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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation into the patterns and trends of injuries in community assault cases at the Tygerberg Forensic Pathology Facility over a 10-year period from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2012

Herbst, Celeste Ingrid 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMed)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: An increase in autopsied cases of community assault fatalities has been observed at the Tygerberg Forensic Pathology Services Facility. A paucity of information exists as to the incidence and prevalence of these cases in a South African context. Objectives: To determine the patterns and trends of injuries sustained in so-called community assault fatalities. Methods: A retrospective and descriptive study was conducted. Fatal community assault cases admitted to the Tygerberg Forensic Pathology Facility over a ten year period, from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2012 were reviewed. Data was collected from autopsy/post mortem examination reports, contemporaneous notes, attached hospital records, SAPS- 180 form (completed by South African Police Services representative) and other Forensic Pathology Services (FPS) documentation. Results: A total of 424 cases of fatal community assault were admitted during the study period with an annual increase between 2004 and 2008 and a second peak from 2010 to 2012. The cause of death in majority of cases was due to multiple injuries (42%) with blunt force trauma forming the basis of most of the injuries sustained. The most prevalent areas where these assaults occurred was Khayelitsha (166 cases) and Harare (84 cases) - one of the sub-sections in Khayelitsha. Male subjects were predominantly assaulted with only one female fatality recorded. Conclusion: Adequate policing in prevalent areas is essential, to address the unnecessary loss of life and additional burden on the criminal justice system and health care services. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: „n Toename in die aantal sterftes na beweerde gemeenskapsaanranding is waargeneem by die Tygerberg Forensiese Patologie Dienste Fasiliteit. Min inligting in verband met die insidensie en prevalensie van sulke gevalle in „n Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is beskikbaar. Doelwit: Om die patrone en neigings van beserings geassosieer met beweerde gemeenskapsaanranding-sterftes te bepaal. Metodes: „n Retrospektiewe en beskrywende studie is uitgevoer. Gevalle van sterftes na beweerde gemeenskapsaanranding wat opgeneem is by die Tygerberg Forensiese Patologie Dienste Fasiliteit oor „n tien-jaar tydperk, vanaf 1 Januarie 2003 tot 31 Desember 2012, is hersien. Data is versamel van outopsie/post-mortem verslae, kontemporêre notas, aangehegde hospitaal-rekords, SAPD-180 vorm (wat deur „n verteenwoordiger van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens ingevul word) en ander Forensiese Patologie Dienste (FPS) dokumentasie. Bevindinge: Oor die tien-jaar studietydperk is 424 gevalle van sterftes na beweerde gemeenskapsaanranding gesien, met „n jaarlike toename in gevalle tussen 2004 en 2008 en ‟n tweede piek in die aantal gevalle gedurende 2010 en 2012. Die oorsaak van dood in die meerderheid gevalle was as gevolg van veelvuldige beserings, met stomp geweld, die mees algemene tipe oorsaak van beserings. Die areas waar hierdie tipe gevalle mees algemeen voorgekom het, was Khayelitsha (166 gevalle) en Harare (84 gevalle) – een van die sub-seksies in Khayelitsha. In die meerderheid van gevalle is mans aangerand, en slegs een vroulike sterfte-geval is gevind. Afleidings: Voldoende polisiëring is nodig in prevalente areas om die onnodige lewensverlies en die addisionele lading op die kriminele regsisteem en gesondheidsorgdienste aan te spreek.

The medico-legal investigation of death in custody - a review of cases admitted to the Pretoria Medico-Legal Laboratory, 2007-2011

Barit, Shimon 19 March 2013 (has links)
The universally controversial issue of deaths in custody is especially pertinent to South Africa. This study was prompted due to the increasingly diminishing ability for a concerted effort at tackling this issue by all parties involved. The 5 year retrospective, descriptive case audit performed at the Pretoria Medico-Legal Laboratory aimed to evaluate the current medico-legal investigation of deaths in custody in Pretoria, South Africa. Over half of the deaths (52%) occurred as a result of police action, 30% in police custody and 18% in correctional services custody. Gunshot wounds and hangings were the number 1 and 2 most common causes of death, respectively, with homicide and suicide being the 2 most common manners of death, respectively. The principal conclusion from the results is the presence of a flawed and malfunctioning medico-legal investigation system. The introduction of a formal protocol is urgently required to provide a framework for these investigations. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Forensic Medicine / MSc / Unrestricted

Opname van opinie van regslui ten opsigte van doeltreffendheid van geregtelike post mortems in die Wes-Kaap

Pienaar, J. P. January 2001 (has links)
Study project (M.Med.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main purpose in doing forensic post mortems is to supply information to the judicial system. Medical personnel involved in doing post mortems seldom get feedback regarding efficiency. Numerous allegations have been made regarding the work of district surgeons in terms of forensic post mortems, often suggesting that the work is substandard. In South Africa district surgeons do post mortems mostly in the rural areas, and training centre personnel do forensic post mortems in urban areas. Training centre personnel include specialized forensic pathologists, registrars and medical officers working in the Departments of Forensic Medicine, affiliated to universities. The South African Police Service mostly manages government mortuaries. The South African forensic medico-legal system is unique, and does not correspond in with the four main systems used worldwide. Research was done by sending 200 questionnaires to a representative group from the legal fraternity of the Western Cape (including judges / magistrates, state prosecutors, private lawyers) and also the South African Police Service investigating officers. The judiciary, as the users of the information generated through forensic post mortems, are therefore in a suitable position to determine the efficacy of forensic post mortem. The questionnaire was structured to determine the general perception, as well as comments, regarding 9 different aspects involved with doing forensic post mortems. These include the thoroughness and completeness of reports, standard of academic knowledge, efficacy of verbal testimony in court, length of time in releasing the report, general attitude, efficacy of sketches and diagrams, efficacy of photography, sufficient taking of toxicology samples and sufficient utilization of special laboratory investigations. The last question was an open question to allow for general comments and anecdotes. For each aspect it was also determined whether there was a difference in efficacy noted between the two groups. The effect of this, if any, on the judicial criminal justice system was also assessed. A different questionnaire was sent out to all forensic pathologists in the Western Cape. The standard of work of the district surgeons was hereby assessed. General comment regarding academic knowledge, and findings at post mortem made by district surgeons was assessed. The pathologists were also questioned regarding the general attitude of district surgeons, and imput were asked regarding continued medical education programs. An area for general comment was also supplied. The main findings were as follows: a. The legal fraternity in the Western Cape is generally satisfied with the efficiency of forensic post mortems, except the use of laboratory investigations and also the length of time to release reports. b. The legal fraternity could determine a difference in the efficiency of post mortems done by district surgeons and training centre personnel. Training centre personnel were generally regarded as more effective. c. The difference between the two groups, due to ineffective district surgeon post mortems, had a negative effect on the criminal justice system. The following recommendations were made: a. Training centre personnel: Serious consideration should be given to appointing qualified forensic pathologists in the rural areas. Training centre personnel should also be more involved in training the district surgeons. b. District surgeons: The training, re-training and continued medical education of district surgeons in the Western Cape should be prioritized. The service conditions should also be reviewed. c. Administrative: Audit of post mortem reports. The efficiency regarding court appearances should be audited through the Department of Justice. Administrative power will be necessary to oversee the above-mentioned recommendations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel met die doen van geregtelike post mortems is om inligting te verskaf aan die regsproses. Medici gemoeid met geregtelike post mortems kry baie seide terugvoer oor die effektiwiteit van werk gelewer in die hof. Daar is ook herhaaldelik suggesties gemaak dat die werk van die distriksgeneeshere met betrekking tot geregtelike post mortems soms suboptimaal is. Regsmediese post mortemdienste in Suid Afrika word verskaf deur distriksgeneeshere in die platteland, en deur personeel verbonde aan opleidingshospitale in die stede. Die opleidingssentra-personeel sluit in gespesialiseerde forensiese patoloe, kliniese assistente en mediese beamptes werksaam in 'n Departement van Geregtelike Geneeskunde verbonde aan 'n universiteit. Staats- Iykshuise word bestuur en beheer deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens. Daar bestaan geen soortgelyke model vir die voorsiening van regsmediese dienste in die res van die wereld nie. Navorsing is gedoen deur vraelyste uit te stuur aan 200 verteenwoordigende regslui (wat insluit regters/landdroste, staatsaanklaers, privaat regslui) en aan Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens-ondersoekbeamptes in die Wes Kaap. Die reg, as verbruikers van regsmediese dienste is gekies om 'n opinie uit te spreek oor die doeltreffendheid van forensiese post mortems. Die vraelyste is gestruktureer om die algemene tevredenheid en opinies en kommentaar te bekom oor nege verskillende aangeleenthede rakend die forensiese post mortem, nl. deeglikheid en volledigheid van verslae, standaard van akademiese kennis, effektiwiteit van verbale getuienisaflegging in die hof, tydsverloop vir lewering van verslae, houding en gesindheid van medici, doeltreffendheid van sketse en diagram me, effektiewe gebruik van fotografie, effektiewe gebruik van toksikologiese ondersoeke, effektiewe gebruik van spesiale ondersoeke, asook 'n algemene oop vraag vir kommentaar oor probleemareas. Daar word vervolgens vir elke aangeleentheid bepaal of daar 'n verskil in effektiwiteit opgelet word tussen twee mediese subgroepe, en indien wei watter groep meer effektief funksioneer. Verder sal nagegaan word of die regsproses geaffekteer word deur enige van bogenoemde bevindinge. 'n Verskillende vraelys is uitgestuur aan aile geregtelike patoloe in die Wes-Kaap. Hiermee word die standaard van die werk van distriksgeneeshere beoordeel. Kommentaar is gevra oor akademiese kennis met betrekking tot geregtelike post mortems en oor bevindinge gemaak deur distriksgeneeshere by post mortems. Daar word ook gevra oor die algemene houding van distriksgeneeshere, asook vir voorstelle vir voortgesette onderrigsprogramme. 'n Oop vraag is gestel vir kommentaar oor probleemareas. Uit die response is die volgende gevolgtrekkings gemaak: a. Die regslui in die Wes-Kaap is oor die algemeen tevrede met die diens gelewer met betrekking tot geregtelike post mortems, met uitsondering van die effektiwiteit van laboratoriumondersoeke, en ook oor die tydsverloop tussen die doen van post mortem en die vrystel van die verslae. b. Die regslui kon 'n verskil bepaal in die graad van effektiwiteit van post mortems gedoen deur distriksgeneeshere en opleidingssentra-personeel. Opleidingssentra-personeel is deur die meerderheid van respondente identifiseer as meer effektief. c. Die verskil tussen die twee groepe, a.g.v. oneffektiewe distriksgeneesheer post mortems, het 'n negatiewe effek op die regsproses. Aanbevelings is gemaak om die sisteem te verbeter: a. Opleidingssentra-personeel: Die uitplasing van gekwalifiseerde forensiese patoloe in die platteland moet oorweeg word. Opleidingssentrapersoneel kan ook meer betrokke wees by opleiding van distriksgeneeshere. b. Distriksgeneeshere: Aandag moet gegee word aan die opleiding, heropleiding en voortgesette geneeskundige onderrig van distriksgeneeshere in die Wes-Kaap. Die werksomstandighede waaronder hulle diens lewer moet ook aangespreek word. C. Administratief: Ouditering van post mortem verslae. Ouditering van effektiwiteit van hofverskynings, in assosiasie met die Departement van Justisie. Admininistratiewe wilskrag sal ook essensieel wees by implementering van bogenoemde voorstelle.

Profile of pedestrian road traffic crash fatalities on the R71 road admitted at Polokwane forensic pathology

Mphatja, Tebogo Wilhemina January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M.Med. (Forensic Pathology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / Introduction and background: Road traffic fatalities remain a worldwide burden with more than half of those fatalities comprising of vulnerable road users (pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists). This prompted the World Health Organization and United Nations to establish Sustainable Developmental Goals aimed at reducing road traffic crashes. The study explored factors relating to pedestrian fatalities on the R71 road, which may inform future interventions to enhance pedestrian safety. Aim: The study aimed at profiling pedestrian road traffic crash fatalities on the R71 road admitted at Polokwane Forensic Pathology Services. Methodology: A quantitative descriptive study utilising total population purposive sampling of pedestrians that demised because of R71 road traffic crashes over a 3-year period was done. There were 65 cases studied. Results: The study revealed that the fatalities were more male adult pedestrians than females, who were between 20 -39 years old. Majority of those pedestrians were wearing dark coloured clothing with no reflectors on. The pedestrian fatalities were mostly seen over the weekend and between evening and midnight. The fatalities peaked in December and February (summer season). The common locality of the pedestrian fatalities was Mankweng and Mentz village (Area 3). Most of those pedestrians sustained head injuries. Conclusion: Contributory factors and injuries of those pedestrian fatalities that demised because of R71 road traffic crashes were identified, which some were similar to those already highlighted in literature.

Effects of hydrated lime and quicklime on the decay of buried human remains using pig cadavers as human body analogues

Schotsmans, Eline M.J., Denton, J., Dekeirsschieter, J., Ivaneanu, T., Leentjes, S., Janaway, Robert C., Wilson, Andrew S. January 2012 (has links)
No / Recent casework in Belgium involving the search for human remains buried with lime, demonstrated the need for more detailed understanding of the effect of different types of lime on cadaver decomposition and its micro-environment. Six pigs (Sus scrofa) were used as body analogues in field experiments. They were buried without lime, with hydrated lime (Ca(OH)(2)) and with quicklime (CaO) in shallow graves in sandy loam soil in Belgium and recovered after 6 months of burial. Observations from these field recoveries informed additional laboratory experiments that were undertaken at the University of Bradford, UK. The combined results of these studies demonstrate that despite conflicting evidence in the literature, hydrated lime and quicklime both delay the decay of the carcass during the first 6 months. This study has implications for the investigation of clandestine burials and for a better understanding of archaeological plaster burials. Knowledge of the effects of lime on decomposition processes also has bearing on practices involving burial of animal carcasses and potentially the management of mass graves and mass disasters by humanitarian organisations and DVI teams. / No

Short-term effects of hydrated lime and quicklime on the decay of human remains using pig cadavers as human body analogues: Laboratory experiments

Schotsmans, Eline M.J., Denton, J., Fletcher, Jonathan N., Janaway, Robert C., Wilson, Andrew S. January 2014 (has links)
No / Contradictions and misconceptions regarding the effect of lime on the decay of human remains have demonstrated the need for more research into the effect of different types of lime on cadaver decomposition. This study follows previous research by the authors who have investigated the effect of lime on the decomposition of human remains in burial environments. A further three pig carcasses (Sus scrofa), used as human body analogues, were observed and monitored for 78 days without lime, with hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2) and with quicklime (CaO) in the taphonomy laboratory at the University of Bradford. The results showed that in the early stages of decay, the unlimed and hydrated lime cadavers follow a similar pattern of changes. In contrast, the application of quicklime instigated an initial acceleration of decay. Microbial investigation demonstrated that the presence of lime does not eliminate all aerobic bacteria. The experiment also suggested that lime functions as a sink, buffering the carbon dioxide evolution. This study complements the field observations. It has implications for the investigation of time since death of limed remains. Knowledge of the effects of lime on decomposition processes is of interest to forensic pathologists, archaeologists, humanitarian organisations and those concerned with disposal of animal carcasses or human remains in mass disasters.

The post-mortem as a source of information in the investigation of murder

Bila, Hlengani Phanuel 05 1900 (has links)
The research is concerned with how the post-mortem report can be used as a source of information in the investigation of murder cases to identify crime, individual crimes and trace suspects, etc. The understanding of the post-mortem report, and the information which can be obtained from it, will assist the police investigators to handle murder cases in a professional way. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the existing manner in which police investigators use post-mortem reports in their investigations, with the intention of determining its strengths and weaknesses, and considering how the usage can be improved. Secondly, the researcher wanted to explore how investigators use postmortem reports as a source of information in their investigations. To accomplish this, the researcher perused international and national literature in an attempt to explore the field. The researcher wanted to apply the new research knowledge in order to develop good practice in the field. This has been done by recommending new procedures to enhance performance and to improve the conviction rate in court cases. / Police Practice / M.Tech. (Forensic Investigation)

A critical analysis of the procedures followed in child rape cases in Mpumalanga Province

Boodhoo, Vinesh 02 1900 (has links)
This study reflects a critical analysis of the procedures followed in child rape cases in Mpumalanga Province and in the process to enhance investigative capabilities with sound detective development. Empirical research was conducted with a literature review, docket analysis and interviews as methods to obtain information where the following important aspects were addressed: an overview of the field of forensic investigation, the shortcomings with regard to child rape investigations and correct procedures for conducting child rape investigations formulated. The study found that generally rape cases were not properly investigated, correct procedures were not followed (biological/physical evidence was not readily identified nor correctly handled) and applicable directives pertaining to child rape investigations not complied with. Investigators had a narrow understanding of the concept forensic investigation. In child rape investigations it would be of more evidential value and reliable to collect physical evidence such as blood, semen, vaginal fluids and saliva as the child’s testimony at court might not be reliable, particularly when subjected to cross examination. Rape is both a contact crime as well as a psychologically motivated crime and both aspects of the trauma needs attention during the investigation process. Crimes against women and children are also a national concern, thus making child rape a priority crime for the South African Police Service. For any successful prosecution it is necessary that policy and correct procedures are not compromised but rather strictly adhered to. The Locard Principle in relation to physical evidence such as body fluids at the crime scene needs to be focussed on during the investigation process. The research suggests that the current standing operating procedures be amended to include the critical aspects of child rape investigation such as processing of the crime scene, the search for biological evidence as well as the packaging and preservation of biological evidence. / Police Practice / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)

A critical analysis of the procedures followed in child rape cases in Mpumalanga Province

Boodhoo, Vinesh 02 1900 (has links)
This study reflects a critical analysis of the procedures followed in child rape cases in Mpumalanga Province and in the process to enhance investigative capabilities with sound detective development. Empirical research was conducted with a literature review, docket analysis and interviews as methods to obtain information where the following important aspects were addressed: an overview of the field of forensic investigation, the shortcomings with regard to child rape investigations and correct procedures for conducting child rape investigations formulated. The study found that generally rape cases were not properly investigated, correct procedures were not followed (biological/physical evidence was not readily identified nor correctly handled) and applicable directives pertaining to child rape investigations not complied with. Investigators had a narrow understanding of the concept forensic investigation. In child rape investigations it would be of more evidential value and reliable to collect physical evidence such as blood, semen, vaginal fluids and saliva as the child’s testimony at court might not be reliable, particularly when subjected to cross examination. Rape is both a contact crime as well as a psychologically motivated crime and both aspects of the trauma needs attention during the investigation process. Crimes against women and children are also a national concern, thus making child rape a priority crime for the South African Police Service. For any successful prosecution it is necessary that policy and correct procedures are not compromised but rather strictly adhered to. The Locard Principle in relation to physical evidence such as body fluids at the crime scene needs to be focussed on during the investigation process. The research suggests that the current standing operating procedures be amended to include the critical aspects of child rape investigation such as processing of the crime scene, the search for biological evidence as well as the packaging and preservation of biological evidence. / Police Practice / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)

The post-mortem report as a source of information in the investigation of murder

Bila, Hlengani Phanuel 05 1900 (has links)
The research is concerned with how the post-mortem report can be used as a source of information in the investigation of murder cases to identify crime, individual crimes and trace suspects, etc. The understanding of the post-mortem report, and the information which can be obtained from it, will assist the police investigators to handle murder cases in a professional way. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the existing manner in which police investigators use post-mortem reports in their investigations, with the intention of determining its strengths and weaknesses, and considering how the usage can be improved. Secondly, the researcher wanted to explore how investigators use postmortem reports as a source of information in their investigations. To accomplish this, the researcher perused international and national literature in an attempt to explore the field. The researcher wanted to apply the new research knowledge in order to develop good practice in the field. This has been done by recommending new procedures to enhance performance and to improve the conviction rate in court cases. / Police Practice / M.Tech. (Forensic Investigation)

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