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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studie řízeného ochlazování z dokovací teploty ocelových zápustkových výkovků / Study of controlled cooling from final forging temperature of steel drope stamping

Vančura, Filip January 2009 (has links)
In s industrial production is more and more requierement to a saving costs. Findig savings has been removed even to the areas using safety parts, f.e. parts of car chassis. This projekct agglomerate posibilities of technology controled cooling proces of die forgings from micro alloy steel, which is right example how we can spare production expenditure. Micro alloy steel 30MNVS6 was studied within the standard production conditions. A lot of tests were made. There where change a cooling rates of proceses without delay after forging proces. One experiment was made for two temperature of forging.proces. Two series of mechanical tests was made and then was observed phenomenon of metalurgical structure changed and mechanical properties.

Měření a vyhodnocování přímosti osy rotačních výkovků pomocí fotogrammetrie a analýzy obrazu / Measurement and Evaluation of Axis Straightness of Rotary Forgings using Photogrammetry and Image Analysis

Zatočilová, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with methodology proposal for shape and dimension measurement of rotationally symmetric forgings. Most of available non-contact systems are not possible to use for this purpose, mainly due to high temperatures and large dimensions of forgings. Only a few commercial systems which are designed for this specific measurement are currently in the market. These systems are based on a principle of evaluating time response of posted modulated signal. However, scientific literature shows also other approaches to the measurement, which are based on principle of triangulation and methods of image analysis. Advantage of systems based on these principles should be especially measurement speed and significantly lower price. The paper describes current state of research and development in this area and proposes a new approach which is based on passive photogrammetry and image analysis. The core of the work is devoted to the design of partial methods and their implementation in the Matlab programming language. Functionality of the methodology and the software has been verified by measuring cylindrical tubes of small dimensions in laboratory conditions. The designed methods were discussed and evaluated based on statistical analysis of the measurement results, and further steps to increase the accuracy and reduce the spread of results were suggested. Optimization and further development of this methodology could lead to the design a professional measuring system intended for this specific application.

Couplages matériaux procédés pour les alliages de cuivre du transport ferroviaire / Materials-processes couplings for the copper alloys in rail transport

Chalon, Julie 16 December 2016 (has links)
Les raccords et connexions de caténaires ont un rôle important dans l’intégrité électrique et mécanique des caténaires. Ces pièces sont pour la plupart constituées d’un alliage de cuivre Cu-Ni-Si mis en forme par forgeage à chaud. Dans un contexte de fiabilisation du réseau ferroviaire, l’amélioration de leurs performances et de leurs procédés de fabrication est recherchée. Ces travaux se concentrent sur l’étape de mise en forme de ces pièces, et ont pour objectif de mieux comprendre les couplages matériaux-procédés des alliages Cu-Ni-Si.Une campagne expérimentale de compression est menée. Elle permet de développer un modèle rhéologique à base physique décrivant le comportement d’un alliage Cu-Ni-Si dans les gammes de température 800 - 950 °C et de vitesse de déformation 0.1 - 10 s−1. Il tient compte des phénomènes d’adoucissement par restauration et recristallisation dynamiques. Le modèle ainsi créé est ensuite implémenté dans un logiciel éléments finis.Un nouvel essai de formabilité est proposé. Il permet de reproduire les sollicitations mécaniques rencontrées lors d’un procédé de forgeage et vise à déterminer les conditions limites de formabilité d’un matériau. La mise en forme d’une pièce de référence est étudiée par le biais de cet essai. Sa caractérisation précise en matière de champ de déformations et de contraintes permet d’identifier les paramètres expérimentaux. Les résultats identifient une température limite de forgeage en-deçà de laquelle des fissures sont prédites dans la pièce. / Contact wire splices play a leading role in the electric and mechanical integrity of the catenary systems. Most of these parts are made of Cu-Ni-Si alloys and manufactured by a hot forging process. With the aim of increasing the reliability of the railway network, the improvement of their performances and their manufacturing processes is sought. This work is focused on the forming stage of these parts and aims to give a better understanding of the materials-processes couplings for the Cu-Ni-Si alloys.An experimental campaign including compression tests is conducted. It allows the development of a physically-based model to describe the rheological behavior of a Cu-Ni-Si alloy deformed in the temperature range between 800 °C and 950 °C, at strain rates in the range of 0.1 - 10 s−1. It takes into account the work-softening implied by dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization. The model thus created is then implemented in a finite element software.A new workability test is proposed. Its purpose is to reproduce the mechanical conditions encountered in a forming process and to determine the critical conditions of workability related to a material. The forging process of a reference part is studied by means of this test. An accurate characterization of the process in terms of strain magnitude and stress field allows the identification of the experimental parameters. The results lead to the identification of a limit temperature of workability below which fractures are predicted in the part.

Processing Aluminum Oxide for the Control of Microstructural Texture and Optical Properties

Andrew P Schlup (8791136) 01 May 2020 (has links)
Transparent polycrystalline aluminum oxide is a promising optical material, particularly in applications that require ballistic protection. However, the rhombohedral crystal structure of alumina limits its transparency due to birefringent scattering. One method of reducing birefringent scattering is to align the particles along the same crystallographic direction, minimizing the refractive index mismatch. This dissertation explores the use of high aspect-ratio platelet-morphology alumina powder in order to process a crystallographically aligned polycrystalline alumina part, with improved optical properties. The optimal hot-pressing parameters of non-pre-aligned platelet alumina were explored, showing that a low pre-load pressure (0MPa), a high maximum temperature (1800°C), a low maximum pressure (10MPa), and a long isothermal hold time (>5hrs) yields dense, transparent parts. These parameters resulted in samples with a high in-line transmission (>65%) despite a large grain size (>60μm). This is due to a high degree of crystallographic orientation, which minimizes the refractive index mismatch between grains, reducing birefringent scattering. Pre-alignment resulted in a further increase in crystallographic orientation, indicating that the pre-alignment procedure effectively aligns the platelets along the same crystallographic orientation. However, pre-alignment resulted in a minimal improvement in optical properties due to the pre-aligned platelets decreasing the densification. Mechanical properties were characterized, resulting in a flexure stress and Vickers hardness of approximately 175MPa and 17GPa, respectively. These low mechanical properties are due to the large grain size. The Vickers hardness was also characterized along different alignment/hot-pressing directions, showing that the hardness matches that of sapphire along corresponding crystallographic directions. Modifications to the Rayleigh-Gans-Debye model were made, accounting for crystallographic orientation. The modified model more closely matches the experimental optical data, illustrating the importance of accounting for crystallographic alignment. This dissertation emphasizes the importance of characterizing optical losses in transparent ceramics and how they relate to the microstructure, as well as the significance of crystallographic alignment in a birefringent transparent ceramic like alumina.

Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung einer kombinierten Gieß-Umformtechnologie zur Herstellung hochwertiger Aluminium Bauteile

Dedov, Stanislav 23 October 2013 (has links)
Die steigende Bedeutung des Leichtbaus in der modernen Fahrzeugtechnik stellt stetig neue technologische Herausforderungen an die Hersteller. Dabei rückt die Entwicklung neuer energetisch effizienter Herstellungsverfahren sowie geeigneter Werkstoffe immer weiter in den Vordergrund. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Entwicklung eines zukunftsorientierten kombinierten Gieß-Umformverfahrens zur Herstellung hochfester Aluminiumbauteile, z.B. für die Automobilindustrie, vorangetrieben. Die Anwendung aushärtbarer Aluminiumlegierungen, insbesondere mit höheren Siliziumgehalten, wird betrachtet. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt in der Ermittlung und Begründung günstiger Prozessbedingungen für einzelne Prozessschritte von Aluminiumbauteilen (Gießen, Umformen, Warm-, bzw. Kaltauslagern) im Zusammenhang mit dem Siliziumgehalt der Legierung. Die Übertragung der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse auf die Verhältnisse des kombinierten Gieß-Umformverfahrens in einen industrienahen Maß-stab stellte ein weiteres Ziel der Arbeit dar.

Rapid Infrared Thermal Processing of AA 2618 and AA 6061 Forgings

Gowreesan, Vamadevan 29 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.

A material based approach to creating wear resistant surfaces for hot forging

Babu, Sailesh 22 December 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Powder Forging of in Axial and Radial Direction Graded Components of TRIP-Matrix-Composite

Kirschner, Markus, Guk, Sergey, Kawalla, Rudolf, Prahl, Ulrich 02 July 2024 (has links)
Powder metallurgy is one way of producing complex, graded structures that could allowmaterial systems to be produced with properties tailored to individual applications. However,powder metallurgy requires that the semi-finished products are very similar to the final component.It is much more economical to produce simple semi-finished products and then combine them bypowder forging and simultaneous compaction than forming complex components with the desiredgraded structure. However, it is absolutely necessary that the graded structure of the semi-finishedproducts is maintained during the forming process. In this study, pre-sintered cylindrical semi-finished products, consisting of axially graded as well as radially graded components, were producedby powder forging at 1100◦C. The microstructures, densities and mechanical properties of the finalcomponents were investigated to verify the effectiveness of the process route. It was observed thatthe components formed solid structures after compaction, in which the reinforcing ZrO2particleswere fully integrated into the transformation-induced plasticity steel matrix.

Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen von Al-Mg-Verbunden mittels Verbundschmieden

Feuerhack, Andreas 15 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Formänderungsvermögen von Al-Mg-Verbunden. Diese hybriden Verbunde wurden mittels hydrostatischem Strangpressen hergestellt und sind gekennzeichnet durch eine stoffschlüssige Verbindung basierend auf einer intermetallischen Phase. Basis der Untersuchungen waren die experimentellen Analysen der grundlegenden Hauptumformarten des Schmiedens Stauchen, Breiten und Steigen, um eine umfassende Charakterisierung der Umformbarkeit derartiger hybrider Verbunde zu gewährleisten. Dabei erfolgte die Herleitung von geeigneten Umformgesenken, der Aufbau eines Experimentierfeldes sowie die Definition der Variationsparameter. Die experimentellen Methoden wurden zweckmäßig mit numerischen Methoden ergänzt, um die Problemstellung umfassend zu analysieren. Bei den Untersuchungen wurde die belastungsabhängige Umformbarkeit der hybriden Al-Mg-Verbunde, insbesondere der intermetallischen Phasen, festgestellt. Aufgrund der Mikrostruktur verfügen die intermetallischen Phasen über eine Vorzugsrichtung, welche eine Schädigung hauptsächlich in radialer Belastungsrichtung aufweist. Die Schädigung der primären Grenzschicht geschieht durch eine Fragmentierung, wobei sich durch Diffusionsprozesse eine sekundäre Grenzschicht entlang der neuen Kontaktstellen bildet. Durch die Anwendung der numerischen Methoden konnten die maximalen Schubspannungen sowie die Vergleichsumformgrade als bedeutsame Einflussgrößen ermittelt werden. Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen erfolgte die Herleitung eines makromechanischen Versagenskriteriums, mit dem innerhalb der numerischen Simulation kritische Bereiche der Grenzschichtschädigung ohne experimentelle Versuche dargestellt werden können. Abschließend wurden Optimierungsstrategien auf Basis der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse abgeleitet. Die Modifikation des Mantel-Kern-Verhältnisses sowie die gezielte Anwendung von Exzentrizitäten bieten die Möglichkeit, anforderungsspezifische maßgeschneiderte hybride Al-Mg-Verbunde zu realisieren. / The presented work describes the extensive studies of the formability of hybrid Al-Mg compounds. These hybrid compounds were produced by a hydrostatic co-extrusion process and can be characterized by an interface consisting of an intermetallic phase. Basis of the studies were experimental analyses of the fundamental forming processes upsetting, spreading and uprising to provide a comprehensive characterization of the formability of such hybrid compounds. Therefore, the development of suitable forging dies, the experimental set-up and the definition of the variation of parameters was carried out. The experimental methods were supported with appropriate numerical methods to analyze the compounds in detail. In the studies, a load direction dependency of the formability of hybrid Al-Mg compounds, especially related to the intermetallic phases was detected. Due to the microstructure of the intermetallic phases, a primarily preferred damage direction in radial load direction, was determined. The damage to the primary interface occurs by a fragmentation mechanism. Due to diffusion processes a secondary interface along the new contact areas was established. The application of numerical methods showed that the maximum shear stresses and the logarithmic equivalent strains were determined as the significant parameters. Based on these scientific findings a macro-mechanical damage model was developed. By means of this model the critical areas of the interface damage can be visualized in the numerical simulation. Finally, based on the scientific findings optimization strategies were derived. The modification of the sleeve-core ratio and the specific application of eccentricity by a new eccentric hydrostatic co-extrusion process allow the full application of such hybrid Al-Mg compounds in the industry.

Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen von Al-Mg-Verbunden mittels Verbundschmieden

Feuerhack, Andreas 23 May 2014 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Formänderungsvermögen von Al-Mg-Verbunden. Diese hybriden Verbunde wurden mittels hydrostatischem Strangpressen hergestellt und sind gekennzeichnet durch eine stoffschlüssige Verbindung basierend auf einer intermetallischen Phase. Basis der Untersuchungen waren die experimentellen Analysen der grundlegenden Hauptumformarten des Schmiedens Stauchen, Breiten und Steigen, um eine umfassende Charakterisierung der Umformbarkeit derartiger hybrider Verbunde zu gewährleisten. Dabei erfolgte die Herleitung von geeigneten Umformgesenken, der Aufbau eines Experimentierfeldes sowie die Definition der Variationsparameter. Die experimentellen Methoden wurden zweckmäßig mit numerischen Methoden ergänzt, um die Problemstellung umfassend zu analysieren. Bei den Untersuchungen wurde die belastungsabhängige Umformbarkeit der hybriden Al-Mg-Verbunde, insbesondere der intermetallischen Phasen, festgestellt. Aufgrund der Mikrostruktur verfügen die intermetallischen Phasen über eine Vorzugsrichtung, welche eine Schädigung hauptsächlich in radialer Belastungsrichtung aufweist. Die Schädigung der primären Grenzschicht geschieht durch eine Fragmentierung, wobei sich durch Diffusionsprozesse eine sekundäre Grenzschicht entlang der neuen Kontaktstellen bildet. Durch die Anwendung der numerischen Methoden konnten die maximalen Schubspannungen sowie die Vergleichsumformgrade als bedeutsame Einflussgrößen ermittelt werden. Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen erfolgte die Herleitung eines makromechanischen Versagenskriteriums, mit dem innerhalb der numerischen Simulation kritische Bereiche der Grenzschichtschädigung ohne experimentelle Versuche dargestellt werden können. Abschließend wurden Optimierungsstrategien auf Basis der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse abgeleitet. Die Modifikation des Mantel-Kern-Verhältnisses sowie die gezielte Anwendung von Exzentrizitäten bieten die Möglichkeit, anforderungsspezifische maßgeschneiderte hybride Al-Mg-Verbunde zu realisieren. / The presented work describes the extensive studies of the formability of hybrid Al-Mg compounds. These hybrid compounds were produced by a hydrostatic co-extrusion process and can be characterized by an interface consisting of an intermetallic phase. Basis of the studies were experimental analyses of the fundamental forming processes upsetting, spreading and uprising to provide a comprehensive characterization of the formability of such hybrid compounds. Therefore, the development of suitable forging dies, the experimental set-up and the definition of the variation of parameters was carried out. The experimental methods were supported with appropriate numerical methods to analyze the compounds in detail. In the studies, a load direction dependency of the formability of hybrid Al-Mg compounds, especially related to the intermetallic phases was detected. Due to the microstructure of the intermetallic phases, a primarily preferred damage direction in radial load direction, was determined. The damage to the primary interface occurs by a fragmentation mechanism. Due to diffusion processes a secondary interface along the new contact areas was established. The application of numerical methods showed that the maximum shear stresses and the logarithmic equivalent strains were determined as the significant parameters. Based on these scientific findings a macro-mechanical damage model was developed. By means of this model the critical areas of the interface damage can be visualized in the numerical simulation. Finally, based on the scientific findings optimization strategies were derived. The modification of the sleeve-core ratio and the specific application of eccentricity by a new eccentric hydrostatic co-extrusion process allow the full application of such hybrid Al-Mg compounds in the industry.

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