Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fossil insect"" "subject:"afossil insect""
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Islands within islands : the development of the British entomofauna during the Holocene and the implications for conservationDinnin, Mark Hurst January 1992 (has links)
No description available.
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Variations in insect herbivory on angiosperm leaves through the late Paleocene and early Eocene in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA /Currano, Ellen Diane. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Pennsylvania State University, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 452-460). Also available in PDF format via the Internet.
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Artbestånden i fossila trädgårdskonstruktioner : En teoretisk studieav de dynamiska relationerna mellan växter, insekter och agromiljöer samt derasimplikationer för den arkeologiska tolkningen / The habitats and inhabitants of fossil gardenconstructions : A theoretical studyof the dynamic relationships between plants, insects and agroenvironments, andtheir implications for archaeological interpretationLarsson, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the possibility of paleoentomology as a proxy in garden archaeology research. Garden contexts can prove difficult to identify and interpret due to the many changes the contexts go through during their activity period. Mixing of materials, harvesting and cultivation of many different plants will affect the environmental data that is retrieved from them and thus our interpretation of horticulture. This essay looks at the contexts and materials involved in the gardening process; irrigation sources, fertilizer, garden plant macrofossils and modern ecological insect and host plant relationships. The goal is to suggest a conceptual indicator group of insect and plant species that could aid in the identification of garden context and the in situ growth of relic plants. Paleoentomological information from the relating contexts (middens, composts, wells etc.) and other indicator groups have been included along with the ecological data in order to get a more complex picture over the garden contexts and their varying content. For instance, many of the plants found in garden soils are recorded as host plants to several insect species. This paper argues that investigation of these relationships can aid garden archaeology and further our understanding of herbivorous insects’ and associated species’ relationships to plant domestication in pre-history.
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Dynamique de la biodiversité et changements environnementaux en Corse depuis 7000 ans : éclairages paléoentomologiques et paléobotaniques / Biodiversity dynamics and environmental changes in Corsica during the last 7000 years : palaeoentomological and palaeobotanical insightsPoher, Yoann 08 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif d’identifier les trajectoires plurimillénaires des écosystèmes de Corse à basse et moyenne altitude sous la triple influence des forçages climatiques, eustatiques et anthropiques à travers l’étude des assemblages d’insectes fossiles et des données paléobotaniques disponibles ou nouvellement acquises. Cette approche multidisciplinaire a été appliquée sur trois séquences sédimentaires prélevées à l’étang du Greco sur l’île Cavallo, au marais de Cannuta et à la tourbière de Bagliettu.Les résultats obtenus révèlent des changements majeurs dans la structuration du couvert végétal. Des signes d’ouverture du paysage apparaissent sur Cavallo et à Cannuta dès 5500-5000 cal. BP. Ils coïncident avec des indices d’activités des sociétés insulaires, lesquelles s’intensifient après 3000 cal. BP et plus particulièrement depuis 1000 ans à Bagliettu. Notre étude suggère que la sensibilité et la réponse des zones humides littorales face à la remontée relative du niveau marin dépend du contexte géomorphologique. Sur l’île Cavallo où le relief est faible, la transgression marine induit une augmentation de la salinité dans l’étang du Greco vers 3700 cal. BP, qui provoque une chute irréversible de la diversité des coléoptères aquatiques et hygrophiles. Au marais de Cannuta, où l’érosion des versants a favorisé la progradation de la plaine alluviale, notre étude montre une diminution de l’influence marine après 5000 cal. BP et une diversification de cette même entomofaune à partir de 1200 cal. BP. À Bagliettu, nous avons démontré l’importance des changements hydro-morphologiques des rivières dans la dynamique des écosystèmes tourbeux attenants et de leur entomofaune. / This thesis aims to define the multi-millennial trajectories of Corsican ecosystems under the climatic, eustatic and anthropic factors via the study of fossil insect assemblages and previous or new palaeobotanical data. This multidisciplinary approach was carried out at low and middle elevation on three sedimentary archives from the Greco pond on Cavallo Island, the Cannuta marsh and the Bagliettu peat-bog. The results reveal major changes in the structure of the vegetation cover over the last 7000 years. Signs of more open landscapes occurred on Cavallo and in Cannuta from 5500-5000 cal. BP. They coincide with bio-markers of insular societies activities, which increased from 3000 cal. BP onward and more particularly during the last 1000 years at Bagliettu.This study also suggests that the sensitivity and the response of coastal wetlands to the relative sea-level rise depend on the geomorphological context. On the low-lying Cavallo Island, marine transgression induced an increase of salt conditions in the Greco pond from 3700 cal. BP, which in turn, caused an irreversible loss of aquatic and hygrophilous beetle diversity. In Cannuta marsh, erosion on catchment slopes favoured the progradation of the coastal floodplain and the results reveal a progressive decrease of the marine influence from 5000 cal. BP as well as a diversification of this entomofauna over the last 1200 years. In Bagliettu, the results show how hydro-morphological changes of the rivers impact the dynamics of adjacent peaty ecosystems and beetle diversity.
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Tafonomia de grupos fósseis do membro crato (Formação Santana, Bacia do Araripe, Eocretáceo, NE do Brasil): implicações geobiológicas, paleoecológicas e paleoambientais / Taphonomy of fossil groups from the crato member (Santana Formation), Araripe Basin, Early Cretaceous, North-east Brasil): geobiological, palaeoecological, and palaeoenvironmental implicationsOsés, Gabriel Ladeira 27 October 2016 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, os Lagerstätten estiveram no centro das discussões relativas à história paleobiológica e geológica da Terra. Em particular, o Membro Crato da Formação Santana (Bacia do Araripe, Nordeste do Brasil) é um dos mais significantes Lagerstätten do Cretáceo já que registra invertebrados, vertebrados e plantas excepcionalmente preservados em sedimentos carbonáticos de um palaeolago. O principal objetivo desta dissertação é lançar luz sobre os processos de preservação responsáveis pela fossilização de insetos e peixes com tecidos moles em 3D. Lâminas petrográficas e diversas técnicas paleométricas - micro-Espectroscopia Raman, Fluorescência de raios-X (FRX) convencional, micro-FRX com fonte de luz sincrotron (RS-µFRX), emissão de Raios-X induzida por partículas (PIXE), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva de Raios-X (EDS) - foram empregadas para caracterizar a rocha matriz, a morfologia e fidelidade de preservação dos tecidos moles e as composições elementares e moleculares dos fósseis em escala de centímetros e mícron. Os resultados revelam que, enquanto insetos e tecidos moles de peixes encontrados nos denominados calcários beges (BL) são substituídos por pseudomorfos de pirita framboidal (após oxidação da pirita), os quais ocorrem juntamente com possíveis substâncias poliméricas extracelulares secretadas por bactérias (EPS), tecidos de peixes dos calcários cinza (GL) são querogenizados. Em insetos, existe variação de tamanho dos framboides para dentro dos fósseis, que é aqui interpretada como produto do equilíbrio entre as taxas de difusão e de nucleação dos minerais. Além disso, a distribuição preferencial de Zn e Cu em estruturas piritizadas de insetos e peixes em comparação com a sua matriz é aqui considerada como sendo o resultado da fixação de elementos químicos em biofilmes bacterianos. Zn concentrado nos ossos de peixes com querogenizados e Fe/Cu observados em seus tecidos moles são considerados como tendo sido incorporados durante a vida dos peixes. No caso particular de peixes, modelo originalmente proposto para a preservação de metazoários do Pré-cambriano é aqui aplicado para explicar a variação de fossilização entre as fácies BL e GL. Lâminas petrográficas revelam que os GL têm geralmente teor de argila/matéria orgânica maior do que os BL, implicando que as taxas de soterramento poderiam ter sido mais intensas nos GL. Isto teria colocado carcaças em decomposição mais rapidamente na zona sedimentar de metanogênese, sendo formado o querogênio. Por outro lado, carcaças depositadas na fácies BL poderiam ter passado período mais longo na zona de redução de sulfato, o que teria levado à piritização generalizada. Além disso, a baixa porosidade do microespato, o cimento e a argila poderiam ter diminuído a migração de aceptores de elétrons dos processos de respiração bacteriana anaeróbia - particularmente redução de sulfato (RS) e metanogênese - e de seus produtos biogeoquímicos, estreitando a zona de RS, o que teria reduzido a influência da piritização em alguns níveis. Enquanto que a piritização resultou na preservação de fibras musculares em 3D, sarcolema, possíveis núcleos celulares, tendões e olhos, a querogenização preservou tecidos conjuntivos, tegumento e fibras musculares distorcidas e compactadas. Em conclusão, é aqui proposto que fácies influenciadas por processos paleoambientais e geobiológicos produziram fósseis com gradiente diferencial de fidelidade de preservação de acordo com cada via tafonômica seguida. / Over the past decades, the so-called Fossil Lagerstätten have been in the core of discussions concerning the palaeobiological and geological history of the Earth. In particular, the Crato Member from the Santana Formation (Araripe Basin, north-east Brazil) is one of the most significant Cretaceous Lagerstätten since it records exceptionally well-preserved fossil invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants, deposited in palaeolake carbonate beds. The main aim of this dissertation is to shed light on the preservational processes responsible for the fossilization of insects and fishes still retaining 3D soft tissues. Petrographic thin sections and several palaeometric techniques - micro-Raman Spectroscopy, conventional X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), Synchrotron micro-XRF (SR-µXRF), Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) - have been employed to characterize the host rock, soft-tissue morphology and preservational fidelity, and fossil elemental and molecular compositions in centimetre to micrometre scale. The results reveal that while insects and fish soft-tissues found in the so called beige limestones (BL) are replaced by framboidal pyrite pseudomorphs (after pyrite oxidation) occurring together with putative bacterially-secreted extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), labile tissues of fishes from the grey limestones (GL) are kerogenized. In insects, there is a variation of framboid size inward the fossils, which is here interpreted as a product of the balance between diffusion and mineral nucleation rates. Moreover, the preferential distribution of Zn and Cu in pyritized insect/fish labile structures in comparison to their rock matrix is here considered as being the result of element fixation in bacterial biofilms. Zn concentrated in bones of kerogenized fishes and Fe/Cu occurring in their soft tissues are considered to have been incorporated during fish life. In the particular case of fishes, a model originally proposed for metazoan preservation in the Precambrian is here applied to explain the variation of fossilization between the BL and GL facies. Petrographic thin sections reveal that GL have generally higher clay/organic matter contents than BL, thus implying that burial rates might have been more intense in the former. This could have placed decaying carcasses more quickly in the methanogenesis sedimentary zone, in that way being kerogenized. On the other hand, carcasses deposited in the BL facies could have spent a longer period in the sulphate-reduction zone, which would have accounted for pervasive pyritization. Additionally, microspar low porosity, cement and clay could have diminished both downward migrations of electron acceptors for anaerobic bacterial respiration processes - particularly sulphate-reduction (SR) and methanogenesis - and of their biogeochemical products, narrowing the SR zone, which would have lowered the impact of pyritization in some levels. While pyritization has recorded 3D muscle fibres, sarcolemma, putative cell nuclei, tendons and eyes, kerogenization has yielded connective tissues, integument and compressed/distorted muscle fibres. In conclusion, it is here proposed that palaeoenvironmental/geobiological-influenced facies have yielded fossils with a variable preservational-fidelity gradient, accordingly to each taphonomic pathway followed.
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