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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of geometric properties of media particles for floating media filter

Brika, Bashir 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Process Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In a floating medium filter, polymeric beads with a density less than that of water form a floating bed which removes suspended material. Polyolefinic beads (polypropylene and polyethylene) are commonly used as filter media in this application. The geometric properties of the beads, and to a lesser extent the surface properties, strongly influence the performance of the filter. In the case of water treatment, the primary performance requirement is the production of a filtrate with turbidity ≤ 1.0 NTU. The influence of geometric properties on the performance of existing upflow filtration systems has not been extensively researched. The aim of this thesis was therefore to investigate the effects of floating medium granule size and shape on the performance of the floating medium filter (FMF). Towards this goal a pilot plant consisting of a dosing and flocculation unit and a clear PVC column with an inner diameter of 0.3 m and height of 2.8 m was designed and constructed, allowing the effect of media type, bed depth and filtration conditions to be investigated. Artificial feed water for use during the experimental work was made up by dissolving 250 mg/L of bentonite in tap water (≈ 60 NTU). Four median grain sizes (d50 = 2.28, 3.03, 3.30, and 4.07 mm) of polypropylene plastic granules were used. Two media shapes (cubic and disc) were evaluated. The effect of filtration rising velocity, medium depth, and coagulant chemical dosage were investigated using a complete 23 full factorial experimental design. Filter performance was evaluated in terms of filtrate turbidity and headloss development. The direction of filtration was upward in all the experiments. It was found that optimal conditions for turbidity removal were low filtration rate (36.8 L/m2· min), longer media depth (0.6 m) and optimum coagulant dose (23 mg/L). At these conditions the best medium was the one with d50 = 2.28 mm, for which a minimum turbidity of 0.4 NTU was achieved, and which was able to provide 624 L of filtrate of ˂ 1.0 NTU using a bed of 0.014 m3. For this medium headloss was 109 mm H2O at breakthrough, while the other three media showed a headloss of 42 mm H2O at breakthrough. Visual observation indicated that removal of solids took place primarily in the first 0.3 m of the floating bed in the case of the smallest medium, but that solids removal took place over the full depth of the bed for the other three media. It was found that bed depth had the strongest influence on performance for a given medium type. Experimental observation showed that coagulant dosage played an important role in floc size. A higher coagulant dosage (23 mg/L) resulted in a larger floc size which gave better performance. A lower velocity gradient was favourable for the formation of larger flocs. Some effect of media shape was noted, although it appeared that media size was dominant. It is concluded that FMF show promise for application in the water treatment. FMF, however, can be applied successfully as pre-filtration unit for treatment of high turbid water. Proper medium selection in conjunction with operating conditions can enhance performance of the filter. Smaller medium would give better turbidity removal but high headloss development and more frequent backwashing becomes necessary than with larger medium. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In ʼn dryfmediumfilter vorm polimeriese korrels met ʼn laer digtheid as dié van water ʼn dryfbedding wat swewende materiaal verwyder. Poli-olefiniese korrels (polipropileen en poliëtileen) word algemeen in hierdie toepassing as filtermedia aangewend. Die geometriese kenmerke, en in ʼn mindere mate die oppervlakkenmerke, van die korrels het ʼn groot invloed op die funksionering van die filter. In geval van waterbehandeling is die hooffunksioneringsvereiste die produksie van ʼn filtraat met ʼn troebelheid van ≤ 1.0 NTU (“nephelometric turbidity units”). Die invloed van die geometriese kenmerke van filtermedia op die funksionering van bestaande stroomop-filtreerstelsels is nog nie omvattend nagevors nie. Die doel van hierdie tesis is dus om ondersoek in te stel na die uitwerking van die korrelgrootte en -vorm van ʼn dryfmedium op die funksionering van die dryfmediumfilter (DMF). Hiervoor is ʼn proefaanleg met ʼn doseer- en uitvlokkingseenheid sowel as ʼn deursigtige pilaar van polivinielchloried (PVC) met ʼn binnedeursnee van 0.3 m en ʼn hoogte van 2.8 m ontwerp en gebou, met behulp waarvan verskillende mediumtipes, beddingdieptes en filtreeromstandighede ondersoek kon word. ʼn Kunsmatige watertoevoer vir die proefneming is vervaardig deur 250 mg/L bentoniet in kraanwater op te los (≈ 60 NTU). Polipropileenplastiekkorrels met vier verskillende deursneë (d50 = 2.28; 3.03; 3.30 en 4.07 mm) is gebruik, en twee mediumvorms (kubus- en skyfvormig) is beoordeel. Die uitwerking van filtrasiestygsnelheid, mediumdiepte en die dosis koaguleermiddel is met behulp van ʼn volledige 23-faktoriaalontwerp ondersoek. Filterfunksionering is aan die hand van filtraattroebelheid en verlies aan drukhoogte beoordeel. Alle proefnemings is teen ʼn opwaartse filtrasierigting uitgevoer. Daar is bevind dat die beste omstandighede vir die verwydering van troebelheid ʼn lae filtrasiekoers (36.8 L/m2 per minuut), ʼn groter mediumdiepte (0.6 m) en ʼn optimale dosis koaguleermiddel (23 mg/L) is. In hierdie omstandighede was die beste medium die een met ʼn d50 van 2.28 mm, waarvoor ʼn minimum troebelheid van 0.4 NTU verkry is, en wat 624 L filtraat van 1.0 NTU met behulp van ʼn bedding van 0.014 m3 kon lewer. By deurbraak het hierdie medium egter ʼn drukhoogteverlies van 109 mm H2O getoon, teenoor die ander drie media se 42 mm H2O op dieselfde punt. Visuele waarneming dui daarop dat, met die kleinste medium, vaste stowwe hoofsaaklik oor die eerste 0.3 m van die dryfbedding verwyder is, teenoor die volle diepte van die bedding vir die ander drie media. Beddingdiepte blyk dus die grootste invloed te hê op funksionering wat enige bepaalde mediumtipe betref. Proefwaarneming toon dat die dosis koaguleermiddel ʼn belangrike rol in vlokgrootte speel. ʼn Hoër dosis koaguleermiddel (23 mg/L) het ʼn groter vlokgrootte en dus beter funksionering tot gevolg. ʼn Laer stygsnelheid blyk ook die beste te wees vir die vorming van groter vlokke. Hoewel mediumvorm oënskynlik ʼn mate van ʼn rol speel, is mediumgrootte eerder die dominante faktor. Volgens die studie blyk DMF belowend vir aanwending in waterbehandeling te wees, veral as voorfiltreereenheid vir die behandeling van baie troebel water. Behoorlike mediumkeuse saam met die regte bedryfsomstandighede kan die funksionering van die filter verder verbeter. Kleiner media sal troebelheid beter verwyder, maar het ʼn groot verlies aan drukhoogte tot gevolg, en sal dus meer gereelde terugspoeling as groter media verg.

Functional characterisation of Mss11p, a transcriptional regulator of pseudohyphal development, starch degradation and flocculation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Bester, Michael C. (Michael Christiaan) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is able to sense and respond to changes in its immediate environment. Information regarding the nutritional status of the extracellular environment is sensed by membrane receptor systems and relayed through signalling pathways to the nuclear interior, affecting the transcription of specific genes., Transcription factors, which function downstream of these signal transduction pathways, have to be transported into the nucleus after synthesis in the cytoplasm in order to regulate transcriptional events. Transport into the nucleus occurs in a tightly regulated manner at the nuclear pore complex, which is located in the nuclear membrane, and requires the recognition of transport signal sequences, which are present in the proteins that are to be transported. Signalling pathways control the nuclear accessibility of transcriptional regulators by modifying their respective signal sequences. In response to a limited availability of carbon or nitrogen, cells are able to change their morphology from a unicellular ovoid form to elongated cells attached to each other. This morphological change is associated with daughter cells that remain attached to their respective mother cells following unipolar budding, thus forming filamentous structures referred to as pseudohyphae. The regulation of the development of pseudohyphae is correlated with other physiological processes, such as starch degradation and the invasion of agar-containing media. Mss11p performs a central role in the regulation of the genes required for these processes and it has been shown to specifically regulate the expression of FL011, which encodes a cell surface protein critical for pseudohyphal development, and STA2, which encodes an extracellular glucoamylase functioning in the degradation of starch. The aim of this study was to characterise the functioning of Mss11p. Overexpression analysis indicates that Mss11p functions as an inducer of invasive growth, cell elongation and flocculation. Furthermore, MSS11 deletion improves biomass formation and suppresses the growth defect of yeast from a L:1278b genetic background transformed with the RAS2val19 allele on non-fermentable carbon sources. Biochemical analysis shows that Mss11p is a nuclear protein of approximately 97 kDa in apparent size that is maintained at relatively low levels in yeast. Finally, the data suggest a model in which Mss11p functions as a mediator of the transcriptional regulation of various genes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gis Saccharomyces cerevisiae is in staat om veranderinge in sy onmiddelike omgewing waar te neem en daarop te reageer. Inligting betreffende die beskikbaarheid van voedingstowwe in die omgewing word vanaf membraan reseptorsisteme deur middel van seintransduksiekaskades na die nukleus herlei, waar die transkripsie van spesifieke gene beïnvloed word. Transkripsie faktore wat stroom af van hierdie seintransduksie funksioneer, moet na die nukleus vervoer word na vervaardiging in die sitoplasma, om sodoende transkripsionele gebeurtenisse te reguleer. Die vervoer van faktore na die binnekant van die nukleus vind onder streng regulering plaas by die nukleêre porie kompleks, wat in die nukleêre membraan gesitueer is. Vervoer vind plaas deur middel van die herkenning van nukleêre lokaliseringsekwense wat in die proteïene wat vervoer word, teenwoordig is. Seintransduksiekaskades beheer die beskikbaarheid van proteïene tot die nukleus deur hulonderskeidelike nukleêre lokaliseringsekwense te modifiseer. Selle is in staat om hul morfologie te verander van 'n eensellige eliptiese vorm tot verlengde selle wat aan mekaar geheg bly in reaksie op die beperkende beskikbaarheid van koolstof of stikstof bronne. Hierdie morfologiese verandering word geassosieer met dogterselle wat ná monopolêre botselvorming aan hul moederselle geheg bly, en dus filamentagtige strukture vorm wat pseudohifes genoem word. Die regulering van die ontwikkeling van pseudohifes word gekorreleer met ander fisiologiese prosesse, soos styselafbraak en die penetrerende groei van selle op agar-bevattende media. Mss11p vervul 'n sentrale rol in die regulering van gene wat vir hierdie prosesse benodig word en reguleer die uitdrukking van FL011, wat kodeer vir 'n selwandproteïen wat krities is vir die ontwikkeling van pseudohifes, en STA2, wat kodeer vir 'n ekstrasellulêre glukoamilase wat vir die afbraak van stysel benodig word. Die doel van hierdie studie was om Mss11p-funksie te karakteriseer. Deur middel van oorproduksie is Mss11p as die induseerder van penetrerende groei, selverlenging en flokkulasie geïdentifiseer. Verder is bevind dat MSS11-delesie lei tot verhoogde biomassa formasie, en dat dieselfde delesie lei tot 'n oorkoming van 'n groeidefek van gis van die 2:1278b genetiese agtergrond wat met die RAS2val19aleel op nie-fermenteerbare koolstofbronne getransformeer is. Biochemiese analise dui daarop dat Mss11p 'n nukluêre proteïen is van ongeveer 97 kDa in oënskynlike grootte, wat teen lae vlakke in gis onderhou word. Die data stel 'n model voor waarin Mss11p as bemiddelaar optree vir die transkripsionele regulering van verskeie gene.

Dimensionally confined semiconductors

Nayak, Rekha R. January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Ethanol production from lignocellulose using high local cell density yeast cultures. Investigations of flocculating and encapsulated Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Westman, Johan January 2014 (has links)
Efforts are made to change from 1st to 2nd generation bioethanol production, using lignocellulosics as raw materials rather than using raw materials that alternatively can be used as food sources. An issue with lignocellulosics is that a harsh pretreatment step is required in the process of converting them into fermentable sugars. In this step, inhibitory compounds such as furan aldehydes and carboxylic acids are formed, leading to suboptimal fermentation rates. Another issue is that lignocellulosics may contain a large portion of pentoses, which cannot be fermented simultaneously with glucose by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this thesis, high local cell density has been investigated as a means of overcoming these two issues. Encapsulation of yeast in semi-permeable alginate-chitosan capsules increased the tolerance towards furan aldehydes, but not towards carboxylic acids. The selective tolerance can be explained by differences in the concentration of compounds radially through the cell pellet inside the capsule. For inhibitors, gradients will only be formed if the compounds are readily convertible, like the furan aldehydes. Conversion of inhibitors by cells close to the membrane leads to decreased concentrations radially through the cell pellet. Thus, cells closer to the core experience subinhibitory levels of inhibitors and can ferment sugars. Carbohydrate gradients also give rise to nutrient limitations, which in turn trigger a stress response in the yeast, as was observed on mRNA and protein level. The stress response is believed to increase the robustness of the yeast and lead to improved tolerance towards additional stress. Glucose and xylose co-consumption by a recombinant strain, CEN.PK XXX, was also improved by encapsulation. Differences in affinity of the sugar transporters normally result in that glucose is taken up preferentially to xylose. However, when encapsulated, cells in different parts of the capsule experienced high and low glucose concentrations simultaneously. Xylose and glucose could thus be taken up concurrently. This improved the co-utilisation of the sugars by the system and led to 50% higher xylose consumption and 15% higher final ethanol titres. A protective effect by the capsule membrane itself could not be shown. Hence, the interest in flocculation was triggered, as a more convenient way to keep the cells together. To investigate whether flocculation increases the tolerance, like encapsulation, recombinant flocculating yeast strains were constructed and compared with the non-flocculating parental strain. Experiments showed that strong flocculation did not increase the tolerance towards carboxylic acids. However, the tolerance towards a spruce hydrolysate and especially against furfural was indeed increased. The results of this thesis show that high local cell density yeast cultures have the potential to aid against two of the major problems for 2nd generation bioethanol production: inhibitors and simultaneous hexose and pentose utilisation. / <p>Akademisk avhandling som för avläggande av teknologie doktorsexamen vid Chalmers tekniska högskola försvaras vid offentlig disputation den 19 februari 2014,klockan 13.30 i KA-salen, Kemigården 4, Göteborg.</p>

Prirodni koagulanti iz zrna pasulja (Phaseolus vulgaris) u obradi vode / Natural coagulants from common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in water treatment

Prodanović Jelena 11 March 2015 (has links)
<p>Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se ispita mogućnost dobijanja prirodnih<br />koagulanata iz zrna pasulja koji bi se koristili u obradi različitih voda i otpadnih voda. U okviru izvedenih eksperimenata su utvrđeni najbolji uslovi za ekstrakciju prirodnih koagulanata iz pasulja, određen je hemijski sastav sirovih ekstrakata dobijenih na različite načine, proverena je trajnost i određen način čuvanja sirovih ekstrakata i ispitan uticaj različitih parametara na koagulacionu aktivnost sirovih ekstrakata.<br />S obzirom na to da su prirodni koagulanti organskog porekla, oni povećavaju sadržaj organskih materija u tretiranoj vodi, pa su u okviru rada ispitane i upoređene različite metode preči&scaron;ćavanja sirovog ekstrakta pasulja, a zatim određen uticaj sirovog ekstrakta i preči&scaron;ćenih koagulanata na sadržaj organskih materija u obrađenoj vodi.<br />Kako bi se ispitala efikasnost prirodnih koagulanata iz zrna pasulja u realnim vodama,<br />oni su bili primenjeni u otpadnim vodama od proizvodnje bioetanola. Pored toga, ispitana je mogućnost njihove primene u kombinaciji sa konvencionalnim koagulantima, i na samom kraju je ispitan sastav pasulja koji preostane nakon ekstrakcije prirodnih koagulanata kako bi se utvrdilo da li je pogodan za kori&scaron;ćenje kao<br />dodatak stočnoj hrani.<br />Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se iz zrna pasulja može dobiti ekstrakt visoke koagulacione aktivnosti, koji se dalje može efikasno prečistiti tako da ne povećava sadržaj organskih materija u obrađenoj vodi, već ga naprotiv smanjuje. Takođe, prirodni koagulanti iz pasulja se mogu uspe&scaron;no primeniti za tretman otpadnih voda od proizvodnje bioetanola, mogu biti pomoćni koagulanti aluminijum-sulfatu, a pasulj nakon ekstrakcije prirodnih koagulanata sa destilovanom vodom se može iskoristiti kao<br />dodatak stočnoj hrani.</p> / <p>The aim of this PhD thesis was to investigate the possibility to obtain natural coagulants from common bean which could be used for different waters and wastewaters treatment. The optimal conditions for extraction of natural coagulants from common bean, the chemical composition of crude extracts obtained in different ways and the influence of various parameters on coagulation activity of crude extracts were determined within the performed experiments. The durability of crude extracts was checked and the way of their storage defined.<br />Considering the fact that natural coagulants are of organic origin, they increase the content of organic matter in treated water. Hence, the different methods of purification of common bean crude extract were investigated and compared, and thereafter the influence of crude extract and purified coagulants on organic matter content in treated water was determined.<br />Natural coagulants obtained from common bean were applied in bioethanol stillages in order to explore their efficiency in real waters. Besides, the possibility of their usage combined with conventional coagulants was investigated. At the end, the composition of common bean that remains after extraction of natural coagulants was determined in order to to prove if it was appropriate as addition to feed.<br />Obtained results showed that extract of high coagulation activity can be obtained from common bean. It can be efficiently purified so as not to increase the organic matter content of the water, but on the contrary, to decrease it. Natural coagulants from common bean can be successfully applied for treatment of wastewaters remained after bioethanol production, they can be used as coagulant aid with alum, and the common bean remained after extraction of natural coagulants with distilled water can be utilized as addition to feed.</p>

Optimalizace úpravy vody s dvoustupňovou separací suspenze / Optimization of drinking water treatment with double-stage separation of suspension

Pařík, Radim January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is aimed at the evaluation of the efficiency of surface water treatment technology in water treatment plant U svaté Trojice (Kutná Hora, Vrchlice reservoir). The plant performs destabilisation of impurities by coagulant aluminium sulphate (Al2(SO4)3 . 18 H2O) followed by aggregation induced by mixing with perforated baffles. Suspension is removed by double-stage separation process by means of sedimentation and filtration. When increased concentrations of manganese occur in raw water, manganese is removed by means of oxidation by potassium permanganate. Firstly, the quality of raw water was analysed. Then, the reaction conditions for the effective destabilisation (pH, dose of coagulant) were set using the jar tests. Moreover, sedimentation analysis was used to evaluate the properties of formed suspension and the length of filter cycles was assessed. Measurements were conducted between September 2012 and February 2013. Average value of raw water pH was 7.3, alkalinity was 1.64 mmol/l. DOC concentrations during September and October 2012 were equal to 6.7 mg/l and during November 2012 - February 2013 were 7.6 mg/l. Very low concentrations of aluminium (< 0.02 mg/l) were ascertained throughout the whole period investigated. Results of the jar tests showed that the optimum pH for...

Secondary Clarifier Modeling: A Multi-Process Approach

Griborio, Alonso 08 May 2004 (has links)
The performance of settling tanks depends on several interrelated processes and factors that include: hydrodynamics, settling, turbulence, sludge rheology, flocculation, temperature changes and heat exchange, geometry, loading, the nature of the floc, the atmospheric conditions and the total dissolved solids concentration. A Quasi-3D (Q3D) clarifier model has been developed to include the following factors: axisymmetric hydrodynamics (including the swirl component), five types of settling (nonsettleable particles, unflocculated discrete settling, flocculated discrete settling, hindered settling and compression), turbulence, sludge rheology, flocculation with four classes of particles, temperature changes and surface heat exchange with the atmosphere, various external and internal geometry configurations, unsteady solids and hydraulic loading, the nature of the floc settling/interaction. The model includes: shear flocculation, differential settling flocculation and sweep flocculation. The Q3D model reproduces the major features of the hydrodynamic processes and solids distribution on secondary clarifiers. When the model is executed with the field derived settling characteristics, it can accurately predict the effluent and recirculation suspended solids concentrations. The model has been formulated to conserve fluid, tracer and solids mass. The model has been developed and tested using field data from the UNO Pilot Plant and the Jefferson Parish Waste Water Treatment Plant located at Marrero, Louisiana. A field testing procedure is presented that addressees all of the settling regimes that are encountered in a Secondary Settling Tank. Results obtained with the Q3D model indicate that the flocculation process plays a major role in the effluent suspended solids (ESS) on secondary clarifiers. The extent of actual flocculation depends on the design of the center well and on the concentration of the incoming mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS). The center well promotes flocculation, but its most important benefit is the improvement on the tank hydrodynamics. The changes in temperature on secondary clarifiers play an important role on the performance of secondary settling tanks. The gravity induced radial velocities in the sludge blanket are higher than the radial velocities of the scraper in the region near the hopper, therefore the blades are not highly effective in conveying the solids in this region.

A Simulation of the Mississippi River Salt Wedge Estuary Using a Three-Dimensional Cartesian Z Coordinate Model

Ayres, Steven K 18 December 2015 (has links)
The stratified flow of the lower Mississippi River due to density gradients is a well documented phenomenon. This stratification of fresh and saline water manifests itself as a heavier wedge of saline water that extends upriver and a buoyant fresh water plume extending into the Gulf of Mexico past the Southwest Pass jetties. The maximum absolute distance of saltwater intrusion observed anywhere in the world occurred on the Mississippi River in 1939 and 1940 when saltwater was observed approximately 225 km upstream from the mouth of Southwest Pass. The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers now prevents the wedge from migrating upstream by constructing a subaqueous barrier in the river channel. A curvilinear grid was constructed representative of the modern Mississippi River delta. Boundary conditions were developed for the drought year of 2012 and the grid was tested in order to evaluate the salinity intrusion and sediment transport abilities of the Cartesian Z-coordinate Delft3D code. The Z-model proved to have the ability to propagate the saline density current as observed in the prototype. The effect of salinity on fine sediment transport is evaluated by manipulation of the settling velocity through a cosine function provided in the model code. Manipulation of the fine sediment fall velocity through the cosine function was an effective means to simulate the re-circulation of flocculated sediments in the saline wedge turbidity maxima. In addition, the Z-model capably reproduced the fine sediment concentration profiles in a fully turbulent shear flow environment. With the ability to reproduce the seasonal saline density current and its effect on sedimentation within the turbidity maxima as well as sedimentation characteristics in a fully turbulent shear flow, a model capable of analyzing all of the major processes affecting fine sediment transport within the Mississippi River salt wedge estuary has been developed.

Eficiência de diferentes tipos de coagulantes na coagulação, floculação e sedimentação de água com cor ou turbidez elevada. / Efficiency of different types of coagulants in the coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation of water with high turbidity or color.

Pavanelli, Gerson 23 July 2001 (has links)
A proposta deste trabalho foi utilizar quatro diferentes coagulantes - sulfato de alumínio, cloreto férrico, hidroxicloreto de aluminio e sulfato ferrico; construir os diagramas de coagulação; e assimilar as regiões de maior ou menor eficiência da remoção de turbidez ou da cor. Para permitir uma avaliação de custos na utilização dos coagulantes, observo-se nos diagramas as regiões onde os valores de turbidez remanescente são aproximadamente iguais para diferentes coagulantes. Com essa consideração, foi stabelecida a relação entre consumo e custo dos produtos quimícos utilizados. Os coagulantes que apresentaram particularidades para as águas estudadas foram: o cloreto ferrico que mostrou melhor desempenho para valores de ph baixos; o sulfato ferrico que mostrou-se mais economico; e o hidroxicloreto de aluminio que atua numa grande faixa de ph. Na conclusão dos estudos, verifica-se que cada água a ser tratada deve ser analisada através de diagramas de coagulação, visando a otimização dos parâmetros de ph versus dosagem e buscando o melhor coagulante pelo menor custo. / The purpose of this study was to use four different coagulants - aluminum sulphate, iron chloride, polyaluminum hidroxichloride and ferric sulphate; to build the coagulation diagrams; and to mark the regions of higher or lower efficiency in the removal of turbidity or color. To allow a cost appraisal in the use of the coagulants, the region where the values of remaining turbidity, which are approximately the same for different coagulants, was examined in the diagrams. This being taken into consideration, the relation between consumption and cost of the chemical products was established. The coagulants that presented certain peculiarities for the studied waters were: iron chloride, that showed better performance for low pH values; the ferric sulphate, that showed itself as more economical; and the polyaluminum hidroxichloride, that functions in a large interval of pH. In the conclusion of the study, it was observed that each type of water to be treated must be analyzed through coagulation diagrams, aiming at the optimization of pH parameters versus dosages and looking for the best coagulant with lower cost.

Processamento anaeróbio de vinhaça pré-tratada com biopolímero à base de cálcio / Anaerobic processing of vinasse pre-treated with biopolymer-based calcium

Rocha, Vinícius Carvalho 04 May 2012 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi comparar o desempenho de dois reatores anaeróbios híbridos de biomassa imobilizada (RAHBI), em escala de laboratório, no processamento da vinhaça de cana-de-açúcar. Um (reator 1) recebendo vinhaça sem tratamento prévio e outro (reator 2) processando vinhaça previamente submetida à coagulação, utilizando-se de um biopolímero experimental a base de cálcio. Os reatores foram construídos em acrílico, com volume de 1,5 litros cada, provido de sistema de recirculação com razão igual a 3. A operação dos reatores foi dividida em duas etapas: a primeira, com duração de 69 dias, teve seu fim caracterizado por um colapso apresentado pelo reator 2. A segunda fase, com duração de 37 dias, onde se observou outro colapso. O principal parâmetro de controle no monitoramento dos reatores foi a quantificação de matéria orgânica, em termos de Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO). Durante a Fase I, o reator 1 apresentou eficiência de remoção média de 82,9 ± 4,4% , e o reator 2 de 72,2 ± 18,1%. A carga orgânica volumétrica (COV) média aplicada para o reator 1, durante esta fase, foi de 5,3 ± 1,3 kg DQO/\'M POT.3\'d, e para o reator 2 foi de 5,3 ± 1,6 kg DQO/\'M POT.3\'d. O colapso ocorrido no reator 2 foi evidenciada pelo decréscimo acentuado da eficiência de remoção, chegando a 33,7%. Durante a Fase II, o reator 1 apresentou eficiência de remoção média de 77,5 ± 9,4% , e o reator 2 de 79,2 ± 9,7%. A carga orgânica volumétrica (COV) média aplicada para o reator 1, durante esta fase, foi de 5,1 ± 2,4 kg DQO/\'M POT.3\'d, e para o reator 2 foi de 5,0 ± 2,3 kg DQO/\'M POT.3\'. Ao final desta fase o reator 1 apresentou eficiência de remoção de 80,9%, e o reator 2 65.8%. Foram analisados, também, alcalinidade e produção de metano (\'CH IND.4\'). Durante todas as fases, a alcalinidade dos dois reatores esteve acima de 1000 mg \'CA\'CO IND.3\'/l, indicando estabilidade, em relação a este parâmetro, dos reatores. A produção de \'CH IND.4\' do reator 1 foi de 0,0507 ± 0,0232 l \'CH IND.4\'/h e 0,0838 ± 0,0326 l \'CH IND.4\'/h nas fases I e II, respectivamente. Para o reator 2, esta produção foi de 0,0307 ± 0,0137 l \'CH IND.4\'/h e 0,0800 ± 0,0297 l \'CH IND.4\'/h, para as fases I e II, respectivamente. Foram feitos ensaios de resistência mecânica dos grânulos, análise de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), Espectrometria de Energia Dispersiva de Raios-X (EDS) e análise da comunidade microbiana, empregando técnicas de biologia molecular. Os testes de resistência mecânica dos grânulos indicam que os grânulos contidos no inóculo, reatores 1 e 2 possuem resistência à desintegração. As análises de MEV e EDS indicam a presença do elemento cálcio com aproximadamente 22% para o inóculo, 39% para o reator 1 e 50% para o reator 2, na massa dos elementos analisados das amostras de grânulos. As análises de biologia molecular indicaram similaridades entre os reatores 1 e 2 de 66,5 e 58%, para os domínios Bacteria e Archea, respectivamente. Desta forma, supõe-se que esta diferença da biota entre os reatores não estaria contribuindo para a falha conferida no reator 2. / This research aimed at compare the performance of two hybrid anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB), in laboratory scale, processing vinasse from sugar cane alcohol destilery. Reactor 1 received vinasse without pre-treatment. Reactor 2 processed coagulated vinasse using a calcium-based biopolymer as coagulant. The two reactors were built in acrylic, with a volume of 1,5 liters each. The recirculation flow rate was 3. The operation of the reactors was divided in two phases: first, lasting 69 days, came to an end characterized by a failure (collapse) presented by the reactor 2. The second phase, lasting 37 days, came to an end characterized by another collapse. The main control parameter in the monitoring of the reactors was the quantification of organic matter in terms of COD. During Phase I, the reactor 1 showed average removal efficiency of 82,9 ± 4,4%, and the reactor 2 72,2 ± 18,1%. The organic loading rate (VOC) average applied to reactor 1, during this phase, was 5,3 ± 1,3 kg DQO/\'M POT.3\'d, and 5,3 ± 1,6 kg DQO/\'M POT.3\'d for the reactor 2. The failure occurred in the reactor 2 was evidenced by the sharp decrease of removal efficiency, reaching 33.7%. During Phase II, the reactor 1 showed average removal efficiency of 77,5 ± 9,4%, and the reactor 2 79,2 ± 9,7%. The average VOC applied to reactor 1, during this phase, was 5,1 ± 2,4 kg DQO/\'M POT.3\'d, and 5,0 ± 2,3 kg DQO/\'M POT.3\'d for reactor 2. At the end of this phase, the reactor 1 showed a removal efficiency of 80.9%, and the reactor 2 65.8%. Has also been analyzed, alkalinity and methane (\'CH IND.4\'). During all the phases, the alkalinity of both reactors was above 1000 mg \'CA\'CO IND.3\'/l, indicating stability in the reactors. The production of \'CH IND.4\' was 0.0507 ± 0.0232 l \'CH IND.4\'/h and 0.0326 ± 0.0838 l \'CH IND.4\'/h in phases I and II, respectively. For the reactor 2, the production of \'CH IND.4\' was 0,0307 ± 0,0137 l \'CH IND.4\'/h e 0,0800 ± 0,0297 l \'CH IND.4\'/h for the phases I and II, respectively. Assays were performed in mechanical granules strength, analysis of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy X-ray (EDS) and analysis of the microbial community, using molecular biology techniques. The tests of mechanical of granules strength indicate that the granules contained in the inoculum, reactors 1 and 2 are resistant to disintegration. The SEM and EDS analysis indicated the presence of calcium element with approximately 22% inoculum, 39% for reactor 1 and 50% for reactor 2, in the mass of the elements analyzed samples of granules. The microbial community analyzes indicated molecular similarity between the first and second reactor of 66.5 and 58% for Bacteria and Archea domain, respectively. Thus, it is assumed that the difference between the biota of the reactors would not be contributing to the failure given in the reactor 2.

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