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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


IUDICONE, FELICIANO 14 May 2019 (has links)
La tesi esplora le sfide poste al diritto del lavoro e alla politiche europee dal distacco di lavoratori, illustrando le sue complesse relazioni con le libertà economiche da un lato e con i diritti sociali dall’altro. In particolare, si propone una analisi della normativa europea alla luce della sua interpretazione da parte della Corte di Giustizia Europea e della concreta applicazione da parte delle autorità pubbliche. Il lavoro è arricchito da evidenze di tipo quantitativo e qualitativo sui flussi e sulle condizioni lavorative dei lavoratori distaccati, incluse le attività e i risultati di progetti volti a migliorare la comprensione del fenomeno rafforzando, al contempo, le capacità di ispettorati e sindacati. Le conclusioni propongono diversi percorsi di riforma, ispirati da visioni alternative dell’equilibrio tra libertà economiche e diritti sociali. / The thesis explores challenges posed to labour law and to European policies by the posting of workers, highlighting its complex relations with economic freedoms on the one side and with social rights on the other side. This is done by providing an analysis of EU-level law provisions in the light of their interpretation by the European Court of Justice and implementation by public authorities. The work is integrated by quantitative and qualitative evidences on flows and working conditions of posted workers, including activities and outcomes of projects meant to improve understanding of the phenomenon while empowering stakeholders, such as inspectorates and unions. The conclusions propose different pathways to reform posting rules, inspired by alternative visions on the balance between economic freedoms and social rights.

Skilda världar : En studie av det svenska skolväsendet

Wennblad, Andreas January 2012 (has links)
I studien undersöks individers olika behandling i det svenska skolsystemet utifrån etnisk, kulturell och religiös härkomst. Fokus ligger på skolans styrdokument och den teoretiska utgångspunkten är den universalistiska och mångkulturalistiska perspektiven på hur en individ ska behandlas och vilka fri- och rättigheter den ska kunna åtnjuta. Studien belyser de olika perspetiven och eventuella spänningar dem emellan. Slutsaten är att båda perspektiven finns representerade i styrdokumenten och att spänningar faktiskt existerar. Där till konstateras det att det universalistiska perspektivet alltid har ett övertag gentemot det mångkulturalistiska. Det redogörs vidare för hur riksdag och regering gjort det omöjligt för rektorer att bevilja befrielse från undervisning på etnisk, kulturell och/eller religiös grund. Avslutningsvis förs en diskussion om möjliga orsaker till den problematik som existerar i de svenska skolorna och vad vidare forskning inom området skulle kunna fokusera på för att lösa dessa problem. / The study examines differences in treatment on grounds of ethnic, cultural and/ or religious group affiliation in the Swedish school system. The aim is to highlight these issues from perspectives of universalism and multiculturalism, focusing on the school's policy documents. The study is carried out by highlighting the representation of the perspectives and the tensions that may arise between them. The conclusion is that there are representations of both perspectives and that tensions do exist. In addition, it is concluded that the universalist approach has a clear advantage and that differences in treatment based on the above reasons do not find support in the school’s policy documents. Finally, possible causes for the situation found in the Swedish school system where differences in treatment do exist are discussed.

The rights of official language minority communities in Canada

Eastaugh, Érik Labelle January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the meaning and content of s. 41 of the Official Languages Act of Canada, which imposes certain duties on all federal institutions towards French- and English-language minority communities. While vitally important as a component of Canada's language rights archictecture, the nature and content of s. 41 as a legal norm remain woefully unclear. The immediate aim is to determine: (1) whether s. 41 confers a right to specific measures in particular cases; (2) whether such rights are individual or collective; and (3) if collective, what sort of interests are protected. Section 41 presents a number of interpretive challenges. First, it uses terminology which is undefined in the Act and yet has no self-evident meaning. Thus, the nature of the primary legal subject, 'linguistic minority communities' (LMCs), is unclear, as are the nature of the protected interests, 'vitality' and 'development'. Second, the interpretive principles developed by the case-law for official language rights rely on a conceptual framework that is vague and under-theorized. Key components of that framework, like the concept of a necessary link between language and culture, have yet to be fully explored, either in the case-law or in legal scholarship. This presents an acute problem in the case of s. 41, where the content of these concepts will likely prove dispositive. In order to grapple with these challenges, this thesis develops an account of language rights as collective rights. Drawing on the philosophical literature and existing case-law, I argue that LMCs should be conceived of as collectivities rather than mere aggregates of individuals, and that a number of language rights, such as s. 41 of the OLA, and ss. 16.1 and 23 of the Charter, aim to protect the collective interests of these collectivities. I then define some of these interests from both an empirical and a normative perspective. I conclude by arguing that s. 41 of the OLA protects an 'autonomy interest', which both prohibits federal institutions from interfering with existing LMC autonomy, and provides a basis for claiming enhancements to that autonomy, within the confines of the statutory mandate of the institution in question.

Informacinės visuomenės kūrimo kliūtys ir perspektyvos Afrikos šalyse / Towards Information Society in Africa Countries: Obstacles and Prospects

Stankutė, Rasa 04 March 2009 (has links)
„Informacinės visuomenės kūrimo kliūtys ir perspektyvos Afrikos šalyse“ Darbo objektas – Afrikos šalys lokalios, regioninės ir pasaulinės Informacinės visuomenės kontekste. Darbo tikslas – atskleisti Informacinės visuomenės kūrimo kliūtis bei perspektyvas Afrikos šalyse. Darbo uždaviniai: atskleisti Globalios Informacinės visuomenės apibrėžimą, vystymo kryptis ir kūrimo prioritetus; pateikti Afrikos šalių IV kūrimo ištakas ir iniciatyvas; įvertinti dabartinę Afrikos kontinento padėtį Informacinės visuomenės sudedamųjų dalių kontekste; atlikti Afrikos šalių IV lyginamąjį tyrimą. Naudojantis duomenų analizės ir lyginamuoju šalių sugretinimo metodais prieita prie išvados, kad Informacinės visuomenės kūrimas Afrikos šalyse taps evoliuciniu judėjimu pirmyn, jei šalys įveiks Tūkstantmečio plėtros tikslais konstatuotas vystimosi kliūtis ar bent jau pradės produktyviai dirbti jų įveikimo link. Informacinės visuomenės sąvoka yra kompleksiška, ji paima demokratinius principus, žmogiškuosius išteklius ir Informacijos Komunikacijos technologijų situaciją bei naudojimą šalyje. Jei vienos iš šių sudedamųjų dalių nėra, nepavyks sukurti pilnavertės Informacinės visuomenės. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad Afrikai trūksta harmoningo vystimosi, nes daugelyje šalių stinga vieno, dviejų ar net visų Informacinės visuomenės sudedamųjų dalių. Viena pagrindinių kliūčių harmoningam vystimuisi – lokaliniai karai ir konfliktai. Šalys, kurios per paskutinius dešimtmečius patyrė lokalinius karus ar konfliktus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Towards Information society in Africa: obstacles and prospects (summary) One of the main strategic goals for every country in Information age, or probably the main – is building Information society, as achievements in this area are the main, which separate one state from another. Depending on it, all states are divided as most developed, developing and least developed. Therefore underlying goal for every state is not only to catch developing speed, but more – to seek for its own contribution in the work of creating new value society. Recently, Global community initiated building “Information society for all”. It means, for all states, regions and individuals. These goals invite to eliminate Digital Divide, helping “information poor” to take advantages of “Digital opportunity”. Main purpose of this work is to look at the situation of “information poor” in Africa continent as building of Information society is seen as opportunity to foster their development. Work theme is “Towards Information society in Africa countries: obstacles and prospects”. Main goal is to highlight obstacles and prospects of building Information Society in Africa. Tasks: to highlight definition, development trends and priorities of Global Information society; to present Information society building origins and initiatives of Africa countries; to measure present status of Information society in Africa regarding complex Information society concept; to carry a comparative research of Africa Information... [to full text]

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