Spelling suggestions: "subject:"good - feview"" "subject:"good - areview""
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En restaurangs uppgång eller fall : En komparativ studie mellan anonyma och offentliga matrecensioner och dess inverkan på restauranger / The rise or fall of a restaurant : A comparative study between anonymous and public food critics and its impact on restaurantsLandegren, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att studera de språkliga skillnaderna mellan anonyma och offentliga professionella matrecensenter, samt undersöka hur restaurangrecensioner påverkar restaurangägare. De tre frågeställningarna som har undersökt syftet var: Hur skiljer sig språket i de anonyma recensionerna gentemot de offentliga och påverkas språket i en recension av anonymiteten? Hur upplevs recensionen av restaurangägaren och har det någon betydelse om recensionen är skriven av en anonym eller offentlig kritiker? Hur skiljer sig språket beroende på om recensionen är positiv eller negativ? Undersökningen har utförts genom en kvantitativ metod med textanalys som redskap för undersökningen. Analyserna har gjorts på sex olika matkritikers recensioner. Textanalyserna gjordes på totalt 60 recensioner skrivna av tre anonyma kritiker respektive tre offentliga kritiker. Studiens andra syfte var att undersöka recensionernas inverkan på restauranger. Denna del av undersökningen har varit kvalitativ där intervjuer har gjorts med två restaurangägare. Resultatet av den kvantitativa undersökningen har visat på att det finns språkliga skillnader mellan anonyma och offentliga recensenters texter. Studien visade i den kvalitativa delen att genomslagskraften från restaurangrecensioner är hög. Restauranger påverkas följaktligen av recensioner publicerade angående deras restauranger. Slutsatsen var att restaurangrecensioner skiljer sig åt i språket mellan anonyma och offentliga skribenter samt att restauranger blir påverkade av båda negativa och positiva recensioner. Detta öppnar upp en debatt för att förändra kulturen av att ha anonyma recensenter i Sverige. / The aim of this study was to examine the grammatical and linguistic differences between anonymous and public food critics and to study how restaurant reviews affect restaurant owners. The three questions that have examined the aim was: How does the language differ in the anonymous reviews in comparison to the public and is the language in a review affected by the anonymity? How is a review perceived by a restaurant owner and does it matter if the review is written by an anonymous or public critic? How does the language differ depending on if the review is positive or negative? The study has used a quantitative method where text analysis as a tool for the examination was chosen. The analyses have been conducted on 60 reviews in total, written by three anonymous critics and three public critics. The second aim was to investigate what influence food reviews have on restaurants. This part of the study was qualitative where interviews have been conducted with two restaurant owners. The outcome of this study shows that there were linguistical differences between anonymous and public food critics reviews. It also demonstrated in its qualitative section that food reviews have major impact on restaurants. Consequently, restaurants are greatly affected by reviews published regarding their restaurants. The conclusion of the study was that restaurant reviews differentiate between anonymous and public writers and that restaurants are affected by both negative and positive reviews. This opens a debate regarding the culture about having anonymous critics in Sweden.
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Desenvolvimento e comparação de tecnicas analiticas, cromatografia a liquido de alta eficiencia e eletroforese capilar, na determinação de corantes artificiais / Development and comparison of analytical techniques, liquid chromatography to high-efficiency and capillary electrophoresis, in the determination of artificial coloringPrado, Marcelo Alexandre, 1966- 06 September 2003 (has links)
Orientador: Helena Teixeira Godoy / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-03T14:50:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2003 / Resumo: O uso de corantes artificiais pelas indústrias de alimentos em todo o mundo é bastante difundido, isto porque os corantes permitem suplementar ou repor a coloração perdida durante o processamento e ou estocagem, e assim garantir a aceitabilidade do produto frente ao consumidor, sendo utilizados ainda como um importante instrumento para garantir a uniformidade dos produtos em linhas de produção de larga escala. Do ponto de vista da saúde pública, existem diferentes opiniões quanto à inocuidade dos diversos corantes artificiais utilizados em alimentos. Muitos estudos mostram que esses aditivos podem causar uma série de males à saúde da população quando consumidos de forma incorreta, seja por abusos da indústria ou exagero no consumo. O fato é que, técnicas analíticas para a determinação desses corantes devem ser desenvolvidas, e principalmente validadas, para garantir a segurança alimentar dos produtos que ingerimos. No presente trabalho foram desenvolvidos e validados dois métodos para a determinação de corantes artificiais em bebidas alcoólicas, utilizando duas diferentes técnicas, a cromatografia a líquido de alta eficiência (CLAE) e a eletroforese capilar (EC). Os métodos foram desenvolvidos para a separação simultânea dos onze corantes artificiais permitidos para uso em alimentos no Brasil. No método por CLAE, para a separação dos corantes, utilizou-se coluna de fase reversa e eluição por gradiente, com fase móvel composta por água/metanol. Na EC a separação ocorreu utilizando um capilar de sílica, com 73 cm de comprimento efetivo, preenchido com uma solução tampão composta por fosfato (10mmol/L) e dodecil sulfato de sódio (l0mmol/L), a pH 11, com aplicação de voltagem de 25 kV. Nos dois métodos, a detecção dos corantes foi feita na região do visível e a quantificação através de curvas de calibração externa. Os limites de detecção obtidos ficaram na faixa de 0,1 a 0,4 µ tg/mL e 0,4 a 2,5 µ tg/mL, enquanto os limites de quantificação foram de 0,2 a 1,3 µ tg/mL e 1,3 a 7,1 µ tg/mL para a CLAE e EC, respectivamente. As taxas de recuperação, em dois níveis de concentração, para todos os corantes foram de 95,2 a 103,2% para a CLAE, e de 92,6 a 104,0% para a EC. Os valores de repetibilidade calculado para padrões e amostras demonstraram a boa precisão para os dois métodos desenvolvidos. As metodologias propostas e validadas foram aplicadas em 45 amostras de bebidas alcoólicas de diferentes fabricantes brasileiros, sendo: 6 aguardentes aromatizadas, 9 coolers, 7 aperitivos, 3 coquetéis, 8 licores e 12 vinhos tinto. Não houve diferença significativa entre os dados obtidos pelos dois métodos. Em todas as amostras analisadas, os teores de corantes artificiais encontrados estavam em conformidade com a legislação brasileira / Abstract: The use of synthetic dyes for the food industries in the whole world is sufficiently spread out, it is because the colors allow to supplemental or to replace the lost coloration during the processing and or storage, and thus to guarantee the acceptability of the product front to the consumer, being used still as an important instrument to guarantee the uniformity of the products in the production. Of the point of view of the public health, there are different opinions about the safety of the different synthetic dyes used in foods. Much of the studies show that these additives can be dangerous for the health of the population when consumed inadequately, either for abuses of the industry or exaggerate in the consumption. The fact is that, analytical methods for the determination of these colors must be developed, and mainly validated, to guarantee the alimentary security of the products that we ingest. In the present work they had been developed and validated two methods for synthetic dyes determination in alcoholic beverages, using two different techniques, the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and capillary eletrophoresis (CE). The methods had been developed for the simultaneous separation of the eleven synthetic dyes allowed for use in foods in Brazil. In the method for HPLC, for the separation of the synthetic dyes, a reverse phase column was used with gradient elution system composed by water/methanol. In the EC method the separation occurred using a silica capillary with 73 cm of effective length, filled with buffer phosphate solution (l0mmol/L) with sulpfate dodecyl sodium (SDS) (10mmol/L), at pH 11, with application 25kV of voltage. The detection and quantification were done made in same manner for the two methods, using absorption in the visible region and external standardization, respectively. The detection limits were 0.1 to 0.4 µ g/rnL and 0.4 to 2.5 µ g/rnL, while quantification limits were 0.2 to 1.3 µ g/rnL and 1.3 to 7.1 µ g/rnL for HPLC and CE, respectively. Recovery percentage at two levels of concentration for all the synthetic dyes were of the order of 95.2 to 103.2% for HPLC, and of92.6 to 104.0% for CE. The values of repeatability calculated for standards and samples demonstrated the precision of the two methods. The proposed and validated methods were used to analyses 45 alcoholic beverage samples of different Brazilian manufacturers, being: 6 perfumed spirits, 9 coolers, 7 bitters, 3 cocktails, 8 liquors and 12 red wines. The data obtained were the two methods did not present significant difference. It was observed that the limits permitted by Brazilian Legislation for the use of these synthetic dyes were respected in the analyzed samples / Doutorado / Mestre em Ciência de Alimentos
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