, properties, methods of modification and inoculation. The following section describes the production of cast iron, metallographical evaluation of the planimetric method and image analysis.
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Výpočtová predikce charakteristických parametrů procesu spalování / Calculation prediction of characteristic parameters of combustion processTáborský, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
The present thesis is focused on calculation prediction of characteristic parameters of combustion process in combustion chamber which is installed at burners testing laboratory. In the thesis basic theoretical knowledge needed for description of heat transfer in process combustion equipment are given. The Plug Flow Furnace Model is based on this knowledge. This model is used to evaluation of specific heat flux in tube furnaces. In the next step the Plug – Flow model is modified and adapted on the combustion chamber. Obtained results are compared with a measured data. By this comparison quality of this model is assessed.
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Návrh koncového efektoru pro manipulaci se skleněnou zátkou / Design of end effector for handling with glass stopperHrnko, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the structural design of the end effector for handling with the glass stopper of the hydrogen reactor of high temperature semiconductor diffusion furnace. The work includes the summary of information about semiconductor diffusion furnace, the choice of the appropriate industrial robot, the design of the end effector structural solution, the design of its supporting structure, the power and strength calculation, the design of the end effector control and economic evaluation of its production. The 3D model together with 2D production documentation which contains the assembly drawing of the individual parts of end effector was created on the basis of the end effector design.
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Parní kotel s přihříváním páry na spalování vysokopecního plynu / Boiler with steam reheating for burning blast furnace gasŠenovský, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this Diploma thesis is design of steam boiler with steam reheating, for combustion the blast furnace gas. The fuel composition and primary parameters for calculation of the boiler were provided. In the first part the fuel composition is described. The main part of the thesis consists of stoichiometric calculations, establishing efficiency of the boiler, calculating combustion chamber as well as design and calculation individual heating surfaces. Part of the work is also drawing documentation of boiler.
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Kotel na spalování hnědého uhlí / Boiler for Brown Coal CombustionPavlo, Matej January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the master’s thesis is thermal calculation and dimensional design of boiler of 235 t/h which burns brown coal. The work is divided into several parts. In the first part, stoichiometric calculation and the calculations enthalpy of flue gases and air are performed. After calculating the heat balance and loss of the boiler, the boiler efficiency is counted. In the next part, thermal calculation of combustion chamber is calculated. Subsequently, design of the individual heating surfaces is proposed. Finally, the overall heat balance of the boiler is inspected. The calculation is supplemented by drawing of the boiler.
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Vliv aktivních příměsí a jejich dávkování na CHRL ve stáří 28 a 90 dnů. / Effect of active ingredients, and their dosing to CHRL 28,90 days of ageKodešová, Monika January 2017 (has links)
Subject of this work is to design a batch of concrete with additives, which are to replace the cement of various doses so as to not adversely affect the properties of fresh and hardened concrete and simultaneously withstand the environment XF.
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Kompozitní materiály se silikátovou matricí do prostředí vysokých teplot / Composite materials with silica matrix in the environment of high temperaturesLisztwanová, Ewa January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the study and design of composite materials based on silica matrix suitable for extreme conditions, eg. for the repair of concrete structures with anticipated increased risk of fire. The theoretical part summarizes basic knowledge concerning the fire resistance of structures and the behavior of the composite system during extreme conditions. Theoretically oriented section also contains information on alkali-activated materials and their use in high temperature environments. Based on the evaluation of the theoretical part of the experiment were designed and tested different types of composite materials with increased content of raw materials from alternative sources. Laboratory research has been based on testing of basic physico-mechanical parameters including phase composition and microstructure of the proposed formulations before and after thermal exposure of 1200 ° C. Also considered was the effect of different cooling conditions.
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Vliv iontů na účinnost přísad redukující smrštění v alkalicky aktivovaných systémech / Influence of ionts on the efficiency of shrinkage reducing admixtures in alkali activated systemsVašíčková, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
Alkali activated materials, especially when activated with waterglass, are subjected to substantial drying shrinkage that hinders their broader industrial application. The effect of shrinkage reducing admixtures (SRA), based on poly(propylene glycol), on drying shrinkage of alkali activated blast furnace slag (BFS) mortars was studied. The aim of this thesis is to determine the efficiency of SRA as well as the influence of different type of alkali activator with varying silicate modulus on drying shrinkage characteristics. It was observed that the high amount of alkalis positively influenced the effect of SRA. The higher the amount of alkalis, the lower the drying shrinkage was. It also caused more water to be incorporated in the alkali activated structure and prevent it from evaporation. Thus, the weight change of such mortars was the lowest. Reduced effect of SRA on mechanical strength properties was observed in mortars with low amount of alkalis which was connected with delayed hydration resulting in insufficient amount of created C-S-H gel. The presented thesis further discussed and underlines the role of different kinds of alkali ions as well as their amount on the properties of alkali activated BFS systems.
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Conception d'éco-liants et/ou éco-matériaux à partir de cendres volantes papetières et laitier moulu / Development of the eco-binders and/or eco-materials from paper fly ash and ground granulated blast-furnace slagSeifi, Sahar 23 November 2018 (has links)
L'objet des travaux réalisés dans cette thèse concerne la mise en oeuvre d'un éco-liant à base de co-produits industriels : une cendre volante papetière et un laitier moulu, pour la fabrication de mortiers secs. Cet éco-liant a été élaboré pour remplacer partiellement le ciment comme constituant de matériaux traditionnels d'une part, et recycler en grande quantité l'un des deux déchets industriels, la cendre volante papetière tout en intégrant les notions d'économie circulaire et d'éco-conception d'autre part. La littérature fait état de nombreux travaux sur les différents types de cendres et de laitiers mettant en avant les caractéristiques, la minéralogie, la réactivité de ces cendres volantes papetières et des laitiers moulus. Ces deux coproduits avec environ 20% de SiO2 et 50% de CaO (% pondéraux), ont une composition chimique très proche de celle d'un ciment et développent des propriétés pouzzolaniques qui peuvent suppléer celles du ciment. Leur valorisation comme matériau liant est alors envisageable. Une complète connaissance des propriétés physico-chimiques, structurelles et minéralogiques de la cendre volante papetière et du laitier moulu a conduit à une étude exploratoire de formulations. Des mélanges à partir de 72% de cendres volantes papetières et de 28% de laitier moulu ont été étudiés en se référantà la formulation de base d'un mortier pour en optimiser la teneur en eau et le niveau d'énergie de compactage. Un matériel spécifique pour compacter les éprouvettes prismatiques de dimensions 4x4x16cm3 de mortier a été utilisé. L'effet de l'ajout de trois types d'activateurs i.e. chlorure de calciumCaCl2, métasilicate de sodium Na2O3Si et carbonate de sodium Na2CO3, et d'une faible quantité deciment i.e. 5% et 10% a été analysé mettant en relation la résistance mécanique et la microstructure desmélanges. Deux formulations optimales ont fait l'objet d'analyses relatives à la minéralogie, auxrésistances mécaniques à 2, 7 et 28 jours de cure, à la microstructure avec des images MEB,distributions des pores et à la durabilité. Compte-tenu des résultats satisfaisants obtenus, une approcheà l'échelle semi-industrielle de fabrication de blocs 15x15x15 cm3 à partir des deux formulationsretenues a été menée et discutée. Les premiers résultats montrent un grand intérêt pour la fabricationde pavés et de produits dérivés pour l'aménagement de zones piétonnes ou à circulation réduite. / The aim of this thesis is the development of an eco-binder based on industrial co-products : a wastepapery ash and a ground granulated blast-furnace slag, for the manufacture of dry mortars. On the one hand,this eco-binder was developed to replace partially cement as a constituent of traditional materials, andon the other hand to recycle in large quantities one of these two industrial wastes ; wastepaper fly ashwith considering all the notions of circular economy and eco-design. From literature, there are numerousand relevant research works on the different types of ash and slag, highlighting the characteristics, themineralogy, the reactivity of the wastepaper fly ash and ground granulated blast-furnace slags in details.These two co-products with about 20 wt.% SiO2 and 50 wt.% CaO have a chemical composition veryclose to that of a cement and develop pozzolanic properties that can replace those of cement. Theirvalorization as a binder material is then possible. A complete knowledge of the physicochemical, structuraland mineralogical properties of wastepaper fly ash and ground granulated blast-furnace slag led to anexploratory study of formulations for dry mortars. The mixtures containing 72 wt.% of wastepaper fly ashand 28 wt.% of ground granulated blast-furnace slag were investigated with reference to the formulationof a standard mortar to optimize the water content and compaction energy level. A specific equipment forcompacting prismatic specimens with dimensions 4x4x16 cm3 was used. The effect of adding three types ofactivators i.e. calcium chloride CaCl2, sodium metasilicate Na2O3Si and sodium carbonate Na2CO3, anda small amount of cement i.e. 5 wt.% and 10 wt.% was analyzed. The relation between mechanical strengthand the microstructure of the mixtures has been detailed and discussed. Two optimal formulations wereimplemented and, mineralogy, mechanical strength at 2, 7 and 28 days of curing, microstructure withSEM images, pore distributions and durability have been considered and analyzed. Taking into accountthe satisfactory results obtained, a semi-industrial approach to manufacture 15x15x15 cm3 blocks fromthe two selected formulations was conducted and discussed. The first results show a great interest in themanufacture of blocks of pavement and derived products for the construction of pedestrian or reducedtraffic areas.
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