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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulation numérique 3D d'Écoulement Multiphysiques Réactifs en Milieux Poreux / 3D Numerical Simulation of Multiphase flow with reactive transport in porous media

Id Moulay, Mohamed 02 December 2019 (has links)
La modélisation du transport réactif est utilisée dans de nombreuses applications énergétiques et environnementales liées aux écoulements souterrains. La modélisation de tels problèmes conduit à un système hautement non linéaire d'EDP couplées à des équations différentielles ordinaires ou algébriques. Deux types d'approches pour la résolution numérique des problèmes de transport réactif sont largement utilisés dans la littérature. L'une est l'approche de séparation des opérateurs qui consiste à découpler les problèmes d'écoulement et de transport réactif. Ces derniers sont résolus séquentiellement à chaque pas de temps. L'autre stratégie est basée sur une approche entièrement couplée dans laquelle le système entier est résolu simultanément. Le but de la thèse de doctorat est le développement d'un schéma implicite en volumes finis pour la modélisation numérique d'écoulements multicomposants monophasiques et diphasiques avec transport réactif en milieu poreux.Deux nouveaux modules de transport réactif seront implémentés dans DuMuX, un simulateur libre pour les problèmes d'écoulements et de transport dans les milieuw poreux. Des simulations numériques bi et tridimensionnels comprenant des benchmarks et du calcul haute performance, seront effectuées pour valider les modules. / Reactive transport modeling is used in many energy and environmental applications related to subsurface flows. Modeling such problems leads to a highly nonlinear system of PDEs coupled with algebraic or ODEs. Two types of approaches for the numerical solving of reactive transport problems are widely used in the literature. One is the operator-splitting approach which consists in splitting the flow and reactive transport problems. These latter are solved sequentially at each time step. The other strategy is based on the fully coupled approach in which the entire system is solved simultaneously. The goal of the PhD thesis is the development of a fully coupled fully implicit finite volume scheme for numerical modeling of single and two-phase multicomponent flows with reactive transport in porous media. New reactive transport modules will be implemented in DuMuX, a free and open-source simulator for flow and transport processes in porous media. Numerical simulations for 2D and 3D including benchmark tests and high performance computing will be performed to validate the modules.

Étude de nouveaux schémas numériques pour la simulation des écoulements à rapport de mobilités défavorable dans un contexte EOR / Study of new numerical schemes for the simulation of flows with adverse mobility ratios in the EOR context

Laurent, Karine 07 November 2019 (has links)
En simulation dynamique des réservoirs, un des artéfacts les plus gênants pour la prédiction de production est l’effet de l’orientation du maillage. Bien que celui-ci soit « normal » pour tout schéma numérique, il se trouve amplifié par l’instabilité du modèle physique, ce qui a lieu lorsque le contraste de mobilités entre l’eau (fluide poussant, utilisé dans les procédés de récupération secondaires) et l’huile (fluide poussé, contenant les hydrocarbures) dépasse un certain seuil critique. On parle alors d’écoulements à rapport de mobilités défavorable. Connu depuis longtemps, ce problème a fait l'objet de nombreux travaux dans les années 1980 ayant abouti au schéma dit à neuf points. Actuellement implanté dans PumaFlow, logiciel développé et commercialisé par IFPEN, ce schéma fonctionne relativement bien en maillages carrés et dépend d’un paramètre scalaire dont le réglage varie selon les auteurs sur la base de considérations heuristiques. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une nouvelle démarche méthodologique afin non seulement d’ajuster ce paramètre libre de manière optimale mais aussi de généraliser le schéma aux maillages rectangulaires. La stratégie que nous préconisons repose sur une analyse d’erreur du problème, à partir de laquelle il est possible de définir une notion d’erreur angulaire et de garantir que le comportement du schéma obtenu soit le « moins anisotrope » possible via une minimisation de son écart par rapport à un comportement idéal. Cette procédure de minimisation est ensuite appliquée à deux autres familles de schémas numériques~ : (1) un schéma multidimensionnel proposé par Kozdon, dans lequel le paramètre libre est une fonction~ ; (2) un autre schéma à neuf points faisant intervenir deux paramètres scalaires. C’est ce dernier qui réduit le mieux l’effet de l’orientation lorsque le rapport des pas de maillage s’éloigne de 1. Enfin, une extension de la méthode à des modèles physiques plus complets est envisagée. / In dynamic reservoir simulation, one of the most troublesome artifacts for the prediction of production is the grid orientation effect. Although this normally arises from any numerical scheme, it happens to be amplified by the instability of the physical model, which occurs when the mobility contrast between the water (pushing fluid, used in the processes of secondary recovery) and the oil (pushed fluid, containing the hydrocarbons) exceeds a some critical threshold. We then speak of flows with adverse mobility ratio. This GOE issue has received a lot of attention from the engineers. Numerous works dating back to the 1980s have resulted in the so-called nine-point scheme. Currently implemented in the IFPEN software PumaFlow, this scheme performs relatively well in square meshes and depends on a scalar parameter whose value varies from one author to another, on the grounds of heuristic considerations. In this thesis, we propose a new methodological approach in order not only to optimally adjust this free parameter, but also to extend the scheme to rectangular meshes. The strategy that we advocate is based on an error analysis of the problem, from which it is possible to define a notion of angular error and to guarantee that the behavior of the obtained scheme is the "least anisotropic" possible through a minimization of its deviation from some ideal behavior. This minimization procedure is then applied to two other families of numerical schemes: (1) a multidimensional scheme proposed by Kozdon, in which the free parameter is a function; (2) another nine-point scheme involving two scalar parameters. The latter provides the best results regarding GOE reduction when the ratio of the mesh steps is far away from 1. Finally, an extension of the method to more sophisticated physical models is envisaged.

A non-linear quasi-3D model for air management modelling in engines

Hernández Marco, Manuel 08 June 2018 (has links)
El modelado se ha convertido en los últimos años en una herramienta esencial en el diseño de motores de combustión interna alternativos, ya que permite reducir considerablemente el tiempo y los costes de desarrollo. Las metodologías de diseño clásicas se basan en la fabricación de prototipos y la realización de pruebas de ensayo y error. Actualmente, la mayoría de estas pruebas han sido sustituidas por cálculos numéricos, de modo que sólo las opciones de diseño más prometedoras se prueban en realidad en banco motor. Durante años, los códigos unidimensionales de dinámica de gases en el dominio del tiempo han sido suficientes para modelar tanto las prestaciones y el consumo del motor como el ruido de admisión y escape. Sin embargo, para un nivel más exigente de diseño, una representación 1D puede no ser suficiente para describir con precisión el flujo en ciertos elementos. Esto es especialmente importante en el caso de silenciadores, donde la hipótesis unidimensional sólo se puede aplicar a geometrías simples. En el caso de las uniones de conductos es la existencia de estructuras tridimensionales de flujo complejas lo que establece el límite de la aplicabilidad de una descripción simple cero-dimensional. En vista de estas limitaciones, la primera opción sería el uso de un modelo de dinámica de fluidos computacional (CFD); sin embargo, su aplicación conllevaría un tiempo de cálculo excesivo. Una posible solución de compromiso viene dada por los modelos cuasi-3D, basados en esquemas tridimensionales, pero con ciertas simplificaciones capaces de reducir significativamente el tiempo de cálculo sin afectar excesivamente a la precisión. Tales soluciones se han convertido en estándar en los códigos comerciales y se han aplicado con éxito a los silenciadores, tanto para excitaciones acústicas en el régimen lineal como en condiciones reales de motor, típicamente no lineales. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un nuevo método numérico cuasi-3D en una malla escalonada, basado en la simplificación de la ecuación de la cantidad de movimiento, para ser incluido en un código unidimensional existente. Tal método, sin embargo, no está libre de inconvenientes. En particular, se ve afectado por la aparición de oscilaciones no físicas, especialmente en gradientes de presión significativos. De la revisión bibliográfica se determina que este comportamiento es típico en esquemas de segundo orden y se puede ver acentuado por las simplificaciones adoptadas. Tras estudiar las posibles soluciones aplicables a este problema, se desarrollan tres limitadores de flujo diferentes, basados en las metodologías MDT, FCT y TVD. Una vez definido el método numérico y asegurada su estabilidad, es necesario desarrollar las condiciones de contorno adecuadas que permitan su utilización. Con este objetivo, se desarrollan las condiciones de pulso de presión de entrada y de extremo anecoico, los cuales permiten simular un banco de impulso. No hay que olvidar, sin embargo, que el objetivo final es la conexión con un código unidimensional, por lo que hay que comprobar que el método numérico cuasi-3D creado es compatible con los unidimensionales existentes, mostrando algunos resultados preliminares. Finalmente, con el método ya completamente operativo, se procede a su validación en las aplicaciones para las que ha sido diseñado principalmente, las cuales son, modelado de silenciadores y uniones de conductos. Para el caso de los silenciadores, se modelan dispositivos de complejidad creciente, pasando por geometrías de sección constante hasta sistemas con geometrías reales. Los resultados obtenidos se validan con otras herramientas tanto lineales como no lineales. En el caso de las uniones de conductos, el objetivo principal es el de establecer el potencial del nuevo método numérico frente a los tradicionales unidimensionales, por lo que los resultados de ambos se comparan con datos experiment / Engine modelling has become an essential tool in the design of internal combustion engines, allowing considerable reductions in development time and cost. Classical design methodologies are based on prototype manufacturing and trial-and-error tests, but currently, most of those tests have been replaced by numerical computations, so that only the most promising design options are actually tested on engine bench. For years, one-dimensional gas dynamics codes in the time domain have offered sufficiently good solutions for modelling both engine performance and intake and exhaust noise. However, for a more demanding level of design, a 1D representation may not be sufficient to describe accurately the flow in certain elements. This is especially important in the case of silencers. In the case of duct junctions, the existence of complex 3D flow structures is what sets the applicability limit for a simple zero-dimensional description. In view of these limitations, the first option would typically be the use of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model; however, the application of such a model to a complete intake or exhaust system entails an excessive computational time. A possible compromise solution is given by quasi-3D models, based on three-dimensional schemes, but with certain simplifications able to significantly reduce the calculation time without excessively affecting the accuracy. Such solutions have become standard in commercial codes and have been successfully applied to silencers with perforated tubes and absorbing material, both in the linear acoustic regime and in real engine conditions, typically non-linear. The objective of this thesis is the development a new quasi-3D numerical method in a staggered-grid, based on the simplification of the momentum equation, to be included in an existing one-dimensional code. Such method however, is not hassle free. In particular, it is affected by the appearance of non-physical oscillations, specially near significant pressure gradients. From the literature review it is determined that this behaviour is typical among second-order schemes and it can be aggravated by the simplifications adopted. After researching the possible solutions to face this problem, three different flux limiters are developed, based on the MDT, FCT and TVD methodologies. In the case of the two latter methods, its effectiveness is well established for finite differences schemes, thus defining a clear improving line for quasi-3D models. Once the numerical method is defined and its stability assured, proper boundary conditions that allow its use must be developed. With this objective, a pressure pulse inlet and an anechoic termination boundary condition are developed, which allow the simulation of an impulse test rig. It should not be forgotten, however, that the ultimate objective is the connection with a one-dimensional code, therefore the compatibility of the quasi-3D numerical method created with the existing one-dimensional methods has to be tested, showing some preliminary results. Eventually, with a fully operative method, the validation process for the applications which it has been mainly developed for, takes place, namely, mufflers and duct junctions modelling. In the case of mufflers, increasingly complex devices are modelled, from constant section geometries to real geometry systems. The results obtained are validated with both linear and non-linear tools. In the case of duct junctions, the main objective is to establish the potential of the new numerical method against the traditional one-dimensional schemes, consequently, results from both approaches are compared to experimental measures, obtaining promising results. / El modelatge s'ha convertit en els últims anys en una eina essencial en el disseny de motors de combustió interna alternatius, ja que permet reduir considerablement el temps i els costos de desenvolupament. Les metodologies de disseny clàssiques es basen en la fabricació de prototips i la realització de proves d'assaig i error. Actualment, la majoria d'aquestes proves han sigut substituïdes per càlculs numèrics, de manera que només les opcions de disseny més prometedores es proven en realitat en banc motor. Durant anys, els codis unidimensionals de dinàmica de gasos en el domini del temps han sigut suficients per a modelar tant les prestacions i el consum del motor com el soroll d'admissió i escapament. No obstant això, per a un nivell més exigent de disseny, una representació 1D pot no ser prou per a descriure amb precisió el flux en certs elements. Açò és especialment important en el cas de silenciadors, on la hipòtesi unidimensional només es pot aplicar a geometries simples. En el cas de les unions de conductes és l'existència d'estructures tridimensionals de flux complexes el que establix el límit de l'aplicabilitat d'una descripció simple zero-dimensional. En vista d'estes limitacions, la primera opció seria típicament l'ús d'un model de dinàmica de fluids computacional (CFD); no obstant això, l'aplicació comporta un temps de càlcul excessiu. Una possible solució de compromís ve donada pels models quasi-3D, basats en esquemes tridimensionals, però amb certes simplificacions capaços de reduir significativament el temps de càlcul sense afectar excessivament la precisió. Tals solucions s'han convertit en estàndard en codis comercials i s'han aplicat amb èxit als silenciadors, tant per a excitacions acústiques en el règim lineal com en condicions reals de motor, típicament no lineals. Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu el desenvolupament d'un nou mètode numèric quasi-3D en una malla escalonada, basat en la simplificació de l'equació de la quantitat de moviment, per a ser inclòs en un codi unidimensional existent. Tal mètode, però, no està lliure d'inconvenients. En particular, es veu afectat per l'aparició d'oscil·lacions no físiques, especialment en gradients de pressió significatius. De la revisió bibliogràfica es determina que aquest comportament és típic en esquemes de segon ordre i es pot veure accentuat per les simplificacions adoptades. Després d'estudiar les possibles solucions aplicables a aquest problema, es desenvolupen tres limitadors de flux diferents, basats en les metodologies MDT, FCT i TVD. En el cas dels dos últims mètodes, la seua efectivitat està ben establida per als esquemes de diferències finites, la qual cosa definix una clara via de millora per als models quasi-3D. Una vegada definit el mètode numèric i assegurada la seua estabilitat, és necessari desenvolupar les condicions de contorn adequades que permeten la seua utilització. Amb aquest objectiu, es desenvolupen les condicions de pols de pressió d'entrada i d'extrem anecoic, els quals permeten simular un banc d'impuls. No cal oblidar que l'objectiu final és la connexió amb un codi unidimensional, per la qual cosa cal comprovar que el mètode numèric cuasi-3D creat és compatible amb els unidimensionals existents, mostrant alguns resultats preliminars. Finalment, es procedix a la seua validació en les aplicacions per a les que ha sigut dissenyat principalment, les quals són, modelatge de silenciadors i unions de conductes. Per al cas dels silenciadors, es modelen dispositius de complexitat creixent, passant per geometries de secció constant fins a sistemes amb geometries reals. Els resultats obtinguts es validen amb altres eines tant lineals com no lineals. En el cas de les unions de conductes, l'objectiu principal és el d'establir el potencial del nou mètode numèric front als unidimensionals tradicionals, per la qual cosa els resultats d'ambdós es comparen amb dades experim / Hernández Marco, M. (2018). A non-linear quasi-3D model for air management modelling in engines [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/103683 / TESIS


Dostál, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
The theses is focused on efficient use of numerical methods in development of low-voltage switching devices, namely to create a physically correct and reliable numerical model of the temperature field to find an application in the design of the current path of a device for various operating conditions. The creation of this numerical model requires not only correct inclusion of all modes of heat transfer - conduction, convection and radiation, but also correct solution of problematic transient resistance - both electrical and thermal in electrical contacts at different stages of usage. Therefore an essential part of the theses forms a thorough experimental analysis of the necessary material properties and dependencies which forms input data for the numerical model that is based on the finite volume method. The last part of the theses deals with debugging and verification of numerical model to correspond with experimentally obtained data. The result of the theses is the numerical model which is able to solve correctly both steady and various transient states of swiching devices.

Analýza rozložení tlaků ve variantě detektoru SE se třemi clonkami pomocí systému CAE / Analysis of pressure distribution in the variant detector with three aperture by CAE system

Tomášek, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This master`s thesis analyzes the pressure distribution on the premises of scintillation detector secondary electron in the variant with three aperture. The aim of this study is analyzing the fluid flow depending on the application of the third aperture in the entrance of the detector, thus creating more self-pumped chamber, which is responsible for ensuring a better distribution of pressure in the premises of the detector. The result of the analysis would be determining how to change parameters within the detector. If it is found that application of the third aperture has a positive effect on water flow in the premises of the detector, this arrangement may be used for improvement of the detector. Master`s thesis is divided into several chapters. First describes the basic principles of electron microscopy, including sample preparation, conditions for the proper functioning of microscopes and sharing different types of electron microscopes. The next chapters describe briefly the physical descriptions of gases flow in low pressures and small apertures, the mathematical models and simulation software used in this analysis. The analysis is done in SolidWorks with the module called Cosmos FloSimulation. The conclusion summarizes the results of the analysis, including graphical representations of simulation.

Analýza proudění plynů při čerpání vakua pro nově navržený scintilační detektor / Analysis of the gas flow when pumping vacuum for newly designed scintillation detector

Poruban, Milan January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study the issue of eniveromental scanning electron microscopy and pumping gas to create vacuum in the newly designed scintillation detector. Further, creating a model of recently proposed scintillation detector and simulating and analyzing pumping gas in differentially pumped chamber of detector. The theoretical part deals with electron microscopy, electron sources, electron optics and secondary electrons detectors. It is also presented which signals are generated by the electron beam on the surface of a solid. Further fluid flow issues and equations describing the flow in the solved chamber are dismantled. Furthermore, the impact of gaseous environment on the trajectory of primary electrons, because there are collisions of primary beam with atoms and molecules of gas. The following section discusses creating, quality and importance of the network in mathematical modelling. A method of a final volume used to calculate the differential equations describing the flow of gas at the premises of the detector is described . The practical part consists in creating a model of scintillation detector and analyzing the gas flow in drawing a vacuum in the newly designed scintillation detector. At the end the simulation results of gas flow are compared for different variants of apertures and various pressures on the neck of a scintillation detector designed for optimum performance of the detector. The outcome of this thesis is model of newly designed scintillation detector with optimized shapes of apertures according to functional requirements.

Optimalizace chlazení koncentrátorového fotovoltaického článku pomocí systémů CAE / Optimization of cooling the photovoltaic cell using CAE systems

Sodomka, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the optimization of the concentrate photovoltaic cell cooling system through the CAE system. In the theoretical part, the thesis treats there the problematic of the photovoltaics and focuses on the concentrator cell and its problems coupled with the cooling system and the sink of heat. In the next theoretic part, it also analyses there the problematic of the conduit and transfer of heat. Moreover, the mathematical description of the fluid flow, the finite-volume method that is used in the SolidWorks Flow Simulation for the calculations, are also described there. In the practical part, the models and steps which depict precisely all the process of the heat cooling optimization are mentioned. All the proposed variants are mutually compared and put up for the discussion about their advantages and disadvantages. Lastly, the resultant model was also put through the simulation with the suggested radiational component that gave precision to the results. In the end of the thesis, there was made out the documentation of the final model drawings.

Zatížení větrem na chladící věž / Wind load on cooling tower

Ehrlich, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Thesis is concerned with modeling fluid dynamics and computing wind load on thin-walled structure of cooling tower. Two models for computational fluid dynamics are presented – one with singleton cooling tower and second with group of four cooling tower. Thesis includes also a structural model of cooling tower and methodology of wind load transfer is presented.

CFD modelování hoření tuhých paliv na roštu / CFD modelling of grate combustion of solid fuels

Juřena, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
Práce je zaměřena na vytvoření numerického modelu 1D experimentálního reaktoru pro spalování tuhých paliv. Metodou konečných objemů je provedena diskretizace řídících rovnic a takto formulovaná úloha je implementována do programu v prostředí MATLAB. V závěru jsou uvedeny výsledky několika simulací hoření slámy.

Analýza vlivu rozměrů čerpacích kanálů při konstrukci nové verze scintilačního detektoru / Analysis of the dimensions of pumping channels in a new design of a scintillation detector

Kryll, Josef January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study the issue of eniveromental scanning electron microscopy and pumping gas to create a vacuum in the newly designed scintillation detector. Further, creating a model of recently proposed scintillation detector and simulating and analyzing pumping gas in differentially pumped chamber of detector and the results compare with the previous model. The theoretical part deals with electron microscopy, electron sources, electron optics and secondary electrons detectors. It is also presented which signals are generated by the electron beam on the surface of a solid. Further fluid flow issues and equations describing the flow in the solved chamber are dismantled. Furthermore, the impact of gaseous environment on the trajectory of primary electrons, because there are collisions of primary beam with atoms and molecules of gas. The following section discusses creating, quality and importance of the network in mathematical modelling. A method of a final volume used to calculate the differential equations describing the flow of gas at the premises of the microscope is described . The practical part consists in creating a model of scintillation detector and analyzing the gas flow in drawing a vacuum in the newly designed scintillation detector. Furthermore, the simulation results are compared with the results of simulations on the older type of scintillation detector. The output of this thesis is model of recently proposed scintillation detector with visualized simulation results.

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