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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Disc Golf Footfall Counter / Personräkning inom diskgolf

Bolin, Jesper, Bolin, Isak January 2022 (has links)
Disc golf is one of the fastest growing sports in Sweden and the countrywide playerbase is steadily growing. In order to meet this increased demand, municipalities and sports associations alike have built new courses all around the country, which all require maintenence. Without an accurate way of determining course usage, it's difficult to guage how much money should be put towards maintaining and developing additional courses. The aim of this project was to design and test a people-counting system for disc golf couses which could provide this information to both players and course owners. Computer vision, wireless communication and sensor technologies were core topics explored during the development of the working prototype.

Geotracking as an indicator of prime location / Påverkar geotracking detaljhandelns hyror i CBD?

Martinsson, Klara, Olsson, Lisa January 2020 (has links)
In Sweden, there is practically free rental setting in the retail market. While there is an indirect tenancy regulation that protects the tenant, it does not prevent the establishment of market rents.Rent levels are generally highest in the central business district (CBD), following a rental pattern that confirms the monocentric urban model. It is also confirmed in the classic works of Von Thünen, Alonso, Mills, and Muth, that strong links exist between price and centrality. Stockholm's inner city is a typical example of this. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether geotracking can be used as an indicator of a prime location. Since the monocentric model claims that rents levels should be highest in the most central parts of a city, geotracking will be investigated as a tool for measuring the degree of centrality. The geotracking variable is based on the number of passing pedestrians outside retail premises, while rent levels are collected by leasing contracts. Geotracking serves as anexplanatory variable in the hedonic model where rent levels work as the dependent variable.This thesis assumes that a more central location, within the CBD, has a higher number of passers by than a less central one. This is a quantitative research-based study on walking data from Footfall, as well as market information provided Cushman & Wakefield. Footfall is a tool within Datscha that quantifies peoples movement patterns by tracking them through the mobile phone network. During this study, over 370 leases will be examined, of which approximately 250 contracts will be used in a regression analysis. All premises are located in the central parts of Stockholm. The relationship between rent levels and pedestrian traffic will be analysed in a traditional hedonic price equation with linear regression analysis. Through Footfall, the average number of passersby is collected for each address between March 2019, up until March 2020. The study results in a positive, and statistically significant, relationship between the number of passers by and rents for retail. In other words, rent levels increase as pedestrian traffic past the premises increase. However, the statistical relationship is weak. In the past, numerous studies on the relationship between location, rent, and property prices have been carried out. However,to our knowledge, there are no earlier studies of significance where Footfall- data has been usedfor academic purposes, until now. / I Sverige är det så gott som fri hyressättning på butikhyresmarknaden. Det finns en indirekt hyresreglering som skyddar hyresgästen, men som inte hindrar etablering av marknadshyra. Hyresnivåerna är i allmänhet högst i CBD (stadskärnan) och i huvudsak enligt ett hyresmönster som kallas monocentrisk stadsmodell. Detta styrks även i studier från klassiska verk så som Von Thünen, Alonso, Mills och Muth, där starka kopplingar mellan pris och centralitet redovisas. Ett tydligt exempel är Stockholms innerstad. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka huruvida geotracking kan användas som en indikator för centraliteten av ett läge. Då den monocentriska stadsmodellen fastslår att hyresnivåerna bör vara högst i de mest centrala delarna av en stad, kommer geotracking undersökas som ett verktyg för att mäta graden av centralitet vidare inom just CBD. Variabeln för geotracking baseras på antalet förbipasserande fotgängare utanför detaljhandelslokaler medans hyresnivåerna samlas in från hyresavtal. Geotracking fungerar som en förklarande variabel iden hedoniska modellen, där hyresnivåer fungerar som den beroende variabeln. Rapporten bygger på antagandet att ett mer centralt läge inom CBD har ett högre antal förbipasserande än ett mindre centralt. Detta är en kvantitativ forskningsbaserad studie på promenaddata från Datscha (Footfall), samt marknadsinformation tillhandahållen av Cushman & Wakefield. Footfall ägs av Datscha och ärett verktyg som kvantifierar människors rörelsemönster. Under denna studie kommer över 370 hyresavtal att granskas, varav cirka 250 kontrakt kommer att användas i en regressionsanalys.Samtliga lokaler är lokaliserade i Stockholms innerstad. Förhållandet mellan hyresnivåer och fotgängstrafik kommer att analyseras i en traditionell hedonisk prisekvation med linjärregressionsanalys. Genom Footfall hämtas det genomsnittliga antalet förbipasserande för varje adress mellan mars 2019 fram till mars 2020.Studien Studien resulterar i ett positivt och statistiskt signifikant samband mellan antalet förbipasserande och hyror för detaljhandeln. Med andra ord, hyresnivåerna ökar när fotgängstrafiken förbi lokaler ökar. Sambandet är dock statistiskt svagt. Tidigare har det gjorts undersökningar på förhållandet mellan plats, hyror och fastighetspriser.

Footfall excitation of higher modes of vibration in low-frequency building floors

Al-Anbaki, Atheer Faisal Hameed January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates the footfall excitation of higher modes of vibration in low-frequency floor structures. This is motivated by the increased number of floors reportedly failing to meet the required occupants comfort level although being designed in accordance with the current state-of-the-art design guidelines. In particular modern, lightweight, and slender floor structures. The contribution to knowledge of this thesis can be summarised as: quantifying the signal energy of measured walking forces within and above the natural frequency cut-off proposed by the current state-of-the-art design guidelines; quantifying the contribution of higher modes of vibration to the overall response of low-frequency floors to human walking; propose measures to judge the response nature of low-frequency floors, these are the relevant change of the point stiffness and the shape of frequency response functions; proposing a frequency-domain approach that enables designers to include higher modes of vibration in the design against human-induced vibration. It was found that the signal energy of walking forces is distributed well beyond the natural frequency cut-off proposed by the current state-of-the-art design guidelines. Also, the contribution of localised, higher, modes of vibration to the overall response of ultra-lightweight floors was significant. Moreover, it was found that higher modes affect the response of floors of various construction types in one way or another. Hence, it was recommended to consider their contribution in the design of floors against human-induced vibration. Also, it was found that the higher the relative change of the point stiffness the more higher modes contribute to the overall response of floors. Finally, the frequency-domain analysis was found less expensive than time-domain analysis and could result in similarly useful information.

Wi-Fi fingerprinting as a mean to measure building occupancy : A case study in an office environment

Bexhorn, Johan, Kvarnefalk, Karl January 2023 (has links)
The task of collecting visitor data in an indoor environment and therein determining the occupancy of a building is an extensive task. Conventional methods are expensive, time-consuming, and often lack the ability to produce data in longer time series. Further, they often require disruption of the studied area as equipment must be deployed. The use-case for such data sets is often also limited as it can only reflect a certain state-of-time in the studied space.The thesis seeks to investigate if using a Wi-Fi tracking system as a methodology to measure building occupancy through passive data collection is a viable method. Through continuous monitoring over an extended period, it seeks to do a trend analysis over a limited time. The collected data reveals insights into peak usage periods and commonly used areas. Although not used in this study, this methodology could leverage existing Wi-Fi infrastructure eliminating the need of installing additional equipment.In the case study, temporary wireless access points were deployed in the office which was studied. Data was then gathered after a month-long measurement period. This data was analyzed, and patterns were discovered showing higher occupation in the beginning of weeks and declining towards weekends. The focus of the study was to see if the technology would work in this context as it had previously not been tested in office environments.The results showed that there were some differences between data predicted by the Wi-Fi tracking system and that observed by the authors while conducting manual counts for validation during certain hours in the office. This may stem from faulty calibration of the model or settings affecting the signal strength required for the system to register devices as visitors. Mainly the conclusions are bound to the thesis subject and not placed in a larger context, however applications in public transport are suggested.The study displays the possibilities offered by using Wi-Fi tracking systems as a method to collect and analyze data in indoor environments. Further study of the subject would likely find a better model calibration able to predict more accurate results. Such results could be used and integrated with HVAC control systems to contribute to energy savings.

Mechanics and Energetics of Footfall Patterns in Running

Gruber, Allison H. 01 September 2012 (has links)
The forefoot (FF) running pattern has been recently advocated to improve running economy and prevent overuse injuries compared to the rearfoot (RF) pattern. However, these claims have not been supported by empirical evidence. The purpose of this dissertation was to investigate the potential advantages of RF and FF patterns to improve running economy and reduce injury risk in 20 natural RF and 20 natural FF runners. The first study found that the RF group was more economical when performing the RF pattern at a slow, medium, and fast speed vs. FF running. Only running at the fast speed resulted in a difference in economy between footfall patterns in the FF group in which RF running was more economical. Therefore, there is no advantage of FF running for improving running economy. The results of the second study indicated that there was a weak to moderate relationship between Achilles tendon (AT) moment arm length and running with either RF or FF patterns. AT force was greater during FF running, which may increase the risk of developing tendon injury. The third study used a modeling approach to find that FF running resulted in greater elastic energy recoil in the gastrocnemius (GA) and the soleus (SO). However, greater mechanical work overall with FF running resulted in no difference in metabolic cost of the GA between footfall patterns but greater metabolic cost of the SO compared to RF running. The fourth study found that shock attenuation was greater during RF running compared to FF running. Greater shock attenuation during RF running was a result of an increased load imposed on the system. Decomposing the vertical ground reaction force in the frequency domain revealed that RF running may have a greater reliance on passive shock attenuation mechanism whereas the FF pattern may have a greater reliance on active shock attenuation mechanisms. These results suggest that previous speculation that the FF running pattern is more economical was not substantiated. It is likely that each footfall pattern exposes a runner to different types of injuries, rather than one footfall pattern being more injurious than another.

Dynamic behaviour of dowel-type connections under in-service vibration

Reynolds, Thomas Peter Shillito January 2013 (has links)
This study investigated the vibration serviceability of timber structures with dowel-type connections. It addressed the use of such connections in cutting-edge timber structures such as multi-storey buildings and long-span bridges, in which the light weight and flexibility of the structure make it possible that vibration induced by dynamic forces such as wind or footfall may cause discomfort to occupants or users of the structure, or otherwise impair its intended use. The nature of the oscillating force imposed on connections by this form of vibration was defined based on literature review and the use of established mathematical models. This allowed the appropriate cyclic load to be applied in experimental work on the most basic component of a dowel-type connection: a steel dowel embedding into a block of timber. A model for the stiffness of the timber in embedment under this cyclic load was developed based on an elastic stress function, which could then be used as the basis of a model for a complete connector. Nonlinear and time-dependent behaviour was also observed in embedment, and a simple rheological model incorporating elastic, viscoelastic and plastic elements was fitted to the measured response to cyclic load. Observations of the embedment response of the timber were then used to explain features of the behaviour of complete single- and multiple-dowel connections under cyclic load representative of in-service vibration. Complete portal frames and cantilever beams were tested under cyclic load, and a design method was derived for predicting the stiffness of such structures, using analytical equations based on the model for embedment behaviour. In each cyclic load test the energy dissipation in the specimen, which contributes to the damping in a complete structure, was measured. The analytical model was used to predict frictional energy dissipation in embedment, which was shown to make a significant contribution to damping in single-dowel connections. Based on the experimental results and analysis, several defining aspects of the dynamic response of the complete structures, such as a reduction of natural frequency with increased amplitude of applied load, were related to the observed and modelled embedment behaviour of the connections.

Регионално-географске основе одрживог развоја Шљивовичке планине и њене подгорине у Источној Србији / Regionalno-geografske osnove održivog razvoja Šljivovičke planine i njene podgorine u Istočnoj Srbiji / Regional Geography Basis for Sustainable Development of the Mountain Šljivovička planina and its footfall in Eastern Serbia

Živković Jelena 28 September 2017 (has links)
<p>Планинским подручјима као областима са природним ограничењима за развој у Србији се не посвећује довољно пажње. Са социо-економског аспекта то су најсиромашнији крајеви у држави. Проблеми са којима се ови простори суочавају су: депопулација, привредна заосталост, сиромаштво и други процеси изазвани глобалним променама. Концепт одрживог развоја планина&nbsp; представља регионално специфичан процес који се не бави само планинама, већ и становништвом подножја и суседних области. Дисертација представља покушај давања&nbsp; географског доприноса овој комплексној проблематици на примеру једног, по просторном обухвату, малог планинског подручја. Шљивовичка планина са подгорином до сада није изучавана као посебна просторна целина. Истраживања су подразумевала парцијалну и комплексну&nbsp;валоризацију природних и друштвено-географских елемената простора у оквиру претходно утврђених граница. Циљ истраживања је био утврђивање регионално-географске основе одрживог развоја проучаваног простора. Основни проблем&nbsp;истраживања је социо-економска стагнација и питање могућности деловања свих присутних природних и антропогених елемената простора на ублажавање негативних трендова у развоју. Током израде дисертације спроведена су и два анкетна истраживања. Прво истраживање се бавило узроцима ниског&nbsp;&nbsp; фертилитета и спроведено је на узорку од 160 жена. Друго анкетно истраживање се бавило питањем привредне активације простора, а спроведено је на узорку од 437 становника. Статистичка обрада прикупљених података обрађена је помоћу програма СПСС 17 (Statistical&nbsp; Package for Social Science). Резултати анкетног истраживања су показали какви су ставови становништва о&nbsp; могућностима подизања нивоа наталитета, као и активације одређених делатности,за које се на основу истраживања у дисертацији утврдило да постоје потенцијали. Мишљење становништва о проблемима са којима се њихов&nbsp;крај суочава је веома важно, јер развој не сме бити у конфликту са локалном културом, као и обичајима који се традиционално негују. Осим тога, одрживим системом коришћења ресурса морају управљати људи који од њега живе. Резултати истраживања у дисертацији могу представљати основу за планирање одрживог развоја локалних заједница којима овај простор административно&nbsp;припада. Такође, сазнања до којих се дошло кроз овај рад употпунила су досадашња географска знања о простору Шљивовичке планине и њене&nbsp;подгорине.</p> / <p>Planinskim područjima kao oblastima sa prirodnim ograničenjima za razvoj u Srbiji se ne posvećuje dovoljno pažnje. Sa socio-ekonomskog aspekta to su najsiromašniji krajevi u državi. Problemi sa kojima se ovi prostori suočavaju su: depopulacija, privredna zaostalost, siromaštvo i drugi procesi izazvani globalnim promenama. Koncept održivog razvoja planina&nbsp; predstavlja regionalno specifičan proces koji se ne bavi samo planinama, već i stanovništvom podnožja i susednih oblasti. Disertacija predstavlja pokušaj davanja&nbsp; geografskog doprinosa ovoj kompleksnoj problematici na primeru jednog, po prostornom obuhvatu, malog planinskog područja. Šljivovička planina sa podgorinom do sada nije izučavana kao posebna prostorna celina. Istraživanja su podrazumevala parcijalnu i kompleksnu&nbsp;valorizaciju prirodnih i društveno-geografskih elemenata prostora u okviru prethodno utvrđenih granica. Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrđivanje regionalno-geografske osnove održivog razvoja proučavanog prostora. Osnovni problem&nbsp;istraživanja je socio-ekonomska stagnacija i pitanje mogućnosti delovanja svih prisutnih prirodnih i antropogenih elemenata prostora na ublažavanje negativnih trendova u razvoju. Tokom izrade disertacije sprovedena su i dva anketna istraživanja. Prvo istraživanje se bavilo uzrocima niskog&nbsp;&nbsp; fertiliteta i sprovedeno je na uzorku od 160 žena. Drugo anketno istraživanje se bavilo pitanjem privredne aktivacije prostora, a sprovedeno je na uzorku od 437 stanovnika. Statistička obrada prikupljenih podataka obrađena je pomoću programa SPSS 17 (Statistical&nbsp; Package for Social Science). Rezultati anketnog istraživanja su pokazali kakvi su stavovi stanovništva o&nbsp; mogućnostima podizanja nivoa nataliteta, kao i aktivacije određenih delatnosti,za koje se na osnovu istraživanja u disertaciji utvrdilo da postoje potencijali. Mišljenje stanovništva o problemima sa kojima se njihov&nbsp;kraj suočava je veoma važno, jer razvoj ne sme biti u konfliktu sa lokalnom kulturom, kao i običajima koji se tradicionalno neguju. Osim toga, održivim sistemom korišćenja resursa moraju upravljati ljudi koji od njega žive. Rezultati istraživanja u disertaciji mogu predstavljati osnovu za planiranje održivog razvoja lokalnih zajednica kojima ovaj prostor administrativno&nbsp;pripada. Takođe, saznanja do kojih se došlo kroz ovaj rad upotpunila su dosadašnja geografska znanja o prostoru Šljivovičke planine i njene&nbsp;podgorine.</p> / <p>Mountain areas as areas with natural constraints to development in Serbia are not paid enough attention. From a socio-economic point of view these are the poorest regions in the country. The problems that these areas face are: depopulation, economic backwardness, poverty and other processes caused by global changes.&nbsp; The concept of sustainable development is a regional mountain-specific process that deals not only with mountains, but also the population of the foothills and adjacent areas. The dissertation is an attempt of giving geographical contribution to this complex problem in the case of one, according to spatial coverage, a small mountain area. The mountain &Scaron;ljivovička planina with its footfall has not been studied as aseparate spatial unit. Studies have implied a partial and complex appreciation of natural and socio-geographical space elements within the preestablished limits. The aim of the research was to establish the regional geography basis for sustainable development of this area. The main problem is the socio-economic stagnation and the possibility of operation of all the present natural and anthropogenic elements of space at alleviating the negative trends in development. During the drafting of the thesis two surveys were carried out. The first study examines the causes of low fertility and was conducted on a sample of 160 women.Other survey dealt with the issue of economic activation space, and was conducted on a sample of 437&nbsp; residents. Statistical analysis of the collected data is processed&nbsp; using SPSS 17 Statistical Package for Social Science). The results of the survey showed what the attitude of the population about the possibilities of raising the birth rate are, as well as the activation of certain activities that are based on research in the thesis found that the potentials exist. Opinion of the population about the problems that their habitat is facing is very important, because development cannot be in conflict with the local culture and customs that are traditionally fostered. In addition, the system sustainable use of resources must be governed by people who live out of it. The research results in the dissertation can be the basis for planning the sustainable development of local communities which administratively belong to this area.&nbsp; Also, findings that have been reached through this dissertation complemented the current geographical knowledge of the area of the mountain &Scaron;ljivovička planina and its footfall.</p>

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