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Energy, exergy and exergoeconomic analyses of gas-turbine based systemsAltayib, Khalid 01 December 2011 (has links)
Gas turbines are the primary technology used for the purpose of power generation nearly everywhere. In this thesis, the Makkah Power Plant, running on a Brayton cycle, is considered for analysis. The peak demand for electric power in the City of Makkah occurs in the middle of the day during the summer and is almost double the off-peak demand. The plant employs turbines of two world renowned manufacturers. However, there are many mechanical and electrical issues related to the overall insufficient operation of the plant. From the balancing of mass, entropy, energy, exergy and cost equations, a greater understanding of the systems as well as their efficiencies is achieved. The parametric study and plant optimization are performed to investigate the effects of the variation of specific input parameters such as fuel mass flow rate, air volume flow rate and compressor inlet air temperature, on the overall operating efficiency of the system. Through this study, the overall plant energetic and exergetic efficiencies are increased by 20% and 12% respectively with cooling down the compressor inlet temperature to 10oC. Furthermore, exergy and exergoeconomic analyses are conducted to obtain that the largest exergy destruction occurs in the combustion chamber, followed by the turbine. The optimization results demonstrate that CO2 emissions can be reduced by increasing the exergetic efficiency and using a low fuel injection rate into the combustion chamber. Finally, this study will assist efforts to understand the thermodynamic losses in the cycle, and to improve efficiency as well as provide future recommendations for better performance, sustainability and lessen environmental impact. / UOIT
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Rotor dynamic analysis of 3D-modeled gas turbinerotor in AnsysSamuelsson, Joakim January 2009 (has links)
The world we are living in today is pushing the technology harder and harder. The products need to get better and today they also need to be friendlier to the environment. To get better products we need better analysis tools to optimize them and to get closer to the limit what the material can withstand. Siemens industrial Turbomachinery AB, at which thesis work is made, is constructing gas and steam turbines. Gas and steam turbines are important in producing power and electricity. Electricity is our most important invention we have and most of the people are just taking electricity for granted. One way to produce electricity is to use a gas turbine which is connected to a generator and by combing the turbine with a steam turbine the efficiency can be up to 60 %. That is not good enough and everybody want to get better efficiency for the turbines, meaning less fuel consumption and less impact on the environment. The purpose of this thesis work is to analyze a tool for rotor dynamics calculations. Rotor dynamics is important in designing a gas turbine rotor because bad dynamics can easily lead to disaster. Ansys Classic version 11 is the analyze program that is going to be evaluated for the rotor dynamic applications. Nowadays rotor dynamics is done with beam elements i.e. 1D models, but in this thesis work the beam elementsare going to be changed to solid elements. With solid elements a 3D model can be built and thanks to that more complex calculations and simulations can be made. For example, with a 3D model 3D effects can be shown and e.g. simulations with blade loss can be done. 3D effects are not any problem today but in the future the gas turbines have to get better and maybe also the rotational speed will increase. Ansys isn’t working perfectly yet, there are some problems. However Ansys have a good potential to be an additional tool for calculations of rotor dynamics, because more complex calculations and simulations can be done. More knowledge and time needs to form the rules to modeled a rotor and developing the analysis methods. Today the calculated lateral critical speeds are lower than the ones obtained from the in-house program Ardas version 2.9.3 which is used in Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB today. The difference between the programs are not so big for the four first lateral modes, only 3-8 %, but the next three lateral modes have a difference of 10-20 %. The torsion frequencies from Ansys are the same as the ones from Ardas, when the Solid186 elements are used to model the blades.
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Probabilistic Assessment of Failure Risk in Gas Turbine DiscsForsberg, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
Gas turbine discs are heavily loaded due to centrifugal and thermal loads and are therefore designed for a service lifetime specified in hours and cycles. New probabilistic design criteria have been worked out at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB and this report is intended to evaluate if existing turbine discs meet the new design criteria. The evaluation is composed of two tasks, estimation of failure risk and investigation of which parameters that have large effect on the results. The outcome from the evaluations show that the failure risks are smaller than the maximum failure risks allowed in the design criteria. Further, creep strain rate, temperature and creep rupture strain are identified to have large effect on the results in the first case. In the second case blade load and other mechanical loads as well as yield stress show large effect on the results.
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Experimental investigation of film cooling effectiveness on gas turbine bladesGao, Zhihong 15 May 2009 (has links)
The hot gas temperature in gas turbine engines is far above the permissible metal temperatures. Advanced cooling technologies must be applied to cool the blades, so they can withstand the extreme conditions. Film cooling is widely used in modern high temperature and high pressure blades as an active cooling scheme. In this study, the film cooling effectiveness in different regions of gas turbine blades was investigated with various film hole/slot configurations and mainstream flow conditions. The study consisted of four parts: 1) effect of upstream wake on blade surface film cooling, 2) effect of upstream vortex on platform purge flow cooling, 3) influence of hole shape and angle on leading edge film cooling and 4) slot film cooling on trailing edge. Pressure sensitive paint (PSP) technique was used to get the conduction-free film cooling effectiveness distribution. For the blade surface film cooling, the effectiveness from axial shaped holes and compound angle shaped holes were examined. Results showed that the compound angle shaped holes offer better film effectiveness than the axial shaped holes. The upstream stationary wakes have detrimental effect on film effectiveness in certain wake rod phase positions. For platform purge flow cooling, the stator-rotor gap was simulated by a typical labyrinth-like seal. Delta wings were used to generate vortex and modeled the passage vortex generated by the upstream vanes. Results showed that the upstream vortex reduces the film cooling effectiveness on the platform. For the leading edge film cooling, two film cooling designs, each with four film cooling hole configurations, were investigated. Results showed that the shaped holes provide higher film cooling effectiveness than the cylindrical holes at higher average blowing ratios. In the same range of average blowing ratio, the radial angle holes produce better effectiveness than the compound angle holes. The seven-row design results in much higher effectiveness than the three-row design. For the trailing edge slot cooling, the effect of slot lip thickness on film effectiveness under the two mainstream conditions was investigated. Results showed thinner lips offer higher effectiveness. The film effectiveness on the slots reduces when the incoming mainstream boundary layer thickness decreases.
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Film Cooling, Heat Transfer and Aerodynamic Measurements in a Three Stage Research Gas TurbineSuryanarayanan, Arun 2009 May 1900 (has links)
The existing 3-stage turbine research facility at the Turbomachinery Performance and Flow
Research Laboratory (TPFL), Texas A and M University, is re-designed and newly installed to enable coolant
gas injection on the first stage rotor platform to study the effects of rotation on film cooling and heat
transfer. Pressure and temperature sensitive paint techniques are used to measure film cooling
effectiveness and heat transfer on the rotor platform respectively. Experiments are conducted at three
turbine rotational speeds namely, 2400rpm, 2550rpm and 3000rpm. Interstage aerodynamic measurements
with miniature five hole probes are also acquired at these speeds. The aerodynamic data characterizes the
flow along the first stage rotor exit, second stage stator exit and second stage rotor exit. For each rotor
speed, film cooling effectiveness is determined on the first stage rotor platform for upstream stator-rotor
gap ejection, downstream discrete hole ejection and a combination of upstream gap and downstream hole
ejection. Upstream coolant ejection experiments are conducted for coolant to mainstream mass flow ratios
of MFR=0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0% and downstream discrete hole injection tests corresponding to
average hole blowing ratios of M = 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75 and 2.0 for each turbine speed. To
provide a complete picture of hub cooling under rotating conditions, experiments with simultaneous
injection of coolant gas through upstream and downstream injection are conducted for an of MFR=1% and
Mholes=0.75, 1.0 and 1.25 for the three turbine speeds. Heat transfer coefficients are determined on the
rotor platform for similar upstream and downstream coolant injection. Rotation is found to significantly
affect the distribution of coolant on the platform. The measured effectiveness magnitudes are lower than that obtained with numerical simulations. Coolant streams from both upstream and downstream injection
orient themselves towards the blade suction side. Passage vortex cuts-off the coolant film for the lower
MFR for upstream injection. As the MFR increases, the passage vortex effects are diminished.
Effectiveness was maximum when Mholes was closer to one as the coolant ejection velocity is
approximately equal to the mainstream relative velocity for this blowing ratio. Heat transfer coefficient
and film cooling effectiveness increase with increasing rotational speed for upstream rotor stator gap
injection while for downstream hole injection the maximum effectiveness and heat transfer coefficients
occur at the reference speed of 2550rpm.
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Orthogonal Decomposition Methods for Turbulent Heat Transfer Analysis with Application to Gas TurbinesSchwaenen, Markus 2011 May 1900 (has links)
Gas turbine engines are the main propulsion source for world wide aviation and are also used for power generation. Even though they rely mainly on fossil fuel and emit climate active gasses, their importance is not likely to decrease in the future. But more efficient ways of using finite resources and hence reducing emissions have to be found. Thus, the interest to improve engine efficiency is growing. Considering the efficiency of the underlying thermodynamic cycle, an increase can be achieved by raising the turbine inlet temperature or compression ratio. Due to the complex nature of the underlying flow physics, however, the aero-thermal processes are still not fully understood. For this reason, one needs to perform research at high spatial and
temporal resolution, in turn creating the need for effective means of postprocessing the large amounts of data.
This dissertation addresses both sides of the problem - using high-scale, high resolution simulations as well as effective post processing techniques. As an example for the latter, a temporal highly resolved data set from wall pressure measurements of a transonic compressor stage is analyzed using proper orthogonal decomposition. The underlying experiments were performed by collaborators at Technical University Darmstadt. To decompose signals into optimal orthogonal basis functions based on temporal correlations including temperature, a formal mathematical framework is developed. A method to rank the reduced order representations with respect to heat transfer effectiveness is presented. To test both methods, a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulation and large eddy simulation (LES) are performed on turbulent heat transfer in a square duct with one single row of pin fins. While the LES results show closer agreement to experiments, both simulations unveil flow parts that do not contribute to heat transfer augmentation and can be considered wasteful. From the most effective mode, a wall contour for the same domain is derived and applied. In the wall contoured domain, energy in wasteful modes decreased, heat transfer increased and the temperature fluctuations at the wall decreased.
Another stagnating boundary layer flow is examined in a direct numerical simulation of a first stage stator vane. Elevated levels of free stream turbulence and integral length scale are generated to simulate the features of combustor exit flow. The horseshoe vortex dynamics cause an increase in endwall heat transfer upstream of the vane. The link between energy optimal orthogonal basis functions and flow structures is examined using this data and the reduced order heat transfer analysis shows high energy modes with comparatively low impact on turbulent heat transfer. The analysis further shows that there are multiple horseshoe vortices that oscillate upstream of the blade, vanish, regenerate and can also merge. There is a punctual correlation of intense vortex dynamics and peaks in the orthogonal temperature basis function.
For all data considered, the link between the energy optimal orthogonal basis functions and flow structures is neither guaranteed to exist nor straightforward to
establish. The orthogonal expansion locks onto flow parts with high fluctuating kinetic energy - which might or might not be the ones that are looked for. The heat
transfer ranking eliminates this problem and is valid independently of how certain basis functions are interpreted.
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Prediction of Helicoper Engine Deterioration: A Data Mining ApproachChu, Wen-Hsiung 01 September 2006 (has links)
Use of a gas turbine engine as the primary power source has been popular in light and heavy industries, aerospace engineering, marine engineering, etc. Gas turbine engine is also used in our modern national defense weapons in Taiwan. For instance, most of Air Force fighters use gas turbine engines as the source of power. Gas turbine engines are usually associated with various sensors for real-time condition surveillance and require periodical maintenance for providing proper functioning and safety guarantee. In contrast, real-time failure prediction of gas turbine engine components could be achieved by applying data mining or statistics techniques. However, such failure prediction will not be effective when applying to engines which are deteriorated by long-term running in high temperature and high stress environment. In this study, we collected maintenance and operating logs according to the engine deterioration history and established and empirically evaluated four different data-mining-based prediction models. The proposed data-mining-based prediction approach attempts to predict the time-to-deterioration for a gas turbine engine after its prior deterioration occurrence, to provide maintenance personnel accurate prediction for better making or revising maintenance schedules, and to achieve the ¡§foreseeing maintenance and management policy.¡¨
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Gas Turbine Monitoring SystemOzmen, Teoman 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, a new gas turbine monitoring system being able to carry out appropriate run process is set up for a gas turbine with 250 kW power rating and its accessories. The system with the mechanical and electrical connections of the required sub-parts is transformed to a kind of the test stand. Performance test result calculation method is described. In addition that, performance evaluation software being able to apply with the completion of the preliminary performance tests is developed for this gas turbine.
This system has infrastructure for the gas turbine sub-components performance and aerothermodynamics research. This system is also designed for aviation training facility as a training material for the gas turbine start and run demonstration. This system provides the preliminary gas turbine performance research requirements in the laboratory environment.
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Developing Humidified Gas Turbine CyclesBartlett, Michael January 2002 (has links)
<p>As a result of their unique heat recovery properties,Humidified Gas Turbine (HGT) cycles have the potential todeliver resource-effective energy to society. The EvaporativeGas Turbine (EvGT) Consortium in Sweden has been studying thesetypes of cycles for nearly a decade, but now stands at acrossroads, with commercial demonstration remaining. Thisthesis binds together several key elements for the developmentof humidified gas turbines: water recovery and air and waterquality in the cycle, cycle selection for near-term, mid-sizedpower generation, and identifying a feasible niche market fordemonstration and market penetration. Moreover, possiblesocio-technical hinders for humidified gas turbine developmentare examined.</p><p>Through modelling saltcontaminant flows in the cycle andverifying the results in the pilot plant, it was found thathumidification tower operation need not endanger the hot gaspath. Moreover, sufficient condensate can be condensed to meetfeed water demands. Air filters were found to be essential tolower the base level of contaminant in the cycle. This protectsboth the air and water stream components. By capturing airparticles of a similar size to the air filters, the humidifieractually lowers air stream salt levels. Measures to minimisedroplet entrainment were successful (50 mg droplets/kg air) andmodels predict a 1% blow down from the water circuit issufficient. The condensate is very clean, with less than 1 mg/lalkali salts and easily deionised.</p><p>Based on a core engine parameter analysis for three HGTcycle configurations and a subsequent economic study, asteam-cooled steam injected cycle complemented with part-flowhumidification is recommended for the mid-size power market.This cycle was found to be particularly efficient at highpressures and turbine inlet temperatures, conditions eased bysteam cooling and even intercooling. The recommended HGT cyclegives specific investment costs 30- 35% lower than the combinedcycles and cost of electricity levels were 10-18% lower.Full-flow intercooled EvGT cycles give high performances, butseem to be penalised by the recuperator costs, while stillbeing cheaper than the CC. District heating is suggested as asuitable niche market to commercially demonstrate the HGTcycle. Here, the advantages of HGT are especially pronounceddue their very high total efficiencies. Feasibility prices forelectricity were up to 35% lower than competing combinedcycles. HGT cycles were also found to effectively include wasteheat sources.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>gas turbines, evaporative gas turbines,humidification, power generation, combined heat and powergeneration.</p>
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A study into vibrations of turbocharger blading with a lacing wireWang, Xu January 1994 (has links)
The vibration of a turbocharger blade and dynamic characteristics of bladed packets connected by a lacing wire have been studied. The study was carried out using three analytical and experimental methods. They are: Modal Testing, Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry (ESPD and Finite Element Analysis (FEA)). Vibration modes of a turbocharger blade with aerodynamic profile, with and without a lacing wire, were identified using model blades with simplified geometry. The separation of coupled modes was achieved using ESPI tests. The modes of vibrations of bladed packets were identified. The effect of inter-blade coupling through a lacing wire is that a cluster of sub-modes are generated in bladed packets corresponding to each fundamental mode of the freestanding blade, the number of the sub-modes being equal to the number of blades in the packet. Apart from the fundamental sub-mode, the vibration of all other submodes are out of phase with different phase relations. The stiffness of the lacing wire and its location with respect to the blade make great contributions towards certain mode clusters in terms of mode shapes and natural frequencies. The nonlinearity of the stiffness of the deformed lacing wire caused by centrifugal force was established. The coupling of this non linearity with different vibration amplitudes, due to different phase relation, results in the dynamic mistuning in lacing wire stiffness. This mistuning is considered to be a major attribute in reducing the responses at resonance.
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