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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A forma??o human?stica no curso de jornalismo: das inten??es ?s pr?ticas / Humanistic education in journalism course: from intent to practice

Rodrigues, Regina de Brito 18 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Regina de Brito Rodrigues.pdf: 1068818 bytes, checksum: 4029db9ca787a16a0945c01acf1fb951 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-06-18 / Starting from a presupposition that knowing reality is a condition to exercise citizenship, and taking into account that in a society in which mass communication media become ever more important in building/rebuilding reality, journalism in its different forms acts as a producer of this knowledge of the contemporary world, the present study analyses the so called humanistic education of journalists. The knowledge required in narrating everyday events is examined in the light of this type of education. Historically recovering journalism education in Brazil, this work researches the evolution of humanistic education throughout the consecutive transformations experienced in the country in order to situate in a case study the journalism course of a Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica in Campinas, located inland in the State of S?o Paulo. With the analysis of documents (pedagogic project, digests, course planning material and selected texts) and semistructured interviews with educational agents involved (professors for humanistic education, technical education and research education disciplines, course direction and incoming and graduating students) the practices effectively developed are problematized. The research uses discourse analysis tools in order to examine the data from a dialectic perspective through the process of going back and forth from discourse to the reality experienced by the agents involved, emphasizing the contradictions that exist among theory and practice; intentions and objectives; professors and students; technical and humanistic education; objectives and results. It also points out the role played by interdisciplinarity in the achievement of the objectives set forth by humanistic education. / Partindo do pressuposto de que o conhecimento da realidade ? condi??o para o exerc?cio da cidadania e tendo em conta que, numa sociedade em que os meios de comunica??o de massa ganham cada vez maior import?ncia na constru??o/reconstru??o da realidade , o jornalismo nos seus diferentes formatos ? produtor deste conhecimento do mundo contempor?neo, o presente estudo analisa a chamada forma??o human?stica dos jornalistas. Os conhecimentos necess?rios ao of?cio de narrar o cotidiano s?o examinados ? luz desta forma??o. Resgatando historicamente o ensino de jornalismo no Brasil, pesquisa-se a evolu??o desta forma??o human?stica ao longo das sucessivas transforma??es do pa?s, para situar num estudo de caso o Curso de Jornalismo da PUC Campinas, no interior do Estado de S?o Paulo. Com o exame dos documentos (projeto pedag?gico, ementas, planos de cursos e textos selecionados) e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os agentes educacionais envolvidos (professores das disciplinas de forma??o human?stica, da forma??o t?cnica e da forma??o para pesquisa, dire??o do curso e alunos ingressantes e concluintes) problematiza-se a pr?tica efetiva desenvolvida. A pesquisa utiliza-se das ferramentas da an?lise de discurso para, num ir e vir do discurso ? realidade vivida pelos agentes envolvidos, examinar os dados de uma perspectiva dial?tica, salientando as contradi??es entre teoria e pr?tica; inten??es e objetivos; professores e alunos; forma??o t?cnica e forma??o human?stica; objetivos e resultados. Destaca ainda o papel da interdisciplinaridade para a consecu??o dos objetivos propostos com a forma??o human?stica.

Professores e alunos trabalhadores: o que dizem sobre a pr?tica pedag?gica em um curso de administra??o

Miranda, Suel?nia Oliveira Araujo 11 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Suelania Oliveira Araujo Miranda.pdf: 521252 bytes, checksum: 2dbae9a5be1e6339b81bac2d74c89b0b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-11 / This text discusses the relationships between work and education in the Brazilian higher education system. It analyzes the changes in the socio-cultural profile of today s workers and that of students who get into the university in the evening programs. It aims at showing these people s real conditions regarding the consequences of globalization, their difficulties and their path through the struggle between work and studies. This text shows that the causes can be found in the predominance of technical training at the expense of humanistic and holistic education. By means of a theoretical and methodological approach supported by human and social sciences, this investigation was made possible through bibliographical research and questionnaires in which we have studied the existing contradictions in society where education must be a right and not a commodity. Besides, it points out the necessity of an educationally-oriented job aimed not only at the technical dimension, but also seeking social relations with emphasis on the university professor with political and critical awareness. The theoretical reference is based on a Historical-Critical Pedagogy, which comprehends the subject inserted in a cultural and historical process in constant social transformation, seeking in education a way of building the knowledge acquired at university with room for the articulation of quality and quantity, avoiding the undesirable dichotomy between both aspects. / A presente disserta??o discute as rela??es entre o trabalho e a educa??o no ensino superior brasileiro. Analisa as mudan?as no perfil s?cio-cultural dos trabalhadores de hoje e dos estudantes que ingressam no curso superior noturno procurando mostrar suas reais condi??es frente ?s conseq??ncias da globaliza??o, suas dificuldades e seus caminhos na trajet?ria entre trabalho e estudo. Mostra que as causas podem ser encontradas no predom?nio da forma??o t?cnica em detrimento de uma forma??o human?stica de car?ter global. Numa abordagem te?rico-metodol?gica amparada pelas ci?ncias humanas e sociais, a investiga??o deu-se atrav?s de pesquisa bibliogr?fica e por question?rios em que estudamos as contradi??es existentes na sociedade vendo que a educa??o precisa ser um direito e n?o uma mercadoria. Aponta ainda a necessidade de um trabalho did?tico-pedag?gico voltado n?o s? para a dimens?o t?cnica, mas igualmente para as rela??es sociais com ?nfase no professor universit?rio com consci?ncia pol?tica e cr?tica. O referencial te?rico est? fundamentado na Pedagogia Hist?rico-Cr?tico que compreende o sujeito inserido num processo cultural e hist?rico em constante transforma??o social. Conclui sobre a necessidade de compreender as transforma??es sociais, procurando na educa??o uma forma de constru??o do saber universit?rio com espa?o para a articula??o da qualidade com a quantidade, evitando a indesej?vel dicotomia entre ambos os aspectos.

Forma??o continuada: desenvolvimento de um projeto de educa??o ambiental / Continued education: development of an environmental education project

Chaddad, Fl?vio Roberto 27 October 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavio Roberto Chaddad.pdf: 1190835 bytes, checksum: e0044c258eac49e61e5e70abcfd2b075 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-10-27 / This study follows the line of research "University, Teaching and Education of Teachers". Because of the environmental degradation in which the world finds itself, there are many discussions that point to environmental education as one of the ways to revert this scene. Proposals of courses and projects for environmental education are multiplying as a means of teaching alternative pedagogical procedures and practices for creating a new environmental attitude. The objective of this study was to evaluate the change in values and behavior of a group of teachers that took a course specializing in the Education of Environmental Educators given at a university in the state of S?o Paulo during 2002. Data, collected by means of a semi-structured questionnaire, was interpreted according to presuppositions of the analysis of content. Two categories were defined "a priori": the environment and environmental education, and the education of the teacher/researcher. We were able to show that there was a change in concepts of environment and environmental education, respectively, in six of the eight teachers interviewed. Regarding the education of teacher/researchers, six of them said they had experienced a change of concept in their pedagogical practices, but only three changed their behavior. Regarding the means to promote environmental education, six teachers indicated the involvement of the practice of participative-research-action that was used during the course. Keywords: Environmental Education; Continued. / Este estudo insere-se na linha de pesquisa "Universidade, Doc?ncia e Forma??o de Professores". Em decorr?ncia da degrada??o ambiental em que o mundo se encontra mergulhado, s?o v?rias as discuss?es que apontam a educa??o ambiental como uma das formas para reverter este cen?rio. Como procedimentos e pr?ticas pedag?gicas que buscam fomentar uma nova postura, multiplicam-se as propostas de cursos e de projetos de educa??o ambiental. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de avaliar, ap?s um ano da realiza??o do curso de especializa??o Forma??o de Educadores Ambientais. desenvolvido em uma Universidade do interior paulista - 2002, a mudan?a de valores e de comportamentos de um grupo de educadores. Os dados coletados por meio de um question?rio semi-estruturado foram interpretados segundo os pressupostos da an?lise de conte?do. Foram definidas "a priori" duas categorias de an?lise: ambiente e educa??o ambiental e forma??o do educador pesquisador. Pudemos demonstrar que houve mudan?a nas concep??es de ambiente e de educa??o ambiental, respectivamente, em seis e em quatro dos oito educadores entrevistados. Com rela??o ? forma??o do educador pesquisador, seis deles apontaram para a mudan?a de concep??o em suas pr?ticas pedag?gicas, mas somente tr?s mudaram o seu comportamento. Com rela??o aos meios para fomentar propostas de projetos de educa??o ambiental, seis educadores apontaram em dire??o ?s caracter?sticas que envolvem a pesquisa-a??o-participativa utilizada no curso estudado.

Necessidades formativas de professores de crian?as de zero a tr?s anos de idade

Cord?o, Taciana Saciloto Real 31 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Taciana Saciloto Real Cordao.pdf: 1093665 bytes, checksum: db2903542ec28951c0dc0d7c6c26be4b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-31 / This research deals with the formative needs of early childhood education teachers, whose problematic is identifying what are the formative needs of early childhood education teachers that work with children from zero to three years old and the difficulties that they encounter in their function. We support that in this stage of early childhood education there must be intentionality in the act of teaching children, sharing a concept that aims to have professors with college degree and with a suitable education to the demands that teaching children from zero to three years old requires. Our main goal was to identify the formative needs of early childhood teachers from two Municipal Centers of Early Childhood Education in Campinas city and it was done through semi structured interviews and a documental analysis of the curriculum and early childhood discipline content of initial education courses from Campinas Metropolitan Region. We also verified the specific knowledge related to the education needed to work with children from zero to three years old. The data analysis was done based on the historicalcultural theory of human development and in the historical-critic pedagogy. Our results revealed the need to articulate theory and practice in the early childhood courses, considering the teacher s work as praxis and supporting the inseparability between theory and practice in all pedagogy courses disciplines. Furthermore, the initial formation of teachers should be close to the schools reality, having the teachers work as a starting point and grounded by education theories. Another issue discussed in this research is the early childhood education teachers belittling. So we pointed out the need for teachers to be recognized as a person who uses intellectual, intentional and conscious work aimed to the development and learning of children in their practice. / Esta pesquisa trata de necessidades formativas de professores de educa??o infantil, cuja problem?tica situa-se em identificar quais as necessidades formativas de professores de educa??o infantil que trabalham com crian?as de zero a tr?s anos de idade e as dificuldades que enfrentam no exerc?cio da fun??o de professores de educa??o infantil. Defendemos que nessa etapa da educa??o b?sica se tenha intencionalidade no ato de ensinar aos pequenos, compartilhando de uma concep??o que visa um atendimento feito por professores formados em curso superior, com forma??o adequada ?s exig?ncias da pr?tica docente com as crian?as de zero a tr?s anos de idade. Nosso objetivo central foi identificar as necessidades formativas de professoras dessa faixa et?ria, de dois Centros Municipais de Educa??o Infantil do munic?pio de Campinas, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e an?lise documental da matriz curricular e ementas de disciplinas de educa??o infantil de cursos de forma??o inicial, da regi?o metropolitana de Campinas. Buscamos tamb?m verificar os conhecimentos relacionados especificamente ? forma??o para o trabalho com as crian?as de zero a tr?s anos de idade. A an?lise dos dados foi realizada com base na teoria hist?rico-cultural de desenvolvimento humano e na pedagogia hist?rico-cr?tica. Nossos resultados revelaram a necessidade de os cursos de forma??o inicial considerarem o trabalho docente como pr?xis, defendendo a indissociabilidade entre a teoria e pr?tica, em todas as disciplinas dos cursos de pedagogia. Al?m disso, a forma??o inicial de professores deve aproximar-se da realidade das escolas, tendo o trabalho docente como ponto de partida, fundamentado pelas teorias da educa??o. Outra quest?o discutida em nossa pesquisa ? a desvaloriza??o do professor de educa??o infantil. Por fim, apontamos a necessidade de que esse professor seja reconhecido como docente que realiza em sua pr?tica um trabalho intelectual, intencional e consciente, visando o desenvolvimento e aprendizado das crian?as.

O processo formativo do Programa Ler e Escrever: uma an?lise da rede de forma??es proposta pelo Estado de S?o Paulo

Almeida, Camila dos Santos 19 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CAMILA DOS SANTOS ALMEIDA.pdf: 1638636 bytes, checksum: bfca3dbd1bdd989a482f5c535d97d2dd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-19 / This research investigated the formation process proposed by Ler e Escrever program, of of S?o Paulo state, focusing on the figure of the Coordinator Teacher as a trainer. The program is a policy of S?o Paulo s Education Secretary to the early years of elementary school (1st to 5th year), which was implemented in 2006 in S?o Paulo city and in 2008 in the state system. Covers different fronts: teacher training, monitoring work, preparation and distribution of textbooks and materials. The Program's proposal for teacher education networking process involving different areas: the Coordination of Studies and Pedagogical Standards (CENP), the Directors of Education of each region (DE) and the state and municipal schools that joined the program Ler e Escrever. In CENP formed Teachers Coordinators Pedagogical Core (PCNP), which will multiply such training in the different Directorates of Education. The formation under the DE involves PCNP and professionals from different schools, called Coordinators Teachers. The training within the school is held together by Teachers Coordinator to their teachers ( teachers in the early years of elementary school ) . To construct the empirical material , a qualitative approach , moments of observation of the formation process were conducted in two areas: ( i ) in a DE at the time of formation of PCNP ( ii ) in a school , where Coordinator Teacher meets with the teachers in the early years of elementary school. Was also conducted semistructured interviews with the PC of the selected school, documentary analysis of resolutions that established the Ler e Escrever Program, and distributed questionnaires to teachers of the participating schools , seeking to understand how effective this training process networked : CENP - Board of Education - School . We discuss the role of the Coordinator Teacher and trainer within the school as well, from the results , we seek to contribute to discussions on policies for teacher education in service . The results indicated that Coordinator Teacher has its function still under construction and its performance as a teacher trainer is an intense process of convincing teachers to practices desired by the state. Coordinator Teacher has its function still quite attached to support the direction , while it is seen as a savior of the school in political discourse. The discourse of Teacher s Coordinator responsibility is based on a policy of quality education , the analyzes related it to increased rates in large-scale assessments . The results demonstrated a formative process focused on pedagogical practice , subordinating the theoretical discussion on a plaster model that tends to reproduce in each context . We detach the importance of policies for continuing education of teachers , but warn against the risk of conceiving the teacher as a dispenser in practice . / Esta pesquisa investigou o processo de forma??o proposto pelo Programa Ler e Escrever do estado de S?o Paulo, com foco na figura do Professor Coordenador como formador. O programa ? uma pol?tica da Secretaria de Educa??o de S?o Paulo para os anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental (1? ao 5? ano), que foi implantado em 2006 no munic?pio de S?o Paulo e em 2008 na rede estadual. Abrange diferentes frentes de atua??o: forma??o de professores, acompanhamento do trabalho realizado, elabora??o e distribui??o de materiais did?ticos e paradid?ticos. O Programa tem como proposta de forma??o de professores um processo em rede, envolvendo diversos ?mbitos: a Coordenadoria de Estudos e Normas Pedag?gicas (CENP), as Diretorias de Ensino de cada regi?o (DE) e as escolas estaduais e municipais que aderiram ao Programa Ler e Escrever. Na CENP formam-se os Professores Coordenadores de N?cleo Pedag?gico (PCNP), que ir?o multiplicar tal forma??o nas diferentes Diretorias de Ensino. A forma??o no ?mbito das DE envolve os PCNP e os profissionais de diferentes escolas, chamados de Professores Coordenadores. A forma??o no ?mbito da escola ? realizada pelos professores coordenadores juntos aos seus docentes (professores dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental). Para a constru??o do material emp?rico, em uma abordagem qualitativa, foram realizadas momentos de observa??o do processo de forma??o em dois ?mbitos: (i) em uma DE, no momento de forma??o de PCNP (ii) em uma escola, onde o Professor Coordenador se re?ne com os professores dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Foi realizada tamb?m, entrevista semiestruturada com a PC da escola selecionada, an?lise documental das Resolu??es que institu?ram o Programa Ler e Escrever, bem como distribu?dos question?rios para os professores da escola participante, buscando compreender como se efetiva esse processo de forma??o em rede: CENP-Diretoria de Ensino-Escola. Discutimos o papel do Coordenador Pedag?gico como formador no interior da escola, bem como, a partir dos resultados, buscamos contribuir para as discuss?es no ?mbito das pol?ticas de forma??o de professores em servi?o. Os resultados apontaram que o Professor Coordenador tem sua fun??o ainda em constru??o e sua atua??o como formador de professores ? um processo intenso de convencimento dos professores a pr?ticas desejadas pelo estado. O Professor Coordenador tem sua fun??o ainda bastante ligada ao apoio ? Dire??o, ao mesmo tempo em que ? visto como um salvador da escola no discurso pol?tico. O discurso responsabilizador do Professor Coordenador decorre de uma pol?tica de qualidade de ensino que, pelas an?lises realizadas, relacionam-se com o aumento de ?ndices nas avalia??es em larga escala. Os resultados evidenciaram ainda um processo formativo voltado para a pr?tica pedag?gica, secundarizando a discuss?o te?rica, em um modelo engessado que tende a se reproduzir em cada ?mbito. Salientamos a import?ncia das pol?ticas de forma??o continuada de professores, mas alertamos para o risco de conceber o professor como um aplicador de pr?ticas.

Pensar a supervis?o de est?gio em Servi?o Social : ser ou n?o ser, eis a quest?o!

Lewgoy, Alzira Maria Baptista 05 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 390659.pdf: 899718 bytes, checksum: e1697c2632448545c1eca54a88e2b8f4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-05 / Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo o processo de supervis?o de est?gio em Servi?o Social e sua rela??o com o projeto ?tico-politico, na efetiva??o da compet?ncia profissional. Almeja conhecer como se constituiu o processo de supervis?o de est?gio, a fim de propor estrat?gias que contribuam para a efetiva??o da compet?ncia profissional nas dimens?es ?tico-pol?tica, te?rico-metodol?gica e t?cnico-operativa e, desse modo, reafirmar o significado social da profiss?o. Busca, ainda, identificar de que modo o processo de supervis?o possibilita o exerc?cio da compet?ncia e das habilidades previstas no atual projeto profissional, no intuito de fortalec?-las, bem como dar visibilidade a esse processo sob a ?tica dos supervisores acad?micos e de campo e de alunos-estagi?rios, tendo em vista a atual l?gica curricular que norteia a forma??o profissional. A metodologia utilizada ? qualitativa, e a t?cnica para o exame das informa??es ? a An?lise de Conte?do. O corpus de an?lise constituise de documentos, como os artigos publicados sobre a tem?tica nos anais e revistas dos eventos cient?ficos promovidos pela Associa??o Brasileira de Ensino e Pesquisa em Servi?o Social (ABEPSS), realizados no per?odo de 1996 a 2004. Envolve tamb?m depoimentos de docentes do Servi?o Social e grupos focais com os assistentes sociais-supervisores de campo e os discentes. Nessa dimens?o te?rico-metodol?gica, supervis?o de est?gio em Servi?o Social ? inst?ncia que articula e d? visibilidade para as inter-rela??es entre institui??es, sujeitos e outras ?reas de saberes e para as dimens?es ?tico-pol?tica e te?rico-metodol?gica, como requisito ? t?cnico-operativa, as quais asseguram a compet?ncia profissional. ? uma constru??o sociohist?rica, instituindo-se como processo que pressup?e ver sobre, n?o no sentido de superior, mas de modo perspectivado, incorporando a hist?ria, as contradi??es e as supera??es. Constitui-se em espa?o afirmativo de forma??o e de media??es no processo de forma??o e de exerc?cio profissional

A forma??o continuada de professores dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental: o caso da rede municipal de Campinas

Alves, Marco Aur?lio 17 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2016-05-10T17:40:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MARCO AURELIO ALVES.pdf: 1402233 bytes, checksum: 4332af499181242125f03e64e835f373 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-10T17:40:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARCO AURELIO ALVES.pdf: 1402233 bytes, checksum: 4332af499181242125f03e64e835f373 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-17 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This research aims to understand the constitution and the principles that guide the continued formation of teachers of Elementary School ? Final years by focusing on the case of the city of Campinas in the last five years (2010-2014). Besides, we intend to identify the similarities and differences between the guiding principles of the official documents of the SME ? Campinas (City Department of Education) about the continued formation and educational practice in the city, according to the vision of Pedagogical Advisor. It is a qualitative case study. The method includes: analysis of official documents at the municipal level and semi-structured interviews with seven peoples ? five Pedagogical Advisor, one from each NAED (Educational Action Center decentralized), and two linked coordinators to equipment continuing education in the municipality. The results indicated that, in recent years, this city has opted for formation of antagonistic formative models and both have close relations with pragmatism and neo-liberal ideology. With regard to the dialogue between the SME and the schools, in view of Pedagogical Advisor, identified mismatched and contradictory speeches that is the result of teacher's working conditions, especially for lack of teaching time to execution training activities, elapsing in an obstacle in the consolidation of continued education policy for these professionals. This study contributes to reflections on continued education in public schools. At the same time, we believe that the analysis of needs identified by Pedagogical Advisor and topics addressed in the courses and formation groups offered by SME will enable reflections on the proposals contained in official documents of this city and the educational reality. / Esta pesquisa visa compreender a constitui??o e os princ?pios que norteiam a forma??o continuada de professores do Ensino Fundamental dos anos finais, dando enfoque no caso do munic?pio de Campinas nos ?ltimos cincos anos (2010-2014). Al?m disso, buscou-se identificar as aproxima??es e distanciamentos entre os princ?pios norteadores dos documentos oficiais da SME ? Campinas (Secretaria Municipal de Educa??o) acerca da forma??o continuada e a pr?tica educacional do munic?pio, segundo a vis?o de orientadores pedag?gicos. Trata-se de um estudo de caso de abordagem qualitativa. O m?todo inclui: an?lise de documentos oficiais no ?mbito municipal e entrevistas semiestruturadas com sete sujeitos ? cinco orientadores pedag?gicos, um de cada NAED (N?cleo de A??o Educativa Descentralizada), e dois coordenadores vinculados de maneira estreita aos equipamentos de forma??o continuada no munic?pio. Os resultados indicaram que, nesses ?ltimos anos, este munic?pio tem optado pela constitui??o de modelos formativos antag?nicos e que ambos possuem rela??es estreitas com o pragmatismo e a ideologia neoliberal. No que se refere aos di?logos entre a SME e as Unidades Escolares na vis?o de Orientadores Pedag?gicos, identificamos discursos desencontrados e contradit?rios resultantes das condi??es de trabalho do professor, sobretudo, no que se refere ? falta do tempo pedag?gico para a realiza??o de a??es formativas, decorrendo em um entrave na consolida??o da pol?tica de forma??o continuada para esses profissionais. Este estudo contribui para as reflex?es acerca da forma??o continuada na rede municipal. Ao mesmo tempo, acreditamos que as an?lises das demandas apontadas por orientadores pedag?gicos e das tem?ticas abordadas nos cursos e grupos formativos oferecidos pela SME possibilitar?o reflex?es acerca das propostas contidas em documentos oficiais deste munic?pio e a realidade educacional.

Discursos e pr?ticas na forma??o de profissionais fisioterapeutas: a realidade dos cursos de fisioterapia na regi?o nordeste do Brasil

Ara?jo, Francisca R?go Oliveira de 29 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:13:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscaROA_Dissert.pdf: 1668021 bytes, checksum: 53b6fc6e2d444dcbb1df3a369be56b20 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-29 / This study had a multidisciplinary focus, investigating the areas of health and education, and proposes to discuss the formation of health professionals, requiring their understanding of the factors involved in the production of knowledge, given that this formation has an impact on the quality of human and social life. The aim of this work was to investigate the relationship existing between the process of physical therapist formation and the practical activities developed during the undergraduate course in the Northeast of Brazil. This is an exploratory descriptive study with qualitative significance. The sample consisted of 73 subjects (33 professors and 40 students) from 6 physical therapy courses at different institutions in the Northeast of Brazil. Data collection was conducted through focus group interviews. In addition, we used a school assessment instrument from the health area. The data, analyzed using dialectical hermeneutics, showed that the Northeast of Brazil has the second largest number of physical therapy courses in the country, with 93 (11 public and 82 private) out of a total of 510. These numbers represent a growth of 1062.5% since 1991. The pedagogical projects are guided by National Curricular Directives as well as by the country s health system. The prevalent pedagogy is that of transmission, and the contents/disciplines are generally not integrated with practice, a situation that hinders the integrality and interdisciplinarity of health care. It can be concluded that there is a need for implementing integrated curricula and for better qualified professors to effectively put this process into practice / Este estudo teve um enfoque multidisciplinar, ao abranger as ?reas da educa??o e da sa?de, e se prop?s a discutir a forma??o dos profissionais de sa?de, exigindo uma compreens?o dos fatores que a envolvem para a produ??o do conhecimento, uma vez que reflete essa forma??o na qualidade de vida humana e social. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a rela??o existente entre o processo de forma??o de profissionais fisioterapeutas e as atividades pr?ticas desenvolvidas durante o curso de gradua??o na Regi?o Nordeste do Brasil. A pesquisa teve car?ter descritivo explorat?rio com significa??o qualitativa. Contou com 73 participantes, sendo 33 docentes e 40 discentes de 06 cursos de Fisioterapia distribu?dos nas unidades da federa??o que comp?em a regi?o Nordeste do Brasil. A coleta foi feita atrav?s de entrevista com grupos focais. Adicionalmente, utilizou-se o Instrumento de Avalia??o das Escolas, da ?rea da sa?de. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se a hermen?utica dial?tica, e revelaram que a regi?o Nordeste do Brasil det?m o segundo lugar no quantitativo de cursos de Fisioterapia do pa?s, com 93 cursos, do total de 510, sendo 11 de administra??o p?blica e 82 de administra??o privada. Esses n?meros representam um crescimento de 1.062,5% desde 1991. Os projetos pedag?gicos dos cursos est?o orientados pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais e para o sistema de sa?de vigente no pa?s. A pedagogia que prevalece ? a de transmiss?o, e os conte?dos/disciplinas, de forma geral, n?o acontecem integrados com a pr?tica o que dificulta a integralidade e interdisciplinaridade da assist?ncia em sa?de. P?de-se concluir que existe a necessidade da implementa??o de curr?culos integrados no ?mbito da forma??o e uma maior capacita??o docente para efetiva??o desse processo

Narrativas de Forma??o de Professoras dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental:Concep??es e Constru??es de Necessidades Formativas na Geografia Escolar

Cavalcante, Iracy Gabriella Morais 14 September 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IracyGMC_DISSERT.pdf: 1226937 bytes, checksum: 1e76c4b8316f6c1b9ac2e1d45caec6f6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This article is about a study about the training needs for teachers of elementary school in the field of Geography. It is our objective to grasp their conceptions of training needs and reflect about their formative needs to teach geography. We consider the training as reflective process that involves the movement of changes and improvement beyond of formal learning, considering its numerous dimensions. We reflected about formative needs in light of the readings of Rodrigues Esteves (1993), Silva (2000), Roberts (2006), Vieira (2010). The discussions about conceptions were based on Ferreira (2007). The empirical reference constitutes to a private school in the city of Cear?-Mirim/RN, SECAT Centro de Ensino. The social subjects of our research are five teachers who work in the initial years of elementary school. We resorted a survey (auto) biographical, based on the studies of Passeggi (2011), Delory (2008), Bertaux (2010) e Josso (2010), since it is our intention to turn to the historicity of the subject and the learning, recognizing the links between him and the world and the experiences based on for learning and adult training. As technical and methodological procedure we will use the Training Narratives, whose application allows the understanding of memories and stories of schooling teachers, since are reported events occurred during the development of the individual through seminars Biographical. We observed on the narratives constructed by the teachers the absence assignments of meanings to a reworking of the theoretical formative needs and questions of its organizing principles. However, we notice the teachers were able to develop senses and means to conceive the phenomenon in study, in a descriptive way, through articulated enunciations, including aspects and opportunities linked to their teaching practices and future formative prospects. Regarding School Geography, we based our studies in the reflections of Smith Junior (1994, 2000), Tonini (2003), Vesentini (2004) and Vlach (1991), among others. We verified that the needs evidenced by the teachers to teach geography were constructed from the contexts of their teaching practices present in their school and professional trajectories. Therefore, we noticed the need for formal pedagogical qualification so that we can conceive the phenomenon in study beyond its descriptive character, understanding that it is necessary to point out reflections and questions about the dynamics of production of global capital, which conveys its interests in the contexts that often emerge formative needs of the educational system / Este trabalho trata de um estudo sobre as necessidades de forma??o de professoras do Ensino Fundamental no campo da Geografia. ? nosso objetivo apreender as suas concep??es de necessidades de forma??o e refletir sobre as suas necessidades formativas para ensinar Geografia. Consideramos a forma??o como processo reflexivo que pressup?e movimento de mudan?as e aperfei?oamento al?m das aprendizagens formais, considerando suas m?ltiplas dimens?es. Refletimos sobre Necessidades Formativas ? luz das leituras de Rodrigues e Esteves (1993), Silva (2000), Rodrigues (2006), Vieira (2010). J? as discuss?es sobre concep??es fundamentaram-se em Ferreira (2007). A refer?ncia emp?rica constitui-se de uma escola privada situada na cidade de Cear?-Mirim/RN, SECAT Centro de Ensino. Os sujeitos sociais da nossa pesquisa s?o cinco professoras que atuam nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Recorreremos a pesquisa (auto)biogr?fica ancorada nos estudos de Passeggi (2011), Delory (2008), Bertaux (2010) e Josso (2010), uma vez que ? nossa inten??o voltar-se para a historicidade do sujeito e de suas aprendizagens, reconhecendo os v?nculos entre ele e o mundo e as experi?ncias como base para o aprendizado e a forma??o do adulto. Como procedimento t?cnico-metodol?gico utilizamos as Narrativas de Forma??o, cuja aplica??o possibilita a compreens?o de mem?rias e hist?rias de escolariza??o de professores, uma vez que relatam acontecimentos ocorridos durante o desenvolvimento do indiv?duo por meio de Semin?rios Biogr?ficos. Verificamos nas narrativas constru?das pelas professoras, a aus?ncia de atribui??es de significados para uma reelabora??o te?rica das necessidades formativas e questionamentos dos seus princ?pios organizadores. No entanto, constatamos que foram capazes de elaborarem sentidos e significados para conceber o fen?meno em estudo, de forma descritiva, atrav?s de enuncia??es articuladas, incluindo aspectos e possibilidades atreladas ?s suas pr?ticas pedag?gicas e perspectivas formativas futuras. No tocante a Geografia Escolar, fundamentamos nossos estudos nas reflex?es de Soares J?nior (1994, 2000), Tonini (2003), Vesentini (2004) e Vlach (1991), entre outros. Verificamos que as necessidades evidenciadas pelas professoras para ensinar Geografia foram constru?das a partir dos contextos de suas pr?ticas de ensino, presentes nas suas trajet?rias escolares e profissionais. Portanto, constatamos a necessidade de capacita??o pedag?gica formal para que se possa conceber o fen?meno em estudo al?m do seu car?ter descritivo, entendendo que se faz necess?rio pontuar reflex?es e questionamentos sobre a din?mica da produ??o do capital global, que veicula os seus interesses nos contextos que frequentemente emergem necessidades formativas do sistema educacional

Olhares sobre a forma??o do professor de matem?tica. Imagem da profiss?o e escrita de si

Melo, Maria Jos? Medeiros Dantas de 17 June 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:35:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaJMDM.pdf: 1434423 bytes, checksum: 9d8a7a2095702ca752849fa946b2f0b2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-06-17 / The main focus of this thesis is the formation of a mathematical teacher at a college institution. The general aim is to describe and to analyze the formation process of a mathematical teacher which is an undergraduate student in Mathematics at the Instituto de Educa??o Superior Presidente Kennedy IFESP, in Natal-RN. It is based on a qualitative ethnographic approach, and has its theoretical anchorage in the (auto)biographical narratives, the social representative theories, and the mathematical education. The number of participants in this investigation was 12 undergraduate students, which corresponds to 25% of the total number of students. The corpus utilized in our analysis included 48 (auto)biographical essays, 12 (auto)biographies (formation's memories), and 12 contextualization files, besides the research's diary. The sources were obtained from the whole program of studies, i.e. from November 2003 to December 2006. The analysis revealed that the reminiscences of the 12 students' academic trajectory influenced their professional formation, since their images of a mathematical teacher were intrinsically related to the one they had before. These representations were being either demolished or constructed in a network along the assertive image of their profession, changing afterwards the mathematical representation and the teaching way of this discipline. Our study also shows that the beginning of their teacher career was marked by mechanical practices influenced by their old teachers. The (trans)formation of themselves and their teaching practices happened in a smooth way as soon as they increased their knowledgements in Mathematics, and it reflected upon the way they learned mathematics. The writing of their (auto)biographies helped the set up of new knowledgements, leaving to a self-consciousness as well as a self-formation, and contributed for the construction of a new way to see and to live the profession. Therefore, a mathematical teacher, for the undergraduate students of the IFESP involved in this work, is made at the interface of the familiar, academic, and professional context, besides the reflexive writings about the formation path, the way of life and the relationships among them / Esta tese tem como foco de estudo a forma??o do professor de Matem?tica no ensino superior. O objetivo geral ? descrever e analisar o processo de forma??o do professor de Matem?tica aluno da licenciatura em Matem?tica no Instituto de Educa??o Superior Presidente Kennedy IFESP , em Natal-RN. A pesquisa se insere na abordagem qualitativa de cunho etnogr?fico e ancora-se teoricamente nas narrativas (auto)biogr?ficas, na teoria das representa??es sociais e na educa??o matem?tica. Participaram da investiga??o 12 alunos, o que corresponde a 25% do total de graduandos. O corpus usado na an?lise compreende 48 ensaios (auto)biogr?ficos, 12 (auto)biografias (memoriais de forma??o), 12 fichas de contextualiza??o, al?m do di?rio da pesquisadora. As fontes foram recolhidas ao longo da forma??o superior dos informantes (novembro 2003 a dezembro 2006). A an?lise revelou que as reminisc?ncias da trajet?ria estudantil dos doze participantes influenciaram sua forma??o profissional, pois as imagens que eles tinham do que era ser professor de Matem?tica estavam intrinsecamente relacionadas ao modelo de mestres que eles tiveram. Essas representa??es foram sendo (des)constru?das em rede, ? medida que eles ressignificavam a imagem que tinham da profiss?o para, em seguida, mudarem as representa??es da Matem?tica e do ensino dessa disciplina. O estudo tamb?m evidenciou que o in?cio da carreira docente dos colaboradores da pesquisa foi marcado por pr?ticas mec?nicas, influenciadas pelo modelo de professor que eles vivenciaram. Na voz dos atores, a (trans)forma??o de si mesmos e de suas pr?ticas docentes aconteceu radativamente, ? medida que eles ampliavam seus conhecimentos na licenciatura em Matem?tica e refletiam sobre a maneira como aprenderam matem?tica. A escrita de suas (auto)biografias favoreceu a constru??o de novos saberes, propiciou o autoconhecimento, a autoforma??o e contribuiu para a constru??o de um novo modo de ver e viver a profiss?o. Assim, tornar-se professor de Matem?tica, no caso dos atores desta investiga??o, se fez na interface dos contextos familiar, escolar, profissional e, na forma??o superior no IFESP, pela escrita reflexiva sobre a trajet?ria de forma??o, as viv?ncias e a rela??o com o outro

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