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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

\"Distribuição de foraminíferos planctônicos (0 - 100m na coluna d\'água) e seu registro no sedimento na margem continental sudeste brasileira, entre São Sebastião, SP, e Cabo de São Tomé, RJ\" / Distribution of planctonic foraminifera (0 m - 100 m in the water column) and theirsedimentary record on the Southeastern Brazilian continental margin, between São Sebastião Island, SP, and São Tomé Cabe, RJ

Sorano, Maria Regina Goncalves de Souza 15 December 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como enfoque o estudo de foraminíferos planctônicos, na margem continental Sudeste Brasileira, entre São Sebastião, SP e Cabo de São Tomé, RJ através do levantamento das espécies existentes no plâncton. Buscou conhecer a distribuição sazonal e vertical na coluna d?água (0 a 100 m de profundidade) das espécies de foraminíferos planctônicos, correlacionar a presença desses organismos a fatores abióticos e bióticos no meio ambiente. Comparar a composição da biocenose e da tanatocenose assim como, realizar análise tafonômica das carapaças depositadas no fundo oceânico, a fim de avaliar o registro sedimentar desses organismos e considerar a utilização de assinaturas tafonômicas em carapaças de foraminíferos planctônicos na compreensão dos processos hidrodinâmicos na área de estudo. Para isso, foram analisadas amostras de plâncton, coletadas no verão/2002 e inverno/2002, e amostras de sedimento. Foram aplicadas metodologias usuais em análises de foraminíferos planctônicos. Foi possível reconhecer que há grande diferença sazonal na abundância e no tamanho de foraminíferos planctônicos na margem continental Sudeste Brasileira. A distribuição vertical desses organismos no verão parece estar relacionada à profundidade da camada de mistura, variação da temperatura na água, e à cadeia alimentar. No intervalo de profundidade entre 0 m e 40 m, predominam Globigerinoides ruber (pink) e Globigerinoides ruber (white). As espécies Globigerina bulloides, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei e Globigerinella siphonifera predominam entre 40 m e 60 m de profundidade, ao passo que entre 60 m e 80 m de profundidade ocorrem Globorotalia menardii, Orbulina universa e Globigerina falconenis. O registro sedimentar das espécies de foraminíferos planctônicos encontrado na área de estudo reflete a biocenose, podendo assim ser utilizado em análises ambientais e paleoceanográficas. As assinaturas tafonômicas observadas refletem as condições hidrodinâmicas locais. / The present work focuses on the study of planktonic foraminifera on the southeast Brazilian continental margin between São Sebastião, SP and São Tomé, RJ. This was done by means of a survey of the existing species in the plankton. The seasonal and vertical distribution in the water column (0-100 m depth) of the planktonic foraminifera species was also determined. In addition, a comparison of the biocenose and of the tatocenose was carried out as well as a tafonomic analysis of the tests deposited in the bottom. This was done in order to evaluate the sedimentary record of these organisms and consider the possibility of using tafonomic signatures in planktonic foraminifera tests in order to better understand the hydrodynamic processes in the study area. For this, plankton samples collected in the summer and winter of 2002, as well as sediment samples, were analyzed. Methodologies common to planktonic foraminfera analysis were applied. The results show that there is a great seasonal difference in abundance and size of the planktonic foraminifera on the southeast Brazilian continental margin. The vertical distribution of these animals in the summer seems to be related to the depth of the mixture layer, variations in water temperature, and to the food chain. In the depth interval between 0 m and 40 m, there was a predominance of Globigerinoides ruber (pink) and Globigerinoides ruber (white). The species Globigerina bulloides, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei and Globigerinella siphonifera are predominate between 40 and 60 m. On the other hand, between 60 and 80 m Globorotalia menardii, Orbulina universa and Globigerina falconenis occur in greater quantities. The sedimentary record of the species of planktonic foraminifera found in the study area reflect the biocenose, being therefore appropriate for the usage in environmental and paleoceanographic analyses. The tafonomic signatures observed reflect the local hydrodynamic conditions.

Rôle des foraminifères planctoniques dans le cycle du carbone marin des hautes latitudes (Océan Indien Austral) / The role of planktonic foraminifera in the marine carbon cycle at high latitudes (Southern Indian Ocean).!!

Meilland, Julie 26 November 2015 (has links)
Les foraminifères planctoniques vivants (LPF) contribuent à la pompe biologique du carbone océanique en générant des flux de Corg (cytoplasme) et de Cinorg (test calcaire). Dans cette étude, la morphométrie des tests, les abondances et les compositions spécifiques des assemblages de LPF dans l'océan Indien Sud (30°S-60°S, 50°E-80°E), ont été caractérisées à partir de la collecte par filet à plancton stratifié (Multinet) sur 19 stations échantillonnées pendant trois étés consécutifs (2012- 2014). En démontrant l'efficacité d'échantillonnage du Continuous Plankton Recorder pour spatialiser les données observées en 19 stations, l’étude de la dynamique de population des LPF montre l'effet de la position des fronts sur la production des LPF. Pour mieux contraindre l'impact des LPF dans la pompe biologique du carbone des hautes latitudes, la biomasse protéique et la masse calcique de plus de 2000 foraminifères ont été mesurées. Les différences de biomasse protéique et de poids normalisé par la taille entre années, espèces et masses d'eau suggèrent que les paramètres environnementaux affectent la production de Corg et de Cinorg des LPF. Le rôle des LPF sur la pompe biologique de carbone marin dépend des conditions hydrologiques et trophiques du milieu. Le rapport Corg/Cinorg est très différent selon les espèces considérées. L'applicabilité des tests de foraminifères planctoniques comme proxy de paléopompe du carbone dans les hautes latitudes dépendrait donc de l'effet exercé par les variations des conditions écologiques, et de la composition de l’assemblage. Cette étude propose une première estimation des budgets Corg et Cinorg produits par les LPF dans l’Océan Indien Austral. / Planktonic foraminifera contribute to the marine biological carbon pump by generating organic (cytoplasm) and inorganic (shell) carbon fluxes. In this study, we characterized LPF total abundances, assemblages and test morphometry (minimum diameter) along 19 stations sampled by stratified plankton net (Multinet), during three consecutive austral summers (2012-2014) in the Southern Indian Ocean (30°S-60°S, 50°E-80°E). By demonstrating the efficiency of CPR for LPF sampling, we analysed population dynamic between 19 multinet sampling stations, showing the effect of frontal position on LPF production. To better constrain the impact of those organisms in the biological carbon pump at high latitudes, we have quantified the individual protein-biomass and test calcite mass of more than 2000 LPF. Differences in size-normalized protein-biomass and in size-normalized weight between years, species, and water bodies suggest that environmental parameters affect the production of planktonic foraminifera organic and inorganic carbon to varying degrees. Consequently, planktonic foraminifera are assumed to affect the biological carbon pump, depending on ecological conditions and biological prerequisites. The applicability of planktonic foraminifera tests as proxy of the past biological carbon pump in high latitudes would hence critically depend on the effect exerted by changing in ecological conditions, and the presence of different species. This study proposes a first estimation of planktonic foraminifera Corg and Cinorg standing stock and fluxes in the Southern Indian Ocean.

Caracterização paleoceanográfica de um testemunho da Baía de Santos com base em foraminíferos planctônicos durante o Holoceno / Paleoceanographic characterization of one piston core from Santos Basin based on planktonic foraminifera during the Holocene

Ana Claudia Aoki Santarosa 15 October 2010 (has links)
Para o desenvolvimento deste estudo, foi utilizado um testemunho de alta resolução coletado no talude da Bacia de Santos, em que foram realizadas análises de foraminíferos planctônicos e isótopos de oxigênio. Os resultados foram complementados por dados de razões de Fe/Ca e Ti/Ca e permitiram a compreensão do cenário paleoceanográfico no setor oeste do Atlântico Sul nos últimos 15 mil anos. Condições mais frias foram encontradas no início do registro até aproximadamente 8 mil anos A.P., com predomínio da fauna fria (G. truncatulinoides, N. dutertrei, e G. inflata) e valores mais altos de ? 18O. Maior produtividade também é sugerida pela componente principal 2 (CP2), relacionada à camada de mistura e caracterizada pela assembléia G. ruber (white) e G. sacculifer. As razões de Fe/Ca e Ti/Ca indicam maior aporte de terrígenos pela pluma do Rio da Prata para o ambiente oceânico, provavelmente contribuindo para fertilização das águas superficiais. A partir de 8 mil anos A.P. observa-se aumento dos valores da curva paleoclimática e diminuição progressiva dos valores de ? 18O. A CP2 apresenta valores máximos entre 10 e 5 mil anos A.P., indicando uma coluna de água mais quente e altamente estratificada. Neste período, apresentam-se os mínimos de razões de Fe/Ca e Ti/Ca, indicando um período mais seco, relacionado ao mínimo de insolação de verão no hemisfério sul e posicionamento da ZCIT mais ao norte. A partir de 5 mil anos A.P. até o final do registro, observa-se novamente menores valores da CP2 e razões crescentes Fe/Ca e Ti/Ca, indicando condições mais úmidas e de maior produtividade no Holoceno superior. / For this study, faunal changes in foraminifer\'s assemblages and oxygen stable isotopes were carried out on a high- resolution core retrieved from the slope of Santos Basin. The results, complemented with Fe/Ca and Ti/Ca ratios enabled the understanding of paleoceanografic changes occurred in the last 15 Kyr. Cold conditions were recognized in the late deglaciation until 8 mil Kyr B.P., characterized by the cold assemblage (G. truncatulinoides, N. dutertrei, and G. inflata) and higher values of ? 18O. The low values of principal component 2 (PC 2), related to the mixed layer and dominated by the species G. ruber (white) and G. sacculifer suggest enhanced surface productivity. The Fe/Ca and Ti/Ca ratios on the sedimentary record indicate a high terrigenous input from the Plata Plume outflow in the oceanic environment, which probably contributed to the fertilization of superficial waters. From 8 Kyr B.P., an increase in the paleoclimatic curve values and gradual reduction in the ? 18O were observed in the data. The PC 2 yields maximum values between 10 and 5 Kyr B.P., indicating warm and highly stratified water-column conditions. In this period, low Fe/Ca and Ti/Ca ratios point out dryer conditions, related to the low peak austral summer insolation and the ITCZ located farther north. From 5 mil Kyr B.P. decreasing PC 2 values and increasing Fe/Ca and Ti/Ca ratios may be a sign of more productivity and humid conditions in the late Holocene.

Influência de efluentes petroquímicos nos sedimentos e carapaças de foraminíferos no Polo Atalaia, SE (Brasil) / Influence of petrochemical effluents on the sediments and foraminifera tests in the Polo Atalaia, SE (Brazil)

Leonardo Antonio Pregnolato 19 December 2017 (has links)
Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram 1) avaliar a qualidade ambiental dos sedimentos ao redor do emissário submarino de efluentes petroquímicos tratados do Polo Atalaia, Sergipe e 2) fornecer elementos técnicos e científicos para aprimorar os estudos de biomonitoramento realizados na referida região. Para atingir estes objetivos foram realizadas análises granulométricas, geoquímicas (nutrientes, metais, metaloides, hidrocarbonetos) e da meiofauna (biocenoses e tanatocenoses de foraminíferos) de tréplicas de 19 amostras de sedimentos, coletadas ao redor do emissário (área experimental) e em uma área controle, situada a 5 km ao norte do emissário. Essas 57 amostras e seus respectivos dados abióticos foram cedidos pela Petrobras. A maior parte da área estudada é constituída por sedimentos lamoarenosos. Contudo, na área experimental há predominância dos termos lamosos, ricos em carbono orgânico e fósforo total. Na área controle, as porcentagens de areia muito fina são maiores e ocorrem elevados valores de nitrogênio total. As concentrações de Pb, Cr, Ni, Zn das duas áreas estudadas encontram-se abaixo do nível 1 do Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente (CONAMA) e ISQG (Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines), ou seja, os sedimentos não estão contaminados por esses elementos metálicos. Contudo, os valores de As estão entre os limites 1 e 2 do CONAMA e ISQG e PEL (probable effect level) em todas as estações, indicando que a biota pode ser afetada por esse elemento. Uma amostra (área experimental) apresenta valores de Cd, Cr e Hg entre os limites de ISQG e PEL e uma outra amostra (área controle) apresenta concentrações de Cr acima do nível 2 e PEL. Concentrações de hidrocarbonetos totais de petróleo (HTP), hidrocarbonetos resolvidos de petróleo (HRP) e de mistura complexa nãoresolvida (MCNR) são maiores na área experimental e em duas amostras da área controle. A composição da tanatocenose é muito diferente da biocenose, reforçando ao fato de que se deve utilizar principalmente organismos vivos em estudos de análise de impacto ambiental. O sedimento utilizado para a análise dos foraminíferos oscilou entre 20 e 110 cm3 para encontrar cerca de 100 indivíduos vivos. Percentual de silte e os valores da razão C/N, de B, Ba, Pb, Cu, Cd e Mn são os descritores ambientais significativos na distribuição da biocenose. A partir dos resultados obtidos conclui-se 1) a área controle utilizada pela Petrobras não é muito adequada, pois há indícios de impacto antropogênico, 2) a tanatocenose é substancialmente diferente da biocenose, portanto deve-se utilizar preferencialmente dados baseados em organismos vivos, 3) o valor de 20 cm3 de sedimento, estipulado pelo IBAMA, para a análise dos foraminíferos, é muito pequeno para se detectar indivíduos vivos em regiões impactadas. Portanto, para futuros estudos de biomonitoramento na região sugere-se escolha de ponto controle sem vestígio de impacto antropogênico, de preferência longe do rio Sergipe e que o volume de sedimentos para o estudo de foraminíferos vivos seja aumentado para no mínimo 50 cm³. / The objectives of this study were 1) to evaluate the environmental quality of sediments around the marine outfall of treated petrochemical effluents from Polo do Atalaia, Sergipe and 2) to provide technical and scientific information in order to improve biomonitoring studies carried out in that region. For these purposes the following analysis were performed: grain size, geochemical (nutrients, metals, metalloids, hydrocarbons), and meiofauna (foraminifera biocoenoses and thanatocoenoses) on replicates of 19 sediment samples collected from around the outfall (experimental area) and from a control area located 5 km north of the outfall. These 57 samples and their respective abiotic data were provided by Petrobras. Most of the studied area is composed of sandy silt sediments. However, in the experimental area there is a predominance of mud, rich in organic carbon and total phosphorus. In the control area, the percentages of very fine sand are higher and high values of total nitrogen occur. The concentrations of Pb, Cr, Ni, Zn on the two studied areas are below level 1 of the Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente (CONAMA) (National Council for the Environment) and ISQG (Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines), meaning that the sediments are not contaminated by these metallic elements. However, the values of As are between limits 1 and 2 of CONAMA and TEL and PEL (probable effect level) in all stations, indicating that the biota might be affected by this element. One of the samples (from the experimental area) presents values of Cd, Cr and Hg between the limits of ISQG and PEL and another sample (control area) has concentrations of Cr above level 2 and PEL. Concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), resolved petroleum hydrocarbons (RPH) and unresolved complex mixtures (UCMs) are higher in the experimental area and in two samples from the control area. Thanatocoenoses composition is very different from biocoenoses composition, reinforcing the fact that mainly living organisms should be used in environmental impact analysis studies. The sediment used for the analysis of foraminifera oscillated between 20 and 110 cm³ to find around 100 living individuals. Percentage of silt and C/N ratio, B, Ba, Pb, Cu, Cd and Mn values are significant environmental descriptors in the distribution of biocoenoses. From the results obtained it is concluded: 1) The control area used by Petrobrás is not very adequate since there are evidences of anthropogenic impact, 2) Thanatocoenoses is substantially different from biocoenoses, and consequently, data based on living organisms should preferably be used, 3) the 20 cm³ sediment amount, stipulated by IBAMA for the analysis of foraminifera, is too small to detect live individuals in impacted regions. Therefore, it is suggested that a control point without trace of anthropogenic impact should be chosen for future biomonitoring studies in the region, preferably away from the Sergipe river. It is also suggested that the sediment volume for the study of live foraminifera be increased to a minimum of 50 cm³

Paleoclimatic and Paleoceanographic reconstruction of the Pleistocene­‐ Holocene through the study of planktonic foraminifera of two sedimentary cores collected in North Atlantic Ocean, southwest of the Azores Islands / Reconstitution paléocénographique et paléoclimatique du Pléistocène-Holocène par l'étude des foraminifères planctoniques de deux carottes sédimentaires prélevées dans l'océan Atlantique, au Sud-Ouest des Açores

Bonfardeci, Alessandro 22 February 2017 (has links)
Dans le système climatique global, l’océan Atlantique Nord est considéré comme une région très sensible qui joue un rôle crucial pour la dynamique de l’hémisphère nord via la circulation méridienne de retournement de l'océan Atlantique (AMOC), dont fait partie le système de front/courant des Açores. La thèse a pour but d’analyser les interactions hydrographiques et climatiques complexes dans la région des Açores, pour le Pléistocène moyen­‐Holocène, par l’analyse des foraminifères planctoniques de deux carottes prélevées en 2013 (Oceanograflu 2013), dans le segment OH1 de la ride médio-atlantique. La thèse est structurée en trois chapitres/articles qui présentent les principaux résultats et leur interprétation. Le premier article a pour but d’établir le modèle d’âge le plus précis possible et de tracer l’histoire de la production/préservation des carbonates dans la région des Açores, au cours du dernier cycle glaciaire. Pour ce faire, les valeurs de carbonate et δ18OG.ruber des deux carottes ont été analysées à haute résolution. Par ailleurs, l’application de la «Modern Analog Technique» à l’analyse des assemblages des foraminifères planctoniques a permis d’estimer les variations de température des eaux de surface (SST-mat). Les courbes d’abondance des espèces résistantes et sensibles à la dissolution ont permis de mettre en évidence d’éventuels intervalles de plus forte dissolution. La partie supérieure de chaque carotte a été datée par spectrométrie de masse (AMS)14C sur les tests de foraminifères. Le modèle d’âge adopté se base également sur la corrélation entre les courbes de δ18OG.ruber et l’enregistrement haute résolution du δ18OG.bulloides de la carotte MD95-2042 (Shackleton et al. 2000) de la marge ibérique, récemment recalibrée en utilisant les données synthétiques LS16 de δ18O (Lisiecki and Stern 2016) relatives aux foraminifères benthiques. L’analyse spectrale a permis de démontrer que les oscillations des valeurs de carbonate et du δ18OG.ruber, lors des derniers 144ka, sont contrôlées par un forçage climatique (orbital et sub-orbital) dans la région des Açores. La comparaison des courbes de carbonate et celles des espèces résistantes à la dissolution, pour les deux carottes situées à des profondeurs différentes, a permis de montrer les variations verticales de la lysocline de la calcite, en particulier lors des évènements de refroidissement plus extrêmes, par exemple à 22,1 kyr avec une remontée de la lysocline de 1000m environ. Le deuxième article essaie de reconstituer la variabilité complexe de l’hydrographie et de la paléoproductivité de l’Atlantique centre Nord lors des derniers 144 kyr grâce à l’analyse des assemblages des foraminifères planctoniques combinée à celle des variations de la température des eaux de surface (SST­‐mat). Les fluctuations d’abondance d’espèces actuellement caractéristiques de masses d’eau et/ou des systèmes de front/courant dans l’Atlantique Nord ont été utilisées comme traceurs paléocéanographiques. Cette approche a permis d’évaluer la migration latitudinale/longitudinale du système de front/courant des Açores durant le Quaternaire récent ainsi que celle d’autres fronts et/ou courants caractéristiques de l’Atlantique centre Nord. Le troisième article se focalise sur la variabilité du groupe G. ruber gr. dans la région des Açores. G. ruber a été considéré comme un plexus regroupant plusieurs autres espèces et sous espèces. Plus récemment, des études moléculaires et géochimiques mis en évidence la présence de plusieurs génotypes au sein du plexus G. ruber, ce qui implique l’existence de plusieurs (sous­‐) espèces avec des modes de calcification et des préférences écologiques différentes. Malgré l’abondante littérature récente sur ce sujet, les liens entre ces différents génotypes, variants morphologiques, préférences écologiques, et modes de calcification ne sont pas encore très bien compris. (...) / In the global climatic system, the North Atlantic Ocean is considered as a highly sensitive region, which plays a crucial role in the Northern Hemisphere dynamics through the so­‐called Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) system, of which the Azores Front/Current System represents an important part. The main aim of the thesis is to reconstruct the complex hydrographic and climatic interactions in such a climatically­‐sensitive area during middle Pleistocene to Holocene through the analysis of the planktonic foraminifera from two cores collected in the OH1 segment of the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge (MAR) south‐westward of the Azores archipelago during the Oceanograflu 2013 cruise. The manuscript is structured in three chapters presenting the major results and their interpretation (...)

Foraminíferos planctônicos em resposta às mudanças oceanográficas no Atlântico Tropical oeste durante os últimos 30.000 anos / Planktonic foraminifera response to oceanographic changes in the western tropical Atlantic during the last 30,000 years

Santos Junior, Edmundo Camillo dos 14 September 2007 (has links)
As assembléias dos foraminíferos planctônicos fósseis de dois testemunhos amostrados do Atlântico tropical oeste representativo dos últimos 30.000 anos foram analisadas junto com estimativas de paleotemperatura superficial e ∂18O e ∂13C do foraminífero planctônico Globigerinoides ruber \'branca\'. Estes resultados mostraram que durante o Último Máximo Glacial e durante os eventos de resfriamento de curta duração Heinrich 1 and Younger Dryas o Atlântico tropical oeste manteve altas paleotemperaturas superficiais. Este estudo sugere que durante este período o Atlântico tropical oeste ocorreu uma acumulação de sal e clor nesta porção do Atlântico como conseqüência do enfraqueciemnto do transporte de calor e sal através do equador. Ao final destes eventos a intensificação do transporte de calor e sal foi restabelecido, baixando a temperatura superficial aos valores conhecidos atuamente. Este estudo sugere que o Atlântico tropical oeste atuou como um reservatório de calor e sal durante a deglaciação. / The planktonic foraminiferal assemblages of two piston cores from western tropical Atlantic covering the last 30,000 years have been analysed together with paleoceanographic ANN sea surface temperature reconstruction and ?18O and ?13C of the shallow dwelling planntonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber \'white\'. These proxies reveal that during the Last Glacial Maximum and during the Heinrich 1 and Younger Dryas cold events, the western tropical experienced warm periods. This study suggest that during these warm intervals a pronounced accumulation of heat and salt occurred at western tropical Atlantic, as a result of cross-equatorial heat and salt transport decrease. At the end of these events, the intensification of cross-equatorial heat and salt transport cooled and freshened the western tropical surface waters. This study suggests the western tropical Atlantic served as a heat and salt reservoir during deglaciation.

Foraminiferal Paleontology And Sequence Stratigraphy In The Upper Visean

Demirel, Seda 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to investigate the Upper Visean substages, delineate the Visean - Serpukhovian boundary with calcareous foraminifera and interpret the foraminiferal evolution and sequence stratigraphical framework by using sedimentary cyclicity across the boundary section. For this purpose a 59,61 m thick stratigraphic section consisting of mainly limestone and partly sandstone and shale is measured in the Aziziye Gedigi and Oru&ccedil / oglu Formations in the Pinarbasi Region of Eastern Taurides. A detailed micropaleontological study has revealed presence of important foraminiferal groups namely, parathuramminids, earlandiids, endothyroids, archaediscids, biseriamminids, fusulinids, loeblichids, tournayellids and paleotextularids and 145 species and three biozones. The biozones are, in ascending order, Eostaffella ikensis &ndash / Vissarionovella tujmasensis Zone (Mikhailovsky / Late Visean), Endothyranopsis cf. sphaerica &ndash / Biseriella parva Zone (Venevsky / Late Visean) and Eostaffella pseudostruvei &ndash / Archaediscids @ tenuis stage Zone (Taurssk / Early Serpukhovian). A detailed microfacies analysis was carried out in order to understand the depositional history and sedimentary cyclicity and construct the sequence stratigraphic framework of the studied area. Three main depositional environments consisting of open marine, shoal or bank and tidal flat environments were interpreted based on the analysis of 12 major microfacies and 11 sub-microfacies types. Based on the vertical association of microfacies twenty-six cycles, two sequence boundaries and three sequences were recognized in the studied section and these two sequence boundaries, which correspond to the Mikhailovsky and Venevsky horizons, are the records of the global sea level changes during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age. Within this context Visean &ndash / Serpukhovian boundary falls in the transgressive system tract of the third sequence. The duration of cycles are calculated as 117 ky and interpreted as orbitally induced glacioeustatic cycles.

Campanian-maastrichtian Planktonic Foraminiferal Investigation And Biostratigraphy (kokaksu Section, Bartin, Nw Anatolia): Remarks On The Cretaceous Paleoceanography Based On Quantitative Data

Guray, Alev 01 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to delineate the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary by using planktonic foraminifers. In this manner, Kokaksu Section (Bartin, NW Anatolia) was selected and the Akveren Formation, characterized by a calciturbiditic-clayey limestone and marl intercalation of Campanian-Maastrichtian age, was examined. 59 samples were emphasized for position of boundary. Late Campanian-Maastrichtian planktonic foraminifers were studied in thin section and by washed samples. Two different biostratigraphical frameworks have been established. Globotruncanid zonation consists of Campanian Globotruncana aegyptiaca Zone, Upper Campanian-Middle Maastrichtian Gansserina gansseri Zone and Upper Maastrichtian Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone, whereas heterohelicids biozonation includes Campanian Pseudotextularia elegans Zone, Lower Maastrichtian Planoglobulina acervuloinides Zone, Middle Maastrichtian Racemiguembelina fructicosa Zone and Upper Maastrichtian Pseudoguembelina hariensis Zone. Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary was determined as the boundary between Pseudotextularia elegans and Planoglobulina acervuloinides zones and Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary was designated by total disappearance of Late Cretaceous forms. Heterohelicid biozonation has been established in this study for the first time in Turkey. Collecting 300 individuals from each sample, diversity and abundance of assemblages were analyzed in terms of genus and species. ir evaluation of are important in observation of evolutionary trends and ecological changes. Moreover, evolution of different morphotypes is important in this evaluation. Such a study is new in Turkey in terms of examination of responses of planktonic foraminifers to environmental changes. Taxonomic framework has been constructed to define each species and differences of comparable forms have been discussed. Both scanning electron microscope (SEM) photographs and thin section photographs were used in order to show se distinctions.

Cretaceous/paleogene Boundary In The Haymana Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey: Micropaleontological, Mineralogical And Sequence Stratigraphic Approach

Esmeray, Selen 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
An integrated micropaleontological, mineralogical and sequence stratigraphical investigation was carried out across the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/P) boundary in the Haymana basin, Turkey. A 29.41 m thick boundary section consisting of limestones and marls was measured and 90 samples were analyzed. Biostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic works are based on the planktonic foraminifera. 64 planktonic species were identified and 5 biozones were established. The biozones are, in ascending order, Planoglobulina acervulinoides zone, Racemiguembelina fructicosa zone, Pseudoguembelina hariaensis zone for the Late Maastrichtian / Guembelitria cretacea (P0) zone and Parvulorugoglobigerina eugubina (P1a) zone for the Early Danian. In order to detect the mineralogical changes across the boundary bulk and clay minerals were analyzed using X-ray diffractometry (XRD). Calcite, quartz,feldspar and the clay minerals composed of smectite (montmorillonite) and chlorite are the main components of the rocks. A decrease in calcite and an increase in the detrital minerals (quartz, feldspar) and the clay minerals were detected in the boundary beds. In order to find out the depositional history of the area a detailed microfacies study was performed and 10 microfacies type were determined. The microfacies types defined correspond to slope to basin environment. Based on microfacies analyses, the sequence stratigraphic framework of the boundary beds was constructed. K/P boundary beds were recorded in the transition of transgressive systems tract to highstand systems tract, coinciding with a maximum flooding surface. These beds show a similar pattern with many other K/P boundary beds in different locations of the world indicating eustatic sealevel variations overprint the tectonic control in the basin.

Meter Scale Cycles In The Eocene Cayraz Formation (haymana Basin) And Response Of Foraminifers To Cyclicity

Geyikcioglu Erbas, Bedia 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to investigate the nature of the meter-scale cycles in the &Ccedil / ayraz Formation of the Middle Eocene age and to study the response of foraminifera to the sedimentary cyclicity. In order to perform this study, two stratigraphic sections, which are 44,55 m and 25,95 m in thickness, were measured on a regularly bedded succession mainly composed of carbonates and siliciclastics in the &Ccedil / ayraz Formation of the Haymana Basin. In this study, detailed microfacies analyses were carried out in the studied sections and 10 different microfacies types were identified strictly based on the biofacies in order to define meter scale cyclic sedimentation. Based on the detailed microfacies analysis and the distribution of the vertical facies relationships a composite depositional model is suggested. According to this model, three major facies associations were distinguished, from deepest to shallowest, as: shallow open marine, shoal and lagoon. Studied sections are composed of meter-scale cycles of both upward shoaling or deepening in character and based on the stacking pattern of meterscale cycles two systems tracts were identified along the measured sections. Section 1 is represented by highstand systems tract (HST) and section 2 is represented by lowstand systems tract (TST). In this study, the responses of benthic foraminiferal groups to the sedimentary cyclicity have been documented by quantitative and statistical analysis to understand the shallowing upward cycles, which are fundamental stratigraphic units, in the &Ccedil / ayraz Formation of Middle Eocene age. Among foraminifera, particularly the forms like Nummulites, Assilina and Discocyclina are excellent in order to detect cyclic variations of facies. These studies lead to understand shoaling-upward character of the meter-scale cycles, which are the building blocks of the &Ccedil / ayraz Formation.

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