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Avaliação da magnetoestricção de fases magnéticas no sistema Fe-Ti / Evaluation of magnetostriction of magnetics phases in the Fe-Ti systemAlecrim Junior, David Tenório 10 February 2012 (has links)
Trabalhos publicados a partir do ano 2000 mostraram que a adição de Ga e Al ao Fe resulta em ligas com elevada magnetoestricção em campos magnéticos baixos, além de boas propriedades mecânicas e baixo custo associado (CLARK, 2001; GURUSWAMY, 2004). A partir daí os esforços foram direcionados para a descoberta de novas ligas magnetoestrictivas à base de Fe com propriedades similares às encontradas nas ligas Fe-Ga e Fe-Al. De fato, altos valores de magnetoestricção são de grande interesse para aplicações principalmente em sensores e atuadores, mas valores de magnetoestricção muito baixos ou nulos também proporcionam uma propriedade notável e desejável para muitas aplicações como em transformadores elétricos e sensores de fluxo. Este fenômeno de magnetoestricção ocorre em materiais que exibem deformação elástica na presença de um campo magnético aplicado. No presente trabalho, foi adicionado o titânio ao ferro para avaliar a influência em ligas de Fe-Ti com diferentes frações volumétricas da fase Fe2Ti na magnetoestricção e a relação com a microestrutura das ligas. Foi descoberto que as amostras de Fe100-xTix para x < 34,0 at.% apresentam uma magnetoestricção muito pequena. O Ti tem uma pequena solubilidade no ?-Fe, de aproximadamente 8,5% a 1200 ºC e diminui a 5% a 1000 ºC formando uma fase que também é ferromagnética. Assim, quando a solubilidade de Ti em ?-Fe é excedida há então a formação desta fase ferromagnética ordenada Fe2Ti chamada de Laves, com estrutura cristalina C14. Como a quantidade de Ti aumenta nas ligas estudadas, a fração volumétrica da fase Laves também aumenta e assim foi possível avaliar a magnetoestricção e a microestrutura das ligas formadas. Para isso, foram produzidas por fusão a arco as ligas com 1,61% a 34,0 % de Ti. Todas estas ligas foram submetidas a tratamentos térmicos em 1200 °C por 60 h para fim de homogeneização destas. A magnetoestricção de saturação (?S) medida nas amostras foi muito pequena. Para as ligas com 20 e 28,0% Ti, a ?S foi positiva nas e para as demais, ?S foi negativa. Concluiu-se que a substituição do Fe por Ti de um modo geral melhorou a magnetoestricção do Fe, porém a melhora não foi tão relevante quanto à observada pela substituição por Ga. / Since 2000, studies indicated that the addition of Ga and Al in Fe results in alloys with high magnetostriction at low magnetics fields as well as good mechanical properties and low cost associated (CLARK, 2001; GURUSWAMY, 2004). Since that, efforts have been directed to the discovery of new magnetostrictive Fe-based alloys with similar properties to those found in Fe-Ga and Fe-Al alloys.In fact, high values of magntetostriction are of great interest for applications, mainly in electric sensors and actuators but low values or zero magnetostriction is also a remarkable property, desirable for many applications such as electric transformers and fluxgate sensor cores. This phenomenon of magnetostriction occurs in materials that exhibit elastic strain in the presence of an applied magnetic field. In the present work, titanium was added to iron with the purpose of evaluating its influence on the magnetostriction of Fe. The variation on the magnetostriction was investigated as a function of different volumetric fractions of ordered phase Fe2Ti that coexist with the ?-phase. It was found that the samples of Fe100-xTix for x < 34,0 at.% has a very small magnetostriction. The Ti has a small solubility in ?-Fe, of approximately 7,0 % 1200 ºC and reduces at 5% 1000 ºC forming a phase that also is ferromagnetic. Thus, when the solubility of Ti in ?-Fe is exceeded there is the formation of this ordered phase Fe2Ti, a Laves phase, with crystalline structure C14. As the amount of Ti increases in the alloys, the fraction of volume of the Laves phase also increases and then it was possible to evaluate the magnetostriction and the microstructure of the alloys formed. Therefore, Fe-Ti alloys were produced by arc melting with 1,61% to 34,0 % of Ti. All the Fe-Ti alloys were heat-treated at the temperatures of 1200 °C for 60 h intending to homonezation of the alloy. The saturation magnetostriction (?S) measured in the samples was small. For alloys with 20 and 28% of Ti ,?S was positive and for the other samples, ?S was negative. We concluded that the substitution of Fe by Ti generally improved the magnetostriction of Fe, but the improvement was not as relevant as that observed by Ga substitution.
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Avaliação da magnetoestricção de fases magnéticas no sistema Fe-Ti / Evaluation of magnetostriction of magnetics phases in the Fe-Ti systemDavid Tenório Alecrim Junior 10 February 2012 (has links)
Trabalhos publicados a partir do ano 2000 mostraram que a adição de Ga e Al ao Fe resulta em ligas com elevada magnetoestricção em campos magnéticos baixos, além de boas propriedades mecânicas e baixo custo associado (CLARK, 2001; GURUSWAMY, 2004). A partir daí os esforços foram direcionados para a descoberta de novas ligas magnetoestrictivas à base de Fe com propriedades similares às encontradas nas ligas Fe-Ga e Fe-Al. De fato, altos valores de magnetoestricção são de grande interesse para aplicações principalmente em sensores e atuadores, mas valores de magnetoestricção muito baixos ou nulos também proporcionam uma propriedade notável e desejável para muitas aplicações como em transformadores elétricos e sensores de fluxo. Este fenômeno de magnetoestricção ocorre em materiais que exibem deformação elástica na presença de um campo magnético aplicado. No presente trabalho, foi adicionado o titânio ao ferro para avaliar a influência em ligas de Fe-Ti com diferentes frações volumétricas da fase Fe2Ti na magnetoestricção e a relação com a microestrutura das ligas. Foi descoberto que as amostras de Fe100-xTix para x < 34,0 at.% apresentam uma magnetoestricção muito pequena. O Ti tem uma pequena solubilidade no ?-Fe, de aproximadamente 8,5% a 1200 ºC e diminui a 5% a 1000 ºC formando uma fase que também é ferromagnética. Assim, quando a solubilidade de Ti em ?-Fe é excedida há então a formação desta fase ferromagnética ordenada Fe2Ti chamada de Laves, com estrutura cristalina C14. Como a quantidade de Ti aumenta nas ligas estudadas, a fração volumétrica da fase Laves também aumenta e assim foi possível avaliar a magnetoestricção e a microestrutura das ligas formadas. Para isso, foram produzidas por fusão a arco as ligas com 1,61% a 34,0 % de Ti. Todas estas ligas foram submetidas a tratamentos térmicos em 1200 °C por 60 h para fim de homogeneização destas. A magnetoestricção de saturação (?S) medida nas amostras foi muito pequena. Para as ligas com 20 e 28,0% Ti, a ?S foi positiva nas e para as demais, ?S foi negativa. Concluiu-se que a substituição do Fe por Ti de um modo geral melhorou a magnetoestricção do Fe, porém a melhora não foi tão relevante quanto à observada pela substituição por Ga. / Since 2000, studies indicated that the addition of Ga and Al in Fe results in alloys with high magnetostriction at low magnetics fields as well as good mechanical properties and low cost associated (CLARK, 2001; GURUSWAMY, 2004). Since that, efforts have been directed to the discovery of new magnetostrictive Fe-based alloys with similar properties to those found in Fe-Ga and Fe-Al alloys.In fact, high values of magntetostriction are of great interest for applications, mainly in electric sensors and actuators but low values or zero magnetostriction is also a remarkable property, desirable for many applications such as electric transformers and fluxgate sensor cores. This phenomenon of magnetostriction occurs in materials that exhibit elastic strain in the presence of an applied magnetic field. In the present work, titanium was added to iron with the purpose of evaluating its influence on the magnetostriction of Fe. The variation on the magnetostriction was investigated as a function of different volumetric fractions of ordered phase Fe2Ti that coexist with the ?-phase. It was found that the samples of Fe100-xTix for x < 34,0 at.% has a very small magnetostriction. The Ti has a small solubility in ?-Fe, of approximately 7,0 % 1200 ºC and reduces at 5% 1000 ºC forming a phase that also is ferromagnetic. Thus, when the solubility of Ti in ?-Fe is exceeded there is the formation of this ordered phase Fe2Ti, a Laves phase, with crystalline structure C14. As the amount of Ti increases in the alloys, the fraction of volume of the Laves phase also increases and then it was possible to evaluate the magnetostriction and the microstructure of the alloys formed. Therefore, Fe-Ti alloys were produced by arc melting with 1,61% to 34,0 % of Ti. All the Fe-Ti alloys were heat-treated at the temperatures of 1200 °C for 60 h intending to homonezation of the alloy. The saturation magnetostriction (?S) measured in the samples was small. For alloys with 20 and 28% of Ti ,?S was positive and for the other samples, ?S was negative. We concluded that the substitution of Fe by Ti generally improved the magnetostriction of Fe, but the improvement was not as relevant as that observed by Ga substitution.
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Étude du système Fe–Ti–V et de ses applications au stockage de l’hydrogèneMassicot, Blaise 01 December 2009 (has links)
Afin d’enrayer le dérèglement climatique actuel dû à l’utilisation à grande échelle de combustibles fossiles comme source d’énergie, une transition vers des énergies non émettrices de dioxyde de carbone est nécessaire. L’hydrogène, vecteur d’énergie neutre en dioxyde de carbone, pourrait y jouer un rôle important. Cependant, ses propriétés thermodynamiques interdisent de le stocker pur à des pressions modérées dans un volume raisonnable pour alimenter un véhicule. Le stockage solide sous forme d’hydrure métallique semble être une solution prometteuse à ce problème. Les alliages de structure cubique centrée à base de vanadium étant légers comparés aux alliages à base de terres rares étudiés depuis les années 1970, cette thèse a pour objet l’étude des propriétés d’hydrogénation (pression d’équilibre et capacité d’absorption notamment) d’alliages du système Fe Ti–V. Les composés à étudier devant être de structure cubique centrée et la limite de solubilité du fer dans cette phase du système Fe–Ti–V n’étant pas documentée de manière fiable, la première partie du travail a consisté en l’approfondissement des connaissances sur le diagramme d’équilibre grâce notamment à la détermination des sections isothermes à 1000 °C et 1200 °C. Pour cela, des échantillons massifs ont été synthétisés par fusion en four à arc puis recuit en four résistif. Les relations de phases ont été systématiquement analysées par diffraction des rayons X sur poudre et microsonde électronique. Grâce à ces techniques, nous avons pu montrer qu’après recuit à 1000 °C, la limite de solubilité du fer dans un alliage Ti–V dépasse 15 at.% pour tout rapport Ti/V. Lorsque la température de recuit est portée à 1200 °C, cette limite de solubilité dépasse 20 at.% de fer quel que soit le rapport Ti/V < 1. Une réaction quasi-péritectique a également pu être mise en évidence à 1140 °C et une projection de la surface liquidus est proposée, basée sur l’analyse de la microstrucure des échantillons. La seconde partie de notre travail a consisté en l’étude sur banc manométrique des propriétés d’hydrogénation d’échantillons de structure cubique centrée. Il en ressort que la majorité des composés étudiés ont une capacité totale à température ambiante de 1,7H/M, soit 3,4 wt.%, ou 140 g_L-1, la capacité réversible s’élevant à 0,98H/M, soit 1,93 wt.%, ou 82,5 g_L-1 (densité supérieure à celle du dihydrogène liquide) pour l’échantillon de compositionTi10V88Fe2. La dépendance entre l’enthalpie d’hydrogénation et la compositiondes échantillons est linéaire et a été déterminée. On peut ainsi, en fonction de la composition choisie, obtenir des pressions d’équilibre allant de 0,1 bar à plus de 100 bar. Une étude structurale par diffraction des rayons X pour de faibles concentrations en hydrogène a mis en évidence la déformation de la maille cubique en maille quadratique lorsque la quantité d’hydrogène absorbé augmente. La cinétique d’absorption des échantillons de structure cubique centrée est par ailleurs très avantageuse, puisqu’une minute suffit pour que 90% de la capacité totale soit atteinte. En revanche, on observe un ralentissement de la cinétique en fonction du nombre de cycles appliqués. Toutefois, ce type d’alliage reste prometteur pour des applications de stockage de l’hydrogène / In order to stop the current climatic disturbance due to the large scale use of fossilfuels as a source of energy, a transition towards less carbon dioxide emitting energies is necessary. Hydrogen, a carbon dioxide neutral energy carrier, could play an important role. However, its thermodynamic properties prevent from storing it pure under moderate pressure in a reasonable volume in order to feed a vehicle. Metallic hydride storage seems to be a promising solution to this problem. Vanadium based body centered cubic alloys being light compared to rare earth based alloys used since the 1970s, the purpose of this work is the study of the hydrogenation properties (equilibrium pressure and absorption capacity in particular) of Fe–Ti–V system alloys.Since the compounds to be investigated have to take the body centered cubic structure, but the solubility limit of iron in this phase of the Fe–Ti–V system is not reliably documented, the first part of this work consisted in deepening the equilibrium diagram knowledge by determining the isothermal sections at 1000 °C and 1200 °C. With this aim in view, bulk samples were synthesized by arc melting followed by an annealing in a resistive furnace. The phase relations were systematically analysed by means of powder X-ray diffraction and electron probe microanalysis. Thanks to these techniques, we showed that after annealing at 1000 °C, the solubility limit of iron in a Ti–V alloy exceeds 15 at.% for any ratio Ti/V < 1. A quasi-peritectic reaction at 1140 °C could also be evidenced and a liquidus surface projection is proposed, based on microstructural analyses. The second part of this work consisted in the study of the hydrogenation properties of body centered cubic samples. The majority of the studied compounds showed a total capacity at ambient temperature of 1.7H/M, corresponding to 3.4 wt.%, or 140 g_L��1, and the reversible capacity of the sample of composition Ti10V88Fe2 amounts to 0.98H/M, corresponding to 1.93 wt.%, or 82,5 g_L��1 (density higher than that of liquid hydrogen). There is a linear relationship, which was determined, between the alloy compositions and the hydrogenation enthalpy. We can thus, depending on the chosen composition, obtain equilibrium pressures ranging from 0.1 bar to more than 100 bar. A structural study by meansof X-ray diffraction for low hydrogen concentrations pointed out the unit cell distortionfrom body centered cubic to body centered tetragonal by increasing hydrogen concentration. Furthermore, absorption kinetics of the body centered cubic samples is interesting, since 90% of the total capacity is absorbed within one minute. On the other hand, a slowing down of the kinetics is observed when a large number of hydriding – dehydriding cycles is applied. However, this kind of alloy remains promising for hydrogen storage applications
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Estudos de ligas de Fe-Ti laminadas para utilização em máquinas elétricas / Study of rolled Fe-Ti alloys for using in electric machinesFulop, Guilherme Origo 02 March 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como foco um problema que vem se tornando cada vez mais grave nos dias de hoje, já que, com o crescimento das zonas urbanas, algumas residências estão se aproximando dos transformadores de potência. Transformadores são máquinas cuja função é aumentar ou diminuir a diferença de potencial de uma rede elétrica, porém, eles geram um nível significativo de ruído, podendo ser prejudicial à saúde. Esse ruído é causado pela magnetostricção pelas chapas de Fe-Si as quais compõem o núcleo. Assim, o intuito desse trabalho foi estudar duas ligas de Fe-Ti, para averiguar seu comportamento magnetostrictivo. Além disso, é importante estudar as propriedades magnéticas dessas ligas, a fim de se analisar quais são as perdas magnéticas associadas a essas ligas. Portanto, também foram feitas medidas de indução magnética, permeabilidade magnética e resistividade elétrica. Também foram feitas análises de microscopia eletrônica de varredura, para análise do tamanho e morfologia dos grãos, difratometria de raios X, para identificação das fases presentes e difração de elétrons retroespalhados, para identificação da textura. Todas essas medidas foram feitas para as ligas de Fe-Ti e uma liga de Fe-Si comercial de grão orientado e os resultados foram comparados entre si. As ligas de Fe-Ti apresentaram valores de magnetostricção menores do que a liga de Fe-Si, porém, apresentaram valores bem maiores quando analisadas as perdas magnéticas. Com isso, foi possível fazer uma primeira análise das ligas de Fe-Ti, criando diversas possibilidades para estudos futuros. / The present research had as focus a problem that is becoming very serious nowadays, since with the growth of urban areas, some households are approaching the power transformers. Power transformers are machines whose function is to increase or decrease the potential difference of a power grid, but they generate a significant level of noise, which can be harmful to human health. This noise is created by the magnetostriction of the Fe-Si plates that compose the core. Thus, the purpose of this research was to study two Fe-Ti alloys to investigate their magnetostrictive behavior. In addition, it is important to study the magnetic properties of these alloys in order to analyze the magnetic losses associated with these samples. Therefore, measurements of magnetic induction, magnetic permeability and electrical resistivity were also made. Were made analyzes of scanning electron microscopy to investigate the size and morphology of the grains, X-ray diffraction, to identify the phases that are present in the material and electron backscatter diffraction to identify the texture.These characterizations were made for the Fe-Ti alloys and a commercial grain-oriented Fe-Si alloy. The results were compared to each other. Fe-Ti alloys showed lower magnetostriction values than the Fe-Si alloy, however they presented highest values of magnetic losses. As a result, it was possible to make a first analysis of the Fe-Ti alloys properties, creating several possibilities for future studies in order to improve Fe-Ti alloys properties.
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Estudos de ligas de Fe-Ti laminadas para utilização em máquinas elétricas / Study of rolled Fe-Ti alloys for using in electric machinesGuilherme Origo Fulop 02 March 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como foco um problema que vem se tornando cada vez mais grave nos dias de hoje, já que, com o crescimento das zonas urbanas, algumas residências estão se aproximando dos transformadores de potência. Transformadores são máquinas cuja função é aumentar ou diminuir a diferença de potencial de uma rede elétrica, porém, eles geram um nível significativo de ruído, podendo ser prejudicial à saúde. Esse ruído é causado pela magnetostricção pelas chapas de Fe-Si as quais compõem o núcleo. Assim, o intuito desse trabalho foi estudar duas ligas de Fe-Ti, para averiguar seu comportamento magnetostrictivo. Além disso, é importante estudar as propriedades magnéticas dessas ligas, a fim de se analisar quais são as perdas magnéticas associadas a essas ligas. Portanto, também foram feitas medidas de indução magnética, permeabilidade magnética e resistividade elétrica. Também foram feitas análises de microscopia eletrônica de varredura, para análise do tamanho e morfologia dos grãos, difratometria de raios X, para identificação das fases presentes e difração de elétrons retroespalhados, para identificação da textura. Todas essas medidas foram feitas para as ligas de Fe-Ti e uma liga de Fe-Si comercial de grão orientado e os resultados foram comparados entre si. As ligas de Fe-Ti apresentaram valores de magnetostricção menores do que a liga de Fe-Si, porém, apresentaram valores bem maiores quando analisadas as perdas magnéticas. Com isso, foi possível fazer uma primeira análise das ligas de Fe-Ti, criando diversas possibilidades para estudos futuros. / The present research had as focus a problem that is becoming very serious nowadays, since with the growth of urban areas, some households are approaching the power transformers. Power transformers are machines whose function is to increase or decrease the potential difference of a power grid, but they generate a significant level of noise, which can be harmful to human health. This noise is created by the magnetostriction of the Fe-Si plates that compose the core. Thus, the purpose of this research was to study two Fe-Ti alloys to investigate their magnetostrictive behavior. In addition, it is important to study the magnetic properties of these alloys in order to analyze the magnetic losses associated with these samples. Therefore, measurements of magnetic induction, magnetic permeability and electrical resistivity were also made. Were made analyzes of scanning electron microscopy to investigate the size and morphology of the grains, X-ray diffraction, to identify the phases that are present in the material and electron backscatter diffraction to identify the texture.These characterizations were made for the Fe-Ti alloys and a commercial grain-oriented Fe-Si alloy. The results were compared to each other. Fe-Ti alloys showed lower magnetostriction values than the Fe-Si alloy, however they presented highest values of magnetic losses. As a result, it was possible to make a first analysis of the Fe-Ti alloys properties, creating several possibilities for future studies in order to improve Fe-Ti alloys properties.
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The Formation of Vanadium Deposits in the Archean Rivière Bell Complex, Quebec: Insights from Fe-Ti Oxide ChemistryPolivchuk, Matthew January 2018 (has links)
Cryptic trends in the trace element chemistry of Fe-Ti oxide minerals have been used to elucidate the magmatic processes responsible for the formation of Fe-Ti-V deposits in the Rivière Bell Complex layered mafic-ultramafic intrusion near Matagami, Quebec, Canada. Although metamorphism at greenschist-amphibolite facies conditions has modified the primary igneous compositions of magnetite and ilmenite, their Cr and V contents appear to have been unaffected. Chemostratigraphic variations of these elements in Fe-Ti oxides therefore remain valid tracers of magmatic differentiation, even in metamorphosed settings. Injections of compositionally evolved, Fe-Ti oxide-laden magma into a more primitive ferrogabbroic host are presumably responsible for sharp decreases in the Cr and V concentrations of Fe-Ti oxides that coincide with lithostratigraphic changes from predominantly disseminated gabbros to ultramafic sequences closely interlayered with massive oxides. These injections highlight the multistage magmatic history of the layered series of the Rivière Bell Complex and its vanadium ore horizons.
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Étude du système Fe-Ti-V et de ses applications au stockage de l'hydrogèneMassicot, Blaise 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Afin d'enrayer le dérèglement climatique actuel dû à l'utilisation à grande échelle de combustibles fossiles comme source d'énergie, une transition vers des énergies non émettrices de dioxyde de carbone est nécessaire. L'hydrogène, vecteur d'énergie neutre en dioxyde de carbone, pourrait y jouer un rôle important. Cependant, ses propriétés thermodynamiques interdisent de le stocker pur à des pressions modérées dans un volume raisonnable pour alimenter un véhicule. Le stockage solide sous forme d'hydrure métallique semble être une solution prometteuse à ce problème. Les alliages de structure cubique centrée à base de vanadium étant légers comparés aux alliages à base de terres rares étudiés depuis les années 1970, cette thèse a pour objet l'étude des propriétés d'hydrogénation (pression d'équilibre et capacité d'absorption notamment) d'alliages du système Fe Ti-V. Les composés à étudier devant être de structure cubique centrée et la limite de solubilité du fer dans cette phase du système Fe-Ti-V n'étant pas documentée de manière fiable, la première partie du travail a consisté en l'approfondissement des connaissances sur le diagramme d'équilibre grâce notamment à la détermination des sections isothermes à 1000 °C et 1200 °C. Pour cela, des échantillons massifs ont été synthétisés par fusion en four à arc puis recuit en four résistif. Les relations de phases ont été systématiquement analysées par diffraction des rayons X sur poudre et microsonde électronique. Grâce à ces techniques, nous avons pu montrer qu'après recuit à 1000 °C, la limite de solubilité du fer dans un alliage Ti-V dépasse 15 at.% pour tout rapport Ti/V. Lorsque la température de recuit est portée à 1200 °C, cette limite de solubilité dépasse 20 at.% de fer quel que soit le rapport Ti/V < 1. Une réaction quasi-péritectique a également pu être mise en évidence à 1140 °C et une projection de la surface liquidus est proposée, basée sur l'analyse de la microstrucure des échantillons. La seconde partie de notre travail a consisté en l'étude sur banc manométrique des propriétés d'hydrogénation d'échantillons de structure cubique centrée. Il en ressort que la majorité des composés étudiés ont une capacité totale à température ambiante de 1,7H/M, soit 3,4 wt.%, ou 140 g_L-1, la capacité réversible s'élevant à 0,98H/M, soit 1,93 wt.%, ou 82,5 g_L-1 (densité supérieure à celle du dihydrogène liquide) pour l'échantillon de compositionTi10V88Fe2. La dépendance entre l'enthalpie d'hydrogénation et la compositiondes échantillons est linéaire et a été déterminée. On peut ainsi, en fonction de la composition choisie, obtenir des pressions d'équilibre allant de 0,1 bar à plus de 100 bar. Une étude structurale par diffraction des rayons X pour de faibles concentrations en hydrogène a mis en évidence la déformation de la maille cubique en maille quadratique lorsque la quantité d'hydrogène absorbé augmente. La cinétique d'absorption des échantillons de structure cubique centrée est par ailleurs très avantageuse, puisqu'une minute suffit pour que 90% de la capacité totale soit atteinte. En revanche, on observe un ralentissement de la cinétique en fonction du nombre de cycles appliqués. Toutefois, ce type d'alliage reste prometteur pour des applications de stockage de l'hydrogène
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Contribution à l'étude thermodynamique du système ternaire Fe-Ti-B du côté riche en Fe / Contribution to the thermodynamic study of iron rich side of the Fe-Ti-B systemGospodinova, Maya 16 April 2013 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la nouvelle réglementation sur l'environnement, un objectif d'allègement de 20% des véhicules automobiles doit être atteint afin de répondre aux impératifs de réduction des émissions de CO2. Le développement d'une nouvelle génération d'aciers sous forme de composites à matrice acier Fe-TiB2 est d'un grand intérêt industriel et pourrait être une réponse prometteuse car il permet d'améliorer la rigidité de l'acier tout en diminuant sa densité. L'élaboration de tels produits nécessite une très bonne connaissance de la thermodynamique des équilibres de phases dans les systèmes concernés. Ce mémoire est consacré à l'étude thermodynamique de cette nouvelle famille de composite à matrice acier Fe-TiB2 et plus particulièrement à l'établissement des équilibres de phases liquide/solide et solide/solide dans le système ternaire Fe-Ti-B du côté riche en fer ainsi qu'à la définition du domaine de stabilité du diborure de titane dans les solutions Fe-Ti-B. La démarche employée est une approche couplée d'expériences ciblées (séparation électromagnétique de phases, analyse thermique différentielle, équilibre de phases) et modélisation thermodynamique des équilibres de phases. / To answer the imperatives of reduction of CO2 emissions, an objective of 20% weight lightening of automotive vehicles must be reached. Developing such innovative Fe-TiB2 composites of a great industrial interest could be a promising answer because it allows to improving the rigidity of the steel while decreasing its density. The development of such products requires a good knowledge of the thermodynamics of phase equilibria in the studied systems. This thesis is devoted to thermodynamic study of this new family of steel matrix composite Fe-TiB2 and particularly to the establishment of liquid/solid and solid/solid phase equilibria in the iron richer side of the ternary Fe-Ti-B system as well as to the definition of the stability domain of the titanium diboride in the Fe-Ti-B solutions. This task was performed by a coupled approach consisting in specific experiments (electromagnetic separation of phases, differential thermal analysis, phase equilibria) and thermodynamic modeling of phase equilibria.
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