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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reception av Helena Munktells kompositioner : Konserter och musikrecensioner 1885-1921 / Reception of the Compositions of Helena Munktell : Concerts and Music Reviews 1885-1921

Nettelbladt, Anders January 2020 (has links)
In this essay the reception of Helena Munktell’s 1885 1921 compositions are mapped andanalysed. The term reception is used to express to what extent Munktell’s compositions wereperformed, and also how they were received in newspaper reviews. The reception is studiedholistically. This means that all identifiable concerts and all accessible newspaper reviews havebeen taken into consideration, and that the mapping and analysis aims to demonstrate how thereception differs between genres and countries, as wel l as how it changes over time.Helena Munktell (1852 1919) was a Swedish composer, pianist, and singer. Hercatalogue is concise, but she composed music in several different genres. In 1915 she wasinducted into The Royal Swedish Academy of Music Munktell was active in both Sweden andFrance, and her work shows traces of Swedish folk music as well as French style elements. Shestudied composition with a number of teacher s, both in Stockholm and Paris. Her mostinfluential teacher was Vincent d’Indy. Through him directly, and César Franck indirectly, hercompositions came to include neo French mannerisms such as cyclic form, colourful chordchanges, and downplaying the imp ortance of melody in favour of harmonic progression.The analysis was done in four stages. In the first stage facts were collected. Thebulk of the source material was gathered from a scrapbook with reviews from Munktell ’sposthumous collections, and from the national database of Swedish newspapers Svenskadagstidningar In the second stage a calendar of all identifiable concerts was comprised. In thethird stage an account of all compositions, concerts, and reviews for each respective genre wascreated. In the fourth stage the results were analysed from a historical perspective and fromPierre Bourdieu’s theory on capital and fieldApproximately 140 concerts have been identified. The vocal genres are dominantmore than half of the performances concern works for vocal soloists. The opera I Firenze wasperformed in Stockholm 13 times. This accomplishment can be attributed to the fact thatMunktell had an abundance of what Bourdieu call s cultural and social capital. The opera andthe vocal performances were almost exclusively well reviewed. Munktell’s compositions werealso successful in France. She became a member of the prestigious organisation SociétéNationale de Musique where several of her compositions were performed. Three of her fourorchestral works were premiered in France, as was her violin sonata. Munktell’s success inFrance can be explained partly by her compositions having a strong French influence, and thefact that cultural capital is highly valued in France. Dalsvit was the only orchestral work thatwas performed in Sweden during her lifetime and it received very mixed reviews. The violinsonata is the instrumental composition that w as performed the most. It received mixed reviewsin the daily newspapers at the time of its first performance in Stockholm in 1905, butconsiderably more positive appraisal after the memorial concert at The Royal Swedish Operain 1921. This can be explained by the societal interest and appreciation of German musicaldominance giving way to F rench musical styles in a different way in 1921.The account from Swedish Musical Heritage Anders Edling’s biography onHelena Munktell, saying that all contemporary re views of Munktell as a composer were positiveis incorrect; they were mixed, varying between genres, and changing over time.A similar analysis could be carried out concerning other composers works. Suchan analysis would make it possible to compare the reception between two or more composers’work, but also how their different prerequisites may have influenced their reception. / I uppsatsen kartläggs och analyseras receptionen av Helena Munktells kompositioner under åren 1885–1921. Med reception avses dels i vilken utsträckning Munktells kompositioner blev framförda, dels hur de blev mottagna i tidningsrecensioner. Receptionen utforskas ur ett helhetsperspektiv. Det betyder att alla identifierbara konserter och alla tillgängliga recensioner omfattas och att kartläggningen och analysen syftar till att åskådliggöra hur receptionen skiljer sig åt mellan genrer och mellan länder liksom hur den förändras med tiden.  Helena Munktell (1852–1919) var en svensk tonsättare, pianist och sångerska. Hennes verkförteckning är kort men hon komponerade i ett flertal genrer. År 1915 blev hon invald som tonsättare i Kungliga Musikaliska Akademien. Munktell var verksam i både Sverige och Frankrike och i hennes verk finns såväl svenska folkmusikinfluenser som franska stilelement. Hon tog lektioner i komposition för ett flertal lärare, både i Stockholm och Paris. Den lärare som påverkade henne mest var Vincent d’Indy. Genom honom och därmed indirekt genom César Franck kom hennes kompositioner att inrymma stildrag från den nyfranska skolan: cyklisk form, färgskapande ackordväxlingar och nedtoning av melodins betydelse till förmån för harmonisk progression. Undersökningen har genomförts i fyra steg. I första steget samlades fakta in. Huvud-sakligt källmaterial var en klippbok med recensioner från Munktells efterlämnade samlingar samt recensioner från databasen Svenska dagstidningar. I andra steget togs en kalender fram omfattande alla identifierade konserter. I tredje steget utarbetades en redogörelse över kompositioner, konserter och recensioner för respektive genre. I fjärde steget analyserades resultatet ur ett historiskt perspektiv och utifrån Pierre Bourdieus teorier om kapital och fält. Cirka 140 konserter har identifierats. De vokala genrerna dominerar och över hälften av konserterna avser solosång. Operan I Firenze framfördes i Stockholm 13 gånger. Denna bedrift kan till viss del förklaras med att Munktell hade god tillgång till det Bourdieu kallar kulturellt och socialt kapital. Operan och solosångerna fick nästan uteslutande goda omdömen i recensionerna. Munktells kompositioner rönte stora framgångar i Frankrike. Hon blev medlem i den prestigefyllda föreningen Société Nationale de Musique där flera av hennes kompositioner framfördes. Tre av hennes fyra orkesterverk uruppfördes i Frankrike, så också hennes violinsonat. Munktells framgångar i Frankrike kan förklaras dels med att hon till stor del komponerade i fransk stil, dels med att kulturellt kapital värderas mycket högt i Frankrike. Dalsvit var det enda orkesterverk som framfördes i Sverige under hennes levnad och den renderade starkt skiftande omdömen. Munktells violinsonat är den instrumentala komposition som framfördes mest. Sonaten fick ett blandat bemötande i dagspressen efter framförandet i Stockholm 1905 men betydligt positivare omdömen efter minneskonserten på Kungliga Operan 1921. Detta kan förklaras med att den tyska musikstilens dominans hade mattats av och att de franska stildragen uppskattades på ett annat sätt 1921.  Uppgiften i Anders Edlings biografi över Helena Munktell i Levande musikarv om att alla samtidens omdömen om Munktell som tonsättare var positiva stämmer inte; de var skiftande, skiljde sig åt mellan genrer och förändrades med tiden.  En motsvarande undersökning skulle kunna genomföras rörande andra tonsättares verk. En sådan studie skulle göra det möjligt att jämföra receptionen av tonsättarnas verk och också jämföra vilken betydelse tonsättarnas olika förutsättningar kan ha haft för receptionen.

A Selected List of Music for Solo Clarinet and Clarinet with Piano by Taiwanese Female Composers Composed between 1986 and 2015: The Investigation of a Neglected Repertory with an Annotated Bibliography

Wang, Yi-Wen 05 1900 (has links)
Clarinet works by Taiwanese female composers are not well researched or catalogued, and to date, and no comprehensive research codifies this subcategory in Taiwan or elsewhere. A comprehensive research and bibliography is necessary to the international community. It is hoped that through this annotated bibliography, readers will gain a deeper understanding of this genre. This study contains a brief history of Taiwan's Western music history, the female composers' history in Taiwan, and literature review. A total of twenty compositions by eighteen different Taiwanese female composers are discussed in the annotated bibliography, including thirteen for unaccompanied clarinet and seven for clarinet and piano. Information includes a brief biography of the composer, the date of composition, duration, premiere, dedication, commission, location of the score, difficulty and commentary on the piece.

Portfolio of compositions and exegesis: composing for a choral spectrum.

Wood, Callie January 2008 (has links)
This portfolio of compositions and exegesis submitted for the degree of Master of Music in Composition, at the Elder Conservatorium of Music, comprises original creative works supported by a detailed commentary. The creative investigation has focused on ‘Composing for a Choral Spectrum.’ This was investigated through practical experiments in choral composition, designed to test the compositional limitations of the choral spectrum, and resulted in a portfolio of choral works. The portfolio includes: simple choral works for young children in one part; choral works for children in two parts; choral works for children in three parts; a choral work for teenage treble voices; a multimedia choral work for boys with changing voices with a moving image DVD; a choral work for male voices; choral works for adult female voices; a complex choral work for adult choirs of a professional standard; and a larger scale choral and orchestral work. The exegesis provides a commentary on the genesis, composition processes, limitations and solutions, for each original work included in the portfolio. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1345050 / Thesis (M.Mus.) -- University of Adelaide, Elder Conservatorium of Music, 2008

Hudební kultura v konventu alžbětinek na Novém Městě Pražském / Music Culture of the Elisabethan Convent in Prague

Michl, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
Music Culture of the Elisabethan Convent in Prague Jakub Michl Abstract The Sisters of Saint Elizabeth (Elizabethan Nuns) were a spiritual order primarily focused on administering healthcare. Therefore, music was never the main focus of the order's activities, as it often was in others, particularly educational orders. However, thanks to the uninterrupted historical continuity of the Prague convent, which was exempted from the restrictions of Joseph II's era, many sources illustrating the convent music culture were preserved, including an extensive collection of music. The dissertation aims to describe this music culture in the context of the order structure and its personal hierarchy, as part of the city of Prague and its civic institutions, and in its everyday life and characteristics such as enclosure, hospital service and recreational activities. Music in convents was always tightly bound to liturgy. In the case of the Elizabethan order, significant music production was focused on the order's main liturgical feasts such as S. Elizabeth, S. Francis of Assisi, Porciuncula, Christmas, Epiphany, Easter and also memorial services for deceased patrons of the convent. The convent cooperated with many lay musicians and composers such as F. X. Brixi, Z. V. Suchý, F. X. Labler, J. N. Bayer, among others. At the...

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