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Adolescents' Integration of Donor Conception into their IdentityNestander, Sandra, Wärn, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Donor conception (DC) is an artificial reproductive technique that refers to the use of donated gametes. Adolescence is an important period for identity formation and being donor conceived might be an important part of people’s identity, yet few studies have investigated donor conceived adolescents’ experiences. The research questions were: 1) How do adolescents integrate their donor conception into their identity? 2) Does the level of integration differ between adolescents with early and late disclosure and is there a difference when controlling for family type, current age and gender? 3) Does the level of integration differ between adolescents in families with heterosexual and lesbian parents and is there a difference when controlling for age at disclosure, current age and gender? The study had a cross-sectional design and included 86 donor conceived adolescents between 13-16 years old. They were children of heterosexual or lesbian couples that took part in the longitudinal Swedish Study on Gamete Donation. Data was collected through a questionnaire survey. The integration of DC into identity was measured with the Donor Conception Identity Questionnaire. Wilcoxon Signed Rank test and Mann-Whitney U tests were conducted to answer the research questions. Adolescents showed low curiosity and avoidance regardless of family type, indicating that the DC was not seen as a crucial part of their identity, nor something that bothered them. Adolescents with late disclosure showed more avoidance than those with early disclosure, supporting the idea that early disclosure is beneficial for the integration of DC into identity. / Donationsbehandling innebär befruktning med hjälp av donerade könsceller. Tonårstiden är viktig för identitetsformation. Att ha blivit till genom donationsbehandling kan vara en viktig del i identiteten men få studier har undersökt detta hos tonåringar. Forskningsfrågorna var: 1)Hur har tonåringar integrerat att de blivit till genom donationsbehandling i sin identitet? 2)Skiljer sig integrationen åt mellan tonåringar som fick veta tidigt och sent och finns det en skillnad när man kontrollerar för familjetyp, nuvarande ålder och kön? 3) Skiljer sig integrationen åt mellan tonåringar i familjer med heterosexuella och lesbiska föräldrar och finns det en skillnad när man kontrollerar för kön, nuvarande ålder och när de fick veta hur de blivit till? Studien var en tvärsnittsstudie med 86 stycken 13-16-åringar. De var barn till heterosexuella eller lesbiska par som deltog i den longitudinella studien Swedish Study on Gamete Donation. Data samlades in genom frågeformulär. Donor Conception Identity Questionnaire användes för att mäta hur tonåringar integrerat sitt ursprung i identiteten. Wilcoxon Signed Rank-test och Mann-Whitney U-tester genomfördes för att besvara frågeställningarna. Oavsett familjetyp visade tonåringarna låg grad av nyfikenhet och undvikande. Att de blivit till med donationsbehandling verkade alltså varken upplevas som bekymmersamt eller som en viktig del av identiteten. Tonåringar som fick veta sent visade större undvikande än de som fått veta tidigt. Det talar för att tonåringar som blivit till genom donationsbehandling kan ha enklare att integrera det i sin identitet om de tidigt får veta hur de blivit till. / Swedish Study on Gamete Donation
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Osamostatňování klientů zařízení náhradní výchovné péče v mezinárodním srovnání / Gaining Independence of Clients of Facilities of Alternative Education Care in International ComparisonProkop, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Gaining independence of clients in the system of the alternative education care is the cardinal topic of the work. Within the framework of the international comparison, the author analyses and makes a survey of the problems accompanying this process. The work does not contain only the conclusions the author came to based on the research in chosen countries (Czech Republic and Poland) but also presents suitable recommendations how the problem of gaining independence of clients of the alternative education care can be solved. The introductory part is applied to theoretical solutions, the international comparisons and examples of a good practice abroad. The author follows opinions of different experts in causalities of the problem from the influence of the biological family through socialization of the clients of the education care to the very problems of the institutional care. He presents these opinions subsequently in the context. In the methodological and research parts the author tries to answer the cardinal question: "What is way the clients of the alternative education care are prepared in order to gain independence?" Within the framework of the qualitative design of the research, the author is mediating the readers the real situation which the clients gaining independence and their carers are...
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