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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conservadorismo incondicional nas companhias abertas brasileiras e o contexto da neutralidade tributária / Unconditional conservatism in Brazilian public companies and tax neutrality context

Sanches, Juliana Pinhata 08 October 2015 (has links)
Normas contábeis e normas fiscais desempenham um papel fundamental dentre os determinantes da qualidade da informação contábil. A Lei nº 11.638, de 2007, legitimou o processo de adoção das Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade (IFRS) no Brasil e introduziu um regime contábil desvinculado da finalidade tributária no país. Dentre os objetivos da referida Lei, estão a redução da influência da legislação fiscal nas normas contábeis e a melhora da qualidade do reporte financeiro, uma vez que as IFRS são consideradas normas de qualidade superior. A literatura internacional apresenta evidências de redução no poder informativo dos lucros em ambientes nos quais normas contábeis e tributárias estão fortemente vinculadas. Ademais, a influência da legislação fiscal sobre a contabilidade financeira é apontada como um incentivo ao conservadorismo incondicional, um viés que não apresenta vantagens à eficiência contratual nos mercados financeiros por não atribuir informação nova ao investidor. Nesse sentido, espera-se que a neutralidade tributária, instituída a partir da Lei nº 11.638/07, proporcione ao Brasil um ambiente institucional mais adequado ao reporte financeiro de qualidade, ao desvincular a contabilidade financeira da contabilidade fiscal. Diante do exposto, a presente pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar se o advento da neutralidade tributária influencia o conservadorismo incondicional nas companhias de capital aberto no Brasil. A metodologia utilizada envolve regressões para dados em painel. A amostra é composta por companhias abertas brasileiras com informações divulgadas na base de dados Economática® no período de 2002 a 2014. Os resultados evidenciam diferenças na relação entre tributação e reporte financeiro entre firmas sujeitas a diferentes níveis de pressão no mercado acionário brasileiro. São encontrados indícios de conservadorismo incondicional em empresas sujeitas a maior pressão do mercado acionário, apenas. Nesse mesmo grupo, observa-se que a tributação não induz o conservadorismo incondicional nos lucros divulgados, o que é esperado num contexto de neutralidade tributária. / Accounting standards and tax rules play a key role between determinants of accounting information´s quality. Law No. 11.638/2007 legitimized the adoption process of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Brazil, introducing a decoupled system of tax accounting purposes in the country. The main objectives of Law No. 11.638/2007are to improve financial reporting´s quality and reduce the influence of tax law on accounting standards. International literature shows evidence of lower earnings quality in environments where accounting rules and tax rules are closely linked. Furthermore, the influence of tax legislation on financial accounting is an incentive to unconditional conservatism, pointed as an accounting bias that does not give new information to investors and no advantage to contractual efficiency in financial markets. In this sense, it is expected that tax neutrality to provide an enabling Brazil to improved financial reporting institutional environment, reduction unconditional conservatism in reported earnings. Given the above, this research aims to investigate whether fiscal neutrality influences unconditional conservatism in public companies in Brazil.The methodology involves regressions for panel data. The sample is composed by Brazilian companies with disclosures on the basis of Economática® database in the period 2002-2014. The results show differences in the relationship between taxation and financial reporting among firms subject to different pressure levels in the Brazilian stock market. Unconditional conservatism is found in companies subject to greater pressure from the stock market only. In this same group, it is observed that taxation does not induce unconditional conservatism in reported profits, which is expected in a tax neutrality context.

Conservadorismo incondicional nas companhias abertas brasileiras e o contexto da neutralidade tributária / Unconditional conservatism in Brazilian public companies and tax neutrality context

Juliana Pinhata Sanches 08 October 2015 (has links)
Normas contábeis e normas fiscais desempenham um papel fundamental dentre os determinantes da qualidade da informação contábil. A Lei nº 11.638, de 2007, legitimou o processo de adoção das Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade (IFRS) no Brasil e introduziu um regime contábil desvinculado da finalidade tributária no país. Dentre os objetivos da referida Lei, estão a redução da influência da legislação fiscal nas normas contábeis e a melhora da qualidade do reporte financeiro, uma vez que as IFRS são consideradas normas de qualidade superior. A literatura internacional apresenta evidências de redução no poder informativo dos lucros em ambientes nos quais normas contábeis e tributárias estão fortemente vinculadas. Ademais, a influência da legislação fiscal sobre a contabilidade financeira é apontada como um incentivo ao conservadorismo incondicional, um viés que não apresenta vantagens à eficiência contratual nos mercados financeiros por não atribuir informação nova ao investidor. Nesse sentido, espera-se que a neutralidade tributária, instituída a partir da Lei nº 11.638/07, proporcione ao Brasil um ambiente institucional mais adequado ao reporte financeiro de qualidade, ao desvincular a contabilidade financeira da contabilidade fiscal. Diante do exposto, a presente pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar se o advento da neutralidade tributária influencia o conservadorismo incondicional nas companhias de capital aberto no Brasil. A metodologia utilizada envolve regressões para dados em painel. A amostra é composta por companhias abertas brasileiras com informações divulgadas na base de dados Economática® no período de 2002 a 2014. Os resultados evidenciam diferenças na relação entre tributação e reporte financeiro entre firmas sujeitas a diferentes níveis de pressão no mercado acionário brasileiro. São encontrados indícios de conservadorismo incondicional em empresas sujeitas a maior pressão do mercado acionário, apenas. Nesse mesmo grupo, observa-se que a tributação não induz o conservadorismo incondicional nos lucros divulgados, o que é esperado num contexto de neutralidade tributária. / Accounting standards and tax rules play a key role between determinants of accounting information´s quality. Law No. 11.638/2007 legitimized the adoption process of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Brazil, introducing a decoupled system of tax accounting purposes in the country. The main objectives of Law No. 11.638/2007are to improve financial reporting´s quality and reduce the influence of tax law on accounting standards. International literature shows evidence of lower earnings quality in environments where accounting rules and tax rules are closely linked. Furthermore, the influence of tax legislation on financial accounting is an incentive to unconditional conservatism, pointed as an accounting bias that does not give new information to investors and no advantage to contractual efficiency in financial markets. In this sense, it is expected that tax neutrality to provide an enabling Brazil to improved financial reporting institutional environment, reduction unconditional conservatism in reported earnings. Given the above, this research aims to investigate whether fiscal neutrality influences unconditional conservatism in public companies in Brazil.The methodology involves regressions for panel data. The sample is composed by Brazilian companies with disclosures on the basis of Economática® database in the period 2002-2014. The results show differences in the relationship between taxation and financial reporting among firms subject to different pressure levels in the Brazilian stock market. Unconditional conservatism is found in companies subject to greater pressure from the stock market only. In this same group, it is observed that taxation does not induce unconditional conservatism in reported profits, which is expected in a tax neutrality context.

Kvittningsrätten inom fållan : En analys av reglernas förenlighet med den skatterättsliga neutralitetsprincipen / Set-off right within the fold : An analysis of the rules compatibility with the principle of fiscal neutrality

Andersson, Martin, Malm, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
Den 1 juli 2013 meddelade Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen (HFD) beslut i ett mål gällande kvittningsrätten för kapitalvinster och kapitalförluster på delägarrätter. Frågan som be-handlades i målet var om aktiebolaget hade rätt att kvitta sina kapitalförluster mot kapital-vinsterna som uppkommit i den utländska delägarbeskattade juridiska personen. HFD beslutade att neka aktiebolaget möjligheten till kvittning på grund av att lagstöd saknades. Denna bedömning väcker frågor, då aktiebolag som väljer att placera delägarrätter i del-ägarbeskattade juridiska personer får en mindre utsträckt kvittningsrätt vid jämförelse om delägarrätterna hade placerats direkt i aktiebolaget. Vid närmare granskning av kvittnings-möjligheterna kan det konstateras att även kvittningsrätten för kapitalförluster (inte bara kapitalvinster) på delägarrätter i delägarbeskattade juridiska personer är begränsade, vid jämförelse om motsvarande kapitalförluster hade uppkommit direkt i aktiebolaget. Be-gränsningarna för kapitalförlusterna på delägarrätter i delägarbeskattade juridiska perso-ner innebär att kapitalförlusten ska kvoteras till 70 % innan kvittning kan ske, vilket inte är ett krav om kapitalförlusten hade uppkommit direkt i aktiebolaget. Vidare finns varken en sparanderegel eller en koncernkvittningsregel att tillgå i 48 kap. 27 § IL, vilket finns om kapitalförlusten hade uppkommit direkt i aktiebolaget enligt 48 kap. 26 § IL. Frågan som uppkommer är hur dessa begränsningar står i förhållande till den skatterätts-liga neutralitetsprincipen, där den skattskyldiges val ska styras i minsta möjliga utsträck-ning av skattesystemet. Avsteg från denna princip kan göras i syfte att motverka oönskad skatteplanering. Av en samlad bedömning anser skribenterna att samtliga begränsningar av kvittningsrätten för delägarrätter ägda via delägarbeskattade juridiska personer är oför-enliga med neutralitetsprincipen. Detta grundar skribenterna på att aktiebolag som väljer att placera delägarrätter via delägarbeskattade juridiska personer missgynnas ur ett skatte-mässigt perspektiv, vid jämförelse om delägarrätterna hade placerats direkt i aktiebolaget. iii En av de motiveringar som har anförts av lagstiftaren har varit att motverka oönskad skatteplanering. Denna motivering anser skribenterna inte vara hållbar för att rättfärdiga dessa begränsningar. Reglerna borde därmed ändras så att kvittningsmöjligheten på delä-garrätter ägda via delägarbeskattade juridiska personer blir lika omfattande som om delä-garrätterna hade ägts direkt av aktiebolaget. Den framtida existensen av kvittningsrätten på delägarrätter har diskuterats av lagstiftaren och det återstår att se ifall den kommer att avskaffas eller inte. / July 1, 2013, the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) announced a decision in a case concerning the right to set off of capital gains and losses on securities. The question that was raised in the case was whether the Swedish company had the right to set off their capital losses against capital gains arisen in the foreign part-owner taxable legal person. SAC decided to deny the company the right to set off due to lack of legal support. This decision raises questions, because companies that chooses to place securities in part-owner taxable legal persons gets less extended rights to set off, in comparison to if the securities had been placed directly in the Swedish company. By a closer examination of the possibilities to set off, it can be concluded that the right to set off of capital losses (not just capital gains) on securities in part-owner taxable legal persons are limited, in comparison to if the corresponding capital losses incurred directly in the Swedish com-pany. The limitations of capital losses on securities in part-owner taxable legal persons means that the capital losses should be subject to a quota of 70 % before set off can occur, which is not a requirement when capital losses incurred directly in the Swedish company. Furthermore, there is neither a carry forward rule nor an intra-group set off rule in Chap-ter 48. 27 § Swedish Income Tax Act (SITA), which exists if the capital losses incurred directly in the company according to Chapter 48. 26 § SITA. The question that arises is how these limitations stand in relation to the principle of neutrality where the taxpayer's choices should be controlled as little as possible by the legal tax system. Derogations from this principle can be made in order to coun-teract undesirable tax planning. By an overall assessment the writers consider that all limitations to set off of secu-rities owned via part-owner taxable legal persons are incompatible with the principle v of neutrality. The reason for this opinion is that a company who chooses to place securities via part-owner taxable legal persons is affected adversely from a tax per-spective in comparison to if the securities were owned directly by the Swedish com-pany itself. According to the writers, there is no sustainable justification for these limitations. The rules should therefore be amended so that the set off possibilities on securities owned via part-owner taxable legal persons should be as extensive as if the securities were owned directly by the Swedish company. The future existence of the set-off right on securities has been discussed by the legislature and the future will tell if it will be abolished or not.

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