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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of soil ingestion in the trace element nutrition of grazing livestock

Brebner, Jocelyn January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

The welfare of the peri-parturient sow and her piglets in experimental loose-housed and confined farrowing systems

Rudd, Andrew Robert January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

Právní ochrana hospodářských zvířat proti týrání / Legal protection of farm animals against cruelty

Kaletová, Gabriela January 2019 (has links)
Legal protection of farm animals against cruelty The thesis deals with the protection of farm animals against cruelty and its main goal is to evaluate the current state of legislation in this field, with respect to both theory and praxis. The thesis comprises of five chapters excluding introduction and summary. The summary sums ups all the findings introduced in the thesis and presents de lege ferenda ideas. The first two chapters define basic terms crucial for the topic and also introduce the historical basis of farm animal legal protection. The current legislation is dealt with at first at the international and European level in chapter three. More attention is naturally given to legal protection of farm animals in the Czech Republic, especially to enforcement of the farm animal protection laws. This enables the thesis to eventually evaluate how effectively farm animals are protected by law in our country. Chapter number five tries to answer the fundamental question behind this thesis; is the current legislation at such a level that would ensure that farm animals are indeed protected against cruelty and that would ensure their good welfare? The thesis uses knowledge from scientific fields such as ethology to be able to answer this question and evaluate the practical impact of the legislation on animal...

Djur i omvårdnaden av patienter med ångest : en litteraturstudie / Animals in the care of patients with anxiety : a literature review

Lindgren, My, Nielsen, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet patienter med ångest ökar och orsakar ofta ett lidande för patienten. Sjuksköterskan har omvårdnadsansvar att lindra detta lidande. Olika djurterapier förekommer i vården för att behandla olika besvär, till exempel Animal Assisted Activity (AAA) och Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT). Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilken påverkan djur har på patienters ångest. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en litteraturstudie baserad på kvantitativa studier(n=12). Resultat: I samtliga studier framkom en sänkning av ångest vid djurterapier och i sju av studierna var det en statistiskt säkerställd sänkning. Resultatet visar främst en sänkning hos patienter som vårdas inom psykiatrin men även patienter inom den somatiska vården påverkades positivt av djuren. Diskussion: En sänkning av patienternas ångest visar att djur inom vården har en lugnande inverkan. Dock går det inte att utesluta att sänkningen berodde på andra faktorer såsom aktivitet, arbetsuppgifter eller ökad nivå av enskild uppmärksamhet. Slutsats: Djur kan vara ångestsänkande och därmed lindra patienters lidande. Kunskap som sjuksköterskan bör ha med sig i sin yrkesutövning är den inverkan djur har i patienters vårdmiljö eller i samtalsämne när vårdtagare önskar detta. / Background: The number of patients with anxiety has increased and causes often suffering for the patients. The registered nurse has a responsibility to ease patients suffering. Animals can be used in care as pet therapy, which branches into two main areas: Animal Assisted Activity (AAA) and Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT). Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of animals in patients with anxiety. Method: The study was performed as a literature review based on twelve quantitative studies. Result: There was a reduction of anxiety in connection with animal interaction. The result shows mainly a decrease of anxiety for patients treated in psychiatric wards but also for patients treated in somatic wards were positive affected. Discussion: A reduction of anxiety indicates that the experiences with animals were calming for the patients. However, we cannot exclude that the change in anxiety levels depends on other elements such as activity, work assignments or an increased level of individual attention. Conclusion: Animals can decrease anxiety and the patients suffering. That knowledge is important for the registered nurse when integrating animal in the environment or in conversation with the patients. Consideration should be taken for patients allergic to animals.

Cognitive Judgement Bias as an Indicator for Animal Welfare

Ackelman, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Animal welfare has long been a subject under debate. Since animals are unable to voice concerns about their living standards it is of interest to find other ways to secure their wellbeing. A new measurement has been introduced where animals’ own judgement can act as an indicator for their emotional state and welfare. This study summarizes key elements from previous literature and research in order to explain the connection between welfare and judgement bias. Emotions have been defined as either an observable reaction to a stimulus or a subjective conscious experience of the stimulus. The second has been difficult to assess in animals since they cannot vocalise their own interpretations, hence emotions in animals are assessed based on the first definition. The study of animal welfare is in short the study of animal’s judgement of the world, which in turn indicate how animals feel. Cognitive judgement bias has been defined as whether an animal assess an ambiguous stimulus as negative or positive, a common method used to demonstrate this concept is the go no-go method. Animals learn to discriminate between two stimuli and is then presented with an ambiguous stimulus. The response to the ambiguous stimulus is recorded and determine if the animal is optimistic or pessimistic in its judgement. Research has been rather successful in determining factors which can affect animal welfare, opening up for deeper discussions concerning animal cognition, awareness and their effect on welfare, but further refinements are required to assess the influence of judgement bias.

Právní úprava ochrany hospodářských zvířat proti týrání / Legal regulation of protection of farm animals against cruelty

Váňová, Barbara January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis - Legal regulation of protection of farm animals against cruelty This diploma thesis on Legal regulation of protection of farm animals against cruelty divides into five chapters (excluding the introduction and conclusion). The first chapter explains the relevant terminology. The second chapter concentrates on history of animal rights and philosophical aspects of these rights as well as on animals as subjects of law. The following chapters focus on applicable relevant legislation. The third chapter deals with international animal welfare agreements and relevant EU legislation. The fourth, most important, chapter summarizes the legislation on the protection of farm animals against maltreatment in the legal order of the Czech Republic. This chapter gradually focuses on both public and private law. Finally, the fifth chapter brings a comparison of the domestic legislation on the protection of farm animals against cruelty with the legislation of the Hellenic Republic.

Cobertura e uso do solo e sua influência na ocorrência de raiva nos municípios de Jacareí e Santa Branca, Vale do Paraíba, Estado de São Paulo, entre 2002 e 2009 / Influence of landscape and land use on the occurrence of rabies in the municipalities of Jacareí and Santa Branca, Vale do Paraíba, State of São Paulo, between 2002 and 2009

Ferrari, João José de Freitas 29 September 2010 (has links)
Objetivo: Realizou-se um estudo, no período de 2002 a 2009, com a finalidade de verificar se as mudanças nas classes de cobertura da terra e no uso do solo podem exercer influência na ocorrência da raiva, nos municípios de Jacareí e de Santa Branca, situados na Região do Vale do Paraíba, no Estado de São Paulo, Sudeste do Brasil. Métodos: A ferramenta utilizada para avaliar estas alterações foi o sensoriamento remoto, através de imagens de satélite Land-sat. Para pesquisar a presença do vírus da raiva (RABV) foram coletados animais silvestres atropelados nas rodovias, morcegos encontrados na área urbana em atitude suspeita, morcegos hematófagos da espécie Desmodus rotundus e animais de interesse econômico (ADIE) que vieram a óbito por enfermidade com sintomatologia nervosa. O material coletado, sistema nervoso central (SNC), desses animais foi encaminhado para o laboratório de referência nacional, o Instituto Pasteur de São Paulo (IP-SP) e para o Laboratório de Sanidade Animal da Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios (APTA)- Pólo Regional do Vale Paraíba (PRDTA/VP) - Pindamonhangaba-SP. A determinação da presença do antígeno viral foi feita através da prova de imunofluorescência direta (IFD) e o isolamento do vírus através da inoculação intracerebral em camundongos (IC). Os inóculos das amostras foram submetidos à prova de reação em cadeia pela polimerase transcriptase reversa (RT-PCR) para verificar a presença do vírus da raiva. Resultados: No período de estudo tivemos a ocorrência de dez casos da doença, sendo três em morcegos insetívoros na zona urbana de Jacareí, e sete em ADIE, sendo dois, em Jacareí e cinco, em Santa Branca. Todos os animais silvestres terrestres examinados foram negativos para a presença do vírus da raiva em todas as provas realizadas (IFD, IC, RT-PCR). O material proveniente dos morcegos foi negativo para as provas de IFD e IC, porém três amostras, oriundas de morcegos insetívoros, resultaram positivas para a prova de RTPCR. As amostras de ADIE examinadas resultaram positivas para todas as provas realizadas. O sequenciamento genético utilizou amplificações referentes à glicoproteína viral das 8 amostras positivas para rt-pcr, obtendo para os cinco isolados de ADIE linhagem de desmodus rotundus e para os três isolados de morcegos linhagens de nyctinomops laticaudatus e tadarida brasiliensis. Quando foi estudada a cobertura do solo e seu uso, considerando os municípios, constatou-se que não haviam ocorrido mudanças significativas entre 2002 e 2009. Optou-se por fazer buffers de raio de 3 km tendo como centro de cada buffer as coordenadas geográficas de casos positivos para raiva. Como em duas situações houve sobreposição entre áreas de buffers, resolveu-se considerar a área da união dos mesmos. Foi interessante que, mesmo nestes buffers não houve mudanças significativas, apesar da ocorrência da doença. Conclusão: Na escala utilizada, considerada micro, a enfermidade aconteceu, mesmo sem mudanças aparentes na região. Provavelmente, em uma escala macro outros resultados poderiam ser obtidos / Objective: This study was carried out during the period of 2002-2009, with the purpose to verify whether the changes in types of land cover and in land use can influence the occurrence of rabies in Jacareí and Santa Branca, situated in the Vale do Paraíba, State of São Paulo, southeastern brazil. Methods: The tool used to evaluate these alterations was the remote sensing through images of satellite land-sat. In order to search for the presence of rabies virus, brain materials were collected from wild animals roadkilled in highways, bats found in the urban area in suspicious attitude, desmodus rotundus hematophagous bats captured in rural areas and farm animals of economic importance (aei) dead with suspect of rabies. For rabies diagnosis, specimens of central nervous system (cns) of these animals were sent to the Pasteur Institute of São Paulo (IP-SP) - national reference laboratory and to the laboratory of animal Paulista Agency for Agribusiness Technology (APTA) - Polo Valley Regional of Paraíba (PRDTA / VP), in Pindamonhangaba, state of SP. The presence of viral antigen was determined by the direct fluorescent antibody technique (D-FAT) and the isolation of the virus by means of intracerebal mouse inoculation test (MIT). The brain suspensions were submitted to reverse transcriptase. Polymerase chain reaction to check the presence of rabies virus. Results: In the period of study, 10 positive cases were detected, being 3 in insectivorous bats in the urbane zone of jacareí, and 7 in aei, being 2 in jacareí and 5 in santa branca. All the terrestrial wild animals examined were negative for the presence of rabies virus in all tests performed (d-fat, mit, and rt-pcr). The materials from bats were found negative for the d-fat and mit, however, three samples originating from insectivorous bats turned out to be positive for rt-pcr. The positive samples from aei were positive for all tests carried out. The genetic sequencing of the g gene of eight rt-pcr positive rabies virus isolates derived from aie, five corresponded to the desmodus rotundus lineage and the three bat isolates were related to lineages of nyctinomops laticaudatus and tadarida brasiliensis. When land coverage and its use were analyzed, considering the municipalities, it was found that no significant changes occurred between 2002 and 2009. Then buffers of 3 km in radius were chosen taking as the center of each buffer the geographical coordinates of positive rabies cases. Since in two situations there was superposition between areas of buffers, it was resolved to consider the junction area of the buffers. Even in these buffers there was no significant change, despite the occurrence of the disease. Conclusion: it was concluded that the disease has occurred even without any apparent changes in the region, due to the (micro) scale used in this study. Probably, in a macro scale, other results might be obtained

Dopady výpadku dodávek vody na vybrané chovy hospodářských zvířat / The effects of water supplies cut to selected animal husbandry

TOMAN, Antonín January 2016 (has links)
Water as a vital fluid is important not only for the man himself, but also for the creatures in his company. Hence the thesis aims to convey complex information about the problems of water supply for livestock and to assess the possible impacts of failure of water supplies on selected livestock sector. Given to the aim of the thesis the question, what impact would have any long-term loss of water to the livestock sector, has risen. Problems of water supply failures are dealt with in connection with the population, but the requirements of livestock are not remembered in this direction. The theoretical part contains the characteristics of the infrastructure and critical infrastructure. In the next section of the theoretical part is comprehensively discussed water as an essential natural element and its importance to the natural environment. In this part are also mentioned legislative documents attaching to water management. The third section of the theoretical part is dedicated to breeds of livestock and agricultural issues in general. The most commonly bred and economically most frequently used animals include cattle, pigs and poultry. The last subchapter of the theoretical part consists of discussion of certain legislative documents that provide the legal regulation of farming and animal protection in the Czech legal system. The research is based on a mapping of the current situation in selected livestock breeding - these are cattle, poultry and pigs, due to their economic importance we can expect complications in connection with the failure of the water supply. For the needs of the research was used qualitative research strategy. To obtain the data were used semi-structured interviews with responsible staff or owners of the surveyed companies. The obtained data from the respondents were subsequently analysed using logical analysis. Based on the results of logical analysis and information obtained from interviews was built SWOT analysis, which filed a broader look at the issue of water supply to farms. The interviews revealed that the condition of the water supply at surveyed companies varies. Examined companies are supplied with water according to the local conditions and opportunities that varies on location considerably. Breeds are mainly supplied with water from private sources, the sample minority is supplied from public sources. It was also found that most water sources for breeding is absolutely dependent on electricity supply, completely autonomous was only one examined breed. Supplied water to two-thirds of surveyed farms must be chemically treated. Replacement of water supply in the event of main power failure has secured five of the six companies surveyed. Given the significant reliability of the primary sources of water was not easy to map the course of an extended power outage water on animal behaviour. Most respondents agreed, however, that the consequences of long-term loss of water would have been fatal. For the majority of surveyed farms seasons don't have influence on the course and consequences of failure of the water supply. Certain seasonal effect was recorded in the case of breeding cattle. Long-term water outage would be solved according to the results depending on the respective local conditions where companies would seek to rely on their own resources and consequently on the assistance of organizations with whom they have good relations. Individual companies perceive the danger of failure of water supply differently, depending on the trust in the water supply from otherwise reliable primary source. Examined companies are preparing for the loss of water supplies according to their momentary conditions and abilities, even if they are not strictly mandated by legislation. This can be considered a positive finding that despite the absence of legislative obligations and appropriate methodologies companies create conditions in case of failure of water supply.

Cobertura e uso do solo e sua influência na ocorrência de raiva nos municípios de Jacareí e Santa Branca, Vale do Paraíba, Estado de São Paulo, entre 2002 e 2009 / Influence of landscape and land use on the occurrence of rabies in the municipalities of Jacareí and Santa Branca, Vale do Paraíba, State of São Paulo, between 2002 and 2009

João José de Freitas Ferrari 29 September 2010 (has links)
Objetivo: Realizou-se um estudo, no período de 2002 a 2009, com a finalidade de verificar se as mudanças nas classes de cobertura da terra e no uso do solo podem exercer influência na ocorrência da raiva, nos municípios de Jacareí e de Santa Branca, situados na Região do Vale do Paraíba, no Estado de São Paulo, Sudeste do Brasil. Métodos: A ferramenta utilizada para avaliar estas alterações foi o sensoriamento remoto, através de imagens de satélite Land-sat. Para pesquisar a presença do vírus da raiva (RABV) foram coletados animais silvestres atropelados nas rodovias, morcegos encontrados na área urbana em atitude suspeita, morcegos hematófagos da espécie Desmodus rotundus e animais de interesse econômico (ADIE) que vieram a óbito por enfermidade com sintomatologia nervosa. O material coletado, sistema nervoso central (SNC), desses animais foi encaminhado para o laboratório de referência nacional, o Instituto Pasteur de São Paulo (IP-SP) e para o Laboratório de Sanidade Animal da Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios (APTA)- Pólo Regional do Vale Paraíba (PRDTA/VP) - Pindamonhangaba-SP. A determinação da presença do antígeno viral foi feita através da prova de imunofluorescência direta (IFD) e o isolamento do vírus através da inoculação intracerebral em camundongos (IC). Os inóculos das amostras foram submetidos à prova de reação em cadeia pela polimerase transcriptase reversa (RT-PCR) para verificar a presença do vírus da raiva. Resultados: No período de estudo tivemos a ocorrência de dez casos da doença, sendo três em morcegos insetívoros na zona urbana de Jacareí, e sete em ADIE, sendo dois, em Jacareí e cinco, em Santa Branca. Todos os animais silvestres terrestres examinados foram negativos para a presença do vírus da raiva em todas as provas realizadas (IFD, IC, RT-PCR). O material proveniente dos morcegos foi negativo para as provas de IFD e IC, porém três amostras, oriundas de morcegos insetívoros, resultaram positivas para a prova de RTPCR. As amostras de ADIE examinadas resultaram positivas para todas as provas realizadas. O sequenciamento genético utilizou amplificações referentes à glicoproteína viral das 8 amostras positivas para rt-pcr, obtendo para os cinco isolados de ADIE linhagem de desmodus rotundus e para os três isolados de morcegos linhagens de nyctinomops laticaudatus e tadarida brasiliensis. Quando foi estudada a cobertura do solo e seu uso, considerando os municípios, constatou-se que não haviam ocorrido mudanças significativas entre 2002 e 2009. Optou-se por fazer buffers de raio de 3 km tendo como centro de cada buffer as coordenadas geográficas de casos positivos para raiva. Como em duas situações houve sobreposição entre áreas de buffers, resolveu-se considerar a área da união dos mesmos. Foi interessante que, mesmo nestes buffers não houve mudanças significativas, apesar da ocorrência da doença. Conclusão: Na escala utilizada, considerada micro, a enfermidade aconteceu, mesmo sem mudanças aparentes na região. Provavelmente, em uma escala macro outros resultados poderiam ser obtidos / Objective: This study was carried out during the period of 2002-2009, with the purpose to verify whether the changes in types of land cover and in land use can influence the occurrence of rabies in Jacareí and Santa Branca, situated in the Vale do Paraíba, State of São Paulo, southeastern brazil. Methods: The tool used to evaluate these alterations was the remote sensing through images of satellite land-sat. In order to search for the presence of rabies virus, brain materials were collected from wild animals roadkilled in highways, bats found in the urban area in suspicious attitude, desmodus rotundus hematophagous bats captured in rural areas and farm animals of economic importance (aei) dead with suspect of rabies. For rabies diagnosis, specimens of central nervous system (cns) of these animals were sent to the Pasteur Institute of São Paulo (IP-SP) - national reference laboratory and to the laboratory of animal Paulista Agency for Agribusiness Technology (APTA) - Polo Valley Regional of Paraíba (PRDTA / VP), in Pindamonhangaba, state of SP. The presence of viral antigen was determined by the direct fluorescent antibody technique (D-FAT) and the isolation of the virus by means of intracerebal mouse inoculation test (MIT). The brain suspensions were submitted to reverse transcriptase. Polymerase chain reaction to check the presence of rabies virus. Results: In the period of study, 10 positive cases were detected, being 3 in insectivorous bats in the urbane zone of jacareí, and 7 in aei, being 2 in jacareí and 5 in santa branca. All the terrestrial wild animals examined were negative for the presence of rabies virus in all tests performed (d-fat, mit, and rt-pcr). The materials from bats were found negative for the d-fat and mit, however, three samples originating from insectivorous bats turned out to be positive for rt-pcr. The positive samples from aei were positive for all tests carried out. The genetic sequencing of the g gene of eight rt-pcr positive rabies virus isolates derived from aie, five corresponded to the desmodus rotundus lineage and the three bat isolates were related to lineages of nyctinomops laticaudatus and tadarida brasiliensis. When land coverage and its use were analyzed, considering the municipalities, it was found that no significant changes occurred between 2002 and 2009. Then buffers of 3 km in radius were chosen taking as the center of each buffer the geographical coordinates of positive rabies cases. Since in two situations there was superposition between areas of buffers, it was resolved to consider the junction area of the buffers. Even in these buffers there was no significant change, despite the occurrence of the disease. Conclusion: it was concluded that the disease has occurred even without any apparent changes in the region, due to the (micro) scale used in this study. Probably, in a macro scale, other results might be obtained

Animal-assisted therapy and equine-assisted therapy/learning in Canada : surveying the current state of the field, its practitioners, and its practices

Schlote, Sarah M. 16 July 2009 (has links)
Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) and equine-assisted therapy/learning (EAT/L) are innovative techniques in counselling, psychotherapy, mental health, coaching, and other personal growth interventions. Although this field has experienced tremendous growth in the United States, very little is known about its Canadian equivalent. The purpose of this study was therefore to examine the current state of AAT and EAT/L in Canada, by conducting a national, bilingual (English and French) survey of helping professionals who involve animals in their practices. A total of 131 questionnaires were retained for analysis. The results of this study suggest that the field is very diverse, with a multitude of confusing terms and expressions, varying levels of education and training, and disagreement on how different practices are defined, resulting in a fragmented, confusing and inconsistent appearance. Recommendations for the evolution of the field and suggestions for future research are provided.

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