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Iron ore pellet properties under simulated blast furnace conditions:investigation on reducibility, swelling and softeningIljana, M. (Mikko) 30 May 2017 (has links)
A blast furnace is the dominant process for making iron in the world. Iron ore pellets are commonly used as iron burden materials in a blast furnace, in which iron oxides are reduced to metallic molten iron. While descending, the charge faces various stresses, which affect the gas flows in the shaft and the energy efficiency of the process. Charge material testing on a laboratory scale is of crucial importance in regard to the development of material quality.
This doctoral thesis presents a couple of advanced novel experimental methods: a novel camera imaging method to determine the amount of swelling during reduction; a novel reducibility test to determine the reducibility in a solid state under simulated blast furnace conditions; and a novel experimental program for the ARUL reduction-softening test to more accurately simulate blast furnace conditions. Swelling tests under conditions of fixed temperature and gas composition showed that isothermal tests do not give a realistic insight into the material behaviour in a blast furnace. As a result, it is suggested that dynamic gas composition – temperature programmes simulating actual process conditions should be used. Additionally, the test results showed that circulating elements (sulphur and potassium) also affect the pellet volume change during reduction, however no abnormal swelling was observed in any of the swelling experiments.
The factors affecting the high-temperature properties of iron burden materials for blast furnace use were evaluated by both the experimental methods and computational thermodynamics. It was shown that none of the studied pellet grades has as good reduction-softening properties as the fluxed sinter because of the differences in the chemistry and macro-porosity. FeO-SiO2-CaO-MgO-Al2O3 system examinations with FactSage was found to be a useful tool for predicting the softening of an iron burden material using the original chemical composition. FactSage computations suggest that the softening properties of an iron burden material can be improved either by decreasing the proportion of SiO2, increasing the proportion of MgO or introducing an appropriate amount of CaO in relation to the proportion of SiO2. / Tiivistelmä
Masuuni on merkittävin raakaraudan valmistusprosessi maailmassa. Masuunissa käytetään yleisesti rautamalmipellettejä rautapanosmateriaalina. Masuunissa raudanoksidit pelkistetään metalliseksi rautasulaksi. Vajotessaan panos kohtaa monenlaisia rasitteita, joilla on vaikutusta kuilun kaasuvirtauksiin ja masuuniprosessin energiatehokkuuteen. Panosmateriaalien testaus laboratoriomittakaavassa on merkittävässä roolissa, kun niiden laatua kehitetään.
Väitöskirjassa esitetään useita kehittyneitä koemenetelmiä: uusi kamerakuvausmenetelmä, jolla voidaan määrittää turpoaminen pelkistyksen edetessä; uusi pelkistyvyystesti, jolla voidaan määrittää rautapanosmateriaalin pelkistyminen kiinteässä tilassa masuunia jäljittelevissä olosuhteissa; ja uusi koeohjelma, jolla voidaan jäljitellä aiempaa tarkemmin masuuniolosuhteita sulamis-pehmenemiskokeessa. Turpoamistestit vakioiduissa olosuhteissa osoittivat, että isotermiset testit eivät anna realistista kuvaa materiaalin käyttäytymisestä masuunissa. Tämän vuoksi dynaamisia kaasukoostumus–lämpötila-ohjelmia tulisi suosia. Lisäksi tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että myös masuunissa kiertävillä komponenteilla (rikillä ja kaliumilla) on vaikutusta pelletin tilavuuden muutokseen pelkistyksessä. Yhdessäkään turpoamiskokeessa ei kuitenkaan havaittu katastrofaalista turpoamista.
Masuunin rautapanosmateriaalien korkealämpötilaominaisuuksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä arvioitiin sekä kokeellisin menetelmin että termodynaamisin laskelmin. Yhdelläkään tutkitulla pellettilaadulla ei havaittu sintterin veroisia korkealämpötilaominaisuuksia, mikä johtuu eroista kemiallisessa koostumuksessa ja makrohuokoisuudessa. FeO-SiO2-CaO-MgO-Al2O3 systeemitarkastelut rautapanosmateriaalin lähtökoostumuksella todettiin toimivaksi menetelmäksi arvioida panosmateriaalin pehmenemiskäyttäytymistä. FactSage-laskennat antavat ymmärtää, että rautapanosmateriaalin pehmenemisominaisuuksia voidaan parantaa joko vähentämällä SiO2:n osuutta, lisäämällä MgO:n osuutta tai lisäämällä CaO:ta sopiva määrä SiO2:n osuuteen nähden.
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Using internet-enabled remote instrumentation for research and training in physics: evaluation of different diffusion barriers for silver metallizationMajiet, Siradz January 2007 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The growth of the Internet has led to many interesting developments for both educational and commercial purposes. In this project an attempt was made to use the Internet for a research purpose to facilitate the determination of the thermal stability of diffusion barriers. Another purpose of this thesis is to investigate the teaching and training use of the Internet through the development of online interactive tools and activities as well as materials. The training aspects are mentioned as it is hoped that this thesis can serve as a form of documentation of the use of the Internet, while the central part was the determination of thermal stability of TiN, TaN and TiW diffusion barriers on Ag.
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Study of multi-component fuel premixed combustion using direct numerical simulationNikolaou, Zacharias M. January 2014 (has links)
Fossil fuel reserves are projected to be decreasing, and emission regulations are becoming more stringent due to increasing atmospheric pollution. Alternative fuels for power generation in industrial gas turbines are thus required able to meet the above demands. Examples of such fuels are synthetic gas, blast furnace gas and coke oven gas. A common characteristic of these fuels is that they are multi-component fuels, whose composition varies greatly depending on their production process. This implies that their combustion characteristics will also vary significantly. Thus, accurate and yet flexible enough combustion sub-models are required for such fuels, which are used during the design stage, to ensure optimum performance during practical operating conditions. Most combustion sub-model development and validation is based on Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) studies. DNS however is computationally expensive. This, has so far limited DNS to single-component fuels such as methane and hydrogen. Furthermore, the majority of DNS conducted to date used one-step chemistry in 3D, and skeletal chemistry in 2D only. The need for 3D DNS using skeletal chemistry is thus apparent. In this study, an accurate reduced chemical mechanism suitable for multi-component fuel-air combustion is developed from a skeletal mechanism. Three-dimensional DNS of a freely propagating turbulent premixed flame is then conducted using both mechanisms to shed some light into the flame structure and turbulence-scalar interaction of such multi-component fuel flames. It is found that for the multi-component fuel flame heat is released over a wider temperature range contrary to a methane flame. This, results from the presence of individual species reactions zones which do not all overlap. The performance of the reduced mechanism is also validated using the DNS data. Results suggest it to be a good substitute of the skeletal mechanism, resulting in significant time and memory savings. The flame markers commonly used to visualize heat release rate in laser diagnostics are found to be inadequate for the multi-component fuel flame, and alternative markers are proposed. Finally, some popular mean reaction rate closures are tested for the multi-component fuel flame. Significant differences are observed between the models’ performance at the highest turbulence level considered in this study. These arise from the chemical complexity of the fuel, and further parametric studies using skeletal chemistry DNS would be useful for the refinement of the models.
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Extração de especies organoestancias em sedimento por microextração em fase solida acoplada ao forno de grafite e determinação de estanho total por amostragem em suspensão / Extraction of organotin species in sediment employing solid phase microextraction coupled to graphite furnace and total tin determination by slurry samplingLopes, Aline Soriano 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Marco Aurelio Zezzi Arruda, Fabio Augusto / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T14:05:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Lopes_AlineSoriano_D.pdf: 1700718 bytes, checksum: f6955b16e49880b14a0e1ec26e824561 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Este trabalho de Tese visa acoplar a fibra, empregada em microextração em fase sólida (SPME, do inglês solid phase microextraction), ao espectrômetro de absorção atômica com forno de grafite (GF AAS, do inglês graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer), visando reter espécies organometálicas volatilizadas nas etapas de secagem e pirólise do GF AAS. O elemento escolhido para avaliar o acoplamento SPME-GF AAS foi o Sn. Primeiramente, a concentração total de Sn foi determinada, utilizando a amostragem em suspensão como estratégia, uma vez que na avaliação da distribuição dos compostos organoestânicos por SPME-GF AAS, a concentração total de Sn seria efetuada a partir de uma suspensão. Para a otimização do método foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: solução de preparo da suspensão, e efeito da temperatura de pirólise e atomização. A mistura contendo HF 10 % (v/v) e HNO3 1 % (v/v) foi escolhida para preparar a suspensão, a composição Mg(NO3)2 + NH4H2PO4 apresentou resultados apropriados para ser utilizada como modificador químico convencional, e 1000 e 2200 °C foram as temperaturas ótimas para a pirólise e a atomização, respectivamente. Devido ao efeito de matriz, foi utilizada a técnica de adição de analito para a quantificação de Sn em suspensões de sedimento marinho e de rio, em que os limites de detecção e quantificação calculados foram de 1,5-2,6 e 4,5- 7,6 µg g, respectivamente. Para avaliar o acoplamento SPME-GF AAS, visando à retenção das espécies organoestânicas (butiltricloroestanho, dibutildicloroestanho e tributilcloroestanho) foi utilizada, primeiramente, uma suspensão de sedimento. A suspensão foi sonicada e, em seguida, uma alíquota foi injetada no forno de grafite do GF AAS juntamente com o reagente de derivação (tetraetilborato de sódio - NaBEt4). A programação do forno de grafite foi aplicada e a fibra de SPME foi introduzida no atomizador. Após a retenção das espécies de interesse na fibra, a mesma foi conduzida ao cromatógrafo a gás (CG) para a separação e detecção dos analitos. Os parâmetros instrumentais do CG foram previamente estudados, visando a melhor separação das espécies de interesse. Esses estudos foram realizados utilizando o modo de extração por headspace e SPME (HS-SPME, do inglês headspace-solid phase microextraction). Em relação aos estudos envolvendo suspensões de sedimento no acoplamento proposto SPME-GF AAS, alguns parâmetros foram avaliados frente à retenção das espécies de interesse; entre eles pode-se citar o tipo de fibra, a concentração do reagente de derivação e o pH da reação. Melhores resultados foram observados para a fibra PDMS/DVB, utilizando uma concentração de 0,2 % (m/v) de NaBEt4 para a etilação das espécies de interesse, sendo a reação realizada em pH 5,0. Entretanto, baixa eficiência de retenção (< 20 %) das espécies de interesse em suspensão de sedimento, foi obtida utilizando-se o acoplamento SPME-GF AAS, quando comparada à extração por HS-SPME. Dessa forma, foi realizada uma extração das espécies de interesse das amostras de sedimento, utilizando a energia ultrassônica, anteriormente à sua aplicação no acoplamento proposto SPME-GF AAS. Nesta etapa do trabalho, a temperatura do forno de grafite e o tempo de exposição da fibra de SPME no forno de grafite foram otimizados, visando à máxima eficiência de retenção das espécies de interesse no acoplamento SPME-GF AAS. Os melhores resultados foram observados para temperaturas do forno de grafite de 90 °C, com 986 s de tempo de exposição da fibra no atomizador. Por fim, foram realizados experimentos visando determinar a concentração total de Sn, e reter suas espécies organometálicas simultaneamente, na fibra de SPME, utilizando o acoplamento SPME-GF AAS. / Abstract: The goal of this Thesis was coupling the solid phase microextraction (SPME) to graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer (GF AAS) for extracting the organometallic species volatilized in the drying and pyrolysis steps of the GF AAS. For evaluating the SPME-GF AAS coupling, Sn was then chosen. Firstly, the total Sn concentration using the slurry sampling strategy was determined, once in the evaluation of the organotin compounds by SPME-GF AAS, the total Sn concentration would be obtained from a slurry solution. Some parameters were evaluated, such as the nature of the solution to prepare the slurry, and pyrolysis and atomization temperatures effects. The mixture of 10 % (v/v) HF plus 1 % (v/v) HNO3 was chosen to prepare the sediment slurries, the Mg(NO3)2 plus NH4H2PO4 was appropriated as conventional chemical modifier, and the values of 1000 and 2000 °C was used as pyrolysis and atomization temperatures, respectively. The analyte addition was used in the Sn determination in sediment (marine and river) samples by slurry sampling due to matrix effects. The detection and quantification limits were calculated as 1.5-2.6 and 4.5-7.6 µg g, respectively. For evaluating the SPME-GF AAS coupling in the extraction of organotin species (butyltrichloride, dibutyldichloride, and tributylchloride), a sediment slurry was firstly used. For this task, the slurry was sonicated and an aliquot of this solution plus the derivatization reagent (sodium tetraethylborate ¿ NaBEt4) were introducted consecutively into the graphite furnace of the GF AAS. Then, the graphite furnace program was applied, and the SPME fiber was exposed into the furnace. After the extraction of organotin species by SPME-GF AAS, the analytes were separated and detected by gas chromatography (GC). Before this procedure, instrumental parameters of the GC were studied. For this task, it was used the conventional extraction by HSSPME (headspace-solid phase microextraction). Related to studies of SPME-GF AAS coupling, employing slurry sampling, some parameters, such as fiber coating, derivatization reagent concentration, pH of the reaction, among others, were evaluated. Satisfactory results were obtained using the PDMS/DVB fiber in the presence of 0.2 % (m/v) NaBEt4 and pH 5.0. However, low extraction efficiency (< 20 %) was obtained, using the SPME-GF AAS coupling for organotin species extraction from sediment slurries, when comparing to HS-SPME extractions. Then, the extraction of organotin species from sediment samples, using the ultrasonic energy was carried out, before the sample introduction into the SPME-GF AAS coupling. In this step, the graphite furnace temperature and the fiber exposure time in the atomizer were optimized. The better results were noted when 90 °C as the graphite furnace temperature was used, and 986 s was attributed as the fiber exposure time into the atomizer. Additionally, the determination of total Sn concentration, and the extraction of organotin species in the SPME fiber, using the SPME-GF AAS coupling, was simultaneously carried out. / Doutorado / Quimica Analitica / Doutor em Ciências
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Synthèse et propriétés fonctionnelles de céramiques et monocristaux piézoélectriques sans plomb (K, Na)NbO3 / Synthesis and functional properties of lead free piezoelectric (K,Na)NbO3 ceramics and single crystalsBah, Micka 12 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif d’élaborer de manière contrôlée différentes microstructures de (K0,5Na0,5)NbO3 non dopées par différentes mises en forme, bien caractérisées structuralement et microstructuralement, afin d’étudier et d’éclaircir l’influence de la densification et de la taille des grains sur les propriétés piézoélectriques. Il s’agit pour cela de produire des microstructures, avec une composition maitrisée, ayant d’abord des grains de taille micrométrique, ensuite millimétrique et enfin si possible des grains centimétriques de KNN et d’atteindre des densifications allant de 80 % à plus de 95 %. Au-delà de l’ingénierie des microstructures de KNN, l’obtention de monocristaux du composé (K0,5Na0,5)NbO3 de plusieurs mm3, de bonne qualité cristalline et bien caractérisés structuralement et microstructuralement permettrait de caractériser l’ensemble des tenseurs élastiques, diélectriques et piézoélectriques ainsi que de valider des méthodes de caractérisation originales développées au sein du laboratoire GREMAN. / The purpose of this work is to elaborate different controlled microstructures of undoped (K0,5Na0,5)NbO3 by different methods, with full structural and microstructural characterization in order to study and to elucidate the influence of the densification and grain size effect on the piezoelectric properties. For this, it is necessary to produce KNN microstructures with controlled composition, starting with micrometer grain size, then millimeter and if possible centimeter grain size and to attain densification ranging from 80 % up to 95 % of the theoretical one. Beyond the KNN microstructure engineering, the growth of large (K0,5Na0,5)NbO3 single crystals about several mm3 with good crystallinity and full structural and microstructural characterization would enable the elastic, dielectric and piezoelectric tensors to be fully characterized as well as to validate the original characterization methods developed within the GREMAN laboratory.
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Redução do consumo específico de energia elétrica total no processo de fusão em um forno elétrico a arco /Santos, Hachiley Polly de Castro January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Pedro Magalhães Sobrinho / Resumo: O aço é um dos materiais mais utilizados em todo o mundo, é possível ser 100% reciclado, obtendo novo aço sem perda de qualidade e quantas vezes for necessário. O setor siderúrgico é o maior consumidor de energia final destinado a indústria. Para produção do aço existem diversas alternativas possíveis. Neste trabalho é destacada a do forno elétrico a arco, a mais eficiente em termos de energia consumida e a única a qual pode-se utilizar como matéria-prima até 100% de material reciclado. Sendo o aço uma commodity, uma mercadoria básica facilmente intercambiável e utilizada como insumo para produção de outros produtos, tem seu preço regulado pelo mercado e trabalhos em eficiência energética são essenciais para a competitividade das empresas. O presente trabalho visa elaborar sugestões de métodos e tecnologias que possibilitem a redução do consumo específico de energia elétrica em kWh/t (quilowatt hora por tonelada de aço) para o processo de fusão do aço de um forno elétrico a arco, localizado na região do Vale do Paraíba. A metodologia empregada foi a pesquisa-ação, tendo um forno elétrico a arco real, disponível para estudos e captura de dados. As soluções encontradas estão desde técnicas operacionais de produção, até tecnologias em reaproveitamento de gases de exaustão, utilizados para o pré-aquecimento de sucata. Como resultado da pesquisa, obteve-se um conjunto de possibilidades tecnológicas com ganhos de até 143 kWh/t, o que representa cerca de 34% de redução no consumo es... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Steel is one of the most widely used materials worldwide, and it is possible to recycle 100% of it so as to generate new steels without quality loss and as many times as needed, however, the steel sector is the largest final energy consumer. There are several possible routes for steel production, but the Electric Arc Furnace has been selected for the present work due to being the most efficient in terms of energy consumption and it is the only one that can use up to 100% of recycled matter as raw material. As steel is a commodity, a basic goods easily interchangeable and used as input for the production of other products, its price is set by the market and energy efficiency studies are essential for the competitiveness of companies. The present work aims to elaborate suggestions of methods and technologies that allow the reduction of the specific electric energy consumption in kWh/t (kilowatt hour per ton of steel) by the steel melting process of an electric arc furnace located in the region of the Paraíba Valley. The methodology used was the action research, having an electric arc furnace, available for studies and data capture. The identified solutions range from operational production techniques to exhaust gas recovery technologies for scrap preheating. As a result, a set of technological possibilities with savings of up to 143 kWh/t have been obtained, which represents about 34% reduction in specific electric energy consumption by taking into account an average consumptio... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Využití čedičových vláken v alkalicky aktivovaných materiálech / Utilization of basalt fibers in alkali activated materialsHrubý, Petr January 2018 (has links)
Alkali activated materials (AAMs) represent construction materials with a huge potential especially because of environmental and economic aspects but sufficient mechanical properties as well. A fibre or fabric reinforcement of the AAMs could support more widespread application potential due to the mechanical properties, fracture toughness or composite durability improvement. Various alkaline activators were used for a blast furnace slag (BFS) activation to produce a suitable matrix for basalt fibres (BF) implementation in this thesis. The BFs represent applicable reinforcing material because of its favourable mechanical and thermal properties. Still, the utilization of BFs in the AAMs is quite limited due to the fibres low chemical stability under the alkaline conditions. Accelerated leaching tests with a determination of basalt fibres chemical composition same as tensile strength change using various analytical techniques (XRD, XPS, SEM-EDX, ICP-OES) have confirmed these assumptions. An influence of basalt fabric reinforcement in one or more layers on the mechanical properties was determined with the meaning of the compressive and flexural strengths. The fibre/matrix adhesion and transition zone properties were studied using SEM-EDX and pull-out tests as well because they are crucial parameters for the composite material reinforcement efficiency.
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Low-Cost Filtration Barriers for Ultrafine Particles Separation / Low-Cost Filtration Barriers for Ultrafine Particles SeparationKejík, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
V mnoha oborech jsou stále využívána anorganická filtrační media založená na materiálech, jejichž výroba využívá primární suroviny. Jejich výroba je tedy energeticky náročná a v důsledku nákladná a neohleduplná k životnímu prostředí. Cílem této práce je ověřit možnost využití alkalicky aktivovaných materiálů na bázi sekundárních surovin, především vysokopecních strusek (BFS) a popílků z uhelných elektráren (FA), pro výrobu porézních médií schopných v budoucnosti nahradit keramické a jiné anorganické filtry. Výzkum je rozvinut skrze experimentální design založený na výpočetním schématu samostatně vyvinutém s pomocí programu MATLAB. Toto schéma počítá vhodná složení směsí na základě poměrů obsahu nejdůležitějších oxidů ve vstupních surovinách. Tak je zajištěno zohlednění proměnlivého složení vstupních surovin a práce je tím hodnotnější, že její výsledky jsou skrze početní nástroj zohledňující základní oxidové složení surovin zobecnitelné. Zároveň byly však pro srovnání a lepší názornost závislostí vlastností na složení navrhnuty a připraveny i série vzorků založené vždy pouze na jedné ze surovin. Z výsledků vyplývá, že pevnost vzorků z těchto směsí (vytvrzených 24 hodin při 70 °C) ve čtyřbodové ohybové zkoušce dle ČSN EN 12390 5 může přesáhnout 7,6 MPa. Dosažením co možná nejvyšší porozity však zákonitě negativně ovlivňuje pevnost materiálu a výsledný materiál tedy dosahuje pevnosti těsně nad hranicí 6,3 MPa. Výsledky obecně dokazují, že nejvíce je pevnost materiálů ovlivněna poměrem SiO2/Al2O3 a množstvím alkalického aktivátoru. Z výsledků vyplývá, že alkalicky aktivované materiály (AAM) na bázi strusky dosahují i více než dvojnásobné pevnosti analogických materiálů na bázi elektrárenského popílku. Velikost pórů materiálů připravených z tříděných surovin s velikostí zrna od desítek po lehce přes sto mikronů se ve většině případů pohybuje v rozmezí desetin ž jednotek mikronů, v případě výsledného materiálu je to pak přibližně 0,2 mikronu. Celková porozita lisovaných těles se pohybuje těsně pod 40 %, což je v tomto případě téměř dvojnásobek ve srovnání s totožnými materiály na bázi netříděných surovin. Výsledky rovněž ukazují, že materiály na bázi strusky vykazují nižší porozitu než ty na bázi popílku, což je patrně způsobeno rozdílnou morfologií částic obou materiálů – částice strusky jsou nepravidelně hranaté a částice popílku kulaté. V průběhu experimentální činnosti byla pozorována tvorba výkvětů u materiálů na bázi elektrárenských popílků. Pomocí Energo-disperzní spektroskopické analýzy (EDS) byly výkvěty identifikovány jako hydroxid sodný procházející karbonatací za účasti vzdušného CO2. Test permeability vyžadoval, kvůli velmi jemné povaze porézní struktury, přípravu asymetrických filtračních přepážek. Tyto přepážky dosáhli propustnosti 138 L/h.m2.bar pro vodu a 1320 L/h.m2.bar pro vzduch.
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Kompozitní materiály na bázi alkalicky aktivované vysokopecní strusky s přídavkem elektrárenských popílků / Composite materials based on alcali activated blast furnace slag with admixture of fly ashIndra, Ivo January 2010 (has links)
This thesis concerns on substitution of blast furnace slag or its part with fly ash in alkali-activated systems based on aluminosilikates. Classic, fluid bottom and fluid filter fly ashes will be tested. The goal is to prepare geopolymer with required mechanical properties, but with maximal admixture of alternative raw materials. In composites with substitutioned slag or its part the thesis focuses mainly on workabilityof fresh mixture, pressure and bending strenght. Use of secondary raw materials has advantages in the economic point of view and it´s friendly to enviroment, too.
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Tuhnutí odlitků ve skořepinových formách při odlévání ve vakuu / Solidification of castings by pouring into shell moulds in vakuum furnacesOdložil, Jan January 2009 (has links)
Heat transfer during metal pouring and its solidification in the vacuum furnace have been investigated by experiments using model set of castings of different diameters and insulations. The pouring metal was Inconel 713LC alloy based on nickel. The found data have been used for optimization of the numerical simulation of the thermal regime during the both pouring and solidification phases of the process in vacuum. Numerical simulation of the alloy structure in individual castings has been made by the CAFE module of the ProCast software and obtained results compared with the real structure. The optimized boundary conditions can be used for simulation of real castings.
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