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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The evaluation of Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy for quantitative and qualitative monitoring of alcoholic wine fermentation

Magerman, Cynthia M 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Wine Biotechnology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Fermentation is a complex process in which raw materials are transformed into high-value products, in this case, grape juice into wine. In this modern and economically competitive society, it is increasingly important to consistently produce wine to definable specifications and styles. Process management throughout the production stage is therefore crucial to achieve effective control over the process and consistent wine quality. Problematic wine fermentations directly impact on cellar productivity and the quality of wine. Anticipating stuck or sluggish fermentations, or simply being able to foresee the progress of a given fermentation, would be extremely useful for an enologist or winemaker, who could then take suitable corrective steps where necessary, and ensure that vinifications conclude successfully. Conventional methods of fermentation monitoring are time consuming, sometimes unreliable, and the information limited to a few parameters only. The current effectiveness of fermentation monitoring in industrial wine production can be much improved. Winemakers currently lack the tools to identify early signs of undesirable fermentation behaviour and to take preventive actions. This study investigated the application of Fourier transform mid infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy in transmission mode, for the quantitative and qualitative monitoring of alcoholic fermentation during industrial wine production. The major research objectives were firstly to establish a portfolio of quantitative calibration models suitable for quantification of the major quality determining parameters in fermenting must. The second major research objective focused on a pilot study aimed at exploring the use of off-line batch multivariate statistical process control (MSPC) charts for actively fermenting must. This approach used FT-IR spectra only, for the purpose of qualitative monitoring of alcoholic fermentation in industrial wine production. Towards these objectives, a total of 284 industrial-scale, individual, actively fermenting tanks of the seven major white cultivars and blends, and nine major red cultivars, of Namaqua Wines, Vredendal, South Africa, were sampled and analysed with FT-IR spectroscopy and appropriate reference methods during vintages 2007 to 2009. For the quantitative strategy, partial least squares regression (PLS1) calibration models for determination of the classic wine parameters ethanol, pH, volatile acidity (VA), titratable acidity (TA) and the total content of glucose plus fructose, were redeveloped to provide a better fit to local South African samples. New PLS1 models were developed for the must components glucose, fructose and yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN), all of which are frequently implicated in problem fermentations. The regression statistics, that included the standard error of prediction (SEP), coefficient of determination (R2) and bias, were used to evaluate the performance of the redeveloped calibration models on local South African samples. Ethanol (SEP = 0.15 %v/v, R2 = 0.999, bias = 0.04 %v/v) showed very good prediction and with a residual predictive deviation (RPD) of 30, rendered an excellent model for quantitative purposes in fermenting must. The models for pH (SEP = 0.04, R2 = 0.923, bias = -0.01) and VA (SEP = 0.07 g/L, R2 = 0.894, bias = -0.01 g/L) with RPD values of 4 and 3 respectively, showed that the models were suitable for screening purposes. The calibration model for TA (SEP = 0.35 g/L, R2 = 0.797, bias = -0.004 g/L) with a RPD of 2, proved unsatisfactory for quantification purposes, but reasonable for screening purposes. The calibration model for the total content of glucose plus fructose (SEP = 0.6.19 g/L, R2 = 0.993, bias = 0.02 g/L) with a RPD of 13, showed very good prediction and can be used to quantify total glucose plus fructose content in fermenting must. The newly developed calibration models for glucose (SEP = 4.88 g/L, R2 = 0.985, bias = -0.31 g/L) and fructose (SEP = 4.14 g/L, R2 = 0.989, bias = 0.64 g/L) with RPD values of 8 and 10 respectively, also proved fit for quantification of these important parameters. The new calibration models of ethanol, total glucose plus fructose; and glucose and fructose individually, showed an excellent relation to local South African samples and can be easily implemented by the wider wine industry. Two calibration models were developed to determine YAN in fermenting must by using different reference methods, namely the enzyme-linked spectrophotometric assay and Formol titration method, respectively. The results showed that enzyme-linked assays provided a good quantitative model for white fermenting must (SEP = 14.10 mg/L, R2 = 0.909, bias = -2.55 mg/L, RPD = 6), but the regression statistics for predicting YAN in red fermenting must, were less satisfactory (data not shown). The Formol titration method could be used successfully in both red- and white fermenting must (SEP = 16.37 mg/L, R2 = 0.912, bias = -1.01 mg/L, RPD = 4). A minor, but very important finding was made with respect to the storage of must samples that were taken from tanks, but that could not immediately be analysed with FT-IR spectroscopy or reference values. Principal component analysis (PCA) of frozen samples showed that must samples could be stored frozen for up to 3 months and still be used to expand the calibration sample sets when needed. Therefore, samples can be kept frozen to a later stage if immediate analyses are not possible. For the purpose of the pilot study that focused on the use of FT-IR spectroscopy for qualitative off-line monitoring of alcoholic fermentation, a total of 21 industrial-scale fermentation tanks were monitored at 8- or 12-hourly intervals, from the onset of fermentation to complete consumption of the grape sugars. This part of the work excluded quantitative data, and only used FT-IR spectra. MSPC charts were constructed on the PLS scores of all the FT-IR spectra taken at the various time intervals of the different batches, using time as the y-variable. The primary aim of this research objective was to evaluate if the PLS batch models could be used to discriminate between normal and problem alcoholic fermentations. The models that were constructed clearly showed the variations in patterns over time, between red- and white wine alcoholic fermentations. One Colombar tank that was fermented at very low temperature in order to achieve a specific wine style, was characterised by a fermentation pattern that clearly differed form the rest of the Colombar fermentations. This atypical fermentation was identified by the batch models constructed in this study. PLS batch models over all the Colombar fermentations clearly identified the normal and problem fermentations. The results obtained in this study showed that FT-IR spectroscopy showed great potential for effective quantitative and qualitative monitoring of alcoholic fermentation during industrial wine production. The work done in this project resulted in the development of a portfolio of calibration models for the most important quality determining parameters in fermenting must. The quantitative models were subjected to extensive independent test set validation, and have subsequently been implemented for industrial use at Namaqua Wines. Multivariate batch monitoring models were established that show good discriminatory power to detect problem fermentations. This is a very useful diagnostic tool that can be further developed by monitoring more normal and problem fermentations. Future work in this regard, will focus on further optimisation and expansion of the quantitative and qualitative calibration models and implementation of these in the respective wineries of Namaqua Wines. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Fermentasie is ‘n komplekse proses waartydens rou material getransformeer word na produkte van hoë waarde, in hierdie geval, druiwesap na wyn. In die huidige ekonomies-kompeterende samelewing, is dit al hoe meer belangrik om volhoubaar wyn te produseer wat voldoen aan definieerbare spesifikasies en style. Goeie prosesbestuur tydens die wynproduksie stadium is baie belangrik om herhaalbaarheid en gehaltebeheer te verseker. Problematiese wynfermentasies het ’n direkte impak op beide kelderproduktiwiteit en wynkwaliteit. Die voorkoming van slepende- of steekfermentasies, of selfs net om probleme te voorsien, sou uiters bruikbaar wees vir ‘n wynkundige of wynmaker, wat dan die toepaslike regstellende stappe kan neem waar nodig, om te verseker dat die wynbereiding suksesvol voltooi word. Konvensionele metodes van monitering van alkoholiese fermentasie is tydrowend, soms onbetroubaar en die inligting beperk tot ‘n paar parameters. Die huidige effektiwiteit van fermentasie monitering in industriële wynproduksie kan heelwat verbeter word. Wynmakers ervaar tans ’n behoete aan tegnologië wat die vroeë tekens van ongunstige fermentasiepatrone kan identifiseer, en hul doeltreffendheid om moontlike regstellende aksies te neem, is dus beperk. Hierdie studie het die toepassing van Fourier transformasie mid-infrarooi (FT-IR) spektroskopie in transmissie, ondersoek met die oog op kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe monitering van alkoholiese gisting tydens industriële wynproduksie. Die vernaamste navorsingsdoelwitte was eerstens om ’n portefeulje van kwantitatiewe kalibrasiemodelle te vestig, wat geskik is om die belangrikste kwaliteitsbepalende parameters in gistende mos te kwantifiseer. Die tweede hoofnavorsingsdoelwit was ’n loodsstudie wat ondersoek ingestel het na die opstel van multiveranderlike statistiese proseskontrole grafieke van aktief-gistende mos, met die oog op aflyn-kwalitatiewe monitering van alkoholiese gisting in industriële wynproduksie. Hiervoor is slegs FT-IR spektra gebruik. Vir die doel van hierdie studie is monsters van ’n totaal van 284 individuele, aktief-gistende tenke van die sewe hoof wit kultivars en hul versnydings en nege hoof rooi kultivars van Namaqua Wyne, Vredendal, Suid Afrika, geneem. Al die monsters is met toepaslike chemiese metodes en FT-IR spektroskopie analiseer tydens die parsseisoene van 2007 tot 2009. Vir die kwantitatiewe strategie is parsiële kleinste kwadraat (PKK1) kalibrasiemodelle vir die bepaling van die klassieke wynparameters etanol, pH, vlugtige suur (VS), titreerbare suur (TS) en die totale konsentrasie van glukose plus fruktose herontwikkel, om beter te pas op plaaslike Suid-Afrikaanse monsters. Nuwe PKK1 kalibrasiemodelle is ontwikkel vir die komponente glukose, fruktose en gis-assimileerbare stikstof, aangesien hierdie komponente gereelde aanduidings van probleemgisting is. Die regressiestatistieke het die standaardvoorspellingsfout (SVF), bepalingskoëffisiënt (R2) en sydigheid ingesluit en was gebruik om die prestasie van die herontwikkelde kalibrasiemodelle vir plaaslike Suid-Afrikaanse monsters te evalueer. Etanol (SVF = 0.15 %v/v, R2 = 0.999, sydigheid = 0.04 %v/v) het baie goeie regressiestatistiek getoon en met ‘n relatiewe voorspellingsafwyking (RVA) van 30, was dit ‘n uitstekende model vir kwantifisering in gistende mos. Die modelle vir pH en VS met RVA waardes van 4 en 3 onderskeidelik, is geskik vir semi-kwantitatiewe toepassings. Die kalibrasiemodel vir TS met ‘n RVA waarde van 2, was nie geskik vir akkurate kwantifisering nie, maar wel vir semikwantitatiewe analises. Die kalibrasiemodel vir die totale glukose plus fruktose inhoud in gistende mos, met ‘n RVA waarde van 13, het uitstekende regressiestatistiek gegee en is geskik vir akkurate kwantifiseringsdoeleindes. Die nuut-ontwikkelde kalibrasiemodelle vir glukose en fruktose, met RVA waardes van onderskeidelik 8 en 10, is geskik vir akkurate kwantifisering van hierdie belangrike parameters. Die kalibrasiemodelle vir etanol, totale glukose plus fruktose, en glukose en fruktose afsonderlik, het uitstekende korrelasies getoon met plaaslike Suid-Afrikaanse monsters en is gereed om toepassing te vind in die wyer wynindustrie. Twee kalibrasiemodelle is ontwikkel om gis-assimileerbare stikstof in gistende mos te bepaal, deur gebruik te maak van verskillende verwysingsmetodes van analise; hierdie metodes was ‘n ensiem-gekoppelde spektrofotometriese toets en die Formoltitrasie metode. Resultate het getoon dat goeie regressiestatistiek vir FT-IR spektroskopie-gebaseerde kalibrasiemodelle waar data wat met die ensiem-gekoppelde toetse verkry is, as verwysingwaardes gebruik is, in wit gistende mos (SVP = 14.10 mg/L, R2 = 0.909, sydigheid = -2.55 mg/L, RVA = 6), maar nie in rooi gistende mos nie. Die Formoltitrasie metode as verwysingsmetode, was geskik vir die ontwikkeling van goeie kalibrasiemodelle in beide rooi- en wit gistende mos (SVP = 16.37 mg/L, R2 = 0.912, sydigheid = -1.01 mg/L, RVA = 4). ’n Sekondêre, maar baie belangrike bevinding is gemaak met betrekking tot die stoor van mosmonsters wat geneem is van tenke, maar wat nie dadelik met die verwysingsmetodes en FT-IR spektroskopie analiseer kon word nie. Multiveranderlike hoofkomponentanalise op vars en gevriesde sapmonsters het getoon dat gevriesde monsters gebruik kan word om die kalibrasie datastel uit te brei, wanneer benodig. Dus, sapmonsters kan gevries word tot ’n later stadium as onmiddelike analises nie moontlik is nie. Vir die doel van die tweede navorsingsdoelwit van die studie, naamlik kwalitatiewe af-lyn monitering van alkoholiese fermentasie met FT-IR spektroskopie, is ‘n totaal van 21 industriëlegrootte fermentasietenks ge-monitor deur sapmonsters met 8- tot 12-uurlikse intervalle te trek, vanaf die begin van fermentasie, totdat al die druifsuiker gemetaboliseer is. Vir hierdie deel van die werk is die kwantitatiewe data nie gebruik nie; slegs die FT-IR spektra. Multiveranderlike statistiese proseskontrole grafieke is opgestel op grond van die PKK tellings wat bereken is op al die FT-IR spektra wat gemeet is by die verskillende tydsintervalle. Vir hierdie analise is tyd as y-veranderlike gebruik. Die vernaamste doel van hierdie ondersoek was om te evalueer of die PKK-gebaseerde modelle kon onderskei tussen normale en slepende gistings. Die modelle wat verkry is, het die variasie oor tyd in die fermentasiepatrone tussen wit- en rooiwyn fermentasies tydens alkoholiese gisting, duidelik uitgewys. Een Colombar tenk wat teen baie lae temperatuur gefermenteer is om ‘n spesifieke wynstyl te verkry, se fermentasiepatroon het aansienlik verskil van die ander Colombar tenks wat gemonitor is, en hierdie atipiese patroon is ook deur die kwalitatiewe modelle identifiseer. ‘n PKK model oor al die Colombar fermentasies kon duidelik tussen normale en slepende gistings onderskei. Die resultate wat in hierdie studie verkry is, het getoon dat FT-IR spektroskopie baie goeie potensiaal toon vir die aanwending van kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe monitering van alkoholiese fermentasie tydens industriële wynproduksie. Die werk wat in hierdie projek gedoen is, het gelei tot die vestiging van ‘n portefeulje van kalibrasiemodelle vir die belangrikste kwaliteitsbepalende parameters in fermenterende mos. Die kwantitatiewe modelle is baie deeglik getoets met onafhanlike toets datastelle, en daarna is die kalibrasiemodelle geimplementeer vir industriële gebruik by Namaqua Wyne. Multiveranderlike statistiese proseskontrole grafieke wat baseer is op data wat vanaf 21 verskillende fermentasietenks verkry is, het baie goeie potensiaal getoon om probleemfermentasies vroeg te identifiseer. Dié grafieke is ‘n baie nuttige diagnostiese hulpmiddel wat verder ontwikkel kan word om verskillende tipes probleemfermentasies te monitor. Toekomstige navorsing in hierdie konteks, sal toegespits word op die optimisering en uitbreiding van die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe modelle, sowel as toepassing van die tegnieke in die onderskeie kelders van Namaqua Wyne.

Application of Fourier-transform infrared technology to the classification of harmful algal blooms (HABS)

Kenne, Gabriel Jacob January 1900 (has links)
Master of Public Health / Department of Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology / Deon Van der Merwe / Cyanobacteria are Gram-negative photosynthetic bacteria capable of producing toxins responsible for morbidity and mortality in humans and domestic animals. Many are capable of forming concentrated blooms that impact the environment by limiting the growth of sub-surface plants and phytoplankton. Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are also capable of producing multiple types of toxins, creating a potential hazard to recreational water users and animals drinking water from or near a bloom. Characterization of HABs is necessary to prevent these human and animal exposures and includes classifying of the type of cyanobacteria present and whether or not they are capable of toxin production, and the exact type of cyanotoxin that is actually present in bloom. Current methods used to classify cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins include microscopy, bioassays, ELISA, PCR, HPLC, and LC/MS. All of these methods, however, have limitations that include time, labor intensity, or cost. Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) is another potential tool for cyanobacterial classification that is not limited by these factors. To examine the practicality of this method, library screening with default software algorithms was performed on diagnostic samples received at the Kansas State University Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, followed by PCA of samples meeting minimum quality requirements to produce cluster analyses and dendrograms. Both spectrometers and software packages used were successful at distinguishing cyanobacteria from green algae in clean samples with 89.13% agreement. PCA resulted in clear classification of cyanobacteria or green algae demonstrated by a large order of magnitude difference produced by average Euclidian distance dendrograms. While this method is only capable of differentiating cyanobacteria from green algae or other aquatic environmental constituents, its simple, rapid use and low cost make it a beneficial screening tool when coupled with toxin-detection methods to characterize HABs.

Experimental study fo white heat line formation in burned bone using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

Gough, Megan Anne 02 November 2017 (has links)
In the anthropological analysis of burned bone, the presence of a white heat line aids in determining a bone’s physical condition prior to burning, distinguishing between those burned fleshed or wet versus dry. However, while the relationship between this thermal signature and a bone’s physical condition has been studied, there is a lack of research concerning the chemical composition of white heat lines. The present study assessed the composition of white heat lines that form on burned bone using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) with the potassium bromide (KBr) pellet method. The present study examined the effects of soft tissue and the retention of bone’s organic material, including naturally-occurring grease and water, on the development and appearance of a white heat line. Experimental remains consisted of isolated long bones from white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), elk (Cervus canadensis), sheep (Ovis aries), and pig (Sus scrofa) in five physical conditions – fleshed (fresh bones with adhering soft tissue), very wet (recently defleshed bone, greasy), partially wet (defleshed, slight grease retention), dry (defleshed, naturally degreased), and soaked (formerly dry bone immersed in water). These bones were burned over a wood fire made within a 55-gallon drum. After a visual analysis to evaluate white heat line formation, chemical composition was analyzed by determining spectral peak heights of the carbonate (CO3) ν3 (1415 cm-1), phosphate (PO4) ν3 (1035 cm-1), and amide I (1660 cm-1) vibrational bands. These thermal signatures appear to form superficially, measuring approximately 1.5 mm in depth. Results indicate that white heat lines that formed on fleshed bone contain an increased amount of CO3, PO4, and amide I in comparison to their unburned controls, while those that formed on very wet bone contain decreased amounts instead. These findings further our knowledge of how fire modifies physical remains and the effect that bone’s physical condition prior to burning has on the development of a white heat line and the resulting compositional changes. In order to build upon the results gained from the present study, continuing research is needed to investigate compositional differences between white heat lines that form on fleshed versus very wet bone and to assess bone’s fat content as a possible contributing factor. Additional FTIR research is needed to assess the other vibrational bands of CO3, PO4, and amide that are present in bone.

Application of Spectroscopy to Protein Characterization

Sanii, Laurie Shireen 11 November 2005 (has links)
There are two contributions of this thesis. The first contribution, described in chapters one through six, involves studing the relationship between the protein packing structure of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and its function as a proton pump. In 2002, a novel crystallization method published by Bowie and Farham resulted in an unusual antiparallel monomeric packing structure of bicelle bacteriorhodopsin (bcbR) crystals, the spectroscopic properties of which had not been studied. In this thesis, these bicelle bR crystals are investigated to better understand how the changes in the protein tertiary structure affect the function. Specifically: Does the retinal Schiff base retain its ability to isomerize in this unusual protein packing structure of bR? How is the hydration of its binding pocket affected? Does the protein retain the ability to undergo the photocycle and pump protons? If so, how are the rates of the deprotonation/reprotonation of the Schiff base affected by the antiparallel monomer packing structure of the protein? Is Asp85 still the proton acceptor during the deprotonation process of the photocycle? The second contribution of the thesis, described in chapter seven, describes the surface attachment and growth of the biofilm formed by the pathogenic bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae using attenuated total reflection/Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR/FTIR). This organism was chosen for its clinical significance; it is one of the organisms suspected in forming biofilms in individuals who develop otitis media, one of the most common causes of ear infections of childhood. In contrast to previous ATR/FTIR experiments examining the formation of biofilms on surfaces, this method is unique in that it combines two techniques - ATR/FTIR and Epifluorescence microscopy which when used together allow for the simultaneous monitoring of the IR spectrum of the S. pneumoniae biofilm as it develops and as provides a method for quantifying total and viable cell counts at various stages during the development.

Temperature dependence of molecular packing in self-assembled monolayer films

Liu, Yi-len 05 August 2008 (has links)
An alkyl-containing self-assembled monolayer is grafted on the silicon surface by a nature process in solutions. The alkyl thin film was used as the lubricant for the silica interface, usually applied to the MEMS or NENS domains. The ability of reducing friction for silica device at room temperature was improved, but little was known as the thin films existed at higher temperature during device was working or operating. In this study, we used Hexyltrichlorosilane (C6), Dodecyltrichlorosilane (C12), and Octadecyltrichlorosilane (C18) molecules to form self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on silicon, and these monolayers exhibited different molecular packing properties due to different interactions between the molecules. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) revealed that the short chain-length (C6) molecules exhibited poor packing on the surface at room temperature, and that the molecular packing of C6 was thermally stable up to 500 K. But the C12 and C18 monolayers exhibited abrupt blue shifts in FTIR at temperatures between 300 and 575 K, with stable packing observed over several temperature ranges. Furthermore, water contact angle measurements showed the C6, C12, and C18 molecular films changed from hydrophobic to hydrophilic as the sample temperature was increased. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images revealed that pits had formed in the C18 monolayer after the temperature was increased to 460 K, which were caused by the molecular reorganization of C18 on the surface. This resulted in an abrupt change in the friction coefficient for the C18 monolayer at 460K as compared to the short C6 and C12 monolayers. However, the friction coefficients for all the SAM films still increased with temperature. Understanding the temperature-dependent behavior of SAM film molecules will assist in the design of better anti-wear monolayers to improve performance and increase lifetimes in modern MEMS and NEMS devices.

Development of a quality control protocol for Pelargonium sidoides DC using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.

Maree, Johanna Elizabeth. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (MTech. degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences)--Tshwane University of Technology, 2009. / Quality control procedures are vital in the pharmaceutical industry to guarantee the authenticity and quality of products. A major challenge in quality assurance of herbal material is the vast variation of active constituents in plants from the same species. As a result of this variation, the selection of only a few compounds as criteria for quality control is inadequate. Pelargonium (P.) sidoides is indigenous to South Africa and highly valued by traditional healers as a remedy to treat coughs, upper respiratory tract irritations and gastrointestinal conditions. An ethanolic extract of P. sidoides is used in the proprietary herbal tincture known as Umckaloabo®. The composition and concentration of polyphenols are parameters which determine the quality of this herbal medicine because it provides several therapeutic benefits in the non-specific medicinal treatment of infectious diseases. Despite the commercial development of P. sidoides very few studies have been conducted to document the full phytochemical range of variation for natural populations and no study has been published on the development of a fast accurate quality control method for the validation of raw material.

Improvements in nutritive value of canola meal with pelleting

2015 February 1900 (has links)
Production of and demand for Canadian canola meal have been increased yearly. In order to improve the competitiveness of canola meal domestically and internationally, as well as to develop potential markets for canola meal, it is necessary to develop canola meal-based products that have high feed values and can be easily transported. The objectives of this research were: 1) to investigate the effects of temperature and time of conditioning during pelleting process on the nutritive values of canola meal in terms of chemical profiles, protein and carbohydrate subfractions, and energy values, using the AOAC procedures, CNCPS v6.1 and NRC (2001), respectively; 2) to detect the effects of temperature and time of conditioning during the pelleting process on rumen degradation and intestinal digestion characteristics and predicted protein supply of canola meal, using the in situ procedure, the three-step in vitro procedure, and the NRC 2001 model; and 3) to determine pelleting-induced changes in spectral characteristics of molecular structures of canola meal using Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) with univariate and multivariate analysis, and reveal the relationship between molecular structures of protein and carbohydrate and nutrient values, rumen degradation and intestinal digestion characteristics, and predicted protein supply of canola meal. Three different conditioning temperatures (70, 80 and 90ºC) and two different conditioning time (50 and 75 sec) were applied in this research. Two different batches of canola meal from a commercial feed company were selected. A randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 × 2 factorial arrangement was employed in this research. Molecular spectral functional groups related to protein, cellulosic compounds, and carbohydrates were used in the spectral study. This research indicated: 1) soluble crude protein (SCP) was decreased and neutral detergent insoluble CP (NDICP) was increased with increasing temperature; 2) the lowest protein rumen degradation of pellets was observed at conditioning temperature of 90 ºC and protein rumen degradation was increased by pelleting; 3) the amount of protein digested in the small intestine tended to increase with increasing conditioning temperature; 4) pelleting under different temperatures and time in the current study shifted the protein digestion site to the rumen, rather than to the small intestine; 5) with respect to predicted protein supply, based on the NRC 2001 model, increasing conditioning temperature tended to increase the metabolizable protein supply of canola meal pellets to dairy cattle; 6) changes in the molecular structure of canola meal induced by pelleting can be detected by ATR-FTIR; 7) not only protein molecular structure characteristics but also carbohydrate molecular structure characteristics play important roles in determining nutrient values, rumen degradation and intestinal digestion characteristics, and the predicted protein supply of canola meal.

Extraction, caractérisation et biotransformation de la lignine de Klason extraite de l'épinette blanche Picea glauca (Moench) Voss /

Larouche, Rémy, January 1993 (has links)
Mémoire (M.Ress.Renouv.)-- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1993. / Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU

Estudo de propriedades físico-químicas de resinas odontológicas: grau de conversão, dureza e expansão térmica

Rocha, Renata Sanches Ferreira [UNESP] 10 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:25:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006-07-10Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:53:37Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 rocha_rsf_me_ilha.pdf: 3590200 bytes, checksum: f6889570ef205e6b46a549584c70a872 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / As resinas compostas vêm sendo estudadas de longa data, sempre na procura de propiciar aos clínicos um melhor entendimento do seu processo de polimerização e a obtenção de melhores resultados nos procedimentos restauradores. A proposta deste trabalho foi determinar o grau de conversão, a microdureza e o coeficiente de expansão térmica das resinas restauradoras TPH Spectrum (Dentsply) e Filtek P60 (3M), em função da profundidade. Os materiais foram polimerizados por uma fonte de luz halógena durante 40 segundos em anéis de alumínio em diferentes espessuras (1, 2, 3 e 4 mm). O grau de conversão foi determinado através da espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo com transformada de Fourier, utilizando a razão entre bandas de absorção correspondentes às ligações duplas alifáticas e aromáticas. Para tanto, foram confeccionadas pastilhas contendo 20mg de resina e 150mg de KBr e os espectros foram obtidos em um espectrômetro Nexus 670 (Nicolet). As medidas de microdureza Vickers foram obtidas com um aparelho HMV 2000 (Shimadzu), utilizando uma amostra de cada espessura. A expansão térmica foi estudada através da técnica da extensometria. Os resultados mostraram que para as duas resinas ocorre uma diminuição no grau de conversão e na microdureza à medida que se aumenta a profundidade, como esperado. Para as medidas de expansão térmica, a resina Filtek P60 não apresentou diferenças significativas nas quatro profundidades, enquanto para a resina TPH Spectrum houve um aumento no coeficiente de expansão térmica com a profundidade. Não foi observada uma correlação entre o grau de conversão e a microdureza nas duas resinas estudadas. A determinação do grau de conversão através de espectros de absorção no infravermelho próximo mostrou-se mais preciso do que quando determinado a partir de espectros na região infravermelho médio. / The composite resins have been widely studied allowing a better understanding of the process of polymerization. As consequence, better results in the clinical procedures have been obtained. The purpose of this work was to study the degree of conversion, the hardness and the thermal expansion of the TPH Spectrum (Dentsply) and Filtek P60 (3M) resins in different depths. Samples were prepared for each resin using aluminum rings 10 mm in internal diameter and with different thickness (1, 2, 3, and 4 mm). Resin composites were cured with a halogen light curing unit for 40 s. The degree of conversion was determined from FTIR spectra by comparison of the aliphatic =CH2 bond at 4743 cm -1 with that of the aromatic component at 4623 cm -1 for the cured and uncured states. For that, pellets containing 20 mg of resin powder (cured or uncured) and 150 mg of KBr powder were made. The near infra-red spectra were obtained in a FT-IR spectrophotometer (model Nexus 670, Nicolet). The Vickers hardness was measured with a Micro Hardness Tester (model HMV 2000, Shimadzu). The thermal expansion was studied through the strain gauge technique. The results showed a decrease in the value of DC and hardness as increases the depth. For Filtek P60 resin, it was not observed significant difference in the coefficient of thermal expansion at different depths. On the other hand, an increase was observed in the coefficient as it increases the depth for the TPH Spectrum resin. There is not correlation between the conversion degree and the microhardness for the two studied resins. DC values more accurate were obtained from near infra-red spectra when compared with those obtained from medium infra-red spectra.

Influência da composição de resinas compostas no grau de conversão e degradação hidrolítica /

Jassé, Fernanda Ferreira. January 2010 (has links)
Resumo: Numerosos tipos e marcas comerciais de resinas compostas são constantemente introduzidos no mercado odontológico, em função de modificações na composição, tipo, formato e quantidade das partículas inorgânicas, assim como na porção orgânica. Sempre, com a finalidade de proporcionar propriedades mecânicas e estéticas superiores aos materiais, aumentando dessa forma sua longevidade. Assim, o propósito neste estudo foi avaliar o grau de conversão (GC) pelo método FT-IR e a degradação hidrolítica por meio do teste de dureza Vickers (dV), de duas resinas compostas (uma nanoparticulada e uma micro-híbrida). Para isso, oito espécimes (4 mm de diâmetro x 2 mm de espessura, ISO 4049) de cada material foram confeccionados para cada teste. As resinas compostas foram inseridas em única porção na matriz metálica e fotoativadas com aparelho LED (Celalux, Voco®, 776 mW/cm²), por 40 segundos. Dezesseis leituras de dV (8 no topo e 8 na base) foram realizadas para cada espécime em durômetro digital MMT-3 (Buehler Lake Bluff, Illinois USA), utilizando carga de 50 gf aplicada durante 30 segundos, em intervalos de tempo prédeterminados: imediatamente após fotoativação (controle), 24, 48, 72 horas, 7, 14, 21, 30 dias e 6 meses. Logo após a fotoativação foi feita a medida da dureza inicial e os espécimes foram então imersos em saliva artificial a 37°C. Para o GC (%), os espécimes foram triturados, prensados com KBr e analisados em espectrofotômetro FT-IR (Nexus-470). Os resultados foram submetidos à análise estatística e permitiram concluir que: não foi observada diferença entre as resinas quanto ao grau de conversão; a proporção entre as medidas de dureza de topo e base foi semelhante para os dois materiais, tendo sido mantida ao longo de todo o tempo experimental; a resina Z-250 apresentou os maiores valores de dureza tanto na superfície de topo quanto na de base... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Numerous types and brands of composite resins are constantly introduced into the dental market, due to changes in the composition, type, shape and quantity of inorganic particles as well as the organic portion. Always with the aim of providing superior mechanical and aesthetic properties to materials, thereby increasing their longevity. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the degree of conversion (DC) and hydrolytic degradation through the Vickers hardness test (hV) of two composites (a nanofilled and a microhybrid). For this, eight specimens (4 mm diameter x 2 mm thick, ISO 4049) of each material were prepared for each test. The composites were inserted into single increment in the metallic matrix and photoactivated with a LED unit (Celalux, Voco ®, 776 mW / cm ²) for 40 seconds. Sixteen hV readings (8 on each top and bottom surfaces) were performed for each specimen in MMT-3 digital hardness tester (Buehler Lake Bluff, Illinois USA), using load of 50 gf applied for 30 seconds, at predetermined intervals: immediately after polymerization (control), 24, 48, 72 hours, 7, 14, 21, 30 days and 6 months. After curing, initial hardness measurements were performed and the specimens were immersed in artificial saliva at 37 °C. For the DC (%), the specimens were ground, pressed with KBr and analyzed by FT-IR spectrophotometer (Nexus-470). The results were subjected to statistical analysis and concluded that: there was no difference between the resins for degree of conversion; the ratio between top and bottom hardness values was similar for both materials and was maintained throughout the experimental period; the composite resin Z-250 showed the highest hardness values in both the top surface as the bottom throughout the evaluation period. The materials tested showed no evidence of hydrolytic degradation in a significant way, in a six-month storage-time in artificial saliva / Orientador: José Roberto Cury Saad / Coorientador: Alessandra Nara de Souza Rastelli / Banca: Marcelo Ferrarezi de Andrade / Banca: Rafael Leonardo Xediek Consani / Mestre

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