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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Penzion ve Velkých Losinách / Boarding House in Velke Losiny

Macek, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
The content of this diploma thesis is the design of a new boarding house with restaurant in the city Velke Losiny. The building has 2 above – ground floors and a partial basement. In the basement is utility room, room for ventilation system and facilities for sauna. In the first floor there is reception, room for bikes, restaurant with kitchen and hygienic facilities. In the second floor there are rooms for temporarily accomodation for guest. We can also find here laundry room. The basement is built by the concrete formwork. Above - ground floors are built by clay masonry. Bearing walls between rooms for accomodation in the second floor are from acoustic masonry. The building is covered by hip roof. The whole diploma thesis has been prepared according to valid legal and technical regulations.

Polyfunkční dům / Multifunctional Building

Němec, Filip January 2020 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design and elaboration of project documentation for the implementation of a new multifunctional building. The building will be located in the city of Brno in the district of Ko-márov. The new building will be divided into three separate functional units - underground garage, office space with hairdresser and residential part. Each apartment is equipped with a separate balcony. It is a four-storey, partly basement multifunctional house with a flat roof, based on reinfor-ced concrete slab. The construction system is designed wall. The basement part of the buil-ding is built from concrete molded blocks of permanent shuttering, the above-ground part from ceramic blocks of the Porotherm system. The ceiling structure consists of reinforced concrete monolithic slabs. The windows will be plastic. The thesis is designed in accordance with applicable laws, ordinances and standards.

Propuesta de mejora de la gestión de procura de encofrado metálico para la construcción de edificios multifamiliares en Lima Metropolitana

Chamorro Rodríguez, Julio Ernesto, Ríos Alzamora, Thomas Guido 16 July 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo elaborar un plan de mejora de la gestión de procura del encofrado metálico con la finalidad de reducir la variabilidad en el costo final del alquiler de encofrado y apuntalamiento durante la etapa constructiva de edificios multifamiliares ejecutados en la ciudad de Lima metropolitana. Se analizaron datos de cinco proyectos ejecutados en Miraflores, Jesús María, Barranco y Lima Cercado en los cuales se registraron diferencias económicas negativas respecto al presupuesto inicial de alquiler de encofrado. Se realizo encuestas a las personas involucradas en el proceso de procura de encofrado para identificar las causas de estas variaciones de costo y mediante herramientas de gestión se determinaron cuáles fueron las de mayor incidencia. Finalmente se estableció un plan de mejora del proceso tomando en cuenta los defectos y omisiones encontrados en las gestiones de procura de los proyectos que se tomaron como objeto de estudio y además se incorporaron algunas herramientas que permitan mejorar la comunicación entre el constructor y los proveedores de los equipos de encofrado. / The objective of this research work was to elaborate a plan to improve the management of the metallic formwork procurement in order to reduce cost overruns in the formwork rental and shoring during the construction stage of multifamily buildings executed in the city of metropolitan Lima. Data from five projects executed in Miraflores, Jesús María, Barranca and Lima Cercado were analyzed, in which negative economic differences were registered with respect to the initial formwork rental budget. Surveys were carried out among the people involved in the formwork procurement process to identify the causes of these cost variations and through management tools it was determined which were the ones with the highest incidence. Finally, a process improvement plan was established, taking into account the errors and omissions found in the projects that were taken as the object of study, and some tools were also incorporated to improve communication between the constructor and the companies that rent the formwork equipment. / Tesis

Statické řešení mostu na dálnici Jánovce-Jablonov / Static solution of bridge on the highway Jánovce-Jablonov

Darebníček, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
The subject of Diploma thesis is the design of bridge on the highway Jánovce - Jablonov and his static solution. Selected variant is made from four span 34+44+44+34m and supporting structure consist of monolithic two beams of prestressed concrete. Height of cross section is over the whole lenght of the bridge constant. Each beams will be built on sliding formwork. The design of supporting structure is made according to limit states, including addressing timing analysis. Calculation of the effects of loading is made by software and reviews are calculated by hand according to Eurocode.

Horský penzion s restaurací / Mountain pension with a restaurant

Schwarzová, Klára January 2015 (has links)
It is a mountain inn with restaurant, situated in the village Pstruží. The building has a footprint L. partial basement and has two floors. The object is divided into a public part and the operating part, which is the operation of the restaurant. The roof is pitched with a slope of 35 °. On the second floor are offices leadership pension. In the basement there is a technical background.

Polyfunkční dům v Bruntále / Mixed-use building in Bruntál

Ondrušková, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with design documentation of New mixed-use building in Bruntál. The building is located in the centre of the Bruntál on the plot number 83/1. Regulatory plan defines this plot for construction. It is marked as SC – mixed-use residental plot. The building contains the main conditions of use – living, shopping, restaurant and administration. The building has 3 above-ground floors and 1 basement. At ground floor there is café and shop. At first floor there are offices and conference room. At second floor there are flats. In basement there is utility room, cellars, garage and storages. The café and shop is separated and has its own entrances. Horizontal and vertical load-bearing and non-load bearing structures are bulit of permanent formwork VELOX – perimeter load-bearing walls are sandwiches, internal load-bearing walls are of cast-in-place reinforced concrete, which is covered by permanent formwork. Non-load bearing walls are bulit of 2 boards of permanent formwork with inserted acoustic insulation. Vertical load-bearing structures are made of cast-in-place reinforced concrete, which is covered by permanent formwork. The building has concrete foundation strips and cast-in-place reinforced concrete stairs. The roof has got classical order of layers.

Polyfunkční komplex - Houbalova - stavebně technologický projekt / Multifunctional building - Houbalova - construction technology project

Ševčík, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the solution of building technology project poly-functional complex with a focus on execution of construction. Gross building is designed reinforced concrete skeleton combined with masonry. Technology will be developed Code for reinforced concrete monolithic frame and masonry. On the techno-logical stage it will be processed inspection and test plan and the balance of the major sources for the implementation of reinforced concrete structures 1.NP. The thesis is a proposal for construction site, which is complemented by a social facilities and offices. For an overall view of the construction of a multifunctional complex is processed time and financial plan, which will be further elaborated for building construction B. Availability of supply is verified by the design of routes. Like other task will be processed proposal formwork system for con-struction 1.NP Building B.

Stéréotomie et vision artificielle pour la construction robotisée de structures maçonnées complexes / Stereotomy and computer vision for robotic construction of complex masonry structures

Loing, Vianney 22 January 2019 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s'inscrit dans le contexte du développement de la robotique dans la construction. On s’intéresse ici à la construction robotisée de structures maçonnées complexes en ayant recours à de la vision artificielle. La construction sans cintre étant un enjeu important en ce qui concerne la productivité sur un chantier et la quantité de déchets produits, nous explorons, à cet effet, les possibilités qu'offre la rigidité en flexion inhérente aux maçonneries topologiquement autobloquantes. La génération de ces dernières, classique dans le cas plan, est généralisée ici à la conception de structures courbes, à partir de maillages de quadrangles plans et de manière paramétrique, grâce aux logiciels Rhinoceros 3D / Grasshopper. Pour cela, nous proposons un ensemble d'inégalités à respecter afin que la structure obtenue soit effectivement topologiquement autobloquante. Ces inégalités permettent, par ailleurs, d'introduire un résultat nouveau ; à savoir qu'il est possible d'avoir un assemblage de blocs dans lequel chacun des blocs est topologiquement bloqué en translation, mais un sous-ensemble — constitué de plusieurs de ces blocs — ne l'est pas. Un prototype de maçonnerie à topologie autobloquante est finalement conçu. Sa conception repose sur une découpe des joints d'inclinaison variable qui permet de le construire sans cintre. En parallèle, nous abordons des aspects de vision artificielle robuste pour un environnement chantier, environnement complexe dans lequel les capteurs peuvent subir des chocs, être salis ou déplacés accidentellement. Le problème est d'estimer la position relative d'un bloc de maçonnerie par rapport à un bras robot, à partir de simples caméras 2D ne nécessitant pas d'étape de calibration. Notre approche repose sur l'utilisation de réseaux de neurones convolutifs de classification, entraînés à partir de centaines de milliers d'images synthétiques de l’ensemble bras robot + bloc, présentant des variations aléatoires en terme de dimensions et positions du bloc, textures, éclairage, etc, et ce afin que le robot puisse apprendre à repérer le bloc sans trop de biais d’environnement. La génération de ces images est réalisée grâce à Unreal Engine 4. Cette méthode permet la localisation du bloc par rapport au robot avec une précision millimétrique, sans utiliser une seule image réelle pour la phase d'apprentissage ; ce qui constitue un avantage certain puisque l'acquisition de données représentatives pour l'apprentissage est un processus long et fastidieux. Nous avons également construit une base de données riche, constituée d’environ 12000 images réelles contenant un robot et un bloc précisément localisés, permettant d’évaluer quantitativement notre approche et de la rendre comparable aux approches alternatives. Un démonstrateur réel intégrant un bras ABB IRB 120, des blocs parallélépipédiques et trois webcams a été mis en place pour démontrer la faisabilité de la méthode / The context of this thesis work is the development of robotics in the construction industry. We explore the robotic construction of complex masonry structures with the help of computer vision. Construction without the use of formwork is an important issue in relation to both productivity on a construction site and the amount of waste generated. To this end, we study topological interlocking masonries and the possibilities they present. The design of this kind of masonry is standard for planar structures. We generalize it to the design of curved structures in a parametrical way, using PQ meshes and the softwares Rhinoceros 3D and Grasshopper. To achieve this, we introduce a set of inequalities to respect in order to have a topological interlocked structure. These inequalities allow us to present a new result. Namely, it is possible to have an assembly of blocks in which each block is interlocked in translation, while having a subset — composed of several of these blocks — that is not interlocked. We also present a prototype of topological interlocking masonry. Its design is based on variable inclination joints, allowing construction without formwork. In parallel, we are studying robust computer vision for unstructured environments like construction sites, in which sensors are vulnerable to dust or could be accidentally jostled. The goal is to estimate the relative pose (position + orientation) of a masonry block with respect to a robot, using only cheap cameras without the need for calibration. Our approach relies on a classification Convolutional Neural Network trained using hundreds of thousands of synthetically rendered scenes with a robot and a block, and randomized parameters such as block dimensions and poses, light, textures, etc, so that the robot can learn to locate the block without being influenced by the environment. The generation of these images is performed with Unreal Engine 4. This method allows us to estimate a block pose very accurately, with only millimetric errors, without using a single real image for training. This is a strong advantage since acquiring representative training data is a long and expensive process. We also built a new rich dataset of real robot images (about 12,000 images) with accurately localized blocks so that we can evaluate our approach and compare it to alternative approaches. A real demonstrator, including a ABB IRB 120 robot, cuboid blocks and three webcams was set up to prove the feasibility of the method

Zwei Anwendungsbeispiele für Textilbeton

Brameshuber, Wolfgang, Mott, Rebecca 03 June 2009 (has links)
In dieser Veröffentlichung werden 2 Anwendungsbeispiele für Textilbeton vorgestellt, ein nachträgliches Abdichtungssystem sowie eine bauteilintegrierte Schalung. Teil 1: Da in vielen Regionen Deutschlands steigende Grundwasserspiegel zu verzeichnen sind und bestehende Gebäude, die nicht für den Belastungsfall „drückendes Wasser“ ausgelegt sind, mit einem tragfähigen nachträglichen Abdichtungssystem ertüchtigt werden müssen, wurde ein entsprechendes Abdichtungssystem aus Textilbeton entwickelt. Durch die Verwendung des Textilbetons ist es möglich, ein Abdichtungssystem mit einer geringen Bauteilstärke von 30 mm im Spritzverfahren herzustellen. Teil 2: Die bauteilintegrierte Schalung (BIS) aus Textilbeton nimmt während der Betonage den Frischbetondruck auf. Im Endzustand bildet sie die Bauteiloberfläche und kann Anforderungen hinsichtlich Tragfähigkeit, Sichtbeton- und Oberflächenqualität sowie Oberflächenausbildung (Farbe, Struktur) erfüllen. BISElemente können werksmäßig wirtschaftlich und qualitativ hochwertig hergestellt werden.

Příprava realizace bytové výškové budovy v Bratislavě / Preparation for the implementation of a high-rise apartment building in Bratislava

Krajčovič, Matúš January 2022 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is processing of a construction technological project for the preparation of the realization of a high-rise residential building in Bratislava. The thesis is based on construction technology solution. The content of thesis is a technical report, coordination situation with broader transport relations, time and financial plan, study of realization of technological stages, solution of construction organization including drawing of construction site, design of main construction machines and mechanisms, technological regulation for upsite monolithic construction, control and testing plan, item budget, detail of relief elements of the ceiling structure, drawing of the formwork of the ceiling structural floor, specific research in the field of tower cranes.

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