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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Not All Pollinator Gardens are Created Equally: Determining Factors Pertinent to Improving Pollinator Garden Effectiveness

Watson, Travis 01 May 2021 (has links)
Increasing evidence documenting the decline of insect populations, resulting from increasing human disturbances has resulted in efforts to establish pollinator gardens to provide additional resources for insect populations. However, our understanding of biotic and abiotic garden characteristics important for attracting and sustaining pollinator diversity is limited. Here, we evaluated 17 pollinator gardens to evaluate the effect of five biotic and three abiotic garden characteristics on pollinator species richness, abundance, and proportional representation of four pollinator functional groups. Plant species richness positively influenced pollinator richness and negatively influenced flower visitation. Bombus proportional abundance responded to several variables (distance to vegetation, plant species richness, floral symmetry, floral native status, habitat type), and decreases in their proportional representation were accompanied by increasing proportions of other insect groups. Our results suggest any size, diverse, native pollinator gardens can improve pollinator diversity, and small-scale pollinator gardens should favor functional groups adapted for the habitat type.

Interacting effects of forest edge, tree diversity and forest stratum on the diversity of plants and arthropods in Germany’s largest deciduous forest

Normann, Claudia 27 April 2015 (has links)
Die fortschreitende Fragmentierung von Wäldern ist eine der Hauptursachen für den Verlust von Biodiversität weltweit. Mit zunehmender Fragmentierung steigt der Anteil an Waldrandzonen, in denen die Eigenschaften eines Waldes stark verändert sein können. Wie stark diese Randeffekte ein Fragment beeinflussen, kann von der Habitatstruktur abhängen. Die Habitatstruktur ist wiederum maßgeblich durch die Baumartenzusammensetzung beeinflusst. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht zum ersten Mal gleichzeitig die Einflüsse von Randeffekten und Baumartenvielfalt und deren mögliche Interaktionen auf Krautschichtvegetation und Arthropoden. Die Untersuchungen hierzu wurden im Nationalpark Hainich, Deutschlands größtem zusammenhängenden Laubwaldgebiet, durchgeführt. Dafür wurden 12 Transekte angelegt, die vom Waldrand bis zu 500 m in das Waldesinnere hineinreichten. Sechs Transekte in baumartenarmen Waldstandorten mit einem hohen Buchenanteil (Fagus sylvatica L.) und weitere sechs in baumartenreichen Waldstandorten mit einem niedrigen Buchenanteil. Baumartenreiche Standorte wiesen bis zu neun Baumarten auf, wie z.B. Eiche, Esche, Linde und Ahorn. Entlang der Transekte wurden die Krautschichtvegetation und die Arthopodengemeinschaften untersucht. Im ersten Manuskript (Kapitel 2 dieser Arbeit) wurde die Krautschichtvegetation entlang des Rand-Innen-Gradienten aufgenommen. Eine Interaktion zwischen Randeffekten und Baumartenvielfalt beeinflusste den Pflanzenartenreichtum. In Waldbereichen mit hoher Baumartenvielfalt blieb die Artenzahl der Krautschicht vom Rand bis ins Waldesinnere konstant, wohingegen sie in baumartenarmen Bereichen stark abfiel. Die Krautschicht war somit in baumartenreichen Waldstandorten im Waldesinneren höher. Der Anteil an Waldspezialistenarten nahm mit zunehmender Entfernung vom Waldrand zur Mitte zu. Parallel dazu nahm der Anteil an Waldgeneralistenarten ab. Die Dominanz der Waldspezialisten war in buchendominierten Standorten stärker ausgeprägt, als in baumartenreichen. Auch die Artenzusammensetzung der Krautschicht wurde von der Distanz zum Waldrand und der Baumartenvielfalt beeinflusst. Sie wies in baumartenreichen Standorten und mit zunehmender Nähe zum Rand eine hohe Variabilität auf. Die Baumartenvielfalt steuerte die Dicke der Streuschicht, die unter allen untersuchten Umweltfaktoren den größten Einfluss auf die Diversität der Krautschicht hatte. Im zweiten Manuskript (Kapitel 3 dieser Arbeit) wurden bodenlebende Arthropoden (Laufkäfer, Kurzflügelkäfer und Spinnen) untersucht. Die Reaktion der Gesamtartenzahl auf Baumartenvielfalt und Entfernung zum Waldrand war je nach Taxon unterschiedlich. Allerdings zeigten sich übereinstimmende Muster, nachdem die Arten hinsichtlich ihrer Habitataffinität und Körpergröße in Gruppen eingeteilt worden waren. Über alle Taxa hinweg wurde die Anzahl der Waldarten weder von der Baumartenvielfalt noch von der Randnähe nennenswert beeinflusst und die Körpergröße der Waldarten spielte keine Rolle. Allerdings reagierten einzelne Waldarten positiv auf eine erhöhte Baumartenvielfalt, während andere davon negativ beeinflusst waren. Die Artenzahl der Habitatgeneralisten nahm vom Waldrand zur Waldmitte hin stark ab. Dieser Effekt wurde jedoch, außer bei den Spinnen, durch eine höhere Baumartenvielfalt abgeschwächt. Die Artenzahl der Habitatgeneralisten, insbesondere der kleinen Arten, reagierte positiv auf eine erhöhte Baumartenvielfalt im Waldesinneren. Die beobachteten Effekte sind höchstwahrscheinlich das Resultat von durch Baumartenvielfalt und Randnähe veränderten Umweltfaktoren und einer erhöhten Habitatheterogenität am Waldboden. Im dritten Manuskript (Kapitel 4 dieser Arbeit) wurde untersucht, ob sich Rand- und Baumartendiversitätseffekte zwischen verschiedenen Straten unterscheiden. Hierzu wurden entlang von zehn Transekten sowohl im Kronenraum als auch unmittelbar über dem Boden Kreuzfensterfallen installiert. In einem Zeitraum von sieben Monaten (April bis November 2012) wurde dadurch die fliegende Käferfauna erfasst. Randeffekte auf Käfer wurden bis zu einer Distanz von 500 m vom Waldrand hin nachgewiesen. Im Kronenraum waren die Randeffekte schwächer ausgeprägt als im Unterholz, vermutlich durch eine höhere „randähnliche“ mikroklimatische Variabilität im Kronenraum. Die Gesamtartenzahl der Käfer nahm mit zunehmender Distanz zum Waldrand ab. Dieses Muster wurde vor allem durch die Habitatgeneralisten getrieben, wohingegen die Artenzahl der Waldarten und der xylobionten Arten kaum auf die Randnähe reagierten. Eine Beeinflussung des Randeffekts durch Baumartenvielfalt konnte nicht gezeigt werden. Habitatgeneralisten und nicht-xylobionte Arten dominierten die Käfergemeinschaft im Unterholz. Im Kronenraum wurden die höchsten Artenzahlen von Waldarten und xylobionten Arten nachgewiesen. Baumartendiversität wirkte sich über alle Straten und ökologischen Gruppen positiv auf die Artenvielfalt der Käfer aus. Besonders ausgeprägt war dieser Effekt im Kronenraum. Die Haupteinflussfaktoren, die den Käferartenreichtum steuerten, unterschieden sich also zwischen den Straten. So waren im Kronenraum Baumartenvielfalt, die Totholzmenge und zu einem geringen Teil der Kronenschluss die entscheidenden Faktoren. Im Unterholz hingegen war der Einfluss der Baumartenvielfalt geringer und die Distanz zum Waldrand und der Kronenschluss besonders wichtig. Insgesamt waren die Effekte von Baumartenvielfalt im Unterholz indirekter und im Kronenraum direkter. Um Konsequenzen von Waldfragmentierung umfangreich zu verstehen, ist es nicht nur notwendig den Einfluss von Randeffekten, Baumartenvielfalt und Straten zu berücksichtigen, sondern auch die Eigenschaften (z. B. Körpergröße) und die Habitataffinität der beobachteten Arten. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass eine erhöhte Baumartenvielfalt in zentraleuropäischen Wäldern zum Erhalt der Biodiversität von Pflanzen und Arthropoden beitragen kann. Das allein ist jedoch nicht ausreichend, da auch gezeigt wurde, dass einzelne Arten buchendominierte Wälder bevorzugen und es Unterschiede in der Artenzusammensetzung zwischen den verschiedenen Baumartendiversitätsstufen gibt. Dies hebt die Bedeutung des Erhalts alter Buchenwälder, verankert in den UNESCO-Welterbeflächen „Buchenurwälder in den Karpaten und alte Buchenwälder in Deutschland“, als besondere Schutzaufgabe hervor.

Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosols in Kathmandu, New Hampshire, and Texas: Carbonaceous, Isotopic, and Water-soluble Organic Composition

January 2011 (has links)
To improve the understanding of aerosol composition, sources, and spatial and temporal variations, atmospheric aerosols were characterized in three locations. Ambient aerosols were characterized using 24-hour samples collected from Kathmandu, Nepal (urban), New Hampshire (semi-rural) and Houston (urban). Results are reported in the main chapters. Chamber studies of secondary organic aerosols (SOA) formation from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the effects of in-situ SOA formation on atmospheric mercury oxidation are described in the appendices. Carbonaceous, ionic, and isotopic species in aerosols from Kathmandu identified local primary emissions, most likely vehicular exhaust as the most important aerosol sources. Carbonaceous aerosols collected in Kathmandu (24.5 μg C m -3 ) were much larger than those in New Hampshire (3.74 μg C m -3 ) during winter. Stable carbon isotope in aerosols of Kathmandu and New Hampshire were similar (Δδ 13 C ∠ 0.5[per thousand]) while stable nitrogen isotope were much lower in aerosols of Kathmandu (Δδ 15 N = 8.3[per thousand]). Aerosols in New Hampshire exhibited a large seasonal variation for carbonaceous aerosols, stable nitrogen isotope, and the aromatic fraction of water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC). Pure aliphatics (H-C) were the dominant functional group in WSOC. Results illustrate the importance of secondary aerosol sources throughout the year, with enhanced importance of primary sources during winter. Stable carbon isotope values suggest a consistent isotopic signature of carbonaceous aerosol sources, while the nitrogen isotope values indicate the variable nitrogenous sources and the strong influence of meteorological parameters (temperature and relative humidity) on nitrogen isotope fractionation. Characteristics of methoxyphenols (lignin macropolymers) in the ambient aerosols are reported for the first time using CuO oxidation method. The study illustrates the use of lignin oxidation products (LOPs) in aerosols as potential tracers of primary biological aerosol particles (PBAP). The methoxyphenols identified soil organic matter and altered woody angiosperms, with minor influence from soft tissues and gymnosperms as the important PBAP sources in mainly coarse particles in Houston atmosphere. Solvent-extracted methoxyphenols (lignin monomers) and anhydrosugars (levoglucosan, mannosan, and galactosan) in aerosols were either absent or very small, suggesting very limited biomass burning influence with any trace-level presence originating from long-range transport.

Selecting and evaluating native forage mixtures for the mixed grass prairie

2013 April 1900 (has links)
Diverse native seed mixtures have many benefits for prairie restoration or seeded pastures. In natural grasslands, species naturally coexist with hundreds of other species in complex communities. Commercial seed mixtures rarely contain more than a small number of species, often with haphazard ratios of the component species. Thus there is no natural template for combining selected species into an optimally productive community and there is limited knowledge on how to compose a suitable species mixture. Identifying which features of a community drive increased productivity may aid in screening species and community compositions, leading to mixtures that are more specifically designed to be stable, and highly productive for the region. There is renewed interest native species as they have the potential to provide non-invasive, productive, and drought resistant rangelands that may prove more sustainable. Seven species with high agronomic potential and a broad native geographic distribution were selected for testing including: nodding brome [Bromus anomalus (Coult.)], blue bunch wheatgrass [Pseudoregneria spicata (Pursh)], western wheatgrass [Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.)], side oats grama [Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.)], little blue stem [Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.)], purple prairie clover [Dalea purpurea (Vent.)], and white prairie clover [Dalea candida (Willd.)]. The early productivity and nutritional quality of these species was determined in simple mixtures in two field sites: Saskatoon and Swift Current. In the field sites the mixtures included all seven monocultures, 21 two-species mixtures and a mixture with all species. Productivity may be driven by the species richness, functional group richness, and species evenness of the community, the abundance and occurrence of particular species or functional groups, and average plant trait values within the community. Therefore, identifying the features of a community that drive increased productivity and applying them as predictive tools may aid in screening species and community compositions. Many complex mixtures of the species were planted in greenhouse experiments to determine the strongest drivers of productivity for communities of these species. The experimental approach was validated in a confirmatory experiment where optimum communities were tested. These results did not differ under a moderate drought treatment. Results were generally consistent between field and greenhouse studies. Western wheatgrass (WWG) had the highest overall plant density and the strongest effect on the forage yield of the mixtures and communities. In the field study, productivity and crude protein content were not reduced when other species were also included with WWG in the mixture. Dalea spp. did not establish as well as the other species, but had the highest crude protein concentrations. The strongest predictors of productivity were the presence and abundance of perennial C3 grasses. Increases in species richness, functional group richness, and the presence of C3s (more specifically western wheatgrass) also increased productivity, likely because of the high early relative growth rate and strong competitive ability of western wheatgrass. Overall, communities screened in the greenhouse reflected early establishment field results. The systematic approach for evaluating communities can be modified to consider enhancing other ecological functions in addition to high productivity, in other regions.

Alternativas de manejo para pastagem natural na serra do sudeste / Alternative management for natural pastures in serra do sudeste

Dutra, Gabriela Machado 22 February 2016 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The work was carried out to evaluate characteristics of natural grassland and body development of rearing beef heifers, submitted to different types of grazing management in the spring / summer period. The experiment was conducted in natural pasture belonging to EMBRAPA Pecuária Sul, in the municipality of Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul, from October 2014 to March 2015. The treatments were continuous and rotational grazing methods, both managed on variable stocking rate based on forage mass above 8 cm. The experimental animals were Brangus heifers from EMBRAPA Pecuária Sul cattle herd, with initial weight of 267 kg and 18 months old. The stocking rate was increasing during the trial period. The available forage on offer was similar between treatments and between the two periods. There was no interaction treatment x period for average daily gain (ADG), gain per area (GPA) and body condition score (BCS) and these variables were similar between treatments (P> 0.05). At the end of the experiment average heifers reproductive tract score (RTS) was 3.68. The descriptor variables of sward structure showed no significant difference between grazing methods (P>0.05), except for the percentage of stems (P=0.003) that was higher in the continuous treatment (16.06%). Species of greater participation and relative coverage in the area were evaluated Paspalum notatum, Paspalum pumilum, Axonopus affinis, Mnesithea selloana, and the exotic Eragrostis plana species. The descriptor variables of interest and importance of the species did not differ between grazing methods (P>0.05) or interaction treatment x station. For average canopy height there was no difference between treatments (P= 0.798) nor interaction treatment x station (P=0.621). The importance value index (IVI) showed no difference between treatments (P=0.798), or interaction treatment x station (P=0.901). Management of a natural pasture, both under continuous as rotational grazing, during the spring-summer period, enables proper body development for mating beef heifers at 24 months. The grazing method did not change the structure and dynamics of vegetation in the study period. Continuous grazing reduced the floristic diversity comparing to rotational grazing, with clear dominance of Eragrostis plana species. / O trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar características da pastagem natural e do desenvolvimento corporal de novilhas de corte na fase de recria, submetidas a diferentes métodos de pastejo, no período primavera/verão. O experimento foi conduzido em área de pastagem natural pertencente à EMBRAPA Pecuária Sul, no município de Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul, de outubro de 2014 a março de 2015. Os tratamentos foram os métodos de pastejo contínuo e rotativo, ambos manejados com taxa de lotação variável, com base na massa de forragem acima de 8 cm. Os animais experimentais foram novilhas da raça Brangus do rebanho da Embrapa Pecuária Sul, com peso inicial de 267 kg e 18 meses de idade. A taxa de lotação foi crescente no decorrer do período experimental. A oferta de forragem disponibilizada foi semelhante entre os tratamentos e entre os períodos estudados. Não houve interação tratamento x período para ganho médio diário (GMD), ganho por área (GPA) e escore de condição corporal (ECC) e estas variáveis também foram semelhantes entre os tratamentos (P>0,05). Ao final do experimento as novilhas apresentaram escore de trato reprodutivo (ETR) médio de 3,68. As variáveis descritoras da estrutura do pasto não apresentaram diferença significativa entre os métodos de pastejo (P>0,05), à exceção da porcentagem de colmos (P=0,003) que foi superior no tratamento contínuo (16,06%). As espécies de maior participação e cobertura relativa na área avaliada foram Paspalum notatum, Paspalum pumilum, Axonopus affinis, Mnesithea selloana, e a espécie exótica Eragrostis plana. As variáveis descritoras da participação e importância das espécies não apresentaram diferença entre os métodos de pastejo (P>0,05) nem interação tratamento x estação. Para altura média de dossel não houve diferença entre tratamentos (P=0,798), tampouco interação tratamento x estação (P=0,621). O índice de valor de importância (IVI), não apresentou diferença entre tratamentos (P=0,798), nem interação tratamento x estação (P=0,901). O manejo de uma pastagem natural, tanto sob pastejo contínuo quanto rotativo, durante o período de primavera-verão, possibilita o desenvolvimento corporal adequado para acasalamento de novilhas de corte aos 24 meses. O método de pastejo não alterou a estrutura e a dinâmica da vegetação no período avaliado. O pastejo contínuo reduziu a diversidade florística frente ao pastejo rotativo, com evidente dominância da espécie Eragrostis plana.

Respostas de pastagem natural, localizada em área da depressão central do Rio Grande do Sul, à adubação e à disponibilidade hídrica / Response of native pasture, situated on Rio Grande do Sul central depression, to fertilization and to water availability

Souza, Iraline Brum de 25 February 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study was conducted in the city of Restinga Sêca, RS, with the objective to analyze the productivity, quality, botanical composition and biological characteristics of native pasture in response to fertilization and water availability. The fertilization increased native pastures productivity. The dry matter total accumulation rate, at dry or wet area, both fertilized, was 102 kg/ha/day. In the same areas, not fertilized, was 47 and 41 kg/ha/day, respectively. For green matter, the fertilization also increased the productivity, reaching accumulation rates of 70 and 93 kg/ha/day for dry and wet areas, respectively. In these not fertilized areas, the rates were 29 and 25 kg/ha/day. Furthermore, increased nitrogen and crude protein rates in plant tissues and mineral matter quantity in the plots. Water availability influenced on pasture components, as the water availability was increased, lower amount of components such as strait leaf, broad leaf and legumes and higher amount of neutral detergent fiber in tissues were observed, especially in spring period. Fertilization as well as water availability decreased the wealth of species, causing domination of some species already adapted to these conditions. Two functional groups were formed with vegetal biological characteristics, a group of capture of resources, with a high specific leaf area (SLA) (26) and low dry matter content (DMC) (234), composed by Paspalum pumilum, Paspalum urvillei, Paspalum pauciciliatum, Axonopus affinis and Setaria glauca. The other group is the conservation of resources, low SLA (21) and high DMC (323), composed by Paspalum notatum and Andropogon lateralis. / O presente trabalho foi realizado em área de pastagem natural no município de Restinga Sêca, RS, e teve como objetivos analisar a produtividade, qualidade, composição botânica e os atributos biológicos vegetais da pastagem natural em resposta à adubação e à disponibilidade hídrica. A adubação aumentou a produtividade da pastagem nativa. A taxa de acúmulo de MS Total tanto na área seca como na úmida, ambas adubadas foi de 102 kg/ha/dia. Nas mesmas áreas, não-adubadas, foi de 47 e 41 kg/ha/dia, respectivamente. Com relação ao material verde, a adubação também aumentou a produtividade chegando a taxas de acúmulo diária de 70 e 93 kg/ha para área seca e úmida, respectivamente, nessas áreas não-adubadas, as taxas foram de 29 e 25 kg/ha/dia. Além disso, aumentou o índice de nitrogênio e de PB nos tecidos vegetais e a quantidade de MM nas parcelas. A disponibilidade hídrica influenciou nos componentes da pastagem, quanto maior a disponibilidade de água, menor a quantidade de componentes como folha estreita, folha larga e leguminosas e maior a quantidade de FDN nos tecidos, principalmente no período de primavera. Tanto a adubação como a maior disponibilidade hídrica diminuíram a riqueza de espécies, fazendo com que algumas espécies adaptadas a essas condições dominassem a comunidade. Formaram-se dois grupos funcionais a partir dos atributos biológicos vegetais, um grupo de captura de recursos, com alta AFE (26) e baixo TMS (234), onde fazem parte as espécies Paspalum pumilum, Paspalum urvillei, Paspalum pauciciliatum, Axonopus affinis e Setaria glauca. O outro grupo é de conservação de recursos, com baixa AFE (21) e alto TMS (323), onde Paspalum notatum e Andropogon lateralis foram as espécies agrupadas.

Biomonitoramento da qualidade da ?gua e percep??o ambiental na bacia hidrogr?fica Apodi-Mossor?, RN / Biomonitoring of water quality and shares in environmental education in the basin two dams Apodi-Mossor?, RN

Silva, Ana Paula Cardoso 08 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:55:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaPCS_DISSERT.pdf: 2668661 bytes, checksum: b290eedaaa96f64424423ef0e1573d9c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-08 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Water scarcity is a reality for the inhabitants of the Brazilian semiarid region. The problem, in quantitative terms , is caused due to local climatic conditions due mostly to a water deficit. Qualitatively, results of multiple uses and resulting contamination by human activities. Eutrophication is presented as a threat to the sustainable use of water resources, in order to favor the predominance of dense populations of cyanobacteria, which can be potentially harmful to human health. The aim of this study is to understand the population dynamics of phytoplankton and cyanobacteria to assess water quality of reservoirs Santa Cruz do Apodi and Pau dos Ferros belonging to bacia Apodi Mossor?-RN . Water samples were collected monthly between October 2011 and May 2012 in reservoirs Santa Cruz do Apodi and Pau dos Ferros, in this latter , in Jan/12 we performed a diel profile . The abiotic variables obtained in the field and in the laboratory were: water temperature , dissolved oxygen , pH , turbidity , transparency , total nitrogen and total phosphorus . Phytoplankton samples were collected with a plankton net and bottle of Van dorn . Were performed : identification , quantification , calculation of biovolume , classification into functional groups and index calculation phytoplankton assembly ( Q ) , cyanotoxins were quantified by ELISA . Statistical analyzes supported the evaluation of the dynamics between biotic and abiotic factors. A questionnaire was conducted to examine the conceptions of the population, education professionals and students. The reservoir of Pau dos Ferros, shallow , turbid and eutrophic showed dominance of the functional group SN throughout the sample period . The phytoplankton biomass ranged from 20 to 70 mm ? . L - 1, the lowest values coincided with the increase of the mixing zone and transparency, which contributed to the occurrence of a change in species composition phytoplankton . The application of the index Q proved relevant, the reservoir of Pau dos Ferros , depending on the species present , was classified ecologically as bad for almost the entire sample period . The reservoir Santa Cruz do Apodi showed low biomass ( 0.04 and 4.31 mm ? . L - 1 ) and greater diversity in the phytoplankton composition . According to the index assembly (Q ), it showed moderate condition during most of the period influenced by different functional groups of typical meso- eutrophic environment (K S0, H1, C, F , J , E, D and N) . Associations of diatoms and green algae D and X1 succeeded populations of cyanobacteria in periods marked by greater instability in the system , caused by wind or rain. In summary , the occurrence of drought has a direct influence on the hydrological conditions of the reservoirs , in general, these events, reducing the reservoir level is directly related to decreased water quality and increased density of phytoplankton occurring predominance of cyanobacteria , the index Q reflected well to changes in phytoplankton composition , being a good indicator for biomonitoring of reservoirs in this study and survey of previous conceptions showed the need to work on environmental awareness for the preservation of water resources by conducting workshops for Environmental Education / A escassez de ?gua ? uma realidade para os habitantes da regi?o semi?rida brasileira. O problema, em termos quantitativos, ? ocasionado em virtude das condi??es clim?ticas locais refletindo, principalmente, em um d?ficit h?drico. Em termos qualitativos, decorre dos m?ltiplos usos e consequente contamina??o pelas atividades humanas. A eutrofiza??o apresenta-se como uma amea?a para o uso sustent?vel dos recursos h?dricos, tendo em vista favorecer a predomin?ncia de densas popula??es de cianobact?rias, as quais podem ser potencialmente prejudiciais ? sa?de humana. O objetivo deste estudo ? compreender a din?mica das popula??es de cianobact?rias e do fitopl?ncton para avaliar a qualidade de ?gua dos reservat?rios Santa Cruz do Apodi e Pau dos Ferros pertencentes ? bacia hidrogr?fica do rio Apodi-Mossor?. Amostras de ?gua foram coletadas mensalmente entre outubro de 2011 e maio de 2012 nos reservat?rio Santa Cruz e Pau dos Ferros, neste ?ltimo, em jan/12 foi realizado um perfil nictemeral. As vari?veis abi?ticas obtidas em campo e no laborat?rio foram: temperatura da ?gua, oxig?nio dissolvido, pH, turbidez, transpar?ncia, nitrog?nio total e f?sforo total. As amostras do fitopl?ncton foram coletadas com rede de pl?ncton e garrafa de Van. Foram realizados: identifica??o, quantifica??o, c?lculo do biovolume, classifica??o em grupos funcionais e c?lculo do ?ndice de assembleia fitoplanct?nico (Q), cianotoxinas foram quantificadas pelo m?todo ELISA. An?lises estat?sticas deram suporte ? avalia??o da din?mica entre fatores bi?ticos e abi?ticos. Aplica??o de question?rio foi realizada para analisar as concep??es pr?vias da popula??o, profissionais de ensino e alunos. O reservat?rio Pau dos Ferros considerado raso, turvo e eutr?fico apresentou domin?ncia do grupo funcional SN durante todo o per?odo amostral. A biomasa fitoplanct?nica variou entre 20 e 70 mm?.l-1, os menores valores coincidiram com o aumento da zona de mistura e transpar?ncia, que contribu?ram para a ocorr?ncia de altera??o na composi??o de esp?cies da comunidade fitoplanct?nica. A aplica??o do ?ndice Q mostrou-se relevante, o reservat?rio Pau dos Ferros, em fun??o das esp?cies presentes, foi categorizado, ecologicamente, como ruim durante quase todo o per?odo amostral. O reservat?rio Santa Cruz apresentou baixa biomassa (0,04 e 4,31 mm?. l-1) e maior diversidade na composi??o fitoplanct?nica. De acordo com o ?ndice de assembl?ia (Q), ele apresentou condi??o moderada, durante a maior parte do per?odo, influenciado por diferentes grupos funcionais t?picos de ambientes meso-eutr?ficos (K, S0, H1,C, F, J, P, D e N). Associa??es de diatom?ceas D e clorof?ceas X1 sucederam as popula??es de cianobact?rias em per?odos marcados por maior instabilidade no sistema, causadas pelo vento ou chuva. Em s?ntese, a ocorr?ncia de estiagem tem influ?ncia direta sobre as condi??es hidrol?gicas dos reservat?rios, em geral, nesses eventos, a redu??o do n?vel do reservat?rio est? diretamente associada ? diminui??o da qualidade da ?gua e aumento da densidade fitoplanct?nica ocorrendo predomin?ncia de cianobact?rias, o ?ndice Q refletiu bem ?s mudan?as na composi??o fitoplanct?nica, sendo um bom indicador para o biomonitoramento dos reservat?rios avaliados neste estudo e o levantamento das concep??es pr?vias mostrou a necessidade de se trabalhar a sensibiliza??o ambiental para a preserva??o dos recursos h?dricos atrav?s da realiza??o de oficinas de Educa??o Ambiental

A distribuição funcional do fitoplâncton prediz a variabilidade ambiental entre dois rios subtropicais / Functional phytoplankton distribution predict the environmental variability between two subtropical rivers

Aquino, Camila Akemy Nabeshima 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Edineia Teixeira (edineia.teixeira@unioeste.br) on 2018-03-06T12:10:56Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Camila _Aquino2017.pdf: 3777643 bytes, checksum: c7cf1724a4f7a895dcb0917cee32f78a (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-06T12:10:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Camila _Aquino2017.pdf: 3777643 bytes, checksum: c7cf1724a4f7a895dcb0917cee32f78a (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / Fundação Araucária de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Estado do Paraná (FA) / Phytoplankton traits diversity provides a powerful means to addressing ecology’s questions, and can be 43 adopted to simplify and predict the community structure, in function of the multiples environmental filters 44 that operate in the different ecosystems. Thus, we evaluated the response of phytoplankton functional 45 groups of two subtropical rivers in a temporal scale, identifying the main environmental filters associated 46 with the presence of the different groups and their functional traits during a seasonal cycle. Using 47 multivariate analysis, we found an environmental dissimilarity predicted by the presence of different 48 functional groups in the rivers. Six GFs were recorded: J (chlorophyceans chlorococcales), M (colonial 49 cyanobacteria), N (desmids), W1 (euglenophyceans), X2 (flagellated unicellular chlorophyceans) and F 50 (flagellated colonial chlorophyceans). The GFs J, M and N were exclusive to the first river, while X2 and 51 F were exclusive to the second river. GF W1 was recorded in both rivers, however, its greatest 52 contribution occurred to the second river. Thus, the GFs reflected the environmental dissimilarity, mainly 53 related to the conditions of water flux, conductivity, light availability and depth of the environments. In 54 view of the obtained results, the functional grouping considered a relevant tool in phytoplankton ecology, 55 offers a practical means to investigating the relation between phytoplankton and ecosystem functioning, 56 and consequently can assist in decision-making for the management and conservation of the biodiversity 57 in lotic environments / A diversidade dos traços fitoplanctônicos fornece um poderoso recurso para abordar as questões da 13 ecologia e pode ser adotada para simplificar e prever a estrutura da comunidade, em função dos múltiplos 14 filtros ambientais que operam nos diferentes ecossistemas. Assim, avaliamos a resposta dos grupos 15 funcionais fitoplanctônicos de dois rios subtropicais em escala temporal, identificando os principais filtros 16 ambientais associados à presença dos diferentes grupos e seus traços funcionais durante um ciclo sazonal. 17 Com a análise multivariada, encontramos uma dissimilaridade ambiental prevista pela presença de 18 diferentes grupos funcionais nos rios. Foram registrados seis GFs: J (clorofíceas clorococcales), M 19 (cianobactérias coloniais), N (desmídias), W1 (euglenofíceas), X2 (clorofíceas unicelulares flageladas) e 20 F (clorofíceas coloniais flageladas). Os GFs J, M e N eram exclusivos do primeiro rio, enquanto X2 e F 21 eram exclusivos do segundo rio. GF W1 foi registrado em ambos os rios, no entanto, a maior contribuição 22 ocorreu no segundo rio. Assim, os GFs refletiram a dissimilaridade ambiental, principalmente relacionada 23 às condições de fluxo de água, condutividade, disponibilidade de luz e profundidade dos ambientes. Em 24 vista dos resultados obtidos, o agrupamento funcional considerado uma ferramenta relevante na ecologia 25 do fitoplâncton, oferece um meio prático para investigar a relação entre o fitoplâncton e o funcionamento 26 do ecossistema e consequentemente pode auxiliar na tomada de decisões para a gestão e conservação da 27 biodiversidade em ambientes lótico

Comunidade fitoplanctônica em ambientes lóticos no estado de Santa Catarina: aspectos taxonômicos e ecológicos / Phytoplankton community in lotic environments in the State of Santa Catarina: taxonomic and ecological aspects

Souza, Dayane Regina Garcia de 05 September 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Marilene Donadel (marilene.donadel@unioeste.br) on 2018-11-22T21:12:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dayane_Souza_2014.pdf: 1723109 bytes, checksum: 778032d6a7f0e2a7082f2ca51ee1f72f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-22T21:12:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dayane_Souza_2014.pdf: 1723109 bytes, checksum: 778032d6a7f0e2a7082f2ca51ee1f72f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-05 / Ecological works with the phytoplankton community as a basis for monitoring aquatic environments are frequent and of great importance, especially in environments that have undergone anthropogenic actions, such as impoundments, which modify the chemical, physical and ecological attributes of aquatic environments. On the other hand, there is also a concern to know the biodiversity of the various aquatic environments, for which, floristic surveys are of extreme importance throughout Brazil, especially in the state of Santa Catarina, where they are scarce. For that, the environmental variables and the phytoplankton community were evaluated, with focus on Reynolds functional groups (RFGs) in the area of influence of a subtropical small hydropower (SHP) plant in the state of Santa Catarina. The collections were carried out in two phases: pre and post-impoundment, from 2007 to 2013. Statistical analyzes were performed in order to resize the data and to correlate the abiotic and biotic variables. 449 taxa were recorded, distributed in 11 taxonomic groups and 14 RGFs. RGF C, represented by centric diatoms, was dominant in the pre-damming phase. In the post-damming phase, besides RGF C, co-dominance of RGF P (Aulacoseira granulata var. Granulata), RGF N (dehmids), RGF J (chlorophytes) and RGF H1 (cyanobacteria heteocytes) occurred. Low phytoplankton biological volume values were recorded for the Santa Laura SHP in general, however, the highest among the phases was after damming, in the lacustrine region of the reservoir. Also in the state of Santa Catarina, a taxonomic survey of the genus Eunotia Eherenberg in the river Hercílio municipality of Ibirama was carried out. The samples were collected quarterly (April, July and October/2009), in four sampling stations, totaling 12 samples. The study resulted in the identification of 30 taxa of the genus Eunotia, of which four were determined at the generic level. Of the species identified, nine are new citations for the state of Santa Catarina and five for Brazil. / Trabalhos ecológicos com a comunidade fitoplanctônica, como base para monitoramentos de ambientes aquáticos são frequentes e de grande importância, principalmente em ambientes que sofreram ações antropogênicas, como represamentos, os quais modificam atributos químicos, físicos e ecológicos dos ambientes aquáticos. Por outro lado, há também uma preocupação em se conhecer a biodiversidade dos diversos ambientes aquáticos, para tanto, levantamentos florísticos são de extrema importância em todo o Brasil, principalmente no estado de Santa Catarina, onde são escassos. Para tanto, foram avaliadas as variáveis ambientais e a comunidade fitoplanctônica, com enfoque em Grupos Funcionais Fitoplanctônicos (GFs) na área de influência de uma PCH subtropical, no estado de Santa Catarina. As coletas foram realizadas em duas fases: pré e pós-represamento, no período de 2007 à 2013. Análises estatísticas foram realizadas a fim de redimensionar os dados, e correlacionar as variáveis abióticas e bióticas. Foram registrados 449 táxons, distribuídos em 11 grupos taxonômicos e 14 GFs. O GF C, representado pelas diatomáceas cêntricas, foi dominante na fase pré-represamento. Na fase pós-represamento, além do GF C, ocorreu co-dominância dos GF P (Aulacoseira granulata var. granulata), GF N (desmídeas), GF J (clorofíceas) e GF H1 (cianobactérias heteocitadas). Foram registrados baixos valores de biovolume fitoplanctônico para a PCH Santa Laura no geral, porém, os maiores entre as fases foi após o represamento, na região lacustre do reservatório. Ainda no estado de Santa Catarina, foi realizado um levantamento taxonômico do gênero Eunotia Eherenberg no rio Hercílio município de Ibirama. As coletas foram realizadas trimestralmente (abril, julho e outubro/2009), em quatro estações de amostragem, totalizando 12 amostras. O estudo resultou na identificação de 30 táxons do gênero Eunotia, sendo que destas, quatro foram determinadas em nível genérico. Das espécies identificadas, nove são novas citações para o estado de Santa Catarina e cinco, para o Brasil.

Aprendizagem nas organizações: uma análise de grupos multifuncionais de empresas do ramo automotivo

Silva, Marcelo Ribeiro 26 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:30:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Ribeiro Silva.pdf: 3375247 bytes, checksum: c67d19b16524d8996d13db5225316074 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-26 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The objective of this thesis is to understand the learning processes that occur in crossfunctional groups in a perspective of Advanced Planning Product Quality (APQP) in automotive companies. The specific objectives seeks to identify and describe the constitution process of cross-functional groups and its relationship to learning; identify and describe the methodologies used inside cross-functional groups and its relationship to learning; identify, describe and discuss the factors that difficult the learning process inside cross-functional groups; identify, describe and discuss the factors that facilitate the learning process of crossfunctional groups and identify, describe and discuss the moments which there was evidence of group and collective learning. The theoretical framework proposed is designed of individual and collective learning developed by Nancy Dixon and team learning from the perspective developed especially in studies of Amy C. Edmondson and colleagues. The field research was developed in a qualitative, descriptive and interpretative way. It is also considered exploratory because the phenomenon of learning in work groups has been a topic that reveals little knowledge accumulated and systematized. Considering that research begins with a contextual-interpretive perspective, was proposed as the method qualitative case-study to observe, explore, interpret, understand and discuss issues related to learning processes. In order to achieve the proposed objectives and answer the research question, respondents were members of cross-functional groups of two distinct organizations (Alfa and Beta), three groups per company, totaling nineteen interviewees. Moreover, the non-participant observation is also a strategy to collect data. In order to structure, organize and analyze the data, was employed the templates analysis method, offered by Nigel King, that consist in the use of a priori codes derived from the theoretical framework. The results showed that, since there is psychological safety established, both team and collective learning occurs when the entire group, converging the members conflicts and discussions on consensus. Furthermore, the learning process is facilitated since the group constitution, mainly due to the mobility of its members, the manager's role as a catalyst of information, working methodologies employed in the two organizations, the Transitive Memory Systems, the "corridors", the practice of consulting the functional areas by its members, the existence of international forums, the actual physical arrangement of the companies surveyed, the moral support practiced in the core community, the investment of financial resources for the development of ideas members, the recognition of the expertise of the members, learning through practice of collective work, the willingness of participants to learning, among others. The indications for future studies encompass elements as macro-organizational culture and meso-organizational diversity and its influence on group learning, which are also limiting aspects of this research. / O objetivo desta tese é compreender os principais processos de aprendizagem que ocorrem em grupos multifuncionais de Planejamento Avançado da Qualidade do Produto (APQP) que atuam em empresas fornecedoras de autopeças. Os objetivos específicos buscam identificar e descrever o processo de formação de grupos multifuncionais e sua relação com a aprendizagem; identificar e descrever as metodologias utilizadas no funcionamento dos grupos multifuncionais e sua relação com a aprendizagem; identificar, descrever e discutir os fatores que prejudicam a aprendizagem dos grupos multifuncionais; identificar, descrever e discutir os fatores que facilitam a aprendizagem dos grupos multifuncionais e identificar, descrever e discutir momentos nos quais houve evidências de aprendizagem (grupal e coletiva) nos grupos multifuncionais pesquisados. O arcabouço teórico proposto está assentado na concepção de aprendizagem individual e coletiva desenvolvida por Nancy Dixon e na perspectiva da aprendizagem em nível grupal especialmente tratada nos estudos de Amy C. Edmondson e colaboradores. A pesquisa de campo foi desenvolvida em uma perspectiva qualitativa, de natureza descritiva e interpretativa. Considera-se também exploratória, pois o fenômeno da aprendizagem em grupos de trabalho tem sido um tema que revela pouco conhecimento acumulado e sistematizado. Considerando-se que a pesquisa parte de uma perspectiva contextual-interpretativa, foi proposto como método o estudo de caso qualitativo a fim de observar, explorar, interpretar, compreender e discutir aspectos relacionados aos processos de aprendizagem. Com a finalidade de se atingir os objetivos propostos e responder à pergunta de pesquisa, foram entrevistados integrantes de grupos multifuncionais de duas organizações distintas (Alfa e Beta), sendo três grupos por empresa, totalizando dezenove entrevistados. Além disso, a observação não participante também se constituiu em uma estratégia de investigação. Como forma de estruturar, organizar e analisar os dados utilizou-se os templates propostos por Nigel King - uso a priori de códigos obtidos a partir do referencial teórico. Os resultados mostraram que a segurança psicológica instaurada no âmbito grupal e coletivo, a aprendizagem ocorre quando o grupo inteiro consegue convergir seus conflitos e discussões internas em consensos. Além disso, o processo de aprendizagem é facilitado desde o momento em que o grupo é formado, principalmente devido à mobilidade dos seus membros, ao papel do gestor enquanto agente catalisador de informações, às metodologias de trabalho empregadas nas duas organizações, ao sistema artificial de Memória Transitiva, aos corredores , à prática de consultas às áreas funcionais pelos seus membros, à existência de fóruns internacionais, ao próprio arranjo físico das empresas pesquisadas, ao apoio moral praticado no ceio da coletividade, ao aporte dos recursos financeiros para o desenvolvimento das ideias, ao reconhecimento do conhecimento dos membros, à aprendizagem por meio da prática do trabalho coletivo, à predisposição para a aprendizagem dos participantes, entre outras. As indicações resultantes para estudos futuros abarcam elementos como cultura macro-organizacional e diversidade meso-organizacional e sua influência na aprendizagem do grupo, sendo estes também os aspectos limitadores desta pesquisa.

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