Spelling suggestions: "subject:"crinite colume c.method"" "subject:"crinite colume 20method""
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Analise numerica de mancais hidrodinamicos lisos e ranhurados utilizando o metodo dos volumes finitos / Numerical analysis of smooth and grooved journal bearings using the finite volume methodFerreira, Rafael Bittencourt 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Katia Lucchesi Cavalca / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T04:10:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Ferreira_RafaelBittencourt_M.pdf: 2098484 bytes, checksum: e3c06e9d3444778c194664385fd94c5a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Desde os primeiros estudos numéricos sobre lubrificação em mancais hidrodinâmicos até a atualidade, existiram relativamente poucos trabalhos abordando o problema através do método dos volumes finitos. Na verdade, a maioria dos estudos, na área de lubrificação, utiliza a equação de Reynolds e o método das diferenças finitas para estabelecer o campo de pressão gerado no filme de óleo, mesmo sendo este tipo de abordagem inviável em certos casos, pois para geometrias mais complexas, ou com certas condições dinâmicas do sistema, a qualidade da discretização e a consistência dos resultados gerados pela equação de Reynolds se mostram insuficientes. Sendo assim, este trabalho trata da análise do campo de pressão em um filme gerado através do efeito hidrodinâmico em um mancal radial cilíndrico plano. Para tanto, o fluido de lubrificação é colocado em condição isotérmica e em regime de escoamento laminar. Para avaliar o campo de pressão é desenvolvido um algoritmo que determina a solução através do método dos volumes finitos para a equação simplificada de Reynolds em um domínio com duas dimensões, e segue com as seguintes etapas: construção da malha, integração das equações dentro dos volumes, definição das equações discretizadas, estabelecimento de condições iniciais e de contorno e avaliação do campo de pressão no domínio de cálculo. Outro ponto analisado é a influência de ranhuras nos mancais, as quais trazem novos elementos para o comportamento do mancal, tais como a redução da pressão no filme de óleo e a maior retenção do fluido entre o eixo e o mancal. Ao final, é possível concluir que a grande importância desta abordagem está na similaridade do método dos volumes finitos com a tradicional representação diferencial do escoamento em volumes de controle, tornando mais claros os conceitos físicos envolvidos, outro ponto abordado é a comparação com o método das diferenças finitas e a solução analítica de Ocvirk, com esses resultados é possível avaliar as principais características e vantagens de cada método. Com respeito ao campo de pressão, também é possível chegar aos valores das forças de sustentação do eixo e ainda avaliar os coeficientes de rigidez do mancal, que são fundamentais no estudo da dinâmica de máquinas rotativas. / Abstract: Since the first studies on hydrodynamic journal bearings using numerical methods until today, there has been relatively few studies addressing the problem through the Finite Volume Method. Indeed, the majority of studies in the area of lubrication use the equation of Reynolds and method of finite differences to establish the field of pressure generated in the oil film, even if this type of approach is not viable in certain cases, specially for complex geometries or for certain dynamic conditions of the system. Thus, this work deals with the analysis of the pressure distribution in a film generated by the hydrodynamic effect in a radial radial journal bearing. Wherefore, the fluid lubrication is placed in isotherm condition and laminar flow. To evaluate the pressure distribution an algorithm is developed to determine the solution through the Finite Volume Method for the simplified Reynolds equation in a field with two dimensions, and follows with the steps: construction of the mesh, integration of equations within the volumes, the definition of discrete equations, establishment of initial conditions and boundary conditions and finally the evaluation of pressure distribution in the calculation domain. Another point analyzed is the influence of grooves in the bearings, these grooves bring new elements for the performance of journal bearings, such as to reduce the pressure in the oil film and the greater retention of the fluid between rotor and bearing, this study is highlight also the behavior of the stiffness of the oil film in certain conditions of operation, and this dynamic parameter has high importance in studies of rotative machines response. At the end, it is possible to conclude that the great importance of this approach is the similarity of the Finite Volume Method with the traditional differential representation in studies with fluid mechanics, making clearer the physical concepts involved, another point raised is the comparison with the Ocvirk's analytical solution, allowing to evaluate the main characteristics and the results quality for this numerical method. / Mestrado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
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Modelos de processos difusivos e solução aproximada usando volumes finitos / Models of diffusive processes and approximateSantos, Uilbiran Chaves 28 August 2008 (has links)
Orientadores: Maria Cristina de Castro Cunha, Persio Leister A. Barros / Dissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Computação Cientifica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T16:59:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Santos_UilbiranChaves_M.pdf: 537649 bytes, checksum: d5123c50fbd2d334c5620c343887ad48 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Inicialmente é apresentado um capítulo sobre a modelagem matemática e sua importância nos dias atuais. Discutimos o papel das equações diferenciais, ordinárias e parciais, na representação matemática de processos reais que envolvam leis de conservação usadas na física dando enfoque às equações de difusão, que resultam do princípio de conservação de energia. No segundo capítulo é apresentado o método dos volumes finitos, uma técnica atual e bastante útil usada na discretização de equações diferenciais parciais parabólicas e hiperbólicas. A seguir o método dos volumes finitos é aplicado para encontrar aproximações para a solução da equação do calor transiente e espacialmente bidimensional. / Abstract: Initially it presented a chapter on mathematical modeling and its relevance today. We discussed the role of differential equations, ordinary and partial, the mathematical representation of actual cases involving conservation laws of physics focusing used in the equations of delivery, that result from the principle of conservation of energy. The second chapter is presented the method of finite volume, a current and very useful technique used in discretization of partial differential equations and parabolas hyperbolic. Following the method finite volume is applied to find approaches to the solution of the equation of heat and spatially transient two-dimensional. / Mestrado / Mestre em Matemática
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Matematické modelování vln na vodní hladině / Mathematical Modelling of Surface Water WavesRauš, Michal January 2018 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá matematickým modelováním vodních vln v blízkosti pobřeží pomocí parciálních diferenciálních rovnic. Cílem této práce je formulace pohybových rovnic a jejich následné numerické řešení s grafickou interpretací dosažených výsledků.
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Simulace oteplení rozváděčů VN / Simulation of temperature-rise in MV switchgear assembliesKapalla, Alexej January 2021 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the issue of heating of medium-voltage switchgears. The paper contains descriptions of the individual devices which the switchgear consists of. Furthermore, the paper examine the theoretical relations which describe the heating of the conductor. It also present the normative regulations regarding the heading of MV switchgears as well as specific impacts which influence the final temperature-rise. This is followed by chapters that describe the refining of a 3D model of specific switchgear for purposes of simulating temperature-rise, further followed by chapters that look at the actual simulation environment. The thesis further focuses on the actual simulation of MV switchgear temperature-rise and it will compare the results of the simulation with measurements taken under real conditions. The thesis also includes results of simulated temperature-rise while taking into consideration the forced cooling of the switchgear. In the last part, it focuses on the creation of an excel file, which enables the prediction of final results for the temperature-rise of disconnector based on its contact resistance.
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Výpočet chlazení transformátoru / Calculation of transformer coolingHetflajš, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with influence of forced air flow from the ventilators on the power transformer cooling. For this analysis was used simulation software ANSYS CFX, that uses the finite volume method for calculations of dynamic properties of liquids. In the introduction of the thesis is presented the basic terminology of fluid flow, temperature fields and theory of transformers. The simulation is divided to the analysis of flow through the left and right radiator models.
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Analýza chlazení koncentrátorového fotovoltaického článku / Analysis of the photovoltaic cell coolingHřešil, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This project solves the problem of cooling the photovoltaic cell. Solar cell was modeled according to a real model in SolidWorks, and subsequently created the model was simulated in SolidWorks Flow Simulation and Ansys Fluent. The use of both systems allow a comparison of their possibilities in the field of heat transfer and their suitability for the case. The conclusion summarizes the first results and outline further developments cooling design to optimize the performance of the solar cell.
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A Finite Volume Approach For Cure Kinetics SimulationMa, Wei 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In our study, the Finite Volume Method (FVM) is successfully implemented to simulate thermal process of polymerization. This application is verified based on the obtained plots compared with those from other two methods as well as experimental data. After the verification, a method is developed to optimize heat history in order to reduce processing time and in the meantime to maintain the uniformity of cure state. Also sensitivities of cure state to different parameters are examined. Besides, a correlation between temperature and the degree of polymerization profile on sample surface is found using on-line monitoring method.
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Implementation of the phase field method with the Immersed Boundary Method for application to wave energy convertersJain, Sahaj Sunil 14 August 2023 (has links)
Consider a bottom-hinged Oscillating Wave Surge Converter (OWSC): This device oscillates due to the hydrodynamic forces applied on it by the action of ocean waves. The focus of this thesis is to build upon the in-house multi-block generalized coordinate finite volume solver GenIDLEST using a collocated grid arrangement within the framework of the fractional-step method to make it compatible to simulate such systems. The first step in this process is to deploy a convection scheme which differentiates between air and water. This process is further complicated by the 1:1000 density and 1:100 viscosity ratio between the two fluids. For this purpose, a phase field method is chosen for its ease of implementation and proven boundedness and conservativeness properties. Extensive validation and verification using standard test cases, such as droplet in shear flow, Rayleigh Taylor instability, and the Dam Break Problem is carried out. This development is then coupled with the present Immersed Boundary Module which is used to simulate the presence of moving bodies and again verified against test cases, such as the Dam Break problem with a vertical obstacle and heave decay of a partially submerged buoyant cylinder. Finally, a relaxation zone technique is used to generate waves and a numerical beach technique is used to absorb them. These are then used to simulate the Oscillating Surge Wave Converter. / Master of Science / An Oscillating Wave Surge Converter can be best described as a rectangular flap, hinged at the bottom, rotating under the influence of ocean waves from which energy is harvested. The singular aim of this thesis is to model this device using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). More specifically, the aim is to model this dynamic device with the full Navier Stokes Equations, which include inertial forces, arising due to the motion of the fluid, viscous forces which dissipate energy, and body forces such as gravity. This involves three key steps:
1. Modelling the air-water interface using a convection scheme. A phase field method is used to differentiate between the two fluids. This task is made more challenging because of the very large density and viscosity differences between air and water.
2. Model dynamic moving geometries in a time-dependent framework. For this, we rely on the Immersed Boundary Method.
3. Develop a numerical apparatus to generate and absorb ocean waves. For this, we rely on the Relaxation Zone and Numerical Beach Method.
These developments are validated in different canonical problems and finally applied to a two-dimensional oscillating surge wave energy converter.
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Formulation of steady-state and transient potential problems using boundary elementsDruma, Calin January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Ocean waves in a multi-layer shallow water system with bathymetryParvin, Afroja January 2018 (has links)
Mathematical modeling of ocean waves is based on the formulation and solution of the appropriate equations of continuity, momentum and the choice of proper initial and boundary conditions. Under the influence of gravity, many free surface water waves can be modeled by the shallow water equations (SWE) with the assumption that the horizontal length scale of the wave is much greater than the depth scale and the wave height is much less than the fluid's mean depth. Furthermore, to describe three dimensional flows in the hydrostatic and Boussinesq limits, the multilayer SWE model is used, where the fluid is discretized horizontally into a set of vertical layers, each having its own height, density, horizontal velocity and geopotential. In this study, we used an explicit staggered finite volume method to solve single and multilayer SWE, with and without density stratification and bathymetry, to understand the dynamic of surface waves and internal waves. We implemented a two-dimensional version of the incompressible DYNAMICO method and compare it with a one-dimensional SWE. For multilayer SWE, we considered both two layer and a linear stratification of density, with very small density gradient, consistent with Boussinesq approximation. We used Lagrangian vertical coordinate which doesn't allow mass to flow across vertical layers. Numerical examples are presented to verify multilayer SWE model against single layer SWE, in terms of the phase speed and the steepness criteria of wave profile. In addition, the phase speed of the barotropic and baroclinic mode of two-layer SWE also verified our multilayer SWE model. We found that, for multilayer SWE, waves move slower than single layer SWE and get steeper than normal when they flow across bathymetry. A series of numerical experiment were carried out to compare 1-D shallow water solutions to 2-D solutions with and without density as well as to explain the dynamics of surface wave and internal wave.
We found that, a positive fluctuations on free surface causes water to rise above surface level, gravity pulls it back and the forces that acquired during the falling movement causes the water to penetrate beneath it's equilibrium level, influences the generation of internal waves. Internal waves travel considerably more slowly than surface waves. On the other hand, a bumpy or a slicky formation of surface waves is associated with the propagation of internal waves. The interaction between these two waves is therefore demonstrated and discussed. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / In the modelling of ocean wave, the formulation and solution of appropriate equations and proper initial and boundary conditions are required. The shallow water equations (SWE) are derived from the conservation of mass and momentum equations, in the case where the horizontal length scale of the wave is much greater than the depth scale and the wave height is much less than the fluid's mean depth. In multilayer SWE, the fluid is discretized horizontally into a set of vertical layers, each having its own height, density, horizontal velocity and geopotential. In this study, we used an explicit staggered finite volume method to solve single and multilayer SWE, with and without density stratification and bathymetry, to understand the dynamic of surface waves and internal waves. A series of numerical experiments were carried out to validate our multilayer model. It is found that, in the presence of density differences, surface waves for the multilayer SWE move slowly and get more steep than normal when they flow across bathymetry. Also, a positive fluctuations on free surface generates internal waves at the interior of ocean which propagate along the line of density gradient.
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