Spelling suggestions: "subject:"force"" "subject:"sorce""
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Towards primate origins : hands and feet in interdisciplinary perspective / Vers les origines des Primates : mains et pieds dans une perspective interdisciplinaireToussaint, Séverine 21 September 2018 (has links)
Les origines des Primates font l’objet d’importantes controverses. La radiation initiale des premiers Primates ainsi que leurs liens phylogénétiques précis au sein des Euarchonta (le clade incluant les Primates, Scandentia, Dermoptères et Plesiadapiformes) sont débattus. De plus, l’interprétation fonctionnelle et évolutive de certains caractères morphologiques qui définissent les Primates est incertaine. Parmi eux, se trouvent l’acquisition de capacités de préhension manuelle et pédale, avec un pied spécialisé dans la saisie et un gros orteil opposable, ainsi que des ongles remplaçant les griffes sur les phalanges distales. De ce fait, le morphotype ancestral des Primate est très étudié, bien que l’arborealité et la petite taille de nos premiers ancêtres soient consensuelles. Le but de cette thèse était de revisiter certains aspects encore flous des origines des Primates, en se concentrant sur les mécanismes de préhension de la main et du pied, à travers une approche interdisciplinaire mêlant éthologie, biomécanique, anatomie comparée et analyse phylogénétique. Un réexamen du genre Plesiadapis (Plésiadapiforme) conduit au questionnement de l’hypothèse récente concernant les relations phylogénétiques des premiers primates. De plus, une étude quantitative des postures manuelles et pédales en relation au type de support utilisé lors de la locomotion, suivie d’une analyse morphologique des métapodes et phalanges de mains et pieds, ont été conduites sur différentes espèces de Primates et non-Primates. Les résultats furent ensuite couplés de façon intégrative afin de relier les caractères morphologiques à leur fonction, tout en évaluant leur importance phylogénétique. Les résultats de ces travaux permettent de proposer des hypothèses alternatives concernant deux caractères clés chez les Primates, comme la fonction initiale des ongles : liés plutôt à une capacité sensorielle que mécanique ; ainsi que concernant le scenario environnemental qui a pu conduire à l’évolution de leurs capacités de préhension pédale : supports fins verticaux et non la niche de fines branches. Également, un nouveau type de capteur de force spatialement résolu a été créé dans l’optique de mieux caractériser les contraintes biomécaniques en jeu lors de la locomotion arboricole. Ce dernier a des applications dans différents domaines, comme la robotique. / Primate origins are subject to important controversies. The initial radiation of first Primates and their precise relationships within Euarchontans (the clade including Primates, Scandentians, Dermopterans, and Plesiadapiformes) are still debated. Moreover, the functional and evolutionary interpretation of some of the morphological characters that define Primates is still uncertain. Among them are the acquisition of manual and pedal prehensile abilities, with a specialized grasping foot bearing an opposable hallux, and nails instead of claws on the distal phalanges. Thus, the ancestral morphotype of Primates is under active investigation, despite the consensus on the arboreality and small size of our early ancestors. This PhD dissertation aimed at revisiting some blurry aspects of primate origins focusing on hand and foot grasping mechanisms, through an interdisciplinary approach blending ethology, biomechanics, comparative morphology and phylogenetics. A reappraisal of the genus Plesiadapis (Plesiadapiformes) led to question a recent hypothesis on early Primates’ phylogeny. In addition, a quantitative analysis of manual and pedal postures relatively to substrate type used during locomotion, followed by a morphological study of hand and foot metapodials and phalanges were also conducted on series of primate and non-primate species. The results were analyzed in an integrative way to relate morphological features to functional attributes, along with assessing their phylogenetic importance. Among many results, this work allowed proposing alternative hypotheses regarding two key characters of primates, the primary function of nails: more linked to sensitivity than to a mechanical advantage; and the environmental scenario that may have driven the evolution of hallucal grasping capabilities: small vertical substrates instead of the fine branch niche. Moreover, in an effort to better understand biomechanical constraints at play during arboreal locomotion, a novel spatially-resolved force sensor was created, which has potential applications in various fields such as robotics.
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Dielectric and mechanical properties of polymers at macro and nanoscale / Propriétés dielectriques et mecaniques des polymeres aux échelle macroscopiques et nanoscopiqueRiedel, Clément 14 October 2010 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse était tout d'abord de comprendre les théories physiques qui décrivent la dynamique des polymères à l'échelle macroscopique. Le modèle de Rouse et la théorie d'enchevêtrement de De Gennes décrivent la dynamique des polymères non enchevêtrés et enchevêtrés, respectivement. Nous avons étudiés les différentes transitions entre ces deux régimes en utilisant deux techniques expérimentales: Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS) et rhéologie. Les effets d'enchevêtrement sur les spectres diélectriques ont été discutés. Un test complet du modèle de Rouse à été effectué sur en comparant les prédictions de ce modèle pour la dépendance en fréquence de la permittivité diélectrique et du module de cisaillement aux données expérimentales. Ensuite nous avons développés des méthodes bas"s sur la microscopie à force électrostatique afin d'étudier les propriétés diélectriques locales. En utilisant la simulation numérique de la Méthode des Charges Equivalentes la constante diélectrique a été quantifiée à partir de la mesure du gradient de force crée par un potentiel statique entre une pointe et un diélectrique. Cette méthode permet d'imager la constante diélectrique avec une résolution spatial de 40 nm. Le retard de phase de la composante en 2ω de la force ou du gradient de force crée par un voltage alternatif est relié aux pertes diélectriques. En mesurant cette quantité nous avons montré que la dynamique était plus rapide proche d'une interface libre et nous avons développé un mode d'imagerie des pertes diélectriques. Cette méthode simple pourrait être appliqué en biologie ou matière molle en générale afin d'étudier des variations locales de constantes diélectriques. / The aim of this thesis was first to understand the physical theories that describe the dynamics of linear polymers at the macroscopic scale. Rouse and the reptational tube theory describe the large scale dynamics of unentangled and entangled polymers respectively. Using Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS) and rheology we have studied the different transition between these two regimes. Effects of entanglement on dielectric spectra will be discussed (Rheologica Acta. 49(5):507-512). Avoiding the segmental relaxation contribution and introducing a distribution in the molecular weight we have been able to perform a comparison of the Rouse model with experiment dielectric and rheological data (Macromolecules 42(21): 8492-8499) Then we have developed EFM-based methods in order to study the local dynamics. Using the numerical simulation of the Equivalent Charge Method, the value of the static dielectric permittivity has been quantified from the measurement of the force gradient created by a VDC potential between a tip and a grounded dielectric (Journal of Applied Physics 106(2):024315). This method allows a quantitative mapping of dielectric properties with a 40 nm spatial resolution and is therefore suitable for the study of nano-defined domains (Physical Review E 81(1): 010801). The electrical phase lags in the 2ω components of the force or force gradient created by VAC voltage, ΔΦ2ω, are related with dielectric losses. Measuring the frequency dependence of ΔΦ2ω Crieder et al (Applied Physics Letters 91(1):013102) have shown that the dynamics at the near free surface of polymer films is faster than the one in bulk. We have used this method in order to visualize the activation of the segmental relaxation with temperature and frequency (Applied Physics Letters 96(21): 213110). All this measurements can be achieved using standard Atomic Force Microscope (and a lock-in) for VAC measurements.
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Yellow Fluorescent Protein : étude du π stacking : élaboration d'un modèle du déclin de fluorescence / Yellow Fluorescent Protein : study of π-stacking : development of a model of the fluorescence decayMerabti, Karim 17 December 2015 (has links)
Le cadre général de cette thèse est une étude théorique par chimie quantique et dynamique moléculaire de la relation entre la structure et la fluorescence des protéines fluorescentes, en particulier, de la protéine fluorescente jaune (YFP). Dans cette protéine l'énergie de transition électronique est réduite par rapport à celle de la protéine fluorescente verte (GFP) en raison de l'empilement π entre le chromophore (la partie qui peut absorber et émetre de la lumiere visible au cœur de la protéine) et une tyrosine. Cet effet constitue la base de son utilité au laboratoire (transfert d'énergie par résonance «FRET» avec d’autres protéines). Ce travail comporte deux parties. D’une part, nous avons cherché à déterminer si un champ de force classique (ff99 de la suite AMBER) permet de représenter l’effet de π -stacking sur la dynamique à l’état excité. Pour cela nous avons effectué une série de calculs CASPT2 sur une grille de points. La conclusion est que la différence entre les surfaces d’énergie d’interaction résultant du champ de force et des calculs de chimie quantique CASPT2 ne semblent pas déterminante pour les propriétés de fluorescences.D’autre part, nous avons utilisé un modèle développé dans le groupe ThéoSim pour décrire le déclin à partir d’une série de dynamique (300ns) utilisant un champ de force classique. Cette méthode conduit à déterminer des paramètres en principe transférables d’une protéine fluorescente à une autre. Nous avons comparé la GFP et l’YFP. Cette approche ouvre la voie à une méthode rapide pour des propriétés de fluorescences pour de nouvelles protéines fluorescentes. Une prochaine étape serait d'améliorée la description du déclin radiatif utilisée dans ce modèle. / The general framework of this PhD is a theoretical study by quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics of the relationship between the structure and the fluorescence properties of fluorescent proteins, particulary, of the yellow fluorescent protein (YFP). In this protein, the electron transition energy is reduced with respect to that of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a result of a π stacking between the chromophore (the part that absorbs and emits visible light in the protein) and a tyrosine . This effect is the basis of the usefulness of YFP in the laboratory (resonance energy transfer "FRET" with other proteins).This study has two parts. First, we have tried to determine if a classical force field (ff99 of the AMBER suite) can represent the effect of π stacking on the dynamics in the excited state. For this goal, we performed a series of CASPT2 calculations on a grid of points. The conclusion is that the difference between the interaction energy surfaces resulting from the force field and the CASPT2 calculations does not seem decisive for the fluorescence properties. Second, we used a model developed in the ThéoSim group to extract the fluorescence decay time from a series of dynamics (300ns) using a classical force field. This method leads to the determination of parameters in principle transferable across fluorescent protein. We compared GFP and YFP. This approach opens the way to a fast method for determining fluorescence properties for new fluorescent proteins. A next step would be to improve the description of radiative decay used in this model.
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Analýza explozivní síly dolních končetin v průběhu závodního období juniorských reprezentantů ve sjezdovém lyžování / Analysis of the explosive power of the lower limbs during the racing period of junior national downhill skiing teamHavel, Jan January 2021 (has links)
Title: Analysis of the explosive power of the lower limbs during the racing period of junior national downhill skiing team. Objectives: The main aim of this thesis is to determine the possible difference between the level of explosive power of the lower limbs before the racing period and just before the end of the racing period in junior downhill skiing team. Methods: In a double measurement, 10 skiers (n=10) were measured for differences in explosive power levels by using specially made test battery before the start of the racing season (December 2020) and after the end of the season (April 2021). Output measure values were compared to input values and the significance of gains or losses in scores on the output measure was assessed using a reliability test. Results: Over half of the comparisons were substantively significantly better between the input and output measurements. Keywords: force, explosive force, skiing, comparison
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Implementation of Low Cost, High-Throughput and High Sensitive Biomarker Detection Technique in Serum/Plasma Samples by Integrating Dielectrophoresis and Fluorescence Based PlatformLogeeshan, Velmanickam January 2019 (has links)
Low-cost, highly-sensitivity, and minimally invasive tests for the detection and monitoring of life-threatening cancers can reduce the worldwide disease burden. The disease diagnosis community is constantly working to improve the detection capabilities of the deadly cancers (e.g.: pancreatic and lung) at their early stages. Still there were many cancers cannot be detected at their early stages due to lack of early diagnosis techniques. One of the reason being, many cancers that occur in the body release minute amounts of biomarker molecules during the initial stages (e.g.: DNA, RNA, miRNA and antigens) in the body fluids such as blood and serum. Since the traditional bio-sensing techniques have reached their maximum capacity in terms of critical performance parameters (sensitivity, detection time, reproducibility and limit of detection) there is an urgent need for innovative approaches that can fill this gap.
To address this unmet need, here we report on developing a novel bio-sensing technique for detecting and quantifying biomolecules from the patients’ plasma/serum samples at point-of-care settings. Here we have investigated the novel interactions between biomolecules and externally applied fields to effectively manipulate and specifically concentrate them at a certain detection spots near electrodes on the detection device. Then the near-field interactions between the fluorophores and the free electrons on metal surfaces were successfully integrated with the externally applied low frequency (<10MHz) electric field, to achieve maximum florescence enhancement, that produces the detection limit of target-biomolecules in the rage of femto molars (fM). Moreover, the externally applied electric potential produces dielectrophoretic and thermophoretic force on the biomolecules, together with these forces we were able to separate the fluorophore-labelled rare target-biomolecules from the others in a sample.
The novel integrated technique is tested and proved to be superior to the current gold standards (qRT-PCR and ELISA) for target-biomolecules detection in critical performance parameters. Finally the technique was used to analyze healthy and pancreatic cancer patients’ samples and further it has been proved that we can differentiate the healthy individuals and cancer patients. In addition, this technique is being applied to the other diseases such as obesity, opioid addiction and other types of cancers.
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Experimental and numerical analysis of the dynamic load distribution in a corrugated packaging systemJamialahmadi, Arsalan January 2008 (has links)
It is well known that transportation means high and varying loads for products as well as packages. To develop corrugated boxes with optimal design and efficient use of raw materials is crucial. Vibrations and shocks acting on pallets during transportation are transferred to the corrugated boxes and considerably reduce the integrity and life time of the boxes. The development of experimental and analytical tools for measurement and prediction of the influence of dynamic loads on the box performance, such as stacking strength and conservation of stacking pattern would therefore be of large practical importance. In order to develop such tools, it is important to know the load distribution between different boxes. This master thesis presents a technique for investigating these stresses based on a pressure sensitive film, which gives many data points. A series of tests using random and sinusoidal vibration testing have been done utilising this technique and results are presented for different positions on the pallet and for different box filling methods. Investigations performed on the vibrations of the boxes also demonstrate a pitch type of motion. A level-crossing study on the forces existing between the boxes shows a Rayleigh force distribution. A mathematical model is also proposed for simulation of a stacking system. Advantages and disadvantages with this technique and with the model are described. Comparison between the experimental and numerical results shows a proper correlation. Using the pressure sensitive film as a quantitative sensor and applying the recorded data for the statistical study of the contact forces existing in a stack of boxes gives useful and important results for further analysis of the fatigue life and vulnerable positions of boxes.
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No description available.
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Theory and implementation of the naturally transitioning rate-to-force controller including force reflection using kinematically dissimilar master/slave devicesHenry, Jason Matthew January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Comparison of Slice Shear Force with Warner Bratzler Shear Force as Predictors of Consumer Panel Palatability Measures in Non-enhanced and Enhanced Pork Loin ChopsOdiam, David Michael 27 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Hydrophobic Forces in FlotationPazhianur, Rajesh R. 26 June 1999 (has links)
An atomic force microscope (AFM) has been used to conduct force measurements to better understand the role of hydrophobic forces in flotation. The force measurements were conducted between a flat mineral substrate and a hydrophobic glass sphere in aqueous solutions. It is assumed that the hydrophobic glass sphere may simulate the behavior of air bubbles during flotation. The results may provide information relevant to the bubble-particle interactions occurring during flotation. The glass sphere was hydrophobized by octadecyltrichlorosilane so that its water contact angle was 109 degrees. The mineral systems studied include covellite (CuS), sphalerite (ZnS) and hornblende (Ca₂(Mg, Fe)₅(Si₈O₂₂)(OH,F)₂). The collector used for all the mineral systems studied was potassium ethyl xanthate (KEX).
For the covellite-xanthate system, a biopotentiostat was used in conjunction with the AFM to control the potential of the mineral surface during force measurements. This was necessary since the adsorption of xanthate is strongly dependent on the electrochemical potential (Eₕ) across the solid/liquid interface. The results show the presence of strong hydrophobic forces not accounted for by the DLVO (named after Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey and Overbeek) theory. Furthermore, the potential at which the strongest hydrophobic force was measured corresponds to the potential where the flotation recovery of covellite reaches a maximum, indicating a close relationship between the two.
Direct force measurements were also conducted to study the mechanism of copper-activation of sphalerite. The force measurements conducted with unactivated sphalerite in 10⁻³ M KEX solutions did not show the presence of hydrophobic force while the results obtained with copper-activated sphalerite at pH 9.2 and 4.6 showed strong hydrophobic forces. However, at pH 6.8, no hydrophobic forces were observed, which explains why the flotation of sphalerite is depressed in the neutral pH regime.
Direct force measurements were also conducted using hornblende in xanthate solutions to study the mechanism of inadvertent activation and flotation of rock minerals. The results show the presence of long-range hydrophobic forces when hornblende was activated by heavy metal cations such as Cu²⁺ and Ni²⁺ ions. The strong hydrophobic forces were observed at pHs above the precipitation pH of the activating cation. These results were confirmed by the XPS analysis of the activated hornblende samples.
Force measurements were conducted between silanated silica surfaces to explore the relationship between hydrophobicity, advancing contact angle (CA), and the magnitude (K) of hydrophobic force. In general, K increases as Contact Angle increases and does so abruptly at Contact Angle=90°. At the same time, the acid-base component of the surface free energy decreases with increasing CA and K. At CA>90°, GammaS<sup>AB</sup> approaches zero.
Based on the results obtained in the present work a mathematical model for the origin of the hydrophobic force has been developed. It is based on the premise that hydrophobic force originates from the attraction between large dipoles on two opposing surfaces. The model has been used successfully to fit the measured hydrophobic forces using dipole moment as the only adjustable parameter. However, the hydrophobic forces measured at CA>90° cannot be fitted to the model, indicating that there may be an additional mechanism, possibly cavitation, contributing to the appearance of the long-range hydrophobic force. / Ph. D.
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