Spelling suggestions: "subject:"multifamily buildings"" "subject:"amultifamily buildings""
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In Brazil, millions of families are excluded from access to decent housing. Besides the scarcity of social housing, the low quality of buildings shows the importance of
reviewing standards for new projects that are being built. The objective of this study is to evaluate the thermal performance of buildings constructed under different
policies of social housing in four and five story multi-family housing complexes in the city of Santa Maria - RS. Data collection and analysis of building and architectural
characteristics of housing complex buildings was made through in loco visits and consultation of architectural projects as well as descriptive memorandums. The
thermal capacity of buildings, as well as the occurrence of natural ventilation of autonomous units were factors considered in the selection of buildings that were
monitered during a certain period in the summer and in the winter. The analysis of external and internal temperature together with the different building characteristics
allowed us to conclude that high thermal capacity together with controlled ventilation and good sealing of the wrapping were determining factors in the thermal performance of the buildings. A good isolation of the roof as important or more important than solar orientation. The results present a realistic diagnosis, which may
serve as a base for other studies aiming to improve thermal performance in future social housing programs in Santa Maria and the surrounding area. / No Brasil milhões de famílias estão excluídas do acesso à moradia digna. Além do déficit habitacional, a baixa qualidade das construções evidencia a importância de se rever o padrão dos novos empreendimentos que estão sendo construídos. O
objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o desempenho térmico de edificações construídas por diferentes políticas de habitação popular em conjuntos habitacionais multifamiliares de quatro a cinco pavimentos na cidade de Santa Maria - RS. Foi
realizado o levantamento e análise das características construtivas e arquitetônicas de edifícios localizados em Conjuntos Habitacionais, através de visitas in loco e
consultas aos projetos arquitetônicos e memoriais descritivos. A capacidade térmica do edifício, juntamente com a possibilidade de ocorrência de ventilação natural das
unidades autônomas foram as características determinantes na seleção dos edifícios que posteriormente foram monitorados durante um determinado período no verão e
no inverno. A análise dos valores de temperatura externas e internas obtidos através do monitoramento relacionadas com as características construtivas dos diferentes edifícios permitiu concluir que a alta capacidade térmica aliada a uma ventilação controlada e uma boa vedação do envoltório foram determinantes no desempenho térmico dos edifícios. Um bom isolamento da cobertura se mostrou tão ou mais importante que uma boa orientação solar. Apresenta-se um diagnóstico da
realidade, que poderá servir de subsídio para outros estudos visando à melhoria do desempenho térmico das habitações de interesse social dos futuros programas a serem implementados no município de Santa Maria e região.
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Implementación de Gestión BIM para una constructora de Edificios Multifamiliares como soporte del área de planificación de una obra en ejecuciónBriceño Ynfante, Maikol Giancarlo, Cabanillas Risco, Jhonatan Antonio, Campos Canchucaja , Jhon Wilfredo, Munayco Pineda, Hernando Luis 10 January 2020 (has links)
El tema de la presente tesis busca implementar la gestión BIM en una empresa constructora.
La investigación busca conocer el impacto que hubiese generado el implementar al inicio de la ejecución una gestión BIM, nuestro proyecto en estudio no implementó esta herramienta, con esto se quiere conocer el impacto positivo que se hubiese generado en el tiempo del proyecto de haberse implementado esta herramienta.
Para nuestra investigación se empleará el análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo.
El primer capítulo corresponde al planteamiento metodológico el cual está conformado por la formulación del problema, objetivos, justificación del problema, delimitación y la metodología de estudio.
El segundo capítulo corresponde al marco teórico el cual está conformado por los antecedentes de investigación, marco para la implementación de Gestión BIM, Last Planner System y contratos colaborativos.
El tercer capítulo corresponde al desarrollo de la investigación el cual está conformado por antecedentes del proyecto, evaluación de los entregables, cronología de la obra, cronogramas, RFI’s y conclusiones.
El cuarto capítulo corresponde a la propuesta de solución el cual está conformado por la Implementación PEB, análisis de RFI’s en sesiones ICE, modelamiento de RFI’s, modelamiento BIM, desarrollo 4D con naviswork, cronogramas finales con uso BIM, Análisis Impacto Costo y Análisis impacto pandemia covid-19.
El quinto capítulo corresponde a las conclusiones.
El sexto capítulo corresponde a las recomendaciones. / The subject of this thesis seeks to implement BIM MANAGEMENT in a construction company.
The research seeks to know the impact that was generated by implementing the BIM MANAGEMENT at the beginning of the execution of our project, our project under study did not implement these tools, with this we want to know the positive impact that had been generated in the time of perform implemented these tools.
Part of our research, quantitative and qualitative analysis will be used.
The first chapter corresponding to the methodological approach which is made up of the formulation of the problem, objectives, justification of the problem, delimitation and the study methodology.
The second chapter corresponding to the theoretical framework which is made up of the research background, framework for the implementation of BIM Management and collaborative contracts.
The third chapter corresponds to the development of the research which is made up of the executive summary of the project, evaluation of the deliverables, chronology of the work, schedules and RFIs.
The fourth chapter corresponds to the solution proposal which is made up of the PEB Implementation, RFI's analysis, RFI's modeling, 4D development, and final schedule.
The fifth chapter corresponds to the conclusions.
The sixth chapter corresponds to the recommendations. / Trabajo de investigación
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Optimizing the Performance and Efficiency of District Heating Substations : A Study of the Cooling Process and Overall System Improvements in LudvikaAli, Marwan, Narani, Eema Sheykhi January 2023 (has links)
The concept of future sustainability is driving efforts toward the efficient improvement of energy systems. District heating systems play a key role in balancing the energy system by improving performance and flexibility. As system efficiency increases, fuel consumption decreases, resulting in reduced greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating potential climate impacts, especially when using fossil fuels. In Sweden, district heating has shown significant growth, with a 75 % increase in total heat production over the last 30 years. Furthermore, carbon dioxide emissions have been reduced by approximately 50 % for each delivered kWh in the past 20 years, while renewable energy sources have doubled in the district heating sector. This thesis focuses on optimizing the cooling process to achieve lower return temperatures and higher system efficiency. It also emphasizes the importance of implementing an efficient heat consumption strategy to reduce peak loads and improve overall system efficiency. This approach involves managing demand to minimize peak heat requirements and distribute the load evenly throughout the day, leading to a more resource-effective and efficient system. The case study examines district heating supplied by VB Energy to Ludvikahem AB buildings, using data from Dec 2022 to Jan 2023. Quantitative data from district heating substations and the district heating plant are collected and analyzed to generate qualitative insights. The study proposes theoretical optimization measures based on the findings. The evaluation of substation performance reveals 20 poorly performing substations with various issues. Eight of these substations have technical problems related to substation components, while another eight experience management issues not aligned with specific activity profiles. The load shifting simulation demonstrates a 3% reduction in heat rate peak levels, resulting in approximately 7 kW of subscribed heat rate savings. Energy usage savings reach approximately 0.9%, leading to an increase in energy usage effectiveness. The cost savings amounted to about 3000 SEK over two months for a single building. This research emphasizes the importance of routine control, inspection, and documentation of substation performance to ensure optimal efficiency. Furthermore, indicates that the poorly performing substations that contribute to inefficiencies in the district heating network. Additionally, real-time regulation and load-shifting strategies are vital for optimizing customer consumption and maintaining an efficient district heating system, benefiting both suppliers and consumers.
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Propuesta de mejora de la gestión de procura de encofrado metálico para la construcción de edificios multifamiliares en Lima MetropolitanaChamorro Rodríguez, Julio Ernesto, Ríos Alzamora, Thomas Guido 16 July 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo elaborar un plan de mejora de la gestión de procura del encofrado metálico con la finalidad de reducir la variabilidad en el costo final del alquiler de encofrado y apuntalamiento durante la etapa constructiva de edificios multifamiliares ejecutados en la ciudad de Lima metropolitana.
Se analizaron datos de cinco proyectos ejecutados en Miraflores, Jesús María, Barranco y Lima Cercado en los cuales se registraron diferencias económicas negativas respecto al presupuesto inicial de alquiler de encofrado. Se realizo encuestas a las personas involucradas en el proceso de procura de encofrado para identificar las causas de estas variaciones de costo y mediante herramientas de gestión se determinaron cuáles fueron las de mayor incidencia.
Finalmente se estableció un plan de mejora del proceso tomando en cuenta los defectos y omisiones encontrados en las gestiones de procura de los proyectos que se tomaron como objeto de estudio y además se incorporaron algunas herramientas que permitan mejorar la comunicación entre el constructor y los proveedores de los equipos de encofrado. / The objective of this research work was to elaborate a plan to improve the management of the metallic formwork procurement in order to reduce cost overruns in the formwork rental and shoring during the construction stage of multifamily buildings executed in the city of metropolitan Lima.
Data from five projects executed in Miraflores, Jesús María, Barranca and Lima Cercado were analyzed, in which negative economic differences were registered with respect to the initial formwork rental budget. Surveys were carried out among the people involved in the formwork procurement process to identify the causes of these cost variations and through management tools it was determined which were the ones with the highest incidence.
Finally, a process improvement plan was established, taking into account the errors and omissions found in the projects that were taken as the object of study, and some tools were also incorporated to improve communication between the constructor and the companies that rent the formwork equipment. / Tesis
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Optimización del proceso de elección del subcontratista utilizando la técnica AHP en edificaciones multifamiliares en Lima Metropolitana / Optimization of the subcontractor election process using the AHP technique in Multi-family buildings in Metropolitan LimaAlva Coz, Bruno Arturo, Hospina Cabrera, Jeason André 18 January 2022 (has links)
En los proyectos de construcción, sobre todo en edificaciones multifamiliares, tienden a tener un grado de dificultad mayor debido a que poseen una gran cantidad de procesos que son llevados a cabo por las diferentes áreas especializadas. Para ejecutarlos, se ven en la necesidad de subcontratar. Su éxito depende, en gran medida, del desempeño de los subcontratistas, es por lo que es fundamental su adecuada elección; sin embargo, esto no sucede, ya que, en diversas ocasiones, se elige al subcontratista que ofrece menor costo o por recomendaciones causando que la elección no sea la más óptima. Por ello, es importante optimizar el proceso de subcontratación para obtener una mejor elección al momento de subcontratar, y por ende tener un óptimo trabajo en la ejecución del proyecto.
La presente investigación propone utilizar una técnica de decisión multicriterio llamada proceso de análisis jerárquico (AHP), la cual nos ayudará a solucionar nuestra problemática mediante una jerarquización de criterios y alternativas. Esto significa que se podrá elegir a un subcontratista considerando ciertos criterios importantes como la calidad, el tiempo de ejecución, estabilidad financiera y costo, lo cual nos ayudará a tener un panorama más extenso al momento de seleccionar al adecuado subcontratista
Los criterios se basan en la investigación de tres proyectos de construcción y cincuenta entrevistas a diferentes ingenieros. Asimismo, se desarrolló una guía que explica cómo usar la técnica en un proyecto real, lo que permitirá realizar un juicio de expertos para determinar la validez de la técnica en proyectos futuros. / In construction projects, especially in multi-family buildings, there is a greater degree of difficulty, which is why they pose a large number of processes that are carried out by the different specialized areas. To run them, you need to outsource. Its success depends, to a large extent, on the performance of the subcontractors, so their proper selection is essential; However, this does not happen, since, on several occasions, the subcontractor that offers the lowest cost or by recommendations is chosen, causing the selection to not be the most optimal. Therefore, it is important to optimize the subcontracting process to obtain a better choice when subcontracting, and therefore, an excellent job is done in the execution of the project.
This research proposes to use a multi-criteria decision technique called Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP), which will help us solve our problem through a hierarchy of criteria and alternatives. This means that a subcontractor can be chosen considering certain important criteria such as quality, execution time, financial stability and cost, which will help us to have a broader picture when selecting the right subcontractor.
The criteria are based on the investigation of three construction projects and fifty interviews with different engineers. Likewise, a guide has been prepared that explains how to use the technique in a real project, which will allow an expert judgment to be made to determine the validity of the technique in future projects. / Tesis
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Propuesta de aplicación de elementos prefabricados de concreto armado para mejorar la productividad en la construcción de edificios multifamiliares en Lima / Proposal for the application of precast reinforced concrete elements to improve productivity in the construction of multifamily buildings in LimaPerez Santamaria, Sandra Pamela, Soplin Diapiz, Luz Clarita 18 February 2022 (has links)
La industria de la construcción de viviendas en Lima, tiene como principal característica la aplicación de métodos de construcción tradicionales, basados en construcción in situ. Los procesos constructivos implican una serie de actividades de gran complejidad que muchas veces alteran la producción y dificultan el eficiente empleo de los recursos. Por ejemplo, la alta demanda de mano de obra genera un entorno de incertidumbre en los procesos de producción, por una mayor probabilidad a errores que generan pérdidas. En los últimos años se han hecho importantes esfuerzos para optimizar los recursos y mejorar la eficiencia y el desempeño de la construcción convencional a través de metodologías y herramientas como Lean Construction, BIM, Last Planner entre otros; sin embargo, alcanzados sus máximos posibles, no logran incrementar la productividad ni disminuir los efectos adversos de la construcción tradicional en términos reales a través del tiempo. Por ende, este estudio propone la aplicación de los sistemas constructivos prefabricados altamente industrializados en la construcción del casco estructural de viviendas multifamiliares con el objetivo de elevar la productividad a los estándares internacionales. Del estudio se encontró una reducción del 5% en el costo por metro cuadro de construcción y una reducción en el plazo y el costo de la mano de obra del 26% y 61% respectivamente. Se puede concluir que el método de construcción por prefabricados permite incrementar la productividad dado un eficiente empleo de los recursos como la mano de obra, materiales y el tiempo de construcción. / The main characteristic of the housing construction industry in Lima is the application of traditional construction methods, based on on-site construction. Construction processes involve a series of highly complex activities that often alter production and hinder the efficient use of resources. For example, the high demand for labor generates an environment of uncertainty in the production processes, due to a greater probability of errors that generate losses. In recent years, significant efforts have been made to optimize resources and improve the efficiency and performance of conventional construction through methodologies and tools such as Lean Construction, BIM, Last Planner, among others; however, having reached their maximum possible levels, they fail to increase productivity or reduce the adverse effects of traditional construction in real terms over time. Therefore, this study proposes the application of highly industrialized prefabricated construction systems in the construction of the structural hull of multi-family homes with the aim of raising productivity to international standards. The study found a 5% reduction in the cost per square meter of construction and a reduction in the term and cost of labor of 26% and 61%, respectively. It can be concluded that the prefabricated construction method allows increasing productivity due to an efficient use of resources such as labor, materials and construction time. / Tesis
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Propuesta de uso de la herramienta dynamo para optimizar el tiempo en el proceso de valorización de subcontratistas de acabados en edificios multifamiliares menores de 10 pisos de NSE A y B ejecutado por una Pyme constructora en Lima Metropolitana / Proposal for the use of Dynamo software to optimize time in subcontractor’s schedule of values of finishes process in less than 10-story multi-family buildings of Socioeconomic Status A & B executed by a small and medium-sized construction enterprise in Metropolitan LimaChavez Guerrero, Rodrigo Americo, Vilchez Chung, Sebastian Rodrigo 25 June 2021 (has links)
Lima es el principal escenario de desarrollo de proyectos de vivienda, por ello es una importante fuente de oportunidades para las empresas constructoras. Un significativo porcentaje de estas lo conforman pequeñas y medianas empresas, que buscan estrategias para competir en el mercado. Por ejemplo, la canalización de sus actividades a través de la subcontratación.
En este escenario, suelen presentarse dificultades en el proceso de valorización de los subcontratistas de las partidas de acabados, dado que son tareas que requieren de mayor tiempo y detalle para validar. Estos problemas son resueltos de manera sintomática porque no se trabaja con herramientas que permitan anticiparlos ni entenderlos en su totalidad.
El objetivo de la presente investigación es desarrollar una propuesta de solución frente a los problemas identificados, a través de la implementación de una herramienta de programación visual (Dynamo) dentro de un entorno de trabajo BIM, que permita optimizar el tiempo en el proceso de valorización de subcontratistas de acabados en edificios multifamiliares menores de 10 pisos de NSE A y B ejecutado por una PYME constructora en Lima Metropolitana.
Se realizaron entrevistas a profesionales encargados de realizar las valorizaciones para identificar las principales deficiencias que se presentan en este proceso y de esta forma, plantear la propuesta de solución.
Finalmente, se realizó la validación de la propuesta de solución a través del juicio de expertos, como resultado de las opiniones emitidas por estos y su nivel de interés percibido se concluyó que la propuesta sería de gran aporte en una posible implementación. / Lima has been the main scenario for the development of building projects, which makes it an important source of opportunities for construction enterprises. A significant percentage of these are made up of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which constantly seek strategies to compete in the construction industry. One of these is assigning their activities through subcontracting.
In this common practice, difficulties often arise in subcontractor’s schedule of values of finishes process, since they are tasks that demand more time and detail to track the progress, even more critical situation in projects with a reduced site-based staff. These problems are solved symptomatically because they do not work with tools for anticipate or understand them entirely.
The objective of this research is to develop a proposed solution to the problems identified, through the implementation of a visual programming tool (Dynamo) within a BIM environment, for optimize time in subcontractor’s schedule of values of finishes process in less than 10-story multi-family buildings of Socioeconomic Status A & B executed by a construction SME in Metropolitan Lima.
In order to identify the main deficiencies that appears in traditional process, interviews were conducted with in-charge professionals of subcontractor’s schedule of values of finishes. Then, collected information was analyzed to propose a solution for the problem.
Finally, the proposed solution was validated through expert judgment, which through the opinions expressed by the professionals and their perceived level of interest, it was concluded that the proposal would be of great contribution in a possible implementation. / Tesis
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Nationell potentialbedömning av olika energieffektiviseringsåtgärders kostnadseffektivitet i flerbostadshus : En jämförelse av olika åtgärder och analys av olika styrmedels anpassning för minskad energianvändning / National Potential Assessment Energy Efficiency and Cost-effectiveness in Multi-family Buildings : A comparison of energy efficiency measures and the conformation of Different Policy Instrument for reduced energy useJansson, Josef, Enell, Elisabeth January 2022 (has links)
Energianvändningen idag är den största bidragande faktorn till de globala klimatförändringarna vilket ställer krav på mer hållbar och resurseffektiv energihantering. I Sverige står sektorn bostäder och service för ca 40 % av den slutgiltiga energianvändningen motsvarande 144 TWh. För att nå en mer hållbar byggnadssektor har EU i direktivet för Byggnaders Energiprestanda satt målet att byggnadssektorn ska vara fossilfri till 2050, samt beslutat att varje medlemsstat ska etablera en långsiktig renoveringsstrategi. Nationellt finns därmed målet att minska den totala energianvändningen per uppvärmd area med 50 % till 2050 jämfört med 1995. Detta innebär att omfattande energieffektiviseringsåtgärder (EEÅ) behöver implementeras i Sveriges byggnadsbestånd. I examensarbetet jämförs den nationella potentialen avseende energibesparing, kostnadseffektivitet samt utsläppsreduktion av koldioxidekvivalenter (CO2eq) för olika energieffektiviseringsåtgärder (EEÅ) kopplade till uppvärmning och tappvarmvattenanvändning i flerbostadshus. Vidare undersöks även hur väl anpassade befintliga styrmedel är för de studerade EEÅ. För att besvara frågeställningarna har sex olika typhus tagits fram vilka är representativa för Sveriges bestånd av flerbostadshus. Dessa byggnader har modellerats i programvaran IDA ICE och energisimuleringar har genomförts för att undersöka effekterna av samtliga EEÅ. Vidare, styrmedel kopplade till energieffektivisering av flerbostadshus har analyserats och dess innebörd för olika EEÅ granskats. Resultatet visar att inom det svenska flerbostadshusbeståndet har installation av spillvattenvärmeåtervinning och FTX störst tekniskt möjlig energibesparingspotential med en årlig nationell energibesparingspotential på 5,3 TWh respektive 4,7 TWh. Isolering av tak är den EEÅ med högst kostnadseffektivitet per sparad energienhet, 334–579 SEK/MWh beroende på klimatzon, följt av spillvattenvärmeåtervinning och FTX som har en kostnadseffektivitet på 1267–1503 SEK/MWh respektive 1882–3587 SEK/MWh. Takisolering är även den EEÅ som är mest kostnadseffektiv för utsläppsminskning av koldioxidekvivalenter följt av spillvattenvärmeåtervinning och FTX. För takisolering är kostnadseffektiviteten 5,9–10,3 tSEK/ton CO2eq, 28,2–33,5 tSEK/ton CO2eq för spillvattenvärmeåtervinning och 39,5–93 tSEK/ton CO2eq för installation av FTX. Utifrån de styrmedel som studerats konstateras det att befintliga styrmedel för energieffektivisering i flerbostadshus inkluderar konventionella EEÅ men att det finns bristfällig information och krav gällande återvinning av värme från spillvatten trots åtgärdens höga energibesparingspotential och kostnadseffektivitet. Bättre kunskap och information gällande kostnadseffektiviteten för olika EEÅ kan leda till mer resurseffektiva åtgärdsförslag från energiexperter och även öka renoveringstakten. / Today's energy use is the largest contributing factor to global climate change, which calls for a more sustainable and resource-efficient energy management. In Sweden, the residential and service sector accounts for about 40% of the final energy use, corresponding to 144 TWh. To achieve a more sustainable building sector, the European Commission has set a target in the Energy Efficiency Directive that the building sector should be fossil-free by 2050 and decided that every Member State should establish a long-term renovation strategy. Nationally, there is a target to reduce the total energy use per heated area by 50% by 2050. This requires a large-scale implementation of energy efficiency measures (EEMs) in Sweden's building stock. This master thesis compares the national potential regarding energy saving, cost-effectiveness and emission reduction of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2eq) for various EEMs linked to heating and domestic hot water use in multi-family buildings. Furthermore, it is also examined how well-adjusted existing policy instruments are to the studied EEMs. To answer the research questions, six different reference buildings, which are representative of Sweden’s stock of multi-family buildings, have been developed. These buildings have been modeled using the software IDA ICE and energy simulations have been carried out to investigate the effects for all EEMs. Policy instruments regarding energy efficiency in multi-family buildings have been analyzed and their significance for various EEMs have been investigated. The results show that installation of wastewater heat recovery and exhaust air heat recovery has the highest technically possible energy saving potential with an annual national saving potential of 5.3 TWh and 4.7 TWh, respectively Roof insulation is the EEM with the highest cost-effectiveness per saved energy unit, 334–579 SEK/MWh depending on climate zone, followed by wastewater heat recovery with a cost-effectiveness of 1267–1503 SEK/MWh and exhaust air heat recovery with 1882–3587 SEK/MWh. Roof insulation is also the EEM that is most cost-effective regarding reduced CO2eq -emissions, followed by wastewater heat recovery and exhaust air heat recovery. For roof insulation, the cost-effectiveness is 5.9–10.3 kSEK/ton CO2eq, 28.2–33.5 kSEK/ton CO2eq for wastewater heat recovery and 39.5–93 kSEK/ton CO2eq for installation of exhaust air heat recovery. Based on the studied policy instruments, it is found that the existing policy instruments for EMMs in multi-family buildings include conventional EMMS. However, there is insufficient information and requirements regarding recovery of heat from wastewater despite the measure's high energy saving potential and cost-effectiveness. Better knowledge and information regarding the cost-effectiveness of various EEMs can lead to more resource-efficient suggestions from energy experts and increase the pace of renovation.
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