Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fractured rock"" "subject:"stractured rock""
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Mouvements de fluides et processus de déstabilisation des versants alpins : Apport de l'étude de l'instabilité de Séchilienne / Fluids movements and destabilsation processes of alpines landslides : Contribution to the study of the unstable slope of SechilienneVallet, Aurélien 26 November 2014 (has links)
L’eau, par l’intermédiaire de la pression de fluides, est un phénomène déclencheur majeur de la déstabilisation des mouvements de terrain profonds. En conséquence, la caractérisation des mécanismes de déformation nécessite une bonne compréhension des processus hydrogéologiques contrôlant la déstabilisation. Les milieux fissurés et de surcroit les milieux instables présentent de fortes hétérogénéités, ce qui rend les études hydrogéologiques classiques peu adaptées. De plus, les mouvements de terrain profonds présentent des relations hydromécaniques complexes avec des évolutions significatives dépendantes du temps (déformation de type fluage). Cette thèse s’attache à caractériser les relations précipitations-déplacement du mouvement de terrain profond de Séchilienne. Un suivi saisonnier de traceurs naturels et artificiels a permis de définir un schéma conceptuel d’écoulement de l’eau souterraine sur l’ensemble du massif malgré un nombre limité de points d’intérêt hydrogéologiques. Les données de pression de fluides étant rarement mesurées, les paramètres indirects, tels que la recharge, sont souvent les seules données hydrogéologiques qui permettent de caractériser la relation précipitations-déstabilisation. Une méthode d’estimation de la recharge basée sur un calcul de bilan du sol a été développée afin d’estimer la recharge avec précision. En se basant sur le schéma conceptuel d’écoulement et le calcul de la recharge, une analyse en ondelettes couplée à un modèle numérique a permis de caractériser la relation précipitations-vitesse de déplacement. Cette modélisation tient compte de paramètres dépendant du temps et permet de simuler une déformation de type fluage (tendance pluriannuelle des vitesses de déplacement), conséquence des couplages hydro- mécaniques indirects. La caractérisation des processus hydrogéologiques contrôlant la déstabilisation a permis de définir un seuil statistique d’activation de la déstabilisation, basé sur une approche multi-dimensionnelle innovante. / Pore water pressure build-up by recharge of underground hydrosystems is one of the main triggering factors ofdeep-seated landslides. Consequently, the characterization of landslide deformation mechanisms requires athorough knowledge of the hydrogeological processes triggering the destabilization. Anisotropic andheterogeneous media combined with landslide deformation render classical hydrogeological investigationsunsuitable. Hydro-mechanical processes which lead to slope failure of deep-seated landslides are complex andare influenced by the evolution of the landslide deformation through time. This thesis aims at improving theunderstanding of the relationships between precipitation and displacement velocity based on the study of theSéchilienne deep-seated landslide. A time-related monitoring of natural and artificial tracers allows to define aconceptual groundwater flow model despite a limited number of hydrogeological points of interest. Fluid porepressures are rarely measured on landslide sites and, instead the groundwater recharge is generally used as themost relevant parameter. A parsimonious, yet robust, guideline workflow to calculate time series of groundwaterrecharge is developed. Based on the conceptual groundwater flow model and the recharge calculation, a waveletanalysis coupled to a numerical model integrating time-dependent parameters allows to characterize therelationship between precipitation and displacement velocity and to simulate the creep deformation resulting ofindirect hydro-mechanical coupling (multi-year trend of displacement velocities). The characterization of thehydrogeological processes controlling the destabilization allowed to define a statistical rainfall threshold basedon an innovative multi-dimensional approach.
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Aproximace statických modulů hornin z dynamických modulů stanovených akustickou karotáží pomocí T-matrix modelu / Approximation of static moduli of rocks from dynamic moduli determined by sonic well logging using T-matrix modelChalupa, František January 2019 (has links)
(EN) Thesis deals with an approximation of static moduli in wells from dynamic moduli determined by acoustic well logging using T-matrix model. Proposed approach makes possible to determine moduli values, which are close to values of static moduli, which would be determined by loading tests. This approach is based on an idea, that an intact rock with sufficiently high compressional strength sc and sufficiently high value of static Young's modulus Es, manifests more or less linear elastic behaviour. In such case, the values of static and dynamic moduli are identical. This fact has been experimentally verified for rocks with values of sc and Es in order of higher tens of MPa and GPa respectively. In case of a rock damage presence in such rock, it's behaviour becomes nonlinearly elastic. The amount of nonlinearity is proportional to increasing amount of rock damage. This results in the difference between values of static and dynamic moduli. T-matrix model is used to quantify this difference. This model is based on an anisotropic rock matrix with ellipsoidal inclusions. These inclusions can affect each other. The result of this model calculation is a group of values of elastic constants, which we call effective moduli. These effective moduli include the effect of porosity in the rock as well and they...
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Modeling Solute Transport in Fractured Rocks-Role of Heterogeneity, Stagnant Water Zone and Decay ChainMahmoudzadeh, Batoul January 2014 (has links)
A model is developed to describe solute transport and retention in fractured rocks. It accounts for the fact that solutes not only can diffuse directly from the flowing channel into the adjacent rock matrix composed of different geological layers but can also at first diffuse into the stagnant water zone occupied in part of the fracture and then from there into the rock matrix adjacent to it. Moreover, the effect of radioactive decay-chain has also been studied in the presence of matrix comprising different geological layers. In spite of the complexities of the system, the analytical solution obtained for the Laplace-transformed concentration at the outlet of the flowing channel can conveniently be transformed back to the time domainby use of e.g. De Hoog algorithm. This allows one to readily include it into a fracture network modelorachannelnetwork model to predictnuclide transport through channels in heterogeneous fracturedmedia consisting of an arbitrary number of rock units withpiecewise constant properties. Simulations made in this study indicate that, in addition to the intact wall rock adjacent to the flowing channel, the stagnant water zone and the rock matrix adjacent to it may also lead to a considerable retardation of solute in cases with a narrow channel. The results further suggest that it is necessary to account for decay-chain and also rock matrix comprising at least two different geological layers in safety and performance assessment of the repositories for spent nuclear fuel. The altered zone may cause a great decrease of the nuclide concentration at the outlet of the flowing channel. The radionuclide decay, when accounted for, will drastically decrease the concentration of nuclides, while neglecting radioactive ingrowth would underestimate the concentration of daughter nuclides. / <p>QC 20140224</p>
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[pt] Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal estudar o comportamento mecânico de um túnel, especificamente avaliando a degradação do maciço rochoso escavado de gnaisse ao longo do tempo, como se tem na região Sudeste do Rio de Janeiro. A maior cobertura da escavação subterrânea atinge a uma profundidade de 300m., com o um grau de alteração dos minerais da rocha escavada, seccionada por três famílias de descontinuidades que são de maior importância geológica com o potencial risco ao desabamento. Além disso, se avaliaram os cenários, em condições muito persistentes e moderadamente persistentes, com a finalidade de observar sua influência na estabilidade do túnel. Também foi avaliado o comportamento do maciço para três cenários de tensões in situ, K0= 1 (Condições Hidrostáticas), K0= 0.5 e K0= 1.5. Nas análises foram considerados a escavação com e sem elementos de suporte. Os suportes do maciço rochoso nas análises foram com concreto projetado com fibras metálicas (CPRF), reforço de cabos e a mistura dos dois. A análise numérica bidimensional da estabilidade da escavação, para os diferentes casos mencionados, foi feita utilizando o Método dos Elementos Discretos (MED), através do software comercial UDEC (Itasca, 2011). Nas análises dos mecanismos de ruptura com valores de deslocamentos cisalhantes máximos, foi observado que os efeitos do comportamento cisalhante do maciço são maiores na medida em que o ângulo de atrito vai diminuindo, tendo uma importante incidência na sua estabilidade o grau de persistência. Estes resultados mostram índices capazes de prever o comportamento de instabilidade da escavação para estes casos desenvolvidos. / [en] This thesis has the main objective to study the mechanical behavior of a tunnel, specifically assessing the degradation of gneiss rock mass excavated over time, as it has in the South-east region of Rio de Janeiro. The cover of the underground excavation reaches the depth of 300m. with a degree of alteration of minerals of the excavated rock, sectioned by three families of discontinuities that are of most geological importance with the potential risk of collapse. Moreover, scenarios are evaluated in conditions very persistent and moderately with the purpose of observing their influence on the stability of the tunnel. It was also rated the rock mass behavior for three scenarios of in situ stresses, K0= 1 (Conditions Hydrostatic), K0= 0.5 and K0= 1.5. In the analysis were considering the excavation with and without support elements. The supports of the rock mass in the analysis were with shotcrete with steel fibers (CPRF), reinforcement cable bolts and mixing the two. Two-dimensional numerical analysis of the stability of the excavation for the different cases mentioned was made using the Method of Discrete Elements (DEM) through the commercial software UDEC (Itasca, 2011). In the analysis of failure mechanisms with maximum shear displacement values, it was observed that the effects of mass shear behavior are larger in as far as than the friction angle decreases, with an important effect on their stability the degree of persistence. These results show indexes able to predict the behavior of instability of the excavation for these cases developed.
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