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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Neural Network Growth and Yield Model for Nova Scotia Forests

Higgins, Jenna 09 June 2011 (has links)
Forest growth models are important to the forestry community because they provide means for predicting future yields and exploring different forest management practices. The purpose of this thesis is to develop an individual tree forest growth model applicable for the province of Nova Scotia. The Acadian forest of Nova Scotia is a prime example a mixed species forest which is best modelled with individual tree models. Individual tree models also permit modelling variable-density management regimes, which are important as the Province investigates new silviculture options. Rather than use the conventional regression techniques, our individual tree growth and yield model was developed using neural networks. The growth and yield model was comprised of three different neural networks: a network for each survivability, diameter increment and height increment. In general, the neural network modelling approach fit the provincial data reasonably well. In order to have a model applicable to each species in the Province, species was included as a model input; the models were able to distinguish between species and to perform nearly as well as species-specific models. It was also found that including site and stocking level indicators as model inputs improved the model. Furthermore, it was found that the GIS-based site quality index developed at UNB could be used as a site indicator rather than land capability. Finally, the trained neural networks were used to create a growth and yield model which would be limited to shorter prediction periods and a larger scale.

Modeling General Response to Silvicultural Treatments in Loblolly Pine Stands

Gyawali, Nabin 11 November 2013 (has links)
Basal area and dominant height growth and survival models incorporating general response to silvicultural treatments for loblolly pine stands were developed using data from various silvicultural experiments across Southern United States. Growth models for treated stands were developed by multiplying base-line growth models with modifier response functions/multipliers accounting for effects of thinning, fertilization, and control of competing vegetation. Chapman-Richards functions were used to model the base-line growth. Separate response functions to mid-rotation thinning and fertilization effects were developed. The thinning response function was based on duration and rate parameters and is sensitive to stand age at the time of thinning, time since thinning, and intensity of thinning. The fertilization response functions were based on Weibull distribution and the magnitude of responses varies with time since application of fertilizers, type of fertilizer elements applied, and rate of application. Response functions were integrated as a multiplier to base-line models. Response to early control of competing vegetation was incorporated into base-line models through multiplier factors. Multiplier factors were calculated based on growth difference between treated and untreated stands. A difference function, derived from differential equation with age, initial stand density, and site index served as the base-line survival model. The survival model was adjusted for thinning treatment by including an additional independent variable that represents thinning intensity. No adjustment was required for survival model in response to fertilization and competing vegetation control. All growth models were unbiased and had adequate performance in predicting basal area and dominant height following treatments. Models were developed to represent general growth trends in response to treatments. The response functions developed here can be viewed as general response functions. / Ph. D.

The impact of silvicultural strategies and climate change on carbon sequestration and other forest ecosystem functions

Fürstenau, Cornelia January 2008 (has links)
Forests are a key resource serving a multitude of functions such as providing income to forest owners, supplying industries with timber, protecting water resources, and maintaining biodiversity. Recently much attention has been given to the role of forests in the global carbon cycle and their management for increased carbon sequestration as a possible mitigation option against climate change. Furthermore, the use of harvested wood can contribute to the reduction of atmospheric carbon through (i) carbon sequestration in wood products, (ii) the substitution of non-wood products with wood products, and (iii) through the use of wood as a biofuel to replace fossil fuels. Forest resource managers are challenged by the task to balance these multiple while simultaneously meeting economic requirements and taking into consideration the demands of stakeholder groups. Additionally, risks and uncertainties with regard to uncontrollable external variables such as climate have to be considered in the decision making process. In this study a scientific stakeholder dialogue with forest-related stakeholder groups in the Federal State of Brandenburg was accomplished. The main results of this dialogue were the definition of major forest functions (carbon sequestration, groundwater recharge, biodiversity, and timber production) and priority setting among them by the stakeholders using the pair-wise comparison technique. The impact of different forest management strategies and climate change scenarios on the main functions of forest ecosystems were evaluated at the Kleinsee management unit in south-east Brandenburg. Forest management strategies were simulated over 100 years using the forest growth model 4C and a wood product model (WPM). A current climate scenario and two climate change scenarios based on global circulation models (GCMs) HadCM2 and ECHAM4 were applied. The climate change scenario positively influenced stand productivity, carbon sequestration, and income. The impact on the other forest functions was small. Furthermore, the overall utility of forest management strategies were compared under the priority settings of stakeholders by a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) method. Significant differences in priority setting and the choice of an adequate management strategy were found for the environmentalists on one side and the more economy-oriented forest managers of public and private owned forests on the other side. From an ecological perspective, a conservation strategy would be preferable under all climate scenarios, but the business as usual management would also fit the expectations under the current climate. In contrast, a forest manager in public-owned forests or a private forest owner would prefer a management strategy with an intermediate thinning intensity and a high share of pine stands to enhance income from timber production while maintaining the other forest functions. The analysis served as an example for the combined application of simulation tools and a MCA method for the evaluation of management strategies under multi-purpose and multi-user settings with changing climatic conditions. Another focus was set on quantifying the overall effect of forest management on carbon sequestration in the forest sector and the wood industry sector plus substitution effects. To achieve this objective, the carbon emission reduction potential of material and energy substitution (Smat and Sen) was estimated based on a literature review. On average, for each tonne of dry wood used in a wood product substituting a non-wood product, 0.71 fewer tonnes of fossil carbon are emitted into to the atmosphere. Based on Smat and Sen, the calculation of the carbon emission reduction through substitution was implemented in the WPM. Carbon sequestration and substitution effects of management strategies were simulated at three local scales using the WPM and the forest growth models 4C (management unit level) or EFISCEN (federal state of Brandenburg and Germany). An investigation was conducted on the influence of uncertainties in the initialisation of the WPM, Smat, and basic conditions of the wood product sector on carbon sequestration. Results showed that carbon sequestration in the wood industry sector plus substitution effects exceeded sequestration in the forest sector. In contrast to the carbon pools in the forest sector, which acted as sink or source, the substitution effects continually reduced carbon emission as long as forests are managed and timber is harvested. The main climate protection function was investigated for energy substitution which accounted for about half of the total carbon sequestration, followed by carbon storage in landfills. In Germany, the absolute annual carbon sequestration in the forest and wood industry sector plus substitution effects was 19.9 Mt C. Over 50 years the wood industry sector contributed 70% of the total carbon sequestration plus substitution effects. / Wälder beeinflussen in vielfältiger Weise unser Leben. Für den Waldbesitzer sind sie Einkommensquelle, die Holzindustrie versorgen sie mit dem Rohstoff, aus dem unzählige Dinge für den täglichen Bedarfs hergestellt werden, wie zum Beispiel Baumaterialien, Möbel, Gartengeräte, Spielzeug und Papier. Außerdem versorgen Wälder uns mit sauberem Grundwasser, sind Lebensraum für Pflanzen und Tiere und tragen somit zum Erhalt der Artenvielfalt bei. Nicht zuletzt beeinflussen Wälder das Klimasystem, da sie der Atmosphäre das Treibhausgas CO2 entziehen und Kohlenstoff in Biomasse und Boden speichern. Förster stehen nun vor der anspruchsvollen Aufgabe, eine Balance zwischen den vielfältigen und oft auch gegensätzlichen Waldfunktionen zu finden und die Ansprüche von Interessengruppen wahrzunehmen. Zusätzlich müssen im waldbaulichen Entscheidungsprozess Risiken und Unsicherheiten durch unberechenbare externe Faktoren, wie das Klima, beachtet werden. Ziel der Arbeit war es, den Einfluss von Klima und Waldbaustrategien auf Waldfunktionen zu untersuchen. Als Testgebiet fungierte das Revier Kleinsee im Südosten Brandenburgs, in dem Kiefern- und Eichenbestände vorherrschen. In einem wissenschaftlichen Dialog mit Angestellten der Forstbehörde, Privatwaldbesitzern, Vertretern von Naturschutzverbänden sowie Wissenschaftlern definierten die Teilnehmer die wichtigsten Waldfunktionen: Kohlenstoffspeicherung, Grundwasserneubildung, Biodiversität und Holzproduktion. Die Simulationen wurden mit Hilfe des Waldwachstumsmodells 4C und einem neu implementierten Holzproduktmodell (WPM) über einen Zeitraum von 100 Jahren durchgeführt. Dabei wurden den heutigen Klimabedingungen zwei Klimaänderungsszenarien gegenübergestellt, die auf den globalen Zirkulationsmodellen HadCM2 und ECHAM4 basieren. Es stellte sich heraus, dass unter den angenommenen Klimaänderungen das Wachstum der Bestände steigt und sich damit die Kohlenstoffspeicherung und der Ertrag aus Holzernten erhöht, wohingegen Biodiversität und Grundwasserneubildung nur sehr gering beeinflusst werden. Der Nutzen der Waldbewirtschaftungsstrategien für drei Interessensgruppen (Forstbehörde, private Waldbesitzer, Naturschutzvereine) wurde mit einer multikriteriellen Analysemethode bewertet. Dabei unterschieden sich die Rangfolge und Gewichtung der einzelnen Waldfunktionen sowie die daraus resultierende Wahl der Waldbaustrategien zwischen den Naturschützern einerseits sowie den stärker ökonomisch orientierten Landeswaldförstern und privaten Waldbesitzern anderseits. Naturschutzvereine bevorzugen das Einstellen der Waldbewirtschaftung, aber auch die aktuelle Waldbaustrategie, mit mäßiger Durchforstungsintensität und einem hohen Anteil an Eichenbeständen entspricht ihren Zielsetzungen. Dagegen lag die Präferenz der Landeswaldförster sowie privaten Waldbesitzer auf einer Walbaustrategie mit einem hohen Anteil an Kiefernbeständen, um den Ertrag unter Beachtung der anderen Waldfunktionen zu steigern. Als Fazit geht aus dieser Teilstudie hervor, dass die Bewertung von Waldbaustrategien hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für eine multifunktionale Waldbewirtschaftung unter Beachtung von Ansprüchen verschiedener Interessengruppen und ungewissen klimatischen Bedingungen unter Verwendung von 4C und einer multikriteriellen Analysemethode sehr gut möglich ist. Besonderes Augenmerk galt dem Einfluss von Waldbaustrategien auf den Kohlenstoffkreislauf, wobei nicht nur die Kohlenstoffspeicherung im Wald, sondern auch in Holzprodukten, sowie die Verringerung von CO2-Emissionen durch energetische und stoffliche Nutzung von Holz betrachtet wurden. Die potentielle Reduktion von CO2-Emissionen durch das Ersetzen von Erzeugnissen und Energie aus nicht nachwachsenden Rohstoffen durch Holz (Smat und Sen) wurde basierend auf Daten verschiedener Studien geschätzt. Eine Sensitivitätsanalyse untersuchte Unsicherheiten bei der Initialisierung des WPMs und der Berechung von Smat. Verschiedene Szenarien führten zu einem besseren Verständnis dafür, wie sich Änderungen im Energiesektor und Holzproduktsektor auf das Potential, Kohlenstoff zu speichern bzw. CO2-Emissionen zu verringen auswirken. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Reduzierung von CO2-Emissionen im Holzproduktsektor durch die Nutzung von Holz als Werkstoff und Brennstoff höher ist als durch die Akkumulation von Kohlenstoff im Wald. Im Gegensatz zu den Kohlenstoffspeichern im Wald, die sowohl Quellen als auch Senken sein können, werden durch die Nutzung von Holz CO2-Emissionen verringert, solange im Zuge der Waldbewirtschaftung Holz für die Weiterverarbeitung zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Simulationen auf Bundesebene ergaben, dass in Deutschland die Forst- und Holzwirtschaft jährlich dazu beitragen die CO2-Emissionen um 19,9 Mt Kohlenstoff zu verringern, wobei 70% auf die Holzindustrie und den Substitutionseffekt entfallen.

Dynamics and sustainable use of species-rich moist forests: A process-based modelling approach

Rüger, Nadja 24 January 2007 (has links)
Sustainable use of species-rich moist forests is hampered by an insufficient understanding of their dynamics and long-term response to different wood harvesting strategies. This thesis contributes to a better understanding of natural forest dynamics, explores the productivity of native forests subjected to different management strategies, and quantifies the ecological impacts of these strategies. The thesis focuses on two study regions: tropical montane cloud forest (TMCF) in central Veracruz, Mexico, and Valdivian temperate rain forest (VTRF) in northern Chiloé Island, Chile. The process-based forest growth model FORMIND is applied to study natural forest succession, to assess long-term ecological implications of fuelwood extraction on TMCF, to explore the potential of secondary TMCF for provision of ecosystem services and fuelwood, and to compare potential harvesting strategies for VTRF regarding forest productivity and ecological consequences.Simulation results show that both forest types have a high potential for wood production. As wood extraction increases, the forest structure becomes simplified because large old trees disappear from the forest. The species composition shifts to tree species that are favoured by the respective harvesting strategy. The overall ecological impact increases linearly with the amount of extracted wood. Simulation results allow to define management strategies that balance conservation and production objectives, promote the regeneration of desired tree species, or minimise shifts in the species composition of the forest. Process-based forest models enhance our understanding of the dynamics of species-rich moist forests and are indispensable tools to assess long-term implications of anthropogenic disturbances on forest ecosystems. Thereby they contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of native forests outside protected areas.

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