Spelling suggestions: "subject:"festival tourism"" "subject:"estival tourism""
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Festivalturismens inverkan på destination och attraktion : En studie kring Storsjöyrans påverkan på ÖstersundAndersson Lööv, Rebecka, Elf, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
This essay will examine in which way festival tourism can affect the physical location of a festival and to operationalize this we implemented a case study of the music festival Storsjöyran. Storsjöyran is a Swedish music festival held annually in the city of Östersund and since the festival, with the accompanying festival week, attract up to 300 000 visitors annually, we wanted to see what impact the festival contributed to from a development perspective of the destination. The method for gathering data has consisted of both qualitative and quantitative approaches and the data was collected via interviews and questionnaires. We also presented various theories about festival tourism and destination development, as well as previous research on urban festivals. The conclusion is that Storsjöyran contributes to a variety of factors which can help Östersund to a destination development and increased tourism. The essential and most prominent effect we have seen is in what way Storsjöyran helps Östersund to become a vibrant and attractive city and how the festival contributes to the people living there can feel proud of their city.
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Social determinants of community support for the Klein Karoo National Arts Festival / I. LootsLoots, Ingemari January 2010 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to determine the social determinants of arts festivals with
reference to the ABSA KKNK. This goal was achieved by firstly analysing the event/festival
phenomenon and the role thereof in event/festival tourism. Secondly, a literature study was
conducted in order to examine the role of the community in supporting events/festivals. And
thirdly, the results of the empirical research were discussed. Lastly, conclusions were drawn
from the research and recommendations were made with regard to the social determinants of
Literature indicated that events/festivals are central to daily living as perhaps never before and it
can also be said that events/festivals play certain social, economic, cultural and environmental
roles. Events/festivals can have various positive impacts on a community, such as job
opportunities, economical growth and upliftment of the community. However it can also create
various negative impacts such as crime, prostitution and damage to the environment. It is
important to increase the number of positive impacts and decrease the number of negative
impacts. This may improve the support of the community for the event/festival and improve the
sustainability of the event/festival. The support of the community is also influenced by aspects
such as community concern, ecocentric attitudes, community attachment.
These social support determinants were measured by means of a questionnaire, as adapted
from Gursoy and Kendall (2006) and it was therefore the objective of the questionnaire to
analyse the social determinants that that may improve community support. The survey was
distributed in the community of Oudtshoorn in 2007 and the determinants, as well as the
relationship between the determinants and support for the event/festival, were based on
structural equation modeling. A total of 279 questionnaires were completed during the festival.
Respondents were, in general, more positive about the festival than negative. The results of the
structural equation modelling suggest that community attachment and benefits and costs
perceived are the most important social determinants in gaining local support for the ABSA
KKNK. In the case of this study, ecocentric attitudes and issues of community concern did not
influence the level of support given to the event/festival. / Thesis (M.A. (Tourism))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Social determinants of community support for the Klein Karoo National Arts Festival / I. LootsLoots, Ingemari January 2010 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to determine the social determinants of arts festivals with
reference to the ABSA KKNK. This goal was achieved by firstly analysing the event/festival
phenomenon and the role thereof in event/festival tourism. Secondly, a literature study was
conducted in order to examine the role of the community in supporting events/festivals. And
thirdly, the results of the empirical research were discussed. Lastly, conclusions were drawn
from the research and recommendations were made with regard to the social determinants of
Literature indicated that events/festivals are central to daily living as perhaps never before and it
can also be said that events/festivals play certain social, economic, cultural and environmental
roles. Events/festivals can have various positive impacts on a community, such as job
opportunities, economical growth and upliftment of the community. However it can also create
various negative impacts such as crime, prostitution and damage to the environment. It is
important to increase the number of positive impacts and decrease the number of negative
impacts. This may improve the support of the community for the event/festival and improve the
sustainability of the event/festival. The support of the community is also influenced by aspects
such as community concern, ecocentric attitudes, community attachment.
These social support determinants were measured by means of a questionnaire, as adapted
from Gursoy and Kendall (2006) and it was therefore the objective of the questionnaire to
analyse the social determinants that that may improve community support. The survey was
distributed in the community of Oudtshoorn in 2007 and the determinants, as well as the
relationship between the determinants and support for the event/festival, were based on
structural equation modeling. A total of 279 questionnaires were completed during the festival.
Respondents were, in general, more positive about the festival than negative. The results of the
structural equation modelling suggest that community attachment and benefits and costs
perceived are the most important social determinants in gaining local support for the ABSA
KKNK. In the case of this study, ecocentric attitudes and issues of community concern did not
influence the level of support given to the event/festival. / Thesis (M.A. (Tourism))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Мулти-стејкхолдерски приступ ефективности организације догађаја као фактор успешности дестинацијског туристичког производа / Multi-stejkholderski pristup efektivnosti organizacije događaja kao faktor uspešnosti destinacijskog turističkog proizvoda / Multi-stakeholder Approach of the Effectivness of the Event’s organisation as a factor of Successfulness of Destination’s tourism productStamenković Igor 02 July 2014 (has links)
<p>На глобалном, то јест, планетарном нивоу догађаји уопште (фестивали, конгреси, конференције и слично), а посебно они са јаком културном компонентом (као што су: музички фестивали, филмски, фолклорни фестивали, разне манифестације или аниматорски програми и тако даље), значајно се бројчано повећавају. <br />Поред тога што унапређују локални понос у култури, стварају јак идентитет и имиџ локалне заједнице, то јест брендирају дестинацију, ови догађаји могу такође промовисати аутохтоне националне мањине, и оставити бројне позитивне или негативне, економске, друштвене, еколошке, политичке и друге ефекте и последице на дестинацију. Догађаји, то јест фестивали су добар повод да се гостима покажу нови народи и њихови обичаји, култура, веровања, начин живота, а од боравка на дестинацији осети се и допринос локалној економији, друштвеном и мултикултурном животу. Без обзира, какав догађај или фестивал био он представља нови талас алтернативног туризма који доприноси одрживом развоју и побољшава опднос између домаћина и госта а исто тако унапређује дестинацијски туристички производ. Током боравка на фестивалу туриста ће конзумирати и остале производе и услуге и мултиплицираће ефекте свог останка на дестинацији. Свакако тај се процес не може остварити без добре координације стејкхолдера и њихове добре међусобне умрежености и сарадње.</p> / <p>Na globalnom, to jest, planetarnom nivou događaji uopšte (festivali, kongresi, konferencije i slično), a posebno oni sa jakom kulturnom komponentom (kao što su: muzički festivali, filmski, folklorni festivali, razne manifestacije ili animatorski programi i tako dalje), značajno se brojčano povećavaju. <br />Pored toga što unapređuju lokalni ponos u kulturi, stvaraju jak identitet i imidž lokalne zajednice, to jest brendiraju destinaciju, ovi događaji mogu takođe promovisati autohtone nacionalne manjine, i ostaviti brojne pozitivne ili negativne, ekonomske, društvene, ekološke, političke i druge efekte i posledice na destinaciju. Događaji, to jest festivali su dobar povod da se gostima pokažu novi narodi i njihovi običaji, kultura, verovanja, način života, a od boravka na destinaciji oseti se i doprinos lokalnoj ekonomiji, društvenom i multikulturnom životu. Bez obzira, kakav događaj ili festival bio on predstavlja novi talas alternativnog turizma koji doprinosi održivom razvoju i poboljšava opdnos između domaćina i gosta a isto tako unapređuje destinacijski turistički proizvod. Tokom boravka na festivalu turista će konzumirati i ostale proizvode i usluge i multipliciraće efekte svog ostanka na destinaciji. Svakako taj se proces ne može ostvariti bez dobre koordinacije stejkholdera i njihove dobre međusobne umreženosti i saradnje.</p> / <p>On a global planetary scale events in general (festivals, congresses, conferences etc.), particularly those with a strong cultural component (such are: music festivals, film festivals, folklore festivals, other events and animation programs etc.) are substantially increasing in numbers. In addition to enhancing local pride in culture, they produce strong identity and image of local coummunity (they are branding the destination) these events could also expose indigenous national minorities to the increasing number of international visitors. Also, they could make many either positive or negative, economic, social, ecological, political or any other effect and consequences for/to destination. Events, namely festivals are a good occasion to show guests the new nations and their customs, culture, beliefs and lifestyles. From the stay of the tourists the resort could feel the contribution to the local economy, social life, multi-cultural life etc. Regardless, how big an event or festival is, it should and would represent a new wave of alternative tourism that contributes to sustainable development and improving the relationship between the host and the guest and also promote destination’s tourism product. During ones stay at the festival, tourists will consume other products and services, and multiply effects of their stay at the destination. Certainly this process can not be achieved without <br />good coordination of stakeholders and their good inter-networking and cooperation. </p>
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