Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fire brigade"" "subject:"fire drigade""
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Picturing men : using photography to broaden the understanding of masculinity in Christchurch, 1880-1930.Jensen, Anna Mae January 2014 (has links)
Through the analysis of photographs of Christchurch men, this thesis will explore and expand the historiography around masculinity in New Zealand. It will argue that how men saw themselves was informed by concepts of power and class, alongside aspects such as physical strength and ideas of manliness. Masculinity was a fluid concept; its interpretation differed across class, race and gender lines. The urban masculine identities found in Christchurch during 1880-1930 demonstrate the complexity of gender construction. They offer another view to that of a New Zealand masculinity steeped in stereotypes of rural, isolated men.
Photographs are the central documents within this thesis and the growing field of visual history provides the framework for study. Photograph collections are selected from a variety of sources, including the Canterbury Museum, the Christchurch City Council archives, the Christchurch Club, Christchurch Boys' High School and my own family collection. The selection process centres on presenting collections which offer insight into a variety of settings across Christchurch, and the photographs within this thesis were chosen due to their representation of the collection they came from. Gillian Rose's methodology, which looks at the sites of production, the image, and the audience, shapes the study of the photographs. Read
as documents and then situated into the broader contextual understanding of turn of the twentieth century Christchurch, these photographs allow the viewer to read the past with new eyes.
This thesis offers a complementary reading of the masculine history of New Zealand. With an analysis influenced by the theoretical underpinnings of gender history, social history and visual history, the photographs show how ideas of masculinity developed in the urban setting of Christchurch. It highlights how ideas of class shaped the power relations of men, how physical settings offered different aspects of masculinity to be portrayed. The relationships between men, as well as those between men and women, demonstrate how masculine ideas were not dictated to by stereotypes, but by a range of at times contradictory imagery.
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Räddningstjänstpersonal i beredskap : En studie om rekryteringssituationen i SverigeHåkansson, Lena, Luther Wallin, Ida January 2018 (has links)
Räddningstjänstens verksamhet regleras i Lag (2003:778) om skydd mot olyckor och det första nationella målet lyder: ”Bestämmelserna i denna lag syftar till att i hela landet bereda människors liv och hälsa samt egendom och miljö ett med hänsyn till de lokala förhållandena tillfredsställande och likvärdigt skydd mot olyckor.” Räddningstjänst organiseras med brandmän i tre olika anställningsformer, varav deltidsanställda brandmän är en av dem och idag är den formella benämningen Räddningspersonal i beredskap, RiB. Ungefär 67% av Sveriges brandmän utgörs av RiB och redan år 1999 uppmärksammades svårigheter med personalförsörjningen. Vid kontakt med Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap samt Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting fanns kännedom om rekryteringssituationen, men den exakta omfattningen var okänd. Denna studie består av en undersökning av den nuvarande situationen avseende rekrytering för RiB i Sverige. Undersökningen jämförs med den svenska regeringens undersökning från år 2003. I jämförelsestudien medverkar samtliga respondenter från den tidigare utredningen, vilket medför en svarsfrekvens på 100%. Jämförelsen påvisar att nyrekrytering och upprätthållande av beredskap har en negativ trend, trots att grundutbildningen gjorts om samt att kommunerna har moderniserat och utvecklat rekryteringsmetoderna. I den nationella sammanställningen, för år 2018 som omfattar 111 respondenter och representerar drygt 60% av Sveriges kommuner, framkommer att majoriteten av räddningstjänsterna upplever svårigheter vid nyrekrytering. Totalt är det 331 vakanser för fasta RiB-tjänster samt 194 vakanser för vikarietjänster och drygt hälften, 52%, av respondenterna klarar inte att kontinuerligt upprätthålla den beslutade beredskapen. Den största orsaken till rekryteringssituationen är de demografiska förhållandena, vilket har samband med att 200 av Sveriges 290 kommuner uppfyller Europeiska kommissionens generaldirektorat för statistisk information, Eurostats, definition för landsbygd. Det som är mest alarmerande är att det påverkar kommunernas förmåga att upprätthålla beredskap. Det finns möjlighet att förbättra och stärka situationen genom olika slags förbättringsåtgärder och/eller en kombination av dessa. Det finns ingen entydig lösning på problemet i och med att förutsättningarna är olika från kommun till kommun. Det som är tydligt är att det är upp till våra politiker och staten att försöka stötta räddningstjänsterna på ett annat sätt än vad som görs idag och att investera mer i landsbygden. Målsättningen borde vara att leda Sverige till att bli ett ledande land som ligger i framkant när det gäller att utveckla, främja och stödja landsbygden. / The Swedish civil protection service activities are governed by ‘Lag (2003:778) om skydd mot olyckor’ and the first national objective reads: ‘The provisions of this law aim to make people's lives and health as well as property and environment throughout the country a satisfactory and equivalent protection against accidents, taking into account the local conditions.’ Emergency services are organized with firefighters in three different types of employment. One of these is part time firefighters, and the formal term for this employment is ‘Räddningspersonal i beredskap’, RiB. About 67% of Sweden's firefighters consist of RiB and as early as 1999, difficulties with staffing was noted. In contact with the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency and Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, the problems with recruitment of RiB was known, but the vast extent of these problems had not yet been discovered. This study consists of a survey of the current situation regarding the recruitment situation for RiB in Sweden. The survey is controlled and compared against the Swedish government's investigation from 2003. The compilation study involves all participants from the previous investigation which results in a response rate of 100%. The study shows that new recruitment and maintenance of preparedness has a negative trend, even though the basic education has been modified and the municipalities have modernized and developed recruitment methods. In the national compilation, of year 2018 involving 111 respondents representing more than 60% of Sweden's municipalities, it appears that the majority of emergency services experience difficulties in recruitment, a total of 331 vacancies for permanent RiB services and 194 vacancies for temporary employment and more than half, 52%, of the respondents fail to maintain the determined preparedness continously. The main reason for the recruitment situation is the demographic conditions, which is linked to the fact that 200 of Sweden's 290 municipalities meet the European commission’s definition of rural areas. What is most alarming is that it directly affects municipalities' abilities to maintain preparedness. There is an opportunity to improve and strengthen the situation through various kinds of improvement actions and/or a combination of these. There is no clear solution to the problem. As conditions are different in most municipalities, it is also difficult to provide a simple and general way for how to proceed. What is clear is that it is up to our politicians and the state to try to support the emergency services in a different way than today, alternatively, investing in rural areas. The goal should be to lead Sweden to become a leading country at the forefront of developing, promoting and supporting rural areas.
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Stresové faktory a syndrom vyhoření u příslušníků Hasičského záchranného sboru České republiky / Stress factors and burnout among members of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech RepublicMÁSILKOVÁ, Monika January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the stress factors and burnout, particularly in ambulance firefighters. In the theoretical section provides basic information on the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, the specifics of their work and are also given information regarding stress, posttraumatic stress disorder , burnout and psychological services to the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. This is complemented by the findings of other states. The practical part is focused on the processing and evaluation of a questionnaire survey to map the most important factors of stress and burnout among staff of the Fire Rescue Corps of the Karlovy Vary Region and the Central Region.
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Působení prostředků individuální ochrany na příslušníky HZS hl. m. Prahy v různých zátěžových situacích / Effect of individual protestion to members of the Fire and Rescue Service of Prague in different stress situations.NÁVRATOVÁ, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
Social and economical development of human society, in this case on the example of Czech republic, logicaly leads to improvement and invention of new individual protection instruments. Maximum protection in proportion to the lowest mobility limitation is the purpose. Diploma thesis explains, firstly, the basic concepts to make clear, what the issue concerns and getting better understanding for people.. It also deals with clothing comfort for firefighters. Clothing comfort can be divided into four groups and as the complex of essential for proper performance and convenience of trespassing firefighter. It is a condition where the optimal physiological functions of the body and neither clothing nor the environment does not create discomfort. Next section of diploma thesis describes the personal protective equipment to protect life and health trespassing firefighter and thereby increase its work in various special occurrences. Each unit of firefighters should be equipped with personal protection equipments, and instructed on how their use it, maintenance and periodic inspection. Another section of the theoretical part is devoted to the means of individual protection, which also protects the body of firefighter and his respiratory system. There are the types of breathing apparatus and a description of the knowledge that a firefighter must have to use the breathing apparatus to be optimized in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and do not endanger the life of the user. Term minute ventilation is there also explained. Each person has a unique minute ventilation, which is very individual and depends on the work performed. Next point is the kinds of chemical protection suits, which are used during interventions, where the environment is contaminated with hazardous substances. The work of firefighters affects also negative effects. This issue is discussed in the next chapter, which describes the negative effects caused by the occurrence itself and the negative effects caused by climatic conditions at the location. The particular hierarchy of the fire brigade described in the next section, that deals with the General Directorate of Fire Rescue, the Fire Corps Rescue of country and fire protection units and their categories. The types of hazardous substances under the Chemicals Act and in accordance with the Order of chemical services are the last point of the theoretical part. The experiment is described and evaluated in practical part of diploma thesis which was attended by seven firefighters from the firefighter station Petřiny. Firefighters had to gradually undergo a prescribed route, they passed each time using a different suit. In order to avoid skewing the results, the firefighters between attempts to allow sufficient time for stale and soothe the body. They were obtained evaluation parameters in this way that were in the part of result processed and evaluated for total and average air consumption. The values, that were obtained, were subsequently processed into tables and graphs and the results were solved by using comparison and statistical methods. Conclusion of the work is devoted to the evaluation of the optimal protection of the firefighters, proposing measures for improvement and verification of the hypothesis that the performance of member of Prague rescue service is limited by individual protective means in extreme climatic conditions and load performance.
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Posouzení možnosti zařazení Jednotky sboru dobrovolných hasičů obce Zalužany do kategorie II jednotky požární ochrany. / Assessment of the possibility to indude volunteer firebrigade unit of the Zalužany community in category II fire protection units.HASSMANN, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a possibility to classify SDH unit of Zalužany village into the JPO II category. The whole thesis can be divided into several parts. The first part is a theoretical one, which introduces the terms linked to this issue. In this part, I have described the Emergency service in the Czech Republic, its basic and side bodies as well as its functioning in other countries, especially in Slovakia. The thesis aims to focus on Fire department of the Czech Republic, its organisation and functioning in case of emergency. A very important part of the chapter aims to analyse the Volunteer Fire department unit of the village as the Civil Emergency preparedness unit. I have explained their organization and functioning and classified them into Fire department. In a separate sub-chapter, I have analysed all possibilities to finance the local units of Volunteer Fire department. I have focused especially on the amendment of insurance industry which secures financing of the fire-fighters intervening in traffic accidents. Referring to a statistical almanac, I have presented the outline of the JPO unit employment and focused on Central Bohemia, Příbram and Zalužany village. I have also presented the village Zalužany, its historical development and the most valuable historical part- the castle of Zalužany. I have mentioned all important data concerning the village. In the same part, I am going to carry out a geographical analysis of the village and its surrounding and analyse al well its infrastructure. I have also made a list of the most important pieces of information from the local Fire rules. While working on the thesis which is based on collecting and sorting data, I have mainly used a factographic-analytical method. It was also crucial to discuss the issue with professionals, especially with teachers of South-Bohemian University who have given me a lot of advice and interesting comments. I have collected the data in a qualitative way, got through individual valid laws, regulations, decrees, literary sources and information on web pages, mainly those of Fire department, the Ministry of the Interior and village Zalužany. The second part of the thesis is the most important one. In fact, there are all results I have found out. In a separate chapter, I have presented the methods of the research. It was aimed to find out a complete state of JSDH of the village with a possibility to classify the department into the Fire department category. For this part of the thesis, it was necessary to interview the members of JSDH department and discuss on the issue with the workers, the mayor of the village of Zalužany, the regional Fire department in Příbram and with teachers of the South-Bohemian University in České Budějovice who were glad to give me useful advice and comments. In a separate chapter of the thesis, I have aimed to analyse the JSDH of the village. I have analysed and evaluated the membership, the technical equipment and other devices. I have estimated whether the department disposes of a sufficient number of members, whether the members are qualified enough in order to get classified the unit into JPO II category. To get a complete information about the state of JSDH of the village Zalužany, I have elaborated a SWOT analysis. The analysis focuses on positive and negative aspects of the internal setting of the unit as well as possible danger and circumstances which reveal external settings of the unit. The analysis some defects and ends up by coming up with some proposed measures which can lead to the improvement. In other parts of the chapter, I have counted a real distance of the spot arrival in the first grade of the intervention for the JSDH unit of the village Zalužany and the distance which would meet the criteria to get into the JPO II category.
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Preventivně výchovná činnost v rámci Sboru dobrovolných hasičů Kašperské Hory / Preventive educational activities within Volunteer fire brigade in Kašperské HotyHAVLOVÁ TYMICHOVÁ, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
Knowledge of the population to ensure its own security and in areas of population protection and fire protection are the basis of a secure society. For this reason, the implementation of preventive educational activities is one of the tasks of entities active in the field of population protection and fire protection. The diploma thesis focuses on the preventive educational activity realized within individual volunteer fire brigades. Population education and prevention themselves are not, by reason of the great demands on the knowledge and abilities of members, areas that volunteer firefighters would actively pursue. The aim of the thesis is to make preventive educational activities more attractive and to facilitate their implementation, for example by organizing a entertaining educational event for the public. That could be a demonstration of the VFB itself or demonstration of other rescue teams for the public which would contribute to increasing the knowledge of the population in the areas of safety. The fulfillment of the goal of the thesis was accomplished by own realization of a fun learning day and incorporating knowledge from the organizational process, including the planning, preparation and implementation period into the methodological manual, which become a guide for members of voluntary fire brigades, how to organize a preventive educational event. This methodical guide is the main output of the work. The actual realization of the event was preceded by investigation of the legal regulations and other available documents and materials, including an analysis of the historical development of education in the field of population protection. These were then compared with my own knowledge and acquired experience within the event organization, evaluation and advices from those who are engaged in preventive educational activities.
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Požární ochrana v obci se zaměřením na ekonomické zabezpečení a materiální vybavení jednotek požární ochrany v Jihočeském kraji / Municipality fire protection with a view to economic assurance and material equipment of fire brigade units in the South Bohemian RegionFRÜHAUFOVÁ, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
An important municipality tool for performing the rescue actions and for removing the disas-ter consequences, as well as, performing the population protection tasks, is a local voluntary fire brigade established and operated by a municipality in accordance with the Fire Protection Act. Municipal expenses designed for operation of these units include the region{\crq}s subsidies, investment and non-investment subsidies of the state and regional budget and municipality funding. This dissertation is aimed to compare the costs incurred by South Bohemian Region municipalities within their own competence to ensure the readiness for action of fire brigades in order to cover the regional fire protection territory in accordance with applicable legisla-tion. The thesis describes legal aspects of establishing the voluntary fire brigades, character-izes individual unit categories, providing details of their principal tasks. It also briefly com-ments on the budget-related rules for territorial regional administrative units and their budget structure, deals with the internal unit organization and informs on how the readiness for action is ensured. It presents results of the questionnaire survey and makes an analysis of the fire protection costs in 2006 and 2007 and of budgeted costs for 2008. The comparison with re-sults of another author dissertation and statistical yearbooks is also provided. The results, re-commendations and legal deficiencies are included at the end of the thesis.
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Logistika a logistická podpora v krizovém řízení a ochraně obyvatelstva / Logistics and logistics support in crisis management and citizen protectionHOLEJŠOVSKÝ, Jan January 2010 (has links)
ABSTRAKT LOGISTICS AND LOGISTICS SUPPORT IN CRISIS MANAGEMENT AND CITIZEN PROTECTION The graduation thesis on topic ``Logistics and logistics support in crisis management and citizen protection" is divided into several chapters, which in summary are a material presenting information about logistics and logistics support in crisis management and citizen protection. This was one of the aims at this work. Chapters I., II., III., IV. describe logistics and logistics support, crisis management, citizen protection and integrated rescue system. Chapter V. describes basic legislation connected with crisis management and citizen protection. Chapter VI. deals with logistics and logistics support in crisis management and citizen protection and presents information on the Institute of Citizen Protection, the Logistics base in Olomouc, the Administration of Government Material Reserves and the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic. An analysed anonymous questionnaire is a part of the graduation thesis as well. Its aim was to find out the level of logistics and logistics support in the Police of the Czech Republic. The assessment of the research showed deficiencies in the logistics and logistics support of the Czech Police. The following hypothesis was determined in connection with the graduation thesis: 1. Logistics and logistics support in crisis management and citizen protection are on a good level. This hypothesis was confirmed.
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Syndrom vyhoření u příslušníků Hasičského záchranného sboru České republiky / The Burnout syndrome among members of the Fire Brigade of the Czech RepublicTvrdková, Denisa January 2013 (has links)
This theoretical-empirical thesis discusses an issue of burnout among members of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech republic. The focus of theoretical part is given to the burnout syndrome, it's definition, risk factors, possible causes, it's gradual phases and diagnostic and measuring methods of the burnout syndrome. Further, the theses deals with possibilities of treatment of a burnout and preventive actions that could be taken on both sites of each employee and the organization. This is followed by a closer acquaintance of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech republic, it's history, mission and basic competences. Afterwards, a profession of professional firefighter is described. Possible causes and preventive measures against the burnout syndrome at the Fire Brigade are examined. In the empirical part of this thesis the burnout syndrome among members of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech republic is investigated through questionnaires and personal interviews. At this point the thesis focuses on outbound firefighters and operational technicians with the aim to detect possible differences in incidences between those two groups and possible causes of the burnout syndrome among them. Further the aim is to assess the efficiency of the Psychological Services of the Fire Brigade and its preventive measures taken against work-related stress and burnout.
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Návrh zlepšení mobilních aplikací pro HZS ČR / Proposals for improving mobile applications for the Fire Brigade of the Czech RepublicŠímová, Marie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the improvement of mobile applications for the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic. The theoretical part focuses on the importance of information that is necessary for the successful completion of an emergency situation. This section also includes a description of the activities of the regional operations centers and information system used by firefighters. The theoretical part is closed by the description of the process of the elaboration of an emergency situation. One of the aims of the practical part was to carry out the analysis of mobile applications used on the terminal equipment of the tablet in the Czech Republic and in neighbouring countries. Another goal was to design improvements in the form of new mobile applications that Fire Brigade in the Czech Republic could develop. Besides there were proposed recommended mobile application for the tablets considering the selected roles of firefighters.
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