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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Singular Milnor Fibrations / Fibrações de Milnor singulares

Maico Felipe Silva Ribeiro 28 February 2018 (has links)
In this work we present the most recent developments in the direction of local fibrations structures of analytic singularities. Using techniques and tools from stratification theory we prove structural theorems in the stratified sense, which will be called singular Milnor tube fibration and Milnor-Hamm sphere fibration. In addition, we present algorithms with the purpose of creating a large number of examples in this new setting and compare our results obtained with the current ones found in the literature. Our results generalize all previous result in both cases: in the classical and in the stratified ones. / Neste trabalho apresentamos os mais recentes desenvolvimentos na direção de estruturas de fibrações locais de singularidades analíticas. Usando técnicas e ferramentas da teoria de estratificação, provamos alguns teoremas estruturais no sentido estratificado, os quais serão chamados fibração singular de Milnor sobre o tubo e fibração de Milnor-Hamm sobre a esfera. Além disso, apresentamos algoritmos com o intuito de criar uma ampla variedade de exemplos e comparamos nossos resultados com os atuais encontrados na literatura. Nossos resultados generalizam todos os previamente existentes tanto no caso clássico, quanto no sentido estratificado.

Fluxes from the reduction of a gauge theory on a squashed three-sphere

Lundin, Jim January 2021 (has links)
We present the supersymmetry and localization of an N=2 theory on S3b along with that of an N=(2,2) theory on S2. Performing the dimensional reduction of the theory on S3b produces a theory on S2 with no flux-sectors. A re-evaluated version of twisted reduction is applied on the level of the S3b partition function, arguing for a splitting of the partition function into pieces. The splitting produces flux-like sectors correspondent to the S2 theory but holds the potential for superfluous sectors. An argument interpreting these sectors as true flux is given and utilized to remove superfluous sectors due to topological restrictions on S2. The final result is a method which gives a bijective mapping ZS3b to ZS2 . / Vi utför konstruktionen av två supersymmetriska teorier på en deformerad 3-sfär samt en 2-sfär. Den utökade symmetrin tillåter oss att använda en lokaliseringsmetod för att reducera partitionsfunktionerna till ändligt-dimensionella integraler. På 2-sfären finner vi diskreta konfigurationer vars tolkning vi vill finna i konstruktionen på 3-sfären. Vi utför en dimensionell reduktion ifrån 3-sfären till 2-sfären och finner en ekvivalens som saknar dessa konfigurationer. Som substitut presenteras en metod där integralen delas upp i delar som kan tolkas att vara ekvivalenta med de avsaknade diskreta konfigurationerna. Slutligen framförs ett argument för vilka delar av integralen som kan existera på 2-sfären och resterande delar avfärdas. Resultatet är en exakt avbilding mellan partitionsfunktionerna.

Pro-Covering Fibrations of the Hawaiian Earring

Callor, Nickolas Brenten 01 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Let H be the Hawaiian Earring, and let H denote its fundamental group. Assume (Bi) is an inverse system of bouquets of circles whose inverse limit is H. We give an explicit bijection between finite normal covering spaces of H and finite normal covering spaces of Bi. This bijection induces a correspondence between a certain family of inverse sequences of these covering spaces. The correspondence preserves the inverse limit of these sequences, thus offering two methods of constructing the same limit. Finally, we characterize all spaces that can be obtained in this fashion as a particular type of fibrations of H.

Regular Fibrations over the Hawaiian Earring

McGinnis, Stewart Mason 01 April 2019 (has links)
We present a family of fibrations over the Hawaiian earring that are inverse limits of regular covering spaces over the Hawaiian earring. These fibrations satisfy unique path lifting, and as such serve as a good extension of covering space theory in the case of nonsemi-locally simply connected spaces. We give a condition for when these fibrations are path-connected.

Géométrisation du côté orbital de la formule des traces / Geometrisation of the orbital side of the Trace Formula

Bouthier, Alexis 11 April 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a pour but de construire et d’étudier une fibration de Hitchin pour les groupes qui apparaît naturellement lorsque l’on essaie de géométriser la formule des traces. On commence par construire une telle fibration en utilisant le semi-groupe de Vinberg. Sur ce semi-groupe de Vinberg, on montre qu’il existe un certain morphisme « polynôme caractéristique » muni d’une section naturelle, de même que dans le cas des algèbres de Lie. On montre également que l’on peut construire un centralisateur régulier au-dessus de cette base des polynômes caractéristiques qui est un schéma en groupes commutatif et lisse.On s’intéresse alors à des variantes pour les groupes des fibres de Springer affines pour lesquelles on remarque que l’introduction du semi-groupe de Vinberg permet d’obtenir une condition d’intégralité analogue à celle de Kazhdan-Lusztig. Ces fibres de Springer affines sont des analogues locaux des fibres de Hitchin. On obtient alors une formule de dimension pour ces fibres.Dans un troisième temps, on s’intéresse à l’aspect global de cette fibration pour laquelle on donne une interprétation modulaire et sur laquelle on construit l’action d’un champ de Picard, issu du centralisateur régulier. L’espace total de cette fibration étant en général singulier, nous étudions son complexe d’intersection. Cet espace de Hitchin s’obtient naturellement comme l’intersection du champ de Hecke avec la diagonale du champ des G-torseurs et on démontre que sur un ouvert suffisamment gros de la base de Hitchin, le complexe d’intersection de l’espace de Hitchin s’obtient par restriction de celui du champ de Hecke corrrespondant.Enfin, dans la dernière partie de cette thèse, on établit un théorème du support dans le cas où l’espace total est singulier analogue à celui de Ngô et l’on démontre que, dans le cas de la fibration de Hitchin, les supports qui interviennent sont reliés aux strates endoscopiques. / This main goal of this work is to construct and study the properties of Hitchin fibration for groups which appears naturally when we try to geometrize the trace formula. We begin by constructing this fibration using the Vinberg’s semigroup. On this semigroup, we show that there exists a characteristic polynomial morphism equipped with a natural section, analog at the Kostant’s one in the case of Lie algebras. We also show that there exists on the base of characteristic polynomials a regular centralizer scheme, which is a smooth commutative group scheme.Then, we are interested in some variant of affine Springer fibers, for which we see that the Vinberg’s semigroup appears naturally to obtain an integrality condition analog to Kazhdan-Lusztig’s one. These affine Springer fibers are local incarnation of Hitchin fibers.In a third time, we go back to the global case and give a modular interpretation of this new Hitchin fibration on which we construct an action of a Picard stack, coming from the regular centralizer.The total space of this fibration, even on the generically regular semisimple locus will be singular and we want to understand his intersection complex. This space can be obtained as the intersection of the Hecke stack with the diagonal of the stack of G-bundles and we show that on a sufficiently big open subset of the Hitchin base, the intersection complex of the Hitchin’s space is the restriction of the corresponding intersection complex on the Hecke stack.Finally, in the last part of this work, we establish a support theorem in the case of a singular total space, generalizing Ngo’s theorem et we show that in the case of Hitchin fibration, the supports that appear are related to the endoscopic strata.

Decomposição open book generalizada em conjuntos semi-algébricos / Open book structures on semi-algebraic manifols

Santo, Antonio Andrade do Espírito 05 December 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, váarios pesquisadores tais como: A. Bodin, A. Dimca, A. Durfee, A. Jacquemard, A. Menegon Neto, A. Némethi, A. Pichon, A. Verjovsky, A. Zaharia, D. Siersma, H. A. Hamm, D. Massey, H. Aguilar-Cabrera, H. H. Vui, J. Cisneros, J. Seade, J. Snoussi, L. D. Tráng, L. Paunescu, L. R. Dias, M. A. S. Ruas, M. Oka, M. Tibar, N. Dutertre, R. N. Araújo dos Santos, S. A. Broughton, T. Gaffney, Y. Chen, entre outros, têm apresentado generalizações dos Teoremas de fibrações de Milnor no ambiente real e complexo (e do Teorema de Kurdyka-Orro-Simon, ver por exemplo [Di, KOS]), visando um melhor entendimento de propriedades topológicas locais e globais das singularidades. Nesta direção de pesquisa esses autores tem utilizado várias ferramentas e técnicas de diversas áreas da matemática. O que mostra a riqueza e a complexidade destes estudos e acrescenta, em nossa modesta opinião, um aspecto que é ao mesmo tempo interessante e desafiador. Neste trabalho, mostraremos como estender as fibrações de Milnor em esferas no caso local e global, real e complexo, para uma aplicação C2-semi-algébrica F = (f1, . . . , fp) : RN → Rp e uma variedade W ⊂ RN semi-algébrica com possível singularidade. Com tal objetivo, introduziremos as condições de Milnor (a) e (b) generalizadas\" e mostraremos como adaptar a técnica da decomposição open book superior com binding singular, introduzida em [AT, ACT1]. Nossos resultados sugerem que tal estrutura de fibração pode ser um caso particular de algum Teorema estrutural mais geral. Além do mais, considerando π : Rp → Rp-1 a projeção canônica na meta, mostraremos que se F satisfaz tais condições, então G = π o F : RN → Rp-1 também satisfaz e, consequentemente, G também induz em W uma fibração suave localmente trivial. Concluiremos mostrando que após as projeções as fibras destes fibrados são homotopicamente equivalentes e, em seguida, apresentando algumas fórmulas que relacionam a característica de Euler do \"link relativo\" W ∩ F-1 (0) com a característica de Euler das fibras. / In the last years, several researchers such as: A. Bodin, A. Dimca, A. Durfee, A. Jacquemard, A. Menegon Neto, A. Némethi, A. Pichon, A. Verjovsky, A. Zaharia, D. Siersma, H. A. Hamm, D. Massey, H. Aguilar-Cabrera, H. H. Vui, J. Cisneros, J. Seade, J. Snoussi, L. D. Trang, L. Paunescu, L. R. Dias, M. A. S. Ruas, M. Oka, M. Tibar, N. Dutertre, R. N. Araújo dos Santos, S. A. Broughton, T. Gaffney, Y. Chen, and others, have proven generalizations of Milnor fibrationss Theorems in the real and complex settings (and Kurdyka-Orro-Simons Theorem, see e.g. [Di, KOS]), aiming a better understanding of the local and global topological properties of singularity. In this research branch, these authors have used many different tools and techniques from several areas of Mathematics. This shows the richness and complexities of these studies and adds, in our modest opinion, an aspect that is simultaneously interesting and challenging. In this work, we introduce the generalized Milnors conditions (a) and (b) to show an extension of the Milnor fibration Theorems on spheres in the local and global cases, in the real and complex setting. For this, we consider a C2-semi-algebraic mapping F = (f1, . . . , fp) : RN → Rp , a possible singular semi-algebraic variety W ⊂ RN, and we show how to adapt the technique of Higher open book decomposition with singular binding, introduced by [AT, ACT1], to prove such extension. Our results suggest that such fibration structure may be a particular case of a more general fibration structure. Furthermore, considering : Rp Rp-1 the canonical projection on the target space, we show that if F satisfies the generalized Milnors conditions (a) and (b), then G = π o F : RN → Rp-1 also satisfies these conditions and, hence G also induces on W a smooth locally trivial fibration. Finally, we show that after the projections on the target space, the fibers of these fiber bundles are homotopically equivalent. We conclude by proving some formulae connecting the Euler characteristic of \"relative link\" W ∩ F-1 (0) with the Euler characteristic of the fibers. Key words and phrases: generalized open book decomposition, fibration structure on semi-algebraic sets, topology of singularity, real and complex Milnors fibrations and, local and global fibration.

Decomposição open book generalizada em conjuntos semi-algébricos / Open book structures on semi-algebraic manifols

Antonio Andrade do Espírito Santo 05 December 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, váarios pesquisadores tais como: A. Bodin, A. Dimca, A. Durfee, A. Jacquemard, A. Menegon Neto, A. Némethi, A. Pichon, A. Verjovsky, A. Zaharia, D. Siersma, H. A. Hamm, D. Massey, H. Aguilar-Cabrera, H. H. Vui, J. Cisneros, J. Seade, J. Snoussi, L. D. Tráng, L. Paunescu, L. R. Dias, M. A. S. Ruas, M. Oka, M. Tibar, N. Dutertre, R. N. Araújo dos Santos, S. A. Broughton, T. Gaffney, Y. Chen, entre outros, têm apresentado generalizações dos Teoremas de fibrações de Milnor no ambiente real e complexo (e do Teorema de Kurdyka-Orro-Simon, ver por exemplo [Di, KOS]), visando um melhor entendimento de propriedades topológicas locais e globais das singularidades. Nesta direção de pesquisa esses autores tem utilizado várias ferramentas e técnicas de diversas áreas da matemática. O que mostra a riqueza e a complexidade destes estudos e acrescenta, em nossa modesta opinião, um aspecto que é ao mesmo tempo interessante e desafiador. Neste trabalho, mostraremos como estender as fibrações de Milnor em esferas no caso local e global, real e complexo, para uma aplicação C2-semi-algébrica F = (f1, . . . , fp) : RN → Rp e uma variedade W ⊂ RN semi-algébrica com possível singularidade. Com tal objetivo, introduziremos as condições de Milnor (a) e (b) generalizadas\" e mostraremos como adaptar a técnica da decomposição open book superior com binding singular, introduzida em [AT, ACT1]. Nossos resultados sugerem que tal estrutura de fibração pode ser um caso particular de algum Teorema estrutural mais geral. Além do mais, considerando π : Rp → Rp-1 a projeção canônica na meta, mostraremos que se F satisfaz tais condições, então G = π o F : RN → Rp-1 também satisfaz e, consequentemente, G também induz em W uma fibração suave localmente trivial. Concluiremos mostrando que após as projeções as fibras destes fibrados são homotopicamente equivalentes e, em seguida, apresentando algumas fórmulas que relacionam a característica de Euler do \"link relativo\" W ∩ F-1 (0) com a característica de Euler das fibras. / In the last years, several researchers such as: A. Bodin, A. Dimca, A. Durfee, A. Jacquemard, A. Menegon Neto, A. Némethi, A. Pichon, A. Verjovsky, A. Zaharia, D. Siersma, H. A. Hamm, D. Massey, H. Aguilar-Cabrera, H. H. Vui, J. Cisneros, J. Seade, J. Snoussi, L. D. Trang, L. Paunescu, L. R. Dias, M. A. S. Ruas, M. Oka, M. Tibar, N. Dutertre, R. N. Araújo dos Santos, S. A. Broughton, T. Gaffney, Y. Chen, and others, have proven generalizations of Milnor fibrationss Theorems in the real and complex settings (and Kurdyka-Orro-Simons Theorem, see e.g. [Di, KOS]), aiming a better understanding of the local and global topological properties of singularity. In this research branch, these authors have used many different tools and techniques from several areas of Mathematics. This shows the richness and complexities of these studies and adds, in our modest opinion, an aspect that is simultaneously interesting and challenging. In this work, we introduce the generalized Milnors conditions (a) and (b) to show an extension of the Milnor fibration Theorems on spheres in the local and global cases, in the real and complex setting. For this, we consider a C2-semi-algebraic mapping F = (f1, . . . , fp) : RN → Rp , a possible singular semi-algebraic variety W ⊂ RN, and we show how to adapt the technique of Higher open book decomposition with singular binding, introduced by [AT, ACT1], to prove such extension. Our results suggest that such fibration structure may be a particular case of a more general fibration structure. Furthermore, considering : Rp Rp-1 the canonical projection on the target space, we show that if F satisfies the generalized Milnors conditions (a) and (b), then G = π o F : RN → Rp-1 also satisfies these conditions and, hence G also induces on W a smooth locally trivial fibration. Finally, we show that after the projections on the target space, the fibers of these fiber bundles are homotopically equivalent. We conclude by proving some formulae connecting the Euler characteristic of \"relative link\" W ∩ F-1 (0) with the Euler characteristic of the fibers. Key words and phrases: generalized open book decomposition, fibration structure on semi-algebraic sets, topology of singularity, real and complex Milnors fibrations and, local and global fibration.

Motifs des fibrés en quadriques et jacobiennes intermédiaires relatives des paires K3-Fano / Motives of quadric bundles and relative intermediate jacobians of K3-Fano pairs

Bouali, Johann 06 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse comporte deux parties. Dans la première partie on étudie le motif de Chow d’un fibré en quadriques de dimension relative impaire sur une surface. On montre que ce motif admet une décomposition qui fait intervenir le motif de Prym du revêtement double de la courbe discriminante. Dans la deuxième partie on s’intéresse à des fibrations lagrangiennes, obtenues comme jacobiennes intermédiaires relatives des familles de variétés de Fano de dimension trois contenant une surface K3 fixée, et à l’existence d’une compactification symplectique. Dans un cas particulier, on étudie une compactification partielle en utilisant des calculs avec le logiciel Macaulay2. / This thesis consists of two parts. In the first part we study the Chow motive of a quadric bundle of odd relative dimension over a surface. We show that this motive admits a decomposition which involves the Prym motive of the double covering of the discriminant curve.In the second part, we consider Lagrangian fibrations, obtained as relative intermediate Jacobians of families of Fano threefolds containing a fixed K3 surface, and the existence of a symplectic compactification. In a particular case, we study a partial compactification using calculations with the software system Macaulay2.

La suite spectrale de Leray-Serre en homologie de Floer des varietes symplectiques compactes a bord de type contact

OANCEA, ALEXANDRU 18 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Les groupes d'homologie de Floer pour varietes compactes a bord de type contact n'ont pas de correspondant topologique, a la difference des varietes fermees. Le but de cette these est d'en donner des proprietes qualitatives lorsque la variete est munie de structures topologiques supplementaires. Nous avons en vue les fibrations symplectiques (eventuellement triviales). Le premier chapitre de la these comprend deux parties : la premiere compare les differentes constructions de l'homologie de Floer et met en relief le principe specifique aux varietes a bord, a savoir la necessite d'obtenir des estimations a priori sur les solutions de l'equation de Floer. On explique comment les groupes d'homologie de Floer sont relies a la conjecture de Weinstein et on calcule par une methode nouvelle la cohomologie d'une boule dans un espace vectoriel complexe. La deuxieme partie presente une extension de la definition des groupes d'homologie de Floer par des hamiltoniens ``asymptotiquement lineaires", extension que nous utiliserons par la suite. Nous travaillons directement dans des varietes non compactes convexes a l'infini, qui sont des completees symplectiques de varietes compactes a bord de type contact. Le deuxieme chapitre demontre la formule de Kunneth en homologie de Floer pour un produit de varietes a bord de type contact restreint. Ceci correspond au cas d'une fibration triviale. Le troisieme chapitre donne une interpretation de la suite spectrale de Leray-Serre classique en termes exclusifs d'homologie de Morse, qui constitue un modele simple pour l'homologie de Floer. Le quatrieme chapitre etudie l'existence d'une suite spectrale de Leray-Serre pour un certain type de fibrations symplectiques a bord au-dessus d'une base fermee. L'existence de la suite spectrale est etablie pour les fibres en droites hermitiens a courbure negative. Dans le cas general, son existence est ramenee a une estimation d'energie pour trajectoires de Floer, qui est conjecturee.

Transversal Construction of Topological Gates on Multiqubit Quantum Codes

Chauwinoir, Sheila January 2022 (has links)
We study the possibility of constructing quantum gates using topological phases, which originate from local SU(2) evolution of entangled multiqubit systems. For this purpose, logical codewords using two-, three- and nine-qubit entangled states are defined and possible implementations of topological gates on these codes, are examined. For two-qubit systems, it is shown that for only two of the Pauli gates, a topological implementation is possible, the third must be non-topological. Furthermore, it is shown that a topological implementation of Hadamard gate is also possible on the two-qubit code. For the three-qubit code, the logical Pauli gates are found to be topologically implementable and a topological implementation of the logical S gate seems to be possible as well. Lastly, for the nine-qubit code, the logical Pauli gates, the logical S gate and the logical T gate are shown to be implementable topologically on the code. It remains an open question whether topological implementation of logical Hadamard gate by invertible local operators is possible on the nine-qubit code.

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