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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contagem de fezes como índice de abundância de capivaras (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris). / Feces counting as an index of abundance of capybaras (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris).

Gustavo Romeiro Mainardes Pinto 05 April 2004 (has links)
A capivara é uma espécie da fauna silvestre que se favoreceu da situação de conversão de áreas florestais para fins agropecuários, tornando-se bastante comum. Tal superpopulação causa conflitos, especialmente em virtude de prejuízos agrícolas e riscos de transmissão de doenças. Entretanto, a espécie apresenta grande potencial zootécnico e econômico, sendo que, aparentemente, o sistema produtivo mais sustentável seria o extensivo. Para fornecer subsídios técnicos a este sistema, torna-se necessário o monitoramento das populações. Um dos métodos mais utilizados para populações de capivaras é o de contagem direta dos animais, utilizada usualmente em ambientes mais abertos, porém pouco eficiente em locais de vegetação mais fechada e para populações mais arredias. O que se buscou testar neste trabalho foi um método de monitoramento alternativo à contagem direta. O trabalho foi realizado em sete áreas, sendo quatro com populações fechadas e três abertas. Semanalmente foram contadas as fezes depositadas durante esse período numa área amostral, contados diretamente os animais e levantados dados sobre flutuação real das populações fechadas. A obtenção de um índice de abundância através da contagem de fezes apresentou um coeficiente de regressão linear melhor que a contagem direta, em comparação com a flutuação real da população, obtida em ambientes fechados. Porém, nenhum dos métodos apresentou resultados satisfatórios que refletissem, no índice, as alterações ocorridas na população. A contagem de fezes mostrou-se satisfatória para separar em faixas de número de indivíduos as diferentes populações e também na aplicação da estimativa populacional baseada na técnica de Índice-manipulação-índice. O trabalho levanta inúmeras questões a respeito da intensidade amostral, de possíveis estudos quanto ao uso do habitat e do grau de confiabilidade dos monitoramentos baseados em contagens diretas. / The capybara is a wild species that would be favored by the conversion of the forest areas to farmlands, becoming abundant. Such overpopulation causes conflicts, especially due to agricultural damages and risks of transmission of illnesses. However, this species presents a great potential in both aspects: zootechnical and economical. As a result, apparently, the most sustainable productive system would be the extensive one. In order to supply technical subsidies to this system, surveying of populations become necessary. One of the survey methods most used in capybara populations is the direct counting that is usually adopted in ecosystems predominantly herbaceous. However, this methodology relies in some problems. It presents low efficiency in dense forested areas as well as in dealing with fearful capybara individuals. Thus, we proposed in this study a surveying method as an alternative to the direct counting one. The work was done on seven areas (four with closed populations and three open). Weekly, the individuals had been counted, as well as the feces deposited in the period on a sample area, besides getting the real data with respect to fluctuation of the closed populations. The attainment of an index of abundance through the feces counting presented a coefficient of linear regression better that the direct counting, in comparison with the real fluctuation of the population, gotten in closed environments. However, none of the methods presented satisfactory results that they reflected, in the index, the occurred alterations in the population. The feces counting revealed satisfactory to also separate in bands of number of individuals the different populations and in the application to estimate populations based in the technique of Index-manipulation-index. The work raises innumerable questions about the sampling intensity, possible studies about the home range use and the degree of trustworthiness of the surveys based on direct countings.

Hidroaliumosilikato įtaka maisto medžiagų pasisavinamumui skirtingos lyties šunų organizme bei sveikatos būklei / Influence of hydroaluminosilicate on nutrient absorption for male and female dogs and their health

Matonytė, Birutė 05 March 2014 (has links)
Darbo apimtis ir struktūra Darbas parašytas lietuvių kalba, kurį sudaro: įvadas, literatūros apžvalga, medžiagos ir metodai, rezultatai, išvados, naudotos literatūros sąrašas; darbo apimtis 65 puslapiai, darbe yra: 78 literatūros šaltiniai, 15 lentelių ir 13 paveikslėlių. Darbo tikslas įvertinti klinoptilolito įtaką skirtingo amžiaus ir lyties šuniukų augimo spartai ir sveikatingumui. Darbo uždaviniai:  įvertinti šuniukų ir suaugusių šunų šėrimui vartojamų ėdalų maistinę ir energinę vertę;  nustatyti ėdalų suvartojimo kiekius atskirais auginimo periodais priklausomai nuo gyvūno lyties;  nustatyti šuniukų ir suaugusių šunų svorio kitimą priklausomai nuo gyvūno lyties atskirais auginimo periodais;  paskaičiuoti gyvūnų kūno masės priaugimą atskirais auginimo periodais;  nustatyti pagrindinių maisto medžiagų kiekius patinėlių ir kalyčių išmatose;  paskaičiuoti maisto medžiagų pasisavinamumo lygį šuniukų ir suaugusių šunų organizme;  pateikti stebėjimo rezultatus apie išskiriamų išmatų konsistenciją;  pateikti šunų išmatų bakteriologinio tyrimo rezultatus;  pateikti išmatų pH dydžius atskirais auginimo tarpsniais. Šuniukų ir šunų šėrimui buvo naudojamas visavertis ėdalas „NATURE’S PROTECTION“, kurio sudėtyje nustatyta 920 g kg-1 sausosios medžiagos, 260 g kg-1 žalių baltymų, 150 g kg-1 žalių riebalų, 52 g kg-1 žalių pelenų, energinė vertė 20,25 MJ kg-1. Nustatyta, kad tiriamosios grupės šunys ir kalytės tiriamojo laikotarpio atskirais mėnesiais suvartojo mažesnius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The scope of work and structure The Master's project is written in Lithuanian and consists of introduction, literature review, materials and methods, results, conclusions, references. The project comprises of 65 pages, 78 references, 15 tables and 13 pictures. Project aims: the main aim of this project is to evaluate the impact of a clinoptilolite of different age puppies growth rate and their health status. Objectives of the project:  to evaluate the puppies and dogs feeds nutritional and energy values  to determine the amount of food consumptions of different gender animals of various growth periods  to measure the weight alteration of different gender puppies and adult dogs of various growth periods  to estimate the animals weight gain of various growth periods  to measure the amount of the basic nutrients in male and female dogs faeces  to calculate the nutrients absorption level of puppies and adult dogs organisms  to represent the observation results about the dogs faeces consistency  to introduce the results of a bacteriological analysis of the dogs feaces  to present the dogs feaces values of pH of various growth periods Dogs and puppies have been fed with a full-rate dog‘s fodder “NATURE’S PROTECTION“, containing 920 g kg-1 of dry substance, 260 g kg-1 of raw protein, 150 g kg-1 of raw fats, 52 g kg-1 of raw ash; its energetic value - 20,25 MJ kg-1. As research data reveal, female and male dogs of a test group have been consuming lower amount of full-rate... [to full text]

Vliv pancířníků na složení společenstva hub v opadu borovice lesní / The effect of oribatid mites on the composition of fungal community in pine litter

Černá, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
4 Abstract The aim of this study was to determine whether oribatid mites affect the variety of fungi in litter of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), and if the dispersibility of fungi particles is related to oribatid mite species. To this end, I have prepared several semi-natural systems, in which I observed dispersion of fungi separately and in the presence of two oribatid mite species: Phthiracarus sp. and Adoristes ovatus. I assessed the experiment in two ways, by a cultivation of washed needles on agar medium and direct observation of needles under a binocular magnifier. In the next part of this study I isolated particles of fungi present on the surface and in the faeces of oribatid mites Adoristes ovatus, Porobelba spinosa and Spatiodamaeus verticillipes and compared it with the respective oribatid mite species. The most frequent needles fungi spread by oribatid mites were Oidiodendron maius var. maius, Oidiodendron muniellense, Oidiodendron setiferum, Umbelopsis ramanniana, Mucor hiemalis f. hiemalis and Mortierella hyalina. On the mites body surface the most commonly recorded fungi were Beauveria bassiana, Umbelopsis ramanniana, Cladosporium cladosporioides s.l., Cladosporium herbarum s.l. and unknown species of the genus Penicillium. Fungi species Acrodontium crateriforme, Umbelopsis ramanniana and...

Comparative Phylogeography of Central African Duikers Using Non-invasive Sampling Methods

Ntie, Stephan 02 August 2012 (has links)
The present study sets out to assess patterns of evolutionary diversification in central African duikers (subfamily Cephalophinae). The sampling strategy consisted of collecting geo-referenced duiker feces across 43 sites and seven countries. However, several challenges related to the use of non-invasive samples needed to be addressed prior to large scale DNA amplification. First, the best storage method for obtaining DNA from fecal samples needed to be established. Our study revealed that while silica is best for nuclear microsatellite analyses, RNAlater is the best storage medium for maximal mitochondrial amplification. Moreover, extracting DNA as early as possible always provided the best results. Second, since it is impossible to determine the species identity of duiker feces solely based on their morphology, a simple and reliable molecular method was needed. A tree-based approach based on ~650 base pairs of the control region amplified from reference samples was found to be the most reliable method to recover the identity of unknown samples. Third, for fine scale analyses of population genetic structure, a set of twelve nuclear microsatellites were assembled from existing bovid data. These microsatellites markers were chosen because they are very polymorphic, cross amplify among targeted taxa, co-amplify with combined markers of the same multiplex, and are powerful enough for individual identification. Patterns of mitochondrial and nuclear microsatellite variation were used to test two important hypotheses of diversification in the tropics: the Pleistocene refugia and the riverine barrier hypotheses. Analyses of historical and contemporary population genetic structure were carried out on the three most abundant species in our sampling area: the bay duiker (C. dorsalis), the Peter’s duiker (C. callipygus), and the blue duiker (P. monticola) using mitochondrial and nuclear markers described above. These data show that (1) southwest Nigeria and southwest Cameroon comprise genetically distinct populations in C. callipygus and P. monticola species, (2) signatures of demographic expansion for all three taxa are broadly coincident with the location of hypothesized upland refugia in Gabon and Equatorial Guinea and (3) the Sanaga, Ogooué, and Sangha rivers may constitute a partial riverine barrier and/or act as fluvial refugia for duikers.

Determinação dos níveis de porfirinas fecais por espectroscopia de fluorescência em indivíduos com câncer de próstata / Determination of faecal porphyrin levels by fluorescence spectroscopy in individuals with prostate cancer

Gotardelo, Daniel Riani 18 March 2019 (has links)
Modelos experimentais de câncer de próstata demonstraram níveis aumentados de protoporfirina IX (PpIX) no sangue e nas fezes de camundongos, fazendo com que a quantificação dessa molécula pudesse ser aventada para a identificação desse tipo de tumor. Nesse estudo do tipo caso-controle, a autofluorescência de porfirinas em fezes humanas foi analisada usando espectroscopia de fluorescência em pacientes com câncer de próstata e controles. Dados sociodemográficos, amostras sanguíneas para determinação dos níveis de PSA (antígeno prostático específico) e amostras de fezes para quantificação de porfirinas foram obtidas após consentimento dos pacientes. Recrutaram-se 18 pacientes em amostra calculada a partir dos estudos de referência. Realizou-se varredura para encontrar o melhor pico espectrofotométrico a partir de diversas diluições acetona/fezes. Primeiramente, 3 mililitros de acetona de grau analítico foram adicionados a 0,3 gramas de fezes e a mistura foi macerada e centrifugada a 4.000 rotações por minuto durante 15 minutos. O sobrenadante foi analisado espectroscopicamente. Os espectros de emissão a 550-750 nm foram obtidos excitando as amostras a 405 nm. Variáveis sociodemográficas foram analisadas e evidenciaram homogeneidade entre os grupos estudados. Um contraste significativo entre as amostras de indivíduos normais e oncológicos foi estabelecido na região espectral de 670-675 nm (p = 0,000127), o que corresponde a um aumento significativo de porfirinas fecais em pacientes com câncer. Não houve correlação estatisticamente significativa entre os níveis de PSA e as porfirinas fecais (R = -0,0221). Neste estudo preliminar realizado em seres humanos, os resultados mostram um método simples e não invasivo para avaliar as porfirinas fecais, que têm o potencial de funcionar como um biomarcador tumoral em pacientes com câncer de próstata. Essa abordagem poderia aumentar a sensibilidade e a especificidade do teste de PSA. / Experimental models of prostate cancer have demonstrated increased levels of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) in the blood and faeces of mice. Hence, the quantification of these autofluorescent molecules could be hypothesized to be a potential marker for this type of tumour. In this case-control study, the autofluorescence of porphyrins in human faeces from patients with prostate cancer and control subjects was analysed using fluorescence spectroscopy. Socio-demographic data, blood samples for determination of PSA levels and faeces samples for quantification of porphyrins were obtained after consent of the patients. Eighteen patients were recruited in a sample calculated from the reference studies. Scanning was performed to determine the best spectrophotometric peak from various acetone/faecal dilutions. First, 3 mL of analytical-grade acetone was added to 0.3 g of faeces, and the mixture was macerated and centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 15 min. The supernatant was analysed spectroscopically. The emission spectra from 550 to 750 nm were obtained by exciting the samples at 405 nm. Socio-demographic variables were analyzed and showed homogeneity among the groups studied. A significant difference between the samples from control and cancer subjects was established in the spectral region of 670675 nm (p = 0.000127), which corresponds to a significant increase in faecal porphyrins in patients with cancer. There was no statistically significant correlation between PSA levels and faecal porphyrins (R = -0,0221). In this preliminary study conducted in humans, the results show a simple and non-invasive method to assess faecal porphyrins, which have the potential to function as a tumour biomarker in patients with prostate cancer. This approach has improved sensitivity and specificity over PSA testing.

Avaliação da ocorrência de fatores de virulência em estirpes de Escherichia coli em fezes de cães errantes / Evaluation of the occurence of virulence factors in Escherichia coli in faeces of wandering dogs

Sydow, Anna Catharina Maia Del Guercio von 26 August 2005 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo isolar e identificar os microrganismos aeróbicos e a frequência de isolamento de Escherichia coli patogênica ao homem em fezes de cães sem sintomas de colibacilose e assim averiguar a participação do cão como fonte de infeção de colibacilose humana. No período de setembro de 2002 a outubro de 2004, foram coletadas 220 amostras de fezes de animais capturados pelos CCZ de Guarulhos, Cotia e Barueri, cidades do Estado de São Paulo. O método de coleta foi através de swabs estéreis profundamente ao intestino dos animais anestesiados, mantidos sob refrigeração e em caldo BHI. As bactérias foram isoladas por semeadura em Mac Conkey, ágar sangue e Sabouraud. Houve crescimento de microrganismos em 100% delas. Foram isolados os seguintes microrganismos: 120 (54,54%) estirpes de E. coli em cultura pura e 76 (34,54%) estirpes em associação com outros agentes, Proteus mirabilis (2,27%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (2,27%), dentre outros microrganismos. Deve-se ressaltar ainda o isolamento de leveduras (Candida albicans) em associação com outros agentes a partir de 05 (2,27%) amostras de swabs retais. Uma vez isoladas, seus genes de virulência foram detectados por PCR. De um total de 196 estirpes de E. coli isoladas, 123 (62,75%) apresentaram um ou mais dos fatores de virulência estudados. Dessas 196 estirpes, 16 (8,16%) foram positivas para afa, 54 (27,55%) foram positivas para sfa, 38 (19,38%) foram positivas para pap, 66 (33,67%) foram positivas para aer, 31 (15,81%) foram positivas para cnf, 13 (6,63%) foram positivas para hly, 01(0,51%) foi positiva para VT2 e nenhuma das linhagens foi positiva para LT, STa e STb. Os cães aparentemente sadios, sem sintomas de colibacilose, poderiam estar participando da cadeia epidemiológica como reservatórios de E. coli uropatogênica ao homem, pois os genes encontrados com maior número foram aer, sfa e pap presentes em infecções extraintestinais, mais especificamente infecções urinárias. Os cães podem participar como reservatório de estirpes de E. coli resistentes a antimicrobianos. Das amostras de E. coli testadas, 85,64% apresentaram resistência à Cefalotina e 0% de resistência à Norfloxacina. Há a necessidade de mais pesquisas sobre o modo de transmissão das E. coli patogênicas entre o cão e o homem e dos fatores de virulência uropatogênicos encontrados com maior frequência tais como aer, sfa e pap. / The objective of the present study was to isolate and identify aerobic microorganisms and the isolation frequency of E. coli pathogenic to man in faeces of dogs without colibacillosis symptoms and thus to verify the participation of dog as a source of human colibacillosis infection. In the period between September 2002 to October 2004, 220 samples of faeces were collected from animals captured by the CCZ of Guarulhos, Cotia and Barueri, cities in the São Paulo state. The collection method used was barren swabs deeply to the intestine of anesthetized animals, which were kept under refrigeration and in a BHI broth. The bacteria were isolated through sowing in Mac Conkey, agar blood and Sabouraud. In 100% of them there was microorganism growth. The following microorganisms were isolated: 120 (54.54%) E. coli lineages in pure culture and 76 (34.54% lineages in association with other agents, Proteus mirabilis (2,27%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (2.27%,) amongst other microorganisms. The isolation of yeasts (Candida Albicans) in association with other agents from 05 (2.27%) rectal samples swabs must be emphasized. Once isolated virulence genes were detected by PCR. Of a total of 196 isolated lineages of E.coli, 123 (62.75%) presented one or more of the studied virulence factors. Of these 196 lineages, 16 (8.16%) were positive for afa, 54 (27.55%) positive for sfa, 38 (19.38%) positive for pap, 66 (33.67%) positive for aer, 31 (15.81%) positive for caf, 13 (6.63%) positive for hly, 01 (0.51%) positive for VT2 and none of the lineages were positive for LT, Sta and STb. Apparently healthy dogs, without colibacillosis symptoms could be participating in the epidemiological chain as an E. coli reservoir uropathogenic to man, as the genes found with high frequency were aer, sfa and pap present in extraintestinal infections, more specifically urinary infections. The dogs can participate as a reservior of E. coli lineages resistant to antimicrobials. Of the E. coli samples tested, 85,64% presented resistance to Cefalotina and 0% resistance to Norfloxacina. More research is needed on how the transmission of pathogenic E. coli between the dog and man happens and also on the uropathogenic virulence factors found more frequently, such as aer, sfa and pap.

Ecological Sanitation (Ecosan) and the Kimberley Experience

Jonah, Albert January 2007 (has links)
<p>The Hull Street Integrated Housing Project, in Kimberley, is one of the projects supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida, in South Africa. The vision of the</p><p>project is to provide low cost housing for the people of Kimberley. As a way of ensuring sustainability, the project adopts the Ecological sanitation (Ecosan) approach where urine and</p><p>faeces are separated from the source.</p><p>The concept of Ecosan is new to many people around the world. To make the concept workable and acceptable effective implementation strategies are required.</p><p>At the Hull Street, after the first of the four phases 144 unit houses have been completed all fitted</p><p>with the UDS. Urine from the UDS as well as the greywater from the kitchen and bathroom are connected to infiltrate into the ground. This arrangement is called the “quick-fix”. The faeces from</p><p>the houses are sent to the compost yard for composting so that the residents could use the compost in their gardens.</p><p>This study which involves interview with some selected workers and residents in Hull Street</p><p>focuses on the modus operandi of the Ecosan unit of the Hull Street project with special emphasis on the methods of human excreta disposal and education strategies.</p>

Ecological Sanitation in Urban China : A case study of the Dongsheng project on applying ecological sanitation in multi-storey buildings

Gao, Shi Wen January 2011 (has links)
From the analysis of the Dongsheng project which applied ecological sanitation in multi-storey buildings in China, we found that technical deficiencies, managerial problems and incorrect usage of the urine-diverting toilets resulted in the poor performance of the Dongsheng ecological sanitation system. Lack of standards or guidelines, and lack of policies or regulations are significant challenges in implementing the ecological sanitation system. Residents in the Dongsheng eco-town have positive attitudes toward reusing human faeces and urine in agriculture since China has a long tradition of this. However, the residents did not know very well about the value of urine, and the local farmers did not want urine. Women in China are more concerned with sanitation from a health aspect than men. Higher education level is connected to more positive attitudes towards human faeces and urine and their reuse. However, there is no link between income status and the attitudes of users. The supply chain for ecological sanitation systems is weak in urban China and needs to be improved. Apart from the demand side and supply side of ecological sanitation, enabling ecological sanitationto go to scale in an urban context depends on physical, environmental, technical and policy factors.

The effect of childbirth on the anal sphincters demonstrated by anal endosonography and neurophysiological tests.

Sultan, Abdul Hameed. January 1994 (has links)
Obstetric trauma is a major cause of faecal incontinence in women resulting in considerable social disability. Until recently the development of faecal incontinence has been attributed largely to damage to the pelvic nerves. However the advent of anal endosonography has added a new dimension to our understanding of the pathophysiology of faecal incontinence. In this thesis, gross dissection and histological studies of 19 anorectal specimens was performed to demonstrate the normal anatomy. Simultaneous dissection and sonography of the anorectum (14 in vivo and 12 in vitro studies) has clarified the normal sonographic anatomy of the anal sphincters. Anal endosonography was performed in 114 healthy volunteers to demonstrate gender differences in anal sphincter anatomy. A prospective study of 12 patients undergoing secondary sphincter repair and 15 patients undergoing lateral internal anal sphincterotomy has validated the appearance of sonographic sphincter defects. A new technique of demonstrating the anal sphincters at rest using vaginal endosonography has been demonstrated in 20 women. A prospective study of 202 pregnant women using anal endosonography and neurophysiological tests has demonstrated that 35% of primigravidae (13% symptomatic) and 44% of multigravidae (23% symptomatic) develop occult anal sphincter defects during vaginal delivery. Although pudendal nerve damage can be identified in 16% of women 6 weeks after delivery, in the majority this recovers with time. Forceps delivery was identified as the single independent variable associated with sphincter damage although damage was also sustained in the absence of instrumental delivery. In a separate study of 50 women who sustained a recognized third degree tear 47% were found to be symptomatic despite a primary sphincter repair. In 85% of these women persistent anal sphincter defects were identified sonographically. In a further study of 43 women who had an instrumental delivery (17 vacuum and 26 forceps) anal sphincter defects were identified in 81% (38% symptomatic) of women who were delivered by forceps compared to 12% (21% symptomatic) delivered by the vacuum extractor. One hundred and fifty doctors and midwives were interviewed to assess their knowledge and training in perineal anatomy and repair. There was a clear deficiency in knowledge and inconsistencies in classification of third degree tears were apparent highlighting the need for more focused training in perineal anatomy and repair. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, 1994.

Ceolito panaudojimo galimybės pramoniniuose šunų ėdaluose / Use of zeolite in industrial mash for dogs

Maksvytis, Tadas 26 April 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – nustatyti maisto medžiagų kiekius išmatose, nustatyti pasisavinimo lygį vokiečių aviganių veislės suaugusių šunų (kalių ir patinų) organizme; įvertinti įtaką kraujo biocheminiams ir morfologiniams rodikliams; įvertinti išskiriamų išmatų konsistenciją. Mokslinio darbo naujumas –mūsų šalyje pirmą kartą atliktas virškinamumo-balansinis bandymas su suaugusiomis vokiečių aviganių veislės kalėmis ir patinais ir įvertintas ceolito poveikis sausosios medžiagos, organinės medžiagos, žalių baltymų, žalių riebalų, žalios ląstelienos, žalių pelenų ir neazotinių ekstraktinių medžiagų pasisavinamumui ramybės, kergimo, šuningumo, laktacijos laikotarpiuose. Praktinė darbo reikšmė – panaudojant naujus priedus gaminti ėdalus šunims bei katėms, kad galima būtų optimizuoti virškinimo ir rezorbcijos procesus šių gyvūnų organizme. Remiantis atliktų bandymų duomenimis nustatytas klinoptilolito teigiamas poveikis kai kurių maisto medžiagų pasisavinamumui gyvūnų organizme, sveikatingumui, o taip pat mažesnis taršos laipsnis aplinkai. Šunų šėrimui šiuo metu yra gaminama daugybė skirtingų ėdalų, panaudojant įvairius papildus bei priedus. Sudaromi pilnai subalansuoti ėdalų receptai, kurių sudėtyje pateikiami įvairiausi augaliniai ir gyvūniniai komponentai. Ėdalams gaminti panaudojami tik geros kokybės produktai, kurie lengvai gyvūno organizme suskaidomi, aukštame lygyje pasisavinami ir nekenkia jo sveikatingumui. Pastaraisiais metais susirūpinimas ėdalų sauga vis didėja, kokybė ir sauga... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study – to determine the volumes of nutrients in the faeces and to identify the level of digestion in German shepherd breed dog system (males and females); to assess the impact to the blood biochemical and morphological indexes; to evaluate the consistency of the faeces secretion. The novelty of scientific study – for the first time in our country a balance experiment of digestion was performed with grown up German shepherd breed female and male dogs and the influence of zeolite to the digestion of dry matter, organic matter, raw proteins, raw fat, raw fiber, raw ash and non-nitrogenous extractive materials during calm, mating, breeding and lactation periods. Practical significance of the scientific study – to produce dog and cat food by using new supplements in order of optimizing the digestion and absorption processes in these animals organisms. The positive effect of clynoptilolite to digestion of some nutrients, wellbeing and lower emission levels were identified by using the data of the performed experiments. Currently there is a vast range of mash manufactured by using various supplements and additives. Fully balanced mash recipes are composed, which contains various herbal and animal components. Only good quality products, which are easily digestable, have high level of absorption and doesn‘t have a negative impact to the health of an animal are used. The safety concerns of the mash are on the rise in the latter year and are becoming more relevant in the... [to full text]

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