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Numerical simulation of unconventional aero-engine exhaust systems for aircraftCoates, Tim January 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates the impact of upstream duct convolution on the plume development for high speed jets. In particular, investigations are carried out into an unconventional aero-engine exhaust systems comprised of a modified convergent-divergent rectangular nozzle where the converging section of the nozzle includes an S-bend in the duct. The motivation for this work comes from both the military and civilian sectors of the aerospace industry. The growing interest into highly efficient engines in the civilian sector and increasing complexities involved in stealth technologies for military applications has led to new design constraints on aero-engine exhaust systems that require further research into flows through more complex duct geometries. Due to a lack of experimental data into this area in the open literature validation studies are undertaken into flows through an S-bend duct and exhaust plume development from a rectangular convergent-divergent nozzle. The validation work is simulated using RANS CFD with common industrial turbulence models as well as LES with artificial inlet conditions. Subsequently, a CFD investigation into three unconventional aero-engine exhaust systems, with over-expanded conditions, with differing angles of curvature across the converging S-bend is undertaken using both RANS and LES methodologies governed by the validation work. As the curvature of the S-bend was increased it was found that the thrust and effective NPR both decrease. Whilst these changes were within acceptable levels (with some optimisation) for a circumferential extent of up to 53.1 the losses became prohibitive large at extents. For the ducts with a greater circumferential extents separation was seen to occur at the throat of the nozzle; this changes the design parameters of the nozzle leading to a higher Mach number and could potentially be harnessed to improve performance of the engine creating a `variable throat' nozzle. The impact of using different numerical solvers to simulate the flow through an unconventional aero-engine exhaust system has also been considered. The use of LES has shown that the octagonal, hexahedral and trapezoidal shapes initially observed in the development of the plumes of the RANS cases are likely to be an artifact caused by the RANS solver, as would the transverse total pressure gradients observed in the RANS cases at the nozzle exit as they are both absent from all of the LES results. Likewise the implementation of realistic inlet conditions has a significant impact on the development of the plume, particularly in the length of the potential core and the number of shock cells.
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Multiphysics modeling and statistical process optimization of the scanning laser epitaxy process applied to additive manufacturing of turbine engine hot-section superalloy componentsAcharya, Ranadip 07 January 2016 (has links)
Scanning Laser Epitaxy (SLE) is a new laser-based layer-by-layer generative manufacturing technology being developed in the Direct Digital Manufacturing Laboratory at Georgia Tech. SLE allows creation of geometrically complex three-dimensional components with as-desired microstructure through controlled melting and solidification of stationary metal-alloy powder placed on top of like-chemistry substrates. The proposed research seeks to garner knowledge about the fundamental physics of SLE through simulation-based studies and apply this knowledge for hot section turbine component repair and ultimately extend the process capability to enable one-step manufacture of complex gas turbine components. Prior methods of repair specifically for hot-section Ni-base superalloys have shown limited success, failed to consistently maintain epitaxy in the repaired part and suffered from several mechanical and metallurgical defects. The use of a fine focused laser beam, close thermal control and overlapping raster scan pattern allows SLE to perform significantly better on a range of so-called “non-weldable” Ni-base superalloys. The process capability is expanded further through closed-loop feedback control of melt pool temperature using an infra-red thermal camera. The process produces dense, crack-free and epitaxial deposit for single-crystal (SX) (CMSX4), equiaxed (René-80, IN 100) and directionally solidified (DS) (René-142) Ni-based superalloys.
However, to enable consistent and repeatable production of defect-free parts and future commercial implementation of the technology several concerns related to process capabilities and fundamental physics need to be addressed. To explore the process capability, the fabricated components are characterized in terms of several geometrical, mechanical and metallurgical parameters. An active-contour based image analysis technique has been developed to obtain several microstructural responses from the optical metallography of sample cross-sections and the process goes through continuous improvement through optimization of the process parameters through subsequent design of experiments. The simulation-based study is aimed at developing a multiphysics model that captures the fundamental physics of the fabrication process and allows the generation of constitutive equations for microstructural transitions and properties. For this purpose, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) finite-volume solver is used to model the melting and solidification process. The development work also focuses on studying process response to different superalloy materials and implementing a multivariate statistical process control that allows efficient management and optimization of the design parameter space. In contrast to the prior work on single-bead laser scan, the model incorporates the raster scan pattern in SLE and the temperature dependent local property variations. The model is validated through thermal imaging data. The flow-thermal model is further tied to an empirical microstructural model through the active-contour based optical image analysis technique, which enables the identification of several microstructural transitions for laser beam describing a raster scan pattern.
The CFD model can effectively be coupled with finite element solver to assess the stress and deformation and can be coupled with meso-scale models (Cellular Automata) to predict different microstructural evolutions. The research thus allows extending the SLE process to different superalloy materials, performs statistical monitoring of the process, and studies the fundamental physics of the process to enable formulation of constitutive relations for use in closed-loop feedback control; thus imparting ground breaking capability to SLE to fabricate superalloy components with as-desired microstructures.
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Biomass and Natural Gas Hybrid Combined CyclesPetrov, Miroslav January 2003 (has links)
<p>Biomass is one of the main natural resources in Sweden.Increased utilisation of biomass for energy purposes incombined heat and power (CHP) plants can help the country meetits nuclear phase-out commitment. The present low-CO2 emissioncharacteristics of the Swedish electricity production system(governed by hydropower and nuclear power) can be retained onlyby expansion of biofuels in the CHP sector. Domestic Swedishbiomass resources are vast and renewable, but not infinite.They should be utilised as efficiently as possible in order tomeet the conditions for sustainability in the future.Application of efficient power generation cycles at low cost isessential for meeting this challenge. This applies also tomunicipal solid waste (MSW) incineration with energyextraction, which is to be preferred to landfilling.</p><p>Modern gas turbines and internal combustion engines firedwith natural gas have comparatively low installation costs,good efficiency characteristics and show reliable performancein power applications. Environmental and source-of-supplyfactors place natural gas at a disadvantage as compared tobiofuels. However, from a rational perspective, the use ofnatural gas (being the least polluting fossil fuel) togetherwith biofuels contributes to a diverse and more secure resourcemix. The question then arises if both these fuels can beutilised more efficiently if they are employed at the samelocation, in one combined cycle unit.</p><p>The work presented herein concentrates on the hybriddual-fuel combined cycle concept in cold-condensing and CHPmode, with a biofuel-fired bottoming steam cycle and naturalgas fired topping gas turbine or engine. Higher electricalefficiency attributable to both fuels is sought, while keepingthe impact on environment at a low level and incorporating onlyproven technology with standard components. The study attemptsto perform a generalized and systematic evaluation of thethermodynamic advantages of various hybrid configurations withthe help of computer simulations, comparing the efficiencyresults to clearly defined reference values.</p><p>Results show that the electrical efficiency of hybridconfigurations rises with up to 3-5 %-points in cold-condensingmode (up to 3 %-points in CHP mode), compared to the sum of twosingle-fuel reference units at the relevant scales, dependingon type of arrangement and type of bottoming fuel. Electricalefficiency of utilisation of the bottoming fuel (biomass orMSW) within the overall hybrid configuration can increase withup to 8-10 %-points, if all benefits from the thermalintegration are assigned to the bottoming cycle and effects ofscale on the reference electrical efficiency are accounted for.All fully-fired (windbox) configurations show advantages of upto 4 %-points in total efficiency in CHP mode with districtheating output, when flue gas condensation is applied. Theadvantages of parallel-powered configurations in terms of totalefficiency in CHP mode are only marginal. Emissions offossil-based CO2 can be reduced with 20 to 40 kg CO2/MWhel incold-condensing mode and with 5-8 kg CO2 per MWh total outputin CHP mode at the optimum performance points.</p><p>Keywords: Biomass, Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Natural Gas,Simulation, Hybrid, Combined Cycle, Gas Turbine, InternalCombustion Engine, Utilization, Electrical Efficiency, TotalEfficiency, CHP.</p>
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The application of open-path fourier transform infrared spectrometry using resolution enhancement to gaseous emissions monitoringDavies, Nicholas M. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Network Modeling Application to Laminar Flame Speed and NOx Prediction in Industrial Gas TurbinesMarashi, Seyedeh Sepideh January 2013 (has links)
The arising environmental concerns make emission reduction from combustion devices one of the greatest challenges of the century. Modern dry low-NOx emission combustion systems often operate under lean premixed turbulent conditions. In order to design and operate these systems efficiently, it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of combustion process in these devices. In premixed combustion, flame speed determines the conversion rate of fuel. The flame speed under highly turbulent conditions is defined as turbulent flame speed. Turbulent flame speed depends on laminar flame speed, which is a property of the combustible mixture. The goal of this thesis is to estimate laminar flame speed and NOx emissions under certain conditions for specific industrial gas turbines. For this purpose, an in-house one-dimensional code, GENE-AC, is used. At first, a data validation is performed in order to select an optimized chemical reaction mechanism which can be used safely with the fuels of interest in gas turbines. Results show that GRI-Mech 3.0 performs well in most cases. This mechanism is selected for further simulations. Secondly, laminar flame speed is calculated using GRI-Mech 3.0 at SGT-800 conditions. Results show that at gas turbine conditions, increasing ambient temperature and fuel to air ratio enhances flame speed, mainly due to faster reaction rates. Moreover, laminar flame speed is highly affected by fuel composition. In particular, adding hydrogen to a fuel changes chemical processes significantly, because hydrogen is relatively light and highly diffusive. Calculations are conducted over a range of equivalence ratios and hydrogen fractions in methane at atmospheric as well as gas turbine operating conditions. Results reveal some trends for changes in laminar flame speed, depending on hydrogen content in the mixture. The final part of the thesis involves the development of a reactor network model for the SGT-700 combustor in order to predict NOx emissions. The network model is built in GENE-AC based on results from available computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of the combustor. The model is developed for full load conditions with variable pilot fuel ratios. The NOx emissions are predicted using GRI-Mech 3.0 mechanism. A parametric study shows the dependency of NOx emissions on equivalence ratio and residence time. For SGT-700 running on natural gas, NOx emissions are fitted to measurement data by tuning equivalence ratio and residence time. The model is then tested for a range of ambient temperatures and fuel compositions. It is found that, although the model can correctly predict the trends of ambient temperature and fuel effects on NOx emissions, these effects are to some extent over-estimated. Using future engine tests and amending calibration can improve the results.
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Investigation of solar applicable gas cyclesGopalakrishna, Sandeep 22 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents the thermodynamic and economic assessment of gas power cycles for 100 MW solar thermal power generation systems. A gas power cycle for solar power generation is a totally different technology from the current state of the art solar power generation systems. As a result, this thesis provides an assessment of the solar power generation systems with gas power cycles and provides guidance in the selection of design and operating parameters for gas power cycle based solar power generation system. The gas power cycle based power generation systems are assessed by means of thermodynamic and economic models developed and simulated using commercial thermodynamic analysis software. The gas cycle based power generation systems considered in this study are Cold Gas Turbine, High Temperature Solar Gas Turbine and Lorentz Cycle Gas Turbine. The system models are assessed for their thermodynamic performance using theory based turbo-machinery models with practical performance and loss data. In addition, extensive cost models have been developed for assessing the economic performance of the system models to determine their practical feasibility. The results from this study indicate that the most economical power generation system is the HTSGT system for a high peak cycle temperature utilizing the central receiver power tower solar collector system. The LCGT system also has a comparable performance at the same operating temperature. The CGT system assessed for operating with parabolic trough solar collector system at a lower peak cycle temperature had an inferior performance compared to the current state of the art technology for the power generation using parabolic troughs.
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Development and validation of a pressure based CFD methodology for acoustic wave propagation and dampingGunasekaran, Barani January 2011 (has links)
Combustion instabilities (thermo-acoustic pressure oscillations) have been recognised for some time as a problem limiting the development of low emissions (e.g., lean burn) gas turbine combustion systems, particularly for aviation propulsion applications. Recently, significant research efforts have been focused on acoustic damping for suppression of combustion instability. Most of this work has either been experimental or based on linear acoustic theory. The last 3-5 years has seen application of density based CFD methods to this problem, but no attempts to use pressure-based CFD methods which are much more commonly used in combustion predictions. The goal of the present work is therefore to develop a pressure-based CFD algorithm in order to predict accurately acoustic propagation and acoustic damping processes, as relevant to gas turbine combustors. The developed computational algorithm described in this thesis is based on the classical pressure-correction approach, which was modified to allow fluid density variation as a function of pressure in order to simulate acoustic phenomena, which are fundamentally compressible in nature. The fact that the overall flow Mach number of relevance was likely to be low ( mildly compressible flow) also influenced the chosen methodology. For accurate capture of acoustic wave propagation at minimum grid resolution and avoiding excessive numerical smearing/dispersion, a fifth order accurate Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory scheme (WENO) was introduced. Characteristic-based boundary conditions were incorporated to enable accurate representation of acoustic excitation (e.g. via a loudspeaker or siren) as well as enable precise evaluation of acoustic reflection and transmission coefficients. The new methodology was first validated against simple (1D and 2D) but well proven test cases for wave propagation and demonstrated low numerical diffusion/dispersion. The proper incorporation of Characteristic-based boundary conditions was validated by comparison against classical linear acoustic analysis of acoustic and entropy waves in quasi-1D variable area duct flows. The developed method was then applied to the prediction of experimental measurements of the acoustic absorption coefficient for a single round orifice flow. Excellent agreement with experimental data was obtained in both linear and non-linear regimes. Analysis of predicted flow fields both with and without bias flow showed that non-linear acoustic behavior occurred when flow reversal begins inside the orifice. Finally, the method was applied to study acoustic excitation of combustor external aerodynamics using a pre-diffuser/dump diffuser geometry previously studied experimentally at Loughborough University and showed the significance of boundary conditions and shear layer instability to produce a sustained pressure fluctuation in the external aerodynamics.
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Security analysis of the interaction between the UK gas and electricity transmission systemsWhiteford, James Raymond George January 2012 (has links)
Natural gas has become the UK’s foremost primary energy source, providing some 39% of our energy needs. The National Transmission System (NTS) has developed from its humble beginnings when natural gas was first discovered in the North Sea in the 1960s to become a complex interconnected network delivering up to 550 million cubic meters of gas daily. Gas has also become an increasingly important energy source for power generation, currently generating 35% of our electricity. This presents major challenges for the planning and operation of both the electricity and gas networks as their interdependence grows into the future. With the government’s goal of drastically reducing emissions from power generation by 2020, Combined Cycle Gas Turbine units, and therefore the NTS, will have to offer a new degree of flexibility to quickly respond to the intermittency of the growing penetration of wind generation on the electricity transmission system. Coupling this with the decline in the UK natural gas resources resulting in the NTS becoming reliant on imports to meet demand, it is becoming increasingly difficult to decouple the security of the gas supply from the security of the electricity supply in the UK. This study presents the modelling challenge of assessing this growing interaction and provides a robust methodology for completing a security analysis using detailed network models of the UK gas and electricity transmission systems. A thorough investigation of the intraday operation of the two systems in 2020 is presented given the growth of wind generation in the UK. The results are analysed and the implications for combined modelling and assessment are discussed as we enter a new era for UK energy security.
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Numerical modelling of pressure rise combustion for reducing emissions of future civil aircraftMaterano Blanco, Gilberto Ignacio January 2014 (has links)
This work assesses the feasibility of designing and implementing the wave rotor (WR), the pulse detonation engine (PDE) and the internal combustion wave rotor (ICWR) as part of novel Brayton cycles able to reduce emissions of future aircraft. The design and evaluation processes are performed using the simplified analytical solution of the devices as well as 1D-CFD models. A code based on the finite volume method is built to predict the position and dimensions of the slots for the WR and ICWR. The mass and momentum equations are coupled through a modified SIMPLE algorithm to model compressible flow. The code includes a novel tracking technique to ensure the global mass balance. A code based on the method of characteristics is built to predict the profiles of temperature, pressure and velocity at the discharge of the PDE and the effect of the PDEs array when it operates as combustion chamber of gas turbines. The detonation is modelled by using the NASA-CEA code as a subroutine whilst the method of characteristics incorporates a model to capture the throttling and non-throttling conditions obtained at the PDE's open end during the transient process. A medium-sized engine for business jets is selected to perform the evaluation that includes parameters such as specific thrust, specific fuel consumption and efficiency of energy conversion. The ICWR offers the best performance followed by the PDE; both options operate with a low specific fuel consumption and higher specific thrust. The detonation in an ICWR does not require an external source of energy, but the PDE array designed is simple. The WR produced an increase in the turbine performance, but not as high as the other two devices. These results enable the statement that a pressure rise combustion process behaves better than pressure exchangers for this size of gas turbine. Further attention must be given to the NOx emission, since the detonation process is able to cause temperatures above 2000 K while dilution air could be an important source of oxygen.
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Acoustic performance of dissipative and hybrid silencers in ducts with large transverse dimensionsWilliams, Paul Timothy January 2015 (has links)
Numerical models will be developed for the prediction of silencer transmission loss under the operating conditions present in gas turbine exhausts. In these systems the large diameter ducts and high operating temperatures produce a challenging acoustic environment due to the unverified behaviour of fibrous materials at high temperatures and the existence of complex sound fields. To understand the behaviour of fibrous materials at high temperatures their bulk acoustic properties are measured using a modified impedance tube which can heat material samples up to a temperature of 500 C. It will be demonstrated that the high temperature material properties can be extrapolated from room temperature measurements given knowledge of the temperature dependant flow resistivity. Finite element numerical models using point collocation and mode matching techniques to predict the transmission loss of silencers are developed and successfully validated. Dissipative silencer designs with various cross-sectional designs are explored numerically and experimentally according to common industry standards. It is demonstrated that transmission loss may be optimised by the arrangement of the fibrous material across the cross-section. The accurate numerical models allow for effe cient silencers to be designed reducing silencer size and cost. A new hybrid silencer is presented combining dissipative and reactive elements with the aim of increasing the low frequency attenuation of large silencers while maintaining an effective broadband spectrum. Measurements and predictions show this innovative design to be successfull. Application of the hybrid silencer allows for more flexible noise control solutions when design is limited by low frequency noise.
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